OUR CORSETS FOR PARTICULAR WOMEN. Our stock is so comprehensive that we feel certain of our ability to fit perfectly any figure. You find 1 favorites and famous makers, whose names will here the genera have become household words, because of the extensive publicity they have receiv- We feel sure, too, that you will see the advantage of choosing now, while re ed. duced prices are the order in all depart- ments, Girdle Corsets, E. T., P.G., D. &A., etc., From 25c to $2 Per Pair. OQ00000 OO White Summer Visit OO C Summer Dress Goods, Muslins, Waists, Millinery, all Goods marked away down to clear. in fact OOO OOO bargains. { us if you are looking for LCRUMLEY BROS. 0-000 ----] 0000000000000 u OO A Big 'Success Our | Mid- Summer Sale--A Bar ain for Everybody urniture. Fancy Pagioe and China Cabi- nets, Combination China Cabi- nets and Buffets ; also Side- boards, in oak finish, from $12 up. Carpets, Floor and Door Mats in All Sizes. Brussels and Velvets and Tapestry Squares in great va- riety, at sale prices, at JAMES REID'S, the Leading Undertaker. "Phone, 147. Goods That Are Half Price This Week at Jenkins'. Boys Cotton Suits, New York Make? Straw Hats -- Brigham Hopkins, Baltimore. 70 Men's Odd Suits. Goods That are 25% Of Summer Vests, Summer Coats, Summer Shirts, Men's Soft and Hard Hats. Don't miss our sale of Clothing. Hundreds have taken advantage of it, and have been surprised at the wonder ful values we arc offering. $12 Suits for 7.85; $15 Saits for 9.45; EF $20 Suits for 15.00. in and us. We will find time to wait Look nall § E. P. JENKINS CLOTHING CO. os pre lBIS 114 PRINCESS STREET. see [ lake. i ! | chael Gray, | | Miss | baw NENS OF NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- ENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Varions Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. First Lake Briefs. ' Lake Aug. 4.--Farmers through hayingy some report a C. \Veley, has to be around again Bell, Moscow, last week, al Mrs. J. Switzer Wagerville, First are nearly light sick, Amey and Stuart | a few davs here Visitors : A. Sunday here, wen Ira spent the crop. who is ahle Hodgson, spent Ferguson's Falls Notes. Falls, Aug. 3.--~Mrs. Mi- of this place, paid a short sister, Mrs. James Mec- Donagh, Perth. John McGarry has re- turned to his home in Perth, after spending his holidays here. A. Huut, Hamilton, is visiting here, taking pic- tures of the beautitul scenery around this vicinity. A. Quinn and Thomas Phalen, of this place, visited friends in Perth, last week: Miss Mary Shep- pard, Hamilton, is visiting friends at her home here. Mrs. Murray, Perth, is visiting friends here, Miss Mary Stafford, Drummond, spent a few days with Mrs. M. Gray, of this place. The farmers in this vicinity are 'with their haying now, _X "Pergusan's visit to her John done Had His Barn 'Burned. Fellows, Aug. Road work order of the day. 'An electric passed through here on Tuesday even It did a great dial of g ocd for rain was badly. Maley met with un serious loss lightning struck his Bam everything in it. Quite a number here went picking huckleberries and came loaded the luscious fruit, Mra, John Howie and wt Williams, Vise My Mr bwin for Henry Annie Jones, her parents, Mr. and Dawson. Miss Mlie Par at Jelleville is visiting her si Frink Miss Lizzie Denyes' is the storm 5 my last Charles Me burned needed and from home with Mr. and children, | at hi Howie, vears two are iting and Robert iIxteen 1steran-law, day George parent alter absent Mis Miss with Jones and spent a few Mrs rott Miss Lillian Storey ter, Mrs. Wesley Vanslyvke ie at i* visiting friends Horace Completed The Work. Westhrook, Aug 6. Lhe heavy rain Tuesday ht will he root crop beneht to grain and M Glenburnie, purchased gq from IF. Morley. ul a the nig Shan non, horse ass b, Sgun ol weeks North dereock couph with friends at Deseronto gud Miss Gertrude Cook, Morris was a recent visitor of Mrs. R Mrs Marlow amd two sons and her friend, Miss MeNulty, of Wa tertown, N.Y were guests of Miss natie Sheehan Saturday Prue Mehnight, Winnipeg, and Frank Fred. Marshall, of New York, cent visitors with friends in the lage. Miss Mary Adsit, visiting her home here, has returned to racuse, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Christopher are on the sick list. The the construction silo have com 18 spending a port, burg, Smith. on and were re- vil at Sy- masons engaged ot 'I'. Sproul 8 concrete pleted their contract, Wolfe Island Notes. Island, Aug. 2.--The finished their haying, and is a fair owe. We rivalry between the village | and football team to decide the best The luek ha both way o far he cham Miss the at islanders the have Wolf have crop good great HL bal!l team which gone a hittle game Jerome, ( ruest of her the village iting friend Mr last wee {Brien week's visit with their aunt, ™nt. Miss May Finn is © Rose MeAllister, H C ing cheese up at Grenadier Island, Miss Millie Pyke laid up with poisoning in her foot J sold his carriage horse to the city. Miss Mamie and Mrs. Kelly, of Watertown, and Miss Wafer, Toronto Miss Mary Cuff. W. Kane Rosiere, N.Y a week's vis Martin is come off shortly ape Vincent, was aunt, Mrs. Winburnpe, Miss Agnbs Keehap is vis in Watertown, NJ) Re his carriage horse Ma ¢ ret ion will ges 34 antiy Lancaster lost Misses just k and Edna from a in Tweed, siting Mis Hogan is have ned mal N.X J 1 lood is \n ha v gentleman in N.X.. i-itin are | wn ol een at t with his son, Fermoy Tidings Fermoy, Au 3.--~The nearly all" through haying a much better than Blackberries ave very of dry has returned farmers are and last year. plentiful on M Jame from King pleased around his store I'ruelove & pen on time report crop not weather home We ruson account Gibson ston: General hospital. Mi Fer again J. Sullivan had gled last week by W Those who attended the Saturday last report a Aubrey Derbyshire has returned home from Kingston Business College. W. Quinn has his barn nearly completed Miss Mageie Sullivan, Oates, returned home on Saturday, after a two weeks' with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan made a business trip last week. Visitors Mulville, Deseronto, at Roy Derbyshire and sis Miss M. Gorsline, West Derbyshire's; Miss Hattie F. Knapp's, Newboro ; Barr, Burridge, at G John Kish at F Creek Aubrey Derbyshire at E die; Stanley MeNeil at B. Botting' Westport, passed through his way to Green Bay. Miss Whaley, Bedford Mills, is spending a days at B. Botting rs. : Fruelove and at J. Quinn's; anoe Lake. * to see shit good visit 1. E to Kingston, Miss Maggie }. Sullivan's; Ella, and port at Mrs Botting, at Miss Bertha Jat terill's; Claude and Jarr' Lewis Botting, ter and Ernie ~ few 's son ( Sorrow Over Death. Latimer, Aug. 2 ting then saddened the death of Mrs. Fwily Bruce been in poor health for her recovery had been looked for a short her death. will be missed from church Sunday school, where she was a regu- husy the the had time, but an tif She Farmer Man news ar wer of She harve hearts by some time before much and aw attendant until ill-health Mr. Bruce, predeceased her five ago. Swmpathy goes out to the Miss Mae Tay a visit at Lake Opini- prevent {od her vears lor has many friends returned from and | ' fine | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1908. ---- Hmusements. ( LAKE ONTARIO X PARK ) TO-NIGHT 333 Tar =e, Matinee, et cg -- aso, Free Show Friday, Children's 1 Cent Day on Cars. Civic Holiday Picaic United Catholic Swcieties. = Baseball, Orientals vs, Irishmen, Vigtorias C.L.C. 14th Batt. TO CONTRACTORS. NDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY N. F. Dupuis, Prof. of Astronomy, Queen's University, or tha undersigned up to noon of the 10th inst. Tor the several trade Works regis in the| erection and completion tory Building for the Trustees of Queen's] University. Lowest or any tender not! necessarily accepted. Plans and specifications at our offices. POWER & SON, 1908. Architeets. way be seen Aug. 3rd, con. A wee! baby girl has arrived the home oi R. 1. Dixon; I. Taylor is spending a few days at Lake Opinicon. Mr. . Sheer, Opinicon, will give an address on temperance in the church, Saturday night. Recent visitors : Mrs. A. Ward and Juhi 1 Pearl, Mrs. C, Burt, Boonville, xX. and Mes, Shangon and Brockyville, at Robert Lyon's hil McFarlane and grandchildren, real, at N. Spooner's; Mrs A. Taylor, Lake Opinivon, spent Sunday at home; W. Rector, Watertown, is spending a few days at his father's; Miss En Filwards, city, is visiting at S. Lyon's; Miss Metta Hughson, burgh, is at R. Allison's; and Lala Allison spent Sanday at Elginburgh: Me. and Meil Thomas sherwood © are spending a few with their daughter, at Elgin a A. Elgin day Morton Messages. Morton, Aug. 5.--Dr. Ferguson, of | Lyndhurst, has located here. Mrs. P. amd R- Lamming were quietly} married at bis daughter's, Mrs, Chap man, Gananoque Junction, on 27th. Their honeymoon will be through New Ontario. Miss Sommerville, Kingston, after weéks viditing friends here réturned to her iy steamer Swift on Satur- day Several from -here attended | the at Quebec; "Mrs. O. 0G. York city, and Cummin her two. sons: of the guests. of Mrs Me. Percy, Toron the pulpit of the here mo the ab Jones home last. ter-centenary New with Pa., are Marsh. Rey tog 1s occupying Phesbyterian church of Rey Me. Bethune, who on his holidays. Mrs, (Dr) Westport, have home after visiting her er, Mrs. Taber, for a week. The steam- barge Mary Louise is being kipt busy, at present freighting lam from here to Clayton, N.Y. Mrs H. Somer ville, Kingston, visiting relatives in the willage this week. William, Foley has returned home from - Berryton ai- ter two months work with E. Roan tree, cheesemaker. Several in the wvil- improving their buildings with a voat of paint. Mr, and Garry, Vancouver, B.C, ly visited relatives in hood returned to their Mrs. B. Chase Gananoque after friends. Miss May onto, 1 spending her Mrs. 'B, Her in Westport. Soule, | Seranton, t ME SON is away Sin- gleton tdrned and son, re lage are home visit returned week's Wiltsie, Tox vacation at visiting cago from with a home. derson friend Cave Notes. Aug. 4 Ve Myers' Rain is much little orm " Uave, neeued at present y the tl our bat 3g i un fallen during under that sed Ove ghborhood ] pas moming, We can by lightning Perth, aunt, Eddie "Wing no damage 11 Lean present the was t Headriok, guest of her Mctivegor, Myers' Cave. Aldarien, N.Y.; is rent around the ( a busine trip to last. - Mrs. 1. D. Perry H. Ja Montreal, Ih. l loyne, of is Mrs. ( Wilson aeguaint ances ave. A. Delyea made on Saturday and Mrs. F. visited ¢ Mrs. on Fria last, Netta an 1 he grant, Georg the road between -the Mver Cave, 1s rapid pl Iinest deserves k, of torey's, ( guests of Miss | ¥ MaMill given to government Roy, to repair 'erry Road and com of the Rov nearing o be ome Mr manner I'he thing almost ( trp to interest of of the or Buialo, nd Master Wil Lakeview, , Mrs, Henny, Mrs has tion, and promises nship the cing done g roads in the tov credit n which the work freshets, rendered that impassable at Motive, made Kingston, last the township Fir In bus ness ie 4 the g J... who C. Scott, great is sping general I as part ol ne Way tunes Our reeve, the nit or, ab S week, Mr. J leit Jenn son, mine, Miss spent Saturday at west of their grandmothes Mitchell. Miss Fl has been visiting her Flinton, for a few home. Mrs. J visiting her er. Mrs, Reid, Tamworth, has return ed home. Mr. Suvder, Arden; for M. GG. Monds, merchant, village, passed throug hood, on Thursday last home. James Perry the former's Wold, on Suaday last local butcher, ha through our neighborhood is keeps nothing but the all should patronize Torohto, per ray rene aunt, days Morrison, aged moth returned who has been of our neighbor vn route lox nd" E. Wilson ister, Mes. E WW. MeGinnis, made several Mr chow visited our trips Mets rat of meat "Him: Mr. Dennison, eral friends, is pking a ethoe from thé Michinogue fake to Crotch lake: we wish tham bon vovage.. Misg Mollie McGregor and Miss Maudé. who stek hist, are, we are better and with sev been on the much have pleased to say, o-- Eng- that the famous annoegnees Percival Spencer, ish airship maker, he has an for a gold beater's skin' gas-bag for the new air- ship that - Count Zeppelin will have built. "Un Tuesday moinin ler's delicious chocols received at Gibson s Red Cross drug Phope 230, Rev. EB. W. Tink, Cherry Valley, and Miss Nettie Watson, Thurlow, were married on Wednesday. Huvler's peppermints," fresh Tuesday at Gibson's Red Uross store, Phone 230, received order ' fresh store. on drug vs. | Band, O'Connor's Orchestra. | an Obsery a ati Miss Pearl i daughter, | Mont-| Wilton, Roy | July | spent } Jenhie | several | Mes. | moth- | Mrs. | who recent. | this neighbor- | home via Chi- this} leary | av] traveller | that | trip | Huy-| and bounbons | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion lc. a word. con- secutive insertion thereafter : halt cent a word. aun charge for one in sertion, 23e¢. Shertiops, She. six, $1; one 'mon WANTED-MALE, GOOD STRONG BOY, the hardware business mons Bros. Princess St. TO LEARN Apply Sim A MEN, AT ONCE ON SALARY AND expenses. One good man in each locality with rig or capable of hand- ling horses to advertise and intro- duce our guaranteed stock and poul- | try specialties. No experience neces sary ; we lay ou your work for you. $25 a week and expenses. - Position permanent. rite W. A. Jenkins, | Manufacturing Cg., London, Out. } WANTED---FEMALE, GENERAL 252 King street. | EXPERIENCED SER- vant. Apply RE John- SERVANT, Apply 196 GOOD GENERAL ferences re juired, on "sre, A GENERAL SERVANT. NO WASH ing. Apply Mrs. C, A, MacPherson 162 Earl streot. A NURSE, TO TAKE | charge of two children. Mrs. De Pury, Royal Cdliege. ha) Apply i Military i - | cCOMPRTENT AND maid, for general family of two. City references, Lavell, 28 Albert street. EXPERIENCED housework, Mrs AT FOUR DINING-ROOM housemaid, two generals, Highest wages paid. Ap- Employment = Agency, ONCE, girls, one one cook WANTED-GENERAL. S0 WAR MEDALS Fire Arms. to Box 45 {FIRE INST me abd address RANCE RISKS. Goon companies, lowest rates, fair settle Ja R._C. Dobbs & Co. 10Y Telephone, 480. PI ANIST AT WONDERLAND. be sight reader, and very quick, to adapl themselves to any m be able to read script rapid ments. Brocl kK St. 51 T HE OPPORTU NITY N | estimates on electric work: All kinds | of work promptly done. F. J. Birch, | Electrician, 2006 Wellington street. IA JOB CLE yards carte Lytle, POUBL 5 ferred locatil Apply 5 street. NING ASHES cellars, or gther right. Apply Carter, 85 5 Main (BRICK PRE modern conveniences University Ave. 159 Wellington our OF baggage to S St. DWEL LING, with not above 'T. J. Boon, SY CENTLEMEN ir Spring Suits made way's. Style, price and finish guar anteea to please. 181 Brock St. next to Bibby's Livery. TO GE DRE! 1 th at Qallo SECTION Lake certifi to TE AC HER, SCHOOL, Oso, in Sharbot holding second-class Salary $400, Apply Sharhot Lake FOR Nase cate Avery, SITUATION WANTED. EMPLOYMENT BY AN ENGLISH. man, who has excellent recommenda tions and® education. Not afraid of hard work. Apply for address Whig office. ee ------------------------------ SERVANTS, EXPER] melish, Sec Irish wee oy under servant wri St., Montreal DOME Spe ing need a Drummond having AND WIFE ho SCOTCH), MAN re Sept ngage K of outdoor present office. envral in Whig si and BE. | Arden | NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. [Tenders for Steel Rails and Fastenings. TENDERS ADDRESSED SEALED to d and marked on the the unde . Is and spect of mtinental the Transc« until day 1 147 Lo Ih.) steel rails ( n 1 » option of & Necessary cordance with LConunissioners » made the mssioners u tons nay te j obtained » applics 1 to Hugh 8 Lamsden P or Ottawa, Ont Full wformation in regard to deliver ies, and as to the other conditions on Which tenders are to be un had on application to the Chi | Each tender must be signed ¢ by all the parties ta the tender witnessed, and accompanied accepted cheque on a chartered | the Dominion of Canada, payable to the Commissioners of the Transcontinental ailway, for a sum equal to five per cont (5 per cent.) of the amount of the ten { . Lende ar within : ben days contract The right all tenders. ™ and { the on which also be deposited by parties - whose rejected will ret nrned alter the sigming of the be is reserved to reject any or By order, P RYAN, i Secretary The ( ommissioners t 1908, advertise the ( it July, inserting this anthority from not be paid for rans Dated at On Newspapers meat without missioners Will om N.T LEAVING. !Will Remain in Cabinet--Satisfied { With Position. Montrea!, Ang. G--Hon, PDeviin has given a positive Charles R. ENTIRE to i -------------------- ANTIQUATED. 80 M: to forms | growth, {reaching forth finish. that's' worth you're a results that TO-LET. WELL-FURNISHER ROOMS, WITH me conveniences, with or with: out board. 'Apply 176 Clergy St. SUMMER COTTAGE, FURNISHED BY the week, or month, on St, Lawrence and Rideau Apply to McCann, 51 Brock St. BRICK fmprove- McCann, AVE, modern Ss, R. 321 UNIVERSITY dwelling, 8 roows, ments. Apply to J. O61 Broek St. LARGE OFFICE ROOM, IN EX. change Chambers, No. 116 Brock St. Apply to Geo. Cuff, Real Estate Broker, 95 Clarence Streel. LARCE AND MEDIUM SIZED BRIC HT well ventilated rooms, for the sum- mer, Wn "The Residence," at Inter- section of West, Earl and Clergy Sts. 174 Earl streets | OCT. 1.--BRICK RESIDENCE, Division street, with twelve rooms, including extension kitchen, hot water heating, bath, etc. En- quire at 179 Division street. FROM 151 DWELLING AND STORE PRO corner Wellington and Queen possession at once. This pro will be painted and renovated R. Chas. Mell, 1713 Welling- THE periy, Sts., perty Apply ton St. ON SEPTEMBER 1ST, NEXT, ONE of the best business stands in King- ston, on the corner of Princess and Wellington streets, lately occupied by F. Nisbet, Stationer. Apply Felix Shaw, 115 Bagot St., Kingston, Unt ARCHITECTS. | HANDMADE ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF- ARTHUR fice, Queen and Bagot streets. Cor, ROHITECT, P. SMITH, rket Square. Anchor Building, 845. HENRY ete. "Phone, ARCHITECTS, MER- corner Brock "Phone, 212. POWER & SONS, c¢hant's Bank Building, and Wellington streets. WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF. fice, second floor over Mahood's Drug store, corner Princess and Bagot streets. Entrance on Bagot street, 'Phone. 608. | HATR, | | | | ture. levil, PERSONAL. MOLES, wa etc., removed ; without sear. Twenty years' experi- ence. J. Lake, Eye, Ear, and Skin Blemish 238 Bagot street. rts, permanently, | N Speciali |THE a GRAPH PULPIT Unitarian. REV, C. W. CASSON. The New Basis. of religion, as ae the liberal hum; n The basis cepted new and the by + of asserted na I BIRTHMARKS, goodness of its takes man the good thus to formulate supposed the faith, is whole philosophy for granted that and hie inherent it builds upon. that. It God has made and that develop the no need nnullment curse. Of salvation there is no need at by Adamic curse highest religion attamment, good, 18 Bo There the inherent | old el ! Unitettered | aim of 18 plans for ol any m all any dnd free to at tain the endeavor, by one's own Dest becomes development, sn ng on and a go OW. Roston, { aston, at =o Mass., for the | Address--Rev. Beacon street, literature. | oe | | | | | | Why Buy Imported: # Mattresses ? When you can get better and cheaper goods from your owa dealer, made by the Kingston Mattress Co. 110 Clergy S# denial ; to the rumor that he intended to BY 1 cabi the Gouin tor in the county sign his position net federal house. "1 have only this the minister, "1 am sent the constituency of Nicolet, 11 am thoroughly satisfied with lot as a cabinet province, | am not aware that head of the government, or any of my colleagues in the cabinet, or of our friends in the legislature are dis- satislied with me, but, on the and contest a to =ayv," prowl to repre- | ang | my declared | | trary, that 1 enjoy their confidence, minister in my native [intention is to continue the work the {am now doing." con- | Phone + CABS! [=i "The Old Stand and The Old Num. ber Phone 490 OFFICE NO. 1. | All orders promptly attended té night or dav. reason know and my 1! i I have every to toasting, store. | marshmallows" for Red Cross drug "Fresh at Gibson's oe | management not | Don't waste any time trying to get somethin for nothing. Adam got the apple withou money and without price--an you know the: You must pay in this world for everything you get getting. 1f merchant, you can't get trade without paying for it, the price, "advertising." costs money to be sure, but it brings results. and men call it And it's > count, The successful man is the man who can do things. _ FOR SALE. REAL ESTATE OF ALL KINDS, 100 ACRES E. 4 LOT 20, (ON. Pistaburgh. = A bargain at Bo. 3 DO YOU WANT TO RENT OR SELL » yolir property * Then give full pars _liculars to uw. . - INSURANCE EFFECTED AT Mpmonable rates herein P. BOND, REAL rats AGENT, 79 Clarence street. MOST A. BASKETS, ALL SIZES, all kinds to order, Repaiving neatly done. Prices reasonable. W. J. Coles man, First streets MONEY AND BUSINESS. OUR POLICIES COVER MORE OF building and contents than any other company offers. Fxamine them at Godwin's lusurance Emporium, Mark: et Square. LONDON AND GLOBE Fire . Insurance Company, Available assets $61,187,215, In addition to which the policyholders have for securdy the unlimited liability of all the stockholders. Farm and ciLy pro- perty insured at lowest possible rates. Before- renewing ald or giving new husiness gel rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. 'Phone, 56H, LOST. ROMAN GOLD BRACELET, AN HEIR loom, Monday evening, on Brock or Bagot Sak, or on Steamer Are te Finder Kindly apply at Whig office, and receive reward. LIVE RPOOL,* PIN, . ON Princess Sts. return to HORSE SHOE on King or of S60 for its Livmgston, Tailor, DIAMOND Tuesday, Reward Charles street FOR SALE OR TO RENT. JOHNSON AT, SEVENTEEN roomed three-story brick house, eleven hedrooms, besides uttie, marble washbasins in each bedroom, hot Water furnace. Apply A. [A Bond, 79 Clarence street. A 400 BUSINESS CARD. Beds oT LE and Laying. Feather y i and Pillows cleaned by steam. Milne, 272 Bagoy street. MARRIAGE LICENSES. 8, KIRKPATRICR, ISSUER OF Marriage Licenses, 42 Clarence St. What About Coal? t to the very often given Is a of importance but littld or no consideration question cafeful housekeeper hold aq There article hous uld receive al is no other in that sl sound judgement as the coy HAVE YOU EVER TRIED SWIFT'S ? | JAS. SWIFT & CO. "| Thousand Island & St. Lawrence River Steamboat Companies | In Connection with New York Cen~ tral & Hudson River R.R. Leave Kingston daily, except Sunday, A0 am. and 200 pom Jae ve Kingston Sunday, 7.80 a.m. and J pam. ae, Cape Vincent daily, 10.50 a.my B p.m. Making direct connections at Capd | ¥incong to apd from «points in New ol tate. 'Throw, r OC Vv cent to New York " pe "pe Vine Week end round trip rate Kingston ta Watertown, good going Saturday on Sunday, returning up to and isciuding Mondav, $1.65. SPECIAL NOTICE. To the Ladies at 3 Kingston : I have removed to the former Board of Education rooms, Mon- treal street, corner Princess. Re Jo ROSEN, LADIES' TAILOR. 'Notice to Our Customers Our store will elose at 6 {o'clock sharp every night, | except Saturday. A. GLOVER. Woodstock, Ont, rouncil voted $200 towards the relicf of the British Col- lumbia five sufferers. Brock.