But at least, Pamela, dear, you ill carry a prayer book ?"' Bngland's fast lord of the admiral y Reginald McKenna, formerly the and staid minister of eduea- , installed into, the beseechingness | his query as much of the gravity pining Jo his quarter century of jority as he dared. t he did not dare overmuch. Wil uncompromisingly esthetic Pamela iyll, queen of Bugland's famous so ty of "Souls," had, indeed, con atexl to exchange her ravighing outh a seductive charm for the lord's distinction and devoted i, albelt his years were somewhat gated, if not hoar. . had won her lonl."" But she was bound olf in her own utterly artistic way a tribute to the aspirations she brasook, and as a blow at the conven Bonalities she derided. nd so, when the fateful word went h to the expectant world of fash only, few weeks, ago, that the dor ofsthe "Souls" had found. her Adam o jwas on the eve of her de ure {rin that paradise of maiden whith every well-bred English would properly cherish until or appears to made "Lost lose She was a to 0 den v "wholly prosperous suit ake her away from it, it was own, too, that the resolute Pamela ould not carry a prayer book, or lgven a bouquet. She would not wea $ the altar of St Margaret's, in minster, the close-fitting gown hich 'fashion regarded as essential as fhe church regards the prayer 8hé would not have half a dozen bridesmaids. 'Only her sister, Barbara, Would be permitted to accompany her nd that in a Greek robe, flowing Pamela Jekyll, Souls," was true her cult. book Jatest leader of the to the traditions nt Who are the "Soul one entrancing bit, of modern femin iy. lhe only burning Sappho, although she blue-stockinged as a Madame vigng and as charming as a I' Enclose--but not that way. She would talk world politics with (ladstone in the afternoon, to his in finite satisfaction, to sof jety s infinit delight. She would bishop at night into domatics, fox in the morning heroine she ~wasn t wa was o de Ninon d St discuss rcligion with until he wa she with a would sportin and Long, long years 8go the world ask- another question, "Where is the st Atlantis?' No one has BHswers d gitively yet, just as as p > sitively learned what the st Atlantis. So, tog there 3 no oue was is no sure reply to he quest on, 'Who are the Souls ?"' Une great coterye--in England will Heclare that the Souls vanished utter ly years ago, soon after they first be gan to lose themselves, Ja the win pme, wilful Pamela of An other roup will declare are more aif than and early steady now to take the thegears and time by the make all of us artistic, classic and ecstatic a to-da) they ever, prety world forelock esthetic, ul pf pnconv ntional, who all of them are i the but say » to take a census « flies # here one minute alc pext; and to say precisely what they are--eveh to have them say it of them selves--Wwould be like asking the but terflies gto write their graphies for the benefit of science They # don't know. But, far the) ow, they are except onal hu man beings who, have discovered that they reglly have souls, as distinguish od from the tiresome, } ol body with its gross appetites its paiftiul vahitics are agreed se the wings ol 9 arf§tio ;oys, and all Jatitudg, of thought, which or natuges crave. Mostly, they are girls mighty $pretty girls. ndbod gould ever have orange blossom whether Souls gr whether every was lugging around evaporated rhinoceros. But ® bunch troubled: with their v lof purdiwhite, flutterin --it wag enough to set every man Engla 30 a the their they cared a gin ole they 'vel, trying to resurrect his dead soul it might fit in some- {had set the whole more than a dozen [kept it on a. level , lown Psyche flutterings, because maybe, where. % It was o that pars pu ; of Sir Charles Roughters. founded the Society Souls. © At least, that is the which fins been popularly given 'when Margot Tennant it Ehvlish folk try to be really ac fourate i reference to them. B She fascina | pretty as as she Was hg as sho was intellectual | was accdmiplighed--Di Vernon, Mignon, int Fanella and Hypatia, all rolled Men should look for this Tag on Chewing Tobaeco. It guananteesthehigh quality of Black Watch The Big Black Plug. echt i he ebitpe the own autobio- ¢ thave wearied, civiliz- and | 10 | those souls to all | they esoteric cag and some are weren't, had one of them [irom the stage inside of her an | of pretty girls, all varied assortment |exclusively, and so soulful souls | only in at work, with pick and sho- machines. s the wonder of her dav, as|suitors--a as | she was learned, as, lovely | matrimony; but she had daring, as athletic as she destiny of amazing the British public { vicar until he was ridden nearly | apoplexy. | She shocked one hal | lish society, and editiedd the then she turned around, to edily | first. and shock the others. | And nobody dared hint th } anything but a carefree { whole souled, highed spirited, | girl. 1° It was just at the time | land--and Scotlan 1, too, I | ter was thinking of the gay Marge | every hour of the time it | thinking of bread and butter, to the conclusion life i worth living, after all. | Her sould was cribbed, cabined, cor { and various other show that girl | for female suffrage { But Margot Tennant do something unexpected Sol she did it, She | among her vast admirers, men. and she of pm th it she wa adorabl Eng when nr wasn that sh wasn | came fined things whic usually is about read for simply or marriage had ted friend circle ot wn women, a few whe hrewdiy ispected, might acu around loose to breath soul lving wal a ling for somebody life int lit. | jeerbohm Tree gnd his t {the Hon. Arthur Balfour, by, now duchess of Rut others had kindred plenty of decorums httle bit They came t, artistic vented La and, dy Gra and yul tl ith tl discovered to freedom of ol Ir the a number of souls her needed from iron-hound lity, with a the side. fashionable + | the extremely high convention romance the camg they they « unite ro ent om set, and v ot; from polities, and cat i they had a most lovely time so esthetic And it, being though they that they felt 1 the higher aspirations,of the them from thinkin were composed of intellectual souls kept being marvellons Margot, thing going a lofty | did Then the 1 as her n { s Tennantis six | most original thing. of the name | guith, who was forty years o \ \ Id, ho compat | : { She married plain Herbert secretary under Gladstone, poor, reputed as cold of natu full of fire, and--of | tively las Margot was 1 "Lost Soul fulfilled She had become a embark hosen And, incidentally, she had » fupon the destiny had herself some years prev ously, | she announced that the highest enjoy in life of she t could I the | pIness she | be minister. It is an ambition i permit of quite so many vag {flauntings of the conventions as {characterized the Margot Tennant Ymaidenhood But, to pt | that fits well with one aspect of |} chameleon character, a gO Vopr; and Fame premier-maker for all m { from marshaling to idower"s aid all her vast coterie friends to plaving the mother to his batch of children. to become wife a which does use a che was she plaved the there her chosen wy model a argued hunt. a to Epo other half; brilliant, | that mat fic frov vite ey he who | hish widower with five children would | BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1908. THE DAILY _-- a rrr Ee ----_---- 1 A | § | | cardera/Zhes. ° | { 1 | | FT ok Serie When "Souls bl A h] of the the children Wwe the viished Margot 1 Asquith £° 1 \ all | 1 just Vo pTLA OMT Tectia Fon WRT Q 000000000000000000000 SPRING UNDERWEAR TRADE O-O-OC O00 IMPERIAL When you for 'tha IMPERIAL CROWN BRAND Every garment guaranteed. Dupr- buy Underwear ask about old they had leader was dormant cult. drew y wuld have creet hid l, of v | sure », | but y | And, torm that a new th ame ] to | their ol me discover own brand best domesti pri- | to revive the mo d her to oo prepare 1 her ala, the fe Amen 1 Jes Bar renced 1 a to 1 n | vaey d | Brita 3 Le ad | whi, r k th Teady | he al ( mn 0 redler The Key to Economy The Chicago Jewel Gas Stoves are durable, easily cleaned and practi- cally indestructible. Every & woinan who uses a Chicago s Jewel would not part with it, if she could another. See or d er ay Pamela t 1 d M H als chenna ongred | Very 1 | Dodo took te | storm; } Wt | the sprightly it | sprightiy Lost Soul, ring { founder of the y was vicarious mamma to fine marry thes And Lady he duchess of Fnolich beautliul fola Tree, f an original pretty And rnex peed enson came whose ul cm yopular thm, wan:| the hterary Britan world an instantly all Margot be graceful | H o.ned whether handsome Viol, would 'Soul" or tum traitor and] the Mar mis of Granby, who, v, is engaged to her, thas m Marjorie in the oeily Dado. 2 mgleed, was Souls now 1 e| Stay a mn | ones real mpmuma to 8 | satiable { a W too, the lov d hter of] courted to-day, who would heen consort of Prines Arthur of I King Fdward hadn't] mother, dache from « over, oly ambitions helpmeet n, and the sobrigue t it nwhile.some of the other behind did not m not get them i at Manners Rutland, of ne rhiiamentari hencelorth ne | known by t of Dide most SS 0 mn Me he dich Fike much, either beauties " ki of on | ha wo. king our Conmug ht store. hated her seem 0 that had lett the had CHICAGO JEWEL GAS STOVES ability, comfort. Made only HOSIERY CO. Ont, by KINGSTON S LTD., Kingston, QCOO0000000000000000000 Why Buy Imported Mattresses ? When you can get better and cheaper goods from your owm dealer, made by the Kingston Mattress Co. 110 Clergy S&. The Kingston Granite | ' whiteness hue while when, marchioness of was a shning "Soul" Ia among the earlier gronp. The of this vounger and mostly the days Granby, As wt | haracterized their sh wae as virginal Margot yr They i gerons creature Hy she and and ¢ t that the science of psychology, naw new | : discovered of batch are unmarried. No it] "Souls" etain the angel | | | } new and the SAS TF BROS., 77 P RINCESS ST. and Marble Works. Having moved to the 4 Vi / remise; * of Princess and Clergy Aromigcn, Sarnag and ndals thus far have stirred np the in that attaches to them. 8 a remarkabl at the hour of the "Souls." Mrs Asquith, the summit the) ambition set herself by beeoming | the wife of the premier, the new lead | Pamela Jekyll, should m that parallels the ewd Maroot. lestined 8 only which ter But thant, earlier romances, not nity. Some of the affinitics happened to there d quite a few rows, dissemsions and lbecke in among the "Souls™ remainin and all the "Sails* €onecern-d haste 1- | ed to decide that the hest thing thes re eould do wonld he to forget it dut such glory had len | does not entively fade: and out with'n a generation, has apetually Tanded in the dis TEEIOIEEIEETORS © 9 1 hie NU married. So ensue it 1d pee the seandals, \ con a most he their rand all | (| er 1k i o a 5 match | clover, shr Is shs, micr of her | and And: Lady Mariorie Manners. who 18 | generally likely to ARO: 1 np bl : : a ear. | hocome the new leader of the mvsterl ines i ned marriag does die | it er f le v Co a rn ort to make The finest Deafness Cannot Be Cured. by local reach the Always fresh. regarded as most applications they 2: diseased portion of ly one way to cure de is hv constitutional rer g caused by an inflamed the mucous linkme of Tube. When this tube is ir a rumhling sound or and when is entire <: is the result ind un atlon can be taken out ns 3 8 the cictv--will sha coirtinge i determined pssanlts of dy renorts have had fewer than hol and society is expecting almost ment on t 4 ct ng the | off th Alre; t of en - no a dozen | Phone 58. (Ya eYare t announe i rea an ot men', a et is ex I vangeline Ganong's G.B. Chocolates 'A.J.REES, 166 Princess St EEE WELCH'S MARBLE YARDS We are prepared to han ders all kinds of Monumental a Call ot inspect our Stock and Designs pd are new and up-to-date. r, WhiEh Spec i i pra ial attention given to Inscription NEW MACHINE SHOP. A call is invited for i al manufacturing and AR ints ol afar Special work such as machine SBAr De ig lawn mowers (we ha I " | machine in the city for this alain | repairing sewing machines uns cho graphs, scales, razors, ed od tools, dies ; brasing, model an De thor making. Best of attention givén al work. Repairs may be tested befor Jeaving shop; Work guaranteed Worle outside city prompti, * ded Charges moderate. ly ava oy . W. HUNTER, Machinist, 30 ted St.. (eas Princess) Kingston. aa aken at Siwmons Nros. and ane luven's Parcel Delivery. ay VY in the city. restored to its normal ill be destroyed fog of ten are eaused h. nothing but ondition ws surfac One Hundred Dollar used hy Us Hall's free CO... To Pills for tube hearin f| and this condition eve ni | hy Cat od | flamed © {| We will give | any eage of Deafness (c + | that eannot he cured by { Cure. Send for girculars F. J. CHENEY & Take Hall's Family pation. Sold by Druggists, 75¢; of Viola nh marriace is of Strange that such the th ouph the Troe to the Mar oF q Or / an Ve lot \ or le A Tle os a spulf A sl i] machination o * "Rows" it ALL. GRADES. nada Metal Co.,Ltd love god ! led ot FHiott J. Kimball r tric], at Tilbury, Healey, : Wps com for shooting LOWEST IF IT IS TO GET A SINK Set up or a bath room : installed, | I can do it in first-elass style and {a e right price. Gi bam ive me a, 'DAVID HALL PRICES. 31 WILLIAM ST. +9 TORONTO, ONT Phone 3256 9 64 Brock 5