Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Aug 1908, p. 7

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TRAVELLING. | Tn PEMBROKE - RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacitic Railway Kingston Civic Holiday | AUGUST 10th, 1208. Round ¢ ssued fr King te i Saturda 10th sod returning | August 11th HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSION To Manitoba, Saskatchewan Alberta. Good to go Aug, 41 1st, 15th and 20th Tickets good Full partioalar R. Ticket Office, Unty and h and 18th, Sep BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY Traln leaves union stav.om, Ontario street, 4 pun, daily (Sundays excepied, for Tweed, Sydenhami Napanee, Deser- onto, Bannockburn and all points north. To mecure quick despatch to Bannock- burn, Maynooth, and points on Central Ontario, route your shipments via Bay of Quinte Railway. For further particu- inre, apply to Ry W, DICKSON, Agent, Phone, No, INTERCOLONIAL IY NN Special Excursion Fares to the Seaside Maritime Express leaves Montreal noon daily except Saturday Ocean Limited leaves Montreal daily exce Saturda) FROM MONTREAL du 12.00 7.30 p.u Loup couna Bic Little Metis Rimouski Campbellto Dithousie Moncton ot Shadiac John, N.B P.EI . PEL Summerside, Charlottetown Parrshoro, N Halifax . ® Picton ; 1 Mul Sy rey North St Je rage 15.00 Sydney 18.00 hing, Nfld 52.00 August 10, 11 a « August 81st r excursion far rom " $2 t the above Propo faire fre points in Ontar Our Husirated hookle . mer Haunts lis of tioned aho I'oronto East General Passe HNL TE SEASIDE EXCURSION ove St. 21s t Going turning I Hn t Wr Ticket ite fi Uflice To and 10th Muine Coast, Lawrence Maritime . ul "$95. 30 Jos Auge . S101. 10 wr Pullman n dation, tickets information | t P. HANLEY, Ag Johnson and Ontario V V Pr s . an 0 i Sen Angeles. mo ar d othe rent, 3 > Him ) Company Quebec Steamst:i I LIMITED, River & Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes | The Needle's | Eye We first test every- thing which enters into our | test at various stage ly the finished product i cartridges and shells, then s; final. 18 | shot under all conditions, in all makes of arms, against all other | tion, Our tests are pronounced | \ { J HANLEY & RICK I t Ager Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte | Steamboat Co. KINGSTON, ROCHEST 1,000 ISLANDS. Strs. commencing June 27th, ston for Thousand Island except Monday, at 10.15 a.m. tng leave at 5 p.m., for Char (Port of Rochester), calling at Quinta Ports STR. ALETHA--leaves Mondays Bay of Quinte Ports at 5 p.m. | JAMES SWIFT | HANLEY, | leave King- | Return- lotte, N.Y. | Bay of for | | Full information from CO., Freight Agents, J.P. 8 KIRKPATRICK Ticker agents t langmage 1 a ing sharp retorts. ) | | LIMITED. { | | | NORTH KING. |» | om . i | by European experts finest in For all makes of ammuni- the use anywhere. makes of arms. Costs one-third toon filth less than duty | paying am | tee puts sll risk on the Dominion Cartridge munition. Our guaran Co., Lid. Moatreal DOMINION AMMUNITION Wk Tamdnche and relieve all the troubles fnele ort to Dizziness, salting, Ps nsrkabile suco a a bilicus state of the system, such a8 Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress afte &e. While their mos 'boon shown i GUElLg sicK ain in the Bide, imc, yot Carter's Little Liver PIT are ¥jually valuable in Constipation, curing and pre. oor iting thisannoying complaint, while they also rectall disorders of thestomach stimulate the Feer and oncetry Dhie in we ow We & ne bane ww Arngg 1i8ts avery regulate the bowels. Even if they ouly at priceless to those whe complaint; but fortus otend here, and those } ind these little 'pills value many ways that the y will not be wil thout them. But after alla.ck head ~ ACHE ot so many lives that here is where oat boast, Our pillacure it while Live er Pills are very small and 0 pills muakea dose. do not gripe os 35 tion please all wha ; fivafor $l. rere, i; a Bent by mally ~ CARTER MEDICINE CO., New Yorlg ' tw 8. fal Duss Small Pron pastry flour." fo and THE at a "bread flour" As good r ove as for the other--- JEST for both. Beaver Flourisa blend of It pr m 1 ake Ontario Fall Wheat Manitoba Spring Wheat contains just the right oportion of each to the 'whitest, most nutritious Bread -- and th e lightest, tastiest Cake, Pies and Pastry, Insi Fi IA 7 I have fou da mat out h 1p. st on 'having Beaver Our. . Dealers --- writs for prices on all kinds of Feeds, and Cereals. T.IT Co. Coarse Grains Taylor Limited, Chatham, 67 uma Sm » for Rhe ne 1 of this reme ied to pure water. us wastes » cause of There is now no flor longer withe We sell, and in confidence recommend Dr. oops Rheumatic Remedy _ "ALL DEALERS" ALLAN Montreal to Liverpool MONT tion m HANL i _KIRKP points daily | at © Rates of puseage LEAVES WOLFE LL AVES from wa LINE Mail TO HAVRE LONDON. Hs ..Aug 1. Aug. and full informa- obtained frome J Pp. GG. T.R:., op CO. Local Agents REAL 12 Sept 1 sa n sails \y be E Y, Agent PA' RIC TRICK, S. TEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER ISLAND :-- . 1,004.00 p.m v 1.00--4.00 p.m, 1.004.000 p.m. 1.30 p.m. 1.00--4.00 p.my 1.00---4 00 p.m. 4 1: 12.30 a.m; 5.00 p.m. KINGSTON ne. 8.00--5.30 p.m, m. 3.005.330 p.m wry 30 p.m. Simco Island alls at Garden Island going to Kingstoa 3 ry «AE DAILY sriTise 'WHIG, FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, Selections HAWAIP S GOATS. They Eat Up the Mountain Forests and Cause Floods. The wild goat of Hawail in recent years became a serious menace to ag- riculture in various parts of the ter- ritory. Secure among the aimost in accessible cliffs the mountains, thousands of these nimble animals find a congenial home, and, although no systematic efforts have as yet been gurated for exterminating them, y are nevertheless extremely Wary bi difficult to approach. . California apd Australia have had their scourgés of rabbits, and various western states still have their 'trou- bles in combating prairie dogs and gophers, but these pests injure the ag- riculturist directly by attacking his growing crops, while, on the other hand, the goats of Hawail do the same thing indirectly by ruining the mountain for- ests, which conserve the rainfall on which the water for irrigation pur- poses is dependent. This was not for a long time appreciated, but of late years, with the rapid increase in the number of goats, it has become very apparent. In some sections of the mountain districts, once heavily wood- ed, there is now scarcely any vegeta- tion at all, due solely to the destrue- tive feeding of the goats. Goat hunting is a popular diversion in some parts of the territory and as a sport is by no means to be despised. Although the animals are numerous, it requires some hard tramping and climbing" to get to their haunts, and then a true aim and good eye for dis- tance in order to have much success. Occasionally parties are organized and a week or more spent in goat shooting, with the result that sometimes several hundred are slaughtered. Were it not for he injurious characteristics of the little animals the slaughter wuld seem wanton yp the extreme, for no value is placed on the carcass, gud it is usually eft where it falls. Indo, the charac: ter of the mountaing would often make it difficult to secure the quarry after it is shot, and it is only in case of an especially large animal, which the hunter may desire to secure as a tro- phy, that any attempt is ever made to recover the body. The fact that there market for the ski prevents their being hunted for any other purpose than the sport or in order to reduce their numbers where they have come especially trgublesome. Could some use be found for the skins, there is no doubt that a gfgat numer could be secured at little cost. The goats are of the common, back yard, tin can eating variety transplanted here years ago, and, finding the conditions espe- cially congenial, they have increased very rapidly after breaking away from the dominion of man.-- Forest and Stream. of seems to be no » Photographing the Stomach. An improved apparatus has been made by Dr. Fritz Lang of Munich by which the "fnside of the stomach can be clearly phatographed. The camera is actually swallowed by the patient, and when it reaches the stom- ach the walls thereof can be illuminat- by a small electric lamp attached to the apparatus. - At the bottom of the camera wound a photographie film twenty inches long and a quarter of an inch wide. All the surgeon has to do is to pull a cord and thus run film, past the lens, The electric § then turned on, and after the sitive film bh image the 1 another section « play until f pictures has ed is the 1s been rent is turned off and f the film is brought the requisite number been obtained. he the into Court Clerk's The Chicago Bar clared war ing clerks in the courts. So large of these offices that it is not unusual for le from to four times as much as the a judge. The Record-Herald that the clerk of the nets from $25,000 to while in the court run up to $30,000. Bar tion demands that the offices be placed on a salary basis and suggests that $6,000 a year is quite enough to tempt good men to take the places. Big Fees. association has de fee supreme a have bee on the system of pay- nd emoluments appellate the ome, reports say, me in a ye two alary of shows ks to receive supreme court $50,000 a year, the fees associa- ippeliate The The Man's Turn to Laugh. A man in Berlin who paid $1.90 for a ticket to hear Mile. La the Ital- ian countess prima donna, sing in "Car ' tried to get the managers to re- fund his money when the prima donna iled to appear in the role, as adver- «. The managers laughed at the 1 and. pointed to a conspicuous ard-hung in the lobby announcing ill and would not r that evening. Appeal to the st courts was made, and now the managers have been ordered to refund the price of the ticket and pay the costs of the suit. that the star was To Banish Insomnia. Chloral, morphia and the poppy must to laurels as aids to "na- sweet restorer," for, according contemporary, a recent in- tion will banish insomnia. The in- a musical bed. The sleep- look their tion is less and tired with his foot releases a spring which sets a musical box in motion, The an- paratus begins to grind out lullabies ! pitched ball? be- : impressed with | of the | man goes to bed and | and melodies, and in a short time the | patient is snoring peacefully.-- New ' wii; everything else!--Yonkers States- York Tribune, a painter is wedded to h ' he must be true to his colors, } 1s lk A UNIQUENESS WANTED. 'Where is the out of town resort Where men are so extremely shorte Or scarce? I'd like a true report-- Authentic information. I'd like to know where mi far Find that condition harg to bear. I'a like to save them fim despale Through my two wee vacation. i J The only pebble on the beach, ! I'd be extremely nice to each; - | I'd take them out to rowrand teach . Them all the art of swimming. Impartially with all I'd spoon, i With all admire the lovely moon. { My cup of joy at-such a boon Would be quite overbrimming. For generally, I admit, 1 do not seem to make a hit; fhe girls seem bored a little bit Ww he snever 1 go near them. really had no choice y form and manly voice Might their lonely hearts re- ice. I'd ee to go and cheer them. Chicago News. Giving Him Encouragement. } | | think your father would hurt m * 1 was to ask him for you?" "Hardly. But there's no telling what | he | do if-you don't sgy something | pretty "Do soon!" . | | He Realized at Last. { "So glad to meet you again, Miss Green. 1 saw you last in"-- "I beg your pardon." "That must have been before"-- "Excuse me, Mr. Brown." i "jt doesn't seem possible that so | many' -- | "Really, Mr. Brown, you"-- And then the luckless Brown sud- | denly understood that the lady didn't | care to hear any further references to the flight of time and changed the sub- ject.--Town Topics. | | | | Not Meant For Him. "See here," indignantly ened the transient guest---here's a collar hutwon | in this stew! "Oh that's a mistake, sir!" replied | | the waiter "A mistake?" "Yes, sir. We never give extras ex- cept to our regular customers."--Cath- olic Standard and Times, . | Emulation. | "Why do you think college boys are '| so fond of athletics?" "I suppose," answered Mr. Si Level- | "that the youngsters overhear us | old chaps braggin' bout what we did | when we were boys an' sort o' feel it | their duty to try to keep up."--Wash- ington Star. head, Proof Positive. She is an exceptional woman. In what way? She understands the game of Jack Tom Jacl baseball Tom--How do you know? Jack ls fault with the um- from start to finish--~Detroit Trib- She fin pire une, Wisdom of the Wise. a man who is contin- n the beauties of hon- r "1 never trust ually harping « esty," said the "Why not?" "Re sage queried the youth. ylained the wisdom dis nds too mruch as if he | himself." --Chicago | | | | 1 | | of Sageville. { | ause," ex} vith Fashions Reversed. How do you like my new nma? don't. In my day on gloves and gowns neck. Now they gowns and gloves neck.--Judge. gown, grandma Grandmamma--1 girls wore one bu bi ' up to the wes one button 1 uttone 1 up to the buttoned ot Rattled. Tired Thomas--After givin' me sum- thin' t' eat dat ole farmer asked me t' turn de grindstone fer him. Lazy Lewis--Wot did youse do? Tired Thomas--Nawthin'. I wuz so rattled 1 didn't know which way t' turn.--Miuonea polis Journal. -- Over rwhelming Success. "You have the three cent fare In vour town now, have you? How does it work?" "Too well. There's only about one person in half a dozen that can get a seat in the street cars now."--Pittsburg Post, His Job. "Yes, he doesn't do anything but pic! k up pins all the time." Il, well, that's a queer supersti- It's an occupation. He's employed in a bowling alley."--Success Magazine. Things Going His Way, Bill--Was the umpire struck by a Jill--No, but I guess he was struck man, "Mme. Be dba sent to the London hos- 210,000, proceeds of oxganized at. Co cha | went ' + matin Carder. nadian woods, { place."--Catholic Standard and Times. {est item."--Philadelphia Ledger. | you | to talk about at the card club.--Brook- { lyn Life, COLUMN OF HUMOR. "The Occasion For It. "He says he never prayed in al bis lite." "What & monotonous esintdice! Ap parently he has never been iu a tight A Striking Resemblance. "Why does old Richman call his auto after his son-in-law, the Duke?" "Because its first cost was the small- A Close Beginning. Miserly Bridegroom (as the carriage moves off)--Hey, there, save that rice! ~New York Life. * T i Mr. Microbe. £ When Mr. Microbe comes along %: | He doesn't whir-nor buzz; i He doesn't even s{ng a song, As Br'er Mosquilo does. He lights upon your hands or lips 4 In silence most profound ; And rests a bit before he skips Inquiringly around. But, ah, dear child, beware of him, For if your hands are soiled And if your clothes are not brushed, trim And if your milk's not boiled He'll bite you with whole rows of teeth-- He always keeps them sharp-- And then you'll wear a golden wreath And strum a golden harp. --New York American. . Dangerous Yioungster, "You'd better be kind o' careful how you talk to me," said: Tommy, doubling his small fists and glaring at the other boy. "I've got the artistic temper'- ment, and I've got. it bad!"--Chicago, { Tribune, At the Seaside. "Oh, George, can't you just smell the salt water?" "More than that, Maria-- I can taste it in the ice cream." -- Detroit Free | Press. Your Sweetest Hour, | What was your greate st hour? The one wherein You chose the way and ventured forth? The one | In which was born the courage to begin The profitable task which has been done? | Was it the hour In which you learned the glad, Sweet secret breast? hidden deeply in her | Or was it when you foundiout that you had Two crumpled dollars in your last year's vest? --Chicago Record-Herald. The Dot. "Has that titled son-in-law of yours any business sense?" "Yes," answered Mr. Dustinstax. "I | must say 1 admire his foresight and sagacity. He absolutely refused to take any chances on my regarding him | as a poor relation."--Washington Star. A Light Repast. Alligator--Great repiiles! I've gone and swallowed a cork leg, and now I can't sink to the botiom!-Minneapolisg Journal, ' Plenty of Kicks Coming. / TA wise man once said to his son, 1 "Whenever you think of a pun Go out in the yard And kick yourself hard, 'And let me begin when you're done." ~Cornell Widow, A Lost Illusion. Mr. Baker--I want to tell you, my | love, that the horrid story we heard | about Mrs. Brown is not true. Mrs. Baker--Oh, dear! What made tell me? "Now I'll have nothing His Feat. News Item: A carpenter in a board- ing house last week sawed three weeks' board.--Judge. Lest You Forget. When you cross the waters blue Take this loyal thought with you: Though you journey far and wide, Don't forget your civie Pao. leveland Plain Dealer, Bee Like. Bacon--That man reminds me of a | bee. Egbert--So busy? "No; because every time he unloads | anything on a fellow the fellow gets stung!"--Yonkers Statesman. True to His Art. Askitt--Who is that crusty old chap? Noitt--That's Bunns, the baker.-- Smart Set. Jest Singip'. "And have you music at the church? 1 asked the rural squire. "Waal, no," said he; "can't say we hev; Jest singin' by the choir." A =~ Call of the Wild, | She--Did you ever hear the all, of | the wild? He--I just guess I did! 1 wrote a piece once, and I heard the audience | calling for the author.--Yonkers States- | man. : At the Quick Lunch, Bill+You say he's old fashioned? Jill--Well I should say so! Why, he | chews his food!--Yonkers Statesman. Grateful Affection. "1 love my country passing well!" The officeholder cried, with glee. "I ought to love it, truth to tell, Since it has been so good to me!" --Washington Star. Sizing It Up. "Is it fair," remarked the observer of events and things, "to judge an ice- man's conscience by the size of the | piece of ice yeu find on your door | step ?'--Yonkers Statesman. Changed. As man and wife poor Peck and she Their married life began, But that was months ago, W Now they are wife and mans .=~Denver N: the Canadian wolf in | Zoo. New York, ruishing ¢ ealthy humanitarian has ofored | to restore him to the Ca- White Fang, the. Cen | SISSIES A 4 ete eiS AAR | is lan- | a te: OF OXFORDS. A great many people hav e taken advantage of Our Summer Sale of Oxfords. We are determined to close out every pair of Men's and Women's Oxford Ties. The following prices should appeal to all wearers of Good Shoes, All Our Ladies' $4 Ultra and Queen Quality $4 Ox- fords, all leather, in Ties and Pumps. Now - - = -$2.98. All Our Ladies' Fine Ameri- can $3.50 Shoes in Choco- late, Tan, Patent Colt. Now Men's Patent Colt, Gun Metal and Tan $5 Oxfords. Men's Tan, Patent and Gu Metal Oxford $4 Shoe: A Small lot of Tan and Patent Leather Men's $3.50 Shoes. Now All Our $3 Ladies' Oxfords. Now «-«=-= -$2.25. Our Windows Show These Smart New Goods, At. These Re- duced trices. J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. The Home of Good Sloes. NO _HONING=NO GRINDING "CARBO MAGNETIC". THE RAZOR OF PERFECTION. | MACNET)JC" Razor on thirty days' trial without obligatioh on your part to purchase. "CARBO MACNETIC" Razors don't _ pull--others will! ~ Get one to day and you'll have NO MORE RAZOR TROUBLES. a i gnefic + Zz RAZOR New York, N.Y; 69.71 BROCK STREET, » KINGSTON, ONT. Firm of A. L. SILBERSTEIN, 476 Broadway, For sale by McKelvey & Birc -- a A Big Success Qur Mid-Summer Sale--A Bargain for Everybody urniture. : Fancy Parlor and China Cabi- nets, Combination China Cabi-' nets and Buffets ; also Side- boards, in oak finish, from $12 up. Carpets, Floor and Door Mats in All Sizes. Brussels and Velvets and Tapestry Squares in great va- riety, at sale prices, at ™~ JAMES REID'S, the Leading Undertaker. "Phone, 147. Footwear! To Make Room for a Large Increase in Stock All Summer Footwear at 20 Per Cent. Off. A. E. HEROD, 286 PKINCESS ST. Summer Furniture Sale * Everything reduced from 10 to 25%. Your oppor-. 'tunity to save money. This sale includes a full line of Carriages and Go Carts. Couches from $4.50, 5.50, 6.50 ° 'and up. Parlor Suites 3 risces) from $15 up. Parlor Suites (5 pieces) regular $25 for $20. R. J. REID Ambulance Call 577. 230 Princess St. * When Preparing for the Old Boys' 'Homecoming See our variety of Cakes and Pastry. 9 largest assortment we have ever had. -Also Piums, Peaches, Pears, Gages and Late California Valencia Oranges. R. H. TOYE, King St. 1 The

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