Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Aug 1908, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT, " THE DAILY BRITISH LADY GALWAYS IDEA This is the Maid of beautiful face ; |. RANGED BY WOMAN. With wealth of hair and matchless | Henry VIII and His Courtiers to grace 3 % 2 Hold High R p Complexion clear ind without a fault ; Hall gh Bevel at Serlby $he's a regular user of ABBEY'SSALT. | London, (and his courtiers lin the beautiful grounds of Hall (Notts). this month, and it safe to say that none bi the pageants presented of late will excel this beauty. - > { It is being arranged and pl Lady Galway, in aid of tl hospital, #1 which-she takes gx interest, and which wa practically founded the dowager Viscountess Galway. . All the chief parts will be played by Aug, + 7.--Blufi King high Hal revel 5 will hou 18 one in interest or anned by Retford deep by {prominent people Colonel Whitaker, {of Babworth Hall, will be Henry VI, {whilst the part of Anne Boleyn will {be taken by Countess Fitzwilliam. Viscountess Galway will be the Lady Nervous, Diseased Men | i civ wi ie lo DRS. K. & K. ESTABLISHED 20 YEARS Consultation FREE. FREE. Fees for he Treatment A NERVOUS WRECK # We Guarantee to Curo all Curable Cases of Stricture, Varicocele, Blood Poisons, Vital Weaknesses, r and ig Peculiar to Me Don't waste your time and money on cheap, dangerons, experimental treatment. at your own cost, your sufferings by being experimen But come to us in confidence Hervous My Kidney, Bladde Diseases Don't inere: which they claim to have just discovered yout conscientiously, honestly and skillfully, and restore y discomfort i Eac ase is Our New Method is original and has stood the test for 8 ible time with the least medicine, § treated] as the symptoms indicate, twenty yours, { Drs KENNEDY & KENNEDY Cor, Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. Question Blank for Home Treatment sent Reasonable 4 Viscount pi : twill be Jane Seymour and hsm ir \ ROBUST MANHOOD Diseases, and all n and Women, with remedies We will treat nm to health: in the shortest. pos- nse practicable 1 on and ¢ LADY GALWAY. the Duke of Sufiolk. The [Galway 'Absolute purity and cleanliness in the manufacture COWAN'S PERFECTION the approach on the left of the king and his train from the forest, half a (Maple Leaf Label) Healthful and nutritious. THE COWAN CO. Limited, TORONTO h other Lady | Pilkington, {the Hon. {Lord R and Captain | The | Henry haracters will be represented by Kathleen Bandars, Thompson, R. Knaresborough, Lady Hon. Mrs Violet Mersey Nevill, the Hon. Rankin turns the James about a visit of been hunting in Cardinal Wolse with plot Vill, who has Sherwood Forest, to ev, at the Palace of intent to hunt in the From the terraces the Serooby great chase. of the beautify wills see garden spectators descend, the they will trumpets, whence ot mile away, fantare to with a stage This will garden, and to add to its dignity and historic the old chapel of Serlby, dal troopers, be at the upper end of the interest, destraved by is to be reconstructed a Cromwell's van Surgical Aids to the Afflicted Spinal Our Appliances Curvature for Spiaal Cur- vature, Partial Paralysis, ete., are the result of half a century's experience in testing and fitting such assist- We know just what} 1 ¢, or help ants. apparatus will re to cure, each case Our experience also tells us just how to fit the appliance so that it will be easy ,comfortableand helpful. 8 The 8t. Lawrence Sugar Refining Co., Ltd MONTREAL Manufacturers of the choicest REFINED SUGARS Granulated and Yellows. Made entirely from Cane |b | Be sure you ask for "St. Lawrence." [amin 0 Serld, aged D STEWART ROBERTSON & SON, Agents for Eastern Ontario. Sugar. Oils Coal Oil Lubricating Oils Gasoline make specialty of handling Lubricasing Oils all kinds Prices on application. W. F. KELLY & CO, South Cor. Sts. We a ot and Clarence 486. Ontario 'Phone, "NEW MACHINE SHOP. A call is invited for all kinds ¢ al manufacturing and machine Special work such as machine ing laysh mowers (we have machine in the city for this pur} repairing sewing machines graphs, scales, razors, dies ; brazing, model and Patt making. Best of attention given work. Repairs may be tested leaving Work guaranteed. outside ©it) promptly attzade Charges moderate. J. W. HUNTER, Machinist, 30 M real St., (near Princess) Kmgston, Orders taken at Simmons Bros. and A: Van juven"s Parcel Delivery. guns, edged all Work d t THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY | spcciaity. 'Phone, 655. }, ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright Money, loaned on Oity and Farm Pro- rties. Municipal and County Deben ures. Mortgages purchased Deposits ved and interest allowed. 8. C. McGill, Managing Director. 10 CENTS PER PACKAGE. "Authors & Cox « DR. "LITTLE'S FEMALE before Toronto, oe | New EnglandChinese Restaurant | | seenery have | months part of the Rehearsals two 135 Church St. Toronto. Est 1860 in There of 150 voices and about all of whom will appear of th period, and who dance maypole, flower, v yO progress vill he 150 m n for a chorus d neers, costume over Since 1860, we have brought happiness to the homes of the afflicted, with our appliances. will ine and other Loss of arms, feet and legs-- dances deformed and misshapen limbs and bodies -- rupture -- floating kidneys--practically ALL afflic- tions can be helped, and, if many cases, cured by our-appa- ratus. Write for free advice. g Drowning Tragedy terrible tading to West Pe all, England, ve drowned, and two Phere wi Sung holiday uay Cornw uay, rny 161 at ntire, near when thrée persons we had n escapes. Sister lican House of the had been staying twenty-hve gins and some the othurs \IrOW imtlie, of Epiphany at Truro, at ¢ 'entire with ter Emilie, Miss Miriam, girls were As) ih rock of the thrilling to Sister sitting on A voring 1 huge wave swept into the ed. In endea one Ie water, ave another in and hav ned, en Jd into the water, them, but been stun ind not t their lives We and thirteen y belo y Penzance, and hia Fr t, aged fourteen, ol Miss Miriam, who also {elongs mmumty, and Dorothy Wood great excitement, Sop Sussex to the « were rescued, be fand Lelonge | to a 1 weood's Phosphodine, ' Ingi E 'med amid £507 American 7 hly re good Emilic was hig very cted with the 1 dvuasts or wailed | | 107 8 number of years and had been in vio pl of price. New pomphle lcharge Rose Industrial ne Wood Madea Co | hool ttached to i [{rvaoto. On Ye terhoog ; pected, 84 family. | She has been conne hous " of the win ., ¥ xteen Years, IF IT IS TO GET A SINK installed. . a th In School Cups. Techn World I'he greatest achievement ol scic r that most hu entable and a early deaths Dea | Set up or a bath room nee I can do it in first-class style and at the right price. Give me a trial. DAVID HAL is the awakeni prev | proportion of Phone 335 gd et a of She ? 64 Brock St | nnually in the United States result from the minute parasitic plants and lanimals gaining access to the [These invisible foes wage a continual and weak, as well as that these tely man diseases are {large body | warfare against {rich and poor strong duty demands REGULATING PILLS Best for Women's ise, in irregularities | meee or supression, at all Druggists, or by mail, $2. DR: LITTLE MEDICINE co., | Opt. Civic sell preservation, Deafness Cannot Be Cured. by local applications, as they canno reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an inflamed cone | dition of the mucous ling of the | Pustachian Tube. When this tubes is ih- | lamed you have a rumbling sound or 3 a.m.g the | IM srfoct hearing, and whe t is entire- best place to get an all round Lunch ia |!¥ closed, Deafness is e result, and un- the city Meals of all kinds on short. | less the inflarmmat taken out est notice. Kaglish and Chinese dishes a tt tube restored tc normal | condition, hearing will be destroyed: for- | ever nine cases out of ten caused {by Catarrh. which is nothing but an in- | famed condition of the mucous surfaces. | We will give One Hundred Dollars for anv case of Deafness (caused by Catarrh) | that cannot be cured by s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, . F. J. CHENEY & CO. Toledo, O. Take Hall's Family Pills for ognsti- i pation. : - Sold by Druggists, 75¢; 331 King Street.' Open from 10.30 a.m., to and Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness | ete., for sale. ' Sale of Horses every Saturday, the home of the ho lile-destroyers should, av far as pos- WHIG, SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 1908. sible be shut out of the human sys- tem. i A GRISI The evidence condemning the use of | . the common drinking vessel upon any. | occasion at school, chur h or Rome is KING PETER OF SERVIA ON TOTTERING THRONE. derived from threé sources, the fre- | a pe-- quent presence of disease-producing bacteria in the mouth; the detection le f a With Necessity of Des- of pathogenic germs on the public onfrante 3 in Order - to cups, and the discovery that where a perate Measures - number of persoms drank from a cup Retain Sovere.gn EY Moe previously used by the sick, some of FRAIRS i BE cia them became ill, A cup, which had rt ly in been in use nine days in a school was an ach 3 Y 3 a clear thin glass, was under exam- Fron. I es ination with a mierisope magnifying 18, Amg a a 1,000 diameters. The haman cells na : scraped from the lips of the drinkers he TY of were so numerous on the upper third 8 coup de'st ng a of the glass that the head of a pin the only cans could not be placed anywhere without . of - fetamng the touching several. The cup contained throne. The lier over 20,000 human cells or bits of ternate 1s ahdica dead skin.--As many as [150 germs ian. were seen: clinging to a single cell, Although the and few cells showed than ten king has always germs. Between the cells were thou- endeavored toup- sands of germs left there by the hold the consti Siusgrs of saliva deposited by the Juthos is re drinkers. Not less ask: : wated efforts to thousand bacte fia 8 than reer) form a pew government have ended in failure. Hid advisers are already urg ing. him to abolish the constitution 4 every square inch of the glass. and proclaim a dictatorship as the only way of saving the country fram anarchy. ' Five distinct attempts have been made to form a cabinet. One person after another has declined, and King Peter's earnest desire to govern as a constitutional monarch has received but little sympathy. Since the beginning of the parlia- mentary crisis the troops of the Bel grade garrison have been kept stantly, in readiness - for emergencies, The strain is telling on the men. Some days ago, whan King Peter went to the cathedral to hear a te deumy in honor of his birthday, the cavalrymen who lined the streets between the pal- the cathedral could be dozing on their horsés from fatigue while awaiting the monarch's return As a mere beginning Of this plan the The birthday reception at the palace Santa Fe Railway = company has | in the afternoon was ludicrously cur- bought , 10,000 acres of land in San | tailed. King Peter, looking weary Diego county, California, and is plant and forlorn, without premier, minis- ters, or parliamentary dignitaries, ing it to young eucalyptus trees six |" . or eight inches tall. Several hundred |® ed the good wishes of the diplon | corps, complaining of tue acres have been set out already, and |U¢ ninety-five per cent. of the trees have | heat, then to his apart | The king shows shown signs of growth with possibly | the efiects of us has 150 gq specie the a thind as many sub-species not com | great strain to which he has heen suh monly listed. They to | jected since the beginning of the pa Australia individuals of some | hamentary Crisis. ' 3 arieties have attained a height of The general unrest in Belgrade has 300 feet. In California, where trees | been augmented by the discovery that were planted about old haciendas for- | Austrian officers in disguise have been ty years ago, they .are still growing | Photographing all the principal forts and their ultimate size is entirely pro {in Servia, especially the fortifications blematical, loss on Where There Is Foresight. Technical World. lo supply California, the southern half of which has been badly denuded of its forestation, with an abundance of timber; to aid in the increase of rainfall over a dry area destined to be called on to support an immense population; to supply more thad 12. 000,000 ties yearly to the railroads of the United States, and, last, but not least, to furnish a perpetual bee pas turage for hundreds of apiaries--are the things beginning to be written in the history of one tree California. That tree is the cucalypt- the lumber from which has lately discovered to possess qualifica tions for use in certain industries pos- by no other free, wild or con- in southern us, heen ace and seen sessed do- mestic, and, hastened The cucalypt- | ments. grow great in size Belgrade, One of these officers had in his pos- | session a secret detailed map of the | lines of communication which was sup | posed to be kept only at the head- | quarters of the Servian general stall | the possibility of Aus | tria sending troops into Servia in the of the government being over- | thrown is not sufficient to force the | peoj le to help King Peter's efforts to prevent a Crisis, King Peter I, of Serv ia. was elected to the throne just five days after the tewgible assassination of King Alexan der and Queen Draga in the palace at Belgrade, on June 10th, 1903. He is the head of the family of Karageorgeviteh, which once ruled in Servia, but was driven out the country by the Obrenovitchs in 1569 he newly-clected king arrived in elgrade on June 24th, 1903, and wa thusiastically received by the people and Austrian ministers members of the diplo in FASHION'S FORM. Charlotte Corday Hat Net. of White Nevertheless, | event en The Russian | were the matic corps who attended, Hi took place on tember 21st of the following re Great Britain being still White dotted net was used for th 1t was not till 1906 that a British illustrated, the model being in| minister again took up his residence Charlotte a dropping brim The hat foundation 'frame coverd with whit and layer ol | re the ruffle! tonne show- I'he used alout eretonne being At the left » pink ro only coronation Sep vear - unrepre=ent y| ed hat the ne lgrade in | Throughout wire | itieal curring the regicide WSOC y the assa pe ow in his style, with] lar; e Ww Corday ontinunally re King reign po have to the and a puff crown vas made on a crise been « between op owing struggle ) } hi we several and those who were mousseline doubled net brim. A band of white ing a pink rose the crown, the with black velvet placed a | <<ination wi used for ixty-fourth desipn wa year. mind | front : : { Twin Foes To Happiness. A pale pale blood blocd vitality, {make the blood back feel badly health an be Was Pale Pallor poor ------ - face mean means low Weak Fluttering Hearts. Will never be by the unnatural stimulation of ligyor vitalit build the strengthen and purify the then the heart will respond and conditions - precisely {blood and apps {Tene Pill look| They are a Ferro blood maker rich, drug store the istactory badly and of the There can be no happine vou look false, First ure cured pallor makes you increase your up without and energy and these system, hlood building Iron ecured b vitality with Wade (laxative) nerve In boxe Money back Ferrozone 1s it gestion that 1 row strong you that eaten makes positively what to an tite and ¢ . will great trengthenet and Wade not alter eteryvthing zone nutrity vitalizing blood, and i improves Pilgrims Sea port lor pil Mecca, 1m th for cholera and most storative and stren gthener th action, the intold hox, or powerful re Cholera For Jeddah, the Red travelling danger centre | plague Lately ¢holera has inecrea ed | Average number of deaths daily is 400 More than 100,000 Mohammedan pil grims visit Mecca every and ful ! ly hali_ this number pas dah. More than one great cholera traceable ha to science; it regulates the the feeble Ferrazone cost for & ( known improve nerve tone, heart's makes strong and | gris to well. world's will do He. a sick vou only 50, and boxes Polson gbod ix $2 at drug gists, ot '0 Kingston, Ont. year, through Jed epidemic ol to this en an------------ Cooling Dr.nks For Hot Days. With Frug: Syrups and , © i Sovereign Lime Juice in the house you | 0rmous traflic in pilgrims. prepare any number of| 'tho ji cooling and refreshing | city where Mohammed mer drinks. Sovereign Fruit Syrups | preached arc packed like herrings have the flavor of the fresh fruits, and | small steamers, which ply between come in all the popular flavors. About | Bombay, Aden, ard Suez, and ara dis half a teaspoonful of Sovereign Lime | embaskgd, at Jeddah, where there are Juice, added to a glass of iced water, | Not sanitary arrangems nts. Fwenty Fruit Syrups, improves thousand pilgrims from India s more health-| passed through Jeddah last year, and | 15,000 more came from Egypt, escort- {ing the holy carpet which covers the | Kaaba, the shrice at Mecca, overy Six years ago, in an outbreak of Jeddah and in Egypt, a single week, S Leen overeign to the holy was horn § en route can instantly lL.rim n ute : and delicious, sum- in with Sovereign alone the flavor and ful drink. gives a ---- Sagacity Of Wounded Horse. k Torn and bleeding from the jagged | 0 ond of the broken shaft of a mail van| oO 8 Is which it had been drawing from Tun- thousands bridge Wells to Tombridze, Kent, Ene | gland, a horse bolted two miles into the last named town, and dashing] along: the principal thoroughfare turn-| ed round two corners and stopped in| an exhausted condition before the] stables of Perey Gregory, veterinary surgeon, Mr. Gregory was sleeping in his house, which is near the stables, but, awakened by the noise, went downstairs and fornd the horse stand- ing in a pool of blood. eee -- Telephone milk Buy a at died in Too many in this old world consid- er guess-work certainty Five Years' Hay Fever Cured. Don't home--don't experiment --just Catarrhozone ;--it cures every case gas yuickly it did Thomas Eaton, of Westwood, Ont. lwho says: rive suffered from' Hay Fever dnd had to leave this part of the country a month previous to the time of attack. Since using Catarrhozone | have both- ered. My cure is complete." For summer catarrh, asthma hay fever, Catarrhozone is guaranteed. leave use as years 1 X ; not heen Memorandasz for day . and ice man ta stop as usual. gevthe and | FREE TO YO has a wonderful bearing upon a man's morals. Digestion |Get it for $1 from any dealer. Established 1873 OF CANADA Banking Made Easy There is no formality about opening a Savings Account with this Bank. Courteous clerks wilkmake the first steps easy for youif you wish to bggin saying your spare dollars. Not much money is needed. One Dollar will open an account, and entitle you to a pass-book in which your deposits are entered. : 5 * No delay in withdrawing your money at any time, with interest to Gate. TN KINGSTON BRANCH 4 J- S. Turner, Madager COR. PRINCESS AND BAGOT STS. ssn ----- I rr m-- Fels-Naptha Kills Germs, Says Anty. Health Officer--* 'Sorry, ma'am, but we'll have to fumigate the house. You'll soon be rid of the smell. But if you'll take my advice you'll burn the bed clothing." Anty Drudge--*'Burn nothing! She'il wash them with Fels-Naptha soap !"' Health Officer--"In that case it's Fels-Naptha kills disease germs." all right. For Dirt is the greatest enemy of the human race. A large part of every woman's life is spent in fighting it. Water is her chief ally. The next in importance is Fels-Naptha soap. Fels-Naptha makes quick work of \dirt wherever it is. Fels-Naptha is made especially for taking dirt out of clothes in cold or luke- warm water. Does away_with boiling and hard-rubbing. No steaming suds; no red- hot stove; no nauseous odor through the house ; no back-breaking work. Clothes washed with Fels-Naptha in cold or lukewarm water are cleaner and fresher and last longer. Try it and sce. Be sure follow directions on the red and green wrapper. to Fels Naptha removes any bLlemish, stain or dirt from woodwork, marble or metal. Try it too on pots, pans, dish- es and sinks, _--_-- u--myY SISTER FREE TO YOU AND EVERY SISTER SUFFERING FROM WOMEN'S AILMENTS, { am a woman. 1 know woman's sufferings. {| have found the cure, I will mail, free of any charge, my home treats ment with full instructions to any sufierer from women's ailments, | want to tell all women about this cure -- you, my reader, for yourself, your daughter, your mother, or your sister. | want to tell you how to cure yourselves at home without the help of a doctor, Men cannot understand wom« en's sufferings. What we women kZow from Xe perience, we know better than any doctor. know hat my home treatment is a safe and sure cure for "|Leucorrheea or Whitish di y Dis- ta See placement or Falling of the or Painful and Uterine or also pains In the head, ing down faclings, Nervousness, up the spine, melan: , desire to weariness, kidney and troubles caused by weaknesses peculiar to our sex, I want tg send you a 10 days' treatment entirely free to prove to you that you can cure yours self at home, easily, quickly and sure iy. that it will cost you to give the t & a complete trial; and'if you should wish to continue, it will cost you only about 12 cents ja week. or less than two cenis a day. It will not interfere with your work or occupation, send me your name and uddress, tell me how you suffer, if you wish, and I will send you the t for se, entirely free, in plain wra pet, by return mail, Iwill also send of * WOMAN'S OWN MEDICAL a0 SER" with explana illustrations showing women suffer, and how they can easily cure themselves at home, Every woman should have i and learn to think for herself. Then when the doctor says--' You must have an i. can decide for yourself. Thousands of women have cured themselves with m' remedy, It cures all, old or Jon, To Mothers of Daughters, | will Saplain a Simple treatment which-#peedily and effectually cures Leucorrhcea, Green Sickness and Painful or Irregular Menstruation in Young Ladies. Plumpness and health always result from its use. «, Wherever you ve can refer you to ladies of your own locality who know and will gladly tell any sufferer that this Home T really cures all woman's iseases and makes women well, Strong, plump and robust, Just send me your address, and the free ten days' treatment is rs, also the bool Write to-day, as you may not see this offer again, Address : RS. M. SUMMERS, Box M. 31, ~ - - - w Summer a Furniture Sale "$5 Everything reduced from 10 to 25%. Your oppor- tunity to save money. This sale includes a full line of Carriages and Go Carts. Couches from $4.50, 5.50, 6.50 and up. Parlor Suites (3 pieces) from $15 yp. Parlor Suites (5 pieces) regular $25 for $20. R. J. REID, Ambulance Call 577, = 230 Princess St.

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