A NCR ART THOR LOOKED FOR DEATH IN A SHORT TIME. Entirely Cured by "Fruit-a-tivesy' . days of miraclas aré not all past and 1 feel that my complete recovery ifrom what geemed inevitable death, Is practically a mir- acle. 1 suffered from severe Indiges- tion and Dyspepsia for nearly two years. 1 could nos-take food without fearful distress and I became almost a skeleton as the result of the suffer- ing. I could ngt do any work aml be- came so run down and weak timt could hardly walk. 1 was attended by two experienced doctors. They bob pronounced my case heart failure and incurable, and I looked forward for death in a short time. I not only had the doctors but after they gave me up 1 tried many remedies and treatments but got no better. At this time my son asked me to try "Fruit-a-tives," and from the outset of taking these wonderful tablets I was better and gradually this medicine completely cured me. I took a large number of boxes, perhaps a dozen, and now I am entirely cured and 1 have galned over thirty pounds in weight J am now eo well that 1 have sold my farm and bought 200 acres more land. 1 make this statement volun tarily for the sake of humanity, and ) am convinced that "Fruit-a-tives" is a wonderful remedy that will cure stom- ach trouble where doctors and every- thing else fall" (8Sgd) Henry Speers, J P The doctors were all wrong Mr Speers" hid What we 'call " jeritated heart i Indigestion and dyspepsia eomhpletely upset the stomach. Poison- ous gases were formed which swelled the walls of the stomach and pressed against the heart # Pruit-a-tives" immediately streng- thened the sound di- gestion and r sgulated bowels There were no poisons--no noxious gases remained in the system, and the heart was np longer irritated. Then the pain and finttering topped "Fruit-a put up in two sizes 25¢ and 50 f dealer ith, write Frult-a-tives Limited, "Gentlemen stomach, in onr has BE sin SHOE POLISH is a leather food as well as the blackest and quick- est polish made. Honest dealers give it when asked for. alt Colors 10c and 25¢ Lins. Never Fails to Restore Gray Hair to itsNatural Color and Beauty. No matter how long ithas been gray or faded. Promotes a luxuriant growth of healthy hair, Stops its falling out, and positively removes Dan- drufl. Keeps hair soft and glossy. Re- fuse all substitutes. 2% times as much in $1.00 as 50c. size. §s Not a Dye. $1 and 50c. bottles, at druggists Send 2g for free book * The Care of the Hair," Philo Hay Spec. Co., Newark, N. J. », Hay's llarfina Soap cures Pimples, red, rough and chapped hands, and all skin dis eases. Keeps skin fine and soft, 25c. drugeists, Send 2c for free book '"The Care of the Skin." JAS. B. McLEOD. Kilt them all, No dead flies tying about whon used as directed. WILSON' FLY PADS --- GOLD BY ---- DRUCCISTS, CROCERS Ano CENERAL STORES 100: per panket, or 3 packets for 28c. will last a whole season. w Silver Plate that Wears® Any Jeweler Can Supply You With spoons, forks, knives, fancy - serving pieces, efc., marked . A -- The beauty and quality of this Brand of silver is unrivalled. SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS Trays, tea sels and silve es that impatt elegance to the table are made by WEAK MAN RECEI FREE | Any man who suffers with mervous de- | bility, loss of natural power, Weak back, | falling memory or deficient manhood, | prought om by excesses, dissipation, un- | natural drains or the follies of youth, | may cure himself at home with u simple prescription that I will gladly send free {3a plaid sealed envelope, to pny mam who will wrile for it, BE. Robinson, $.838 hack Bulldpg, Petrol A tat oir wt Tos va Gips For Ghe Farmers BY UNCLE JOSH Co-operation among the proprietars of creagneries, cheesé lactories ana dty thilk supplies will tend to bring about cleanlipess among patrons, and the better utensils. . Frederick Dunn, Lansing, York coun- ty, OUnt., recently shot two white crows. Such crows are very rare, use of ---- Farmers should hand weed the fields théy keep for seed. They would then get ab: olutely pure seed. We cannot expect to get pure seed on the market armers produce it. unless | The hopper style of feeding the grow- ing chicks is not only a labor saver, but his many advantages. The chicks learn to eat only what they re: quire and there no waste; at the same time, the birds are never under- fed. A gain in growth is claimed by those who have tried it, and that is sufficient reason for its adoption. The hopper should hold from a bushel a bag of grain. soon to a-------- The casiest way to physic a when alone or otherwise, is to put on bridle with rein on upper side of bit rings, passed through over. a pole in the stable roof. Draw head up high and pour into corner of mouth slowly; if hesrefuses to swallow, the nostrils for a moment with hand, and the medicine will go down. horse confine en when swim in. Duct faster they have no pond to How- they must always have a plenti- Have their set up on platforms so they paddle up the =oil alongside. Crow or water ever, ful troughs supply in troughs cannot a the ail Flatu- quickly Many number simplest farmers, of pemeilie the horse is lence colic with relieved by a drench of salt and water (which will take in a certain of walt), followed by gentle ex« his will the patrent be twenty min sufficiently although Keeping not know the slight heir to swelling i do for horses, ment only wnount force will about not reise gas out, the relieved second and oon \ utes 1 dose 1n advisable. if re lieved. Colic without swelling, but with cramp of the bowels, needs a stronger remedve---two teaspoonfuls, of baking two teaspoonfuls of ground gin ger, two tahlespoonfuls of turpentine two teaspoonfuls of landanum, in a little , warm milk For a purgative lose, a ball composed of three ounces of a little moistened wrap mixture soda, Jarbadoes aloes, ginger with water, long -shaped well does not Feed on bra In the give parcels and the back of icken a horse n two thrust throat like oil only before horse purging badly, with hand to "This doe mashes of tea dosing case a three in milk purging, a handiul with his oats will help poonfuls of laudanum a slight flour case ol [0 mixed history Ja- years ago it was mn Milk has a curious Thirty forty The average Japanese could himself to drink it. But many, a thousand consumes two bottles of milk daily, part pan Ol abhorred not induce to<lay one or people have come to like the doctors a because because it beverage and partly an unique * Milk numerous recommended wholesome halls,"" too, are now quite yutter will probably take much longer into vogue, because ol A pound of fresh (49.8 to come widely ts expensiveness at least Tokio to-day, Japan costs one ven gold) in high price for butter cents, an ©€x- tremely Our present knowledge of feeding can he boiled down nto the following masxums I'he more food deed the produce. Cows do food than they can proper ly digest The therefore, hould be made as palat ble as possi to induce the cow to eat in will con COW he milk she usually the more can to eat, not sume more ration, ble in order large I'he the the Protein in the the production of the milk I'he less en the ration, the larger The richer the ration, the ric her The dairy farmer must part of "Ww be fed tudied differently in the quantities the amount of protein in the ration is essential larger flow to ration, larger milk rev regived to digest the milk flow the 1 manure ook here for a profit alike. Bach Inere large hi car ration and Produce And Prices. August Pr cr the whig, to-day, as 8. were fol- Kingston, 1 wted LO lows Flour and Feed--Kloux, baker's, $2: 00 to $3.10; farmers: 2 Y to $3; Hungarian patent, $3 to $1.20; oat rolled oats, $1.40 to $4.00; $1.50 to 2.10; Head, $20 to $26 per ton; shorts, $27 to $25 pe ton; straw, #12 £14; hay, loose, $12 ed, $15, Lges--New laud, Re. per Grain--Oats, 495¢. to wheat, $1; buckwheat, 70c.; rye, Toc. to slc.; peas, best, Svc; mixed, 78¢. Butter Choice creamery, putter, prints, Hc. to meat and cornmeal, 0 pre dozen 52¢.; local Sue. batley, $1; corn, 28¢.; farm- ers' = die. packs ed, rolls, Meat--Beef, caroase, ¥5 to sU choice ents, 6c, to 1de. lb.; pork, per 1b; veal, by the quarter, Bc. Ye. per lb; cuts, 7c. to 15c., by car case, Do. to Be. per 1b.; cutlets, 1240 to 1dc.; spring lamb, $6, per carcase chops, 20c. a Ib: mutton, 10c, per Ib live hous, $6.40. Fish--Salmon trout, 124c. a 1b, skinned digby herring, We per Ib; whitefish, 12ic. a lb.; pike, 10c. a lbs chinook salmon, 30c. a lb; kippered herring, Yarmouth bloaters, 4c. dozen: Atlantic salmon, 0c. 1b,; ®al codtish, -7¢. to 150. a lb; halibut 0c. a lb.; fresh haddock, 10e. a hs bullheads, 0c. a 1b.; red herring, 13 a box; mackerel, 15c. a 1bh.; trout 124¢. a fib. perch, 30c. a dozen; frogs legs, 10e, 1b. 15¢. lhe blue- fish. 15¢. a lb.; lake herring, 10e. alb; fionan haddie, 10c,, 12fc. 1b.: red snappers, 15c.; flounders, 10¢c.; fresh, sal We.; 200. owt; 1k to CI1R0008 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ---- R-------------- en: fresh lobsters, 30c. a lb.; sea bass, 124c. a Ib.; smoked salmon, 30c. a lb. Poultry--Chickens, $1.25 to $1.50 per pair; turkeys, $1.25 to $1.75. Pruit--Lemons, 20c. per dozen; anges, 40c.. to 60c. per dozen; panas, 20c. to 30c. per dozen. Vegetables--Potatoes, new, 81 per bushel; cabbage, 50c.' to THe. per dozen; celery, 30c. to 50e. a dozen : beets, 30c. per peck; onions, 5c. per Ib.; green onions, 40c. dozen; carrots, f0c. dozen bunches; turnips, 50c. doz- en bunches, Wool, washed, 15c. to 16¢c. per lb. sheep skins, fresh, 75c.; tallow ren- dered, 5c. per lb.; deakins, 50c.; veal shins, 7c. per lb.; hides, No. 1, de. per Ib.: hides, No. 2, 3c. per lb.; horse hides, $2.50 each. or- ba- BROKEN IN HEALTH. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Restored Strength After Medical Treat- ment Had Failed. : "| can truthfully say Dr. Williams' Pink Pills did for me what one of the best doctors in Halifax failed to do --restored | my health." This strong statement is made by William J. Wea- ver, 172 Argyle street, Halifax. Mr. Weaver adds: "A few years ago 1 took employment in a large factory as fireman. 1 knew the work would be hard, and friends told me 1 would never stand it, but as I was a strong wan, weighing 150 pounds, I laughed at the idea of not being able to do the work. Anyhow 1 started and found the job a hard one indeed. There, were a pumber of firemen em- ployed and men were taking and quit- ting the job every few days. 1 kept at the work for two years and . dur- ing that time lost fifty pounds in weight, and was a broken down man. 1 could not take my meals and often took my dinner back home with me without touching it. When 1 would be working on the night shift I could not sleep in the day time, and this added to my trouble. Finally 1 be- came a total wreck and had to out the work. 1 could hardly self about, and yet had nervous that 1 could not sit would about the house ready to drop. The to see -me every and changed the medicine time and again, but it did me no Finally he wanted me to go to the hospital, and at this stage a friend came to stay with overnight. While he was reading evening paper he came across the timonial of a cure wrought by Williams' Pink Pills. He said, don't you try them: nothing helping good ? drag my become 80 still and until 1 came walk was doctor day, me the tes- Dr. 'why else is and they may do went out and got When this dozen boxes, gone 1 began continued you you He hox at once. a half they were all like a man 1 the pills for a couple of months when | was again as well and as strong as ever 1 had in life, and 1 have not a sick day since. 1 feel confident there is no remedy the world equal to Dr. Wiu Pills for building up a and nervous system, and trouble I would strongly them." Dr. Williams' cases as Mr me a was done | before feel using and to got new been my geen in Pink broken down for such recommend iam Pink Pills cure Weaver's because make the rich, red blood that the starved nerves and tones and strengthens every part of the bol. That why they anaemia, rhen matism, indigestion, neuralgia, St Vitus' dance, paralysis and other trou- bles due to bad blood and Sold hy mail at £2.50, such they cure shattered medicine lealers 50e box from the Dr Brockville, Ont. nerves, all hy or Win or boxes for Medicine ( a IX Impossible As A Politician. Emporia Gazette. Fred. Wellhouse, the Kansas apple king, tells a story on himself that ex plains why he has not succeeded in pol itics. He has not told a lie singe 1864, He was then held up by whom he handed over a small of money, declared that it all he had. 'I'he urbane bandits didn't be- him, and package of money bandits, sum and was lieve searched him, finding a that he had hoped They were so incensed his disregard for the truth that they threatened to kill him, and it was by the merest chance that he escaped with his life. He then that he would never again and has stuck to it. to save bv made tell a vow a lie Stop Salt Rheum. Don't endure the sultering that rheum and similar affections cause permit them to become chronic. Bear in mind that Wade is positively guaranteed (salt sores, piles, alt ot s Uintment to cu © rheum), old catarrh, scaly or itching skin. In big drug store. ema sore bed dandruli, and of the Wade all eruptions boxes, 20c¢., at -------------------- forty SOM At busy the and ey he threw ty-one. The action of Carter's Pills' is pleasant, mild and natural They gently stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels, but do not purge They are sure to please. Try them. that the resur- rection from the potter's field will he just as complete fron other part the It's all dreamer up occasionally and Beel, lron and make, pint bottles, drug store. The man who marries a nervous wo man soon discovers what really i What the tailor manufactures doesn't make a man. of for at age a man get looks of the mon away the age of twen Little Liver 1 am glad to believe as cometery right for of dreams providing any of a man to he he a wakes gets Wine, Sle. busy "Our , at Own "' Wade's nerve force t water herrings, 40¢, to 6U¢. dogs to- Lampman had much to say about the portraits of ex-mayors in the town hall when we met last night. it's ndiculous," he said, 'to com- pare the paintings of years ago with these executed within the last decade of 80. Why 'one hardly recognizes some of the recent pictures, My good friend ex-Mayor 'Bobby' Mackarlane is a much better-looking and Jess wild-looking than the picture of him in the town hall. The same¢ can be said of the, portraits of 'Eddie Kyan, "Jimmie" Minnes, 'Charley' Livingston, 'Johnny' Bell and a few others. The old-time pictures done by the late Mr. Sawyer are pieces of art." "It's the people who are to give the verdict upon . a picture," the Lampman declared, "and not the painters. If a painting fails to ap- peal to the people, then it is a fail ure. The people always appreciate a good picture." This led the Lampman to remark that he hoped the ex-mayors whose pictures were not hung in the town hall would see that they soon were. "1 don't see portraits of James Dun- can Thompson or Neil C. Polson, both of whom served two years in the mavor's chair and were splendid ma- yors, too. Why has 'Billy' Wright not had his picture painted ? And where ix *Jack'. 'Mowat's portrait? All these should be on the walls of the town hall." . - - I néxt met the Bookseller who start ed out to call the Yankees' to time. "What do vou think," said he. "Only vesterday 1 heard a Yankee woman telling her companion about a Span ish girl who was studying the 'Ameri can' language. Wouldn't that give vou the rheumatism ? The 'Americ n' lan guage ! What language might that be? The language spoken this continent is the English language. though in the United States lots of slang has been added to it. There's no such thing as American language, anv more than Canadian language." "But that's not all," the Bookseller remarked. "The Yankees, you know, want to claim everything that notable. Look at the picture post- cards and you'll see some of the fin- est Feenes in Canadian waters on the Qt. Lawrence labelled 'New York," er with the Stars and Stripes erected over the scenes. The Lost Channel and all these narrow passages through which the little boats run are on the Canadian side, but the Yankees bel them with the Stars and Stripes on post cards. You can buy with pictures of big Canadian steam- ere shooting the St. Lawrence Ra pids, but on the stern is painted the Stars and Stripes But what do vou think when they oven far to put the Stars and Stripes the old arts' building of Quem s university ? Just look up of the cards and sce I suppose thev'!l have our parliament buildings pie ture with the Yankee flag flying from the masthead." THE TOWN W ATCHMAN, ---- OVERDOSED WITH ATTENTION. on is 1a- cards go so over Some Why Prince and Lord Roberts Are Hurried Away. Montreal Witness. Why did the King refuse to the wanted him me to all afraid Quebea celebration When go much? Was he i the sea ? When he wants to recuper ate he to Why did the Prince of Wales to flee home the moment Did he not tinent wanted him Roberts had to give of visiting reason is plain we goes sea arrange the celebration was over that the whole con * Why kas Lord up his cherished country i know purpose our Human nature ean Lord Rob programmes for each not stand our exactions full Kingston and we printed, was by to through Montreal the that to him 1 weather erts, with Ottawa, of which request, very Toronto Pas hope be entertain be people would be mn repose be ahle the and ng we would ter when would legs oppressive al repose to consist of at the city hall, ova peech at the board of trade two luncheons and view of the troop , all in less than the have What wonder the the winning more of This eplion oul ne was an tion and dinner two ane and a garden par This i empire's frame that hot Af India ty two davs upon if the campaign in mercy we the heroes endured 3 doer ri and torrid climate of a, without should capitulate be fore such merciless assaults ? AGRICULTURAL FAIRS. Dates Some 1908. of of These For Alexandria Almonte Belleville Brighton .. Bancroft ino Burk's Falls . .c.ciiomim Hobeaygeon ---- S and 30, Brockville . Sept. 1516, 17, 18; Cobourg Central . . Sept. 16 and 17, Cobden ....... v Sept. 24 and 25 Colborne . Oct. b and 6. Cornwall Sept. 10, 11, 12 Coe Hill . Sept. 23, Delta 29 and 30. Lanark 10 and 11 Lombardy - . Sept. & Lansdowne Sept. 24 and 25. Lyndhurst 22 and 238 London, (Western Sept. 22 an Sept. 11, 19. Madoc | _- Marmora Sept. 15 and 16 Morrisburg " Sept. 22 and 23 Sept. 1, 2, 8. Maberly hs cn abi Merrickville . "wee Oct. 1. Sept. 17 and 18, Newhoro Napanee Sept. 5 and 6. Odessa . Sept. 28,2 Sept. Sept. Fair) Sept. 15 and 16. Sarai dae O00 A, ~ Sept. 16, 26. Sept. 8 apd 4 Sept. 23 antl 24, Sept. 29 and #0, Sept. 17, 1¥, 19, gr Oet. ! . B.. Sep Ottawa ( Perth Picton _.... Port Hope Peterboro ..... Roblin's Mills « Renfrew sgasnansn Sturgeon's Falls Spencerville Stella oe... Tweed sees sesiannromnanind Toronto (National) .. Vankleek Hill .. . Winchester ....... - speanessan SEPA Wolfe Island .. Sept. 22 and 2 Whitby & 2 ts AT ara 1%, Sept. 2:4 and 24. Sept. 22 and 23. e-- The season is DOW here when a nin tries to make himself believe that his straw hat iz not so very much soiled, The easiest way for a man to: get married is to let a young widow get on his trail, (THE GENUINE® WORCE 3 Ro re \ "FOR FEAST DAYS & EVERY DAVY" Cenuine Carter's' Little Liver Pills. Must Beat Signature of See Fr Se¢o Fac-Simile Wrapper Below. Very small and as casy to take &s sugar, FOR THE COMPLEXION 10 MIS MAJESTY. THE KING Sir John Power & Son Ltd. ESTABLISHED AD. 1791. THREE SWALLOWS [IRISH WHISKEY Famous for over a century for its dalicacy of fiavor. Of highest standard of Purity. It is especially recommended by the \dedical Professic ) or account of its pe liar "DRYNES: " accept po bat send samp fe ites tod Book seated It IL particulars and directions Wit Sil Rery co. Winaser, Ont. N . hey ndsor, - General Agents for Canada. A CORNS! SURED o IN 24 HOURS | You ean painlessly remove any com, either | hard, soft or bleeding, by applying Putnam's | Jorn Extractor. It never burns, leaves no sear, | is ha 58 becanse composed | 8.7 F years in | K by all druggists | { 25e. bottles. Refuse substitutes. PUTNAM'S PAINLESS | CORN'EXTRACTOR | Abernethy's Shoe Bargains for Saturday We have only a few weeks to clear out all Summer Foot | wear, and in order to do so we have marked all Our Summeg Shoes so low that they are bound to go. 38¢ 48¢ 19 98¢ sizes 9 11 to 2. Regular $1.25, for SATURDAY FR ac One lot of Women's Black Kid, Patent: Colt; Tan and Brown Oxfords. Regular $2.50 and $3.00, for 1.98 . 1.98 SATURDAY ==cnuswasansnnh "rene One lot of Men's Oxfords, in Regular 2.38 in Blucher and Button, for a MANY OTHER ATTRACTIONS Abernethy's. Lm stm-------- Baby Moccasins, made of ¢ool canvas, in Blue and SATURDAY c-ccccaanmcansnae 3 to Brown. Regular 25c. One lot of Infant's Boots, ry sizes 7. Regular 50c. SATURDAY -- One lot Baby Boots, sizes 3 to 7, 65¢. quality, for N SATURDAY =~s=acascnsacen'sunansne nannadim One lot of Children's White Canvas Shoes, sizes 8 to 104. Rigular $1. SATURDAY --«--~~ -mmpesman One lot of Women's Oxfords, sizes 8 to 7. Regular oF 25, One lot of Girl's Strap Shoes, Spring Heels, $1.95, for SATURDAY v-uv-eznra wmssesssnee-- our window. $3.00 values One lot of Men's Oxfords, in Patent and Tan. [Reg- cere A AER... ular $4.00 and $4.50 One lot of Men's special $4.50 Oxfords --==-==== One lot of Men's $5.00 Patent Oxfords, latest styles A Big Success Our Mid-Summer Sale--A Bargain for Everybody in Furniture. Fancy Parlor and China Cabi- nets, Combination China Cabi- nets and /Buffets ; also Side- boards, in oak finish, from $12 up. Carpets, Floor and Door Mats in All Sizes. Brussels and Velvets and Tapestry Squares in great vas riety, at sale prices, at JAMES REID'S, the Leading Undertaker. "Phone, 147. _-- SEIFERT AY Ganong's G.B. Chocolates Always fresh. The finest in the city. A.J.REES, 166 Princess St Phone 58. YO OO O00 000000 3 RELEEE Ere] QUOY CEE ALUMINUM ALL GRADES. "LOWEST PRICES. Canada Metal Co.Ltd." GioNto. Gir 25 J. 0. HUTTON, Esq. th, 1008 Canada Life Assurance Comps pys Kingston, Ont. Agent, Pear Sir,~An addition by way of bonus of $787.50 to my policy 1s lar enough to satisly saybody. It not only satisfies, but plesses he, snd enabled me to write and speak siroggly in favor of the Canada Lile as & Company iw which it is Wise to insure, y 2 Fe 'Yours truly, 3 A. McARTHUR, The same policy can be bad by applying at the office; 18 Market ' Kingston ' J. 0, HUTIO, Manager 1 2