THE JALLY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY] AUGUST 8, 1308. NE -------- SR ------ mT Seat ott eo vous PUBLIE OWNER oHIP Sippy | | : Eaperimentsy a ov To ane At] To ET re The | Habit of Health Allowing 'Fat to Accumulate. -ALONG LINE. taty condition of "house drains "and the result of some experiments to de- IN CONNECTION WITH How to Prevent the 4 : } CMP - 'e termin hether disease germs may © | "Terrible End. o 8 Whalley ciSCase SCINS nay Many people have a habit of ailing. How much better it would Tet sas - acts : 8 ive present in them are valuable as showin Cenmadion Pacitic Railway ' e the victim of fat grows Facts and - Figures Siven By Pe TE produce danger pos to learn to keep well For health, after all, is largely a matter of § ------------------------ I'he : NO pin. the gf 4 Arthur H. Grant--Cities Glad what produce sanitary safety. The ex- - habit, which all may acquire with a little practise. Kingston Civic Holiday : : ds hte are' to Get Rid of the Civic Plants, periments were made by Maj. W. H. dretis t who positively a pamphlet isswed under the titl orrocks, an English engineer, and are y y AUGUST 10th, 1908. not believe it. And they dic refusing Tl oe Wei aad pili reported in the current number of x Round trip tickets will be issued fron 1 the tL Zrov 8. 'This Soh her i the Minicioal Owner hip Municipal Engineering Magazine. He PARI at SINGLE BIRNT-UCLASS {accumu 1 } i I Bures Arthur Hastings | first tried agitation of sewage in a y 3 good going Salurday and Mon- | heart hou $ . ts it k g surcay, Arihu asting : : s : ' dax, Aue. Sth 10th, 5 - iy are ntib h Y rant gives a list of the cities which | €10sed jar and found no ecntamination teach good habits to Stomac h, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels. If you' Ladies Patent Oxford: 2 : and good returning « : : oi or befors Tuesday, August 11th. y h d th skip | have tried municipal ownership, and of the air in the jar by the bacteria and are subject to Bilious suffer from Constipation or are fo hea han uh | tells the story of what came of the [ease gems in the sewagh Jt when trou heed with Indigs estion, LST vosaess = Headache, Beecham's Per Cent. off. . , sad : ACLS. ' rela. | €Xperiment te expe iC a a ventuat- ills wi reform all these ba and 'set an example of good HOMESEEKERS EXCURSION |. 101 t vietia v Of 'the cities which tried to manufac- ug trap doth 3 current of Fon! up thru health, which the body will quickly follow. You can break up all . : y Pn ' ied p e Hite. an KX scbricit - ne | the pipe from the surface of the agitat- sickly habits by occasionall the health Gol To Manitoba. Saskatc ] ure and sell electricity, Mr. Gran ie pipe from th ic 3 Dy A ally using tag lc suggestions trans- La Paten Sha, Bashkatchqwan and san writes it it has been found more |€d sewage the air was found to be con- mitted by Beecham's Pills, 'B 0 Our dies' t t Gocd + . «tt . a It vod are a victim® of this te ng | economical to turn over the- plants to tamsimated at least nine Joet & above he Prepared only by Thomas Beecham, St. Helens, Lancashire, England. : xford, - light or heavy 1o0¢ Og Aug. 4th anc 8th Sept. | eve row bi seins von car save | private « 3s for o ¢ water. ve air in a ventilated cesspoo < i . y. 8: rica. cents. SO. 1 wi toe "i jth and 29th, yourmif fro yo you hegu . of tl the Jodi als § hn Signy Fi ny likewise contains sewage bacteria, When Sead bf ait Druggists in Cuts and Us 3: Ame in bazes 28 les, plain or th ~ Tickets good to return in 60 days Kengo. the city governments, he says, basing nb arim}: o Z 9 i esis e -g ca = Full particulars ut K. & P. and C. P Joni, 1 ani fl it take | his statement on report of Mayors, ar ral Sone certain bacteria was P- « Ticket, Office, Untard St. 'Phone, 50. | vq sy loge 60 § nds 2 a ule only | city clerks and other officials. hav » fi il- | dried on the inside surtace of the drain x . A ---------- y | city « d other officials, lrave fail- | dfied on the side suract of the drain We will sell at 20 per cont. F. CONWAY, ays oh Ey. © is a Sa {ed to make municipal properties pay ea Yeas A ent, Loss of u pound a day, Some of | Re, ni pe abd ny ated line of pipes wa s contaminated by off for the next two weeks. -- oating over your he ' ave your | prise and push and the care and atten- them, even 'When rus rent is pro- BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY 1 £- ho a 2 reoh blood will [tien which individuals with their own Ynced 1 ony by i Je i ow o - Sewage Train jeaves union stades, Ontario | make vo ma grow 2 H money at stake would exercise. ya A BOF iapaal Mie 3 ae Mortem H JENNINGS St . y King . 4 pan. daily (Sundays excepted, | mn gulate mr whole "bedy Mr. Grant says: In the census report a : : : FY Sewage flowing into ordinary sewer treet, for Tweed, Sydenhaml Napanee, Deser- [make vo ny. we 1 to J based upon the statistics of 1002, it was YPN y 3 burn, Maynooth, and points on Central | It I the same - for you-- |plants which changed from private to 1 Ontario, route your shipments via Bay e vou befo is too ale. i mitnicipal ownership greatly exceeded a!" in the vertical ventilating pipes even = # Quinte Railway. For further partiou- 'There is hing "ust as gond" as h : when the flow of sewage was" as slow OI ut the number had changed from ' ' having witnessed at least thirty such where tlle municipal ownership experi- IMPERIAL I : 3 ! Fhouse side of the trap was not contami- OF THE private ownership. wm Cap. L'Aigl ird, Washington, the municipal } ability, comforts which RAILWAY, 9 by. Henry Wade, Druggist. changes. Reports from. various cities | IO the pipes in the house, showed that Special Excursion Fares ment was tried give facts, figures and CO % nated by the bacteria. But if there When you buy Underwear ask Maritime ¥xpro aves Montreal 12.00 LIMITED, TORONTO. At Alexandria, Pa, an electric light the air in om, ventilating pipes was : noon daily except . v plant was built by the city in 1880 at a | Ontaminated. Tf the trap was removed Ocean Limited loaves treal 7.30 p.n xs Celebrated cost of $17,000, and in 1906 it was sol i | the air in both vintilating . pipes was : daily except Saturday r hits for $3,500, the city then.making a con | contaminated, These periments show : FROM MONTREAL ' " tract with th + private owners for street {ine gres a vaue Ol cient traps BRAND Ho. I Tas 4 lights at a REBUT under 'hat at which it | between the sewer-and the syStem of : divere HE pons : ; I house drains ~_ it. Trane Gi die { ners! lan was tried in 1897 witha | BY BRITISH MAILS, { Cacouna . 3 ssh white' THE fs ) imi lant. The original cost: was | h -- Made only by KINGSTON Bie .. 9.00 S 10,6 nd in 1902 t ity leased the [Items of Interest For The General . HOSIERY CO. LTD., Kingston, Little Metis 9.00 | plant to a compan) ity years get | Reader, ' : Rimou Wi 4 wee 9.00 | oN rt 5 a 1H m Uiides v Waldorf Astor has donated $5,000 ampbellton 10.00 hand ! 1 1 income from |, he Lond "hildrenls Fres { I he plant equal Hed Je 30 per cent. of to t London Childrens Fresh Air onto, Bannockburn and all points morth. This P y wh 1s h ¢ pipes laid in the ordinary way but with- ol ; ho have Ker shown that the number of electrical . i ™ To secure quick despatch to Bannocke{} indred . i \ taken ak . or Slectrica out trap was found to contaminat the ¢ TO A END THE lars, apply to Ry W. DICKSON, Agent, | Rengo. 1'or [sale by all druggists at S bar Poparly 3. R . $1.00 per full sized box, 'or by mail pre- municipal to private ownership. Since a . three feet to a second. &® \ paid, Ly The Renzo Co., 8,332 Rengo | then the tide has turned and more plants xperiments made with specially pre- Bldg. Detroit, Mich. Phe eompany will are passing from municipal to private pared house drainage systems and also ) aT gladly send you a trial package free by nershimeil aan I ie with actual house drainage systems in TRADE MARK, 4 mail. if vou write them direct te Detroit; | ownershipwthan the reverse, the four- rock ana } relic 3 ) no free packages at drug stores. teen months ended February, 1908 |Fé8uar ope ration, having eihcient traps . wed For sale and | recommended in Kingston | :9 to stop the flow of air from the sewer % the air in the ventilating pipe: on the € feasous dor chs ¢ Po asons for change from municipal to : to the Scaside DOMINION BREWERY "0 . ship . Pal 10 was also a ventilating pipe on the sewer : > : - } for the Murray Day le to provide the li Every garment guaranteed: Dur Dalhousic J 'aie 10.00 Fund, Moncton . : 50 of production | Crosby Hall is to be re-erected at St. John, N.B | A ' n 1889 Berkeley, Cal, invested $30, | Chelsea as part of the new U T'S : : : =H India Pale Ale | |- a lighting plant, and ten years | [igre 3 Part of the new University We have bunched together all the small lots, Shadiac . | 3 | Summerside. P.E.1 an | | ; r a private company came in with a | ant Dearlove, stationed at Becl : Charlottetown, P.E.I FRB w and up-to-date plant, and the city's {onham died from a blow on hel and Odds and Ends, and placed prices : ie to-date ps d V's | enbars: Ged From o Dow Tad d Ends, : pls prices on | 1 NOK Porter { [1m ulni id hi fc oh Pa al oad . Hal : Jas i. The cil ad or ed to leas se it, und { "rpg vache Cicely, the only English them for you to vaopsisofChnadingNorathwidt Yictou . ie . 5 JW IE ae Cy ectric 'EUNR | competitor, won the King of Saxony's HOMESTE ULA' Mulgrave i ol Invalid Stout Lompa y has charge of #, ng prize of honor at Kiel. : EAI EEG 083, Svdnes every two ytars {During tic hot weather classe f NY Srenmumbired. ssction of Dex g t athe asses o on toba or y a! seer atsearnanne I'he town clerk of Beverl! hio, | 1 | : { Ne fileB In i | Every Cork Branded wi b . ¢ ; Th B a Y Yr Th school children are receiving lessons in arr A 4 ond oT Litent Proving, exoopting a : D. 18 Boh a nt there br the reason that the way Cam ars, steaded by any arin "tha le yg Going August 10, 11, 12 , I'he dividends declared by the Rand a family, or male over 18 ypars Slage, n, turning August 81st, 1908, : it was managed resulted in unsatisfac lo Id + pie Atti fe, vo vo! | RIGNEY & HICKEY | |1omamssd seni aie | sowed Sore le Snonen Eh irs Ba $12 to the we 'roportionally low falists : . "| to £4.008,807, a record 160 acres, more or jess. Goods : . Parrshoro, N.S fares fron t in Ontario i " 1 3 Ihe 3 I sigh of : si <1 lice fue from pointy in On : . 136 & 138 Princess St. wling Green, Ohio, tried it in 1889) - 16 e t of a single police 1d | man ekin IZ Up a dozen men was wit mer Haunts," tells of the 08 Inet ndi and in three years sold | oo 4 Hull. H i S 1 at iL C tioned above. Write for free es to | y TF tenth itsicost. Some of | found them sleep- , Toronto ieket Office, 51 King bon i . at Y od aid Loomeol ) ing on a haystack. : 4 EmiX Dy a be £8, i a he ast Wl Passenger Dept. Monet - Brun by oo he ued wot 1 k \ convalescent hospital and nurses' . éather, mother, son, daughter, brother or « 4 Assen , Moncton, - run wick, M ang 9 Jo get a home, which Alderman Edward ® Part ister of an intending homesteader, 35 cepts on tile dollar after it had tried { ington presented to Glossop at*a cost Some the best bargains of the sale are now An application for cancellation musd be rictp [of £30,000 has been' opened. made in person. The applicant must be I'he Mayor wre recently : Hgible for homestead entry, : Fifty-five American horses, 11 awaiting y The Mayor wiote recently: ; es, used hy waiting you. AND i . febt Ne Ny vo mn th . ed hal t| Alfred G. Vanderbilt in his London:to- . Do couidence upon wad ou do "Si" he With Maypole | a cake aed nade by owning the water und 1g Brighton coach Venture, were sald by RG I A during the" tor ol ASID of that dyesand lant. ou ¢ ot give Bruns ec) se B rT aD A I ai pa You could not give Brunswick fp percail's over £2,581 being realized. hree years, | To Maine Coast, Lower St. Lawrence Ma such a plant on consideration that the | ANG Miitine Foie Bointy. Al he ypole time, A Ugusechuiq o od A i Earl Russell was fined £10 at Guild (2) A homesteader may, if he so des 0th, 11th, 12th and 1! good return Soap Xo 3 Dogan. Mavor of Buena Vista. Va. gave | 107d for 'exceeding the speed limit 'in sires, perform the gequired residence du ing on Gr before Aug. 31; we fe no uncertain results, a aL @ SAVE | his motor. The Dench seriously con tles by living on farming land ow r olely by him, not less than eighty ing are fares to some y | *nd streaks. The tired wi . ! nformation that his town had drop- | 1. hat points. Halifax 3 $20.5 « | ae red wales : bast the mun inal ywnersl usiness | I red a her they should suspeny 2 acres in extent, in the vicinity of bi y } 1 rd land Me., $13.8 meton y wse i ™oo expensive." his lordship's licens . homestead. Joint ownership in land will : : ', + | - MAYPOLE SOAP 68 Cie a ; ; i Scottisl $ . not meet this requirement. $18.80 . dso ti | ish relics, v ilued at $250,000, 8 " roc. for Colors--1se. for Black. t dint 3 hich wa hut down | Were destroyed in th burning of Doug 5) Yq tie Jather Soe mother, Sue Frank L. Benedict & Co., Montreal. . Be town ie. now bu las Support, Lanarkshire land, th . . " etonscd Ve gO. he town is uying 1 : , permanent residence on farming land Kingston Civ Iv § 01 N it hi residence Rey Sholto Douglas, 127 Princess Street, Kingston. owned solely by him, not less than edghty Round trip ti will be ted | Ko it : . 3 ther an ' Lord Blythswood (80) acres in extent, fh the vicinity of the Kingston SS -- : : iw 1 ! \ tand declined a Tag homestead, or upon & homestead entered LL 16d. apex » * {for by him in the vicinity, such homes FARE, good nt hands of : i ' y=. ) t yd nent t rt 4 vf hond te neler 10° remam a commoner sleader may perform his own residence y uy mpor e 1 : 3 i =) t the Beckenham inquest Ts duties by living with the father (or "Fol | ne h £1 mother). and Monday wiehar do i ¢ deat " sulted fro | (4) The term "vielnity' in thd two gooal returning Aug, 11th. Lowi Rate to 1 1 ulted from blood preceding paragraphs is defined as mean- | (Food re LL Tatil tstoter dist i M ? Live i A od wi mt 4 m rer $95. 30 attresses . la to $ 5. : 1, a | y ro " » : L rues y be not more than nine miles in a direst | i : vith it $2,300 chard ge Mason 4 4 SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH Portland fSeatt | © or and i I 1 r with it $2,3 ; . . y ho eatt lo When you can get bette i a in . \rnsi Soper. solicit X . WEST MINING REGULATIONS, San Francisca t Part 1 . itu nt Te as 2 Los Angeles 1 0 1. 1 0 cheaper goods from Jom owa ' rifevy : a . wl W t the ( Nd aile) ¢ \ COAL.~Coal mining rights may be : { | re : I al rvitu ; in leased for twenty-one years at an annual Ban 1uego . For pullman accommodation, tickets | dealer, made by the ! ! misolidation \ respectively Fental of $1.00 an acre. Not more than and other information, apy t prom ole . Savana ,660 acres can be leased to one applis tl 1 { ' 3 nat Royally, five cents pen tony J. P. HANLEY, 'Agent, | : { 100.000 W e « f Cor. Johnson and Onrio Sts Kingston aitress 0. periment 1 ! re plant w Penetrates And Heals. QUARTZ.--A person eighteen of | | d compan it few y vou buy Smith White Lan y age and over having gr io a ' incavory s-------- Wo a, i y AL 4 may locate a claim 500 feet by 5 =} 110 ( l¢ rey oh | -- . en > ccure the most penetraty / Yi. or outdoors there nothing quite so good as i Foo $5.00, At least $100.00 must | e-------- inn 1h rou ! emedy on the market fo - ' + be expended. on the claim each year, or Quebec Steamship Company SR lt t tow! i! i . a ly on ia ai] 2h 3 Triscuit--the Shredded Wheat Wafer, which contains n patd pa the mining Recorder. ahem : I : \ , ne » Iindlanmuna § 3 a w ducing 500.00 has been expen on pa n LIMITED. Real Estate ld | wm, jumbago and all aches ard smallest bulk all the muscle-building, brain-producing 3500.00 hag been, expended oo paid qd em---- } oz : ' r Every drop filled with utmost | {ll qualities of whole wheat claim may be purchased at $1.00 an ; | rat | the remedy nes ; RG ' § ul River& Gulf of St, Lawrence 5 ©, and . I TRY IT AS TOAST WITH BUTTER, CHEESE OR FRUIT PLACER MINING CLAMS, gmerally, argains : . gute promptly g Lrorous $ 100 feet square. kntry fee, $5. I f holties, IC. at Sold By All Grocers, 1058. DREDGING ~Two leases of five miles | . 1 RX y pach of a river may be issued to one ap- -- | n anie House, on John |, to OR cr rere commer et br -------- a -------------- plicant for a term of 20 years. Rental, ' : Pi | & ad ible Frame House, on 3 ' : : at : : d 2 a $10.00 a mile per annum. Royalty, 24 Wy i; rr : yg rl t with barns and : I tt ' . J Nr ne - ER per cent after the output exceeds $10, al vibe ; hat 3 $ . V 1 { 3 ang A 1 fo¢ ¢ 1 000, Ya 8a y / Athy an be bought right for ter Na Vand & a.) thew of to-day toworro . -- , WwW. W. CORy, DA ; vestment, both rented. |, Slt ta BY 4 price f cech has been Deputy of the Minister of the Interior, N.S. 2 : on : } f known to black OOOO OOOO GOO 0000000000000 N.B.--Unauthorized publication of this : pil 2. } ode Cf pe. : 0000 { advertisement will not be paid for, Pr - | | J R. C.Dabbs de 0 d in hi 2 vi Yt ow closed Le > Ln w BEAVER 8 A CHARCOAL STOVE NEW YORK FROM QUEBEC . bonds amounting to $110,000 still ung AB This is a little sheet iron, attachment to use in Cold Bracelets 3 alting i Charlot wn and Halilix FERLAROMIEEEEE®EOEPEE) | | UT smc | elore 1 3 BS Ce! JWI 1 Some Important Facts Which May Quebec Sth 1 22 ; i {ne Angie hv sehr Prove Helpful, connection with the ordinary cook stove or range, A very handsuthie gift r Shc 13CIER . rine fort: orp a inher to present to a lady is and by its use the following facts are established : = gold bracelet. There / Y = . that aif fe grossest mi . hit vears ago old-fashioned cod Bermudall SO I yONE CENT--Will prepare the breakfast. ¢ is nothing newer or I'he sudden changes in weather Summer | { ' ° es t the w sdom wi lected bills, and officials ials and it, and chi idren wouldn't. But the doc- % . ut g 1 owe good coal. ° : TWO CENTS--Will prepare the dinner. mer apzopiaiie. atta} TWENTY. RIVE TIONS XY; e have a u PWENTY-FIVE CENTS--Will do the Jo have, u vewutits) Shy the Iw f n : I sell good Coal, It's the kind that firing for any ordinary family for one Gold, plain, chased and Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes | Twin OC tor | ribed It wed it had to 5 it has ever been the great ig York I TH t sends out the most heat, and (eo st taken by force. Yet it cured people NO Bh. : \ makes the home comfortable; it's tvs Hi an Er ly Al he Shon coult be a dao week || pearl set. Also 'some ? very pretty styles in October. a ure COL Sy z Sea the best money can buy, apd 28 ry +a dd 3 bréezeg Re : iy there is none better mined >< 1 . Hel € changes system, tor . Gold Filled. ke One On Approval. Price $1.50. Take PP 3 SOLID GOLD BRACE- » The fnest "| _ We deliver it to you clean and ® | from pal ownership back to pri- lest of all tissue builders and! general AR IER S x ele without slate, at the very bottom ate up ot una utilities reconstructors known to medicine - LETS, from $8.50 up. GOLD FILLED BRACE. ARTHUR re ate V. to prices, ® . rant ge ; tol McKELVEY. 8) BIRS%, 69-71 Brock St: LETS, from $1.25 up, very the 1lnited . the taste as a fresh orange. For ticket : 3 ' } are now anxious ta have every di, BAN ie gston, Ont. Booth & Co., @|nd clectric established 0 his | one know that Vinol is a Rew form a 0000000000000 OATD-0O00- : KINGSTON, ROCHESTER, | the a toured Meats. 'Ne have a viriety | © he as Ix hgialliy Ni esis otungs: stomuidh Ls 00000000 ° Kinnear & d'Esterre 1,000 ISLANDS. jo choose from Ha J+ MYERS, 60 Ite iy 1 t gi r t from | like old-fashioned cod liver oil = and - ---- EE -- -- Jewellers. 100 Princess St., King- containing in a concentrated form all G ) a OB '4' N v3 "U8 the medicinal elements of cod liver Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte - m---------- é h he rei Nn na x the of oil, actually taken from fresh cods' Steamboat Co. FOR YOUR SUMMER COTTAGE.) coud get from private parses 1SE it BY an extract and on ' A nice 'Ham and a piece of good Sugar-| | Jong story « . pi i Ponte. 2 : as de 8 } LIMITED. Cured Pea Meal Bacon are necessary for vase | Oil or grease, and it is as delicious to 2 O00 000000000O0000O00000 0000000 ut down m 1907 | ¢ this very old anid valuable remedy Phone 133. Foot of West St. ! 4 an ua - - tic wns afd villages in nearly all emulsions; its strengthening and ww i \ Stat Z 1 P healing yroperties are remarkable, \ . . . * Strs. NORTH KING. Royal Er : bo i ar aa ine es When Preparing for the Old Boys' - Commencing June 27th, leave King ALLAN Mail LINE pt Fy I el a i : : oo mg t Many wonderful cures right here Jn Homecoming ston for Thousand lsland points dai ™ i Li 1 Kingston, Ont., have been efiected xcept Monday, at 10.15 a.m. Return. | ontreal to iverpoo ------ its "use, and we ask all of our cu . . . in Pe tof ® Roi) fori hs Ha > ; il Virginian sails ....July 81. Aug, 28. 3 't you try Carter's Little ton ve to ty Vin sl . our guarantee See our variety of Cakes and Pastry, The Notice to Our Customers Por 0 Ro . a 5 a 4 Ol r inisian sg ~~ A qT S "nt. $. 0 at} 4 wi . y OIE re A O op Quinte Ports. v rn An 8 Aug. 14. Sept.1 11. r Pills ? They are a positive cure [to return money every time it fails to larg Zest assortment we have ever had. STR: ALETHA--Leaves Mondays tor MONTREAL TO HAVRE AND for sick headache, and all the ills imake rich, red blood, increase the ap- 'Otlr store will close at 6 Bay of Quinte Ports, at 5 p.m LONDON. produced lisordered liver. Only one petite, cure stomach troubles, * give Also Plums, Peaches, Pears, Gages and lock sh Full information from JAMES SWIFT Corinthan sails A: + g. 1. Sept. 12. }ipill a dose. x trength and renewed vitality to the - . 0 ec oc 8 arp every night, & CO. Freight Agents, J.P. HANLEY, Poweranian sails | ww of the many things a conceited aged, run-down, tired and debilitated, Late California Valencia Oranges. except Saturday Ne 8. KIRKPATRICK. Ticket agsnta Rates of passage a Ee informas« anal Is to _ dor tand 4 * cove chi nic colds, hacking conghs -- tion may be obtained fro I, P. oh nal rs Ahn 1s Now re ] Na od T There" s alway { " nt \ HANLEY, Agent. GQ. . R., peed Gui 8. ar ve female can pass him up or bronchitis. George W. Mahood, rR H. f OYE King 5t A. GLOVER. girg exceeds al. KIRKPATRIOK, Local Agents. } for some other chap. druggist, Kingston, Ont, . ' '