THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1906. NEWS OF NEIGHBORS] Stmuermonros WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- : ENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points TO-NIGHT- ehih wo %.00 in Eastern Ontario--What EXPERIENCED GENERAL | People Are Doing And What Mating, Frida, RY 8.80. vant. Apply '252 Oe street; * They Are Saying. Free Show BOARD. FOR A SMALL FAMILY, IN ; 0 R bE M N A IN I Godtrey Glimpses. | High Clase Vaudeville | _ Wr asim "50° Wig she" odfrey impses. 1 as T re wl office. ' Godfrey, Aug. -12.--The farmers are] gh Byile EXERRIENCED STENOGRAL Do you kiiow that Pear's coap- has. Ben aiver. es Al - a New Moving "Pictures. busy harvesting, but report 8 very | or office ) h ei nau 3 na rh Latest Illustrated Songs. «for aff Hogg sb ADP Whit office. tised for over filly years? A severe hailstorm passed over Light. i © }this vicinity, on Friday night, but, | Friday Children's 1 Cent Da. : fortunately, little damage was 'done. | Cars. * y - Beret YOUNG GIRL, ron GENERAL . * _-- T/A pgm ¢ irom here Sate i! Sings in ; house ork, No wash x Apply. to . J : . 're o % 3 Ts. nderson, 49 Noray St. We often hear of 'one the excarsion to the North-West. X 3k James Howes, on the sick list, is re- i COOK, FOR SMALL FAMILY, makin, take , covering. Mrs. Jumes Hill, visiting " where housemaid is kept, No wash- ' 8 <a uis - us wh RN : 2 ing or ironing. Apply at Whig office. did you ever héar of @ne fiends in Harrowsmith, hfs returned HERB ILL BE OFFERED FOR : ene home. Miss J. Sigsworth, © Misses als LD ¥ Kghlic / Auction at the rooms of | A SMART YOUNG GIRL rol. GEN- continuing in error for m have got to £0. You will have to prepare Mand and. Gertie ThHll spent a fow Nod Moray paar hy Squsre, King. eral housework, in family of (two), over fifty years? Those : , days in Burridge last week. F. Howes | Kagust at the hour of 13 5 cgay good wages. Applw 176 King strw 'people stopped all ad for the opening of schoul next month. We Jr., spent Sunday at. Tichborne. he rion parcels of Roms Tomato ons alter. 8 p.m. : pe pl op agver s . Wind Visitors : Mrs. H. Campsall at James | (1) "he Brick Dueling and premises | = crur rg Ausisr wire, pont| | tising for a' year not long have just the thing for the Girls' School Hill's, also k. McKnight; R. Watts at fam street atove Bagot street, owned | Housework, from 9 to 7, Saturdays ago as am experiment. ! F: Howes'; «. Kennedy and family, and occupied in his life tite by Thomas 4nd, Stugtleys, 0 Core si Went. They wanted to see if it v-- would pay. They stated Dresses or Boys' Pants or Blouses, and you Cole lake, at A. Kenuedy's. The Two ~Roughast : Dialling | -- common eo Suing Sdjoining Base 118: Lui 98 ; the YOU en 8 to 8, for balance 3 publicly afterwards that . ¢ . 3 ' i : est numbered 11 will. wet the end for just One~Half the ; Sawyer Seanelys isthe oa 3 Bh The Pouble Framé' Dwelling' | and of week. Competent maid for gen ; it 'took' three years to get : : Ea hominis Se ir | prop mbes S07. om | rat heme Ci okrern As. | back to thelr original ar is FF oe were guests 8 © 0 Vv )i vell, 2380 " = Original Price. arl, Temperance Lake, were guests o "ar J Bek e sion JAVE, x ! a Miss Blanche Herbison, on Sunday +e Spit degctnond, Hayne by es, 40d It cust. them nat last. Mr, and Mrs. H. Franklin spent (4) The Frame Dwelling nd prem 000000 onl " : : ; OOOO TOCO00000 00 only the ropr p SW ' Lhorsday last in Kingston. « Several | on the West side of A a, phe P igen € © . wh ST appropria Fhese REMNANTS are taken from every ; J iram here took in the excursion, on |Pered 34 and ocoupted RE WANTED. : n held back, but much 4 £1 ate hi A ha amg, : i : . Advertising is the Friday lust, to Lape Viacent. ary TERMS : more 8 y department. ig is now the order of the day. SALESWOMAN FOR DRY * keynote of all business suc- Mes Pratloricl Noride Fer Ten per cent. ot chase movey 'at . » 2 ar ret rie and orTis Ferguson Ute of, pale, the ba i 38: within 20 days. Goods, one having ex- cess. Are you looking 5 wi ake 1 © exctrsion , u uier i Ma Yon d : : ' North-West ' shortly. pn Bonner, endiry Yor he ni he hy perience preferred, alter the ey fdiza] feature P y Gi h ! Ci 4 Li ly, Kingston, is spending & week or so . Tel ONE ye © J. Laidlaw & Son, { oh of your: business ! Phone rints, ing ams, ottons, nens, © the guest of his brother-in-law, Wil- ; 118 Broek, St. vOH000000TDGOOV0OCTO0U our ad. man. Lain Hail. W. W. Hall is on the sick City. This is the week Homnanis of every kind Cretonnes, Ducks, Tweeds, Underwear, |\iliu. "= tiie Wo TED oun i rg ur ¥ 18% fn i» feamish w : . 3 . . Xe : ah , 13 te of NES Fume Sc NDERLAND Sc 2.3 Ta Dress Goods, 'Linings, Millinery Goods, . su... BIG DOUBLE, BILL |ovALIFIEN, ThauHER, Yor s ' - ' ; -- Saturday Afternoon 'Children One See. Freas., Scie 's BPE Ate Items From Mississippi. Cent, TO-LE PP. ony FIRE INSURANCE RISKS.> GOOD T. . FOR SALE. ar, els Oi C oths both able Mississippi, Any. 12. "Faris are Only Two More Nights To See com: - : 1 3 panies, lowest rates, fair settle- % ~ 'H 4 ? very busy sdvawing in hay. A good POLLY HARGER mente. Ji B.C. Dobbs' & Go., 108 | M0 cent Oo WEL | IRAL STATI OF ALL KINDS. this season. Camper are Rr . Brock St. Telephone, 480, out board, Apply 176 Ulergy. St. lie 4 crop bos ol : IN ert -- and Floor. ing\ much - pleasure at Grace Landing i 2,200 WILL BUY A NEW SIX-ROOM 5 188} Sa} iver for > THE OPPORTUNITY T0 | FURNISH n a brick dwelli Save a ea abs river Jor a fo | HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE| ™Suiitics ba site 200) "RRR | SUMMER Dovrack, vummsmyn by | brick viiniue, bath "and coms, on ays. ere took the MOVING PICTURES--The {iw } 0 ork promptly done. F. Birch, and Ride: 1 picnic at Uso 'on Wednesday. Visi- | jects shown TO-DAY and 10. MOREOW Electrician, 206 "Wellington hy Brock giean, Apply to McCann, 51 oO YOU WANS TTR TAIN -- OR RRR i Kingston, | furnish' both "education and laughter your property ? Consult @ tors : - Miss *Apnie Erwin, furmis h i On Clare = visiting lier ome here: Miss Magirie ie first subjpet 4s an industrial poture JO 3 G ASHFS OUT OF| g0¢ UNIVERSITY AVE, BRICK g ; g sho . ST V er in Nicol and Miss Allan, 'of, Perth, ut and ti second, The Wendoidl Scart" | taried. Prices Hehe Reply wrog' welling, 8 rooms, modern tmprove |A. F. BOND, REAL ESTATE AGENT, Y 8; Mr. and Mrs. M. GQ. ]is very laughable. Lytle, General Carter, 85 ain Ht. Hn gi gly o J. S, KR, McCann, 7 lavence street, ce: J. D. Allan's; Storms, Wilton, at HH. M¢ Fimmons'; EE RR =| HAND-MADE BASKETS, ALL SIZES, A. tibson at "I. Erwin's; Nels wil POUBLE DWELLING (BRICK PRE-| LARCH OFFICE ROOM IN EX. all kinds t d Repat neall a oR ¥ NOTICE ferred), with modern convenjences, cliange Chambers, No. 116 Brock Sg done. Pricen Yeaschable WE! yor ® son at his home here; Miss Mar i ' Crawl I WILLIAM II. BESWIC K, CABINET lotation not above University Ave. Apply to Geo: Cliff, Real Estate man, First street. ; . A garet raw ord, Kingston, spending | Maker and Upholstere ° 28 King Apply to T, J. Boon, 159 Wellingion Broke, 95. Clarence @treet. . Megan ; a few days with the Miss Erwin, | streot East, late of £58 en street, Slreet. Blueberry crop is very good around [have no connection whatevér, or mever FROM OCT. 1.--BRICK RESIDENCE, |LOVERS OF MUSIC' CAN SPQURK A p t n ARE : here Lhis season: alse seems to be | 18% With the said William i. Beswick, |TO RENT, BY TWO LADIES, 2 OR 18% ivigion street, With twelve Bue plano, siightiy used at a saci AT " 4 ¢ fof King street West ethics on 8 furnished or unfurnished rooms, rooms, including extension kitchen, fice price for cash, Apply fuickly 2 -- good prospect for blackberries Signed) W. BH. BUSWHK., with or without board, in good hot water heating, bath, ete. kn "Musieian,"" Whig off locality. Apply Box ""M. 1.,'" Whig quire at 179 Division street. office, . -_-- FROM SEPT. 15TH, TO MAY 18T,| OATS, NEW AND SECONDHAND, 16 DRESSY GENTLEMEN TO JET to a suitable tenant, furnished house ft. up, from $100 good engines, part and preparing to build a coneréte a 1 to ogi wen Bo oh their Spring S with, modern conveniences, near ayment accepted ; boat-house . found, St Nits made Sho Queord's. College, Emguire, "Phone 'articulars, Coward and Dean, Boat the pas: - Hays will help. the fall silo. On Saturday cvebing last an way's. Sty price and finish guas i , : pag | 3 SN APL me Brently appre {10.G.T. lodge was formed here, Rev, anteed to please. 181 Brock St., 296, or 95 West Clergy street, Works, Cotton Mill, Sate ol De eilson has received, his Mr, Melntosh presided, as chairman, | next to. Bibby's Livery. ---- supply of coal for the er. © 4 } LLad x THE DWE N D 'RO- PpLy el.cult] Jor ie Winter th » Mr. Shear, Kingston, took also " LING AND STORE _ THAT DESIRABLE BRICK DWEL4 : ; hile English chugch ice cream, social, hekl ¥ ¥ sige s9i ' S ' an active part. Quite a number of ITUATI ANTE Sts., poi on at once. This pro- ling, with hot water furnace, electric on W. H. Mouteay's lawn, on Satur our young people, (ook the pledge and s ATION W D, Borty, will os Dp nied Welling: Lh 09t or Unidh treet, : vp! 8. e y - ASSIS IIS IIIISIII ISIS IRIS ISS SPI ISSO IIY day evening, passed off successfully. our lodge 18 named "Queen Alexan- | MPLOYMENT . BY AN ®"NGLISH- ton St. SL Kingston, Nye and lately occupied Mrs. TI. Johnston, who went west dea Lodge." Another menting will be man, Who has excellen' recommenda- by Prof. Carmichaely = This property is well situated near the about a year ago, has returned and held tions and education. Not afraid of ae ; Mella. IR ag on Friday evening i hard work. Apply 1 to| ON SEPTEMBER 18T, NEXT, ONE City Park and Electric Railway. Ap-- taken up residence in Stella. R. J. » Whi oe Pply for address 01 of. the. best business 'stands in King- ply, Meds. Kirkpatrick, ltogers & he Marshall "met with sa slight accident ston, om t co! i a & 5 ner of a an fickle on Saturday evening. While driving Notes From Denbigh. Ee 4 ellfngton streets, Jately by fa the village another buggy collided) Penbigh, Aug. 10.--Kev. C. Beer, Ot- PONESIO, » SERVANTS, BXPERI- F. . Nisbet, 'Stationer. - Apply - Felix fe. 8 i tawa, is for a week an estegmed guest enced, Fnglish, Scotch, 'Irish, a Shav, 115 Bagot St. Kinston, -- | MONEY AND BUSINESS. - | vice, and an equally impressive and with his and he was thrown, out on ing weekly under supervision. i you suitable address on | @ isgtons "inl 8 Tie \ sj T 5 \ t n- home missions "mn SILVER BROOCIT SET WITH BRILL. ARCHITECT, uve 'RPOOL, ONDON AND - GLOBE his shoulder, injuring it slightly. Mi ut the lutheran parsonage, and as need a servant writé, The Culd, 71 Sanders', ; the afternoon. The reverend gentle iants, last Thussday. Reward for | HENRY P, SMITH, ( -~ a the alte od ; h ¥ " i Len je return to Whig office etc., Anchor Buliting. Market Square. 'ire Iusiratice Company, Available \ - Rockport Ripples an was well ramembered by ie ole "Phone, 345. assets $61,187,215. In addition .. r members of the congregation, ag he ¢ qo 1 : YQ which the olieyholders have for STERL- secur®ly the unlimited liability of all Monday. J. Taylor. and sons, Wil Stella Scintillations, : . : liam and Samuel, are drawing sand Stella, Aug. I1.-"The heavy rains of SAVES OD alter spending a few days vith Uk ¥ friatuls' Tore, - Vicdtors - lan x " foreign missions dt the, forenoon ser LOST. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF} Sanders and son, Kingston, at John mee bmp 1 . And ao] sisted Rev, G. Daechsel, last Sunday, Jrunimond. St., Montreal, | our, POLICIES 6OVER MORE OR bf A. Miller has rebucned to Belieitle, | Caton, t5: Dacdusl, lot Sunday, | on . ARCHITECTS, DARK 'BELT, WITH SQUARE ¢ -- -- 1 building and contents than any other on | {Po mpany offers. lixamine them at Rockport, Ang. 12-A pumbep 46m 1 ' heh fogk in. th excarginn im» Jif visited Denbigh once hefore, nineteen ing silver buckle, bearing ( unadian | POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER- the stockholders. Farm and city pro- mn to dens irs" ago, Rev, {i. Dpechsel intends coat-of-arms, last evening. Reward chant's Bank Building, corner Brock pérty fnsured "at lowest possible Win's Insurance Mmporfum, Marks burg pér steamer Missizsiquoi atcampany his gu oh a" sllort for. #s return to (his Office. and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 212. rates, Hefore renewing old or giving a e. Wednesilay last." Mr. and Mrs. Ht het TNL I p . new | gel rates from Sirange visi o thelr confYeres, iv, *. |SUM OF MONEY, AMOUNTING TO OF & Strange, Agents. "Phone, BOS, fice, Cor, Queen. and Bagot streots. 4 © Square. Poole were the guests of Mis . Bracke = ; Hie 1 . . ¢ WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT Carnegie Sunday Miss Ida I Brackebus h, oii] Fganyille, and C. $70, or more, Aug. ish, in King- fice, second floor over Mahood's Drug a yu on mday. 1 a Zamke, of Pembroke Masters Fred ston, or between, Uity and Odessa store, torner - Prin and Bagot has gone to Wilstead to pend | erick and Walter Hofman, sons of Finder Diease leave at Whig : office streets. Entrance on Bagot street. 5 PERSONAL. The shrewd buyers having been taking two BX has zone ring Wigs ie Neil i patter Noftman, sous "trusts and three pairs of Oxfords, and you can hardly ® [Charles Lambert ion the sick list. | for about a month etidyed & visit | DLA CK CLOTH COAT, ON TUESDAY HAIR, MOLES, BIRTHMARKS, blame then pat the v values. isa Hun kins pe bt Sunday a here, end to return home and re evoning, on Seew or Ontar . sa BUSINESS CARD. withgut ote.. r. ramevad; Tennent Mr. and Mrs. A. Yeaman and little it ye. Si isms Social on, ee Sy Rowan ELECTRIO CARPET CLEANING Naas. name J Lage By anh Y ' 1 « . Women 's $4 & 00 Tan, Chocolate, b at. elt atid daughter, Clayton,' N.Y., spent. Sun-| ara home for- a good visit at thei; Sewing and Laying. Feather Beds| Specialist. 258 Bagot street. y ' : and 'illows cleaned by steam. H. i 4 ere 3 " $e . 3 : ' ¥ Vici Kid Oxfords and Pumps in Ultra and Queen ®.|day here. Miss lena Brimley" has father's, C. Stein, and intend 16 re-a SABLE AND WHITE COLLIE POG. I Ta Bagot: errebt. ---- haar : returned home after spending a week | main about one month Messrs Fight front leg white, Paris kedp- P YOU REQUIRE HELP OF ANY : kind, write us for particulars, or 'it Q selling at $2.98. : | \ nality nk ake 5, NOW Se ling 3 $ 8 [TT Kingston Misses: Wallace Seton f George Fritsch, of Renfrew, and David ing him alter: this nots will gey MARRIAGE LICENSES, you are out of & situation, advise > y at's coming to them. A o All the balanee of our Men's $5.00 Packard and Miss o Laura MeCammon, Ganan- | H. Yeoman; 'of Sudify, hgve also ar lr Eis TRAuDATY us; we have always good refined ) ET N y Gr que, (Walter & Whitinan) and Thompson Bros'. $5.00 Poole's Resort; were -the-mests | ing comple of works withthe pir Toi oy mobail Tai also Mrs. Lear and Miss i li rived here with the inténtion of spend received at J. Theohald's Hair Dress- | 0; S. KIRKPATRICK, Oxfords, in Tan, Velour, Calf and Pate nt Colt, now of Mr, Kahnts Jlast fveek. Charles | ents and' friends. Mes. H. D. Bryan, rene ---- sae Williams is on Fs sick' hst urs. W of Rochester, N.Y. is favoring her v $3.75. \ Root has returned home gaiter spend brother, Charles 1, Wienscke, and her 3 X THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT Sl ABS! ' SSPFER OF situations on hand.' Canadian Fine L R Broekvitle, Ont! Marriage Licenses, 43 Clarence St. proven Agtuitye Be ing some time at Webbwood many friend¥ jn this vicigity, with an Unitarian. If there were better shoes made for $5.00 than 4 oxtonde: "wisity and onlays i change the above three makers, we'd have them. Had A Garden Party. from the noisy and exciting' life*in the x REV. C. W, CASSON. | Lombardy, Aug: Mrs. De Lone | €ity to a sojoprn iy our quiet' neigh DEPARTMENT O RAILWAYS | -- 1,000 Cords of Heavy, Mbdinm' on i AND CA Ls. i | Light Weight as required, "- and . daughters, hin Myrtle and | borhood very' much. The missichary A Gem, of Ottawa, visited friends here | ®rvices held here last Sunday © were LLACHINE ANAL. . Knowing Oneself last week. Ernest Dooher, Lanark, is] the occasion of many outsifle' #isitors NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. The highest gift of . religion. is the | b | spending a few days at his old home. | favoring Denbigh. with theic presence SEALED TENDBRS ADDRESSED cohfidence it can give! one in one's | y Smith's Falls, : The following are a few of them: At{¢s the under ined. and endorsed "Hen- | OWn power and possession, When Whit. fill N{ S Vineent Ryan, is a Th Hone of Good Shoe Making. guest of John Rinnptt's The sue-] H. Glaeser's, Mr. and Mrs. A. "Klatt |der for concrete wills and widening 2 man said, "1 know | am august," he cessful students for the normal school | and Mrs. H. Liwltke,. of Raglan; ag Lanhl, 4 will he Tecaivel at I Office showed that he had attained to this i y ro} Ea Qetzold's, Maran gars Witbinme i noget 56 ay # ! High position." Tt is wot in any sense | Hard Wood, very best Maple *Blooks entrance, from this vicinity, were - yA H - August, I¢ 7 position 13 Tol m "any r [ nr ud, ry best, ay ocky FFSIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIVIVIIFIININIIIIIIINNININM Misses Louise and Ruth Meek | Wehland and Misd Sm Wehland: at Plans specifications and Je , form } a superficial conceit, hut a deep- [just the thing for quick hot fires, y i i : $ 3 a f the ¢ ac be entered { san and Rosclla O'Meara, the for > lion's, on > Rihded it Nap. bo ey the oes of the Rupefiniond- Eromuded knbwledie bused won She Wa deliver any sized order, sr two taking honors Mrs. | Quardt, Sr, am i a. Fritsch 8, | jng Engineer of the Quebec Canals, No. | verities ob-spiritual lifé. w one who A Bi Success Vir Mid- Summer mer 1 "g . |] Oharles B. Marquardt. and Miss Wa 2, Place a'Armies, Montreal, on and | nogsesses it enters that "peace that ET $ Reviliey shave, is Vere fo visit le 0 Li g i y after Wednesday, the 12th August, 1908, poss 8 1 ers e I ¥ Sale--A Bargain for Everybody | rents, » Mrs. William Covelt, | da Marquardts ac L@) Stein's, . artics tendering will be required to | Passeth understanding." He is not . $ y y parents, Mr. ahd rs. thham v J "iy Parti tendering will be requir tb moved by -evefy-br any surge of ir JAS. SWIFT & CO. eessttnrestinstininny tetettitttttes te o08800 . A successiul. varde arty was held y Wi ichenthat, with son and daughter, accept the fair wages Schedule prepared urniture. A _suceessiu garcen pari) AE Chaves Wehland, Sr, and Jr., Mr [br to be prepared by the Department of | cunmctance. Strong. self-possessed hav- ¥ « . and My i. Loat Mesias, © Charles | Jabour, Which Schedule will form part |. fir ] of g, b | fos ' COAL AND WOOD. Fancy Parlor and China Cabi- | anspices of the ladies of the Roman] &™ BE, Ah A Ly ei a ATIES L501 the contract. 1ing hrm grip of reahty, learing no "A . . "igh 2 Nrmtholie church. The churel grounds and Aug. Genrichi: William Stofbeck, | Contractors are requested io bear in ioe and kpowing that no: power in - 3 nets, Combination China Cabi- re re well Light d anid pie sented an #t all of whom reside in the township Iuind that tigers will Hot be comgider thix universe ean make him afraid, a : ; ore we hie | 2 oss de atric ) ie dail : ¢ 4 of Raglan: os. TG gnc i : life loses all its terrors and has for Thousand Island & St. Lawrence nets and Buffets ; also Side- tractive appearance. An axeellent sup With the printed Jorma, and in the wage he ; . . . ore The dancing § - 0 rms, unless thére are attache fy only joy. boards, in oak finish, from $12 per. was 8 Th dancing plat Because letters from his sweetheart, [actual signatures, 'the nature of = the Address. Kev. C. W. Casson, at 25 River Steamboat Companies ' * form proved an attractive feature. The ¥ : hi a he | Occupation and place of residenes bf : ' 4 who returned to Hungary? twa months : Beacon street, Boston, Mass., for the In Co tion with New YorkCen« here, last Monday night, under the up. tha CPOE ' N OL y : : "euch member of the firm. 1 ie ream and candy booth did a ago, did not rdsch him, and his | An gecepted. bank cheque for the sum | lHterature. tral & Hudson River RR. roching husinecs Receipts 'amountad friends jokingly 'acvised him to pet [of $20,000 made payable to the order - Re ---- ¥ Carpets, Floor and Door to $130: ari tho "girl ~ Vegtichi Handtlik, New | bf the Minister of Railways and Canals 5 fuust accompany cach tender, which sum gay. akoept Sund . Mats in All Sizes. . A Los York, twenty-one years old, hanged |wiil be forfeited, if the party tendering &8 ure oO seers Kingatoh as myo crmec -odge, himself. : y declines enterdag into contract 'Aor the < Leave ro i Brussels and Velvets and| Latimer, Aug. 12-Mr. and Mre.] "Strong and active"; that's, how [Xork, at the rates stated jn the offer : Ye Kingston Sunday, 7.80 ond; T stry Sans ir sat va- Painter, Kingston, were the guests of } (ou feel after taking the Réd Cross| The cheqtie fhus sent in will be retirn- . 4 Slats Cape Vincent daily, 10.50, pe siry « guares 1 gre M. B."Traves on Sunday last. Miss] heynd Beef, dpah and Wine: Sold only [#4 to the respective contracts Whose ten- 1 r It Sg ry 15 pi a riet A at sale prices, at M. Glassford is spending a few days] .¢ Gibson's Red Cross Drug Stove, Bee a ep bedy tender not neces . Vincents to ir trom all points in Save : in Kingston. M Cochrane is. home 50c., not 5e., there. Barily accepted. York H sleeper Cape Vine sek. JAMES REID'S, the Leading from Pittsburg, vii TE ne ta Tave : ; q By order, Tend y Undertaker. "Phone 147 is visiting her friend iss Jessie Ste HAVE YOU . L. K. JONES; i erty i . v . wart, Harrowsmith. W. Taylor and Secretary. Extta White Wine Pickling | ---------------- sister, Pearl, retuimed home from Windows Di Decorated Pe partment of Railwqgs and Canals, Vinegar, v $ % ini Fr ; ftawa, 10th August, 1908. Br o d 0 C dua { Opinicon, on Friday, where they had} EN _-- a, Oth ue A tis - re of ity spent. A few days, Mrs. Ketcheson, oy without nt I from the De We have also a full line of : Hetlesills. is Nieiting ber friends 4) G L A "C 1 E R partment will not be paid for. it. 1 choice Pickli g Spices. thug vicimty. 18808 R Lawards anda. - . Lyon are in the city for & few The only substitute for Stamed Glass | It is stated that, commencing with Vegetables and Fruits of all' . = Users of TOYE'S BREAD never com Ni s. Rev. Mr. McIntosh, Perth Road, | Artistic, Sura Economical, by Khe Msech sailings in 1868, Gard kinds. al 1 1 yO Phe C y jit. lat J. Taylor's. Our .boys are very ingrs will eat out calling a ech: . = plain of its quality: They always find it busy some evenings, practising = foot: D. J. DAWSON town and run to Plymouth and Cher-1. Specials in Teas and Coffees. Just right. Is this, the kind your ball on their football grounds, a% Su ith Dav jor ant "Staley rang hours, still making Liverpool the y . baker supplies ? If not, try tutternut Grove. Congratulations 10 | Ppincess street. ' home port, as heretofore. : 1 Ki Kk & : : Miss laella Traves and F! Darling,] High Grade Finoos at lL Liying Prices. Frost vidited psrts of Manitoha and ' rr who have heen successful in their | Victor and of Afach be one, Will- [the west early Thursday morning. 4 y I examinations. Miss Pearl Tay-} |jg®e Sewing ong Fire Ingersoll council has forwarded £100 TOYE'S BREAD Jini: | Se es Tn Jor left for her school at Harlowe on! Inbirients, "i or. the relief of Fernie fire J Ft - -- ----i atts Sind