The YEAR 75--NO. 119. RIN GS10N » ONTARIO, FRIDAY, ASSUMES | NE! W ROLE A Robber Who ho Worked Very Slickly in Philadelphia. ~_ Takes Part of Wro ged Husband---Punches His Victim, Takes Wallet and Skips. 1} i or i Philadelphia, stolen ny There was a car running down ward 'I hivteenth, o'clock yesterday passengers | heard a man on the front platiorm make allegation to an elderly man, ing a grip, who had just stepped board. 'The had been accom panied by two resounding blows, fol lowing which the man who delivered | them darted through the car, knock ing over several women, leaped to the ground ran up Juniper street and dis- . appeared In the ¢ crowd method worked that it was a of | husband avenging a the belief outraged He two blows two land then thrust the inside pocket and let. Vaughn taken headyuarters and closely He furnished a description who had him with the had just "when a jostled into case on wrong. torr wilh July 3 'You've take that and that great commotion Chestnut shortly alternoon, wile; on streoe alter as shaven that | carry- daze his victim, his hand abstracted to into his the smooth to detective interrogated the was on of man struck and away words wallet got man against the car, the front plat and then the | on said, form on me, the ribs, velling out 'something could Fstes, when me in that | I \ rm not make out who the hed a that follo entirely xcitement learned that an hold-up had just een platl the daring hn, npa was on the froat! occurred of the | explained just how the obbery of robb that avenging a wrong, a Joseph A. Vauyg Trust | ec and } contain f description under lescript pretence of jalso rnis thief thief He runnet had ling came "You've the Id w Det upon the rested been worked, how first, stolen robbed game the Empire Fourth of a wallet It was the in the centre of the city treasury robbery in the A crowd two hundred, including many passengers of the started Juniper in the the Several 1 including ny. then the loud my wile the who ter street { X1,900 ahstraction of wallet ective Seanlon, the ture of a the picture thief the wa hi who was last who is working pocket t cnsational ho the ince sub case, drew from year. pi man ar when circus was in town, the notorious Ihat's soly. Immedi ol the upcen a run up capturing cat of a man street thief tw the el ol of bird olicemen, hope copie of this photo |: all the city. | ph was sent out the Hijef were ioined in ately the throug! but ant mounted mer also h here were the thief had department that had uniper street Upon a rapid trot the men hurried up Juniper ket street, but there the man hastily described The runner stood in the dnzed All the that he had with him had disappear cd 81.500 in go bills, S350 in ler bills and separate each containing His week's sal- (bank paper ; with "the rest of the money. [73 of the West scheme that had been = worked company, drawn the bank runner was decidedly | National Bank The policed believe that no pire Trust opi) concerned in [the cash had believe, wag | Fhe police eried out, |einal fig that the be led i gravh were sent With the detailed While upon this message Was seare cries to over fect that n nearby Vaughn insisted gone i hotogr; description of run store, hi wssail the police of the case pn received of the Bellevue man had just rk explained, wallet rking end we one of the Stratford Hotel the hotel, a tated that | ym of up two mo from nted Mar of [A 1 street to clerks sign Vaughn entered had the 'wansl was no and m Broad and had the window «ill of by street. he found a bank ! » and hopeless saloon near streets He lying upon the washroom It money | a « found lar smal od number o for S696 and on Market street in favor-of the Em Everything but left in the wallet announced that the stated, ®1,900, was still contained a check Tile the two pickages 875. and a Ind ary went Frust The upon ingenious than four it The the "Yon've passengers 1 men been were ringleader, they who suddenly tolen wage wile, 0 on the car would longs ori cor the ure They the hi man | rect are scouring ity for ghwavmen DAILY MEMORANDA. BAN PUT ON FLIRTING. The Slaughter Sale Of Summer Hals Still going on at Board of Education City Council, 8 p.m the Caught in Dragnet Boardwalk. Jul widows fell othe Women 30.--Fiiteen to men \tlanti | maid City wd three prey the work trol the t. The dra the voung wo America down row. | who pa gnet Lheap tap Ai ie hiss YI wa ed Saturday and y See Amuse Moving Picture ville St. Joumes Aug First-class Boxes Linen 1 I'mbossed with any day. The Jackson Hall Price George Mills week, cout ad. on the ne The Sunday inder from to st fin wind order mayor | ting and the ment « ! Show the in tear wilows wert held appeared and I'hey and men mn | the | friend least police station, captive until Church wed their re Str. Amer Orchestr day drd Hoe 100 won bail we to come be 'aper and Envel fore the recorder «plain initial Press 25 onduct i Wellington tithe Hats the said | the! Flirting is outlawed, « on beach and department | boardwalk th | Chief Police mayor insist upon the the tice I'he h hurel N : \ to ae ¢ to prevent spoom attendang The ' Bons \ 1 tend { trap voung We have Woodrul ol topping pra resort has inno flirting girls veemaking bu th and begun the seripLive to subm Son in GLUTION RECORD BROKEN. sings July 31st, In Canadian History in y--Thomas Des Br becca Island 1850 Dele New Hr State me the pr Portland 1880 Took in Forty-Eight Bananas Ten Minutes. Mo July 30 distinction ol a eating halt Lyle ertair Part Jolin Fng to discus Halifax to bushel last night A ori rder-indC our | bro 1a 0 yv devouring forty issued de ng all the British sions In wtside foundland included in 1882 "The Mousse suee preter of Que 18O0- Sir Jumes \ of the Hon 0 on n y or fortunately Born 1841 1 n poss ¢ wica of New- | dependenc to be: on of ana ion Joseph Alfred Chapleal mn len minutes fame and g bananas fo add his of 1 cream waler gal he placed a three Then to Dourin quarts Hon seded Mr hee vol twenty on thom he unteered to ~ bur more top of ma awav with banana but unfortunately fruit stands were losed Avie and Lyle farmer Brun , ) My Whe n fruit is Utica, No 30 --~Mrs. Joseph | his appetite wi ! hee and liver, but D. Derrick, of Rome, is alive to-day, | because her son, William Derrick, | twenty-three years old, gave nearly a juart of his blood for transtusion to stock he satis chunks of tastes run I=) and raiser season the | is a Edinburg huge his weighs thing teak for lood To Save Mother, July { to tropical He pounds w her veins when she was in a state ol hemor i eig ollay ex- severs physician condition and that the only hope lav in blood following a t The attending her critical the family rhagt mn we Carry in Stock ALL SIZES. ROBERTSON BROS. plained her life trans and robust, prompt quantity requir his mother the performed that sent his the dving wo ooveration was blood flowing through man's arteries yon she recovered has far d as will and so t belief Het his sacrifice weakened to warrant the that she recayer no bad elects from son suffer i speedily world is afraid the most nicest girl mn the The very the one the of. Wheré utter. Edwards & Je men imagine they are, . YVS are t 3 i being greatly one man is in trouble nina | pkin. followed his tion] l- | wal | got | i he | other man stepped forward and struck | sense gis serteE {ship « | ping lof the thew |° | ping | trans | Schwe { the | Of many { said nothing at HN PEGA RATS TEN CENTS A HEAD. Special Prize For Catches Most. duly 31.--The Sum vacation school boys may be en listed in the war being waged on rat: by the city health department. A re ilar bounty of ten cents a head has | been paid by the city, but a pro { position to offer a prize of $300. im the boy making the biggest catch o rodents has been submitted to the city fathers, and it has been received with favor 'on all sides. It be lieved that by paying the regular ten cent bounty and setting up an addi tional prize the rat popultion of the {city will be greatly reduced GETS DIVORCE NO. 6. - Boy Who Seattle, mer aid of 18 | | ars. Grace Love is Made Happy in Los Angeles. July 31.-Mrs, Grace Walker-Coftin-Lay- vesterday, granted her when she was legally i separated from Hugh M. Love, | tary the city board of health, former newspaper man. Mrs, charged her htsband with cruelty and he made defence. Mrs. Love is the daughter Snell, the Chicago banker the victim many Los Angeles, | Sneli-Coftin-Cottin man-Love was, sixth divorce secre- and Love of no of Amos! who of a sensational was Kiting years ago. | HHA AAAOIAIOR AIK CIVIL SERVICE. Ottawa, July 31.--Judge Cassels will resume his in- quiry into the civil service in connection with the department on 2nd, in Mont- taking evidence here he will go to Quebec, and then to St. John. Officials of the department, contractors, and others who might be able to throw any light on the charges of graft or lack of conscience will be examined. | Bessemer OH marie September real. After a SAASKASICION 'American Pacific : HE STEPS ASIDE.' tired List. THOMAS SYMONS. Washington, July 31.--Colonel. Thom- | as mons, Carpe of "ngineers, was ol on the retired list of the army on this application after more than thirty-seven years service. Colonel Sy- mons is now employed on the New York State Canal commission. He was for- merly superintendent of public build- ings and grounds in this city, Orders were received by the navy de- partment that tear Admiral W. 8S, Cowles, who retire age August Ist next, is to continue chief the Bureau of Equipment af- ter retirement until further grders. A Mandamus s Applied For. Hamilton, Ont. 30. --Henry C. Beckett, a prominent ratepayer, this morning, started mandamus proceed- to com Ma Stewart to ex the agreement made by the city council! with the Cataract Power com- pany for power for pumping and street lighting. A special meeting of the city council will held, to-morrow, to the city a second party the suit The case will argued Osgoode Hall next, | | will for on > of Jury ings ol ecute | | 3 he make in at Thursday be Foronto, on MA Y GO TO JAPANESE -------- Steamship Line to Quit Trade. Canadian Pacific Will Continue if Operating Its Asiatic Service, How- ever. ---- San Francisco con that the would on the th firmns a continental November Ist go and import trade Australia, E P. Schwerin, general ger of the Pacitic My Steam ompany, yesterday declared the ol such prove disastrous. t& the of the 1 dark picture steamship lines lared that allowed by the natur¥1ly Japanese, story to tran raliroads ot with out export Orient, nana result action would American ship- 'acti of the on this because of the Japan to her" ship of the Pacific into the hands most interests roast coast, He drew a future coast, ind dec sub- sidies would the business fall of the Mi "Shippers have been advised by mtinental railroad said "that and Australia 1st the re out import trade with the wd New Zealand on his ac of rin, they will go export Orient November under Thter railroads is tand it, of tate merece matter lish the port and effect Con Commis of compelling ther inland proportion import the steamship I'he ompar rates on be to eign the ] ferrin ' these acific coast Australia and the greater compel operating lines ports and the New Zealand to part of this between PP Orient abandon {trade this coast merchandise 'Instead of and going from the bottoms coming to cast by rail, Orient will be carried the Atlantic . coast canal and that which to to this will in Japanese bottoms. steamship companies ness on the Pacifie Seattle, Vancouver ports with the Orient, New Zealand, cannot proportion the old and continue Japanese the in for to by way of Suez 1s left carried come be The busi coast now doing Fran other San and Australia accept the land and water to do busi- can only do busi- congitions of they the from cisco, and water of tes I'he nder haul r: because receive from Not Included. July 31 We such notice tatement fourth Canadian Pa to Montreal party t an emphatic worth ay the of GG. Bos- vice-president the company, re- despatch. ifiec railway the above MAY SUE LATE MANAGER. the Sovereign Bank, and Other | Defendants. July 31.--~There the last yrtant developments in ditunct Montreyl have been rumors in few davs of tne allaie Bank, to the ef- imp of the Sovereign most important of which is e t that proceedings are to ainst Duncan M. Stewart, al manager of the ex-gener bank, and possicly others the charge, ourts, In which may be £50,000, which portion of the contract hank and the Chicago & Milwaukee Electric railway. The bank bought lar i of this company's securities Stewart i ondavzhad a long his coubdeel, J, N.| Mr. conference with Greenshields, K.C. On Monday nig ght! Mr. Stewart leit Montreal. "His friends sav that he is taking a vacation. When asked to day to My. Stew art's © movements, Mr. Greenshiclds that he would pr fr to say the present time. Nothing Reserved All summer Staw 16¢ Bros' b------ sum between was a the on as slau half 1e hats to go at sailors prices 1 h hats, up up { Campbell Round Trip Rate To go ng up to Watertown. | Saturday ot i Mon Good returning turn. &F Oranges ! 70¢ Oranges 3 Oranges ! : q Good and sweet, to doz. | Fawards & Jenkin, the! { be_ taken Ihe actual amount involved in| aired in the} bh Mfrs WOMAN TORTURED, Hot Springs, Ark. July 31.--Mrs. N, Pettit was at- tacked yesterday by a man who, after beating her al- most 'nsensible, thrust a rag saturated with arsenic into her mouth, bound her to her bed with wire, and then tied a number of matches in her mouth so that they would become ignited if she moved her head. Two hours after # Mrs. Pettit had been bound ! and gagged her husband re- ¥ leased aer. On being releas- | > ed she fell into a faint, and is now in a precarious con- He dition. { rE EI i ¥ | 4 | A fourth of a the stepping to avoid a siepping of east boiind passenger the result Three men are dead and i will probably die as the whole gang of men working on C.P.R. double track wark from the west-bound track passing freight aud rectly in front train No. 2 Shocking murder and | are reported from Solomon Islands, a | large group northaad=dhe Now Hebei. | des and east of New.Guinea, under the protectorate of Germany. In Andrew Bergen Cropeev. who | «hot and Killed his wife, Gertrude, in their home in Bath Beach," last week, cisd in jail at Brooklyn ease lilled him, train di- Colonel Symons Goes on the Re- i RIOTS AT VIGNEUX, | General cannibalishn-1 ie i% about | of Grand Trunk Pacific officials, Heart ie The Admiral Said His Associate Did Right Canada's Rapid Borrou- ing. + London, July 31.--The admiralty, af- ety support the Loard of agriculture ter a tu investigation, has axon] on the question of importation ated Admiral Lord Charles Beresiord. live cattle for Canada, and Admiral Sir Percy Scott from! any blame in connection with the' age pension bil with a numler of mistaken signal incident of the last! amendments, which will he rejected by naval manoeuvres. lt seems that Lord the House of Commons. There is little Chatles Beresford gave the signal for, doubt but that the lords will acqui- an evolution which, if obeyed, appar- esce in these objections when the mea- ently would have brought the cruisers' sure is returned. Argyll and Good Hope into collision. The Morn'ng Post poinis out that Sir Percy, on Loard the Good Hope,! Canada raised £20,000,000 in Lon- doubted the accuracy of the signal don, recently and deprecates too rapid and refrained irom obeying. The ad, borfowing. It remarks that the excess miralty finds that the mangeuvre or "of imports during the past quinquen- der was never dangerous, but at the. nial over exports of £065,000,000, is same time, as Sir Percy thought there healthy in the case of a country pav- was, risk, he was, justified in turning! ing a large interest abroad. his craiser the other way and. Lord! Thy privy "council directs that the Charles so informed" him at the time.) appeal in Sea vs. Reid Newfoundland Sir Gilbert Parker, amid a civie, company be alowed with costs and { ceremonial, unveiled a tablet at the! Reid Newfoundlend company 1s. An- hou at Bath, wherein General | glo-American Telegraph company be Wolfe was residing when he was order-| dismissed with costs, Watts and At- ed ta Quebec, torney General B. (., vs. Watts, al | The board of the azricultural soeci- | lowed. KNOWS THE RIVER. The Séldiers and Workmen Had ConmMlct. ~'I'he general twenty-four hours, declaged by the Federation of Labor as a demonstration and protest against the killimg of workmen by troops, at Vigneux, went into operation vester- day. The reports indicate that 50; 000 men of the building and allied trades, including electricians, have stopped work, Variety of Routes For light Trips. Patrops of the s:archlight excur- Slous on the steamer St. Lawrence this season are pleased with the fre- quent variation in route which has bem introducéd by the new comman- der, Captain C. MH. Kendall. Captain hendall was Lorn at Clay- ton, N.X., thoroughly familiar with the river amd its many intricate channels: His father, A. S. Kendall, was gu vesselman, having heen captain of both river and lake craft. Though comparatively a young man, not much past forty, the new commander of the St. Lawrence is no stranger to sum- mer visitors at the Thousand Jlslands. Last year he was first mate with Cap- tain Estes, and he has heen in com- and of... the Jessie slander. He is very unobtrusive and does not wear so much as a brass button to indicate his rank. Search- Paris, July 31. strike of Workmen Killed. Vigneux, France, July 31.--Vigneux was invaded yesterday hy several thousand strikers from Paris carrying rod flags and singing socialistic songs. While a squadron of cavalry passing through the streets the stoned the soldiers and four continued all day but by clock comparative calm had been re- stored owing to the firm and energe tic action taken by the authorities, the demonstrators being driven from position and finally tak- Paris, carrying their them A fight at the the most serious im- day Two were miured of the fire the finally dislodged military suffered thrown hy the Viervaire and a were struck not seriously 9:30 0' Marine Notes. The schooner Briton is dry dock. I'he fords The grain, sons' I'he dock, land Ihe steamer dry dock, on wav west The schiooner Mary ed for Charlotte, Crawford. The schooner J. B at the spile position after ing a train for wounded with barricades was cidlent of the killed and many them seriously soldiers. The the workmen severely from strikers, General the bullets on Davis' schooner with = loop from Jamieson is at Craw- from Charlotte, Maggie L. is unloading Collins Bay, at_Richard- coal men fifteen by of troops The stones dry Is left the Garden steamer Buomah on - Thursday, for the her Ames touched Phursday night, at hago 8 Dragoons on but of revolver colonel by hurt It is reported that the tal dead sixty HSIN Ann Lydon clear- casualties to- load wounded, to coal six and Kitchen dock, with coal from # Berths remainder Kalkine is her The schooner loatling the Crawford's The steamer pilot at the east, Thursday I'he schooner awaiting ovders schooner is Swift's : up, to-day points; tawa. . I'he schooner Carveth is on = the dry dock for The steam- > er Cardinal is waiting to tow her back ARIK to Cardinal RIERA HAAN | WY ! loaded vator, PITH OF THE NEWS. i Willian Tho Very Latest Culled From All| | night, Over The steamer H Hon. Francis Oliver nadian freight line, part in the fasknichewan Swmpaign. dock, Thursday evening, Toronto will spend $500 in Humin: (from Fort William the honor of Lord Rob- | grain, visit, German | tend to have a fable war balloons. The British government is to enter | tain the Tniversal peace congress dele- rates to a banguet |e A. 0 Beira, arrested at Montreal, | pleaded guilty to. robbing the Cana lian Express company. The Quebec celebration is about | over and most of the prominent visi- {tors have left the city. | The registrations at the summetf 2 school of the University of Toronto wa uutnber one hundred and twenty. { CROP REPORT. un cargo at # [i Winnipeg, July 31.--A C. # P. R. weehly crop report #8 says that along the railway #1 the barley harvest is be- coming general and binders 'will be busy in the wheat by the middle of August. Rain is badly needed the torrid weather having al- most baked the fields. There is considerable talk of rust on the Winnipeg grain exchange. , CH ¥ ol Kenora picked dry dock evening up her on way Keewatin is at Suiits. The captain of seriously ill at Mlilte Steamer Caspian, steamer Aletha, from bay Rideau Queen, for Ot ¥ -\ Ww Hy A steamer Flora repairs a Co's : Steamer 75.000 bushels grain at and cleared again at eleven o'clock Iroquais un the ele Fort Thursday M. Pellat, of the Ca- at the on her Montreal, take no | was ' to bay In ating erts' | The military authorities in- eet of thicty dirigi PORTS FOR ALL.-RED LINE. Lord Strathcona at Montreal Dis- cusses the Question. Montreal, Julv 31.5Lord | conan, when seen in regard to the Red line, said that Halifax must the winter port of the new fast 'line, but that Quebec and Montreal will likely be the summer ports. He Raid : "1 have been informed that the chan- nel sight up to Quebec will now give a depth of thirty feet, and that a fortv-foot channel is one of the official assurances of the near future, Un ae vount of this there is no reason why the St. Lawrence route should not be the summer route of any new fast line. Sir Wilfrid Laurier bas the mat- ter in hand on this side, and I am sure his desire to bring about im- provements is still unabated. I have nothing to say as to the existing steamship compawies. The servies will he established without regard to indi vidual interests, simply in the mter- ests of the dominion as a whole." Mise Hattie Stewart and brother, Ernest, Tg. visi Funk at ifonywin Pi Robert Maelelland Strath- Al- be ord Roberts wit «visit Niagava Falls {as the guest of the Niagara Falls | Queen Victoria Park commissioners, | "Rev. G. Brown, pastor of Heams- ville Baptist church, was prowned | while swimming at Jordan hrhor, At Weatherford, Texas, Former Goy- lornor 8. W. T. Lanham died, after an | illness several weeks, aged sixty- i two | Alexander Reobinsgt, missing at Gor. eek, was found bang- A pended, by a piece of of ling to a tree, fence wire, General , Manager Morse and a i left | Winnipeg for a run over the Hne as {far as Baffle River, nearly 800 miles. sh Miss Annie Geake, Wolie Island, in the guest of Mrs. Robert Byron, sity: down and | dry | way | with | Mrs. G. B. Fra' The House of Lords, passed the olil$ LADIES" BATHING SUITS, made of good quality Lustro in y colors Black and Navy and pretti- 'ly trimmed; AT VERY LOW/ 4 PRICES, $3.00 to $3.50. ' & MEN'S BATHING Combination Cotton oF etian PRICES, 7 SUITS Suits, AT 60c. and 2-PIE very 'BB COTTON SUITS, at $2. ee to a . » SHINING TIGHTS, for Boys, Se. Tc., 10c. to 23¢. A ir Sumac Clearing Sale of White and Fancy Parasols At Cost Price 1 LENGTH LISLE about Half Price. FLORAL MUSLINS, 80¢. qualities, at 10e¢, KNIT UNDERWE Prices, GLOVES, at 15e. i 8 t to LA DIES? AR at Ulearing AT | Fund for arrived | | Charlotte her | BORN. Kingston, on Mr. and Mrs. W Miss Williamson), a FRIENDSHIP Amb, 1908 Friendship daughte FOR SY r HI ! il 28th Py ie In® to (nee July iH | ont on of Andrew daughter Ohio At Portsmonth, 1908, the wile (Butchery, of a Y. and Dayton, lease copy). ROBERT J. REID. The Leading Undertaker. | Phone, 577. 227 Princess street, ICED (Uires a specially fragrant flavor ta pall ly good. You will find our Own Special Blend Just suited for this purpose.' Price 35 cents the pdund, Jas. Redden & Co. \ Importers Of Fine Groceries. | For Every Variety of Dwellings, 1 Etc.' In the city, Western Cana snl to WAFT'S REAL ESTATE and IN NH URANCE AGENCY. deluding Fang, Lands, in da : locationy .