A PAGE E10), THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1608. | THES PIEDITION th) WON ESO ==... AGED FON HE BE | : i orters On Their Rounds. | " | REMOVED To THE PEN. WHEN HOUSE WAS STRUCK Lowney's Fawards & derth | ASCRIBES IT TO THE POWER UR Cattle Thiel Given Three Years | BY LIGHTNING, | Jawuenay blugborrics. Cavnorsies "OF GOD. l . Lumb, Boston, is visiting mn he) at Woodstock. | city for a few days. Deputy Sherifi Hill, of Woodstock, | Portion of Kitchen at Home of| Separator buttr in S-pound crocks, Tae Promise Made to Her Creator arrived in the city, on Thursday after- | | i eam : | 26e. pounds, at Gilbert's. , i | noon, h John MéGraw. The pri-| William Davy, Barrie Street, | ho on | en} Strength and Vigor Im- |" William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders | soner, who is thirty-five years of age, | Was Wrecked--Several People | geived at Moree Phone 778. parted Soon After--Preached and unmarried, was found guilty of | Stunned, | 25c. cooked ham. J. Crawford. SUMMER PRICES | cn Thursday Night. stealing cattle from a number of William Davy had a miraculous oi Mrs. George Mack and children, left, The following remarkable episode Durham 'farmers, amd was sentenced | cape from) death, when" lightning | to-day, to visit friends in Gananoque. 'has been furnished the Whig by the by Junge Finkle, at Woodstock, to!struck his home, at Barrie street,| 'Hand Sapolio," fold in Kingston family concerned : ) at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. On Tuesday evening, August 4th ( | Jenkins' $12 suits, $7.85 Saturday. there was an exciting time on Charles | were arrested and lodged in the jail] house, and knocked in all one side of George Jones returned to Belleville | street, when Miss May Ghent, a young | at Simeoc, but managed to break out { it, smashed a pane of glass ina win- [to-day after visiting friends in the | girl, sick for five months and' wuffér- | John was soon afterwards recaptured, | dow at the opposite side of the city {ing severe pain, arose from he: bed special facilities for re-dying but Edward is still at large. | house, and gave all the inmates of | Jenkins' for J. brand Austrian col- | by _ the power of God. repairing, and remodelling Phe two wore charged with stealing | the house, and those residing nearby lars. is Every efiort had been put forth to old Fur Garments to the about a dozen eattle, but the gtock | a bad scare. Mr. Davy was walking Mrs. John Dixon is on a visit to | Save her life, and as many as six doc- newest styles, | { was all recovered, out of the dining-room into the kitch- her daughter, Mrs. C. Mallett, at Og- tors had been at her 'bedside attend- | a------ len, when the bolt struck the house, densburg, N.Y. ing her. All failed to do her any good. | Cheese Board Meeting. and he was so stunned that he did Jenkins' for cool pajamas. | People who stood over Miss Ghent's | At the meeting of the Frontenac | not know what had happened for a 25¢. cooked ham. J. Crawford. bed could. say nothing caly of her John McKay Fur Hous? [cheese hoard, on Thursday, William momefit The boards fell in around | August, like July, is playing right | patience; it was really wonderful how 1 Fawcett, the president, ovenpied the [him and he was surrounded with into the hand of the batless and bare- she bore the suffering, She had the ® | chair, and the secretary, William Pil- | debris. Boards flew in all directions, armed girl. smile of God continually upon her 149-155 Brock St., lar, was also in attendance. There were | and the fact that he escaped injury Jenkins' boys' suits; 25 per cent. } » 'VORrs | J 5 we 4 youl 1 hi | at 11.40 o'clock on Friday morning. ciraw and his brother, Fdward, | Lightning struck the kitchen of the ~ On all kinds of New Fur Garments made to special measure, and we also have 3 ofi 1 face, and -God's presence was felt hy Kingston, Ont. o | boarded 190 boxes of white cheese |is a miracle. Mrs. Davy was in the | to-morrow, | all who entered the room. {and 471 boxes of colored cheese, These dining-room, and she also suffered a H. Cunningham, piano tuner from | Miss Ghent is a girl fashioned and | "000000000000 000000CO 'aetories boarded : severe shock. | Chickering's. Leave orders ah Me. | Pafierned alter Sok 1 . : . ee] --" I + | White--Battersea, 60: Cold Springs,| One side of the kitchen is almost a Avlev's hook store. {De promis od, on 'uesday eve RO BAA - RGR a 70: Excelsior, dU; Glenburnie, 50; Hin complete wreck. The ball of fire lit Epicure cooked ham worth 400. | Gon if He would raisé her up, sh» * 0 ea er pdrdeieddrbederbed dB | Crook, 50; Latimer, 35: Oso, 20; {up the whole. house. Luckily, there |30c. Ibh., at Gilbert's. | would spend every hour and moment ne ; ' Sand: Hill, 30; Sunbury, 35; Wolle | Was ho fire Four barbers; service always prompt. | Vg Rea . "1 Island, 50; Pine Hill, 60. "Total, 490: Miss Morris, living in a house near Kingshury's antiseptic barber shop, | She had keen .in Kingston hospital Glenvale. | Mr. Davy, was out in her back yard | 185 Wallington street. { neatly three weeks, hut was removed | id Jd Si vj Cole 4 : 7 . we . sred--Elm Grove, 47; , g 15: Gilt Edge, 49; Howe Island, 36; | 81 the time, and received quite a> se: Jenkins' fancy sox, 26e. Saturday. Hrom there a Taw weeks ato. It had 4 Morning Star, 38; Ontario, 43; St. {vere shock. R. J. Morrison is dead at Tdéronto [been some .iime since the had Leen , : Silver 50 The two-vear-old son of Constable Me was the youngest son of Ann and {able to turn herself in bed, the doc pe : tors saving she had pneumonia.' ape ) Lawrence, © 05; Springs, ) ¥ > A ------------------------------------_---- Thousand lsland, 56; McGrath's, 60 John Navion, living close by, went jthe late Francis Morrison, formerly of in saving souls for Him. Total, 471. linto convulsions an refult + of the | Kingston, Ont. | ondicitis, and dry ing wp of the lungs. Make superb gifts and have | At 12¢. Mr. Gibson hohight the fol | shor k, and Dr. Robert Hanley was | oak 315 suits, to-morraw $9.45 while ae at, vy Bh ne ne aan . owing factories : Battersea. Cold | called Ihe lad made a speedy re he militia camp will open, on Ang. | a, a 0 bd : - " what every present should Wa i. Excelsior RE Lat. | covery 31st, on Barriefield Heights. {The call herd a yo from Heaven, Saying : Most women now require lighter have--sentiment and dn- Ni PCE Pine Hill. SandSHill, § Citirens who. heard a loud clap' of for tenders has heen issued. "Arise, and come forth nto my / icht Corset C t % aa | . 0, « 11, Sand sHill, un- | 1 : y | a . : . vinevard weigni Jorsets., orsets. per trinsic value. ture and Wolie sstand.. Mi. Keir of thunder inst about 11.10 o'clock, werej Jenkins' special quality 50c. shirts | gq OP ¥ oh be wraides of s vk d ry an ih Bde, Hows - leland | of the opinion at first that there had | Saterday. : a a ont t ; Pialgnso haps not as long over the hips to gH ge, Howe gland, |, cerieia Thon Br . tod, and of is potver to heal. . . : . of rr ol og sure ® | Ontario, St. Lawrence, Silver Springs | heen a Sxplo don - o yn as Shia | : HE : He em Yen elf 3 ughter | A great crowd Yeathered whle the v permit lounging mn chairs and petting on 1e best. i and 'Theusane Et x "| ning brightly a ye time, with no (of F. Snider, Fif ake, died i o | a a ' 4 ¥ EB un y ) | and Thousand Island Mr. Alexander jr ner Whatever that there old I renera) i Fd : Tei : She 3h house was filled, and a growl on the ) hammocks, perhaps lower under { 1i in t - hil ay. . on S| etreet. Some were excited. Wp ae ap . . {1 htni to weak to be operated upon | She went to meeting in the Holiness . the arms if tennis, rowing Solitaire Rings, from $10 t Grove yt s high as : { pndm---- snk' wid : Aa a \ : y to as high a you care to go. | | Jenkins' wash suits, half-price Sat: | M4vement chy h on Thursday nicht, \} or other out-door amusements fn i a MARINE NOTES. [ arday th on ; ) ; Good values. in 3-stone and | May Depyrt Both, I te thitaaie stress. | pronto of Gols Boner ta heal | ave indulged in. All good makes } Bve-stone rings. | Col. Hunter, or Uonstable Baker, of n, Lyenan rect, | She saves she has not a pain or | hav mer mo lels to fit these ave summer models | Portsmouth, have not yet found What is Transpiring About the has returned from a pleasant vaca- | ch { + he 2 out | harves. | tion spent ong the islands. i i ion spent among the islan requirements. These are made I'he steambargze Navajo has arrived - cooked ham. J. Crawford I NEWS OF DISTRICT vv K 4 Sr | . J . . . . at Amherst Island, from Oswego, with | Five carloads of feldspar arrive U of light s cool batiste, with flexible coul . | over the Kinoston & Peml roe rtail-| The Tidings From Various Points a I'ne yacht Wavecrest has arrived at | way, for Richardsons' this morning in Eastern Ontario. lining. the government dry dock, to undergo | Jenking' suit sale on to-morrow | C REAP Ww M. beac Preécott repairs, | The isolation hospital for contagious | ofteactor I the . vo) By atl from I'he schooner May Ann Lydon ar- | cases was only closed a few davs, | has competec ie yo ol Sons : 1ived from Char lotte with coal for RB { when circamstances warranted its re ing the rifle rang for the Hist Re LH 50c, 45c, $1 to $3 Are Here. Crawford | opening to-day | ment on the farm purchased from | OR | he steamer Yeelwat did a rushing Patterson's, Fdwards & Jenkin. |W Ni X rea. het ul ak fort I - : wattal le 1 1 il busi ond Irom Kingston Milw| Homemade raspberry sinesar, Eq. Wiliam ypher, aged about forty Helpful'advice as to suitable models wi yesterday = : | wards & Jenkin. "Phone 7 | years, employed as a farm hand by . work at his trade.. 1f the woman |' : : {" col a To : . | 1. Fretwell, township of Augusta, was + be given. : ; i Nn lhe dredge Sic Richard and tug 'The strect comers are arah kezin . } 2 of @ itt elo toloofloofooofffofof fondu could he located she will be held in | Trudeau are at Booth's wharf, await | ning to be the loitering place for men arrested on a charge of committing a aa in} until the officers can arrive to |ing orders ' | out of employment. The police should @iminal assault on a girl of eleven COMPETENT JUDGES. take her to the steamship | the steamer Columbia cleared from | start another crusade. ye flelen Wilbur, daughter of EE the M.I'. Cos elevator tor Conneaut | Blueberries in pails. ( rawford, ' os Tr : od aug . . oF Beauty Doctors Endorse Herpicide. Alma Street Marriage. | to load coal for Montreal : Jenkins' summer weight suits, $10, | Charles Wilbur, | ittsburg _ railfay A pretty but quiet morning Kodding Ihe steamyacht Rauiona of the Fol- | for 86.20 | magnate, a patient at St. Vincent de 1 : : a: iy [Paul hospital, Brockville, where she beautifving other women come pretty took place at the bride's home, Alma | ger tine, will leave, to-night, for Clay | "They cost no more than many in- | J ; : forior makes." Why not buy Huyler's | underwent an operation for appendici- near knowing what will bring about stregt, on Aug. {th, when Miss Eliza ton, N.X., to go on her regular | 1 McConkey' high elass ly f ti has fully recovered 75 t . an cConkey's high elass candy Irom | w } Ce 0 $5.00 the best results. Here are letters from beth Brewstér was united to Harold | route. G Well 1 i 8 l two, concerning Herpicide | Buck, by Rev. TT. KE. Burke, in the Freight business is reported to be | Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. lx fevige Veler, an oO d and respe« ih Iriver captain and citizen of Alexandria "1 ean recommend Newbro's' 'Herpi- presence of a namher of friends and | very hght, on se eral of «the boats, | Campers' supy lics. Edwards & Jen- a ] i ® vide, as it stopped my hair from fall relatives. 'The bride was charming in | and several have had to cancel a nun- kin. x : . | Bay, N.Y, died, Wednesday, alter mg outs and, as a dressing it has no her gown of white silk. The at-|Ler otf tips, 1 Murs. Mi'o Cummings, son aml | an illness of ery _ weeks. Capt. re y 1 e Ruperior | tendants were Miss Rose Turner and I'he steamer Colmmbia ran into one daughter, returned to Grindstone Is Weller was born there sixtymine years land, after a visit to her niece, Mr ago. "(Signed.) Bertha A. Trullinger, | Roy W 1, consi i the groom. "The |of the "uprig ts" ) : Can exian Shee) ry Re y oot , cousin of ! gro we [0 , Pp igh at the MT. Co's 5.3 Wodnestlay, Rev ¥ C. Revnolds ¢ dining room was decorated with palms | elevator, and did some damage. Tem- | Reoclevill perf rmed the matribge. of i | Brockville, performe y ro 0 13 Morris n St., Portland, Ore {ans flowers and a sumptuous repast | porary repairs have been made. | cooked ham. J. .: rawior | Mics Iothel, second daughter of Lom ' ising one f* ot ' 3 : | ) u ¢ e e ss lthel, secont aughter oO na . : After ' ing ne baths ot Herpi- served, The bride's going away dres Swift's : Steamer North King, down hi hing hee, he n Py one a po | Smith. and B in Barr i of From cide," my hair has stopped Iallne o Vas ¢ A i tot { + land wu to-day Stee x Ie { whistle to notly we firemen, off duty SW , ant Adis ¥ > BK oh \ was of hrown hroadecloth. with Ww... 1 P, day; amer Aletha, from leg. (hore is] erick Rarr.© Montreal, formerly of « } m » « pxereis y SOS and. my calp is entrely fIrce from 3.4 of Tuscan straw Mr. and Mrs, | bay points; steamer Rideau King, for] exercising the horses, dandrafi ed 0 a fire. Une should Le provided oy the Brockville ck o , ) tr: or | Ottawa, this. morning; schoone . . in . Ruck left. on. the noon WY Io i wrning; schooner Ke | Mrs. Jennie L. Stapley, wife of Wil- 11Z¢. got Morning Star and Elm ' | anything ahout Mrs. Savers, who di | appeared on Wednesday evening from. | | the village The villagers are glad | , Spangenberg | che has gone and do not want her al Reliable makes of Summer (Corsets ome hack soon The people do not > " | helicve that she has drowned her elf. JEWELLER, but are of the opinion that she has cleared away. Her husband is hw and { around He says he is quite wilting | { | | | | to have the authorities deport him, as DIAMOND MERCHANT B{ 0. tnxiots to aot boc en ant some country again, Women who make a business of} 2 Johnston, Brock street council "Reanty Doctor, oading coal Me. cooked ham, Crawford bert 'Stapley, passed away, on Thurs . . - . "105 Sixth St Portia], Ore. kingston, junon TE i Lahkl motor hoat 1 A convict 'named Smith, who he (day, in Belleville, from child hirth. | Made from fine quality White Swiss 3 . t ite ational NOoLor Youn ACeS "oe 2 . = i Scld by leading drug, ist Send 10 : tr t will come off lexandiia Be came violent at the outer epot, while | The infant survives, he deceased, a ARF y APD w 2 . in stamps for samrle to The Hero Bie Sale Of Bananas. I th. at Alexandiia Hay, N.Y., | waiting deportation, HH to- | daughter of the late Robert Reynolds, | Lawn. Some are elaborately trim Bn fet ron by Warden's Clerk Forrester. to | Burkston, Ont. was twenty-five vos med with panels of Embroidery and cide ( Detroit, Mich, Two siz 0 Saturday. Edwards & Jonsin. day 3 : -- | rival of the motor boat fleet from |. : : : and &1. G. W. Mahood, special nt . " t Ne ot we rire. Nova Scotia, where he will be | of age. She was married some three . . : hi -- -- Temkie ot okie slate nk? lawe | I ~ y rk the Erie WE ~ the a placed in the insane asy lum for cri-| years ' Valenciennes Insertions, and back WOH ands \1é e¢ Erie canal, leaving Co- | le ennls elow. Gi oats. 0 o as . _ |minals. Pennis : Pelow, Gunaneque, an (= finished with cluster of tucks and lumbia Yacht Club Tuesday, August sls a 1 an | eb if . as | ht bel 11th. Dixie 11, the thirty-six-mile-ax Jen! i silk and lisle hose, 37 i wargex of forgery, was brought Lelore . : ind his { Judge Revnolds, at Brockville, and insertions. Ey ner * I huisday mornit i i {of R. G. Hervey, Maitland, Josiah H. | . ; Gillett Razor Blades! ict wht oar vo? vas it oi" | Si pun Tonal a Brod Pay oe a : ' Miss Laura Dunnigan passed peace pleaded guilty to each He was re en months, with para: 7sis. Tr : a ' . p # VE Spf » y seatOnee " . Rf 399 fully away, on 1 riday morning# at the manded for ons week for seatend J : . . oy A nln: BES cts, $1.99 T0 HAVE "TAG DAY] residence of her brother-in-law, C. J. | Wednesday, Andrew "Johnston, farm Others made with fine lXmbroider- enkins' negligee shirts, #l.20, hoi . . > " Greal Union street, after an illne er. broke ipto the residence of Miss . ¥ The Woman's Aid Society Will Do erin' ration Peccamed, | ida Evertts, third concession of ed Fronts antl tucked in yoke effects. Fame 12. Patterson, Picton, died Collecting. born in Cape Vincent sixty five years | Augusta, and flourishing a revolver Also uddenly, on Tuesday, Decca ed | The Woman's Aid Society of the |, lived most of her life there In | compelled his wife to accompany him | | | "(Signe Grace Dodge bid: : gned.) ra odge, Brantford. Their home will be in | watin cleared, to-day, fot Sodus, after | nr Ww the residence Sharpened and Made As pood as new for } 0) 4 i AZO, i the seventy-seventh year of his | General Hospital, willl hold what "is + years she came to live with her | Johnston secured a boat and rowed g known .as a "tag day" in Kingston gster across the river . A Ihe annual camp meeting of the | and the near vicinity, about the first | J | ------ ite inen he dC d a Holiness Movement will open at Lake| week in October. They propose to di-| Strid | Sticks To Tt Work. . Eloida, on the 26th ins | ide A et ty Tato sections, with | B. A. sotel Arrivals. 1 € 0 secil s Montreal Gazette. J. McAdam, Prescott; PD. H. McKav t Om August 4th, at' Hillside, Farl | 4 member of the society and la- {| | : t € ) S00 ane ome la ty a > a boise . - : ' Shrubl was married to Mi Augu ta) s : . VIR. A. Dickson, Ben. C. Budd, J H I'he British parliament before it . Special attention paid to Safety ru r ; ¢ dics as assistant Nach sectio will | I* kson, . ve . . a ean ipetia Y on ! Shepherd, both of Bloomfield | nave boxes to receive contributions Lvons, Addison Pegg, W. O. Walker, | to0k its summer recess passed two ' 5 1 i g . nm » ¢ He \ « Razors of all kinds. ('coked ham, Edwards & Jenkin | Anv person dropping into the box any W. H. Wilson, Toronto; R. A. Batley, | important bills, that providing for ! . en that relating to The, Ogdenshurg city conncl has amount of money will recéive a neat H. Diplock, Angus Orr, Wil jam Mit | old-age pensions and . Joukinis" for new patterns in shirt [will be sure that another contribution Ravside, Montreal; J. : : I \ i oo WwW A M t *h >11 | a bill respecting the education ------ . * ile 1 C C ' -- placed a license on aut ile | » with the letters K.G.H. printed chell. Charles L. Bewer, A. R. Magil, | the Irish universities, and each im 1 land wile, Kittanev, Pa. J. D. VYarm | bill, y : . \ 3 The Gre English Remed | many other cities in aid of hospite | - Tr . 1 ! : | HARDW AR E. The Great igoratestho whole | o 1. | has ; ved a ont a . Eh ' Walker and wife, Gananojué: W. S.| mines, and a number of others of 4 oe Tikes No {ts ald es the : ame . The | Rovers and wife, Rochester, N.Y.: | minor importance I'he blows the ma - - v n ol eins, Owures Nerv shi y yg y here oe la- | on Yarinern (3 7 Pian ha 1 . we fF 0 dn io At Foxboro ( oy ns Debility, Mer «and Rrain Worry, Des | dies will have a great deal of work to | Mrs. George Glozier, J. Poster Shan-| jority in Ue How A of Dire a . 1D. united 1 ving Make Hall | Ondeney, SEXuc. Weakness, Fomissions, Sper | 3 46 all the arrangements are non and wife, New York: J. D. Me: | receiving from the electorate are neith Be Ellen, Réat lor Laaiee iffcct of Abuse on LECH 41 i Bain, Mrs. J. D. McBain, Williams- | er weakening its radicalism mor tak il > | | er year on them and the weaver of thi ta A. M. Morrison, W. H. Winter, R. J. | portant in its 'way It also began con } = D. Doversyills | sideration ot and advanced a licensing i ------ { will not be solicited during the lay r . Wood's Phosphodine, | 1 - t . li has oi Sieh in: Jee, Misses Chawvier, Shirly Barr, Ot of the common people, a hill to make = . "l tawa; E. O. Brown, Brivhton: G. H. | (ight hours a legal day's work in coal Miss El Beatrice Nagnett io box, six for § One will please, six | completed, but they are sate of mak- | a \ | i} : 5 : ; and Mi -n a a per Ya iii or mailed ir |. heir undertaking entirely succes town, N.Y. A. G. Geiger, drockville: | ing away its capac itv for the kind of | K * ~ d | Thomas Fisher and three, Consecons i work it is addicted to. vaungest danghter of James 'Tugnett |° Soke. on receipt of price. New pamphlél | hoth of Bellovill pail! free, The W Med'oins Co. ful, fo [T. S. Lowe and wife, Newark, N.J.:| bt ue perfect Ice Cream Soda. | Richard Elv and wife, W. A. ( rane, | High Wages On Farms. | First the je cream must be per |W. K. Ludlam, New York: J L. Rob Winnjpeg Free Press. : % fects ours 8 pire, rich 1 To gral _|erts and family, Peoria, Hi: Ered. S| fhe anticipated scarcity of farm pre 18 pure, 1 and fine grain- | yn 1, 1. Hill, Woodstock; Mrs. H.llahorers with the harvest almost ready Jenking' for bargau suit An nn Fay ~ ~ ne yy id 4 ed. Then pare fruits amd juices must [np Rice, Miss Mary Allan, Houston. iz¢ resulted in high wages being of t A A Ibe used;we use them. Then the soda | Texas: Ralph D. Lamberg, Flora E.|fored io experienced men. The pre- f {must be properly charged; we see lo Tyler, Jennie G. Tyler. Minnie E. Pal-|( iling rate, according to Bruce Wal- | } . Clean P a Cc or this Lastly, thoroughly washed and mer, Chicago : 11. Allen, Marchesny | yop commissioner of immigration, oo ; \ . ? polished glasses ave necessary; ours | and' wife, Master Allen Marchesny ahd ker, OE ts. Toren ati ia } : are. Wade's drug store. [nuoyse, chauffeur, Pittsburg, Pa. rs. cituation. runs from X35 to $40 per | Satu rda a A or Saint Miss, Mo.;. Thomas | 18 OC "ea 50 per day. with board. | » For The Old Boys'. {1. Fee, 'St. Hyacinthe, Que; €. Jek- || experienced men are being paid ac ; Two shipments of new fall «tiff hats frey, Picton; Miss Sophia Dering, | nil to what they can do, their | | were passed through the customs, to | Worthington, Minn,; Miss Mabel Bir- | = | day, for George Mills & Co, the Prin. | kall. Miss ( lara Prideaux, Welchemina | th | cess street hatters. Ome shipment con | Luther, Sheldon, la. {mon B wages running from 315 to $25 per . 3 i >: a : ooffty hats. a { i sn ros ath : Boys' Wash Suits to Clear at 98¢. | ined FY yy hats, = { Ope way to stop a man speaking to) Fruit Galore. | : | { you is to lend him something. | Vor Saturday we offer 15000 Las'ets| | * Woman isn't, necessarily the weaker | fruit, comprising vears, peaches, | | vessel in the courtship class, | plums, red apples, tlackberries, |lae- | - - tq | Lorries, melons, tomatoes, cucumbers, | bananas, etc., prices from 25¢. to Toe. basket. All prices reduced, every Sat- urdav night, at Carnoveky's. \ Ya al v Q ' 3 9 | Formerly sold at $1.50 to 2.00. | Rideau rakes And Ottawa. | Rideau King and Queen leave for ' {Ottawa, Monday, Wednesday, Thurs- Men's Fancy Vests, 98c. J arias. vt © am. sa for | Clayton, N.Y., Tuesday, Wednesday, | Friday and Saturday at 615 p.m. | Boys' Shirt Waists, 49c. and 89c. [duis Bwilt & Co. Agemn. | Fr | Bananas !| Bananas! Bananas ! | | Edwards & Jenkin. "Thone rormerlv at THe @ Qn | Nobby Colored Felt Hats.) i ein ra : - . Former ly sold at Voc and 1.25. | Reduced to quick selling prices at The man who would take you to THIS TRUNK, small slze, $4.25; medium size, : | Campbell Bros." slaughter sale of | heaven by his particular religious faith $4.75 * large 'size, $5.50. \symimer, hate. | ought to be able to tell why. We'll have the Trunks and Bags you'll need to | | | Slaughter Sale Of Bananas. {oven if the one who bears it is far pack your clothes in. rom being faultless. The largest assortment in the city and the See Display in Window. | -- Grav hair should have our respect, Edwards & Jenkin. -Phone 776. i OC | Sometimes 1 think it would have . pk = : LIVINGS ONS BR K Keop in mind the fact that others, y, Fiven hetter to put it "pntil death or lowest prices. 9 ST. lag well as vourseli, must suffer he- ( divorce do us part." 3 : ; {eanse, of vour indiscretions, ' | We live and learn until we are for- THE 0 RE SHOE STORE ; AAA VAAAAAARA | Dlueberries in pails. Crawford, ty; tin we live aud unleacn. L ; C 1 I WAAAY TTT TTY py an aN SVAN TTT © -' ¢