Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Jul 1908, p. 7

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UT EL RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacitic Railway REDUCED RATES TO Pacific Coast Points Until RETURN September 15th LIMIT OCTOBER 31st, 1908 are the only kind that pay. The most healthy are those free from lice--and lice caunot exist where EMPIRE Poultry Duster is used. Kills lice instantly, Large Package 25¢, HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSION | TO MANITOBA, SASKATCHE- WAN AND ALBERTA. ood to go Aug. dth and 15th 15th and: 29th. Tickets good to return in 60 days. Full parviculars at 'K. & P. and C. Pi R. Ticket Office, Ontario St; 'Phone, 50, F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent, BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY Train jeaves union station, Ontario street, 4 p.m. daily SS5ndays excepted, | for 'Tweed, Sydenjaml Napanee, Deser- onto, Bannockburn and all points north. | 'To secure quick despatch to Bannock. burn, Maynooth, and points on Central Ontario, routs your shipments via Bay | of Quinte Railway. Foy Turther particu- | lars, apply to Ry W, DICKSON, Agent, Phone, 8. McLeod's Drug Store, and all dealers in Poultry Supplies." 0. Special Side Grip | Fares During | SECURITY, Ger-Centenary Cele- bration, Quebec. INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY Will sell round trip tickets Cenuine Carter's Cacouna -- Little Metis Dalhousie . St. John, N Pictou, N.S Charlottetown Summerside, Halifax, N.S. . Sydney, N.S. Proportionate the Intercolonial Island Railways. July 18th--30 (inc.) 1908. 3rd; Must Bear Signature of See FeceSimile Wrapper Below. Fdward | | Very small and as casy 1c take 8s sugar. c ARTERS! FOR HEADACHE, FOR DIZZINESS. : ITYLE [FOR BILIOUSHESS. Montreal City Office, IVER a IssmaLvE. 1 « 181 St. James Street. | PILLS. TOR SALLOW SKIN, or FOR THE COMPLEXION General Passenger Department, ee MONGCTON, N.B. | TIS FY LLL SYSTEM Kingston Civic Holiday, Aug. 10th 1908. t tound trip tickets will he issued from Kingston, at SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE, good going Saturday, Sunday and Monday, Aug. Sth, 9th. and 10th, | good returning on or belore '1 day, | Aug. 11th, Low Rates to Pacific Coast and | and Prince Good for return until 1908. August py CURE SICK HEADACHE. Ee | | | | | A bag or a barrel --it's all the same. The same choice i unt lst, Ontario and Manitoba wheat--milled the same-- and blended in exactly the same proportions. That Flour same results--and isalways the best for Bread and Eeturn. Portland San Diego J Good returning il October Vancouver HE | $95.80 Seattle J . | San Fraicisco | Los Angeles \ 0 - 0 NEW ONE WAY FARES TO CANAD-| Beaver IAN NORTHWEST via Chicago and St, | Paul, the is why tat and} always gives Class ~$31.05 4.05 Winnipeg, Man. $randon, Man, Aegina, Sask. Edmonton, Alba. 5. And proportionate rates to the Canadian Northwest. HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS to] the Canadian Northwest via Chicago and St. Paul, good going July 21st, | Aug. 4th and 18th, good to return with- in G0 days om For pullman accommodation, dni, oher informati apply t : J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Johnson and Ontario Stsy in Dealers--write for prices on gil" kinds of Feeds, Coase Grains and Cereals. 7. Ii. Taylor tickets Co. Limited, Chatham, | Ont. 65 Cor. SPECIAL NOTICE. -- To the Ladies of Kingston : I have removéd to the former Board of Education rooms, Mon- treal street, corner Princess. Re- member the place. 3 J. ROSEN, LADIES' TAILOR. Quebec Steamship Company LIMITED. River & Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes 8S. "Campana," Twin Screw Iron electria bells and all with electric lights, modern comfort. SAILS FROM MONTREAL ON MON- DAYS, at4 pm, 7th July, . 10th and 24th August, and 21st Sept ber, for Pictou, callmg at . Gaspe, Mal Perce, Grand River, Summerside, and Charlottetc wan, | P.El ---- NEW YORK FROM QUEBEC Calling at Charlottetown and Halifax, A B.S. Trinidad, 2,600 tons, sails from Quebec 25th July, 8th and 22nd August, Bermuda | ALLAN Ra [INE] Virginian. sails July 31. Aug. 28, Tunisian sa ug. 7. Sept. 4. orian., s 4 Aug. 14. Sept.'11. MONTREAL TO HAVRE AND LONDON, Excursions, $40 and upwards, Summer 53. 'Bermudian,' by the Twin Screw 5.500 tons Sailin fortnightly from New Yo from™ 2nd June to 5th October. emperature cooled by sea breczes seldom rises above BO degrees. The finest trips of the season for |} Corinthmn sails ~Aug. 1: Sept. 13, bealth and comfort. Pomeranian sails Aug. 8B: ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. Rates of passage and full informi For tickets and staterooms apply to tion may be obtained from J, P. Js P. HANLEY, or.C. 8. KIRKPAT- || HANLEY, Agent G.T.R.. of C. S. RICK, Ticket Agents, Kingston Ont. | KIRK PATRICK, Local Agents. entireties crm STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER LEAVES WOLFE ISLAND :-- MON -0.15 a.m. 1.00-4.00 p.m; TUES, L15.a.m; 1.00--4.00 p.m, 1 10--9.15 a.m; 1.00--4.00 p.m. Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co, LIMITED. Tul KINGSTON, ROCHESTER, [THURS Hrakeys *™ 1,000 ISLANDS. PRES 750-915 am, 9.15 a.m. 1. 15---12.30 a.m; 1.30 p.m. 1.004.000 p.my 1.00--4.00 p.m. 5.00 p.m, - > yr Strs. NORTH KING. vommencing June 27th, Rings ston for Thousand -lsland points daily |T except Monday, at 10.15 a.m: Return ing leave At 5 p.m., for Charlotte, N.Y., 5 (Port of Rochester), calling at Bay of SAT, 8 0 Quinte Ports. SUN, 9.45 a.m. 1.15--5.30 STR. ALETHA--Leaves Mondays for Sat --Special trip to Simcoe Island and Spoor's dock, at' 3.00 p.m, Bay of Quinte Ports, at 5 p.m. | Time Table subject to change without | formation from JAMES SWIFT notice. ! Thy eg nts, J, P. HANLEY,| Boat calls at Gargon Island going to | CO., Freight A & 8, KIRK PATRICK. Ticket agmis, (end from Kingston 1 30 p.m. $ ) a.m, 3. 30 p.m, 8.30--11.30 a.m. 3.005.830 p.m. | 1S. 8.30---1.00 pm. 3.00 p.m. 's Bay, 83 p.m. { 8.830--11.30 a.m. 3.005.330 p.m. { 30--11.30 a.m. 8. 3 30 pom, | p-#. leave NEMS | =goher and' Miss Westport friends. Miss Annie Harmer, of Westport, are | of Miss "1 § inilure in the Cressy boys. The team here would { a game of footkall, Adolphustown vs.| | give ball from start to finish, and had! THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1908. simi OF NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND. ENTS TELL US. Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying, . At "An Ideal Spot. Chafiecy's Locks, July 29. --There are about sixty guests at the Opinicon club house. r. and Mrs. William Laishley and fon, J. L., Toronto, are spending a few days here. Mr. and Mrs. Masson, Ottawa, with their steam © yacht Clyta, have returned from a tour of the Thousand Islands, and are spending a few days here. They think this the idealSspot. Miss Hannah O'Brien, Montreal, is the guest at Lockmaster Fleming's. Mrs. W. H. Bartley has purchased a new sur.ey. Frederick Aliord is building a gasoline launch--it promises to be a first class one. Jessie Dibb, Napanee, are vi D. T. Rowse of Kingston, is visiting ab William BE. Toplifie's. Miss Ethel Covert of Ro- chester, } is spending 'her holidavs with her parents, Mr. and Mra. H. Covert. Mri. Roderick Johnston and san, George, of Rochester, N.Y., is visiting at Mrs. J, Johnston's, The weather has been extremely hot this week, the thermometer on. Thursday reaching ninety-two. degrees. Our vil« lage is filed = with visitors, the hot weather causing them to want to be near our hLeautiful bays . * siting at 4 The " Poor Apple Crop. Bongard's, July 30. Owing to the recent heavy rams, while damaging the pea and wheat crop, have donc a vast amount .of good to late sowed grain and ®potatoes, pasture, etc, The apple crop will be a poor one in this vicinity, considerably below the aver age. Good prices are expected. Mrs. M. C. Outerbridge and. daughter, who have spent the past month with her sister, Mrs. J, B.'Bongard, leit, Mon- day, for Port Hope, before returning to their home in Chicago. Mrs. Arch- ibald Kerr and Miss Jennie Beith were guests of Mrs, J. D. Bongard, on Wednesday, Mr, and Mrs. James, N.Y., were goests at J. News From Lombardy. Lombardy, July 29.--Rev. Father Hayes oi St. Michael s College teach-| ins stafi, Toronto, is the guest of his | Rochester, cousins, Mrs. Robert Sinnott gnd Mrs. | Bradley's. Mr. and Mrs. Lucas en- E. O'Mara. Mis Stanley, of Ferth,|tertajned company from Nebraska, has becn visiting friends here Mrs. M.|also from Napanee. Messrs. J. and A. Agnes are visiting McGee, of +The Pines, spent Sunday Miss O'Grady and|last at'D. T. McCormick's. Miss Rosa ¢ Eaton is spending her holidays at Conwav. Miss Akerman, is visiting Miss 8B. Bradley. Mrs. B. E. Harrison and Mr. and Mrs. guests friends here. Lizzie tanville, of Smith's Falls, is visiting Miss Tena Covell. Edward Covell seriously ill. _ Misses Lucy and Vyna Cauley left 1 week for a trip to Kin ston. Sala Bluncher sustained a severe cut in the head last week.. A spirited horse which he was driving, became frightened, and ran away, | throwing the driver out of the buggy a ferce. Rev. M. Stvan and family are in camp at Rideau Lakes, as are also +J. B. Williams, and Miss| Williams, Lombardy, and Mies Cor-| Williams of Montreal. \ is at R. Harrison's. Misses Ola Mec- ed a number of their young friends recently. Not A Good Crop. vomt, ouly 28. --hayimg finished in this not a very good crop. Frank § Yate Long about and 1s and Mrs. visited at C. day against Nr. inn , loledo, on Satur- { Elginburg Echoes. | Elginburg, July 30. Quarterly ser {vice will be held at Glenvale on Sun Mrs. Ewing has Westport after weeks with her son, Charles | | Ewing. Miss Fdith Irwin spent {few days with friends --f¥=Sydenham 'he Sunday , and entrance Helena Singleton, Bryan, in passing day afternoon. | turned | several re to spending Mrs. W. FF. marks obtained at Delta. Gananoque. Mrs. C, J. U Connor school proposes having | ovicnic next Thursday at Kepler, in | 8he remained hnson's grove A. Emmonds is | Pr F. J. * his house painted My Keves { brooke k . land daughter, Montreal, Mrs Bailey | 'F lay last with nencs | Miss Etta. Kingston, last | Bay Mr and Mrs. Ww. J {week at J. Leatherland's Visitors : | and child, of Sweet's Corners, is | Howard Cornell, Harrowsmith, with ited his fathe [Harold Kiell; 'Harold . Goodearl, King- [ Rev. Mr. Cr at N. Graham; Mrs. Lawson | 1ndburst, land Miss Fleda, Kingston, at w. | school house awson's; Mies. J. Porter visiting | 2nd, and is her daughter in Watertown; Miss Mary | 3 | Leatherland is spending--<her holidays Jof the season. The construction of the fat home; John Cordukes. left on Mon. { raral - tplephone line is prog [day for Ottawa; Miss Woodman, Wolfe Slowly. Mr. and Mrs. W. Darling, Hslond, is at J. Reid's: J. W. | Hard Island, returned home on Sat- Martin and family have left to visit | urday, after visit at her [tein in lowa. | father's, Isaac la Rose. Mrs. W. | Singleton and her sister, Miss Mciinley, who has been visiting her, went to Lansdowne village, Monday. Miss McKinley remained there with J. A. McCamus, at the Meth- |Triends, Mrs. C. J. O'Connor, Water- parsonage. The contracting par-| town, N.Y., spent Saturday and Sun- were Miss Louise Remion and |day, at his umde's, C. J. 0'Ccnnor's. Atkins, of Niagara Falls South. | Master CC, Townsend and sister spent | They will reside at Niagara Falls. The | Sunday last at. Ellisville. The Misses { funeral of Mrs. George Babcock, aged | Wetherall, Syracuse, are visiting their | thirty-nine years, held at the | cousin, Mrs, P. Kelsey, at present. | Free Methodist church, Rev C. } - - | Goodrich, on Monday afternoon. Mrs, | | died at Kingston General] The greatest care should be taken Hospital on Saturlay She ill the teeth, They are organs of the only six Sincere sympathy is |body, and, the as the other felt for her husband and organs, are subject to the same laws. dren, who are left to mourn They are organs specialized to and loving wife and mother, also her |form the work of mastication, and the aged father and mother," Mr. and Mrs. [strength is deterniined by their George McFarlane, of this place. The | lt is wrong to soften one's food { Odessa football team to Bath | cut crusts in wd plaved a friendly game with \dolphustown; score, 2 to 0, in favor |fond mothers. 'This creation of arti- | of the latter | ficial conditions produces weak organs tended the lawn social at Wilton, on | (ne cannot wonder why teeth are bad, | Monday evening. The Odessa Citizens' | why there is so much toothache A football | X dentists' bills are so high. Fuesday | man becomes a toothless race it ¢ {be his own fault. 2 to L | Too much care cannot be taken with | the teeth. They should be brushed at least once a day and - periodically ex- | amined by a compeeent dentist, and | anything wrong should at once be at- tended to. At the moment you may {have fine healthy with her Mrs. S. 8 a week O'Connor, Tee jeu d spent held on to | ston, | Wednesday continue evening is on Wednes- visiting a week's Tidings From Odessa. Odessa, July 29. --A very quiet wed ng was solemnized, on Monday, by John was by i Take Care Of Your Teeth. labeock was of days same chil kind | eleven a per- use, or went as is done the away Several from here at or Ii will | band was also | match was played last, present | why here, on and Svdenham latter won, by between Odessa teams. The Fair View Budget. Fairview, July 29. lhe rains have improved the nd the farmers are smiling once more. | he heat for the past lays has caused quite a lot of them ever so Miss Lillian File has returned vou will wish after spending two very kare | weeks or friends Tamworth juve of Wem. Mrs, Thompson is visiting her daugh ter, Mrs. S. Loucks. Miss Janie Mc Taggart was one of the successful pu the entrance examinations. Mr. the frame work up for las the centre of violence in the shah's Mr. and Mrs. James !dominions, can hardly be said to have Miller 'attended the funeral of the late lover enoved a quiet life. When Turk Mrs. Jamieson, Napanee Mr. Fun- | und Turcoman and Persian wero not nell is busy drawing peas to the can shaking the old walls with battering ning Napanee. Mr. and Mrs. [poms the carthquake was having its {C. Kayler were in Napanee on Tues innings." The public buildings bear day. Mr. Youngs is still busy with | {races of this sort of violence--nota- hay He had seventy acres; most bly the Kabud Mas)id--Blue Mos jue-- It 18 a good Albert Bart- | constructed of wonderfully arabes jued of Erie, i= spending the summer | plug tiles: while the citadel gupes at parents Alison Briden, of you with its earthquake riven sides. visiting her aunt, 'Miss Although the Anglo-Indian telegraph Mr. and Mrs. Miller are). through the city it is not as in Mr. and Mrs. |the ancient days, when it was known Mr. and Mrs. ( as the glorious Tauris. The mew Rus- afternoon at the sian railway has deprived it of much Rooks; Riverside. | ¢ 14o importance, and the leather Vanalstine called merchants and silversmiths eke out a very ill. The precarious livelihood by enga_ing in B. Lunds last a little smuggling. ix almost f oF a Herbert Bile A Great Success. Campbell Bros'. slaughter sale of | summerfhats is proving a big success. Black atc "Biggest and Best"' Plug Chewing Tobacco recent heavy crops intense few sick- then taken at sixty more and had nue ness. you home enjoy able in Bo, Turbulent Parisian Town. Lbndon Chronicle. I he ancient dty of Tabriz which has pils at | Hodson has his new house. lactory, his of ov, with Kingston, is Lowry. crop. his Stacey Lowry resi- the guests of Vanalstine Friday dence of George Mrs. File and Mrs on John Loucks, who is board met at T. 'The berry crop this locality. hot a large porcupine recently. says they are a hard thing to kill. spent school week, Athletic Sports. | Bath, July 30.-The Bath tasetali| team plaved an exciting game at] Cressy. The home team won easily by| a large score, but it was not an in-| dication of the kind of ball .played by | ike to play another series with the! ('ressy team,. certainly lovers of true sport. The citizend 4i Bath witnessed | Odessa. Séore two to nothing in favor | of the Adolphustown team. The Adol-| i phustown loys played clean agores- somewhat the advantage of their op-| future. Miss Diana Miller and Miss! "s. Miss Gertrude Enright! Checks Fairmount, Mr. and A. Kerr, Waunoos, were recent guests Cormick and Rosa Storms entertain- is neighoorhood ack and little son, and Sunday last. George -Town- send, Syracuse, spent a week with his brothers here. Congratulations to Miss Miss Lenora exams., Miss Le¢na Bryan faking the highest | Laue and family returned home to ; ac- companied them-to Gananoque, where son, ee eee GUARDING PAPER MONEY. Against Thefts Currency. Chicago Record-Heruid. 'Ihe paper money of the government is brought in irom-bound chests, lock- ed and scaled, from the bureau of en- graving and pranting to the cash room of the treasury, and there de- livered upon receipt to James A. Sam- ple, chief of the division of issue, iu sheets of four bills each. They are complete with signature and numbers, except for the seal, which iv -printed upon them with power presses in a small apartment under the cash room. hese presses are worked by two people, .usually o man pressman and a woman feeder or assistant. When the seal has been imprinted upon the bills, in packages of ejual numbers by bands of paper, marked, signed by the per- sons who. have handled them; and they are counted automatically, bound passed into the adjoining room, where the sheets . arecut, the bills are re: counted and inspected, so that the im- periect ones may be thrown out. They are then bound into packages of equal amounts and taken to drying vault, where they lie: upon the shelves for several weeks, until the' ink has become perfectly dry. Every safeguard that ingenuity can contrive is placed around these trans |' actions, and the chief of division can tell which of his hundred or more sub- ordinates have touched the different bills in the vaults. He knows who re- ceived them, who printed 'the seal, who wrapped and cut them, for every pack- age is numbered and its history is re- corded in an enormous book. The combination of checks is so com- plete that Mr. Sample would know within twenty minutes if a single bill were 'missing, but he hus never had occasion to test his knowledge except twice in fifteen years. Only two at- tempts have ever been made to steal the money of the government while it is in this stage of its history. Un one occasion many years ago a pressman passing a pile of nots upon the table of his neighbor slipped the top sheet under his blouse without he ing 'observed and carried it with him into the lavatory, where he succeeded in concealing it. The theft was discov-| ered within five minutes, and it was] clearly apparent that he alone could be guilty, although the evidence was, purely circumstantial. No one him take the money. Therefore he was not arrested, and was pever puglicly charged with the crime. But he was of saw! ea- | dismissed >} at Seeley 8) Moorenead| ed them, as they did not appear in s here ¢n Sunday last. Episcopal minister of | a short service in the day 'evening throughout the remainder | 3.4 M.| | case of children by foolish nurses and | teeth, but neglect | {suddenly taken theplace bf Teheran | from the service, and hel | k ' " a " : | and Joseph Bevins spent Sat | knew the reason why . The bills were never recovered. He prolably destroy circulation. On another eight or ten years ago a colored messenger whosa, business was to haul the money about on a cart slipped a loose shest his pocket unobserved the printing and counting This theft was also unscen, but the responsibility fastened upon him. The pile was comylete when it left the printer, for it counted and registered automationlly in the press. When it reached the eount- ing room one sheet was missing and the package had not been out of the | possession of the colored messenger in the meantime. Therefore he alone was responsible, and as he could not offee any satisfactory explanation he too was® dismissed: from the service, but was not prosecuted becanse there was no direct proof of h's guilt. occasion, into while passing wiween rooms, was was , To-Morrow. Campbell Bros', slaughter sale swnmer "hats, Some Comparative Statistics. New -York Evening Post. Comparative statistics are not al ways pleasant reading, and those who have been revelling in the figures of American foreign trade during the re-| t E FP BS [7 - " - - -- | Have Some of Thi 'It's the best dessert we know o ale YOU NEVER TASTED ANYTHING , ONE HALF SO GOOD?! JELLO (The Dainty Dessert' § } will delight all who use it. Easily Simply add boiling water; cc and serve. No cooking, no flavoring, no te : add. No trouble, no further expense. Get a package. from your grocer to day, and prove what we say is true. One package makes enough dessert for the whole family, | HE PURE FOOD CO, BRIDGEBURG, CANADA. | St. | Highest A Award, Gold Medals at Louis, De . es ia "10 CENTS PER PACKAGE." SHOE BARGAINS FOR : SATURDAY. Now is the time to be wearing Oxford Shoes and as we wish to clear out about 100 pairs at once--As the sizes and as- sortments are broken--We place on Sale for SATURDAY, all our Men's $4 and $4.50 Patent, Tan and Gun Metal Oxfords $2.98. See Window Display. We also will pive the Ladies a Bargain. Oxfords. Regular $3.50, for SATURDAY .- Women's $2.50 Brown Oxfords Women's $2.00 Brown Oxfords One lot of Women's Patent and Kid Regular $2.50, $3.00, and a few $3.50, for One Small lot of Women's Patent Oxiords. Regular $3.00 for SATURDAY - smo «n= «$1.00. Girls' $2.00 Brown and Pagent Oxfords «-«-.««. 481.50, Children's $1.50 Brown and Fatent Oxfords Baby Strap Shoes, Brown and Black. Sizes 3 to 7. Regular 75c. - Many Other Bargains on Our Tables. Brown and Tan - -$2.90, | Oxfords. PENDABLE DE SHOES -- cent years of prosperity, will have their spirits dampened ii they glance at the supplementary table of "Fin- | ance and Commerce of Various Coun-| tries" in the "Statesman's Year Book" for 1908, just published by the Macmillan company. They will only read that the per capita exports of the United Kingdom are more than double those of the Uni¥ed States, which is hardly surprising, but will | probably rub their eyes to find that in proportion to its population thr kingdom of the Netherlands exports | about six times as much as our coun try, and Belgium three times as much, | while Switzerland barely Pelgium, with Denmark closely ing. France, Germany, Norway | Sweden are all ahead of Turning | | to the second of the \rgentine repub- | | lie, the most flourishing of South! | American "neighbors," we discover by | @ simple computation that its per | | kapita exports are about three times | great which pretty | not below { follow and » us as as ours, iS a | been made for the agricultural charac-| | characteristje. | good showing even when allowance has | | | Bignification Of Moles. | ponents. We shold be pleased to see the final game played here in the near world their Many people come into the with moles on part of body. Scientists declare that these! some THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1887 Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Reserve Fund, - 5,000,000 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED AT ALL BRANCHES B. E. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS sold, and money transferred by. { telegraph or letter. COLLECTIONS made in all parts of Canada and in foreign countries, FOREIGN BUSINESS. Cheques and drafts on the United States, Great Britain and other foreign countries bought and sold. 12 KINGSTON BRANCH, CORNER OF KING AND PRINCESS STH, P, C. STEVEN SON, Manager, marks are significant for good or evil Here are the delineations : s ! A mole on the forehead shows am-| biticn, wisdom and ability in the management of affairs. | A mole on the right cheek the person is gheatly beloved and will acquire riches and honor. A mole on the right eye, 4 dullness of understanding; on the left, ness of perception. A 'mole on the neck a man! prudent. in his actions; a woman, | shows wep kness in judgment and ready to believe the worst of her husband. A mole on the shoulder denotes 1,-! bor and poverty. A mole on the breast tion, strength, courage tion. ; A mole on the back shows a person to be much given tp lying in bed. A mole on the leg much given to walking and fond of visiting distant parts. shows | quick- | shows on } i } | | | affee resolu shows and PEEREE EE AEIEEREEE Evangeline Ganong's G.B. Chocolates Always fresh. The finest in the city. A.J.REES, 166 Princess St Phone 58. . @® - BoE Eeees A mole-on the foot donates haughty disposition. A mole on the back of the hand propensity for other men's goods, a a New Derbies. The new styles at Campbell Bros', Slaughter Sale Of Bananas, . Saturday. Edwards & Jenkin. ALUMINUM; ALL GRADES. LOWEST PRICES. 31 WILLIAM ST. Canada Metal Co.,Ltd., TORONTO, ont 3 Al

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