Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Aug 1908, p. 6

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PAGE SIX. - THE DATLY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, AUGUST S, 1008. ressceescnssg THE 5 P.M.EDITION JESTROYED BY HE ee or Ni a rt panies' Orders. | 4 PEEFY WEDIING she BOAT ABLAZE IN| On Friday morning at sovin o'clock 3 * a} {a squac i) eo eg Was Celebrated in St. George's | THE HARBOR Lins Pumbrone reliway, were! i | | : Saturday Morning. sent to the waterfront at the east] | A pretty wedding took place on Sat- It Was Owned By Eugene G.|end of Ontario street, to tear down urc y r x (ie Je i > 7) al ~ 3 P= ay me nis kr 5 jeorge / l Dennee, and Was on Its Trial [2 hoathouse owned by John Lwed | . ! ul, when' Miss Minnie Oxenbrid.re| Tri 0 ts of Boat Had { dell. 'The anen demolished the strue-| KINGSTON'S { was "married to EJ. Harvay, sef-] ip--Occupants of Boa ad |{ure and threw the pieces on the geant iukiructor at the Roval Miitary| Narrow Escape. . | shore. 'Ihen they gut off the piles near | Callege. The ceremony was performed | A fins new gasoline koat, owned by | the top of the water and pulled the . | wv, 3 anph Stare ! he bride, given | Eugene G. Dennee, Bagot street, the| other half out with a chain. The . . {Ro away by n Hill, ure a semi-| gull known hay dealer, was destroy- silove must Soutd rather pecdlias 3 . . : 51 B58 pown of cream vplle, Over g sr fire Lay i 2 ofr. | WHEN ORE _'Teals Of ons man deliver Are cordially invited to. ig [white ilk tented with altese tot od by fire on Friday at, Wie gh | ately going down, or sending his hice-| spect our Showrooms, where Owin: to a recent berenvem 5 | a is a. 0% . . ¢ ' yerenvement in the {lings down t p ther the finest collection of manu- Yhride's famil } di ne juangs He o tear down another] factured' F : East | bride's family the wedding was verv| people Who were in the boat at the| man's boat house, even when the or} rec urs in astern aguiet, Tl ride was ; x rel EN sar 1 3 al Canada, are on exhibition | uM A Hi 4 ol Png Sel 0 wi Fae, had a very ustrew escape, be-| Der, To war Tt-dyws , comes ftom af ' a Te i - * Hala a Na If unns acted ies asi "4 - ia TH xt) | mg her source, : Everything shown manufac jas bridesmaid, and the groomeman Re Ro . % Ee Nn : i : in close re > BE ; tured in Kingston. i was H. Harvey. Mr. and Mrs. Harvev| 4 ihe actident. | situated behind Knapp's Foot estab-| 8 : 3 | Jeit on the . noon G.1 R. vain for! mhe bout, which was "built at| lishment, about twenty feet ont from T\¢ aD {Montreal ani other eastern points. | Knapp's, was lco.ed upon 'as a finel the shore in line with two other boat-| \\ TSB er u ex houses. Mr. Tweddel"s was the farthest] ' 2 > . - - \ EAP im Deng glo ces I loss at $500. Five | The boat house in question was and will return t he cit we infter {3 ' y En k the jc y th i "lone, It wus twenty-four feet long, NM les part of next week, ar fd take np thir] with an Erd engifie of ten horse-pow- out, Mr. Adams next and Mr, Reid's John McKay Fur Houss, | residence at 13, Lolhorne str t. ler. The work on the boat was' fimished est, Hae three boat houses were not "IN : a [this week, and last might it was de arge, and as they were out from the = STORES,-- bo rat Perfect Ice Cream Soda. cided to give it its initial trip in the land a plank walk connected the, ¥ - First the ice cream must be per | harijor, Accordingly, Mr, Dennce, Ken- houses and the shore. This water | | front and land bordering: thereon 1s| 07 Princess St. Hach: ours § Fe ine grain: : ! : 107 Princess St. A fect; ours 1s pure, ri h and fine grain: {gu Cameron, an engine experf, Mr. ok y 149.155 Brock St. ed. Then pure fruits and juices must {Kp.on and a young man living in under lease by the Kingston & Pem-| Ibe used:we use them. 'Then the soda | Barrieficld, started off from the boat broke railway company. They in turny - C i leased it to the Montreal Transporta-! : ! , : y A wst be properly charged; we gee. to lhause, shortly after mine o'tlock. |. o . === |this. Lastly, thoroughly washed abd | When gq short distance up from Swift's tion company. The yard facing thef BRIG EERE od glasebs are necessary; outs | wharf, the mishap occurred. Mr. €am- water has not the appearance of being : To Night we will place an 'sale Wade's drug store. leron had his boat following close to used much lately. Near the shore the! --- emia 1 ford : land becomes y Co \ | ; * : Campbell Bros'. lie. i nd a wer oo of "nuch Hae. ah sun "ie : Fi | Whi Shirt Waists Diamonds For the newest and-%eit %2 derbies. | ning. Something went wrong with the hoat houses are not 'in the way of: 4 ine e 1 Iv : | turned from a A itr EE tor ons rh 3 low old derelicts that have To there for . nN different styles to choose from. Some of the Pp est rv sts whe sh. underwon Beton a Jamon: hs nlf hu | "ome .yeass. Tu the water the M. T. shown this season. Prices are 99¢, $1.25, 1.49, 1.75, 1.90, 1.95, 225, . - ih, ry. hd x . 3 "| company have barges there, but people! 9249 975 4 Qn 3 Make superb gift Hand Sapolio, o'd in Kingston |pen&l at such quick notiee that those| © isl : E ' eos 2.49, 2.75 3.00 S50 and on u to 6.0! P gilts and 'have | at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, on board had only a few seconds to who live around in the near vicinity ' ' ' 3 Pp 0 what every present should - . ap | Lio & : . we lsay that the company has never peent - . * f p out of one boat into the ather,| 00 onienced by the boat-houses.| Your Choice To-Night One~Third Of - have--sentiment and in- when it came up to the rescue. Thel,. s T'hese barges are quite larve, so larg h trinsic value. } Bil R BI d fire btirned fiercely, and had not the that one boat } 1d t 11 1 ide that we | le | other bLoat he ! at hand, ¢ «4 108% ann, hos Aouse could np o This 1 ' ist bg al i y yOu. consider a Buy here and you are sure 1b I it azor d 88 oh ou Lito ro NE hand e * hor the way of a barge, or one barge! Chis 18 the be st waist bargain this season when By : { ti of getting only the best. oe | result. It wa : feared that there would could mot be put: where the three Foat{ these waists are all high class, properly made and it» per econ. | be an. explosion, and Mr. Cameron houses were, yet on)y the one boatd : - 4 house was taken down at the Tail Solitaire Rings, from $10 21 Qhapnangd and Made « [made » bevel hort to band Gh gue road's order 8 8 ers, , to as high as you care to go. tank and throw it overboard. In this} wo a . was unsuccessful, however, as the iy shoul! . b { ood values in 3-stone and As good as new for ira spread so quickly that he had to dawn by the company ? In 1906, Mr + five-stone. rings. give up the task. Mr. Cameron is dey Pweddell applied to the proper of | serving of ereat praise for the way he ficials, Hon. L. F. Penault, at Otta- w wa, for permission to buid a Loat| 25¢ Packa g Norhel og He iby rs ol the party house on the above grounds, and hel d = . | ah ne 1 Carer ut no one, hi. a letter from the aathorities,| Spangenberg was injured. In order to make sure | dated March 20th, 1906, %o the effect] ; : that the other -Woat would come tof 1 0" esers, T 3 i I. Ad 4 1 Special attention paid to Safety | the rescue in . time, Mr. Cameron| Reid Ry ia _ is £ 5 : aioe aX re - : v . | en a )! 1 above grounds, J EWELLER, Razors of all kinds. jumped off the ill-fated Lunch, and| upon paying to the gow ron ent al swam over to the other, and was af-} Loo 4 Cel bat : : inal ren ot tear sen terwards picked up. A line was at-| O , but must tear houses { these houses kp torn} : 2 down if potifiec ; y and ched to the burring Loat, and it| A tified by the authorities. { . \ .: : . | On this letter Mr. Twoddell and the | | was then towed to Point Frederick, | » : . oe | other men built their houses, I'he F - : DIAMOND MERCHANT » . . where the blaze was extinguished. Part | cian" . - TW. A. Mitchell, on wm vas not damace, but as| Forts shea holds u reriot frots © : hs 4 it is it will he useless, The engine. al-l 4 fo on oD o.] AL pnd i RR mm nn in i HARDWARE. hr ching defence, dated Va 5, 1907. show NE OFT FRONT SHIRTS go g-- will ke all right for use i | ing that four vears rent has been pail! 1 | The blaze was witnessed by a verv| h i : = or ; W lates arond: The aoeifimt orcorred just RogSe Very choice designs, properly made, full sizes. Seperate pair of cuffs receive 1 otice . . . : TE with each shirt. This make and quality of shirt has been gold in King- authorities to vacate the] : , r : \ | boat house, and the only word he ve-} ston this summer from 90c to_$1.00 each. Sizes 14, 14}, 15}, 16, 161. These 5 sizes only. nather wer | Quilt' hard | coived was on Friday morning, when] a mumbe vere als Swift's ri. : Ri igo on Swilts wharl.] ome one told him they were tenting] | on the ground ocoupied by the boat | hefore the steamer America arrived | from the from Ogdensburg, and auite: a few | { people were on lger's wharf, Quite l The firemen were ealled out, but Ye : er no cid [to go, and keption with their werk Asked for the cause of the necident.] (jl they had finifhed §t. 1My. Tweds | tin Bagh towed on Be) down his boat house. He ardercd the . . | e hot vas towed over to o point | on 7 n FOI S68 oy rel 2 N t fe mt run Sqm se. Shain] me' res oe sli Your Choice To=Night, C. Joidab. Me, Car Hy Had Ha 8 dell felt. very much put out at the oc} ee ss me mes A I'he lesson to be derived from such an currence, gnd_ has not yet deck Jed --_-- ; weeiddnt as this, was that the tank] what comse he will pursue, but it i it a , f t oi ecortainly seems a deliberate case of se ame LE 2 == What You May Require { part of the Kingston & Pembroke on t W: Cameron further, stated that the | he Montreal Transportaticn com- {ton Was n truss] of TE | panv. The belief is that the local of | \ . ralvanized ron, apd was we wilt Wi ficials of the latter, bitter polti his Fo MM ny da every respect. * .4einns, are the movers. The men dia! No 4 r y - ------ | not enjoy their work, and one of then | RE, ; | Greatest Show On Earth. remarked that it was a mean thing } NY a The value placed on the animals | to do, and they hated to do it. T ¢ May Be Had I o=Night. | that will be on exhitit'on at the Cg | residents in that section were | adian National exhibition at To | greatly surprissd when they saw ® 9 ito, is as follow A500 horses ¢ companies'. employees doing such ¢ . Ups 500 each. R750.000: 1,000 catdlo trin! i J: 0- 1 4 eo | $250, $250.000. 1,400 cheep and swine The Whig. agrees with publi en- | £105,000: 3.500 poultry and | timent, that this is one of the most | I stock, $10,000; 1,400 dogs, £100 contemptible actions ever known { 3 + leach, $140,000 and 500 cats 810,000, [this city, all the more so because the " A aa {ati . | making a total of $1,265,000. It must | citizens have treated the companies | i J l'affeta and Duchesse Satin Ribbons, ad he under tood a makin hes calc 4 {ragueninaly De ; granting hon A In white and all wanted shades and widths, for Hair | ations, that thes arg Snow ammalis onhiges for which they ave recerved | 3 3 3 Lag 1 9 {and there fore not to he estimated inlanly partial remuneration. The King | q - Ribbons and : ash Ribbons ' Whit Silk Gloves, Lon Len th alue as ordinary stack, ston and Pembroke railway has not | HR ~-- sis -- delivered the goods to the extent i HRY 2 15 20 25 U ! e { ' 5 g Sports On Holiday. that the citizens were led to heliave | ! ' 10c, 1 Isc, C, C, C P- |" The sports programme at the fair [the railway would, when they voted | fi Tr 39¢ | grounds, Monday, will include the fol: |8300,000, and loaded themselves with | | y no 0 * [lowing : taxation The M. 1 Co. has dis- | a i ; "> | Fat man's race, 100 Ibs. and over: [appointed those who worked hard for | oY " ee. -- . {hoop race," boys fourteen years and [ite special honus.. Prescott with i {under one-half mile race, men; jockey {out a bonus is getting just as much . * » race: three-legged race: 110 yards rac benefit from the M. T. company ns | White Si k IS é¢ oves, ong [potato race, girls, eighteen and un- | Kingston, in the elevating line ' i [der: 220 yards, hoys: soap race, mar- jot at the foot of Ont: io street he X'}.d 4 s . 91 = 90 95 25e vied om: sack feo men: soap Re ed Te wighiiohy ; and th White Cotton Stockings, 125, 15, 20, 20, 35. ) e for vears and the ) | . E Ey L th fi Tr 39¢ race. girls ; 100 yards race, women; flagse oranted for real purpe chould | Black Cotton Stockings, 122, 15, 20, 25¢ up. : eng v Jo : duress Hig vat. ails prizes wil Yndhaverme cancelled long since hy the Tan Cotton Stockings in great variety. GE 'wo to four valvnable pri? government A Light Blue, Pink, Grey, Navy, Cardinal. given for each event | Kingston has been badiy used: | | whole water front was given over Champagne Shades in Fine Lisle Thread Hosiery. | ie ' . * . Rideau Lakes And Ottawa. | this railroad company hecanse Dent S Silk Lined Ki oves Rideau King and Queen leave for [ managers had the pull on the 3 {Ottawa, Monday, Wednesday, Thurs- |servative government of the day [dav and Saturday, at 6 aml and for is now about time for: Kingston to 4 { (lavton, N.Y., Tuesday, Wednesday, {wake up and call the government to or C ° | Friday and Saturday at 6:15 p.m. laccount for its sacrifice of public in i James Swift & Co., Agents. lterests when such a selfish, high-hand mp eee led and ungenerons action is perform 35¢., 1,000 Island Park, 35¢. led by the companies holding pro { | » d T Kid Gl f 48 | Tuesday, Aug. llth, steamer Ameri- perty as a gift--and" then only for |e ---- -- ressé an I oves or Ce foes 2.20 p.m., home early, supper on speculative purposes, An election is { bitt, Wesley Burley and Jamgs Cow- | Hl | yoard. | coming on; now is the time to let | dy, four employees of the Kingston Sr |eandidates appreciate that this sel- {and Pembroke railway, with unlawful- | Campbell Bros'. |fish use of property, this high-handed |ly tearing down his boathouse on Fri- | For bargains in summer hats. {domineering for personal interests, is | day morning. W. F. Nickle appeared lmot to be long tolerated. The Inter- [for the defendants and D. M. Mclntyre | Tn a German girls' school, seventy {ior department has given a lease and |for the prosecution The case was eh | 1 aed for a week in order to get esi ° 4 ego years ago, sixty-five girls agreed be- {should he manful enough to protect ite g es mn (9 | 11 S {fare they graduated to pay a certain | lessees, 1f it does not, Jet it be hoped {number of marks a year into the Ber- | that the electors will speak out, and ---------- : {lin bank, the whole amount to ga. to [that the representatives of the gov- MARINE NOTES . the surviving member of the class. ernment be told of it. There is an * 15 INCHES WIDE. ALL COLORS. | Mrs. Margaret Cartens, who died in [impression that the men who fight fHeavy Fog This Morning Delayed {Qt. Louis, Mo., on Thursday. at the {the government, like the M. T. com- en lage of ninety-four, received, three | pany, can get more than these who ake Steamers. The steamer Alexandria was at Fol- years ago, the total, amounting to lare friendly, and it is acting on this \ ner. A T 815,000. fooling that the railway and transpor- | ger's wharf, Friday night, on her up] or ] { The Old Boys' excursion from Otta- [tation companies are going the limit. trip. : wa, to-day, brought 250 people, ar- |A sample of the high-handed character The yacht Louise, from down among Iriving at the K. & P.. station, atiof one of the managers was shown the islands, was in the harbor, to- 112.30 o'clock The C.P.R. made a |vesterday in his capacity as alderman. { day. . teood run. This is the sixth annual {With great unfairness the tenders for | At M. T. company's wharf : The tne lexcursion. hd dre. Were ened, alt) ph | Bartlett arrived from Montreal, with : i xeursion , architecture were not opened, although | 0" barges, and will claar for Fair THIS TRUNK, small size, $4.25; medium size, u : 0), od | Sea memos on rae 1, for list of tendered in answer to the requests { Sunday ard Monday attractions. fof the committee, but were ied | Port, Lake Erie, with barges Wiltose Mrs. Gay, of East Orange, N.Y., a{ un the ground of polities to a 'con: [anal Selkiek, and load soul Jeb Mont: @ $ {holiday visitor in the city, had the servative without "the competition de Tenis he washer Jen a : Amisfertune to sprain her ankle, while cided upcn. And liberals vote = sich | from Fort William, with 75 bush- twalking on Primcess street, Saturday - ' els of wheat, and = will clear for the, | 7 {men bonuses ! 1 Tak . 0 : mormng. 8 { npper iakes; the steamer Turret ane. | | Three antomobiles came from To- | . { from Fort William, with gran, ronto, 'to-day, to take part in the At The Police Court. {due on Sunday might, * { holiday sports. At the police court, Saturday morn- -------------- | Sve. memos on ra-e 1, for list ofiing, John Tweddell, Princess street, Sunday and Monday attractions, charged William Storms, Duncan Nes- { Blueberries in pails. Crawiord.

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