| | AS E Co \ COME EARLY ( Our Summer Stock on all Here some shopping here : age, duced prices. 25 Per Cent. Off Dimities, Prints, Etc. Big reduction on Men's Summer Shirts. Also on Ladies' White and Linen Skirts, Kimonas, ete. XT R 4 ae Ns SE to make room for Fall Goods, and in order to do this we are making big reductions Summer Goods. i 3 are a few items that will give you idea of the money you will save by Any Straw Hat (Untrimmed) for only 50c. Bunches and Sprays of Flowers and Foli- Remainder of spring stock, Faney Millinery Ribbons at grea®ly 25 Per Cent. Off All White Lawn Waists. | GANANOQUE BAKERS CHARGED WITH SELLING "HIGHR WEIGHT BREAD: Appointments of EN Teachers fo the Schoojs--A '"'Dumb" Man Sent to Jail--Acgident to a Man and His Cow. Gananoque, July 3r.--Peter Craig, a young man cldiming to come from Carleton Place, struck town 'during the past few days "dead * broke" and to re- cruit his finances labelled himself "Deaf 2 Dumb" and played on the feelings |of the citizens of the town to some extent, He was taken in tow by the local police very much the worse for liquor and using pretty strong and vio- lent language for a "dummy." He spent the ni in the "coop" and appeared Reduced Prices All Over Our Store. AR o has to be cleared out 25¢. O Muslins, Lawns, 0-00 00 OOOO O00 L CRUMLEY BROS. es vd O-0-00 0000000 000000000000000 0000000000000 00000000uL a be ore} P.M. W. B. Carroll next morn- ing. The fine and costs amounted to {$4.50 and in default, Chief Ryan took him to Brockville for a 21 days sojourn, A rather peculiar incident happenec to a.well-known resident of one of the islands in this vicmity, Thursday morn- ing at an early hour, while bringing a cow from the island to the town he had arranged a platform in the bottom of' the boat for the animal to stand on, but it either kid not appreciate the rowers nautical ability or overestimated its own, for in an effort to drink from the water in the river the boat was overturned and man and cow thrown m the water, lorfunately, land was close at hand and man and cow and boat all got safely ashore. fhe local Salvation' Army Corps in charge of Capt. and Mrs. F. Willis Richardson went. over to Thurso, N.Y. (situated on Grindstone Jsland some four miles from here), in Jno. Beattie's launch last evening and conducted an old-time 'Army service in 'that village, being most hospitably received and en- tertained by the populace The choir of St. Andrew's church held a picnic at the government pavilion on Gordon Island yesigrday afternoon. After the supper a delightful cruise of the river in"Geo. 'Funuell"s launches was enjoyed, D. Lasha, Falls, for drunk- enness and disorderly conduct on the streets ot the town appearéd before police magistrate Carroll and was taxed five dollars and costs Thos. Baker, King street, took a party of Americans out to Gananoque L yesterday, deaving them at Mr, Sid. Griffin's for a week's fishing in those waters. lwo local moned to appear trate Carroll on swer to a charge in regard to the of Jones' bakers have been before police Monday next, to an of violating the law weight of bread, the Ibs. in Ibs. Samples of the bread been sent to the government ana Toronto, to test if there be any contained therein to make it fancy bread. The circumstance is creating considerable interest among the towns people. Mrs. H. Davis, King street, who was taken to Brockville hospital a short time ago, has been successfully operated on there, a large tumor being removed, and the patient is now doing as well as would be expected. The Board of Education met to con- sum- magis- weight of the loaves being 174 stead of 1% have - Footwear! To Make Room for a Large Increase in Stock All Summer Footwear at 20 Per Cent. Off. A. E. HEROD, 286 PKINCESS ST. Stop That Cold To check early colds or Grippe with "Preventics™ means sure defeat for Pneumonia. To stop a cold with Prevantics is safer than to det it ran and be obliged to cure it afterwards. To be sure, Pre. Dot cs will eure even a deeply seated cold, bus ken aariy--at the sneeze stage--they break, oe d off these early colds; That's surely better. at's why they are eolled Preventics, Preventicsare little Cundy Cold Cures. No Quine no physic, nothing 'sickening. Nice for dAren--and thoroughly sale too. lf you feel Ally. {f you sneeze, if you ache all aver, think of es. Promptness may also save halt Jour | 25 1 sickness ere ts feverishness, nightor day. And don't forget your child, if | Herein nrob- LAYMEN"S MOVEMENT. ' May Hold a Week's Campaign in Cities. I'he Canadian Council of the Lay- | men's Missignary Movement are con- sidering extension throughout Canada by a series of meetings of one week's duration in each of Several cities, --the dates being approximate only :(--Sept 13-20, Halifax and St. John; Sept. 20 27, Hamilton and London; Sept. 27- Oct. 4, Montreal and Ottawa; Oct. 4 rr, Winnipeg; Qct. 11-18, Vancouver; | Oct. 1} Calgaty and Regina; Oct. , Toronto and Kingston J. ( nipbell White will sperid three lies Proventics' greatest efficiency. Sold ia { days in cach of these cities and it is xes for the pocket, also in 20¢ boxes of 48 | proposed "that "during his visit a train- tics. Insist ou your druggists giving you , ing institute be held for delegates from urrounding places. The Movement * v spread more rapidly by gathering lelegates than by focussing attention J upon a city as a base of operations. It is essential to success of such a " large undertaking, that the home and - "ALL DEALERS" foreign mission boards co-operate by -- hx | making the movement a feature during the fall apd winter, Preliminary work THISTLES AND DANDRUFF. in each district will have to be done - if the meetings are to mature satis- An Interesting Parallel and a | factorily. After the meetings results Valuable Deduction Therefrom. will rest upon t the mission boards. Cutting down thistles no more re 4 lieves the land of thistles than does] | How Precocious. = scouring the zealp cure dandruff. In I'he prize in anatdmy, in competitive each case permanent velief can only Sxamination in the second year at the come from eradicating permanently the Philadelphia woman's medical college, cause. A germ that plows ap the | Mas been awarded to Olivia Salamanca, sealp in searching for the hac reot | Of Cavite, Philippine islands. Another here it saps the vitality, causes dan member of the class is Miss Ethel Das, Wh hieldhe {i | from Ferezepore, a small town in the deat, falling har and nrldness. foothills of the -Minmlayas, near La- you kill that germ you'll have ro A The young women will practice dandruli but a luxurignt suit ol hai Licine in their native countries. Newbro's Herpicide is the only han \ weparation in the world that wes re and falling hair by Killing the . 1,000 Islands~--Rochester. germ. 'Destroy the cause, you re Steamers _ Narth King and Caspian move the effect. leave daily, except Monday, at 10.15 Sold by leading = druggists Send | am, for Thousand Island ports, and in stamps for sample to The at 65.00 pm. for Bay of Quinte ports sicide Co.. Detroit, Mich; "Twg [8nd Rochester, S¥aR, re. and $1. G. W. Mahood, A dumb tramp has been arrested in special agent. Berlin for begging. He used a phomo- graph, visiting private houses only, | where his meachme <pouted out a MEN AND WOMER. Un Rig @ for unnatural discharges, Sar | Jr tsatam or ulueration: | striature. uCOouSs Membranes Prevails Contacion. aie ¥nd not astrin } WE EvansOumea ta ent Ot poisonsus. Sold by woeent im plein wren neper OF ax peas, Seanad, fo $o ars thls 82 78. { heart-rending tale of its owner's mis- fortunes. Glass telephone poles re-enforced by wire are being used, in some parts of | i Germany. There are too many people inthe | world ®ho use their nest egg to make Ginnie au? vu toanen cake of, sider applications for the vacancies on the High and Public schooh staff. The position of science master, lately filled hy Mr. Hicks, being now vacant, and Miss Haig's, Miss Whitemore's and Miss MeCaffery's positions being vacant in the Public schools. The application of Mr. Cole, lately doing commercial work in Buffalo, N.Y., was accepted for the position of science master in the High school. Mr. Cole is an honor graduate of Toronto. University. i applica- tion of Miss Hay, of Campbelliford, honor graduate ofthe Ottawa Normal school, was accepted to fill the Icy in the West Ward school, occasioned by Miss McCafirey"s resignation, a1 Miss Janet Crouch, lately in charge of Ivy Lea Public school was selected to fill the vacancy in the primary room in Stone street school, occasioned by Miss Whitmore's resignation. The vacancy in Miss Haig's room was not filled E. R. Duffie, Omaha, Neb, a judge in the supreme court of that state, is spending a short time in this locality, registered dt the Inn and enjoying the fishing and island scenery in these waters. Dr. and Mrs. Hursey, of New York city, accompanied by Miss Katha leeri Wilson, of Belleville, are spending the season on Tremont Park. Mr.-and Mrs. R. E. Cook, of Ottawa, aré spend- ing a few weeks in camp at Wallace's Island a few miles east of the town Messrs, LL. B. Le. Duc and Lornel Reid, of New York city, spending the past week in Quebec, have returned to their island cottage, Tara's Hall, on 1 remont rark Miss luthel Lloyd, King street east, spending the past two weeks with friends in Brigh ton, has re- turned home. Mr. and Mrs. Barber ac companied by her sister, Miss Fafal Emery, of Pownal, N.Y. former resi dents of the town, Who = wve been Spend ing a short holiday season here with relatives. have wih home. Dom. J. McLennan, Brockville, spent a short time during the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James McLennan, Brock street. Mr. Frederick Pratt, Arthur street, left for Brandon, Man, last evening, where he purposés settling for the present and Mrs. Pratt will remain « for some time yet. Thos. C. Mil- Toronto, spent a few days this week: in town Cree Church. At Stanley, on the Churchill river, 400 miles north of Prince Albert, stands one of the finest little churches (An- glican), in the west. The service is conducted in the Indian language and three hundred Crees are regular id their attendance. The building was erected in 1831. Rev. Robert Hunt had been out to South America as a missionary to the Patagonians, bat they starved him out. Moving to the Canadian west and being wealthy, he furnished money for buildiag the church. The stained glass windows were brought from England; lumber was taken up the Churchill river in boats; a crew of ship carpenters who winte red at Stanley put in the interior fittings. The church, the windows and the unique sundial in front have been {a welcome sight to many a weary way- farer in the far north. Never Before. Have such bargains been offered as are now to he had at Campbell Bros'. slaughter sale of summer hats, Saturn is nearly 900,000,000 miles [aay from ug, and his rings, while 170.000 miles in diameter are supposed to be only about a hundred miles thick, : Matinee, Friday, at 8.30. Free Show High Class Vaudeville. New Moving Pictures. Latest Illustrated Songs. oF ray Children's 1 Cent Day on Street Cars. BIJOU: OPEN SATURDAYS, AT 10 TAL 5¢ ESPECIALLY GOOD BILL 5¢ ATTRACTION 1. "Rt ® CB NT GREAT DISASTER TO A Sh MARINE TORPEDO BOAT. Scenes inside and out beneath the séa. 2 ATTRACTION 2. Match Girl." Hang Christian Andorson's famous pathetic story, familiap to' every school ehild, accom patted by the story read by W. Ralph Yatton Joes. ATTRACTION 3. "THE P A R- SON'S Son in the Klondike! Dramatic recitation fro "Songs of a Sourdough,' accompanied by pictures of the Yukon, ILLUSTRATED SONG by Edgar Somanerby, "Ngg One Can "Take Your Place." 5c WONDERLAND 5c "Tha Little "HIS FIRST FROCK COAT" "THE KING EBW THE PALAULE OF AMUSEM ARD" NT, 2 and 7 p.m. "THE BEST REMEDY FOR TOOTHACHE" A most laughable subject well worth seeing. "THE SIMPLETON OR "THE THIEF'S REVENGE" A dastardly attempt to burn down a Farm House and ils occupants through the medium of an Idiot Chtid, LLUSTRATED SONG "1 Can't Find Any Girl Iike You," Change of Programme TO-MORROW, CHAS. B. S. HARVEY, Mgr. HE SLEPT MANY A NIGHT ON HEAP OF RAGS. Aang An pie al * Booker T. Wash figton Tells * of One Room For: Family® of Five, The first negro home that I remem- ber was a log cabin et 1 feet square, writes Booker TF Ng ton in the Century Magazime, It had TO-NIGHT if TZ, "f*% 10 [CONDENSED ADVERTISING, one Sook. Highest wages paid. Ap- Only Two More Days To See ** Hy Gansd ay mployment Agency, The Wonderful Countortiofist: Alsu the WANTED-GENERAL. two very laughable Comedies in 'Moving Pictures, FIRE IRSURANCE RISKS. GOOD ments. Jq R. C. Dobbs & Co., 109 "/RASCIBLE FATHER" Brock' St. Feluiious, 480, CHILDREN ONE CENT, teanorrow| TEACHER, FOR SCHOOL SECTION afternoon. Children under 10 years Iree ten, Storrington. Duties to com- every night if accowpanied by their mence August 17th. Apply to Heury parents. Scott, Secretary, Battersea, Ont. LATEST HITS IN ILLUSTRATED SONGS. n a yp n n o THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH estimates on electric work, All kinds LEADER AS CHILD Early Home Life in Teg Cabin RATES First insertion "le. mn' word. a &word. A TN in. ix, Ye i ee "mont nh : WANTED_MALE, SMART Boys. Kay's Fur House. BOY TO LEARN PRESSAORK, ply Whig , ab APPLY JOHN AP- SALESMEN FOR OITY AND OUT OF Jowns Call on €, M! Pettit, Iroquois jotel. $200.00 PER MONTH EASILY MADE. Write postal card for infortiagion, H. JH. Dawson, Arlington, N.J. U.S.A. WANTED FEMALY. PASTRY "COOK AT ONCE me MEPEY British-American. Hotel A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, APPLY to 129 William street. A TABLE MAID," AT ONCE. APPLY to the 'Avonmore,' 207 William St. A NURSE, TO TAKE ENTIRE charge of two children. Apply to Mrs. de Bury, Royal Military College. 4 AT ONCE, FOUR DINING-ROOM girls, one housemaid, two generals, companjes, * lowest rutes, fair settle of work promptiv dona, F.J Birch, Electrician, 266 Wellington street. A JOB CLEANING ASHES OUT OF yards or cellars, or other baggage carted, Prices right. ly to *f Lytle, General Carter, 35 ns St. POUBLE DWELLING, (BRICK PRE- are sure to ae con BOLI vit LARGE FRONT! BEDROOM, ALL modern conveniences, Apply 160 King street, corner Union, WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS; WITH modern conveniences, with or ned out board. Apply 116 Clergy St. SUMMER COTTAGE, FURNISHED BY the w , or month, on Bt. Lawrence and Rideau. Apply to McCann, 51 Brock St, BRICK improve- McCann, UNIVERSITY AVE. dwelling, 8 rooms, modern ments. Apply to J 8 Ry 51 Brock St. : 321 LARGE OFFICE ROOM, 'IN EX. change Chambers, No. 116 Brock St. Apply to Geo. Cliff, Real 'Estate Broker, 95 Clarence streel. | LARG © AND MEDIUM SIZED BRIGHT at best, the old antiquated way of applying for a situa- tion, this. going from place to place, from door to door, almost sinking to the level of thebeggar, these days of progress and opportunity. ad. in the British Whig. Thousands.will read it and you derive great benefit therefrom, i rticnlarly § in Place a small FOR SALE, LOT, ON NELSON ST. NORTH or | # Princess, 100 ft.x fl. Ag | George Walker, 14 Nassau St, Tore anto. 4 MONEY AND BUSINESS. OUR POLICIES covER MORE OF building and contents than any other company offers. Examine them at Godwin'y lusurance Jowposinm, Mark- et Square. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND QLOBE re Insurance Company, Available assets $61,187,215. * In additdon to which the pot holders have for securdy the unlimited liability of all the stockholders. Farm and eily pros perty insured at lowest possible rates. Hefore renewing old or givi ferred), with modern conveniences, # new business get rates from Strand location not above University Ave Nell oS utijated rooms. for he Sa. & Strange, Agents. 'Phone, 568, » rT o 4 a . Apply to T, J. Boon, 169 Wellington section of West, Earl and Clergy ' Sts. 174 Barl streets - FOR SALE OR TO RENT. DRESSY . GCENTLEMEN TO GET FROM OCT. 1.--BRICK RESIDENCE, their Spring Suits made at Gallo: 181 Division street, with twelve way's. Style, price and fnish guar rooms, - including extension kitchen, | 406 JOUNSON ST., SEVENTEEN anteea to please. 131 Broek St. hot water heating, bath, ete. En roomed three-story brick house, next to Bibby's Livery. quire at 179 Division street. eleven bedrooms, ides attic, marble washbasing in each bedroom, hot. water furnace, - Apply A. F, QUALIFIED TEACHER, FOR PERSONAL: Bond, 79 Clarence street. Sehook Section, No. 14, Soborou h, or remainder of year. Salary $300 i per annum. Apply to Wm. Ritchie, | HAIR, MOLES, BIRTHMARKS, ARCHITECTS Sec.Treas., Perth Road, Ont. warts, ete. removed ; permanent 1¥. - without soar. Twenty years' hor snes. TL mer na "Bi Bye | ARTHUR BELLI Nose, Throat and in ernis! CLLIS, ARCHITECT, Fe . SITUATION WANTED. Specialist. 258 Bagot street. fice, Cor; Queen and Hafgot wtré i) ey a FEMPROYMENT BY AN ENGLISH- man, who has excellent redommenda- tions and education. Not afraid of hard work. Apply for address to Whig office. { J ENGLISH POSI- tion as ion, or Garduer, Ont. LADY, DESIRES housekeeper, useful compan- lady help. Experienced. Miss Box 118, Gravenhurst times was clased 'in winter, but which usually hung dejectedly opt - ungertain hinges agaifstthe wi IS of the House. Such a thihg as a glass window was unknown to iis house. There was no floor, of" rather there was' a' floor, but it was nothing more than the naked earth. Th re was only one rodm, which served x s kitchen, parlor and bedroom for a iD of five, which "cofisisted of my mother, my elder brother, my sister, myself and the cat, In this cabin we all ate and slept, my mother being the cook of the place, My bed was a heap of rags on the floor in the corner of the room next to the fireplace. It was nof pupil after the emancipation that I enjoyed for the first time in my life the luxury of sleeping in a bed. It was at times, 1 crowded in those do not re- somewhat quarters, though 1 having' suffered on that ac- especially as the cabin was al thoroughly ventilated, par- winter, through -the wide suppose, narrow member count, ways pretty ticularly 'in openings between the logs in the walls. I mention these facts here because the little! slaves' cabin in, which I lived and which is associated with all my earliest memories, is typi- cal of the places in which the great mass of the negro people lived a little more than 40 years ago, afd. there are thousands of negro men and%women living to-day in comfortable and welll kept homes who will recognizé what I have written as a good description of the homes in which they were born and reared, Probably there is no single object that so accurately represents and fypi- fies the mental and moral condition of the larger proportion of the menmbers of my race 50 yedrs ago as this Same little, slave cabin. For 'the same Feason it may be said that the best evidence of the progress which thé race has made since emancipation is, the character and quality of the homes which they are building for themselves to-day, Be Sure And Call, as a child, And see the nice things at Hender son's grocery, to-morrow, Saturday. Loa - A afternoon fire broke Wednesday out | in the residence owned and occupied by George and Albert Earl, two brothers, near Lillies, above Lyn, The building was frame any fanned' by a strong south-west Treegeiawas soon enveloped in flames, preventing the | owners from securing any of their | furniture. In one hour it was reduced | to ashes. Harry Maxwell, a young, Scotchman, died in the hodpital dt Smith's Falls of his injuries. "Don't forget," Dr. Chase's pre- parations are sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, Phone 230. Fresh there, a small, nartgw door; whiclt Hhiing on rusty, worn=out, hinges. The windows were mere openings in the wally pro- | tected by a rs€kéty shutter, which, some- | hard to make their own figures count. who received injuries. #6 Neptagne Ling the earth, wa- township hy falling. from & load Watery to his neighbors, hay and' being impaled on a pitch fork! Even if a woman has naturally SITUATIONS VACANT. BUSINESS CARD. CLEANING Sewing and Laying. Feather Beds and Pillows cleaned by steam. 1. Milue,: 272 Bagot street. ELECTRIC CARPET LOST. A SMALL RED BOOK, CONTAINING number of City and Street addresses MEN AND WOMEN T0 LEARN | ber trade. Graduates earn twelve to eighteen dollars weckly. Help sccure positions. Will -equip shops. Con- stant practice. Careful Few weeks, complete course. logue free. Write Moler College, Toronto, Cata- Barber BAR-| instructions. i Finder kindly leave at the Whig office. | GOLD SAFETY PIN BROOCH, WISH- Al- between Fi | hone and pearl, Sunday, pert St. and Macdonald Park. er &mmunjcate with Mrs. Lavell, 289 Albert St., or Whig office, and receive reward. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. | CORNWALL, CANAL. | SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED | to the undersigned, and endorsed bo | der for 'Repairing Washout,' will be re-| eeived at this officé until 16 o'clock on Monday, August 10th, 1908. Plans, specifications, and the form ou the contract to be tito, can be seen on and after y, the 20th | July, 1908, 'at the of CU. D. | Sargent, Resident Engineer Ontario St., Lawrence Canals, Cornwall, Ont, al which places forms of tender may) be obtained. Parties tendering will be regtired to accept the fair wages Schedule prepared | or to be prepared by the Department of | Labour, which Schedule will form part | of the contract. Contractors are requested mintl that tenders will not to bear ir be consider ed, unless made strictly in accordance with the printed forms, and in Lhe case of firms, unless there are attached the actual ~signatures, the nature of the occupation, and pleco of residence of each member of the' firm. An accepted bank cheque for the sum of $10,000 must accompany eich tender, which sums will be forfeited, if the party tendering declines enterjng into contract for the work, at the rates stated in the offer submitted. The cheque thus sent in Will be return- ed to the respective parties whose ten- ders are not accepted. The lowest or any tender sarily accepted. not neces- By order, ' . L. K. JONES, Secretary. of Railways and Canals, 28th July, 1908. inserting this advertise- authority from the De be paid for it. Department Ottawa, Newspapers ment without partment will not Jones' Falls And Return, 50c. Rideau King every Wednesday and Saturday at 6 a.m. James Swift & Co., Agents. Slaughter Prices. On all summer hats, at Campbell wos'. -------- Wiliam Davis, an old gentléman died on his way to Brockville hospi tal, whither he was being takea by Mr. Viekery, of Lyn. Women, as a rule, have poor heads for mathematics, but they try awfully Every man has an excuse for want- but it is seldom urly hair she can always find some- | thing else to worry about. Before altering her complexion a woman always makes up her mind. Xo, Alonzo, a corner in the market isn't necessarily a square one, {| mere HENRY P. . SMITH, ARCHITECT, ete., "Anchor Building, Market Square. "Phone, 845. | POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER- chant's Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. "Phone, 212, hide NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, co, OF» second floor over Mahood's Drug corner Princess and Bagot Entrance on Bagot street Phone LULH MARRIAGE LICENSES, C. S. KIRKPATRICK, Marriage Licenses, 42 ISSUER Clarence OF St. THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT 'Unitazia REV. Cc. Ww. CASSON. A Modern Religion. Is it not natural that we should desire a modern religion, that shall Le adapted at all pgints tq our mo | dern needs? Such gn Sehgioh must find its source pnd its strength in the being o ancient instead 'of from the America, life we live to-day, perpetuation and time. It must be ol not merely of Palestine. It must be irased in terms of to-day, and not in outgrown figures of the past. I must be as mpdern as the daily nes | paper, the latest scientific fact, the | poem of yesterday, 'It is this velig jon that the Unitavian churches ave disclose and develop. were long endeavoring to Its reality and forcefulness since made apparent. Address, Rev. C. W. Casson, at Reacon street, Bostdn, literature, Be Sure to Try It. 5 Rt | 25 Extra White Wine Pickling Vinegar, \ We have also a full line af choice Pickling Spices. Yegetables: and: Friits of all 46 kinds. Specials in Teas and Coffees, Kirk & Lee, 277-279-281 "Princess St. 'Phbne 417. On June 22nd, Howard B. Wall bridge, second son of the late John F. Wallbridge, Masselsshipn, was uit. ed in wedlock to Miss Mariellen | Sprague; gnly daughter of Grant Sprague, Big Island, " Tuesday evening Mrs. Thomas #. Crozier, Belioville, passed away, after a brief illness. deceased, thirty years of 'age, was a & datighter of Mr. and Mass., for the STICK T0 IT! Get the best for your money. SWIFT'S COAL Means the best you can buy. It irs. not a matter of guess work but actual faet. Try jt and see. JAS. SWIFT & CO. Thousand Island & St. Lawrence River Steamboat Companies In Connection with New YorkGen« tral & Hudson River R.R. Leave Kingaton iy except Sunday, £0 a.m. and 2 aioate K ly a. 7.80 a.m, and 80 p.m Leave Cape Vincent daily, 10.50 a.my and 6.15 p.m. Making direct connectlons at Capg Vincent to and from all points in New York State. Through sleeper Cape Vine oat 3° Xe New York, end round trip rate Kingston to Watertown, good going Saturday or Sundgy, returning up to including Monday, $1.65. in weather wisdom - pu we food coal, oe) t's the kind thee oe! he most heat, and mokes (the home comfortable; it's the best money can buy, and is none better mined. deliver It to you clean and without slate," st the very bottom prices, Booth & CO. $ "Phone 123, Foot of Went & St. Eli Hicks, 70 Florence street, Yip wit, whose 'death took place on Jay mdrning, was or age, andl was pids, Ont. He leaves J. B. Bicks, BA, 8S ticks Mrs. William Vermilyea, S eal din ce is cil i » -