Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Aug 1908, p. 3

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A«gust Furniture, Car- pet and Curtain Sale The cheapest time and place for these lines This Roman beautiful in window handsome Mahogany finished Seat, large size, upholstered in Velour, only $1.25. See them line, at Others PRO- Morris Chairs, clearing out a 9, cheapest you ever heard of. Hb, £5.60 up, BV ERYT MING PFORTION, REDUCED IN TMMENSE STOCK cent. reduction RUGS---Sqe these 1--=106t. tn x 1241 for $21.75, hm Green Brussels I= Gin. x121t. Gin re for Red Wilton 1 Bin regular $14.50 in Green Wilton A whole lot of these Curtaing, Linoleum, etc Phone 90. Yours, | T. F. Harrison Co. of Carpets, 20 per | socials, din., regulan $31 $42, for | | also | gular in fit. x8 sa pecials lot jtrams a {in the i | Special and particular attention will be | hard to keep her right and have her {up, to-day; Baia DVrdor PORCH SHADES | | | Are just the thing for your | Verandah, made of thin strips of! Iinden Wood artistically stained, all sizes in stock. R. McFAUL, | | Kingston Carpet Warehouse |S _ | BoP essteesstsessstenea DON'T "GO IT BLIND" Don't place your savings in stocks which you know with people as little. about nothing, and whom of you know Choose a safe investment. Buy a good lot or remtable awelling. Then you will something tangible, substantial ; have something investment that will an return yon a good rate of interest and one that can turned pack into cash if you desire. It is an investment that contains no element of risk, be to the ru Are you interested extent of looking around so call on us. McCANN'S, 51 Brock St. 'Phone, 326 or 621. - TRESS TIeIeeIIIIRIILIY PIII IIIIIIVIVIIIAL 3 CALELLLESEIERELILEELARERELELLLRELLELLEELIELLSERISILEY BEIT IPITRIINTNINNIG, " ) onstrated Judge IN { without {open to the travelling public | deed, | scene tt I Mrs {with $o. OLD BOYS IN TORONTO... ASSOCIATION HA HAS MEMBER. SHIP OF FIWWE HUNDRED. The Society Was Formed in April, 1903, and Meets Each Month-- List of the Officers. The Kingston Old Boys' of Toronto, was formed in April, 1903, with the late J. B. McKay, as presi- dent, and has since been incorporated. Its present officers are:--President, G. W. Gaden; 1st: vice-pres., Clo. 8. Sweetman; 2nd vice-pres., W. D. Me- Rae; secretary, Robt. Marshall & treas- urer, Geo. B. McKay. All of the offi- ers are now in the city with the ex- ception of the treasurer, The association was fortunate in selection of honorary presidents, Col. Sir H. M. Pellait, and Hon. Jus- tice B. M. Britton, Its objects are to promote the general welfare of the members, and to enable them 10 visit Kingston annually. About 500 names appear on the roll of the society, and it is supposed that about 300 eligible persons have thus far failed to enroll. The organization meets monthly, when an interesting programme of song and speech is provided . Among the artists who have Taken part are E. J. B. Pense, Rev. Canon Starr, the Hon. presidents, H. M. Mowatt, K.C,, Mr. Rechab Tandy, J. M. Sherlock. The Kingston Old Boys are the most enthusiastic, original and progres- of all the Old Boys' Associations Toronto, That they are popular, that they knaw how to conduct an excursion, and thar Kingston is appreciated is dem- by the record excursion, numbering 030, that arrived Saturday night last Among the excursionists were noticed Britton, David Kemp, Rechab Tandy, J. M. Sherlock, Henry C. Fow- ler, Thos. Claxton, John McLeod, B. Davis, and Rev. E. A. Chown. A most commendable feature of the excursion wag that the poor unfortun- ate Kingstonians now living in Toronto, were remembered and brought home money and without prige Association, its sive mn a8 oF MILLION-DOLLAR HOTEL. Splendid New Hostelry Opens Rochester, Aug. 12th. On August 12th, the new Rochester at Rochester will be at Hotel | thrown Its com pletion gives to Rochester the most | | magnificent, up-to-date, modern hos* {telry of the entire up- state re gion. In Hotel Rochester provides the traveller with every ®omfort and luxury obtainable at any New York City hotel { Every device modern invention created for making a hotel stay enjoy- le has been placed at the disposal of ster's guests. Each of its 300 fitted with a private bath, and, the hotel is absolutely fire- » Roche rooms 1s COUrse, | proof. Its own private motor cars meets all | nd the hotel is happily located | centre of Roche ster--at Main St. Ave, one block from the within hailing distance and Plymouth |Court House; lof the two leading theatres and oppo- e the largest department store. given 40 the cuisine whic will. surpass anything betyeen New York and Chi- cago and willi be 'éqnalled by few hotel réstaurants anywhere. The 'consummas tion of thi is enterprise is largely due to {the foresight and energy of Walter | Duffy, presider it of the New York | Kentucky Cor mpany, with headquarters Rochester; who is also hea in terested in many of Rochester's leading manmdactures. Associated with Mr Duffy ; George W. Sweeney and E. M. Tierney. Mr, Sweeney is widely known to the travelling public genial director of the chain embracing N tel Victoria, New Marlboroug lot New York Hotel Lafayett Buffalo, N.Y. Hotel Rochester will be under the management of William Horst- has been with Messrs and Tierney for many ye known nd wide painstaking host. Roches- are to be congratu enterprise of Mr. Duffy N Hotel Company and wired success of the Hotel cason of the association hotel men M¢t. Ierney B. and at ) as York; and ey mann, who Sweeney nd who is far as a and its visitors the 13a} hal and Ww racking the and Mr : weency 'TWAS FINE EXCURSION. Held Tuesday Night By the Salvation Amy An ideal it favored the excursion on Tu uesday night, I'he weather led oft better and all a most' enjoyable America left mg! | wn the Salv river Army e¢ han ation 1 went returning at midnigl hhight was used the trip down, y shown was beautiful The band was in attendance, and a choice programme of music on way down and back. Ice cre: served by the members Two hundred and people were on board oque, : to and good the IL he searc advantage on Army nl od played € am was fifty SNEAK THIEF BUSY. Entered House and Made Off With $9. A sneak thief got in his work at the home of Mrs. Smith, who lives at the mer of During the night some one entered Smith's bedroom, and made Mrs. Smith notified the poliee, | investigation is being mac was missed in the house C and viz, | has | the | who | about | as far as Ganan- | Russell and Montreal streets, | off | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1908. THE SPORT REVIEW. Intéresting News From the ious Sporting Fields, "They all said that 1 threw that Marathon race," said Longboat, "I'd a given $10000 to have won it. [I think I must have had a sunstroke. 1 was running (without a hat, and the sun was awfully hot. Miss Moyes s, of Toronto, defended her title to the ladies' lawn tennis championship ac Montreal, and this being the third occasion on which she has won, the championship cup now becomes her property. In England track meets are run by the clock. Every event is scheduled for a certain time. A clock hangs in| cach dressing-room, and the athletes come out at the appointed time, and the events are pulled off to the min- ute or the crowd howls. There is no megaphoning for tardy athletes. Detroit has paid $20,000 for six new { players, Billy od, the Brantford Mara- {thoner, says: "Bobby Kerr in the final 100-metre race was given third place after a close decision, and in the 200 metres final Bobby won first place after a fine race, and he iv now champion of the world for the distance. Kerr had to run six hard races in four days, which proved a little too much for hum, and thus he had to be contented with third place in the 100. but as he had al- ready beaten the winner (Walker of South Africa) twice in the English championship games two weeks pre- vious, it is easily seen that with. con- ditions equal Bobby is the best sprinter in the world for either 100 or 200 metres flat." LETTERS T0 THE EDITOR VETERAN REPLIES TO "ONE WHO WAS THERE." Var- successfully He Wants Him"'to Come Out of the Bush So That the Kind of Firing He Can Do will Be in the Open. | | Kingston, Aug. 12--(To the Editor): | In your issue dated August 7th your | | { paper has a statement from one who was there. "lf 1 have made a mistake in naming the place, where Lieut | Roberts was kill ed and buried, I stand | to be corrected." There is more than an in Kingston who has a lie. af off the same grave. Hoping that 1 "One Who Was There" will come out {says the Watertown, {with the Pou oo | ! Milling THE. ACACIA RESCUED AND IS NOW IN PORT OF CHAUMONT, N.Y. Repairs Will Proceed and tae Com- pany Securing Her Thinks It Has An Excellent Boat For Its Use. The schooner Acacia, which went on rocks off Bull Rock Point some two miles from Sacket"s Harbor, in a fierce gale several weeks ago, was, N.Y., Standard, after a series of mishaps towed to Chaumont, where she became the pro- perty of the People's Milling com- pany, of that village. The Acacia was loaded with 370 tons of soak A few days after she foundered, an arrangement was made of the steambarge, McDonald, of Kingston, to take the coal off the wrecked vessel. While this was being done the barge took fire and was badly burned, s much so that she was taken to Chaumont and repairs, which will necessitate several mont's' delay, commenced, An effort was made by the People's company to float the beat, but without success. A diver was se- cured, but he was unable to find any hole in the hoat. The conclusion was reached that the leak must be in the bottom and several steam pumps were put at work. The Little Mac. owned { by the same comnany. was sent to assiit and she had a breakdown and now lies at Sacket's Harbor. The barge Parsons was, Saturday night, pressed into service, and last night drew the Acacia to Chaumont. The company believes that in her they bave an excellent: boat for their grain, coal and hay business. Doing Good Work. The steamer Wahecondah agrognd at Farran's Point. expected that the vessel leased by to-night." The chester and Grantham are to lighter the steamer, and the Donnelly company is'! doing good work. The steamer Donnelly arrived at the scene at three o'clock on Mon-% day afternoon, and in an hour's time work had been comme need. Marine Notes. steamer is but is will be pe. harges Dor- being used still it The board a here from river Missisquoi had on its ports, yesterday. on record crowd, trip of the bush and do his firing so we can { see what kind of a hit he can make, by | signing his name to the next letter.-- | F REDERICK DAVIES, Veteran i ---- Should Get Credit. | King™on, Aug. 10. {1 see the papers cannot give W. H { Carson too much credit for his racing mare, May Wax. A #ttle credit where it is due should he given. There is not a 'word for the muir" 9 took her when she was not worth a m. kel with a hole in it, and made her what she is. There {is no word for the man men who | { lose their sleep in order to study out { the means to make a good account and | get the money as she as done. Not la word for the poor fell8w who works | [i 1 | or lin good shape when the bell, sgunds or { the word is given. We are net looking for wise, but only for the eredit due.-- HAYES, Albion Hotel, Mon- May 'Wax's trainer and driver. Pa al, | { Expresses Thanks. | Kingston, Au I would like very much thank | staff of employees at the General Hos {pital for the treatment I received at their hand whil inmate there Ia week --CAPT ALLEN to an F 1S of hotels | Held A Jolly Dance. | - A jolly dancing party was held { Monday night, in Miss E MecAuley's Wellington street. The af- civen by Misses and Louise Craig, in Katie Derry, of Oshawa, | former's cousin, who is visiting jeity. Twenty-five and a choice [rendered by midnight, erved and continued the very on rooms, fair Derry Miss on was honor of in the couple were programme. of musio McAuley's orchestra dainty refreshments dancing was until two o'clock, when leit home, tired happy, and much pleased over the evening's enjoyment. was At afterwards all guests for every Avoid Billiousness. The dul, sluggish condition termed bilious and which jconstipation, headache, nausea other symptoms is due to a condition af the mach and liver are Dav's Pespopsie. ¢ Cure | remedy. This pre wtive, tonic and wh bottle contains treatment. For sale - usually and clogged system. Both involved an infallible has di properties sto is paration < laxative sixteen days only at Wade's drug store Matriculation Results. Lennox and Addington--A. M. Alli H. Baker, B. H, Conway, E. G File, Lena Herrington, 'B. G. M. Jem mett, W. 'M. Miller, *E. Milling, H Preston, R. S. Sills, A. W. P. VanLuven Prince Edward--F. L. Burr, M. W. Hubbs, C. Hineman, B. Mectealie; F. R. Nugent, J, mond, R. L. Seaborne, S. M R.- Stewart, Thompson, J. dewater. Junior son, Arkett, A E Scott, M. P. | Visiting In Ottawa Just Now. Mrs. Richard MeClymont., of 640 | Drdfferin avenue, London, Ont. spend weeks with her mother, York street, leit, Ottawa, where she of Mrs. G for guest will be the McClymont, 288 Aj 10 CENTS PER PACKAGE. | Avoid {Bedt street, for | She will return here some time hefore returning home. three 8 four days] Beware Of Health Salts. strong cathartics--when need physio--take a tested family .dicine like Dr. Hamilton's Pills act in ome might, make you feel next day--that's how «Dr, Pills work. 25c. per box. | you me- mild well | Has Nzi{ Sold Out. | Leighton Guess denies the statement published that he has sold his livery, He had no thought of such a thing | and hopes to long continue business | |at the old stand. Ae 502 "My Wardrobe," 2, (To the Editor): | g 10.--(To the Editor) : | the | Jessie | the | present, | were | but | includes | Tarkington, | Vv. Red- | Mrs. | on Monday, | to Kingston and be! Hamilton's. | | b | Garden | She will {coal for | The {ed for The schooner Mary Ann Lydon is at Island, shipping a new spar, clear for Charlotte; to Jooth"s, steambarge Morton, The steamer {grain from late to-night levator. The schooner Bertha Kalkins clear, to-day, for Oswego, The government dredge Bir Richnrd | and tug Trudeau have been given leoat of paint, The government the city Swift's : ports; load Mary Louise clear- with a general cargo Stormont, loaded with Fort Wilkam, will arrive at the M. T. company's |e steamer wharf on Steamer steamer Scout was Tuesday night. Aletha, from bay Caspian, down and steamer Dundurn, down, at to-day. | Don't by's. miss sale fancy hose at Bib- WORSE THAN ONTONS. Bad Breath From Indigestion Can- | not Be Overcome With -Per- { fumes. Nine-tenths of the |a result of stémach trowhle. It can: not he overcome he breath perfumes or any other palliative measures, | If you have a breath; is heartburn, flatulence and gulpings jof undigested food if the stomach {burns air smarts; if there is sleepless nervousness, headaches or sympsoms of indigestion, stomach tablets get Soe. of Mi-o-na stomach lasts tur a couple ward off a indigestion, offensive Lireath is bad if there ness, other i Mi-o-na A tablets nd will tacks of tinued complete cure { G. W. Mahood has sven cures made Mi-o-na lets that he gives a box to refund the any use and well. box of mild its weeks dozen while hsolute at con use will and give an 50 many tab- with if by stomach guarantee money Kingston's Famous Fur Store. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY FURS FROM THE MAKERS. Tourists are taking advan-- tage of the sun- mer prices and buying FURS now for the winter. The people of King- ston and sur- rounding colin= try might just as well benefit, too: The sav< og is from 10 to 20 per cent. on the present prices, and Furs are advancing prices con~ tinually. in | {] We, carry, beyond compari- son, the largest and finest stock of Furs in Central Canada, and visitors are always welcome to our large show rooms. Makers of Fine Furs, 126-128 Princess St. i 4 | | | will | it } THE LYSANDER CHARTERED. --- Capt. Capron's Houseboat to Go to Collins Bay. The magnificent houseboat Lysander, awed by Uupt. Capren, of Clayton, , has been chartered, together el the yacht Imogene, to the Gil- lesjaes, of Basswood Isle. Aboavd the' houseboat is a party of engineers, who will enjoy an outing at Collins Bay. The houseboat is valued in the thousands. It is equipped with elec- tricity and gas, has steam heat. hot and cold water in every room, and in every respect rivals a modern hotel. Victoria Order 'Of 'Nurses. Miss Hurse, V..0. nurse, would be! glad if any Kind readers could con- tribute any bed-clothing, night-dresses, baby's or children's clothing, also old linen. AHN these are badiy nee at present for use in nursing gon sick poor of this city. II same could be sent to nurse's residence, 269 Brock street, or on receipt of a post card sqme would be called for. Any con- tribution, no matter how small, will be gratefully received. ete Called, But No Meeting, A meeting of the Board of Health was called for yesterday afternoon Hut was not held owing to the lack of a quorum. Another nieeting will be called. The matter to be discussed is the proposal made by one of ihe members at - the last meting to give an honorarium of $500 to' Dr. well, the medical heglth officer. THE DAYS _ EPISODES LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN GENERAL Occurrences In The City And Vicinity--Other Brief Items of Interest Easily, Read And Ze. membered, "My Wardrobe," 682, This weather is out of sight, it? "Four headache powders for Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Robert Henderson, Brock street, re turned from Morrisburg, Tuesday. Fancy half hose sale now on. quality, 1Y%c.; be. quality, 35e. | by 8. | isn't 10e.' 25¢. Bib- Elliott returned to Mont real, to-day, after spending the holi days in the city. | Hf you'd ask that Brockville minis- ter to have a cigar wouldn't he get madder than a wet hen. : 60c,, not ~ T6c., "Beef, Iron Wine,' at Gibson's Red Cross Store. Fresh there. 'Phone 230. The appearance of Mondav's throngs didn't betray much evidence of pov- erty and starvation "My, Wardrobe," Fridily, steamer Americp, 8 am, f Gananoque, Rockport, | Brockville and Ogdensburg. Home early. Mealg {on board. Fare, 50c¢ { French half hose, 135¢. Bibby 's. | The members of Sydenham street | "Chaucer" and brug 599 { tor Bc! quality for church chair held a picnic to Clay! to-day. 'they made the trip on steamer Ecelwat. "Made : in England. Kidgston' at Gibson's Drug Store. Callard & terscotch, "My Wardrobe," 1" The Merrickville board has jaccured the services of Miss A. Bates las assistant to Miss Anglin, principal {of continuation does there. | French half hose, Hf. quality Three pairs $I Bibby Army band we { Trenton, to-day, to play at the {bration held for the old boys. {army band in demand "Have trouble Forty | Little Liver wold for 10« at Gibson's Drug "Phone 230 The weather {all been {heat giv | that the I'he campers along are hftving 'a little tramps these days. Nothing J has heen done, but many f been disturbed bv the Weary Willioe, 'My Wardrobe," 592 Evens province in the {have special exhibits at {National Exhibition, Toronto. {31s t to Sept. 14th. thus | exhibition a truly national institution. i wm the in Cross ,and sold Red Jowser's hut ) 502. school for aJ0e. The Salvation tor | ~ hn is liver Granules are Red Cross you St Store he whom from we man to ¢ looking for relief the pleasant is yet to come the river trouble 1) the it} "S$ us we worst front with | very hs dominion will the Canadian | \ug making the The excursion to Ottawa, under the of the Oddiellows of Napa here at wht thi auspices nee, left { morning. joined the party at the outer station fancy hose, Bibhv's. Kingston baseball | posed of the best nine the city, will leave for Ottawa, { Friday, to play there Saturday | will also plav in Hull the lowing. The locals have got bunch together and showld Faney half hose, French quality, for 35e. Bibhy's. | An [ made el o'clock Sale The team, com- amateurs | i inf or Thev day fol a good win ont She been xX entirely new departure has at the Canadian National hibition, Toronto, this in ranging the flowers and plants. 100 has heen offered in prizes and ig anticipated that rare jrich, novel and beautiful designs 'will be the outcome. | year ar something in Had An Arm Broken: A painter named Beal. was brought ito the Hotel Dieu, on Tuesday morn- ing, to have his left forearm set. "The | man was working on a step ladder, in a private house, when he slipped and {fell to the floor, breaking his arm. | He will be off work for some time gs a result, 1 . { i i } i The Ideal Corn Remover. Peck's Corn Salve removes all kings of corns in a few days without pain, | or any injury whatever. In! bag boxes, 13c., at Wade's drug store. soreness An All Day Sail. Take the steamer America for denshurg, Friday, 8 a.m. Returning leave Ogdensburg, 3:30 pm. Meals on board, 50e. ' | { For i | Og- | | i is | OBrien, | Miss , Landie haying a visit street, Three pairs French half those, I Bibby 's. Toronto, A. | i Anglin, Ly to Mrs. { Brock i $1. | | $l. it | Some "oust La Look Slopyy. Beauty and Grace © the Growth of There is nothing so man's appearance OF extreme gra [of the body, woman's " or sentially one of ® oo The - Hones of beauty vanish as fat accumulates, and instead of beauty we IK, DS what hi Tair becor poplo just can't at at heavy mother, or a masmive fle we might otherwise somebody's ha heart) trying to sides 1 aroun Aah a double chif® acting a ki It is so inconsistent With a 0 oy, nature. So, with all he to our women, We still must say that there are decided! S an gd far nundreds of them whe look 'sloppy," simply because of even growth of fat whith is first not as a rule in the appearance of a chin, resulting in a waist of divmeter, and a busiwidth that--. k You~can stop being a sideshow, ad instead, your -mormal sdf, of perfect weight, and morsover better health than YOu ever were Veta in Sou ite,' snd stop ridicdle, by taking engo. There is jas FP A «a us 00d" es Rengo. For sale hy $1.00 per full sizod box, or by mail pre- wid, by The Rengo Bs Detroit, Mich, The company Wi ela ty send you a trial package free by "mail, 3} you write than difest to Detroit; free ages at drug stores. go Hn and recommended in Kingston by Henry Wade, Druggist, Headquarters be, form and natural he stronger and in Furnishings When a man buys fucsishings he natur ally wants the best his mbwey can buy. Our store offers greater furnishing values in return for your Boney. thgn you can obtain elsewhere. Try Us and We'll Prove It. P. J. HUNT, Brand Austrian Collars, } sizes. : il; a! | yon and R. for Ww. Ga DAMASK TABLE LINENS Beautif(l Or Table a prices Thursday, Friday and Satidrday. 72-inch Damask All Pure Linen, reg. $1.00 per yd. Special Sale 75¢ Yd. 12-Inch Damask All Pure Linen, $1.25. Special Sale 95c. 5-8 Size Table Napkins Pure Linen, $2.50 doz. |: Special Sale $2.00 Per Doz. 13 4 Size Table Napkins £ Pure Linen, reg-¥d. 00 |& doz, Special Sale $2. 50 Per Doz. Agent Collars, yo reg. regular | E ve] £0 About 5 hundred from here | i NEWMAN & i SHAW The Always Busy Store. Bilious Attacks During this bol. weather. the are a great many peoplmigd (hei stomach upset, ibssesaens They are bilbus, liver out of order, powelp irregular, Longue coated und little desire for food. What we would recomend is « bottle, of our Little Pink Laxatives the sluggish liver free the. systems They stir up and howels and of all poisons. 25¢c: a bottle, from Dr. A. P. Chown "Phone, 843, 185 Princess St. aessecssssscsssatace to be had only Ssesesescescsenectesnarsaces Chronometer in Our Window, Now the City Clock is out of commission this very convenient. mos that arp piay- Miter; nel Lr Pers, eC (ranter wi carry "not only other kind df funcy ae Sable, Ermine, made up into a A a to look ex inter wear. Low about he ed on tl "akin who thin SA the more Lo "9 ory. Hear skins _bu £fery Jan such {s . ov tremely dressy for prices. W.F. GOURDIER. ORL SOC GASOLINE PUT IN YOUR TANK AT OUR DOCK. rk Coils, Spapk I'lugs, Uo uy Dry Butteries, ete. in! REPAIRS PROMP MADE. Selby & Youlden, Ltd. Kingston Foundry. EE -- IT LOOKS BLACK. We are seMing put driving a good business in of our Scranton Coal. Let you in a sample ton, P. WALSH. A i a COAL! The sudden changes in weath ought to suggest the wisdom po putting in some food coal. We sell good Coal, L's the kind thet sends out ths most heat, and makes the home comfortable; it's the us * ° $ You clean ay without rs at the very rnd prices, Booth & Co., HAVE YOUR Windows Decorated tidy Mam "Successor to Dawson and Staley, n7 CRE sire h_ Grado Vietor an wd BeRinat Gsiophe ia: e gi EE ng a hoe, --_----r A Instruments, Music; ete, na 0 ical NewEnglandChinese Restaurant #31 King Street. © » aes, tes ELD an all aA Ah the the bo 1 Monte, 2 oll Kinds on short- specialty. anny 655. oh - Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carria Cutters, Aarhess ete., for or Sale of Horses every Saturday. FOR Y A nice Cured Pea the summer halts Cooked 0 choose from ro Jy 8° "Phone, SUMMER COTTAGE. MYERS, 60

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