Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Aug 1908, p. 8

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1908. "+++ THE 5 P.M.EDITION PRESENTED THE PRIZES, cemme=z==e= BUSY DAY FOR COURT | PROGRAMME ARRANGED, | | AN EVENT AT THE KING. Palate Off tial. THIRTY-TWO LIQUOR | | iF Sports on Civic Holiday and | STON YACHT CLUB. | i CHARGES ON DOCKET. URS Band Concert Sunday. To-M Will Be Hotelmen' The committee having in charge the The Awards Made in Several of | . o-Mozrrew Fa en 3 sports for civic holiday have made all | the Club Events So Far Run| 4 . Day Before the the final arrangements, I he pro-| & gramme has been drawn up as fol-| Offi --Arranging For a Cruise, lows : | A meeting' of the Kingston Yacht { Monday, 10 am; to 12 nom Club was held Tuesday evening, for | Aquntic events off Macdonald Vark, the purpose of presenting prizes "woh | consisting of canot and skifi races, so far this season and for other busi- | swimming races, canoe tilting, walk- | ness. The regatta committee presented | {their report on the winners in the | ifferent events and prizes were given | as follows : For the Bruee Carruthers tfgphy ser- ies the Kathleen won the greater num- Magistrate-- The Liquor Men Will Put Up a Strong Defence. To-morrow will be hotelmen's day, at the police court. Magistrate Far- rell will have a very heavy docket, and will be very busy in the forenoon at least, and probably for some time after the lunch hour. As a result of the wotk of the liquor detectives, no less than thirty- two informations have becn sworn to and évery hotelman in the city, with the exception of five or six, will have to walk the carpet. Some of the PRICES a Pe) x ing greasy pole, ete 1:30 p.m., at Fair Grounds--Lacro, Belleville vs. Kingston; horse 6 On all kinds of New Fur : Garments made to special mato, : measure, and we also have | 2°°% three cents, under auspices of : i { the Gentlemen's Driving clitb; pute | special facilities for re-dying i bi as BC ln of cock A joer of points, and will have her name repairing, and remodelling 2 : ee : engraved on the trophy 'as the cham- bold Fur Garments to the (%| tion of fancy driving; fool races fori, "rr 1908, newest styles, men, women and children; three-legged | 7p (ha Vietoria Day race, the Kath- BS ! 4 y hotelmen will have two charges to races, greasy pig race, and other [jo on first place and Col. Strange : fate, but none of them have more a bi i o mL events, lL ane 4 ' a rateh - i ve than two. | aceepted a handsome stop watch: on % : I ] : : PD. M. McIntyre stated to-day, that Sunday evening--Band concert at | hehalf of her owner, H. W. Richard- we was acting for the defendants. It Macdonald Park, given by 14th regi [ son. The Temeraire, Bruce Carruth- SULT > py sy John McKay Fur Houss, { | ment band. fer' , won a life buoy and the Isis, SULTAN OF TURKEY. + |was stated that the liquor men had = Mutat Waddell . and Hora, carried off London, Aug. 5.--A special despatch | secured the services of James Haver- 149-155 Brock St., > from Goeva saye the Sultan of Turkey son, K.C., Foronto, but one of the Kingston, Ont 3 Tas 'the Dominion Day race the Chi- | 2% stabbed in the breast, on Monday hotelmen charged, stated to the Whig, : S Gi 8 azor ™ es. Hiya, Dalton brothers "won first, the night, by a former palace official. The | this morning, that the hotelmen had ot yet decided as to who would re- { [OEE OEE erResRenss is second, and the Kathleen third, | cont of mail, which the sultan always s A | i fee their owners received the prizes | wears, deflected the blow. The would: | present them. 1 Is . a 5 | { be assassin was arrested. Apparently "How do you think it will go?" he A won. Sharpened and Made I It 'wae decided to have the annual | { he had been bribed to commit the act. | he was asked. "Will the a | Labor Pay cruising race to the foot » fet lead guilty ? : : : of Wolfe 1sland, starting on the Sat- The Story Confirmed, No, they will be sure to fight it As good as new for {urday previous to the holiday. A han- London, Aug. 5.---The attempted ut," was the reply. | dicap has been arranged in order to | assassination of the sultan, on Mon The liquor man Stated hat & Mitel a give the slower boats a chance and {dav night. by a palace "attache; in ing had Hey heid as nig i but t at 4 lprizes will be given to the winners. | confi . RA . wothing definite had been done. e | 25¢ Package 3! | confirmed in messages from Constan | jo uaht that perhaps, Mr. Haverson . | ' | {Tre will to Wo classes, Ye Tastes | tinop! lle would act for the hotelmen, as he | slower: hoats dn the other. * Ad effort | | was counsel for the Licensed Victual- Special attention paid to Safety |will be made to interest the motor | CITY AND VICINITY. ers' Association. This association was government dey dock, vesterday;- on her way west Make superb gifts and have aed : held in 7 p Ea out OWners a ¢ se and a com- n e-organized at a meeting held in To- 4 1 3 . what every present should Me| gp... oo 0 pod [ont owners in thé cruise and a com- | Pius Porrics. Sori at He iy Most women now require lighter rs and Lockett was appointed to inter- | . : trinsic value. ------ vie w 'the 'motor nren and Arrange a | pails and boxes. J. Crawford. I'he serving of the summonses came haps not as long over the hips to Buy here and you are sure \ . x the esence of 'the *'spotters," X ' r | Das i however, hoped that the | Keep Cool On The Water. 18 the 'presence of h spotters, of getting only the best. W. A. Mitche 21], [power Norte will join with the sailing | Thursday, America makes i com a ankBawws. nd i hammocks, perhaps lower under w raid on 16 wtelmen has caus 2 Solitaire Rings, from $10 ye oa i : WwW 4 fe together over the holiday. 2.80 p.m. 'home early, fare ble. v ; ) to as high as you care to go. | - HA RD ARE : ow Kathleen and Chiriya are on | ten ases are called in police court, there x or other out-door amusements a ite Boab aa way being polished up for the Meeting On Saturday. > are i i : Bead values in 3-stone and gresasasasenesssereret os ming races. Fhe. Chiriva leaves, to- } Chairman -Oraiz has called a 'meet are indulged in. All good makes ve-stone Rings, day { $ x . oy & Fall Term Opens Sept. 1. a distance race from thai port to Chau- | Saturday afternoon, at four o'clock, Er oaners punning out of Fpstan Nd. requirements. These are made ¢ deal il not escape \¢ eyes oO 0 "'spot- 1g - & ¢ 1 » go to Chaumont Bay to take part in !nroposition. hree steamers, the America, Caspian . Spangenberg & College, Kingston. ® the Eastern Circuit and the Crescent i! md the North King, with viala- lining. Reliable makes of Summer Corsets . . 4§ } Pr : : R nercial branches The highest:ig | 14th d 15th, A fine time is expect list of the hotelmen summoned wit} JEWELLER, < rl of pail commercial school 2 | ! AT kh ul a Tele | Herbert Ryan, a young man, wa a in ol a steamers, wi Mo We ave offering special scholar- @| wking part in the gruising race will | and hin oe igh Bity. Yemistering ¢ » there, Power boat races will also |"! Wednesday morning. He was an PAL. Haffner, Anglo-American, one rime for. particulars. : LRTI | imsmerman, on a charge of being Con. Millan, Iroquois Hotel, one Helpfal advice as to suitable models will DIAMOND MERCHANT TT. N. STOCKDALI, MARINE NEWS. {| drunk, and was fined $3 and costs, Navew be Sin y ELH ELL | $9999944993949994999 99 The Items Gathered About the Rideau Lakes And Ottawa. W. Telfer, British-American, two Harbour. Rideau hing and Queen leave for sharges. Phe schooner pide is loading [ dav ami Saturday, at 6-ani, and for Hotel. one charge. : feldspar, at Richardsons | Clayton, N.Y,, Tuesday, Wednesday Joseph Paradis, Ontario House, James Swift & Co-, Agents. x Dunigan, Kennedy House, one ---- - 1arge. and «fh, to-day; steamer letha, from harges. hav points: steamer Rideau Queen, Jor | Inspector Arniel had three com C. D. Horne, Provincial Hotel, one Prudeau are still busv zt the Cana- dian Locomotive Works" slip [he | shot, ordered a horse to its stable I.. Martin, Revere Hotel, two - s : 8 a he { ee' consisting of Messrs, Albree : : " : rs i have--sentiment and in- tbo nesting f Messi ge | Blueberries, pails, half pails, yuarte: | 1 large number of Kingston hotelmen, weight Corset S. Corsets per- > to suit themselves for Labor | 18 a great surprise to the hotelmen, permit lounging in chairs and he cruise and have a fine | plete to of the Thousand Islands, 8 Xe : : : a i i i in t ru and have a hn pe A A RO «Wl widespread interest, and when the X the arms if tennis, rowing Se ---------------------------- rem . s sure to be a crowded audience. Eo umilton. to enter the long- ine or he Wate works wormittes for The Hotelmen Summoned. have summer models to fit these . mont Bay at the ower house, to again \ : 3 3 2 The Frontenac Business & "liv all the Kingston hoits will {With the uch talked about coal shed | ters." and as a result, they charge of light, cool batiste, with flexible High-grade courses in all com- 4 Club races, to be held there on the At Police Court ations of the liquor laws. Following is from ¢ number of + hoats . > in Fastern Ontario. the only offender in the police court § ;umber of charges : 50c, 5c, $1 to $3 Are Here. for the new term. Send or call . [rested by Constables McAdoo and | harge 'Phone, 680, Principal. ' C. Haag, Hub Hotel, one charge. -- {Ottawa, Monday, Wednesday, Thurs- Joseph A. ° McConnell, Collender he steamer Plammer called at the | pl, aod Saturday at 615 p.m wo charges. Ste © 0 g, do | rs Spence The 0 Swifts : Steamer X rth King 1 wn | Humane Cicer Busy. James Spence, Th Hall, tw 75¢c. to $5.00. Ottawa. this morning {ml slaints to deal with to-day. He in harge. > he dredge Sir Richard and. tug)ves stigated a complaint about a dog W. E. Harris, Congress Hotel, two || | {on Queen street, and had the anima | Larges. land had a batch of dogs removed | harges slip will be dredged out deep enough to accommodate any of the large irom a Princess street laneway. P. McKenna, Imperial Hotel, {wo J steamers coming to this port with] te harges. i conl or freight Reached Ottawa. P. M. Thompson, Club Hotel, two als S At. M. T. Co's whart I'he steamer | W A. RBearance, Charles Moxley harges. Rosemount and barges Ungava and | Gordon Hender on and Charles Pub J. S. Randolph, Randolph Hotel, Hamilton. cleared for Fort William: | low, reached Ottawa, to-day, on thei; §'%¢ charges. hn re stlented for Mutts {anos trip: The duos doit bore theo dubs, Carey, Albion Hotel, onej ; 3 real, with two grain barges and one | latter part of last week, making the | "WE pw 0 pl we | Made from fine quality White Swiss b Cl © Herd Lawn. Some are elaborately trim- Vig Bronso will ive, to ht. ! co wr back: te se cits J 3 ros., Aran pera otel, . . tug Brouson will anh . to-nig ming back to the city. io med with panels of Embroidery and BE ar ie Ho thes ebb ol , Me = II, Grimason House, one : : Wh n. oh when Wil the'eity coun Expenses Very Heavy. are rimason Jiouse, ont Valenciennes Insertions, and back instruct the harbor mast 0 do h "The board of health wit be called t Be . Rts ABE a ®t 3 duty and Sompel the ovis to T8 | ime he utat to dal wick oy orge. Jenman, Russell House, oug finished with cluster of tucks and move fhe eid, sun hirjleg as x a number of account he expense William Bloomfield, captain of the insertions. water : below Cat Taq; widge Such | yeeount of the board has been very | gteamer Caspian, one charge. derelicts are a daily disgrace to thi neavy this vear, owing to the very John JJarrells, eaptain of steamer city, and an official's civie pride. tol) 5 number of pfises that body | Newth Kine. one charge Others made with fine Kmbroider- ed Fronts and tucked in yoke effects. th 1 dut ould |, ' . : 2 say nothing of hi huty, hould | had to deal with and to Robert Carnegie, captain of the essary for the board to have an ad Also prompt him to act meet all the expense it will be. me steamer America, two charges, VICTORIAN ORDER. ditional grant. NEWS OF DISTRICT. coal "bharge: the tug Glide cleared for | trip down in easv stage hey wil Montreal with two grain barge the | spend' same davs in the capital befor Meeting of Local Executive Held A Plucky Rese Che Tidin ¥ Vari Point. o yv Rescue. gs From Various Points i * on Tuesday. {| T. Howard and two of his children in Eastern Ontario. White inen A meeting of the local executive of | hyve been down from Deseronto, this George: McDonald, Almonte, leaves the Victorian Order of Nurses was | week, The little girls were over at] for Bardizag, Asia Minor, where he is held on Tuesday, when the report or | Wolfe Island and in some way the | being sent for three years by the | * ° the month of July, of Miss Blanche | j.0,0 folj junto the river. There would | Congregational church, of Boston, as al or~ a e aists M. Hurse, nurse, who has taken the have been a sat accident instead oi | asrtéacher place of Miss Offord as yi tonan | .ioicin had it not been for Mis After being in poor health for months nut in the city, was receive ' | Idith Hague, who pluckily jumped | Mrs. Charles 8S. Johnston died, on During the mont! there were thar a & s : ha} . . into the water and oli the hutle | Tuesday at Avondale, Front of Sid-| child out as she was going down for | pey. Deceased, forty-eight years of | { the third time wo, was a daughter of thedate James teen newecases, the total number nurs ed being fourteen I'here were eight and gx non-paving patient : 1 f 813 beir received EN Barnes, 'Thurlow un of 813 bei y in fees . : :eil i A Decided Success. There died at the House of Industry Ther y y er and ¢ ecorets o uring the month, the visits number a ) Vv, I here Ww ill be bitter an vain. re gret nh 25. A cood deal of sickness is re n Tuesday evening a'tine lawn so sn Aug. Ist, Kiiza Crangle, of general % : d, iallv among the children t a held by the Sunday school | debility, committed to the home trom the part of those who are hesitating to [he odicine required was supplied | teachers of St. Luke's church I'he | Burritt's Rapids, April 27th, 1905 free of charge' by the General Hospi- | grounds and Sunday hool hall were | This makes 115 deaths since the home ' . : "& AY Fra tal prettily decorated with flags and bunt } was ope ned in December, 1895 i take immediate advantage of the excep- In religion the patients were classed | ing, and inside the hall guartette ta The death occurred, on Tuesday, in| vs X Roman Catholic, 3; Angli- | bles were nicely arranged. The tables | the St. Viecent de Paul hospital, : 1 Je : ap ali ine HY can. 4: Presbyterian, 2; Methodist, 2; | wore decorated with flowers and rib- | Brockville, of James, son of Mr. and i rs_we are making during this ; \ pcr ro : ames, am tional offe ~ eB 5 Salvation Army, 2; Baptist, 1. bons. The 14th band was present and | Mrs. Joseph Melntyre, of Faston's Me ---------- furnished excellent music during the | Corners. Tne deceased, seventeen year AUGUST LINEN SALE. Family Reunion Hotel. evening. The social was visited by {sld, had been ill for ten days with | | On Monday and Tuesday, Mr. and | large crowd during the evening, and | peritonitis. Mrs. Dominick Fallon, Alired street, | the affair was a financial success. The death occurred at Lyn, Mon had their children home for a visit, the | day, of a pioneer resident of that family being reunited for the first | To Have A Game. section in the person of John W. Me- tané in twp year One vear: ago last] An association football match has | Crady He was born within a mile] January, all their sons were home, | heen arranged with Battersea, to take | of where he died eighty-five years 250. | . 0s . . and now they have returned again to | place in. Kingston, on civie holiday,] At the time of his .demite he was the commercial equilibrium is soon to be gladden the hea theit parents. | August 10th, at 10.30 a.m. in the [oldest continuous resident of Lyn Me. and Mr ; and 2a he famil" | cricket fick]. "This should be ap inter-| He was thrice' married and is sur- i : : are enjoying : t of health, and {esting game, as Battersea is going | vive ; a grown-up family. established : that means that the markets J I re tis rl DIOS tre oy ent. ile. the Weitiomres vived by a grown-up family ° ' Rev Father M F Fallon. | will be at their usual strength, with Or 1 3 » ir rig - | 1.. of Bufialo; Rev. Father James | the exception of W. White, who is at Steps: Sleep Of The Just. of the world will soon de mand their right | Fallon. O.M.1., of Ottawa University; | present pt Montreal. He may oti: A good story and a true one is told . . Thomas. of the Buffalo Courier; Fran-{in time Practice games take place | O1 a voung Kings ston gallant who at- ful prices. In the meantime prices are at | cis of the secretary of state depart-| every evening during the week at the tended St James' moonlight exeur- ment. Ottawa: Joseph and Vincent, of | oyicket field - ion on Monday. night. He and a : Fallon Bros., Cornwall, and Charles | chun, in company with two voung la- rock bottom. of Ruffalo, were present. Rev, Father | Ottawa Ladies' College. dies, were. enjoying the up trip, when Michael Fallon is on his wav te Rome | quo ie t one of the young men fell into a i iis college, whose advertisement ap-{ fy] sleep. The hoat continued its course up and arrived at the Rtiend the hor iy. of his order tol oeaes in another column, is a resi : 1 there shortly 5 i : Sa i c r : | : utiat school that i= accomplishing wharf. and still the bev slept on. His Attended The Funeral. [excellent work. I osEeSSINg I an ex-| oapanions, thinking he was faking, ceptionally capable lady principal and ; ing } } lef p Wilh ( | 1 an . ' . hid not sav anvthing to him, but lett | Me. and Mrs ilham Cockburn and | sinff of teachers the education it l<on. Bagot street, arrived home from | . de : {him sitting on the deck. The boat * b Ai ; gives is thor yoad and com-| Oswego. N.Y., vesterday, where they > » DIOR { anly stopped long enough here to al 1 sanded the funeral of Mrs. Teresa | {or hensive, well adapted to Pe low the reople to get off, and then © & Pe » Cochran, of Oswego. also' Miss je a4 Young man for home and gsoaial | wont tn Clavton. When the boat ar- a IE HI { duties Ite special eourses In art, iced there the young man was found Sutton. of Newark, N..J., who | © drowned .in the Oswego river, | @locution, houschold science, etc. |, sipen on the deck bv one of the deck a motor boat. Mrs. Cochrane | complete and valuable. A _ 8pe-| hands, and when he was brought back a cousin of Mr. Cockburn. Miss | cial advantage is its sitnation in Ot-14, Jife be was greatly surprised, He Sutton was a guest at Mr. Parker' | tawa, the capital of Canada, with ite] ical back here at noon on Tuaes- Oswego, N.Y. magnificent public buildings, its soci oH lav rt rene wd political life, its culture and ll » AEN Blueberries at- Crawford's, Lbeguty, ! Blueberries at Crawford's, Stop A Minute LADIES' $2.00 OXFORDS AT $1 39 1{ present indications count for anything, Made of Fine) Dongola Kid, extension soles, patent i, medium heels. A COMFORTABLE, STYLISH SHOE ALL SBIZES. 21 to 7. FOR $1.35. Gbe Toockett Shoe Store. 08000060 s00000 0060000000000 000000RRS | | |

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