INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. i : i Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By J Reporters On Their Rounds. - etbdlle SUICIDE (CONTINUES. What Late Statistics in England TOBE A NEW RECORD IN SWIFT PASSAGE OF MAILS ACROSS OCEAN. The Canadian fAuthorities Put Mail on Board the Indomit- able--Greetings From One Postmaster-General to An- other. 4 : Montreal, July 31.--There are great expectations in Dominion postal eir- cles that, within 5 few days, the news will be flashed from England to Can- ada that all records have been hroken in the tarriage of mail matter between the two shores. It is not generally known that when H.M.S. Indomitable sailec yom Quebec on her return. trip 'mgland with the Prinde of Wales, turning after his attendance at the Quebec ter-centenary festivities, she carried several bags of Canadian mail matter. It is not customary for war- ships of the British navy to carry mails but the Indomitable's return pa.sage was expected to he fraught with such auspicious results, in the matter of speed, that the idea was conceived of signalizing the event by creating a new record. in the mail service between Britain's premier over- seas possession and the motherland. The arrangements, so far as the mail matter was concerned, were left in the hands of George Ross,. chief superin- tendent of the Canadian postal ser- vice, Montreal, and A. Boldue, post office inspector, Quebec. 'These gentle- men personally superintended the trans- fer of six or seven bags of matter from the Quebec post office at 12:30 am. on the 29th instant, the In- domitable sailing at three o'clock the same morning. Contained in one of the bags was a letter from Hon. Rudolphe Lemineux, postmaster-geng- ral of Canada, to the Hon. Sydnev Buxton, the postmaster-general of Great Britain, the contents of which have not yet been made public" but which, naturally, would be expected to contain greetings on what may prove to be the creation of a new world's record. " To Teach At Sydenham. ° Sydenham, July 30. --The high school building is undergoing some new im- provements. « Another form is being added. * Miss Dunlop, Kingston, has been engaged to take charge of form IV. A new. cement walk is being laid down, 'both in Tront of the high and public schools, which is greatly needed. George Guess has his new house completed, and is preparing to move in. I. Vallier has commenced the foundation for a fine new resi- dence. Sidney Hicks is making pre- parations to build an up-to-date bank bam on his new lot on Bridge street, Robert Cochrahe has moved into his new residence. A large crowd took in the employees' excursion to Tweed op Wednestlay. The last few warm days has brought a large number of our annual summer. tourists back again. Among the visitors are R. Davidson, Regina, and Miss, Penil, at Albert Boyce's: Mrs. W. J. Shibley and fan- ily, of Batavia, N.Y., at F. A. Grant's; Miss Mildred Clow and Miss Laura ' Hughes, Kingston, at J, Clow's, last week, have returned home. Mrs. Evwell Miller, Wilton, ill at her parents', Mr. and Mrs. B. Lake, is improving. Miss Katie Joyce is at Miss M. Gouge's. Roland Henry, Richmond Hill, is with friends here for a few weeks' holidaying. Baseball On Thursday. Eastern League--Providence, 7; Mont- real, 6 Newark, 6; Buffalo, 3. To- ronto, 2; Jersey City, 1. Baltimore, 5-2; Rochester, 3-1. American League--St, Louis, Philadelphia, 1. Chicago, 4; Washing- ton, 5. Detroit, 3; Boston, 2. Cleve land, 3; New York, 2 (14 innings). National League--New York, 11; St. Louis, 0. Brooklyn, 2; Pittsharg, 0 Philadelphia, 5; Cincinnati, 0. Chica- go, 13-6; Boston, 4-3. 5; Biscuits At Wholesale Prices. Six lie. gingersnaps, 25c. 7 lbs. broken sweet Liscuits, 250, 3 lis. fruit biscuit, 25¢. Finest crip sodas, per box, 20¢, 15 varieties to choose from at 3 lbs. for Bc. Balance of this weok, at Mullin's grocery, corner Dini- sion and Johnson streets. Will Camp At Quebec. Toronto, July 31.--It is said at the office of the commandant of this mili- tary district that ""B" battery, R.C H.A., at Quebec, will go to camp at Petewawa till after the exhibition, when the corps will return here. Rideau Lakes And Ottawa. Rideau King and Queen leave for Ottawa, Monday, Wednesday, Thurs- dav and Saturday, at 6 a.m., and for Clayton, N.Y., Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at 6:15 p.m. James Swift & Co., Agents. Village Destroyed By Landslide. Innsbruck, Austria, July 31.--The Village of Merh-les-Bains has heen destroyed" by a landslide. Sixteen persons are reported to have been kill- ed. Can't Be Beat. America's tour of the islands, Sat- urday, 2.30 p.m., via the narrow chan- nels. Supper on board, 50 cents. Thursday morning, - at Brockville, Rev. 8. Sellery united in marriage Hi- ram A. Langdon, -of Brockville, and Miss Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Harvey Hayes, Glen Buell. The couple wel vttended. 'nkins' boys' price Adam Widdis, charged with stealing a gold watch from a Lanark resi- dent, on July 2nd, was brought out for trial at Brockville. He was sen- tenced to nme months the Central Prison. _ Karl Wiltse, eldest of Mrs. As- her Wiltse, of Toronto, former : resi dents of Athens, while climbing a'tree fell some twenty feet, fracturing *his skull and very little hope is held. out Jor his recovery. Jenking" for soft felt hats. The liberal convention to select candidates for the federal elections will be held in Ottawa on August 1th. cotton suits half son 4 and the other persons walk," said an American who recently ( am much opposed to the custom which a man in. accompanying a wo- er the curb. that question 1 "w t ) i Reveal. Npandard of the Ewmpire, . [J 1 grivsn reglsuncgeneral's latest réport does give 100d lor serious . re- yection. It shows that the increase of population is proceeding year by year at a steadily diminishiog pace. so that the time is not far ott when it seems. that Great Britain will have rene the stationary condition which France has already attained. 'The vear 7 shows the lowest birth-rate on 1éord in the United Kingdom. In London the rate per thousand is now 25.8; Igriy years ago it was 36.5; and éved" in WOO it was nearly 30, The marriage rate has also decreased. In 1571 there were 772 bachelors for every thousand male persons under the age of 25; now there are 824: and 731 spinsters' against 660. Fewer per- sofis"are married, and those who are married have fewer children. Divines of all the religious communions are protesting against '"'race suicide," and the revolt against marriage. "The Bishop of London has spoken earnest- ly on the subject, and Father Bernand Vaughpw, the: fashionable Catholic preacher of the West End, has deliv- ered one of his declamatory and sen- sational sermons upon it. But in spite' Of the preachers the process of arrested increase does not seem likely to be checked. The most disturbing point brought out by the registrar- general's report is that the birth-rate continues to y be highest among the destitute 'classes, and lowest among those who seem best situated to en- rich the nation with capable, well-de- veloped children. In the miserably poor. London boroughs of Bethnal Green, Shoreditch, and Poplar, the birth-rate is as high as 31 and-8% per thousand. In Westminster, which in- cludes Belgravia and Piccadilly, it is only 19, and in Hampstead, where there are no poor, it is as low as 18.5. It is npt so much that the right people do not get themselves born, as that the wrong people do. There is a London Society of Bugenics, which is endeavoring to submit the whole of this large question to scientific exam ination; but whether they will do much good remains to be seen. Mean while, we may that '"'race cide," if that be the name for it, is pot" limited to the British Isles: for the birth-rate in London still stands higher than it does in Berlin, Vienna, Brussels, Rome, on Melbourne. ¢ Plea For Reform in Escort Duty. "1 think a man in escorting a wo- man should glways walk between her on the side- note sui- from 1 by returned to the United States iermany alter several years there. man in' the ¥treet always walks near- The German have settled admirably. A German invariably walks nearer to the centre ine of the pavement than the wo- nan does, and thus protects her from. he Mstling to which American women often are subjected. In a throng Ame- viean » mena «women r i ii going in the 'opposite direction i 1 turn'to the ight in passing, and, consequently, f the escort of the American custom 8 on the right of the woman persons bump nto her. If the escort walked on the uside he would be her guard." A ------ Ranchman's Novel Courtship. Louis L. Kramar came all the way rom' Yuma, Cal, to marry a girl he had never The bride was Miss Flora Weise, a pretty young woman of Tazewell county. The bridegroom wrote to his aunt here, Mrs, Patterson, to put him in communication with a girl who would make him a good wife, as he was lonely on his ranch in Colorado. Mrs. Patterson recommended Miss Weise, a neighbor's daughter, and correspon- dence was begun. The girl was taken with the mance of the affair, and when photo- graphs weme exchanged and proved satisfactory 'a proposal quickly fol- lowed. An acceptante was written, and then Kramer eame east to claim hig bride! Thermarriage was celebrat ed the day after his arrival, and the ¢diiple departed immediately afterward fot" ¥uma. , seen. ro- Speen ili aemp-- Killed "While 'Autemobiling. Philadelphia, July 31.--Charles Humphreys, chief clerk in the bureau of. the police, ia this:'city, and Henry B. Bromly, of a well-known family "of manufacturers, while in an automobile crossing the tracks of the Reading railway, at Nycetown station, this morning, were run down by a train and instantly killed. A GRIPMAN"S CRIME. A Separated Husband Out For Slaughter. Seattle, Wash., July 31.--Jesse Fifer, a grip man, killed his eight-year-old daughter, Hazel, and Mrs. Dennis Nihout, a patient, fatally wounded his wife, and seriously wounded Mrs Iithel Warren, his ster-in-law, in a private hospital, h last night. He committed suicide. Fifer and his wife had separated and the woman lived at the hospital. Will Be Opposed. New York, July 31.--The Times states that if the Pacific Mail Steam- ship company withdraws its fleet from the trams-Pacific trade, the Japanese companies will not be allowed to have the monopoly of the trade for long, as the North-German Lloyd will start an opposition service before next spring. Killed In A Factory. St. Catharines, Ont., July 31.--Rob bie Whtsyn, five years old, son of Rob- ert Watson, manager of the Gaiety Theatre, was accidentally killed by coming into contact with the machin- ey in the macaroni factory, this morning. The boy wandered into the factory unobserved by the employees. Jenkins fof choice wash ties. Rev. R. Wi Ross, formerly of Guelph, Ont., was inducted into the pastorate of Fort 'Massey Presbyterian church, Halifax, N.S. y There might be more, sinners in the world if it were more thickly popu- lated. Jenkins" for choice fancy sox. Matters That Interest Everybody ~Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. 88. Southwark, Dominion line, from Liverpool, at Father Point, inward at 6:30 am. 156 second and 11 steer- uge passengers, The Dunkirk, N.Y., plant of the American Locomotive company, has re- teed an order for thirty. locomotives from the Argentina railroad. © * The French warship Admiral Andre is Still at Quebec trying to locate g $3,000 anchor and chain. It has been placed and will speedily be raised. The militia department at Ottawa has no information as to the report that a special medal s to be issued to the troops who went to Quebec, Henry Williamson, alias Canavagh, pleaded guilty in Toronto police con to charges "of housebreaking and was Sent to penitentiary for five vears. Hon. A. B. Aylesworth is advised by his physician that with the local treatment _ available in Vienna his hearing may he completely restored. The Prince of Wales was so charmed with 'the Quebec pageants, especially the Wolfe and Montcalm march, that he wishes their reproduction by Cine- metograph. : M. J. Walsh, ex-M.P.P. for St. Ann's division, Montreal, has decided to contest the return of his opponent, Denis Tansey, conservative, declared elected after a recount. While James Bowes, a re of Straffortlville, was walking along the street, in that village, a bullet fir- ed at a sparrow glanced and lodged in the farmer's arm, causing a painful in- jury. In Ottawa workmen allowed an iron plate to fall on Joseph Carra. The plate fortunately fell on its flat side and Carra escaped with nothing worse than bruises. He was taken to the hospital. W. H. McGillivray, an Ottawa con- tractor, while writing in a pass book, stepped on a loose stone, on a and fell through a doorway floor below. He had his broken. The new steel freighter, David B Meacham, bound on her maiden trip from Ashtabula to Port Arthur, with 9,00 tons of coal, ran on the rocks | at passage island on Wednesday, night in a heavy fog. : President Evans, of Denver, and Se- cretary McHugh, Washington, of the International Stone Cutters' union, are in Montreal making preparations for the opening of their annual vention on Monday. ' The Hamilton aldermen are deter- mined to back up H. C. Beckett's ap- plication for a mandamus to compel Mayor Stewart to execute the agree ment made by the city with the Ca taract Power company. Suspects placed under arrest at Que- bec have left for parts unknown. The last were the™four colored women, two of whom were placed on the Mon- treal boat, and the other two on last night's C.P.R. train. A spectacular fire at Broadway and Fifty-Third street, New York, damag- ed the Standard Storage Warehouse causing a loss of $200,000. One fire- man was slightly "injured and fifteen horses were burned to death. Thomas' Fisher, West Flamboro, for defaming the character of Miss Edith Riley, made a public apology to the young woman, said the charses made | were without foundation and undertook: not to annoy her in future. At Jackson, Mississippi, William Oli- tired farmer step, the arm to left con- {to look at th» man with the When you need a cab 'phone 600. The real dog days are upon us. Whew! Give us another handker- chief. - Jenkins' morrow, July goes out with a record year. Good rubber tired cab always when you 'phone 600. Sale of Oc. tape girdle d6e. New York Dress Reform. Buy talcum powders and toilet wa- ters at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Miss Mary Woods, Kaladar, is the guest of Mrs. Sauve, Queen street. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's. Phone 778. The soda fountains sizzled late last night as the people were! very thirsty. Jenkins' shirt sale is on to-morrow. No city council meeting has been called for this evening, as anticipated. Hamilton is making a bid to secure "B" battery for that dity, when it quits Toronto. = Jenkins' $1.50 shirts for 98c. morrow. Mrs. W. went to month. Special dip hip corsets, extra fine fit, 65c. New York Dress Reform. Get ready for the civic holiday and good treatment of the old boys and girls. Jenkins' fancy vest sale to-morrow. Buy Dr. Chase's preparations at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Fresh there. Last February everybody was pray- ing for hot weather. M's here in ans- wer. Don't forget St. Luke's ice lawn social, "T'uesday, August Admission, 10c. x Jenkins" for negligee $1.50 for Y8e. The steamer America® took over 500 people to Ogdensburg -this morning at cight o'clock. Kingston sweltered yesterday. think of other places six: to degrees hotter ! Jenkins' boys' pet cent. off. H. Mooers, jr., after three 'weeks vis- it in the city, left for Grand Rapids, Mich., last night. H. Cunningham, piano tuner from Chickering's, Leave orders at Mo Auleyv's book store. Ontario Yark was busy last Every point where a breeze could got was occupied. "Dr. Chase's Preparations' at Gibson's Red Cross drug hone 230. Murders, assaults and mark the times just now in What's the cause ? The city council should have an enduiry to see who let the thunder storm escape yesterday. Jenkins' straw hats at half price. Mrs. James Sherman, and daughter, Jessie, Johnson street, left to-day to visit friends in Brockville. ('ahmen's phone, 490, J Well, mother, are the girls getting in in good time these nights ? 1 suppose Iather looks after the boys. Some people will have to mend their ways if they Yo not wish for hotter weather than they are now getting. Jenkins' straw hats at half price. Mrs. Beatty, of Ottawa, who has heen visiting the Misses Roadhouse, Nelson street, returned home to-day. "A very busy corner," Gibson's Red Cross drug store fountain is do ing good work these hot days. fee made from pure cream there. a fellow hotter than ever tooth ache in the King Edward theatre last night. Jenkins' for sale prices. $1.50 shirts for 98c. to this corsets, to- H. Wormwith and family Bath, to-day, to spend a cream 4th. shirts But eight clothing twenty-five night. be are sold store, drownings Canada. cream It made ver, a young aeronaut, was killed while making a parachute drop. Just as the parachute filled the strings on one side. snapped and the aeronaut | dropped two thousand feet to his | death. May Kinsman, a girl employed in .a newly started steam laundry at St Thomas, had her hand badly smashed in a large mangle as to ne cessitate amputation. She was talk- ing to another girl and not watching her hands Semi-official renorts 51yvs the bidding in of stocks and bonds by Philadel phia interests, which took aver the control of the Lake Superior Corpora- tion means that the Canadian Pacific will secare the steel plant and the Algoma Central railway as recently; reported. | In the arrest at Hamilton 'of Albert! Beveridge, Detroit, the police have] the owner of the clothee which were found hanging near the water, and which gave rise to rumors of drown- | ing. Beveridge claims that he was| with a ganc of men who stripred his| coat from him, stold 84 fram the poc- kets and threw him inte the water. | 80 EAT MISSION BOYS. Horrible Tale of Murder and Savagery. Victoria, B.C., July 31.--Murders and cannibalism in the Bismarck archipelago, followed by a German punitive expedition in which some vil- lages were burned and the capture of a trading schooner and murder of Oli- ver Burns, a Sydney trader, in the Solomon Group, wad brought by the steamer Aorangi, which arrived, last night, from Australia via Honolulu. Ihree mission were victims of the cannibalistic affair in the Bis marck Group, which is under German boys control. Rev. W. Danks' mission station was attacked at Baining, and the three hovs who were captured were killed and their bodies carried to the hills, where a feast was held. The remains were roasted and devoured. Enidences of the feast were found by an expedi- tion sent te punish the natives. One of the party, a German trader named Schmidt, was mortally wound ed by a spear. The same mission was the scene of a massacre in 19M, when the mission was rushéd and five mis- sionaries and teachers and five sisters were massacred. Some dighty guests will attend the provincial ban met to Lord Roberts We_invite you once more to St. James' club searchlight, Monday, 3rd, 7:30 p.m. Steamer America, 35¢ Orchestra. Jenkins wants your trade to-morrow Exercise is what a man needs And he gets it night and morn-- the winter time he shovels snow In summer he mows the lawn. The missionary campaigners were at Jrock street Methodist church last night and gave a talk on Japan with limelight views. Jenkins' for sale prices. "Just as cold as ice can make it." The soda water dispensed at Gibson's Red Cross drug store fountain. Mrs. C. Cunningham and little daughter, Lorretta, are in the city Mrs. H. Douglas, also her niece, Mrs. 8. Saunders. Jenkins' $12 suits for $7.85. Little Miss Myrtle Chown and Mas ter Lockhart Chown, Kingston, are the guests" of their sister, Mrs. Frederick Fillion, 31 Rochester street, Ottawa. In 1834 Kingston had six churches : St. George's, French Roman Catholic church, St. Andrew's, a Reformed Presbyterian two Methodist churches. Jenkins' for $15 suits for $9.45. "Seidlitz powders," good strong ones are at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. It pays to go there. Keeper C. S. Wheeler left on Thurs- day morning for Toronto. He will also visit Niagara Falls and Bufialo, where he will meet his brother, Don- ald F. 'Wheeler. Sale of stockings, dress shields, 2 pairs 25¢.; 'silk rib- bon, three-inch, all colors, 12je. per vard: 2 undervests, 25¢.; cotton draw- ers, 25c. New York Dress Reform. Jenkins' for $15 suits for $9.45. One of the grave charges brought against the Whig in 1834 was that its editor was seen in a saloon one even- ing. Kingston must have been a high- ly pious town in those days. . " "Four headaches cured for 10c. Perfect Headache Powders will do it. Sold in Kingston at Gibson's Red Uross drug store. \" Jenkins" boys' per cent. off. : Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Miller children, of Bridgeport, Conn., are visiting at 'their sisters', Mrs. J. Sands' and Mrs. William Kennedy's, at 314 Brock street, for the summer months. "Jenkins' for short wleeves and short legs in underwear. . Corsets ordered or ready-made, in- cluding . "D. & A" "Crompton," "B. Aug. In visiting her sister, and sold 9 pairs, 35¢.; clothing twenty-five and next, Wednesday in Toronto. The Tented City, Quebec, proved a financial failure, and the stockholders stand to lose over $2,000. Jenkins' for cool underwear, i& C7 "B. &T. "Lady Curzon)' "Lady Ruby," and all other well known makes. New York Dress Re- form, SATURDAY, "THE LAST DAY OF JULY CLEARANCE SALE Offers Some of the Biggest Savings of the Summer. GREAT CLEARING OF AM- ERICAN FIBRE MATS. Size 18 x 36. China and Jap- anese fancy inlaid patterns, in suitable * shades. Very dur- able and useful. Binding on sides. Regular price 15 35e. Clearing price, Saturday, each READY MADE BLEACHED SHEETS--Made of strong English sheeting, plain firm weave. Size 2 yards x 2} yards. Wide hems at both ends. Regular price $l. Cn sale Satur 69¢c day, only... MEN'S SUMMER SUITS.-- In a striped tweed mixture, 2- piece, single breasted make. Coats lined down fronts, and some across shoulders. Just the thing for this weather. Regular price $7 and $7.50. Only a few left 2 69 To clear onSaturday =e Strong bone worth 15e. and sale Saturday FOUR GOOD ONES FOR MEN handled tooth brushes, 20c, SENSATIONAL IRICE ON FACTORY COTTON. -- 650 vards, twilled and plain mill ends of factory cotton. Lengths of pieces from 10 to 20 yards, 38 x 38 inches wide. Regular price 10c. and 12¢. yard. On sale Tic A limit of twenty yards to a customer. 450 YARDS FANCY MUSLIN, TO CLEAR SATURDAY.-- All the newest summer pat- terns and shades. Inlaid stripes and checks, with dain- Ly flowers, 28 x 32 inches wide. Regular price wears 15¢. anh I8c. yard. On sale Saturday MEN'S DOUBLE THREAD BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR --Trouser finished / drawers. Sold all over B50c. a garment. On sale here J5c Satorday «. we oo MENS FINE LISLE THREAD Socks.--Different col- ors. Regular 25c. On 15¢c sale... ... Hay "Brishton' On tiful Marcel wave. 8¢ Men's cuff links. Regular 0c. On sale Saturday... i AND BOYS 350 PAIR PILLOW CASES.-- Made of superior quality Eng- lish cotton. Wide hemstitched | hems, Size 36 x 42. Sold all | over 35¢." and 40c. pair. Do not overlook this hig 25¢ saving. On sale Sat- urday, pag. .. go LADIES' SUMMER VESTS. Fine Lisle thread vests with and without - sleéves, ribised and plain. Lace around neck and arms. Regular : price 20c. each. Om sale Saturday ... .. 2 for 25c. " : 4 BOYS' WASH BLOUSES.-- Made of light and dark shades of duck. Well made and finished. Regular prices 75¢c., 81 and $1.25. 19¢ Clearing the lot for Saturday, only NOTIONS !-CLEARING LOTS hair wavers, makes beau- Regu- 15¢ Fancy side combs tops Fancy ' leather pass by you. Ti 844 Phone No. 'wood's Phosphodine, AIP? 1. Great Englis Jemedy. 2 F/ 'Tones and invigoratesihe wh Sed IE "VOUS | F mak Any n ol w Debility, M ¢ and Brain Worry, Des. mdency, « Weakness, Kmis«ions, Si atorrhea, ad Effects of rice $1 per bux, six for 4ll cure. Sold by all in pkg. on sailed free. 'ormeriu Wi CANNON POLITICS IN PERSIA. Shah Resorts to Old-Fashioned Methods of Government. Collier's Weekly. Constitutional sia is travelling a rocky 'he time two years ago thousands of priests and citizens took ' . refuge in the British Jegation and re- fused to leave until the late shah granted a parliament, the progressive elements have had things rather their own way. They have taken an ex- tremely high tone in dealing with the goV- Per- government' in Since road. when some government, and as a rule the ernment has yielded to their demands. Jut now the shah has achieved a oup d'etat of a truly Oriental sort. de had ordered the parliament to surrender five reforming agitators, and the parliament refused. The doors were garded by Cossacks, of whom he shah has a small force under Rus- and when somebody among the soldiers in return. A lively skirmish ensued, and then artillery vas brought up and began to bom- ard the parliament building. Finally the Cossacks stormed the place and the surviving occupants fled. Teheran was put under martial law, and the troops began systematically to bhom- ard one house after another. with the dea of shelling out reformers from rrandees' homes in which they were supposed to have taken refuge: In- sidentally they looted shops and other buildings. The shah was said to have made a list .of prescribed houses, and to have issued orders that one should he bombarded each day. After the bombardments the houses were so thoroughly pillaged that even the tim- bers and th® locks and hinges of the doors were carried away." Thousands of people were killed in these pro- seedings. The shah issued a proclam- ation ordering new parliamentary slections. and announcing that he in- tended to maintaiff "the constitution, and the principle of popular represen- tation, but to crush political agita- tion. He then declared an amnesty, which was to include even those mis- 'reants "accused of being guilty." sian officers, threw a bomb hey opened fre It Has Stood. The test of twenty years gales Kingston, the old reliable 'Mixture," the finest blend of China India and Ceylon tea in lead foil packets only, 40c. and 50c. per Ih. {lenderson's grocery. t Jenkins" shirt sale is on to-morrow. A tornado in Saskatchewan, yester- day, blew down a school house, cauns- ing the death. of a little boy and grave injurv to several other persons. "Next Monday is Smi(h's Falls civie holiday. 5 Jenkins" for negligee for 98c. shirts $1.50 handbags, worth 65¢. On 'sale ... . ¢ Montreal Stock Co. tunity to save soney. Carriages and Go Carts. and up. stones. Regular Un sale 35¢ To-Morrow is a sensational finish to our big July Clearance Sale, with prices all over the store that you'll surely appreciate. ment offers best buying opportunities. } wv We. pa Do not let these opportunities 80 Princess St. 180 Between Redden's and Crawford's Groceries set with rhine- " 19¢ Every depart- wR RE WRT Ge NG ae Lea Campers Want Epamelled Dishes, Knives & Forks, Rope, ,Alcohol or Oil Stoves, Bachelor Buttons, and a few other things which this Big Blue Hardware Store / / CARRIES IN ABUNDANCE, EN » 11 RAL Ev Slr An 4 Everything reduced from 10 to 25%. Your oppor- This sale includes a full line of Couches from $4.50, 5.50, 6.50 Parlor Suites (3 pieces) from $15 up. Parlor Suites (5 pieces) regular $25 for $20. R. J. REID, Ambulance Call 577. J. 0. HUTTON, Esq. Agent, Canada Life Assurance Company, Kingston, Ont. Dear Sir,--An enough to satisfy anybody. me to write and wise to insure, It not which it is 230 Princess St. Perth, Ont., July 25th, 1908, addition by way of bonus of $787.50 to my policy is large only satisfies, but speak strongly in favor of the Canada pleases me, and enables Lite as a Company in Yours truly, A. McARTHUR. The same policy can be Kad by applying at the office, 18 Market street, Kingston, J. 0. HUTTON, Manager. wat FOP Saturday. ! Try Our PoundCak Citron, Cherry, Seed and Sultana.