== NEWBURGH NOTES a THE CHURCH. SERVICES m---- WERE WELL ATTENDED. ( LAKE Y ONT PARK) Rev. Alfred Gandier Was in the | TO~NIGHT ii sey sieve CONDENSED ADVERTISING Presbyterian Pulpit--Late Per- Matinee, Friday, at 3.30. I RATES : sonal Notes--Narrow Escape : - tnsertion 1 ord: Se From Drowning. Free WwW og it igpertion 3 "New yargl up. G--Apiarterly mee Friday, Children's 1 Cent Da ke jon, 25¢.: ; | ! ; . ! : Towson Tr TY, mob win dg Civic Holi day Picnic six, $1 ; 'one month. #3. The man who makes no nning gets no far- ; The I y ther,. You must keep moving with progress or on Sunday morning last. The largest nan ene tec. | United Catholic Societiss, . Baseball 3 back. congregation in some years was pres- | of ish : 1, WANTED-MALE. on p % ent, the outside churches being well Orientals va, , shen, Vietorias i. y will slip Fa 3: represented. The quarterly board of | 14th Bast. Band, 0° Comiar's Orchestra. | MF? Ns HAVE orneRs FOR OVER ------ a 4 3 men Mani . - the circuit met in the e¢hureh parlor on Monday afternoon. Rev. Alired pov 8 Eh Roa 8 To-day judicious adver- Gandier, pastor of St. James' Square per day, with board: Enclose stamp- tisin i esse tial Presbyterian church, Toronto, spend- ed addressed envelope for Forsulats, % 3 as nH to a Foros Apply The Canadian = Euwploywent business as works are to a ing a short holiday with his parents, Agency, Brockville, Ont. h Kk Rev. J. and Mrs. Gandier, preached in Ey Jee MEN, AT ONCE ON SALARY AND watch. Works are pretty the' Presbyterian church on Sunday Frida = TR vering. Miss Lorena Pattersoy re. Friday, om sory. g tients. Cna_goud was eapable or} nana useful in a watch, 1% turned home from the Kingston gen-| "LAND oF THE FUZZY WUZZY™| ine doses to advertise and intro: 'wouldn't go without them, . { sok ¥ it a d = eral hospital last week. Mr. and Mrs, ¥ oy po Susranteed No Sank a pou would it ? Business: won't Shannon, Centreville, spent Sunday Nild Scenes in the Soudan, of which we lay out your work for you. } Jat Dr.' Beemaw's. F. D. Moods is Ruy Kipling ¥rofs 30 much, a7 4 Vosk nd exbenges' Boston Eo very much without puinting in Enterprise. Rev. J. M. | STIRACTION,B. "hove in Nanutacturing Co., Loudon, Out. advertising. Consider the White, Rateeice, spent Firstlay of | Living Skeleton." A Rollicking Comedy. . merchants who are doing - as WeeK., In we yitiapge oa Turdetie. Me 1 3 itine |. . ATTRACTION. 3. « 3 v D--FEMALE., FOR PARTICULAR WOMEN. neva Thurdetie, Montreal, iL visting [or 0 Popes, a travelogue (omisted WANYE the biggest business in D | Benn. Richmond, spent Sunffay with | hows, the Saturduy Swing f= oxrEiuBRGED GENERAL SER. Kingston to-day--they all emma her grandmother, Mrs. Shorey. Wiss}' Arp ACTION 4. "Wows. Pio uy=--o thy sa hints advertise. And it pays the Stella Kénnedy was the guest of Mrs. | waltz Home, Sweee Home, With Me," |A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. RE ea 00 > McDonald, in Yarker. ast week. Miss [sung by Edgar Summerhy, is ferences rejquired. Apply 196 John- small d ler' as it d 3 the Cicely Kennedy is visiting relatives in sen street. large. Our stock is so comprchepsive that we feel Enternrive bi ERE, 8 b NERAL SERVANT. NO WASH * eps i I'he Talent System has the attention C C Apply Mrs. C. A. MacPherson certain of our ability to fit perfectly any Fi are of hie Inission dad of Eo Siren. ol . lf Every one ls talking alicut "the Won- x a r : A . 5 dis rol wsent act x : figure, You will find here the general En ns I gH derful Skight-of-Hand work-ofi lain. FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, ne ag § ain § 8 with references. Apply to Mrs. Booth a starter and what is made with that "Ss E V 1IN?®? G4 William treet, amount, depe nds on the individual The World Famous Magician. ONLY NURSE To TARE _ENTIRS TO-LET. FOR SALE. have become household words, because of Some are selling popeorn, and some "Two MORE NIGHTS to see. him. i 4 4 picture post cards, while some of the owt om charge of two childern. APQiNitaty| TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS, ONR|LH ob a the extensive publicity they have receiv- girls got together and sold lemonade, Two Laughable Pictures College. large front room.. . Apply Box "L.| REAL ESTATE OF ALL KINDS, A." Whig office. ed. We feel sure, too, that, you will see these voung people are deserying of a |"John's New Suit," (or why he: didn't WANTED---GENERAL. WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH Pittsburgh. A bargain at $5,000. favorites and famous makers, whose names on Saturday afternodn. Certainly "When Casey Joined The Lodge." 100 ACRES E. 4 LOT 29. CON, 8 go to Chuech), modern conveniences, with or Wwith- large patronage. . . y : > * A . . ILLUSTRATED SONt t I'he wn x oo OE ENE I? = : 2 a the advantage of choosing now, while re- Miss Clara and Miss Emma Shorey litain Comes The Sunshine." Mer IA FABLE MAID, AT ON APPLY out board, Apply 176 Clergy St. DO YOU WANT TO RENT OR an A 2 visiting i ' o and Canif © o ent, "€)- | _A hy hy . : Sp - " > ¢ A gh Ww Pr are visiting in Richn mi and Canif-| Childe Une tl, TO-MORROW |} Ze cone = | SUMMER COTTAGE, PURNISHED BY| = ticulars to ue, o ton. - Miss Jean Duff, Kingston, is the | 0 0 tO es, and accompanied. by | WAR MEDALS, ALSO ANTIQUATED the week, or manth, on St. Lawrence ' guest sof Miss Helen 'Finkle I. W.|their parents. i y Fire Arms. Stnd name and address and Rideau. Apply to McCann, 51| INSURANCE BFFECTED AT MOST Stickney, Merriekviile spent Sunday to Box A Whig office. Broek Sti reasonable rates. duced prices are the order in all depart- ments. with his family here he Miss : TRY FOR TK ' FIRE INSURANCE RISKS. Goob § > y A. F. BOND, 3 38 x " Knapp, Kingston, are the guests of | TO CONTRACTORS. companies, lowest rates, fair wettle: | 321, HIV EISIOT, AVE. DIOR] A: FRONT, MEAL ESTATE AGENT, iss adden. Miss Mq Yeu TE RAR AN z MEET + ments. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 109 ' a "5 . Miss Lena M is Rury ! TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY DE Se Telephone, 480, ; ments. Apply to J. S. R. McCann, - so . pan is visiting s¢ Maw Anderson, N. k Dupuis, Prof. of Astronomy, ed -- a 51 Brock St. HAND-MADE BASKETS, ALL SIZES, . ia § < iss Young Jueen's University, r the undersigned - - all kinds © 3 i Napane ar and Miss Young, | Queens Hm oy oe' tha | THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH in a arian, tay of Prescott, { the guests of Miss | several trade Works required in the estima on electric work, All kinds SFT COM. IN BE man, First street rab Potter erection and completion of an Observa- | of worl promptly done. F. J. Birch, LARGE OFFICE ROC 116 Brock . , . The sal' picnic of the Preshyter- | tory Building for the Trustees of Queen's' Electrician, 206 Wellington street. aie " les. Clifi, Real EStats {rian pe ~The annual' pieni hy tory Building for the Trustes of Cute s : poly to Ged. PENT WILL HOLD LARGE FAMILY, inn Sunday school is being held, to- | necessarily accepted A JOB CLEANING ASHES out ow _ Broken 95 Clarence Shrest. Waterproof. Ale ood tuned organ A . . oe ? ASHES 0 ------------------ bargaing. Mr. Coward, Boat Works, Girdle Corsets, E. T., P.G., D. &A,, etc., From 25c to $2 Per Pair. i ~ | ------ lay, mn Galbraith"s Grove, Varty I'lans und specications may be seen | yards or oellars, or other baggage parguing, in Lake i Pearl Neghit, the new or al our offices POWER; & SON ! i. Prices Seb. 387 HA w S.] PROM OCT. 1.~BRICK RESIDENCE, Near otton il, ranist of the Methodist church, ar Aug. 3rd, 1908 ' Architects. | ytle, General Carter, 35 Main St. 181 Division street, with i heive J; ---- : ---- -- -- a Ty om rooms, including extension tichen, - ived home from Shelbourne, on ni [coMroRrT ABLE ROOM BY OCT. 1ST hot water heating, bath, ete. Fa- BOATS NEW AND SB BCOND-HAND, 20 veek and S " © y | wr college pe 0 SOT - wet. : OI Ko @ lay t week, and aSsumed er for ¢ ge wir], in quiet fainily, 'near quire at 179 Division street nent Becoptedd; 'huat-house founds Summer Dress (Goods, Muslins, White Waists, Millinery, in fact all Summer Goods marked away down to clear. Visit 0-0-0000 O-0-0C DTDROTORORT0XR duties on Sunduy moving. E. | Oddfellows Excursion toQttawa| rysidence. bull pargouiars red: Particulars, Coward and Dean, Boat X Edward and family, Deseronto, WEDNESDAY, Ang. 12th . . , Brockvi roc lle, Works, Cotton Mill. | \ : | ---------------------- Me THE DWELLING AND STORE PRO- Rh - emg rent Sud: with W. B. Dunn. Dr Special Trin. Both ways: TIeRet gu y| POYBLE DWELLING, (BRICK PRE perty, corner Wellington and Queen . i Wade hagl chief range: of : Bi pe ho A OC erred), with modern conveniences, Sts., possession at ounce. This pro- H r A Trax M1 to return on any regular train until | Jocation not above University Ave perty will be painted and renovated. MONEY AND BUSINESS. | | us if you are looking for bargains O-0- astern Untario, 1.0.1 and vA 18th. Train leaves Kingston (My Apply to T. J. Boon, 159 Wellington Apply R. Chas. Bell, 171} Welling: | --= CRUMI EY BR - rown, DD.S.CR.; wil visit Court 50 a.m. Kingston Junction, 8.05 | street. ton St. oun POLICIES COVER MOE OF i L OS. Lue Fare to Ottawa and return $1.95 | a . building and contents than any other AAR SERIA Sh vewhurgh at the regular meeting on |: 7 a SE Tues t Sskuts vat suilway Jd ane DRESSY GENTLEMEN TO GET | Cowbany olers. Eaanive thet at Frederic formerly of thi . their Spring Suits made at Gallo-| ON SEPTEMBER 1ST, NBEXT, ONE Godwin's Insurance Kmporfum, Mark rederiek , ¥ RAY ha . way's. Style, price and finish guar of the best business stands in King- { et Square. lace. now 'oterhoro, neatly lost | Calgary, Alta; A. S., Chicago, His. anteea to please. 131 Brock St. ston, on the corner of Princess and O00 000000000000000000 000000000000 is 1 el, na brave attempt W. Vv. bauwlord, Alabama, J. a, i néxt to Bibby's Livery. Wellington streets, Jutely occupied hy LIVERPOOL Ni BE s : 1 -- ie ---- F. Nisbet, Stationer pply elox | LIVE M.,, LONDON AND GIL ave his companion from drowning. | ton. NR" Shaw, 115 Bagot St., Kingston, Ont Fire Ipsurance Compan Available " -_. , I'he two were swimming in Lake Mrs. Terrill passed away on the oth |" ACHE] R. Tok ge HO LION it / . assets $01,187,215. : rn agi ion 2 ; To hihone, when the ome took cramps ol October, WZ. Village, holding second-class | certifi which the polieyhol eo FROM THE COUNTRYSIDE. inn service was largely attended or ail called for help Mi nt back A few years later he married Mrs cate. Salary. $400. o Apply to M ARCHITECTS he wtoek ho ening FP Tandy or of S ny a . % x : am oe Te 1 K $ ) 2 y . d % Sharbo ale i . he stockholders. arm and eily § In Critical Stat | Sunday SVG Hav. Mr. Stewart to his aid, but was pullell under wa- | Sarah Garrat, who survives him, an]. hye. hatbat Take. . ot Lake ------ - perty insured at lowest possible ial wate d preaching an excellent sermon. Ay. three times hy thé drowning com- [do 'all of .«s sons. TRACTOR. FOR THE SENIOR DF. ARTHUR FLIIS, ARCHITECT, OF. rite, Bedore tstewins Sid or giving Lombardy, Aug. '6..-John Gardiner, [number ol our stalwart vouths will : \ i wil" Mil A: thousl iuinall ember of th partnme wt. of. the Middleville. School fice, Cor. Queen apd Bagot streets. new husiness got rates from Strange sr, an old and respected pésident of leave in a few days for the harvest HIGH. 3 oy . 7s pr ny i a m Mr \ S. 8S. No. 6, Lanark. Duties to bi & Strange, Agents. 'Phone, h6Y, * - mn 1 » i ' WH" ¥ Al SO Ly ' is at ¥ « py - 1 "+ PV -- - this vicinity, was-Xtricken with para- [fields of the great west. 'lhe Sal x a i a RS La A . a ey n Pros - gin August 17th Applicants will fRNRY P. SMITH. AR HITEOT, | === Ivis. on: Monday last and is in o {vation Army corps here has | ery wher vere, he « ) united mee with 16 reshy ter please state experience, et reh ete., Anchor, Building, arket Square. » i s a < 3 t ! Yoeué wl wan « | , ' ian chi y whi e as \ \ Rankir See., Mudleville P.O. Ont "Pho: 8456. critical comnition Misses Klsie and |otlicery and regular meetings a Bow > ! ! ne : H dh i rex o whi n h a a worthy | ee = . mn -- Phone, 345 = FOR SALE OR TO RENT. theorgie Nichol, © nto ere [held © Od, W.. Angl as a gue . : nL CF al Lg Hine ol JE Senin. P IS, MER- = vorgi : ichol, of Torgnto, ' ha : nt in was a guest in| . : burg ive t many years he was prominently SITUATION WANTED. POWER & SONS, ARCHIpSoTS Bro 406 JOHNSON ST. SEVENTEEN guests, dast week, of Mrs, Herbert (the village on londa nd returned : y EA alt ted 'with 'the municipal. . affairs er ---- eee © antl A wy " treets. 'Phone; 212 roomed three-story brick house, . Ss e m ais { and lMngton atre : eleven bedrooms, besides attie, Frayn.* A large number of Lom- home to Reeterville the day following. 1 | 1 Foik . EMPLOYMENT RY AN ENGLISH- 1 ta ! : ) , x M town. He was many times man, who has excellent recommenda-| marble washbasins in each hedroom, har w le ended 'reshvie ie | cher ade 18 « } y i 0 wdy people attended the Vreshyter: [Our butcher trgde is now in a pr re aster Dougls ar eles to a seat in the council, where tions and education. Not afraid of |{wM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF: water furnace... Apply A. .F4 wan lawn social at Rudegu Fer last | perous condition; a number Of but { 3 hhwood. stl ares s excellent wdement : and: valuahi hard work. Apply for address fice, second floor over Mahood"s Drug Bond, 79 Clarence street. night My Hudson, of Athens is |chers are now on the route and ever Vs} ' Ses ih np yr Whig off store, corner Princess and Bagot visiting her the M Kl hod t meat hey " y y Ir. gran business experience enabied him to do |. - streets. Entrance on Bagot street, 8 g he ces 1ESes vne dy 18 eq g a FO ey Say . + > ; | MN ! . M m p : a i » o 1 13 eating Me * . . hay much for the interests ol our town. DOMESTIC SK RVANTS, EXPERT 'Phone 608. Mr. an rs. erry and Little iordon, injured by a horse, is He became a member of the Free and weed, Engl Scotch, Trish," ar ne - m---- ! BUSINESS CARD. ol tata S «alls, spent Sunday bs mite smart and will be around 'in Accepted Masons in dui and § reek] ler apervisi on, 36 : "LOST. a a --. t t . ' fi x ' > 1 " - \ nye t » a Aa y a servant write, The Gude . _-- at Mrs. Robert Patterson " few ~ weeks now Fhe Preshyteriag THE LATS JOHN TERRILL. worshiviul mastér of the Picton: lode BO wr and 4 aL 0 CARPET _ CLEANING Moran, of Cnicago, is visitis his | Sabbath school picnic held last wee A ha a r : : DIAMOND HORSE SHOE PIN, {| Sewing snd Laying. Feather Beds Iw A e > X > . . . io4h, The building now occupied hy Tuesday, on King or Princess ! and Pillows cleaned by steam, 11, family here, mong those who went was a sucess, - A largd number at- He Was One of Picton's Ieading |i}. fraternity was erected in that | MAN AND WIFE (SCOTCH), DESIRE Reward "of $50 for its return | Milne, 272 Bagot street, : y A Sept Livamgston, Tailor, Broe 000000 to Westport . yesterday on the yacht [tended the! luneral of the late John Citizens. Yak. ng a . : Charles Arrghwanna wore : « Rev, Mi Mick, {Nicholson held on Monday. cton Cazet fu th ing of Mr. Terrill avother custon ' | outdoor wai street | ict razetie ¢ passing o : ¥ another stomec ners wee - Mrs. Miller, J.%Hamer, Thomas Mil ou, ¢ death of John Terrill occurred | (ihe « ps A es oD ey heel Over twa yes " ation. yg PERSONAL. lar, Mrs. U. Wright and Miss Marion t his home on' Sunday, ond inst. [Oo ote SO EE 1h 1S at Vieton has i pApply 1a,' Whig office, STRAYED OR STOLEN. Misses Annie Hamer, Marie Dooher and 100 Years Old. Ac} eHoR-taws \ Mp. | gone; another of those. sturdy, strong | rca . HAIR, MOLES, DIRTHMARKS, ane, Ya a Klyneshoro. Au t ~The dent] As hs ow-lownsmen hntw ' Irharncters and clear-headed men whe A HOU ND. ON SA" FURDAY TE warts, ete., removed ; permanentiye Helene Doolier. curved I ¥ A Cerrill had been invahded tor about fa (500 their time to lay. the | MARRIAGE LICENSES. noon, from the premises - © rs. without sear. Twenty years' experi ee BN th Kitlay township on July | vears, and unable to leave hi : aon Sm Roberts, 280 Brock St. Anyone ence. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Ear, | 12th, of Mrs. Murthy Robb, aged Nose, Throat and Skin Blemish A Great Convenience. Specialist. 258 Hagel stag stivat, 0 v Mills t Mrs ) q | ( § Yonge Mi Aug. G.- Mrs. D. Hers} enced lady was born i ounty Men - a, bison and children returned to Broek- | oophon Jraland., June. TE0S, Sh , ard, after con iderahble suliering, Old Boy's Special. - - 5 ville after a week tay with friends | game t } guieth y passed over into the other - y * I _ ny came to this umry v hin quiv ; Monday, Civie holiday, 3 Ani HE | here. a fellamy, nurs: veun where she marrisd,. She vd life. ™ i I pan | w islands, 2.3 : Hel J training « Brooklyn hospital, spent family of fourteen children, only thie Mr. Terrill was born in the town- | "8 e/g 7) " Nal oO ship - of Murray oh November Zird, { home early, inre Jie My Nelson 1a nj tray of y Spend Civie holiday Chosen! SEALED TENDERS ADDRE SSE D REV. hx w 'CAsson. sicnie, on Wolle Island. Fare to the undersigned, and endorsed Y -- ' oat' 1 with it. 'Tha : on 3 for Public Building, Welland, On ' What Is Leit. Don't ¥ Ap foundations for our present comlorts | a gg gKIRKPATRICK, ISSUER OF found harboring same after this ne " e months. For a lew . - y hundred vears June last I'he d i on onth andl prosperity. i Marriage Licenses, 43 Clarence St. notice will be Ih he frost petore his demise he failed rap . | a few days st week with Mi of who living ste Purvis 2 Edward Scott and | ker, David Robb, on the homestead i ix. His parents died when he was lad of seven years, hence he Friend 15¢.. and 10c ger t Lansdown A number £ » h W's ¢ a | } as compelled a very early ag 0 tye a . will be received at this office until 4.00 at V 0 1 r death, and William in the Ww wnpelled al a ve E Wait for I. O. F. exenrsion on the! pm. on August 1 ' # Do von also ask, "If vou take away | y people ve pone te 08 @ s m - { « S \ 2 | young peoj ha gone into § Uni 1 Stat . She has a number a a perl upon his own eliort St. Lawrence, on 26th, with delesatos. [struction of a buil Y " tice, | the Bible and the Saviour, what 13} ® i akove Unies Park Miss ¢ grandchildre n and great grandchild | success in life. i cdukal | &e : Welland, Ont. left ¥' And 1 answer that all of | ! WwW Prickey uchester, is the guest of ren, who gathered at the old hom Having acquired a good education | pound Trip Rate To Watertown. Pian avd speciicationg ean, ve "| truth and religion are left. Ii vou; | | ! Master Huber} spent a couple of day Kitley, with whom she lived since hee only a : remedy is ea---Myrtie----taheon.-- Miss Jer for the funeral. The o! vm : : Noss us ave Ra hina a : p- and forms of tender obtain Mise ty rtheon I r ral. T} old lady wa a those early davs he became a swe Good going Saturday, 5 am. or 2 | partment and on applicatio the | take away the clothes from a man, Vanalsth e, oll ns Bay , 18 atin ! resh rian in re Nn. Sl e WAS ao ul te acl or, I or a n imhey of p.m., Sunday 7:30 am. or 4:30 p.m. [postn aster at Welland, Ont 2 that vou have the man kit. H vou take] friends here. R, B. MeGregor (A | woman of igh ideal : a sunny dispo- [years he tiled that responsible posi- || G0 Gu 40 and including) Mon , Pcrsons endering® Sidra omens on | away the clothes with which tradition] ( oal Mr. Donald, North Hammond, eH 1, an vitlengel ey a to Mist tion in the |} Eh nds ; sthaal, ong = day: only? ;$1.65. > } ; m supmhi ciened | has clothed the truth, voa still have A some; she. wan emall of stature. - W hour ail the Neky oats ER ach tender must be accompanied hy relic {Fuh the iited Aesth Ard oo It 'great Coal f t ee i : taug in » Lhe arl : cahted cheque © artered ba eligi af vanished as a res t's a . Hutton, lol do, is her sister, ixties of last centarv when he turned For The Holiday. an accepted ef I Ee = : on | of seientific search and mental stra ! Sra oak for hea is the only survivine member of her pio tention to the business of mar A new hat from | were calling on friends here recent Katie Purvis is spending a ley in Rrookville Our new station : Campbell Pros ourable the Minister of Public ar ole. is not the essential part. Relicion -- family. She was highly r swpected and } rden 3 . < » ---- ---- equal to ten per cent (10 pe.) ° i : ket gardening In this he was em i . truth wer, love fife, oll remain l . residents { y = Eo at ; the tender, which will be for- | truth, po » ¥ loved by the older residents of the nently successful. In fact he was the] _ Jenking' soft cull shirts, hay 3 % great convenience to the peopl £1.50, for if She person ehering decline to | just as truly as ever. The Bible gives JAS. SWIFT & CO. . : Ba a a ' x community, Rev. W. J, and Mr pioneer in that line of busindss in | 9c. to-morrow. ater nto. A contract when called upon | vy 10 a Bec ~nd better one, am w fail to complete the Drummond, and children, are Thome \ \ an i ble family reunion sas! to do so, or if . aT 1 > # , 8 Prince Edward--a line that a number An enjoyable family reunio was | t« ' » r be | salvation is revealed as of one s li . ; Wis | work. contracted for. 1f the tender bo | sal Thousand Island & St. Lawrence cutting their grain crop and report . i y > that it is not up to the average. The from Ch na, whe re Mr. Mirus) hos of others 'have. since taken up with held near Lyn on July Sth, at ork contracted for ove rourped EL v he ron has Ween ssturcd und the Ly . . mise hry ar Se vera} y ars. ov gratifying results, Mr. Terrill' Colars,' he juoune of Ns. aud Mrs. |. Ihe Department does not bind itself to Address, Rev. C. W. Ljion, at o River Steamboat Companies \ : : hey are spending a pleasa aca : Z worge A. MeNish. he puests, Who [accept the lowest or & ender, treet, Roston as.. for o condition it was housed in is prime . x . | founded and conducted for manv years) ™ # Reacon street, Bo y asd. | = : : - | tion with Bovd Drummond of Klynes- a i bas ho p re 9 % By order, . Connect The price of cheese is going up and |}, also many other friends who, the well-known husincss of J. Terrill & ninboedl | ater thirty, wes fhe La JR. C. DESROCHERS, literature. In fon with New YorkCen- the quantity of laceal thud received |g 1 : 1 : my' an 4 his fami Sons, now so ably ess of J bv his | and daughters and grandchildren of Asst. Secretary. tral & Hudson River R.R. » 3 e are cased to see ane S I¥ > " y R Ni SE ir x > ; ne + -is decregsing. So the dairymen | ™ J heir. nr S ht move. Miss: Eli.j Youngest son, John KE. Terrill Mrs. James McNish, of [Elm Grove pepartment of Puble Works, Y asing. 4 Iv in thei ls noe > 3 .} g : yo Sh ust 5. 1908. not profit much in the The | 3 \ : gh : ft Mr. Terrill was married to Wiss | Farm" "in, whose honor thie gathering Ottawa, August =, 190) LLL 12 | da McAndrews has just re tarn d m| - - 5 Newspapers will not be paid for this Leave Kingston daily, except Sunda; i é Tane Hubbs Southard the 27t + | was held i | . v' copious showers that ave allen | (tawa, where she has b spendin | ane ubbs Southard on the Zilh © { . . . x advertisement if they msert it without 5.00 a.m, and 2.00 pow . oie Kingston Sunday, 7.80 om. and) from tine to time have heen gureeabie | hor vaca ho stop Willie Rielly is| ctoher, acoy, Their children were he nkins' for bo d all wool suit authority, from the Department. sons * Allan Coates, of Brockville, i& un p.m. for the growth of ensilage corn, which | on the sic st. The crops were never all y : : ate Cape Vincent dail now promises well The Preshoter { Lotter | David 8. Terrill, Picton; Alired M der arrest at St. Thomas for breaking r It and 6.15 ars ay, 0.00 Ey r. into a sealed ear. --Uontes ds.n rey | 0 ice to o Our {i omers I eo Making = direct conuections at Cape Sunbury Notes. Sunbury, Aug. J.--Farmers are f simi an. in Brockville . Vinceut to nd from all much wanted man in Brockville. War : York 4 Torch all Soins ia Vim! rants are in the hands of the police | Our store will close at 6 tun Samhain cent to New York. Gin sate Kington - charging him with the theft ef a pair | " ht N good uprda; of boots and $90 from Neil's store. [O'Clock sharp every night,| p.er. white Wine Pickling | Sunday. ritutaing voy and mciuding' dking for n> sjiste for is ; {except Saturday. Vinegar, Monday, $1.65. f nnouncement as WON PeOeIVE( mi Athens of the marriage, at Kipg ; VER We have also a full line of S EC 0 ston. last month, of Peter Melntosh, A. GLO choice Pickling Spices. P IAL N TICE. Winchester, and Miss Perey, a resi a o de me of Athens, a sister of Mrs. (Rev) ABS ' Vegetables and Fruits of all | mg the Ladies of Kingston : 8. Hughes. C * kinds. ' I have removed to the former: in ne in nails. Crawford. i 3 B Anson Manhard. » life long resident The Old Stand and The Old Num- Specials in Teas and Coffees. Boa Xa eation Pe Mon-J of Fairfield, has left for Demver, Col. | ber. aanbor the where he will remain at least a year. | . place, NC) Comoty ied oc ov Phone 490 Kirk & Lee, | ship clerk of Front Yonge and F. RB. " : Mallory appointed in his stead. | OFFICE NO. 1. 277-279.88) eine ess St. LADIES" TAILOR. Girls of the present day imagine it] All orders promptly attended to Phone' M17", The foundation 2 stone of England's is more dignified to be a breadwinner | night or day. ™ | first. skyscraper has been laid at Liv-g than a breadmaker. . i --- When the other fellow offers to com- | erpool. The building' will be 300 feet : Any sort of advice is good, as long |, The right kind of a doctor leaves | promise, it means that you have tie] high and is bei rected on a sita® as von don't attemnt to follow it. well enough alone, best of it. overlgoking the oe \ Blusberries in pails. Crawford. : ' i " HTM BE ee