"PAGE SIX En j0 Life Good' healih makes good na- ture. If everyone had a sound stomach there would be no pes- simists in the world. De hot allow a weak stomach or a bad liver to fob you of the joy of | living. Take BEECHAM'S PILLS and the world laughs with you." No need then for rose-colored glasses. Beecham's Pills start health vibrations to all parts of the body, while putting a ruddy tint on lips and cheeks. There's health in every box. Health for every man, woman and child. Beecham's Pills Show How Sold Everywhere. In boxes 2i-conts. Low 'RATES TO PACIFIC COAST AND RETURN. Good Returning Until a, 1905.80 " VICTORIA ELAND 'c...%.. FARM LABORERS: os to v ewan n $10.00 golng trip, $18.00 A nerta Peturn. = leaving dates August 20th 20d, 27th, and Sept, 2nd, ith and HOMESEEKERS Goins dates August 18th, Sept: 1s 15th Rd, 29th, Hokets good for Go + Full particulary at K, & P. and © ] . LP. R. Ticket Office, Ontario St. 'Phone, 50. F. CONWAY, Gen; Pass. Agent. ---------------- BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY Train leaves union station, Ontario i street, 4 pa. daily (Sundays excepted, for Tweed, Sydenham, Napanee, Deser- onto, Bannockburn and al points north. To secure quick despateh to Bannock- burn, Maynooth, and [oints on Central Ontario, route your shipments via Bay of Quinte Railway, For further particu- lars, apply to R, W, DICKSON, Agent. "Phone; No. 8, Quebec Steamship Company Riverd Gulf of St. Lawrence Cruises in Cool Latitudes » Isis Twin Screw Iron With electric lights, all modern comfort, FROM MONTREAL ON S88. "Campana," electric bells and at 4 p.m., 24th August; 1 NS. ad 21at September, lor Dick a, 3 calling at Quel aape, Ma y. : Perce, Grand River, Summerside, P. BY, Shoe Polish and Chutlottetown, P.E.L. Isher NEW YORK FROM QUEBEC || "= dealer will always { : » Calling at Charlottetown and Halilsx, | show his honest desire to 3s qrinidad, 2,600 tons, sails from | uebec, 22nd August, | serve u iving what Bermuda | me th Bummer Sxcirsions, $40 and upwards, iy te, Tin Screw SS, 'Bermudian,' 500 Sailing fortnightly from w York; from nd June to 5th October. Temperature oled by - sea breezes seldous rises al e BO degrees. 'The finest Him ot for health and com: ARTHUR ATIRION, Secretary, Cuvebec. For Heketa and staterooms, apply to J. P, NLEY, or C.. S.; KIRKP pT RICK, THLE RAILWAY ; Special Excursion Fares to the Seaside Maritime Express leaves Montreal 12.00 noon daily except Saturday. Ocean limited leaves Montreal 7.30 p.m, daily--except Saturday. E FROM MONTREAL EE | Rivere du Loup eevee $ Murray Bay a= Lap, a L'Aigle . Irene .. « Con . Bic Little Metis Rimouski ....... Campbellton Dalhousie Moncton ... St. John, N.B. Shediac .- Sugiinerside, Ch lottetown, PE I. Parrshoro, N.S. Halifax . Pietou ... Mulgrave .. Sydney North Sydney St. Johns, Nfld. a Going August 10, 11, 12, turning August 81st, "1908. | For excursion fares from Toronto add] $12 to the above. Proportionally low fares from points in Ontario. Our [strated Dookler, "Tours to Sum-| s o laces "n- " toned rtd Write Sor ee a eh of Wild Strawberry for § ™ p, 5 Rather diarrhoea and never found BaoTonte Ticket Office, 51 King street any other (a equal i. "General Passenger Dept., Moncton, N.B. | here are many imita- EYER NY {IX DRLIETEESS Dr. Fowler's, * Manufactured by The T. § Milburn Co, Limited, To ronto, Ont. ' : | $10 --Farm Laborers' Excursion | From Kingston to MANITOBA, AL-\ BERTA, SASKATOHEWAN via Chicago | and St. Paul, Minneapolis or Duluth August 20, '27, September 2, 14. Fare| of $10.00 is to Winnipeg, where free | tickets will be given to Kamsack, Sask., | Swan River, Sask., and .intermedlite points on Uanadian Northern Ry. One | oent per mile beyond those points to | The Old Stand and The Nld Num- | ldmongon, inclusive. Thé Gand Trunk | is the only double track route to the-| Phone 490 the season i | f © NTI Dysentery, Cate. Summet § t and all Fluxes of 3 Are recog ceedingly dangerous, 1 } These diseases are too serious, too rapidly fatal, for you to experiment with § cheap and dangerous lity: tons of the genuine hy Fowler's Extract of Wild { LC AR.00 18.00 52.00 1908, of homes during the past sixty-three years. ou ask for Dr. sure you get it. i Don't ot some unscrupul- ous druggist palm off a cheap imitation on you. Mrs. G. Helmer, Newing- ton, Ont., writes: "I have used Dr, Fowler's Extract 138, re-| CABS! west, through St. Clair Funnel by electricity. No Smoke. No dust. Tickets | will be Msued for the return from Swan . i River, 'Kamsack and intermediate stat- | ' OFFICE NO. 1 fqus for $18.00. Tickets Will also be | All orders promptly attended to jasued via Toronto. and C.P.R. or North | a - Hay and C.P.R., on August 22nd, and | night or day. September 11th. . ener | Oanadian National Exhibition, Toronto, Ont. Aug. 29 to Sept. 18, | Return tickets | edgment of the tall, | grace before him. "Yes, Lorena, but I have just a lit. | Lerena. | me, { rdet. | about you! | the bluff. and Tuesday, and -~ Sa. Fl Sood Good going Monday, Sept. 7th, ing & Aug. 29, 30, 31, Sept. 2 +5 8 9.10, 11 and '12 Takers will J be accepted on trains 1, 2, 3 and 4, all tickets valid returning frou Toronto on or before Tuesday, Sept 15, 1908. For full particulars, apply IANLEY, Agent, Cor Ontario streets. to ohuson Jog PP Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte | Steamboat Co. €' LIMITED. KINGSTON, ROCHESTER, | } and | Montreal to Liverpool Aug. 21. Sept Aug fépt. 4, Sept. 11. Corsican sails Vi irginian sails J H 'Tunisian ! sails Victorian "salts | Oct i Rates of passa Hes nay obtained" from ANLEY ASE G.T.R., or KREPATRI 3 Agents. 18 28, Sent. 25, Oct 3. 9. C. NS. BE Tar AN Sea LINE] and full tntoeman { ell | looked out, | Farrell, ree, The Taking of Lorena. g 8.08 8.8 0 8 8 8 so BETTY 'Although it was the second week in May, there were sudden and chill Whiffs of wind from the accom- panied by flying particles jee and snow, grim warning that winter had not yet renounced its sway in the northland. Floyd Jordan, striding down the steep mountain trial, halted irresolutely near the abrupt turning at Farrell's blafr. .He appeared to_ be meditating deeply. Suddenly he threw up his head, squared his shoulders and hurried on, not in the direction of the boarding house -in- the gulch, but toward Farrell's cabin. Farrell's cabin consisted of two log houses joined together and chinked with mud. There were other cabins of the same simple architecture scattered over the mountain side and nestled in the guiches, but white curtains hung at the Farrell windows, and the wind- ward side of the living room was hung with gay Navajo blankets. Phe brown fur of a mountain bear was on the floor, and its mate was spread luxuriously beneath the red pil- lows of a couch. And, set like a forch in the south window, a geranium, potted in a brilliant Indian basket, lifted its scarlet bloom. But Jordan felt without seeing this harmony. Ie was looking into the face of the girl who had opened the door. It was a face of light and shade which spoke the swift thought before the voice found words, a face to hold a man's glance In a crowd. Closing the door, she resumed her seat by the fire without replying to Jordan's genial greeting. Ile seemed to fill the room. Six feet two and broad shouldered, he looked @ven larger in the clumsy canvas coat, corduroys and high laced boots of the prospector. He whipped his hat against his knee, evidently discon- certed by the girl's hostile attitude. "I'hat you, Floyd Jordan?" inquired a voice from the inner room. "Yes, Mrs. Farrell, How're you feel- ing? Some better, I'm glad to say. Set down and warm yourself, Floyd *Fain't to be wondered at that people have rheumatism in a land where there is ten months' winter. If you'll shut the door, Loreny, I'll get up and dress." ! Lorena closed the door. "Floyd Jordan, what are you coming here again for?" she burst out sud- | denly. "Wouldn't be very neighborly not to ; | drop in with your mother sick and i | your dad away, would it?" "Didn't I tell you that I never would ° | speak to you again and that I never wanted to see youl?" she said 'fiercely, taking a few steps toward him. Even | in that critical moment, with her eyes | blazing ¢njust and unreasonable anger, the miner's heart throbbed acknowl pliant, reedlike tle hope that you don't always mean | what you say," "Don't you think I mean it when I tell yon I've heard how you bragged to the boys at the store that you could | take me whenever you got good and ready 7 "1 never said it in that way. Some one has garbled my words to suit their own purpose. Why, I've loved. you from the first time I ever set eves on vou. I've been thinking of building a cabin on my claim--if you'll have me, If you won't I'll sell out ad go to the States." "You can't go any too quick to solt me." answered the girl, her voice tense with-scorn.. "And you can tell them | loafers at the store that I'm not to be taken so easily. T'd rather die than marry you, Floyd Jordan." "1 reckon that settles it," said Jor- dan, rising and buttonin his coat. "Please tell your mother by for "and he was gone. "Loreny Farrell, what have you | been and done?' demanded her mother, limping into the room in her stocking "You know's well as I do that Floyd never said nothing to nebody The. Blake girls made it | all up, jealous 'cause you'd caught the likeliest young feller in the camp. | You've driven him away for good this | time. | does--and go to the States." "He'll keép his word--he always She re-entered the bedroom for her shoes, and Lorena stealthily opened the door and looked after her lover's re- trefiting figure. He had almost reached IT he passed it she knew she would never see him again. Some- thing stirred in her throat. The long stretch of trail that rdn away through the dreary landscape seemed like ber life, and Floyd was going out of it. Her heart yearned for him. What | would her life be without him? "Loreny, where are you?" called Mrs. ewerging from the bedroom fully shod. The girl was not. in the room. Her mother opened the door and but a_ wall of whirling | white met her vision, oa 'STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER | LEAVES WOLFE ISLAND :-- "My God!" she gasped. "The child's | gone after him." She knew the risk. All morning the storm had, been brewing, and vow It Floyd entsred, noisily -- the = snow from his feet. "Thought 1'd come back and nave an- other talk with Lorena," he Reb "Qh, Floyd, she's gone after cried the distracted woman, wr ot her hands. "I saw her footprints point- ing toward the bluff. She got sorry right after you left." "IW find her," said Floyd quickly. "Don't worry." And he dashed back into the storm. _ When Lorena softly closed the kitch- en door she could just see Floyd round- ing the bluff. : "Floyd! Oh, Floyd, come back!" she called, all her reserve gone, her fierce pride thrown to the stormy winds that blew the fringe of her shawl into her eyes: Realizing that he could not hear ber, she started after him, but by the time sfie had covered half the distance a sea of white swept in between and bibtted him from view. She hurried on, calling his name re- peatedly, but the furious wind tore at her breath and walled her about with flepey cloudé. She never even made. the bluff, a And when &bé found that she had missed it and tried to retrace her steps the drift had Giled her tracks. If she could only strike the trai}? In despera- tion she turned to the right and turned to the left, but ome turn offset the other. Thus she struggled on and on and still on until in spite of the biting cold the perspiration burst from every pore. This was well enough as long as she kept moving, but when the time came that she must stop she would freeze all the quicker for her. present warmth. . This, being born and bred of the northland, lorena knew, and the | khowledge kept her tolling, "toiling on until her tired limbs compelled pause in the shelter of a bluff. She leaned pauting aginst a rock, all un- conscious of -a pair of eyes which glared from a willow thicket near by, While she rested the green lights in the eyes flared brighter, a long red tongue licked the grinning jaws hun- grily, and forth from his covert Stole a lank, gray well Lorena uttered This was no coyote, to be chased: with a stick, but & wolf of timber stock, sa great beast, strong as a mastiff. He emitted low snarls as he slunk in half circles across her front. He was un- decided. So while he circled, preparing fof a spring, drawing a little nearer at every turn, Lorena fell back--back toward the bluff, keeping her white face al ways to the creeping beast. \ith sudden inspiration she took off her heavy shawl and threw it, blanket- wise. ofer the wolf's head and then fled desperately. Onee clear of the shrub she ran on, plunging through drifts, stumbling, falling, to rise again and push her flight. Of direction she took no heed. Her only thought was to place*Uistance be- 'tween herself and the famished brute. But when. weary and breathless, she patised to fost, out of the drab drift stole the lank, gray shadow. With a terrified shriek Lorena ran from the hounds. At last she stopped, spent, unable to take another step. Looking around, she saw the wolf, lick- ing his-hungry jaws, crouching for the final spring, With a bitter ery she fell upon her kpees and closed her eyes. Just then two shots rang out in quick specession. Looking up, she saw Floyd Jordan, with his smoking' re- volver in his hand, standing over the prostrate beast, : "Floyd, oh, Floyd!" she 'sobbed as he came to her with eyes tender and gnxious. He picked her up from the snow, wrapped her in his coat and held her again redast, The storm was lifting. Farrell's cabin could be plainly discerned not a quarter of a mile distant. "I'm dead sure now I'll build that cabin on my claim," Floyd said as they started homeward. Decline of Billingsgate. Billingsgate, Whose dedline in rheto- a frightened ery. | and ran and ran as the tired doe runs | ric has aiready been noted, -has -de- clined also in other ways since Queen Elizabeth appointed it "an open place for the landing and bringing in of ahy | fish; corn, salt stores, victuals and | fruit (grocery wares excepted)," Stow | gives the list more fully, as including "fish, both fresh and salt, shell fishes, | salt, oranges, onjons and other fruits, and roots, wheat 'and rye, and grain of | divers sorts for the service of the city | and the realm adjoining"--which sug-| gests the contents of a village general | shop, In William IIL's reign Billings- | gate was limited to a "free and open | market for all sorts of fish," and it| was after this that its reputation for language grew up, alluded to by Pope: There stript, fair Rhetoric languished on the ground; And shameless Billingsgate her robes adorn. --London Chronicle. Buried Treasures In England. There must be a good 'deal of treas-| ure in the form of church plate and so the country, as quantities of it were buried at the time of the dissolution | some. silver bells, for instance, which | have been handed down most persist-| ently from one generation to another ; fois a Charm 1 OEA and is the oaly "sites CHOLERA ... DYSENTERY. Checks and arrests those fos: often Iatal diseaner-- FEVER, CROUP, AGUE. The best Remedy kaowa for COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. Effectually cuts short all attacks of SPASMS. Is the only sllatise in Chlorodyhe isa It imvariably relieves ys frritation of the bad effects RHEUMATISM, TOOTHACHE id faken iis drops; ghadualed aod to the malady. wu of whatever kivd ; ne creates a calm vetreshing © and can bo taten when no other medicine can be | INSIST ON HAVING Dr. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. | The immense success of this Remedy has givea rise to many imitatidas. N.B.--Ev boltle of Genuine 'Chlorodyse Bears oa the stamp the -nasfe of the inventor, De. J. Collis Browne. ' ° 0000000000 el ELSI Cae OO-000 or Refrigerators, 120 PER CENT. DISCOUNT SALE. For the balance of the'season we will sell Lawn Mowers and ° Garden Hose at a discount of 20 Per Cent. Off Our line of Refrigerators ranges in pricé from $6.00 up to $35.00. OOOO 000V000000000 0000 : ELLIOTT BROS., 77 PRINCESS 8ST, gate 0000000000000 0000000000000000000000 FOR MEN Regular $5.00 SHOES $3.99. WOMEN Regular $4 and $3.75 Shoes $2.99. See our windows for, bargains. REID & CHARLES CESS | ST 111 PRIN NC . KINGSTON. 0QO00000000COTUCOTTOCOVOC0000D0000004 : BEAVER CHARCOAL STOVE This is a little sheet iron attachment to use in § connection with the ordinary cook stove or range, and by its use the following facts are established : ONE CENT Will prepare the breakfast. TWO CENTS--Will prepare the dinner. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS---Will do the firing for any ordinary family for one week. Take One On Approval. Price $1.50. SERIA KELVEY & BIRGH, 69-71 Brook st 8. | & South Cor. cheaper goods dealer, made by the ¢ |Kingston Mattress Co. ig si: acre. PLACER MINING square. Katry DREDGING. ~Two leases of a. miles pach of a river may be issued to one ap licant for a term of 30 years, Rental SeTaii%; ai 100 feet 0.00 le per annum. . i or The output exceeds Ww. W, CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior, N.B.--Unauthorized publicatiog of thin advertisement Will not be paid for. Gold Bracelets A very handsome gift to present to a lady is a gold bracelet. There is nothing newer or more appropraite. We have a beautiful assortment in Solid Gold, plain, chased and pearl set. Also 'sone very pretty styles in' Gold Filled. SOLID 'GOLD BRACE- LETS, from $8.50 up. GOLD FILLED BRACE- LETS, from $1.25 up. | Kinnear & d'Esterre Jewellers. } 100 Princess St,, King- ston. American Qils Coal Qil Lubricating Oils Gasoline We make a specialty of handlin® Lubricating Oils of all kinds, Prices on application. W. F. KELLY & CO. Ontario and Clarencq Sts. "Phone, 486. Mattresses ? When you can-get better and from your owm 110 Clergy St. - NEW MACHINE SHOP. 'A call is invited for all kinds of geners MONTREAL Manufacturers of the choicest REFINED SUGARS Granulated and Yellows. Made entirely Irom Cane Be sure you ask for "St. Lawrence." rr mer u The 31, Lawrence Suga Refining Co., Ltd al manufacturing and wachive repairing Special work such as machine sharpens ing lawn mowers (we have the only machine fn the city for this purjose)-- fepairing sewing machines, ns, phonos graph 8, scales, . razors, edged Poole, ies ; brazing, mfodel ged Pattern making. Best of attention fven all work. Repairs ma teste before leaving shop, Worl oS Work outside i J ompy atteaded toy Charges mo J. Ww. HUNTER, Machinist, 30 Mont real St., (near Princess) Kingston. Orders taken at Simmons Bros, and. A; Vans juven's Parcel Delivefy. "THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY f 3 : Why Buy Imported: MON. thundered by, a veritable blizzard, the BS | hi v RS., { Bay FRI. 1,000 ISLANDS. | ee] Strs. NORTH KING. [53% ing June 27th, leave King. | SUN usapd Island : points daily | , ut 30.15 ame Return. MON. Island an |® only men TESAS a, LOE Bi mort that swoops down on the ori west -- mp 4 ATED, 0, 7.809.165 a.m, 1.00--4.00 p.us.| territory as late as June and as early tweén the abbey and a house on the | 7 | Presiden Ri dC. eg Be ern. 1.00 pm. | 38 August. It compels the setter to oBBoaite bank of the river. while the Money ol on warm] 7.809.108 a.m. 1.00--4.00 p.m "string a wire from house to stables; it | other story has it that a peal of silver' , When Preparing for the old Boys' - forties. 0 Depostte 8 iy in. Ate 0 p.m.| sets men circling in the snow; it catch.| bells was buried 'at the same period | % | received and Morenita allowed. " LEAVES KINGSTON im | es little children coming home from | (the dissolution of the monasteries) at Homecoming ; , | 8. C. McGill, Managing Director. a bt a RON = 30 p.m, | School aiid buries them in monstrous | Abbots Morton, a village ten ios 44: | it eh [1 lotta, TUES, "8.30--11.30 aan. 3.00--5.80 p.m. | Arifts as % F 3 ort of chestorr callin a at Bay of | WE D. 8.3011; Boa 3 00--5 30 Do A knock sounded on the doar. and See our variety of Cakes and Pastry. The & {Notice to Our Customers Suinis Ports. |THiUits. $361.00 p mw. 8.00 pu. } : laggest assortment we have ever had Bp . Ra ALETHA--Leaved Mondays tor | F Flay S011 RY 3.00--5.30 p.m. Ts - : ; Qur store will close at 6 nly. of Quinte Ports, at 5 p.m. SAT: B.30--11.30 am. 3.00-5.30 p.m. After a womap, makes up her mingl | HM there ever was a specific for any | Also "Plums Peaches, Pears, es and \ » wr L snformation from JAMES SWIFT |SUN. 9,45 a.m. 1.15--5.30 p.m. to have her ow why she gets angry joni complaint, then Carter's' Liu |- ' Gage -\ |o'elock sharp every night, 3 8. in Agate. 0k HARLEY. em Ad 0 (il some man "doesn t get busy and. re- | Liver Pills are a specific for Siok head- { Late California Valencia Oranges Oranges. 3 ® Ay ¥ foe Saturday. 5 hy . ee |- Time Table sybject to change without strain her. ache, and every wowan should xnow | : 5 "Many an aggressive man strikes this. Only ne pil a dase... ak R. H I Oo Y E, Ki ng 5 GLOVER. attitude and lots, it go at that, them, © ' .,. » i t. : ows calls it Garden Islasd going to] Thysisians are boat the sad from Kingston Iwho really enjoy ill-health,