Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Aug 1908, p. 1

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| Sy Baily pais YEAR 2 75--N0. 183. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUsT Be. 1908. LAST EDITION TT 5 08 c or es ag r-------- a, -- HAS BEEN ARRESTED. . CRIMINALS' QUEUES, ' LAYS BLAME ON DOCTOR, . {A Famous Singer Accused of Chinamen"s Pigtails Reach San! Who, She Says, Told Her to . ili i Crime, : Francisco. A Hide It. { ~ ha Toroato, Aug. lan, Cal, A 5.~The story 6 I 5.--0ttawa Val= Aug. 5.~--Signor Aliredo Ven: Qan Francisco, Cal, Aug. 5 New York, Aug. story - of de Hl a HT | euline consighment 18 4hat forint | -- Chalta Cameron, g pretty nurse gif] » Mile oi: his 1 ] if the ro of the Pe 2 A 4 UU lilan fr his triumph part of the cargo of the Pacific liner eighteen vears old, employed in the ley and Upper St. She Walked Through Miles = Coiont Garden, has been arrested | His Young Bride Taken [hie wh breached port last night. | Despatches From Near And | Lebeno holpital, charged with the : Lawrence 10a.ms n a warrant issued last April charg It consists of queues o 1 Chjna- | theft of a diamond ring, valued at ) of Flames. {ing him with assaulting the eleven From Him. men, of a total value of near Xo, Distant Places. $400, from Mrs. Mary Gilgoil, an em --To+day and on varoid, daughter of a Milanese fam [00 which are to. be used i ergency patient, may result, according Thursday, mode= \ accorded him hospitalit = ranufac y of "rats" {or women. BUN . . ' Ee ~bich my the a -- The queues for the most past arl to the police, in the arrest of a " rate to fresh south e of alr 3 » "pep : wd eri gician in the institution. i; of nu ical reports, was executed : thoes of executed criminals, and it is : hl SAVED HER CHILDREN Ar city P: staurant, wi Hy Sit r {stated by ealers in women's baie | Mrs, tatfoil wore three rings, on to west winds, i & : ere Signo 3 : n v { [Venturini had taken lodging toroods jthat such are now being which was the diamond ring, a gold showers and thunder stor: but | Though unnerved on learning tl i lugively- used in "rat a watch and a gold chain. . etl fair a d ms, : hy a . : {1t may aston 1 those of the smart se "A doctor told me to take the dia- partly . nd very warm. 5 ATE. | h ) cause of his arrest the singer loudly earn their coiffure is founded ve ring ide it, that the wo- / to learn that their coiflure is found | GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST Sota ring aud hide it, tha he o | | | | LAY IN STREAM TO SAVE] [protested his innocence He is a wi THE CHARGE AGAINST, HIM |, on the locks of some 2 ated murder- SI man would never miss it," the nurse SUFFOCATION. hr of a hte a, a IS ABDUCTION. _ er or conspirator of the Clestial Ring- Blg Tou. | sid to he Balies, giving the nemeqf ather of : oy of gixteen and a girl ™ dom. the physician. ---- of fourteen, who are at college in hi | aE | i 8 8 kabl Bl Bickle Boot OF Hor axl. Little loi Brought Girl of His Cheits ite KEVETONE POSITIONS | Matters That Interest Everybody| Miss Cameron is a remarkably pre As the authorities absolutely refuse Canada and Married Her--En- | ir lack r and hazel Ones--List of Heroes and! ~Nyhs From All Svere-Litde| wh oh ith fn hal a Heroines to Be Made--A Very | A ot Saif the proverbial slowness jayed But Three Short Weeks|In the Construction of Presi- | © ying Easily Read] Thrilling Episode. BF ol aly Tetilery. 16 Rfohable T Wedded Felicity. dential Campaign. | 2nd Resemyered, Fernie B.C Aug. b Among strained to cancel his engagements f : ! Buffalo, N.Y., Aug. 4.--The s fs Admiral Kingsmill is visiting Guelph | . 1 : g. 1 ir the i gag nts tor | » » Aug he Story of | for the old home week festivities. | The Arabs Are Panic-Stricken Over many heroic cases revealed is that ¢: lsome time to come. His case is sole-| an elopement and three weeks of wed- |' Senator 'W. B A Lis the Jl ° z Mrs. Houry Motriss wife of a mi lv within the competence of the | ded bliss came cht when Detec- | : | kno a United Ste oO a i a ; Occurrence. : caught in the edge of brush with her |8ize courts. The penalty attached ) tives Kennedy id Barrett arrested 3 dead R d Slates statesman, is Constantine, Algeria, Aug. 5 A five little childreri. Her husband hal | the offence of which he is aceused { Wiliam Woodworth, twenty-two vears f } . | Hi % i : | violent earthquake was experienced been caught in their burning home fifteen vears' solitary confinement, } old, in a restaurant at No. 92 Swan oR $ a) ti yr pe 1s i, of Hamilton, BAYS yesterday. It lasted ten seconds and and perished I'he woman carried and Signor Venturini achieved fame at j street y 5 | a oceasions when lying is jus- | did great damage. No people were the Scala Opera House here, and is ga His bride of three weeks, who was i 3 ; jase, Soi. m . : | killed here, but it is reported that a | formerly 1 Muriel Crandall, daugh a thy yaa! men emphatically | umber of lives were lost in the near- the interior. twelve' miles. filiti Crandall: a woll-to-de, roi 48 | deny the existence of a combine among | hy towns. 'The population, especially their lives every inch of th . { a lent of Gl alls. N.Y.. was in the ; Ivette DWoats, - the Arabs, is paniestricken. The ; t= A Adams, teacher of manual | theatre, the bank. the hotel and the quently e whole family |} s. He LOG BITE ENDS HUG restaurant at ) ide of her hushand | | . : 3 ow i : pny when the arrest was made | training at Stratford, bas resigned to| market™ygere partially wrecked. I'he down the stre x foe cam : y ; fe . | ps : : The charge hduction w la | ) p go to terbor qua $ i maged. The | @ 3 Lior he clothe ' liters Pittsburg Chambermaid Dying, : hary ahcuction was pia g i The seat of the late Mr. Gray on the {Arab quarter was badis damaged. burned fie j 5 ' o wainst Woodworth in the warrant. It] X { : » casualties occurred at Romftach and + e Hotel Guest in Cell. : : i Montreal Stock lxchange has been i beimny ed, and t re \ + P - : 3 alleged thi voung woman, who | 3 LO | sold for $17.000 Condemendon, where mmny dwellings thirty hours without foo r to, A 1g. J. Bes *t d become "h wide, was bud seven Ha A io for diy, . . | were destroyed Hundreds of huts Ihe : ke ; : : - . | « ty chambermaid eq " CUTS O | Saas | I or forest ee 5 tarted up, again in are demolished in the suburbs of Con y Dresses To-Morrow by through a pall © re RE hotel Bnjex r, is ie hos y e Buckley ' ns Falls. ; A : ho tenay a iy and the town of | (antine and a great crevice in the 1 1 § Cone 1 1 ig : | che was burned. earth has api eared in the northern i---------- KILLED BY EARTHQUAKE. led her children, the voungest four year old, nlor a small stream into |ereat favorite with the Milanese pub ue 4 al ! Wh . aL. } H : te of a b A ani cate the b ir When the officers pla od : e | Considerable dame has been done | plain \ ; | land a number of lives lost by an ios Our showing of these earthquake in Algeria : { Dismiss Idea. y pretty garments this season { ia \ a Aen mie quite rh at national London Aug. H.--1In the August was both large and varied in siuantity of supplie to Fernie and og » Hart of a duty it ¥ a . 3 rie bs on versal disarmament -colbes | Auer of the National Review W. 'I fact it was too large, but husband under arre he to his | S al ade commis. ' : Ihursday 1 he found | sioner 39 on. aps _-- han a we Ye BO going to carry ong ; Fut Sere ay gin, she | nd e_ voung de create tite al f to be closed He week [6n fair play to .Japan. . "The soon-|3 of these dresses over. If cut to make a list he vorthy of the | i iampt y caress: the chambormait ita, | Sstaufant Yhen hee hu JAMES A, TAWNEY, Ressiter a... James 0 Brign, | 1+". Save Preston, "we 'isttiss the ides prices will 'isle thei ove. him with a bine . v sl p i James ney has been], iy °, a £ tly killed in | that Japan may pos ibly be a hewer They are made of Prints, y p ng 1 Ae i RE ) {of wood and a drawer of water flor Chambray, Duck, etc., all during the great econflagratio i rn 4 Aled Ha am RN ! ' i 4 ie mines, hy a lg i slate. 1 { the better. There a vw ations w bette Pre r | the we tern na ion well cut styles and prettily g ra vel w UDO . dog jumpet She Mhe quick response ( ur 2 Lar mead 4 ) | . i ' para em | an, Judge Taft's -rum mate | x bond] | : 1 P shi elle er, of a Crosse, Wis, | ould be no greater illusion as to may not | oh 4 ) Mi : : ' t ri h ti we head the actual situation it should Ie At Altoona, Pa., the Pennsvlvania | railroad shops, emploving 12,000 men, wrrounding town s largely no ing wa 8 Cla order a question of organization mittee of pmblic safety propos lfe-saver's medals tows Wong the border ha t ' : u | . 1 \ of : i { was fata wounded bv a jealous lov- : . Rita ha oY trimmed. { frankly and fairly faced It may 0 ; ; 1 il k 0 Ye th . t ean ngres nal am Mme. Tosselli Wants Divorce 2 2 : gating the extinction of the shad i | startle some stay-at-homes to realize dpi ' 5C : gating the extinction of the shad fish Prices were from 5(c the liveliest feeling of covdiality ar ' i , v -------------- ee V « an £3 & attack aiter dance oll the towr of Crow Nost ! Y : « an an attack alter a Al 5.--According to the | ed hit ¢ I . tad te 5 : : : : : : bos ut 1 of a president nix \ 3 « |that the Japanese regard themselves cion. The government ommission "investi: ery 1s in session at GOLD BRICK SWINDLE I : i gin) : wey ' A mob at Terry, S.)., a mining|ns the equal of any western nation." |@ to $2.75. ! y, alm whipped to death George Saxony, for v divoree from her Ti y : ak n vo wil \ « aa % NY a : ft : : 1 norman wa ha x who had beaten his wife while] Moonlight Trip Io Clayton. Scotlanl Yard Issues a Warning |, . husband. hi 1 1 ' , Publ wisician husband, has rialized k 1 < | wed ¢ vho he t 3 1 ) . to ublic., f ri s has enter a suit at : Ly i i thi wiar 1 ce. 1 n the street Moonlight excursion to Cayton, y 6 B Th L k IR op : . . | ti 0 resi d ol ay ! Dominion government will make! N.Y., 1 hursday, August 6th. Steamer ou an uy em | 8 ' This To-Morrow Aug. 5 seat land ard is cidelberg fe the dissolution of her \ wibl warning against ¢ | at mial bonds on the ground of i es GC) 3 « re or 1 brick swindle game being worked hy [her une nquerable dislike for Toselli thei wa j Bome and was born ne wet tysburg, 1 substantial grant for the relief of | Aletha leav Swift's wharf at 7.30 | the distress occasioned by the fire bn | o'clock. Tickets, he Crow's Nest p | i ablected for some time to the attén- { { farnt, near Smithville, 60c a new district for natural gas. demanded to dispatch a messenge: to tions that Woodworth paid to Miss Ainerion ¢ y ums are extor Crandall. In fact, it = stated that |FRENZY CAUSED BY RE-|' A steel screw steamer, nated Kin | CHAS. DARLING, INVERARY, y 00c " 62¢ Pp || APPROACHED POPE IN THE 1c sori ta buep Wouworth ms| PORT OF DAMAGE. | mount, intended for service on the| "Me prs WITH ACCIDENT. |§ 1.00 "« he bar VATICAN GROUND the house w oO sus that ¢ dl | Canadian wi launched at m . not are ve © t front 1 Dumbarton-on-the-Cly de on Monday 1 or ( - : } } » i Rips WE lorse 5 '04-- > | ld) 90¢ Paper Mills Shut Down > Black Rust W DYSE Thar. 04 Corn J . nsselacr, arrested iu | | Was Found on Bara Floor in An Le Watertown, N.Y \u 5.--Mill :1| Had a Fancied Grievance--Gen-|the Crane Said to Be Firing and Loss , o he s i Unconscious State, With Xis 1.75 the International Paper ec any i darmes Had to Use Force to Finally, t ¢ week ! OO Will Be Untold [Unless Rains [threat ! let te ) other as | . the Watertown divi td C ord worth si 1 that t 1 § C to. Rel Sit on heen di ed fro oHovue | Skull Fractured. " tertom mn al X Mm arry Out the Order ph . ant : ee to bb ome to Relieve Situation. | : : . ay and 100 paper makers are « i work ATTY Fu ae . i ind na 1 Ear we t 1 1 Charl Darling well-known fa i. The materials alone time bein t lea t \ \ 1 hx davig a v did n d yO ' | Trlr ge : Ras ret : ! t ven-year-oid ol | who live Who wali a mile south worth the money. Call and i i onsihle P of the ose tra f hei rehe han, si 1 of so rant Lili 1 Atlan was. | of thverary, was the victim ol ap ac | see them. 1 | lent n ~Wednesday morning have a ' t | YP Cash Sales No Aprroval. Only meagre spondence sults. Generally money means of a letter to a deceased person {and his inferior education i According: to the story fold by | hi t pass. thanking him for past fe r§ I'he | eden mene uckley, the 'Glens Falls detective the | A natural gas well with a good flow Ri letter is read hy exeentors and corr | Buen of "the: girl and an wnele od Lf gag has been struck on the aL 50c Dresses for 37le " Ont. 'this : 6 4, 42¢ upon the swindle howing rate entrar appears that Mx barn, early he a : : A Jealous Youth Sudden Death Of James Lee. eh Hn ale y or 'aducah Aug. James K and shot thro bably die rts from | | : na i tes ! t t aa" -- Kings FARRAR HAAN HAEAAAANNN A CRUELLY RUINS EYESIGHT. pr Using Hot Case Knife on Adopted Child. he eiglh ar-old adopte Marie Bessie, hy burnipg the i 1 oly 168 ta ym at Altor who examined the tht of ithe left eve New Cure For Tetanus. shurg. Pn., Aug. 3.--Phys Mercy hospital of Pittsburg discovered SEALERS We Carry in Stock ALL SHES, [FrUEREe cams ROBERTSON BROS. August 5tn, In Canadian History, r a h ace kinfe and inflicting Demuth. ma + "WHIRL OF DEATH." Coshocton, Ohio, Aug. 5. --William Wilson was in- stantly killed in a theatre here when he tried a new kind of "loop-the-loop,""' known as the "whirl of death," on a bicycle. The theatre was crowded with women and children, A who became panic-stricken, and rushed to the exits. Many fainted and were tramped in the rush. No one was seriously hurt. Wilson was thrown forward and high in the air, 6 his head strik- 3 ing a beam. He was al- ¥ most instantly kil lled. 4 * ¥ @* FHEFF ¥ HHS FREE TRADE POLICY. It Must Ultimately Prevail Su Lord Welby. ) I'he city, yesterday, in the chair. Delegates were present fiom Belgium, Denmark United States and France, Ger many, Great come for fre that van in ed Cross drug store, KEES HFEEEF CHURCH DE BT CLEARED, Comes to Aid CAUSE OF FIRE, Nelson, B.C., Aug. 5.-- The most sensational story in connection with the Fer- nie fire comes from Cran- brook, where it is asserted that proof is forthcoming that three bush fires were ROBERT J. REID. The Leading Undertaker. | Fone, 577. 227 Princess stat, tarted' at Fernie, which ¥ | MOTOR BOAT CATCHES FIRE. A Welcome Demonstration eventually burned all the ¥| town, with the express #4 Craft Sparks arrest in Fernie jail. It is 8M fast motor a matter of fact that, MM .x-(ommodor while most of the prison- i XN York ers were given their liberty, the five suspects in ques- # ve miles v thi tion: heavily ironed, were je iis afternoon whe taken to Cranbrook, and {ance out from the Thousa % will be brought to the pro- WM Yacht club house, oppos % vincial jail her later. # | and the gasoline tank * effort was being made a PASSER | burning craft to shore ne ---------------- | | 01} of the tank resulted in the Anton Pellowski struck a match in of the--beat, but not hunting. a leak in a gas tank in the peer{ very b v damaged. purifying building of the Winona Commodore Be Minn.. Gas company. and a terrific ghoard the boat 1 nn ; A explosion followed, setting fire to thei club dock. When a ilding a causing heavy damage. from shore the boat took d. one of whom| Bourne made several {forts te tip the boat While he was doi men were injure ---- her Double Bill At The Bijou. Hayden, a member Four films theatre to-day and Thursday. ne irited comedies, Lhe A took voung Bourne A entures of Baby Buntir and ""Lhr h the Air on 1 a romanti yma of 200 years oline tank exj led. Phe Bandit King and the Duchess, and splendid fife picture views of Stockholm, the capi Sweden The latter are es- fine and interesting, shewsng of the city and how they n a wreck on the tal of 000 o Summerby sings 'What | eifi hetween Portage Your Answe 37? vers, Man., thé engineer left the vacht disian are shown at the Bijou Island Yacht club, who tudl- | the burning boat. put to tow ying boat about half way to the Beautiful the boat. It at once motion! tom. but has sinpe heen Th St ke wns worth -------------------- Practically Destroy-| xj this week (Aug. &th to 8th) object of freeing the five * ed Near Alexandria Bay. Plack Hand suspects under i Alexandria Bay, N.Y. Jell-O AND i Jell-O Ice Cream caught short dis-| gi] be demonstrated in our stores Islnd Drop in and try them. aN =" ~~ FREE =~ Jas. Redden & Co. = Importers Of Fine Groceries, vou. |For Every Variety of Dwellings, sot ah 4 Lots, Etc.' In the city, Mcluding Western Canada in the Apply to | SWIFT'S REAL ESTATE and IN- SURANCE AGENCY. start SEALER & PICKLE BOTTLES qua . for Pickle Be Us, Hr wm 5 ond. Hud Store, Pho ie, cers consider the feat of cruiser Indomitablo a splendid tri< Ibute to the Parsons' turbines. The nk Pa- | longest day's run was 605 knots. The and | Indomitable passed more than fifty was kille +d | icebergs, but encountered little fog nd two others of the crew were bad- | after leaving - Belle Isle. No hitch oo- and let ly injured. them at Gibson s Red John Pope. city treasu Yhone 230, | don since 1882, is dead, | curred from the start to the finish of of Lon- | the vovage. The Prince of Wales took : { the keenest interest in the speed trials

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