: wHeE 'TWO Ir-- August Furniture, Car- pet and Curtain Sale The cheapest time and place fo : peat ang p lor these This bandeome Mabogany finished Roman Seat, large size, Upholstered in I Velour, only $1.25. See them ndow. Morris Chairs, cleaging out a line, at 90, You ever heard of. at] oS 5h0 up. BVERYTHING REDUCED IN PRO- FORTION, TMMENSE STOCK of Carpets, cent. reduction: RUGS---Se these specials, 1106. Gin. xi8t. Sin., regulan $31.75, for $21175, Mn Green Brussels, 1-10ft. Gin. x12ft. 6in., regular $42, , in. Red "WiHton y y regular $21, for 11 Ma speciuls ; 20 per $14.50, ic Goa i Wilte A whole lot of these Curtains, Linoleum, ete. Phone 90. Yours, T. F. Harrison Co. also Yudor. PORCH SHADES Are just the thing for your Verandah, made of thin strips of Linden Wood artistically stained, all simes in stock. R. McFAUL, Kingston Carpet Warehouse ~ | scenery y [Army band was } | played a choice programme of music on y [the bjwas served by the "GO IT BLIND" Don't place your savings in stocks - about which you know nothing, and with people of whom you know as little. ° Choose a safe investment. Buy a good lot or yentable dwelling. Then yeu _ will have something tangible, something substantial; an investment that will. return you a good rate of interest and one that can be turned back into cash if you desire. It is an investment that contains no element of risk, Are you: interested to the extent of looking around ? If so call on us. 3 McCANN'S, ¢ 51 Brock St. 'Phone, 326 or 621. § 3 : LSE TaPI TAIT; | 10 CENTS PER PACKAGE. Bago Bnd will ¢ Ro are George W. Sweeney and E, SM. _Jierney. | Entered House and Made Of With OLD BOYS I TORONTD SHIP OF FIWWE HUNDRED. The Society Was Formed in April, 1903, and Meets Each Month List of the Officers. The Kingston Old Beys' Association, of Toronto, was formed in April, 1903, with the late J. B. McKay, as presi- dent, and has since been incorporated. Its present officers are:--President, G. W. Gaden; 1st: vice-pres, Geo. B Sweetman; 2nd vice-pres., W.-D. Me- Rae: secretary, Robt. Marshall ¥ treas- urer, Geo. B. McKay. All of the offi- cers are/now in the city with the ex- ception of the treasurer, he association was fortunate in its selection of homorary presidents, viz. Col. Sir H. M. Pellatt, and Hon. Jus- tice 'B. M. Britton, Its objects are to promote the general welfare of the members, and to enable them 0 visit Kingston annually, About 300. names appear on the roll of the society, and it is supposed that about 300: ¢hgible persons have thus far failed to enroll. The organization meets monthly, when an interesting programme of song and speech is provided . Among the artists who have Taken part are E. J. B. Pense, Rev, Canon Starr, the Hon. presidents, H. M. Mowatt, K.C, Mr. Rechab Tandy, J. M. Sherlock. ' The Kingston Old Boys are the most enthusiastic, original and progres- sive of all the Old Boys' Associations in Toronto. That they are popular, that they know how to condiict an excursion, and that Kingston is appreciated is dem- onstrated. by the record excursion, numbering 050, 'that arrived Saturday night last. Among the excursionists were noticed Judge Britton, David Kemp, Rechab Tandy, J. M. Sherlock, Henry C. Fow- ler, Thos. Claxton, John McLeod, B. N. Davis, and Rev. E. A. Chown. A most commendable feature of the excursion was that the poor unfortun- ate Kingstonians now living in Toronto, were remembered and brought | home without money and without prige. . MILLION-DOLLAR HOTEL. Splendid New Hostelry Opens at . Rochester, Aug. 12th. On August 12th, the new Hotel Rochester at Rochester will be thrown open to the travelling public. Its com- pletion' gives to Rochester the most magnificent, up-to-date, modern hos* telry of the entire up-state region. In- deed,. Hotel Rochester provides the traveller with every ®omfort and Juxury obtainable at any New York City hotel. Every device modern invention has created for making a hotel stay enjoy- able has been placed at the dispasal of the Rochester's guests. Each of its 300 rooms is fitted with a private bath, and, oi course, the hotel is absolutely fire proof, ; its-own private motor cars meets all trams and the hotel is happily located in the centre of Rochester--at Main St. and Plymouth Ave, one block from the Court House; within hailing distance of .the two leading theatres and oppo- site the largest department store. Special and particular attention will be given d0-the cuisine. whi ill. surpass anything betyeen New York and Chi- alled by sfew: hotel réstaitants an re. The 'cOnsummas tion 'of this enterprise is largely due to the foresight and emergy of Walter B. Duffy, president of the New York and Kentucky Company, with. headquarters at Rochester; who is also heavily in- terested in many of Rochester's leading mamfactures, Associated with Mr. Mr, Sweeney is widely known to the travelling public as the genial director of the chain of hotels embracing Hotel Victoria, New York; Marlborough Hotel, New York -apd Hotel Lafayette, Buffalo, N.Y. 3 Hotel Rochester will be under the direct management of William Horst- mann, who has been with Messrs Sweeney and Tierney for many years and who is known far and wide as a cordial and painstaking host. Roches- ter dnd its visitors are to be congratu- lated on the enterprise of Mr. Duffy in backing the New Hotel Company and on the assured success of the Hotel Rocliester by reason of the association of such sterling hotel men as Mr. Sweeney and Mr. Tierney. 'TWAS FINE EXCURSION. Salvation Army. * An ideal night favored the excursion held down the river on Tuesday night, by the Salvation Army. The weather | man could not have handed out better weather for the affair, and all who made the trip, had a most' enjoyable time. The steamer America left about 7.30 o'clock and went as far as Ganan- oque, returning at midnight. The searchlight was used to good advantage on the trip down, and the shown was beautiful. The in attendance, and down and back. Ice cream members. Two {hundred and fifty people were on | board. | SNEAK THIEF BUSY, way " $9. { A sneak thief got in his work at the | home of Mrs. Smith, who lives at the {corner of Russell and Montreal streets. During the night some one entered Mrs. Smith's bedroom, and made off with $0. Mrs. Smith notified the police, and an investigafion is being made. Nothing else was missed in the house 'My Wardrobe," 592. m---- for but | HAY Ea fe, Hotel Mon- {very happy, i Held Tuesday. . Night By the | The dull, sluggish condition usually {mach and liver are wnvolved. {He had no thought of such a thing land hopes to Interesting News From the ious Sporting y "They all said that I' threw that Marathon race," said Iongboat, "T'd a given $10000 to have von it. I think | 1 must have had a sm-iroke. 1 was running without a hat, aid the sun was awfully bot." Miss Moyes, of Tofonto, successfully defended her title to the ladies' lawn tennis championship at Montreal, this being the third occasion on she has won, the championsitip cup now becomes her property. : In England track meets are run by the clock. Every event is for a certain time. A clock hangs in cach dressing-room, and the athletes come out at the appointed time, and the events are pulled off to the Lan- ute' or the crowd hows pre is 'no. megaphoning for tar at es. > po reit has paid $20,000 for six new P Ayers, illy Wood, the Brantford Mara- thoner, says: "Bobby Kerr in the final after a clese decision, and in the 200 a fine race, and he i» now champion of the world for the distance. Kerr had to. run six hard races in four days, which proved a little too much for him, and thus he had to be contented with third place in the 100, but as he had al- ready beaten the winner (Walker of South Africa) twice in the English championship games two weeks pre- vious, it is easily seen that with con- ditions equal Bobby is the best sprintef in the world for either 100 or 200 metres flat." - LETTERS T0 THE EOMOR VETERAN REPLIES TO "ONE WHO WAS THERE." He Wants Him" to Come Out of the Bush So That the Kind of Firing He Can Do Will Be in the Open. : Kingston, Aug. 12~~(To the Editor): In your issue dated August 7th your paper has a statement from one who was there. "If 1 have made a mistake in naming the * place, where Lieut. Roberts was killed and buried, 1 stand to be corrected." There is. more than one veteran in Kingston who has a leaf off the same grave. Hoping that "One Who Was There" will come out of the bush aud do his firing so we can see what kind of a hit he can make, by signing his name to the next letter. -- FREDERICK DAVIES, Veteran hb Should Get Credit. King™on, Aug. 10--~(To the Editor) : 1 see the papers cannot give W. H. Carson too much credit for his racing mare, May Wax. A #ittle credit where it is due should be given. There is not a word for the man who took her when she was not worth a nickel with a hole in it, and made her what she is. There is mo. word for the man or men who lose their sleep in order to study ont the means to make a good account and get the money as she has dome. Not a word for the poor fellow who works hard to keep her right and have her in. good. shape when. the bell,squnds or, the word is given. We are net looking "Har the ¢redit due. p treal, May Wax's trainer and driver. Expresses Thanks. Kingston, Aug. 10--~(To the Editor) : I would like very much to thank the staff of employees at the General Hos- pital for the treatment I received at their hand while an inmate there. last week --CAPT. J. F. ALLEN. Held A Jolly Dance. A jolly dancing party was held on Monday night, in Miss E. McAuley's rooms, on Wellington street. The af- fair was given by Misses Jessie Derry and Louise Craig, in honor of Miss Katie Derry, of Oshawa, the former's cousin, who is visiting in the city. Twenty-five couple were present, and a choice programme. of musio was rendered hy McAuley"s orchestra. At midnight, dainty refreshments were served and dancing was afterwards the guests left for home, tired but and mach the evening's enjoyment. Avoid Billiousness. termed biliousness and which includes constipation, headache, nauséa and other symptoms is due to a clogged condition af the systems. Both sto Day's Dyspopsin, Cure is an infallible remedy. "This preparation has di- gestive, tonic and laxative properties. Each bottle contains sixteen days' treatment. : For sale only at Wades) drug store, Junior Matriculation Results. Lennox and Addington--&. M. All- son, H. Baker, B. H. Conway, E. G. File, Lena Herrington. B. G. M. Jem mett, W. M. Miller, E. Milling, H. P. Preston, R. S. Sills, A. Turkington, W. P. VanLuven. Prince Edward--F. L. Arkett, A. V, Burr, M. W. Hobbs, C. Hineman, E. B. Metcalfe, F. R. Nagent, J. Red mond, R. L. Seaborne, 8. M. Sent R.- Stewart, M. Thompson, J. P. Van dewater. Visiting In Ottawa Just Now. Mrs. Richard MecClymont, of 649 Dufferin avenue, Londen, Ont. spend- ing some weeks with her mother, Mrs. Ball, 26 York stip, left, on Monday, for Ottawa, wi she will be the guest of Mrs. G. MeClymont, 288 Aj Bert sireet, for three of four days She will return to Kingston and be here some time before returning home. Beware Of Health Salts. Avoid strong cathartics--when you nocd physio--take a tested family me- dicine like Dr. Hamilton's Pills--mild, act in ome night, make you feel well next day--that's how Dr. Hamilton's Pills work. 25c. per box. Has Not Sold Out. Leighton Guess denies the statement published that he has sold his livery, long continue business at the old stand. ("My Wardrobe," 5u2. fous of conl, A with the McDonald 100-metre race was given third place cond off put assist and she had a dnow lies at barge pressed into service, and last night expected that the leased by chester and Grantham are being used Donnelly work, bys. other pleased over cures made by weeks several says the Watertown, N.Y., after a series of mi "ol K an the wrecked vessel, metres final Bobby won first place after fire gi5sit at work. The Little the same company. was i sent breakdown and Sacket's Harbor. ¢ was, Saturday night, 2 coal and hay business. Doing Good Work. vessel will be ve- to-night.' ) lighter and the company Marine Notes. The steamer Missisquoi had board a record crowd, on its here from river ports, yesterday. The schooner Mary Arn Lydon is at Garden Island, shipping a new spar. She will clear for Charlotte; to load coal for Booth's. . The steambarge Mary Louise clear ed for Morton, with a general cargo. The steamer Stormont, loaded with grain from Fort Wilkam, will arrive late to-night at the M. T. company's elevator, The sehooner Besthn Kalkins will Wi § 4 Mralgel Sir Richard have been given a on trip clear, to-day, | The governmés and tug Trudeau coat of paint. The government steamer Scout was at the city wharf on' Tuesday night. Swift's: Steamer Aletha, from bay ports; steamer Caspian, down 'and up, to-day; steamer Dundurn, . down to-day. re : A ------ Dont iss sale fancy hose wiht nant ff (Hi WORSE THAN ONTONS. Bad Breath Fram Indigestion Can- not Be Overcome With Per. fuiies, | Nine-tenths of the offensive hreath is a result of stémach trouble. "Jt can: not be overcome hie breath perfumes or any other palliative measures. I you hove a bad breath; if there is heartburn, flatulence and gulpings of undigested food; if the stomach burns air smarts; if there is sleepless ness, nervousness, headaches or any sympboms of indigestion, use Mi-o-na stomach tablets and get well. A B0e. box of Mi-ona stomach tablets lasts wor a couple of weeks and will ward off a dozen mild at tacks of indigestion, while its con tinued use will give an absolute ard Bib- at 4 continued until two o'clock, when all complete cure. G. W. Mahood has seen 50 many Mi-o-na stomach tab- lets that he gives a guarantee with every box to refund the money if it fails, A Ass a Kingston's Famous Fur Store. NOW 1S THE TIME TO BUY FURS FROM THE MAKERS, Tourists are taking advan-- tage of the su-u- mer prices and buying FURS now for the winter. The people of King- ston and sur- rounding coun= try might just as well benefit, too. e sav- ing is from 10 to 20 percent. lon the present prices, and Furs are advancing ja prices con- tinually. We carry, beyond compari- son, the largest and finest stock of Furs in Centrsl Canada, and visitors are always welcome to our large show rooms. a » ov > Makers of Fine Furs, 126-128 Princess St. iF i¥': doing. good! > he steamer Donnelly arrived at'the scene at three o'clock on Mon day afternoon, and in an hour's time work. had been commenced. 1100 has been offered in prizes and it F £ "Fo sat z This weather is out of sight, isn't it? "Four headache powders for 106." Gibson's Red Cross Drug Séore. Robert Henderson, Broek street, re- turned from Morrisburg, Tuesday. Fancy half. hose sale now en. 206e. quality, 1%.; Uc. quality, 30e. Bib- by's. "Chaucer" Elliott returned to Mont- real, to-day, after spending the holi- days in the city. If you'd ask that Brockville miuis- ter to have a cigar wouldn't he get madder than a wet hen. §0c., not ~ Tbe., "Beef, Tron and Wine," at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Fresh there. "Phone 230. 'The appearance of Monday's throngs didn't betray much evidence of ' pov- erty and, starvation. "My, Waredrobe," 592. i Flidly, steamer America, § am. for' Ghnanogque, Rockport, Brockville and Ogllensburg. Home early. Meals on board. Fare, 50c. French half hose, 50c' quality for 35¢. Bibby's. The members of Sydenham street church chair held a picnic. to Clayton ey made the dripron_ the steamer Ecelwat. \ "Made; in Fngland. and sold is K tbe." at Gibson's Red Cross Dug. Store. Callard & Bowser's Lut tersootoh, "My Wardrobe," 592. The Marrickville school board gecuted the services of Wiss A. Rates as assistant to Miss Anglin, principal of contimuation classes there. French 'hall hose, 50c. quality 35¢.. Three pairs $1. Dibby's. The Salvation Army band went Trenton, to-day, to play at the cle bration held for the old boys. "lhe army band is in demand. . "Have you liver trouble?' Forty Little Liver Granules are suid for 10c. at Gibson's Red Cross Prug Store. "Phone 230, > . The weather man to whom we have all been looking for relief from the heat gives us the pleasant assnrance that the worst is yet to come, The campers along the river front are hifving a little trouble with tramps these days. Nothing very seri- ous has heen' done, but many have been distuthed by the Weary Willies. "My Wardrobe," B92. Every provingee in the dominion will have special exhibits at the Canadian National = Exhibition, Toronto, Aug. lst to Sept. exhibition 5 truly national institution The uxeursion to Ottawa, under the auspices of the Oddieliows of Napa: nee, left here at eight o'clock "this morning. About 5 hundred from here joined the party at the outer station. Sale fancy hose, Bibhv's. The Kingston baseball team, com- posed of the best nine amateurs in the eity, will letive for Ottawa, on Friday, to play there Saturday, Thev will also play in Hull the day fol lowing. The locale have got a good bunch together and showld win owt. Faney hall hose, French quality, 50c. for 35¢. Bibby's. . hs for to made at the Canadian National ex- hibition, Toronto, this year in ar ronging the flowers and plants. $i.- it anticipated that something - rare, rich, novel and beautiful in designs will be the gtcome. Had An Arm Brokeas |: A painter named Beal, was brought to the Hotel Dieu; on Tuesday morn- Jing, to have his left forearm set. The {man was working on a step ladder, in la private house, when he slipped and }iell to the floor, breaking his = arm. 'He will be off work for sowe time as a result. flood nie B00 pe . in The Ideal Corn Remiover. Pock's Corn Shive removes all kinds ol corns in a few days without pain, soreness or any injury whatever. In big boxes, 15c., at Wade's drug Store. + For An All Day Sail. Take the steamer America for Og b +8 am. i Miss Landie Anglin, Toronto, is paying a visit to Mrs. A. OBrien, Prock street. Three 14th, thus making the | An entirely new departnee has been i Furnis in return for your obtain elsewhere. Agtal for Collars, W. G. $0000000000000000000000R0000000000000000 pairs French hall hose, $1. » 8. + $1.25. NE oy escce0ccssesnsesaese * 79Mnch Damask All Pure Linen, Yeg. # + $1.00 per yd. a Special Sale 75¢ Yd. 72-Inch Damask All Pure Linen, reg. Special Sale 95c. 5-8 Size Table Napkins : : Fare. Linen, regular $ 2. 0Z, *¢ Special Sale $2.00 Per Doz. 3-4. Size Table Napkins Pure Linen, reg. $3.00 : doz. Special Sale $2.50 Per Doz. SHAW The Always Busy Sore -- . thd fea ® They stir up the and bowels and free ali poisons. 3 mo ally wants the best Our store offers greater furnishing values tye op. onl] Try Us and We'll |: a PUT IN YOUR TANK AT OUR DOCK. ---- Sh " -- ----- IT LOOKS BLACK. We ard driving o good selling of our Put: you in a sample P.WALSH: Foot of West' IONOIOO