Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Aug 1908, p. 3

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- eo ---- ---- -- a ----, GOTO 0:0:0-0-0-0-0-0 00000-0000 0000000:000000000000000 OOOTTIBC Oe ve «= wi OUR CORSETS FOR PARTICULAR WOMEN. BS 0500 Or ER EO FE O-OO OOO 000000000000 TOVT0O0 EEE Our stock is so comprehensive that we feel certain of our ability to fit perfectly any figure, | favorites and famous makers, whose names You will find here the genera OO have become household words, because of the extensive publicity they have receiv- that the advantage of choosing OO ed. We feel sure, too, you will see now, while re (O00 OO duced prices are the order in all depart- ments. OOOO OOH Girdle Corsets, E. T., P.G.,, D. & A,, etc., From 25c to $2 Per Pair. Oo White Summer Visit Summer Waists, Dress Goods, Muslins, Millinery, all Goods marked away down to clear. in fact OOO us if you are looking for bargains. " & é x 8 CRUMLEY BROS. - ( ( 0 ( Q 20+ 0000000000000 0000 0000000000000 00000000L Forms a large proportion of every housekeepers supplies. It will be to your interest and profit to use (especially for preserving fruit the season being now on) BEST GRANULATED which is the well- mown ledpath's Granulated Sugar is the acme of sugar refining. Ask your Grocer for and see that you get Redpath's Granulated. J. A, IENDRY, Local Wholesale Agent, | NES LLiTREAT You, LIKE:axn OLD AND;TRY;TO MAKE Copymart "ro -- A Z. FO 72a "w/ Zo Kingston Old Boys' Re-Union. We extend the glad hand of goodfellowship to the OM Boys' of Kingston. If you'rc round our drop in. by -- ay, E.P. JENKINS CLOTHING CO., 114 PRINCESS STREET. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 1908. THE DAYS EPISODES LOCAL NOTES A AND THINGS IN GENERAL Occurrences In The City And Vicinity--Other Brief Items of Interest Easily Read And Re- membered. Cabmen Dit ting Dee 'phere 400, Mackenae, St, in lhe Louis, is vi city, memo 1, for list of Sunday and ynday attractions. Wiliam Swaine, plano' tuner. Urders received at McAuley's. 'Phone 778. Who kn the moths doing hibernated on page OWS to what the may winter brushes are Cross Drug shaving Red Ler son's when- they the ey happier when arn a itor butt r Sypound erocis \ NOw the Ww the witli vou rather mow lawn side Ik v H. Cunningham, Chickering's. Leave Auley's book re. Frawiis (binn, porter American 'hotel, is ter few davs' illness, Four ba service always Kingsbury 3 185 Weliy Rememl er the at the great Belloville, Capit for me and will Epicure ham worth "de. hh, at GH! ert s. With green corn ten cents a dozen of the beck trust i upreme indifference ol now oft piano tuner from orders at Mo the British- again, af at around a WS prompt. barier shop, ton athe ring of the clans o I donian ¢ames, at Yug. 26th. Return fare, 81. Jame Alan, in. the hospital days, is greatly improved, be shortly 10c. Ww around again cooled cars the action a matter ol to many prople cooked H. d of Eng Collegi Ihre the | me oe i R olteri ham. J Walks, ha ma Crawford, o has 1een position Ning Lind! epled in of av. the the and lish, Institute, citizens, Ler ston expectorating on have um the floor, helore olice court been nd to appear magistrate on I Blueberries lhe Angl ciation of uesday nmorning Crawford pails wean Young St. George Wolie 1 In ASSO cathedral went for pleni over to land Qa to day cooked | Chale Crawford will services in Almonte, am, J \ ary reach , the Octo Svkes at th anniver Methodist ber 4th and Warrant ors chur 5th \re ou out two cab driv charg affau for another cabman, ault. 1h night than buy taken them ] tJ hey by inr with too lace on Friday cost mith McConkey' Red on no more many in Why not Huyler's high class candy from Drug Store. Rochester, of a says ferior 8. and Gihson s mformat reports the Cross trom t N.Y. there Kingston ich a second arres One de she gl, while calls her "a well-to-do Kingston woman." far this season the has put down three and one-quarter miles of permanent sidewalk It is expected that more of be laid the mn f ooked ham. J. (1 N. Smallridge, from an eight fall one hty-five woman. is a runaway So city walk will set miles cold weather three hefore awlord Alfred weeks fell her 1 the re Friday agal ribs ult of a ot hreaking of Mi ola William 0 | Pe wistrate Frontenac, of Harrowsn county Mr. ] to-day. Smallridge is years inburg been the Al removed ppointed inty fred Hunter, from the his first of succeeding ith ard awson h cases atherin clans ledonian 26th. Rety of the Kingston Remem! er the Wt th great Bellow ille Aue. our students ege, | ol s1. busi treet Kueen cared postions ope y the fir took 1. Crawford Ant McA vtheona from the Kime | boarder for nid | to attend the tor ad be Phe brother from distant af The Bijou appearance tors homes but very of the bove and orated and presented At Wonderland orated with flags theatre presemted to-day of the entrance a in honor old wi gay home.comong The flay appearance and lantern a the and The entrance was hunting enga nounced of broke, to Mi Mr. Z. Shannon, of the of Booth & Shann (Co! Mackie i a son Thomas Mackic who North Renfrew House of ( mons for hortly Iw Mackie, of em danghier of lamber > of of gement will Shannon, an o firm Pembroke the on, late represented the ond. terms in ral ve Band In Macdonald Park. On the Old B the 14th Re 0. Rifles, will plav, under tion of Watson H. Walker, (Xo. 7 of the series paid for by city grant), Macdonald Park, Sunday mmenci 8.30 o'clock : Fhe Hume. ssohn's Songs ovs reunion, iment, PW, the direc bandmaster account of band of the in ir, at Diamond Jubilee' ssini Song Mende! " 'Onward t Christian Sol Se To ""Na Soloist Mr "The Cg Vital My Lohengr God Fuphonium Selection Fantasia March Excerpts 3 eri mon tal Nearer From March Hats For The Holiday. The newest gre at Campbell Bros." The Bane Of The Race. disease that constmation. this vou bh. thou now, destroys Care it do --with - Dr. Pills. Easy to take; ne relief. 'Try Dr. Hamilton's 25¢c. per box, The sands to-day Hamilton gripe; Pills one i= ean 8 3 sure yourself; JHmusements. (LAKE Y{ ONTARIO Y PARK)| To-Night--Free Show NEXT WBEK Entire Change of Pro. gramme, FREE SHOW every evening, at 8.30, High Class Vaudeville Holiday Picnic, Societies. Baseball, Orient Victorias vs. C. L. 14th Batt. Band, ©'Connor's Civic United Catholic Trish | vs, Orchestra, | AUCTION SALE. THERE WILL BE sale by Public Auction at Lhe rooms of William Murray, Murket Square, King ston, on SATURDAY the 15th day of August at the hour of 13 o'cle noon, the following parcels of Real Estate, (1) 'The Brick Dwellin and premises numbered 111 on the N side of Will- am street above Bagot street, owned and occupied in his life time by Thomas Flanagan. } The Two Roughe agl Dwelling Houses adjoining parcel oO, 1, on the West numbered 118 and 115 | (8) The Double Frame Dwelling and | premises numbered 7 on the North | side of Farl street above . Division street, occupied lifetime by | Theresa Braniff, 1, | (4) The Frame Dwelling and prémises on the West side of Alma street, nume- | bered 34 and occupied by Patrick Fan- aing. | TERMS : { cent. of | OFFERED FOR (2) A wy purchase money at sale, the balance within 103lays information may be had by the undersigned. 7: J. RIGNEY, Solr. for Vendor, 118 Brock St City Ten per me of Further enquiry from fa Kingston and nd Pembroke Railway Company. | | Notice to Shareholders. 1 113 be | THE: ANNI Shareholders AL MEETING of this Company held on WEDNESDAY, 2th day of] August next at.the Head Office of the] Company in Kingston at Eleven o'clock | a.m. for the purpose of electing Direct- ors and Transaction of other business. 'The Stock Transfer Books will close New York, on SATURDAY, 1st day August, 1908, at 1 p.m. AH books be re-opened on THURSDAY, 13th of August. ARCHIBALD McNAUGHTON, Secretary and Treasurer, July 13th, 1908, or y will in of will day Kingston, ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF| KINGSTON. The following is an expenses incurred by Fdw. J. B. Pense, election for the Electoral District of City of Kingston in the lLegislatur Ontario, held on the Sth day of 1908 Rent. of Hall, chairs, Stationery, etc., Clerical Work, .. Advertising and Pr abstract of or on behalf candidate at Total ~ - LEMAN Gl IL D, Agent. A. Kingston, August 1008, | trams. | ene toe | | Oddfellows Excursion to Ottawa WEDNESDAY, Aug. 12th. Tickets train Speci good until | BXPERIE 'A {A | LADY [aT 1A & WANTED----MALE. MEN---WE HAVE DRDERS FOR OVER 8.000 men to ito Manitoba, Al- berta and Saskatchewan, situation guaranteed : wages $2.50 to $3.00, per day, with board: Bnclose stamp- ed addressed envelope for particula s. Apply The Canadian Eanploywment Agency, Brockville, Ont. MEN, AT ONCE ON SALARY AND expenses. One good man in each locality with rig or capable of hand- ling horses to advertise . and intro- duce our guaranteed stock and poul- try specialties. No experience neces- sary ; we lay out your work for you. $25 a week and expenses. Position permanent. Write W. A. Jenkins, Manufacturing Co., London, Ont. RUSH Hund- FOR THE FALL : r experience required. reds "of good positions open. rave ing Salesmen earn $1,000 to $20,000 a year and eXpenses. 1f you desire to enter this highly Tugurag ive e pro- jession our free book, "A Knight of the Grip' will show, you the way. Write for it to-day. Address, Dept. 7 National Salesman's 'Training Ass Chicagp, 1il., Kansas City, Mo Minncapolis, Minu., U.S.A Write nearést office. WANTED---FEMALE. CIHHAMBERMAID, AT ONCE, APPLY Hotel Congress. GENERAL ing Street MAID, AT ONCE. APPLY Avonmore, 207 William St to the SERVANT. Apply 196 RE John- GOOD - GENERAL ferences required. son street. ee ------------------ MAID, FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, with references. Apply to Mrs. Booth 64 William street, Goon NERAL SERVANT. NO washirv Ap ply to rs. Calderwood," Cor, Union and Alwington Avenue. A ar St., MAKE SANITARY matenials furnished ; Particulars stamp- 480° Dearborn nL. SEWERS at home ; per hundred. envelope. Dept. C Chicago, belts $15 ed Specialty 0., WANTED----GENERAL. $10 PER American COOK, British PASTRY Apply ONCE, month. Hotel. IQUATED and address WAR MEDAL ALSO 'ire Arms. Send name Box 45, Whig office. to FOR Sharpton Sec. TEACHER No. 17, laylor, QUALIFIED School Section Apply to Edgar {F IRB companies, ments. Ja Brock St. RISKS. GOOD fair settle- 109 INSURANCE lowest rates, R. C. Dobbs & Co. Telephone, 480, THE or PORTUNITY 10 FURNISH estimates on electric work: All kinds ot work promptly done. F. J. Birch, Electrician, 206 Wellington street. JOB CLEANING ASHES OUT OF yards or cellars, or other baggage carted. Prices rights Apply to S. Lytle, General Carter, 85 ain St. ROOM BY OCT. 18T or college girl, in quiet family, near residence. Full particulars requested Address Box 233, Brockville, Ont Se DWELLING, (BRICK with modern not above T. J. Boon, A-- COMFORTABLE PRE- convenjences, University Ave. 159 Wellington od), location Apply to Street. pou BLE fer DRESSY their Spring GENTLEMEN TO Suits made at way's. Style, price and finish anteea to please. 131 next to Bibby's Livery. GET Gallo- guar. Brock St., Moonlight Excursion SALVATION ARMY BAND | Str. AMERICA, 7,30 P.M. TUESDA M 1 board Tickets, 35c.. a Good nished on To Contractions. TEND} WILL BIS far Astron I : Pr r ne specitic at POWER 1008 FINED THE HOTEL MEN, Convicted of Selling Li Prohibited Hours John Woodruff and Joseph of the American appeared b Li Ring charge with = and Frar tridge, government deteetives, day, August 2nd. 'The defendants pleaded "not guilty." er and | Partridee swore that on Sunday mentioned they received whe whiskey and ale from Joseph Bromley behind the bar. Partridge told of re- | ceiving liquor the morning from Bromley. another man were in the Bromley positively charges, had never prohibited John knew nothing affair, awav. | The police magistrate imposed a fing | 75 and' costs. i Another charg gainst the same men With The alled Daniel Harrowsmith, charged | with liquor on July 1th. Mr. | Rignev appeared. for the defendant | and pl guilty. A fine of $50 and Tots Another intorma- Graves for sell- 14th without =a Was juor. in Bremley, | proprietors hotel Sydenham, | Magistrate Saturday, togN. C Aws=on, In a Niner on Sun- the white it earlier in he while and har. | denied thay! sold liquor in Woodruff he was He hours. of the as of was next. « Grave was that of selling . saded imposed. ? nst July was was laid ag on pleaded and © 1100 ing liquor He fined £40 Mr. Ay ked for stroy tl toxics Harrowsmith. and +» month. to de- found Heense, guilty or an r Wey or sts o ting at ¥ cr A Cheap aim steamer "Atherica to Park and arn, only 3%e. " i 1 hou- Tues- the Island 2.30 p.m. Take sand day, J The. 'entries for the delivery horses' race, on the holiday. must be made to Dr. G. W. Béll, before 11 am. ou] Monday, Y, AUG. 11th.| i 5: | port. | days { Moscow, §S. | Harlem, Sri rbot TION Lake ertifi M SCHOOL in Shs second ACHER, FOR No. 9 180 Villag holdir Salary $400 Apply Sharbot Lake -------------------------------------------------------------- cat te ACHER partment of FOR THE SENIOR the Middl Scho Lanark f FrEACHER Ne 16 High I res certificate LOST. BR Ow N Yor. hy THORS IE, rin Ont FROM THE COUNTRYSIDE. Road Items. Road, Aug. The reatly improved the m here attended the Fr wrterly sevieks at West Spider is home from improvie rv. has heen =niler, Wal Snider Snider 8. recent rams have A namie Method st qu: Mrs, Harry the hospital, and is slowly Visitors Mrs Lovelace visiting friends nN rs. I. at L. Sm and Mrs, roth, Vero: and Mrs, Snider and Page and Desert Lake, at J. Walrgth's; nd Mrs. C. Snider, at D. C S48 Lizzie Walroth is spending with her sister, at Holleford. Mrs. Clement and daughter, at J. M. Walroth's, Had A Hand Cut. ¥liinburg, Aug ~J ames had hand cut while working a A. Watts left C. about weoks ago, heard of since, and anxiat's about him. Mrs. Jackson returned from visiting frier in| Rin ston. There is a fine aby bov at Thomas Allison's. Visitors during the past week : Mrs. James ( larke, Svden- F. Orser, Jordan, N.Y.: Miss Wright, Owosso, Mich., at Smyth's: Mrs. Shiblwy, Kingston, at} Miss Ash's; Miss Hampsen, Kingston, at A. Emmond's; Mr. and rs. Blair and child, Westport, at C. ing's Lawson, Schene tady, N. . at his W. Lawson. E i Stanley brother r, Mrs Snic Mr. and with his binder. six friends gare very S. ham; Sadie father's, Forfar facts. July © 30.--Elisha - Mattice, has. been spending a few days here. J. M. Somerville, Beamsville, ne renewing acquaintances here this week, Mr, and Miss Hales spent Sat- 1 Forfar, Crops. hers ¥ ito "| his special *3 " Ww | many, Silver! Moore's! he has not been | A.| : | ton, ® The world gives all the credit to the man who butts in first. Now, doesn't it ? Let a man butt in first with a new form of entertain- ment--a new invention, or a time-and-money saving proposition of any kind, and the public's attention and patronage are his instant- ly. The man who butts in with a strong line of adver- tising is bound to reap the reward of his progressive- ness. He can't help it. ser TO-LET. TWO 1 NFURNISHED large front room. A." Whig office, -- | ROOMS, oxm |] Apply Box R E AL EST Al oF ALL KINDS, { DOT BRLE FRA Charles St lot. Rents 000, ME with $12 DWELLING, barn and per month, ON FURNISHED lar, housekeeping, { ply to 47 ROOMS, FOR LIGHT | with cooking gas. Ap- VY Princess street, i ROOMS, WITH] conveniences, with or with-| Apply 176 Clergy St. | for DO YOU WANT TO RENT Your property ? Then liculars to me. WELL-FURNISHED modern out board. OR SELLY give full pars SUMMER COTTAGE, FURNISHED By | the week, or month, on St. Lawrence and Rideau. Apply to McCann, 51 Brock St, | A. } AVE.,, BRICK| TO dwelling, 8 rooms, modern improve. YR ments. Apply to J, R. McCann, 61 Brock St. | INSURANCE reasonable EFFECTED AT rates. REAL ESTATE street. MOST iW BOND, Clarence AGE A BARGAIN, FOR upright piano, slightly Box 10, Whig otlice. CASSIE FINK usedy Apply 321 UNIVERSITY "I HANDMADE BASKETS, ALL SIZES, all kinds -to order. Repairing neatly done, Prices reasonable. J, Coles man, First street. ROOM, IN EX. change Chambers, No, 116 Brock Sg Apply to Geo. Cliff, Real Estate| Broker, 95 Clarence street. | LARGWM OFFICE . chi {TENT WILL waterproof bargains. Mr, Near Cotton HOLD LARGE FAMILY, Also goo toned organ, Coward, Boat Works, Mil. AND good three Henry, FROM OCT. 1.---BRICK RESIDENCE, | 181 Division street, with twelve rooms, including extension kitchen -------- p------ hot water heating, bath, etc, E . is . ng ie . Goon 'FP RAME DWELLING quire at 179 Division street. | stables, ten meres of land, orchard, with plenty of walter, miles from city. Apply to Harvey, Cataraqui. | THE DWELLING AND STORE PRO-| corier Wellington and Queen | possession at once. This pro-| will be painted and renovated. R. Chas. Bell, 171} Welling-| | ON SEPTEMBER 1ST, NEXT, ONE] of the best business stands in King- ston, on the corner of Princess and Wellington streets, lately occupied by F. Nisbet, Stationer. Apply Felix Shaw, 115 Bagot St., Kingston, Ont BOATS, NEW AND SECOND-HAND, 16 ft. up, from $100, good ongines, part payment accepted ; boat-howse found. Particulars, Coward and Dean, Boat Works. Cotton Mill, perty Apply ton St. MONEY AND BUSINESS. OUR POLICIES COVER MORE OF building and contents than any other company offers. Examine them ag Godwin's Insurance mporium, Mapks. et Square. ARCHITECTS. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF fice, Cor. Queen and Bagot streets. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBR Fire Insurance Company, Available assets $61,187,215. In addition to which the policyholders have for securty the unlimited liability of al} the stockholders. Farm and cily pro- perty dnsured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business gel rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. "Phone, 56H, HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, etc., Anchor Building, Market Square. Phone, 345. POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER- chant's Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 212. | | FOR SALE OR TO RENT. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF: fice, second floor over Mahood's Dru | store, corner Princess and Bago streets. Entrance on Bagot athens | 'Phone. 608. | ee RS WM. AND Good SOP. renty PATRICK each, ell to T™o 3 ta HOUSES Road and garden bargain. Also house ca | 129 Raglan Road | 108 JOHNSON ST. | roomed three-story eleven wdrooms, marble wsshhasina hot iter 1urnace. Bond, 79 Clarence Con wn six roon cellars Wilt ate at TEEN SOURS, attic, bedroom, A. '¥y SITUATION WANTED. SEVE rick besides in each Apply toet. ENGLISH recommenda Not afraid of address to | EMPLOYMENT BY AN man, who has excellent tions and education hard work. Apply for Whig offic i) BUSINESS CARD. pm Laying F cleaned by Bagot street. EXPER Irish, arr DOMESTIC enced, English ir weekly under need a servant Drummond St. CLEANING ather Hedg steam. Hy SHRVANTS, Scot AND ngage WIFE 4 | PERSONAL. BIR" 1 HM AR TK. 3, removed ; perm vanently, Twenty Vvear CXPOri« Lake, E Bar, Skin Hem isk street. HAIR warts, without ence, Nose Specialist MARRIAGE LICENSES. -------------------- ISSUER OF Clarence St. STRAYED OR STOLEN, HOU ND 258 Bagot A ON SATURDAY AFTER Iromises « My C. KIRKPATRICK Marriage Licenses, 42 A COLD HOUSE ? ] und S tice notice THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT Unitarian. REV. C. W. CASSON. Provincial Piety. great danger of hat own relig put | { Don't with it. The Swift's Coal It's a great Coal for heat. up is ever {prov intial m one 8 piety. man so who regards his only true religion. He consider the claims of the possession of the true [But let such men remember that ithe facts are against him. He church but one in have equal claim to the truth. ihe Christian church is hopelessly in the minority. Other faiths exceed. it in agé and number of Christianity is but one of and unless God is the the claim the garded with respect comes gion as the fudes to re others faith all ind are and all JAS. SWIFT & CO. Thousand Island & St. Lawrence River Steamboat Companies In Connection with New York Cene tral & Hudson River R.R. i { adherents. {many religions, God of the few, many must be re ) ary Address, Rev. C. W. Casson, at 25 | Beacon street, Boston, Mass., for the literature. ol Leave Kingston daily, except Sunday, 5.00 a.m. and 300 p.m. 4380s | ve Kingston Sunday, 7.30 a.m. and ok p.m Leave Cape Vincent daily, 10.50 a. and 6.15 p.m. y " Making direct conmectdons at Cape Vincent ro and from all points in New York State. Through sleeper Cape Vine Hol rohit rp rate Kinguion ta rou Pp ral good going Saturday os Sunday, returning up to and including Monday, $1.68, ' Poole. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Frown have been spending some time at their sms mer home on the Rideau. Athens, viat- Kendrick, Mes in oS | urday and joudioy {ing Mr, and Mrs. | Preston and dauglh PR Mis. Neil, Win ni; oe, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs Coon, Thursday. Owing to the ather of the past ten davs, farmers Jave completed their haying, and re- port a. a vield. Miomas Mo ay- Phitipsville, is in the vicinity Ia couple of weeks, operating his stone | erusher. 'A goodly number from here attended the merchants' pienic at Del | ta, and report an enjoyable time. Mr. | and Mr=. MeClary and Mr. amd Mr Athens. were visdtirg Mr, and . and Mrs, R. Davison recently Mr {spent Thursday at the home of Giles on fine erage Keep your eve on the man who bad to make an extra effort to give you on hearty hand- hake. 25¢, cooked ham, J, Crawlord, Barton Sheldon, Kingsville,

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