Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Aug 1908, p. 2

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WAGE TWO THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY AUGUST 14, ~ ~ Furniture & Carpet J. August Sale 50 TIME LIKE Now MONEY. TO SAVE PARLOR SUITES, Regular $100, Parlor Suite, Parlor Suite, Parlor Suite, Parlor Suite, CARPETS, 20 per extra handsome. Our Aug. Special $74, $K5, reduced to $67. £70, reduced to $59. $55, reduced to $45 $25 reduecd to $19. full stock at sale prices, cent. off. A chagee to- save. ES WE ST CEA nr By, Pos oft. x61t, $14 $39. Our of similar offers RUGS--1 Green - Brussels, Regular $19.80; Our special, 1 Oriental Axminster, specia! $28. Dozens SIDEBOARDS $85 to $70. $75 to $64. Reduced from $60 ns Reduced frome $45 to '$87. PHONE 90. Yours, T. F. Harrison Co. Special Sale Of the Best Quality 'Wilton Velvet Rugs These Rugs are in sizes, 3 x 3] yards, 3 x 4 and 3} 4, Not having a ful sett of patterns in all sizes we offer them at cost price. . Reduced from Reduced from down down down down R. McFAUL, Kingston Carpet Warehouse MEN AND WOME? Use Big. @& for unnatu; | discharges, inflammatior irritations or ulceratic of mucoens membran. Painless, and not astriv gent or poisonous, Sold by Draggista, wr sent in plain wrappe: oy express, prepaid, ful 41 00, or A boty les 82.75. Grmpuis, jul on reas IF IT IS TO GET A SINK Set up or a bath room installed. I can do it in first-elass style and at the right price. Give me a trial. DAVID HAL DON'T "G0 IT BLIND" Don't place your savings in stocks about which you know nothing, and with people of whom You know ashlittle Phone 3356 9 64 Brook St Choose a safe investment. Buy a good lot or rentable dwelling. Then you will nave something tangible, something substantial; an investment that will return you a good rate of - interest and one that can be turned pack into cash if you desire. It is an investment that contains no.element of risk. \ Are you interested to the extent of looking around ? If so call on us. McCANN'S, 51 Brock St. 'Phone, 326 or 621. » § RIE, * | dian list," ' | notice FOOTBALL TALKED THE O.RF.U. MAY HAVE A KINGSTON TEAM. mipmap : Queen's Will Be Again Active and Will Seek For Better, Honors Than Last Year--A Coach Probable. The fall is drawing near and foot- ball is beginning to be the topic. of conversation. Kiggston will likely be represented by two semior teams again this year as the Limestones will likely * a team in the O.R.F.U. senior series. Queen's is mot idle' by any means and the men in charge of the team will have a good bunch out this year. It is understood, on good au- thority, that the university witl, at last, have the services of a coéch, a good - professional man who, under- stands his business. Captain Arthur Turner has been looking after this matter and it is likely that a Hamil- ton man will be gocured for the team, The use of a coach is gy! that Queen's requires. There is plenty of material and only needs being moulded into shape by expert hands. Some new men 'will enter this year and among them are one or two very good ones, who have made good on 'other teams. It was understood last year that "Nick" Bawlf, the great full back of the Ottawa College team, here, but it is mot finally known whether he will attend Queen's or not: A couple of good ones are coming from Hamilton for the college team. have get busy before many weeks last passed and not wait until the mite as was done last year. is plenty of material here for a good team and the boys should get to- gether and, do something Kingston Yacht Won. A Kingston boat won the races at Chaumont Bay, yesterday afternoon, in the twenty-two foot class. The Isis, owned by Messrs. Hora and Wad- dell, out easily the Ameri- can boats: She was sailed by Messrs. Hora, Waddell and McParland. Tele- grams were received in the city, 'on Thursday evening, tory and the yachtsmen much pleased. won over were very Are Very Interesting. Two athletic off at the athletic 'grounds, by the Y.M.C.A. One event was pest- joned from Wednesday night. A large number atiend these races and sports and they ave very interesting. to-night, Labor Day Sports. Matters regarding the Labor were advanced anothér st last night, at a meeting of the Te and Labor Council. The road race promises to be a big feature, and the other ~ sports being arranged will at- tract a great deal of interest. May Have Polo League. Now that the roller rink is going to open, the boys are again, thinking of roller polo, and in all probability a league will be formed. Belleville has a'iink and two or three teams will be organized there. day sports, Taken To New Hampshire. May Wax will not at treal this week, but has been to Woonsocket, N.H., where make her next appearance, is going fast this year. Mon- taken will mare race she The Sporting Notes. Thomas Lipton's offer over again for the reminder that the still in Rochester, and spectfully suggest that of that good ship La long since disgnantled, and instruct challenge on his behalf. The executive of the New Ontario BasebaH League, controlled by Fort William teams against Port Arthur; threw out Port Arthur's win in a game which ended in the eighth innings on account of rain, and declared three Port Arthur players in- eligible, that Fort William will leit to play olor champignship De Hand times ball clubs of the any of the larger the official thought that money But ident the of Sit to come America's cup is' a Canada's cup is we would re- the ex-master Souris, alas ! forthwith build a boat some club to two one from SO now be hit the League, not basé Eastern clubs, have or according to attendance. ¢ It was the Toronto club would by to the is this has not, been the case McCaffery stated recently receipts mn receipts at this lose over land Pres that vance time. "dim" going gale were al last. year's Coliroth, the fight promoter, is trving haid to: clinch a match be tween "Tommy" Burns and Stanley | Ketchell, the middleweight ahampion He wired to Burns in Australia a few days ago, asking him if he would fight Ketchell Burns senty word back that he would, providing Ketchell; fought | hiludelphia Jack" O'Brien | delomts aim. Ketchell says he ig will- ing to take on O'Brien, but does not like td do so, on account of O'Brien's fights on the coast. queer Reproducitig The Siege. Special efforts have been made this vear. to produce a spectacle at the Canadian National Exhibition, 7To- ronto, August 31st to Septamber 1 ith, on a soale that will send everybodv away marvelling at its magnitude and realism. "The Siege of Sehastopol" will be faithfully represented on a stage 7H0 feet" hy 300 feet, with 1,000 performers, and with the largest stretch of scenery ever placed' on anv It will he upwards of 700 feet 65 feet high at: the highest stage. | wile by { point. v Keep Cool On The Water. Saturday, 2:30 pm. Steamer Am- erica * tours the 'lhousand . lslands; ihowme early; supper on board; fare, More On List. Inspector Wright, mord names to and served the necessary the hote!men, There! are of fifty on the list. 1 igense to-day, added fowr his "'In- upo | now upward New collars, two for 5c. Bibby's. would be The Limestones should also begin to There! announcing the vic- events will be pulled teams | the first and | T MARINE NOTES. What ds Transpiring About 'the Wharves. Fhe steamer Prince Rupert for Fort William. The tug Froateneu withes at the city wharf. The goverpmpent steamer Scout still working mm these waters. The steamer Argyle is still going repairs at the dry dock. The dredge Sir Richard cléared the foot of Wolle Island to do work 'there. The barge Dunmore is being loaded at Richardson's elevator with grain for Montreal. The schooner Maxwell arrived Conneaut with a cargo of coal the penitentiary. t The tug Mary P. Hall arrived from Montreal, with three grain barges for the M. T. company. The steambarge Hinckley cleared from the K. & Pembroke wharf with her cargo of lumber for Oswego. Swift's : Steamer Caspian, down and up, to-day; steamer Aletha, from bay ports; schooner Keewatin, from Sodus, with coal. The steambarge John Randall car- ried a cargo of coal from Oswego to Newhoro and arrived this morning on her way to Sodus. The steamer Rapids King is at ronto, with a broken crank shaft. As she has twin screws, she was only partially disabled, but will make re- pairs, CHARMER LEFT SNAKE. 5 Hotel Proprietor's Daughter Given Bad Scare. On the days of the Old Boys' bration a side jhow consisting of a snake charmer and a sword swallower were in the city and did a good busi- ness. They stopped at a down town hotel and kept the snakes in a cover- ed basket. 'They had about a. dozen different kinds, all of ggod size and dangerous looking. After the cee bration the then left and as they had cn> snake too many to 'carry around, one was left in a bureau drawer at the hotel. Two days later the daughter of the proprietor went to put something in the drawer and putting in her hand grabbed the cold, slimy body the large crawler. Needless to say she was given a very bad scare and it was some moments before she recov. ered from her fright. = The snake was captured and put in a box where it will be kept out of harm's way until disposed' of. cleared is loading is under: for some from for »f of WAS AT THE BURIAL. A Statement From a Citizen About Sad Event. Kingston, Aug.. 13.--(To the Edi- tor): May I just say a word with reference to one or two letters I have read in your paper ms to the burying place of Lieut. Robert® P. C. Davies is quite correct as to the place of burial which is at Chieveley, in what is now a cemetery, just outside the railway station. Lieut. Roberts was wounded at the battle of Colenso when Long's guns were captured and practically all the men killed, but he was not buried at Escourt, as 'One Who Was There". states. Chieveley Station adjoins the battlefield of Co- lenso. I make this statement know- ing it to be rorrect was within a few hundred yards of the guns when Lieut. Roberts was wounded. | also assisfed in burying him a days after the engagement.--JAM A. SCOTT, late sergeant Surrey Regiment. as few E. AN « INDIAN" IN TROUBLE. License Inspector Charges Him With' Drunkenness. A member of the 'Indian' list been summoned to appear before Ma gistrate Farrell in police court, to morrow, on a, charge. of drunkenness, The charge made by Inspector Wright, who claims that he found the accused under the influence of liquor, on a street car. The inspector * says that he questioned him to where he received the liquor, that "he said that he received Ports- | mouth. has is | as and it at May Visit Here. Among the passengers who arrived in New York to-day, on the SS. Kyis erin Auguste Victoria wdte Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Thorold, of London; who will visit Montreal, ningston, To ronto, Winnipeg and other places Canada. Mr. Thorold has come representing capitalists looking into | and, if considered advisable, pur- | ches ng good Canadian investments. | Me. Thorold is the managing director of the Canadian Securities corpora- tion, limited, the Standard Rubber company, limited, the Smart Set Pub lishing company, limited, and the { Standard Press, limited, of London, | Epgland. He formerly lived here, fill ing the Collingwood street 'Baptist church. pulpit for a time. In over Market Prices For Saturday. New Potatoes, 25c. Duchess apples, 15c. Butter beans, 20c. per Cabbage, 3 heads for 10e. Cucumbers, 10c. per dozen. Cele *. pér bunch. Fresh 'ens, Ne. per dozgn Don't forget our old Fovernment Java cofiee and special blend of tea. Kirk & Lee, 258] Princesse street. per peck. per peck. peck, Camera Awaits Owner. The eamera which Constable Arniel confiscated on Saturday, when the en deavor was made to take a photo of the liquor detectives, still at the police station awaiting an owmer, but has not yet been caimed. It was rumored around the city that inter- ested 'parties intended taking action against the police for their confisca- tion, but this conld hot be confirmed. is Dollar Hat Sale. George Mills & Co., the Pripeess street hat specialists, announce a dol: lar hat sale for to-morrow obly. The sal includes any straw hat in store 'and any colored' soft felt (Hawe: and Borsalina excepted). Only ore hat will be sold to each enstomer. They have-a'good display of the hats in one of their large show windows. = New shirts, solid blue. Bibby's. \ To- cele- the |. HAD A LIVELY TILT AT THE MEETING OF THE BOARD-OF HEALTH. When = Question 'of Granting "Medical Officer An Honorarium of $500 Came Up--Dr. Evans Walked Out and" Left Board Without Quorum. ~ The question of granting an honor- arium of $00 to br. Bell, the medi- cal health officer, caused quite a lively tilt, at a meeting of the board: of health, yesterday afternoon, and asa result, the board adjourned without taking any action. Another meeting of the board was ealled for this after- noon, The question which' caused all the trouble was brought up after some minor matters had been' dealt withe At the last meeting of the board, it will be remembered that "the matter of granting the medical health officer the sum mentioned was discussed, but no action was taken. It was to have been - discussed at another meeting called for Tuesday afternoon, but no meeting was beld, as a quorum could not be kecured. 'When the matter came 8p at yester- day's . meeting, those present were Chaivman Corbett, Dr. Etherington, Dr. Evans and John Lemmon. A let- ter from Dr. Bell was read, in which the latter referred to the twelve cases which he had to attend to at the iso- lation hospital. The doctor pointed out the extra amount of work this brought about, and left it with the board to sgv whether © or not he should receive extra pay for his work. He pointed out that in 1903, when there were only three cases in the iso- lation hospital to he, cared for, that the sum of $331.50 had been expended for medical attendance. Dr. Etherington moved that no ac- tion he taken in the matter at the present time, but his mofion was not seconded. Dr, Evans immediately arose to dis- cuss the question, when De. Ethering- ton interrupted by stating that if there was no motion to be made in regard to the matter, that he did not intend to stay at the me eting all af- ternoon, to hear it discussed. "I do nog think that it is right that I should be choked off in this man- ner," said Dr. Evans. "But you have motion," said the chairman, "and there should one. 1 am not choking you off." "But that is what I would call it," added Dr. Evans. "Surely the mat- ter can be discussed. 1 have been on this board for three years, and we have always been given the privilege of discussing any matter. We do not need to have a motion, as have not been following parliamentary pro- cedure. We have always been given a certain latitude." Pro Evans walked out of the mittee room, stating that if he could not have the privilege of speaking on the question, he would cetive irom the meeting. "I move that we adjourn said Dr. Etherington, and was not a quorum with the members left, the meefing broke up rather hur viedly. Later in the afternoon, meeting of the board was called this (Friday) afternoon. "Engineer Cre submitted reports on drainage cases before the board at its and the city council will recommen- follows : Re George no he we com- the 1%) as the, we another for last session, be asked to earry:out his dations in each 'case condition of three houses on street, that sewer be extended . houses can be given proper drainage, work to be done under local improve ment act; re drainage house at 32 Ontario street, that tile sewer be construeted under local im- provement act; on Miss Lenea's com- that she. construct drain McOulla's complaint about 146-148 Bay street, Ler own expense; as sO as for nine-inch munication, on 'James condition of Nos. of six-inch tile, at Kingston's Famous Fur Store. DOWN 60 PRIGES A Dollar Can Make a Big Difference In Your Appearance DOLLAR HAT SALE SATURDAY ONLY. You have your choice of our Fine Straw Hats on Satur- day - for $1. 00. - Regular prices $2, 250, 3 and 4. Cheaper than getting your old bat cleaned. ALSO Any Colored Soft Fels Hat in the store (Hawes and Borsalina excepted) for $1.00. This includes Pearl, Brown, Green, Grey, and all the new shades. Regular prices $2.50 and $3. 1 Hat oaly to each customer. See window display of these Hats. Importers Of Fine Hats. Makers uf Fi Fur: + Princess 4 Sturgeon', a Falls that nifbinoh sewer be sonstrurtell | under local 'improvement act. A TO REAR A CLUB HOUSE. A Specialist to Take Charge of Farm. , Gananoque, Aug. 14. --~Work has be- ¢un on clearing up for the foundation of the Gananoque Canoe Club's new clubhouse. The - building is to. cost some $2,000, "about $1,500 of which has already been subscribed. The club has been growing numerically, com- prising at present 'about eighty mem- vers. In the fifth of the series of fourteen-foot dinghy races for Vice- Commodore Adams' cup, held here, yesterday afternoon, Ralph B. Brit- ton succeeded in vanquishing the field with Clyde Gillies second, and Ralph Adams: third. Mr. and Mrs. T. Nuttall, of Thou- sand "Island Junction, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Loretta Pearl Nuttall, to C. mer Day, som of J. W. Day, 'of the. same place. Thé marriage is to take place on September 2nd. Joshua Abrams, who has heen in charge of Mr. Mac- donatd's farm, east of "the town, ior the past year, has left the situation and returned to town. His place is to be filled by an agricultural spe- Collars 3 Collars, To acquire merit one must be doing something better than . the present best. That is the principle we. follow with our Shirts, Collars, Ties; | Fancy Hosiery. Ete. ' "Al the time "striving to . give | you better/ values than you ever had before. P. J. HUNT, 8 Agent for ¢J."' Brand Austrian 3 4 sizes. also "W..G, 'and R." cialist from the experimental farm in Ottawa. + The eondition of , Gordon Macdon- ald, brother oi Charles Macdonald, "Blink Bonnie," undergoing a serious operation at his summer home, Mac- donald's Island, is nof improved. The medical attendants are giving slight hopes for his recovery. Visitors in town : Miss Mary W ton, Buffalo, N.Y.; Miss Alice Waly Brockville; Mrs. W. Forster, dria; Mrs. J. R. Stafford, Ha Mrs. Willis and sons, Miss E. man, Seeley's Ba MeAlpin, Scranton, Pa.; Miss throok, Dover, Del.: Mrs. W. J, Wilkinson, St. Cath- arines; Mrs. George Jackson, Miss Annie Jackson, Me- Grath, Painted Post, Mrs, George Gillies and Miss Gillies, To- ronto. L David Briggs, home [rom Iroquois; Miss Edith Wood, Stratford, visiting here, has gone to Cornwall: Mrs. W. Lewis, back from visiting in town- ship; Mrs. Edith Dempster left. for Vancouver, B.C.; Mrs. S. E. Dawson, Ottawa, has left for home. "Chap- INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Pick: Reporters On Thein Ro Nobby neckiwear. Bibby's, Marine men say that the electric light on the city hall excellent service, $5 boys' Up By ds. present does suits. Bib- See our school by's. ? I'he fall meeting of the Methodist district convenes anoque on Aug. 27th. Remarkable * trouser "It makes you strong," and Wine, 50¢., not 75c., at Red Cross Drug Store. Three} hundred and fifty people went on the steamer Amerioa's excursion to Ogdensburg, N.Y., Fiiday morning. Fresh McConkey's and Huyler's high clasd candy. Sold in Kingston only at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Hon. William Harty will look after the entertainment of the Seotch agri- culturists who will be in Kingston the last week in August. D.B. boys' school suits, 85. There was no quorum for the regu- lar meeting 'of the Board of Educa- tion last night. The board passed a resolution to adjourn for the months of July and August. "The genuine Kasagra' and 50chqttles, at Cross Drug Store The Citieens' band of Picton held its annual excursion to Watertown, N.Y. on Thursday. The trip to Capt Vin cent was made Via Am Kingston at Gan- value. Bibby gs. Beef, Iron i ' Gibson's Bibby' sold in Gibson's Red is on Soe. the steamer " erica. On Thursday men were tipped out of a canoe the breakwater, and for a few ments their lives were in danger was a good swimmer, but the could swim a stroke. They picked by a man in a row and towed into shore. "Kasagga," in and He, at Gibson's Red Cross' Drug "Phone 230 evening two. young neat mo Une other not were un hoat bottle Store Ase. AGRICULTURAL FAIRS. Dates of Some of 1908. These Fo r Alexandria Almonte . Belleville Brighton Bancroft Burk's Fall Bobcaygeon Broekville .... Cobourg Central Cobden Colborne Cornwall Coe Hill Delta Lanark Lombardy Lansdowne, Lyndhurst" London, (Western Madoc Marmora Morrisburg Maberly ... Merrickville Newboro Napanee 29 and 30, | Oct 3 16 and 17. | Sept. , 80, opt. wee Sopt. 2 Oct. 1 and Sept, 24 and ..v Septd 2Y and & 'Sept. 15, 16, 17, . Sept. 16 and Sept, 24 and 25 . Hand 6 11, Sept. . 29 and 10 and 1 iesadeans SQPL. Sept. 24 and aeiinaes EPL. 22 and Fair) Sept. 11, farses BEpt. 5 and Sept. 22 and we Sept. 1, 2, 3, a O08 2 Sept. 17 and 18, . Sep®. bh and 6. opt. 15 and 16: 3 Sept. Sept. 3 and 4. . pt. 23 and 24, Port Hope Peterboro . Roblin's Mills Renfrew Sept. AT ard 1 Sept. 2:4 and 21. | Spencerville Stella .. Tw . Foronto (National) Vankloek Hill Winchester Wolfs Isjand Whitby Sept. 29, ... Sept. Band 9. Sept. 22 ahd 23 Sept. 22 and 23 The Concert Postponed. The hand , concert at Maedonald Park was postponed, last evening, on account of the eritical condition of Henry Folger, living -elose by. Quite a number had assembled at the ork} 1 | | { | and the Landmen were present, when word came not to play. When the reason for the ™ postponement was | made known the people gradually leit the park in twos and threes. $1.65 Watertown Return $1.65. Good going Saturday, 5 a.m. p.m.; Sunday, 7.30 a.m. and 4.30 pam. 2 or I | AHHH rr Sept. 29 and 30. | a *No00000O Ties, MENT, 4 EoTABLISHED. s AND ADMITTED FACT. Firm of A. L. SILBERSTEIN, 476 Broadway, New York, N.Y ' For sale by McKelvey & Birch, 68- 71 Brock St., Kingston, Ont. Clearing' Tables -- Counters To Make Room for New Goods Already Beginning to Arrive | - SATURDA » Y We will sell 30 White Bawn Regu- Waists, sizes 34 to 42. lar 98c., For §0¢c. Each. Children's Mother and Buster Brown 8S made from Prints, and Chambrays, Lawn. Regular 50¢. hantung Bives Brown, Tan, Champagne. Regular quality, SATURDAY, price will be Silks, SHAW The Always Busy Sto Bilious Attacks During this hot weather are a great many people find stomach upset. They are billous, liver o order, bowels irreguiar, coated and lityle desire for What we would bottle of our Little Pink Laxatives the sluggish the. recomend They stir up and bowels and free of all poisons. 25¢7 a bottle, to be had from . , Phone, 848; tyles. Dresses to fit ages 3 to 8, Ginghgms also White to For 39c. Each. A SNAP IN SILKS 5c. Navy Black, 75¢. our 50c. Per Yard. re. there 1 their mt of tongue food. is a fiver yateus » "only Dr. A. P.Chown 185 Princess St. 90000CREs0000AROOEONS Hubbard NE WMAN & ess ssevesse 000000000000 000000000CO0OOOGOS Returning up to and including Mon- day. sa rr 'Fownes' driving gloves, $1. Bibby's. Dr. lal practice in Cohudén: to Mactachlan. "Dr. { W. R. Winters has sold his den- - est, notice. "can be secured trol: Chronometer in Our Window. Now the City Cloekl is out of commission this will be very vénvainiontt}y Cn Smi Jewellers 5 KING ST. Issuers of Marriage We have received a choice lot of Skis and invite you to sce them. o We make a specialty of COATS. W. F. Gourdier, Exclusive Furpier, 76, 78 and 80" Brock street, . A RA LE SON. GASOLINE PUT IN YOUR TANK AT OUR DOCK. Spark -Cofls, Spark Plugs, Colum" bia Dry Batteries; ets. in stock. REPAIRS PROMPTLY MADE. Selby & Youlden, Ltd. Kingston i, 'Well ! Coal Well! This is good, clean 'P. WALSH'S. My be satisfied with this handles but Scranton." from Jane will Surely Mr: Walsh none Diamond 'Rings No depari dient to in increas» 'Diamond Ulisse "prices, representation mike this only sible. In Solitaires, no better values can be had than our spacial $50, § £100 and pos 75, 50 Rings. Each stone is gxamined bhelore and our guarantee funding money is of benefit to you, critically mounted of Kinnear & d'Esterre DIAMOND SHOP. 100 Princess St., King- in weather wisdom of makes the home comfortable; it's the best money can buy, 'and there is none better mined We deliver 18 to clean and. without slate, at very bottdm prices, Booth & Co., 'Phone 133. Foot of West St. NewEnglandChinese Restaurant 331 King Street. Open from 10:30 a.m., to 3 a y the best place to get an all round. Lunch ia the city. Meals of all kinds on short. dishes a axlish and "Phone, 653, spielalty,

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