on THE DAILY SRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1908. as " - ---- . : mr | -- a re rem -- d ¢ / meray Pyrposes. Schmidt is said to fence It' was he who led the forces 1 | ) | have'a wife¥ 'und thre children iz WA Ruccesstully that defeated Gran'y be- VISITORS T) ; . Russia, [ coming in 1880 for the third time the | . a Reuben Fax, the well-known | char- | republican nominee for the presifioucys nid "OCCURREN acter ac tor and . particular], ell- hese certainly are notable achieve- - PecuRe CES RECOUNTED G00 ip gna, eed aa, yolk | PRECEDENT IS T IS AGAINST W, mentsy yi the so-called Mulligan let. | HOLINESS MOVEMENT TO k BRIEF | ORM, on Fidsy. . 4 BRYAN'S ELECTION. of ters, caused Mr. Blaine to lose the HOLD CAMP MEETING. A 830, a---- Matters That Interest Everybody {1 ap Sandia ot 3 Pleasuall _-- ation, Jo 1876 and Be ' 2 a aunc n the CONN Hof : < as ut was de- a in h on the Wisconsin river, at Kil Third Trial 'Por President's Chair pies ated for the presidency by the dem- Social Held Under Auspices of ~Notes From All OWer--Little Wii on Friday afterisiol fi of Everything Easily Read Ohiengoian were drowned... wes ~-Daniel - Webster and Henry | Ocratic ¢ ndidate, Grover Cleveland: Companion Court 1.0.F., Was Restoration of progperit he de} CL d Brok Great S and Remembered. prosperity is" t ay = Dis roken-Hearted-- | rea uccess--Programme . mand "of the Commercial. Interstates | - James G. Blaine Failed. - MOVING PICTURE FAILURES. Given By Local Talent. > New. Zealanders want Mr. Koase- | Pyospeet gonvention, which, has = as. i i Cleveland, Aug. 14 --Durjng the A Kingstonian Tells About Them! Newbord Aug. 14--®iss Charlotte vet to wisit that country, semablefl ih New York city for a, two Fifty pir cent of the wheat in Mean days' Session. course oi the last one hundred years in Auburn, N.Y. Bare, whe recently graduated, from the mgston Business College, is speriding itoba 18 ready for the hinders. A double murder was committed of presidential contests it seenis. to have . 8 at 1 I see," said Sam Thornton, to-da Mis fearsd that Charles WarmerofCagsoent, Wor Va, on: Friday mornings become a. popular superstition or. hoo- | "thay the moving pigture craze 1s So a few weeks with friends here, and at Welland, has committed suicide. One of the victims is Alexander lar- dog idea with the people of the United Kingston hard. . It.is to be hoped that Chaftey's Locks. ; ped that | The 'members of the F. J. Rush Hunt- About 20 pairs only Women's" A six hundred-pound tuna was cap- [kis The name of the other is un- States that a candidate, who runs too the Kingston houses will not have the tured off the C Bret & known, the names * folten for the highest office in the gift . 3 . ing and Fishing Club, of Pittsbur bes / hry Burton saveq Harry Hiring: defers. 98. 2re Ye nas of 'the junk of the nation © ught not. to 'he elected Experienss ge that the Auburn exhibitors who fo rmerly camped at the "Pines? Black Kid Oxford: new a Tas, ton from drowning in Cornwall canal, | Hon. George P Graham, miner pregident of the United ~ States, In|. My. Thornton, who is well-known Dear Cliaffey' $ hocks ansived in wn Ha $2.50, 3.40 and 350, Jor 1 thig 8S ar 0 Of ay it y Sood '|8 only ' ¥iew of the fact that thre tag ay aE ond I ama hei ie i ac it three prominent | here. as a musician is no i h - y Ana ill visit Pete statesmen--Henry Clay; Daniel Web- : \ W.pianiat_ in and are now encamped. at Newboro be gone, and she did, with a "London boro, on, Angyst 20h. He will be de: | st Dre. amland, Auburn, NY. 3 a te oi: : i" : SOF ih : er and James: G. Blaine--were Fe 14 ¢ » 3. of Lake, above Erin Cliff. A box con- iow Fy 18 Bal So%Y. 'ool A nani + bg Butler, jlo rd peatedly turned down in their: efforts rons he pace a in Diba; Bi taining their effects, was unloaded See Them in Our Window. 15 getting plenty of men ste always and canals and Fito' captdre the 'coveted presidential fer. The § as yesterday, : to take the place of strike "bregkers in hie st engivect. prize, the question arises whether Col. ih ahd. i a a ries The members of the Holiness Move- One lot of Girls' Brown & Black 'Oxfords, Toronto. vief Benoit, of the Montreal pity WVillidm Jennings Bryan will. sneceed att gilding; plate-glass, a and ment church, will hold a-camp meeting sizes 12 to. 2. regular $1 75, now ia - Manager Orr says a Canadian will | 1€ Brigade, will retire on ful] penisiont | in breaking the precedent so fir on the Knol k » Meg § mly es- . ion the Knolton property, known as t probably open the ' National exposi- | allowapce, on Novem Ist. My, | tablishea. P y matble, and every employee wore 'a Preston lot, on Drummond street, cont- One lot of Girls' White Canvall Oxfords, A s : E i ' x > bg uniform, tion at Toronto, Benoit "has been in the 4 SOE ice Each of the "three American stat mencing immediate] fter tl nual t ) : es- r , g chately after the annua 9 Te THe-otliet day fhe furnishings of camp at Lake Cloida. regular Oc., now x mt - 53, Corinthian reached London to: pie. fventy years: His present alary | men 'whose 'names are mentioned ches Lye Sal : g - | the place were sold for junk. The day; 8S, Hibernian sdiled from' Lon-£i83 88,500, "and be will, by special | 1$hed' the ambition \of becoming presi- | magn Miss Majorie Wright, is spending a : tficent front has be, : J 8 ! 2g . don Yor Sontreal to day. " wl nt of the Firemen's Benevol. | 4€nt, says «The Washington Star, and | it gifcent | ont | Bs heen Yorn on ang few: days with friends at Smith Falls. One lot of Women's Black Kid Oxfords; The ~ corporation of Three Rivers, | ent Association act, receive a pension | ach died without achieving the" desire store or a shoe shop. It represents R. Dargavel, M.LA., and wife, spent regular $1. 25. To. clear - Que., is asking the Quebec govemn- | of 81,750 per annum, - a big loss 'to the men whe financed it. Sauweday with Ips in went NT | This will be the last chance to secure al ! es! e $3 ment for aid for ith fre sufferers. It Two pe rsons © were killed and six "This was the result of toc ' $ 0 much : > ix promised. others injured by the e xplosion of the competition. . who is Spe nding he iii at hee Men's $5.00 Patent Oxfords for . - summer home on Lodge" on the Journeymen in'New York wrecked al® val ope of a balloon at the F 0- a " urneymen in'New York w el an re xalol ition » Be a rahe a qc ening, of the, Novelty was Rideau Lake, is seriously ill. Dr." King 'See the $2.98 Bargains i in Men' s Tan an baker shopf and thus had: revenge on Rid » Mill, aged cighteen, secretary to 4 Theatorium; a while later Dreamland is in attendance. R. DavidSon has Patent Oxfords, regular' $4.00 values: for a man who refused to reinstate a |™ discharged employee. Capt. Lovelace, was one of the per- opened, then the Princess, and then the Completed the ig oo ping, Win, i a ] : y slton's barn, Mrs e A woman who wld liquor on the [sons Killed in the balloon collapse. in Annex. Miss 2. 'M. Pinkirion verte ned on Many Special Bargains on our Counters, i n= ATE Line. i : Risse i .. | London. She s burned to "To-day onl Dream] ; ¥ G.T.P. line New brunswick we Ie was rn a cin- : y y imland is open. b niin of oN offences Ny ed to der. Capt. Lovelage's clothes were ol The Princess only fasted about four or Sordi. fem ! a yor 8 Friends dn cluding Children' 8 and Babies' Boots ay i J. GC Shoes, Barefoot Sandals and White Canvas Shoes. , burned, but otherwise he was unin ; five months and -was dismantled. jail for six months, : » , - is 28 mn . odie ) The Boston ~ Richardson mine | atyiured. The Theatorium had to close down |Miendent of the I in hs ay Company, about two months. ago, but will re- with a party friends from C hicago, Goldboro, the largest gold mine hid & 2 Sen Hi a -- * s 4 BIG 4 Saturd 10 ] a g : ; open in -Séptember. | The Anne ill [came to town on Saturday evening, in Noya aw hast gone ig liquica me PROMINENT MAN, ; Dope ith also ® nner will his private car "Mayflower," to' spend tion anid "is in - the hands of a re "rp TH cae i y weeks fishi a rewboro' Lake Ee hor He Was Leader in Farming and : _ "That will give us three shows which |* few weeks fishing ut Yewbors 1 ike. 'Thi sale of the 'control of the New a ? ; is all the town can stand. It has be- | The Newboro' and Westport base- ; : v : 8 SS. tween 40.000 and 50,000 inhabitants. ball teams played a five innings game i 4 a's . ie | : 2 ¢ a) § NOABL York Provident Lie to Arthur i Vankleek Hill, Ont., Aup. 1.--Wil i "Trouble with the moving picture [on the latter's diamond on Saturday DE OES ee Langham, of Louisville, representing a liam b.. Mcleod, ex-M.P.P., of Kirk busjidyss is that it looks so big from |evening, which resulted in a tie, 5- A. Southern syndicate, has heen con- Lhill, Glengarry county, died on Fri : the outside, that the people who don't | Ccons, Ottawa, acted as umpire, and summated, . Jay, pat, the residence of his son, K. understand the game think there's mil- | gave the best of satisfaction. The hat- Rev. J. K. Unsworth, Hamilton] D, Mclfod, Vankleek Hill. Mr. Mé Hons in it. Then there's 'a rush and |teries were, Westport, Dier and Wil & oh has decided. to accept the invitation | Leod was a farmer" and controlled somebody's fingers are byrned." * liamson; Newboro', Moriarity and " extended to him some tune ago by lay gg red estate interests here as well 5 ---------------- C Spicer. The Newhoro' boys went over T N DIAN BAN The Funeral Of D. Reeves in E. Knapp's speédy launch, and made / A 4 \ the Westihount church to become its13,& 5 he Skate Valley. He pastor. wag alsor one of the pioneer cheesé The funeral of the late Daniel the run in about forty minytes. There Js a proposal in Ottawa to manufacturers of Eastern ; Ontario, Reeves "took place, on Friday after-] - Miss Sadie Ryan was successful in OF COMMERCE have a milithiry march to Prescott starting business about twénty-five noon, from the pesidence of D. Young, | Passing the entrance to Normal school during the comingeyinter. lt is held hopars ago on a small scald; which Alfred street. The Services were cdn- examinations." Misses M A. and A.C. ; WILLIAM J. BRYAN, ducted by Canon Starr, and a delega- | Nolan, of Athens, are spending « the HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1807 that Canadians ghpuld. learn winter bs grdidually grown until it reached : pen i" 7 identi- tion: from Kingston lodge of Oddiel- holidays here the guests of their uncle, camp@iging. 4 : : ftensive dimensions. He jwas of his Life. Her Ci like N Stephen: Rivlev. C.F Fos t 1 i #3 The' bands of the car wheel foundry d with 'a number of prominent com 5 Me, entry Clay was like Mr. | 1ows, The funeral was largely at- Stephen Ripley. Xe J poster, Tilley B. E. WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 ' Bryan; he had a winn Ii : ; Ii ale r th Hanson at the Angus CP.R. shops, Montreal, mercial enterprises and was in his : 2 ac a nung personality, | tapded, delegations fro the C} wm | IPE salesman fof the J. tlans = Ses 8 $1 hy ic of . . en , z m w hosen. | sal. Spe - Ww to' the .aumber of between sixty and fiity-third year. The funeral takes atic Soque net Jor hi audiences i Frinds, Masons, the city council and Lo. Montfeal, bent Sundaes and Mow ALEX. LAIRD, Geperal Manager Reserve Fund, f- 5000000 stventy "have joived the ravks of the Jp, Mond flor fr the tendons conal popwiamts. | the Boamd of Education. The pall-|d3y at his home ¢ 51a 3 on ne place, 'on Monday afternoon, from the Known for half a century as "the great . : aiton. She Ball Gallagher, wha have been spe nding the Si the Cha O1, S54. Lawnbiob uy Pi haswe-to. Kirkhill comoters. commoner" of his specch, he had re- | [NUE MR Six Odielions. Many pas few weeks here, the guest of J. J. | A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. AT ALL BRANCHES Jl 1 pM ) , . aA ¢ e N . . Te ¥ WQ re . og in he Chul v sels. The o PR be: atedly rendere .d his. country inestim- 4 nal L u i oral & i % were laid Gallagher, manager of the: local. bratch a La 4 I: pre de 20 wsels. a J : - a aro © caske Including a hand- +} Tah 2 i A A ' : The Steamer Repaired. able service, such as effecting in, 1832 s ; : $ RE f the Union Bank returned to their > 2 ress 1 t reach Que : : 32. | «ome ni g x. - C s ) tor Tanturdns aftormoon. 35.1 Montresl, ug. M--The €.P.R. [3 Nise compromise of aril, thus: gveit. ae Pillow {fom Xr. and Mrs. FW. [home at Warkworth, on Friday even- | DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS sold, and money transferred | oe fore § va, . Rd . 1 t iQ nee; aths Ir oe ellows Nauiid i, y steamship « officials have been advised | #18 the threatened secession of South | : PTR \ ing. Corsican is also J id up, Notie |. hat oN I steamer. Moitnt Temple will he | Caroling, "and the \compromite in re- | ® iq Board of Bducation and many | The social 8n F ray evening, under telegraph or letter. ; Gordon Melvitle 8 Yee thurant; k ote ont Bf aliyy dock, at Newport News, gard to slavery known as the "com- [Others from personal friends. the auspices of Companion Court, No. , Dame * sréet, Montreal, a well-known , . promise of 1850. He failed three - 320, 1. O. F., in Lorne Park, was : COLLECTIONS made in 2! parts of Canada a in foreign HE ---- : IT i , Montre i.e : : down town place of entertainment, JoumaETa%, ad an he. bn t avtgpal times "to capture - the presidency. He Liquidajors Issuing Dividends. great success; the receipts amounting was damaged to the extent of $10,006} 4 0 . : <) ~ as a _ candidate for the first fime in Paris, AQg. 14.--Civil court,. yester- | to nearly $50. - An excellent programme ; i : re r+ service again. She was , , py . RFlY $50. + 3 § by fire on Friday morning. \ } Rhe niicgl. for tl HR 9 the "Ne - 524, in opposition to John Quincy [day, authorized the present liquida- "was rendered by local talent. FOREIGN BUSINESS. Cheques, and drafts on the United Stats Joseph Anderson, an leelander, shot | Strand Or Some, tims" o Ova ms, Andrew Jackson and William | tors "of the Panama Canal comp > f I xa at Batre I Qed abt 4 Shin. straek . i ama { pany Mrs. C. Murphy and daughter left Britain oth for gl sold. * and killed "J. R. Leighton and wound edt cubs" having ue Iron Cray ford. . As the . electoral college | to make the best distribution of the [this morning for their home at Ro Great and er eign countries bought and yi0p 3c sl N pr. S was : ; ed J) It. frown, at Vernon, BU, fel fl nd Is Ep sili led to make dny choice, the election company 8 assets on the basis of one | -hester, N. Y,, after a two week's visit | lowing a dispute aficcting. an iriiga oa te 3 ha 8) . devolved upon the House of Repres- pce cent. to the small shareholders | with relatives. in town. Miss Mollie KINGSTON BR A NCH, Andérsol¥ was 'arrestéd, Rofsted Yesterda: : Mss, which chose Mr. = Adams. [ who benefit by the reduction in taxa- | Tett and Dr. Preston left last week on ' © Vs. r. Clay was again a presidential 'can- tion and eighty-six per cent. to othér Jan extended visit with relatives - in CORNER OF KING AND PRINCESS STw, Ground do-day, a special bateh of | didate in 1832, but Gen. Jackson proved shareholders. When the payment is | Winnipeg. P, C. STEVEN SON, Manager, "Our, Best! coffee at 40e¢. per pound. | too popular .and Clay - received only . : 3 ¢ Willi { Just try o pound. The world « the vote of Massachusetts, -Rhode Is- : : , 7S under the name of Willis, mar y. aj . . rs y "es g " guson, unde ¢ NiiT0e ng finer than "Our ost" . | and, Delaware, M: aryland and - Keg holdings will have heen paid to the ried a young woman less- than a year . 4 J shareholders, y have cheaper coliees Henderson's | fucky. He was the third. time nomin- Apdo ago! : . ; a x : i ated for the preside i : Brat i A MDI stores,' Brock street. ( r the presidency in 1844, afd 3 tisatio rar! ely ut fhe Sng ped. 0 & feated afer an SY iting Remeinbered The Police. } vancial cricket match a y political campaign James Sutherland, whé has been grounds, Ottawa. Ihe wicket suited ; 0 Watered The Milk: i For entirely different reasons Daniel [having an outing at Stella, this i ; the hatters At 12.30 o clog k the | Belléville, Unt. Aug. 14 hree far Websker, in spite of his great achieve- { morning, sent a fine mess of fish to | roore wag forty-four for gne wicket. | mers, patrons respe tively of the | nents and gigantic, intellect. failed | the members of. the police force. Major "A. H Belyea® and Mas tee | 'Mveed, Roslin and Limerick cheese completely in the most burning desire | Everyone ih the bunch is a "beauty" Electiician-Sergeant C's Jonas, at- factories, were fined ¥10 and Costs | of his life--to become president. He and 'as a follower of Isaac Walton, » tached to the Presidio military forces, leach for sending: watered milk to {he | was destined to dic broken-hearted |Mr. Sutherland has certainly made Saturday will be no exception to the rule of value-giving, Stocks must LJ San Francisco, were killed Thursdn) fuotorics without realizing his ambition. He |good. "Jim" says he is having a night when thrown from an automo- | . i Was even more unfortumte than Clay | fine time, and that the sport is exeel- be speedily reduced, and every Summer Stock must be righted before bile . : | Yellow And White Peaches. | who could at least obtain the nomin- |lent. The bluecoats wish to extend ew stock arriv és Montreal steamship officials say | 000 baskets for Saturday at prices | ation of his party as long as there was thanks to him for his kind remem- n : they Know no of He bt. | from Tc. to Toc. pie basket, at, Car- {the 1east hope of success at the polls. | hrance: Read Saturday's Special Bargain List and by coming to this ebste ' efioct a consolidation Ws the £ P R | novsky s We will also have 50 has tarit gia m the "hei ii o Se: -------------------------- and Allan lines to carry out the fast | kets pears and 100:baskets plums at | TY 10 1831, when inthe United State * Fell From Scaffold. 1 store the savings a are yours. Atlantic steamship service proposed | senate he made his famous reply to . 4 . are PT ! xa proj hogyest prices Mr. Hayne, of South Carolina, defend- An Englishman employed by Salli ca by Sie Wilfrid Laurier -- = Sn - Hayne; 1 lefenc : LR ing the right and duty of the federal | van & Langdon, on the new buildings / trod wpa tc says Norman g Nn er: , 3] . - . i ral Moy x B nd yours of age, i Beabiodd's New Pavements will government to preve nt by force, if a the how a yilicary lls: Ja 850 Yds. Fancy Muslin: to 600 Yds. White Swiss clerk at the. Booth cOmpunY 8 storage lund Ke tie tasnstenciion of F150; seg Sars, € (isso u of the Amen i emi folly A ae be Cleared Out Saturday J Dotted Muslins plant. Wis crushed to Heath in Ee Fono worth of street pavements in ad-1 One and insepa rable eccame a slo- |taken to the Hotel Dieu in an ambu- 28 to 32 inches wide, thirty of t he sluvittors. 8 ! 3 en living | ditiof to the work already in pro- | gan throughout the nerth, and he was | lance, but the extent of his injuries different patterns, incl ding in Prarkiil ad or principal of Pres Juress. th : is fell ow countrymen. His was not known at 'the time of going blacks, all elegant in qéality : i ton public school. 8 ny an hE mn a gr Fie J] to press, and shadings. This season's sized dots, 27 and 28 inches A. J. Bailey, fommerly superinten | Montreal Melons. : pm, ol Alm ot do a t Co newest designs. Regular wide. Regular price,. 15¢c., dent of the bridge and building de- | "The Tamous "Outeamount," grown } FECECC FREE th, ead his Rideau rakes And Ottawa; prices range 15c¢., 18¢ , 20c. 18c. and 20c. yard. Greatly sattment of the G.T.R.., died at} behind the ion tain, have arrived at f 255 © March Re a yo vd.an Rideau King and Queen leave for and 25c. yard. Clear- 4 reduced to clear for parumen ot arch, 1550, speech, AppE WINE | Ottawa, Monday, Wednesday, Thurs- ing Price for SAT- Oc SATURDAY ONLY, C Stra tion Priday morning. He had | lag# and we dxtra fine this season hon ! x { Clearing lot on SAT- Suratford, on Friday morning 84 Houdet tiny #4 Rroc k 'street fugitive slave s law, « mple V | dav and Saturday, at 6 a.m.] and for URDAY, yard yard URDAY, yard been ill for about a month and 4 ienated from him tl support of the ( om , . « . rece - ] I layto N.Y., Tuesday, Wednegday, . : troke of parslveis hastened the ond majority of hjs. party is glowing | paler" Satuniny at IE Fine Chance! Help Us Move Them, and Secure a Saving. | cy Ay anc | James Swift & Co., Agents. : ting ditch. George Ferguson, under arrest at Windsor, chatted with bigamy, is be- lieved to have four wives living. Fer completed cleven per cent. of their 550 Yas. Fancy Check Ginghams and Chambrays | Very 'fine qualities, with - | Ginghams, in black, .white} small, "medium and large blue and pink checks, cham | brays, in pale blue, pink ana ox-red, 28 inghes wide best bf vale; Beglag Priced | 15¢c. and 20c. yard 10¢ Welhelm Sehmidt and Mr Pauline 60c. Peaches And Plums 60c. ratory captivated 1 Same qudlity and price . as the lot we Sold two weeks ago. Again we're passing the Mich.' Selnmidt is accused of beinging]Got Fant, 80 bidskets. Crawford's. | wonder, but the presid bstinately | No Chance Of Withdrawal. Was Fortunate Enough to Great Lace Outpour at An Enormous Saving i Or MOSES, d Krerge , itiigral pur 2h ner onventions was always pitiful small [against Rev. I. E. Burke hy License fading -hopes, and his lif as embit- [ease to-day the inspector said that 2, 3 and 4 inches wide, and lace waists go on sale, NM to. himself. The supreme tragedy of [it savings right on to you. 575 i I! ' ) ne hi ys ry yards. 38 inches wide, Rush Price for SAT- iY 25 Per Cent. Off } r when his hopes rose in the highes ~ Sale. ; Great Clearing Sal acd 1%c. vazd, blow he died in the bitterness of dis. | great reduction in price in the order Fhe third Afuerican statesman who play windows. markable acts of cor ctive states- | meg melons. Carnovsky will have ii ip, who for thirty ars was the {hundreds on sale Saturday. Every one Buy That Extra Pair of Men's $10.00 and $12.00 Men's Balbriggan In i180 "he induced Great CO. & O.. the original ginger: ale; Men's Trousers will leg it . In Stunning English Tweeds, trouser-finished, d o u b 1 ° again, mm 1890, as secretary pI state rated. the fist Pan-Ameéric: onfer= : i rated. the fist Pan-American confer Goes To Prince Albert. in worsteds - and taney all_season. Sons are URDAY --voo anes Kaepger are . under arrest at Alpena, Peaches amd plums, large basket, | people listened to him wi ipture and woman into the United States, for rete rete ran away from him. t¢ er men, The E ' 5 th 3 Mrs adv Grev and Lady Sybil Grey + for 'him as a candidate in party I'he charge of slander pref rred Secure Another Bale of 3c Yd. on Sum Wists ; ith coming into the country for im- {left for England on Friday. 0 : 2 mer a ae . 2 . . | and confined to New England a part | Inspector Wright will likely 'come up Factory Cotton 895 yards English : Torchon 275 high grade lawn, lings bes r el : i of it. L desperately clung to fat the fall assizes. Asked about the Lace Fdging and Insertion, rie white and ecrn net silké tered by several times fiitding mediocre [the case was sure to go to court as splendid allerns. '"Repular men of unitary reputation preferred lhe had no intention of withdrawing a 6c. & ry yard. % SATURDAY. } tempestuous life came 1 1852, " < 3 twilled. - Regular 2 Ne R i pitch, only to be presently rudely shat- . oo } Long White Lisle Tureed egular Prices { tered. ; Shortly after this staggering | Prevost. Brock street, has made a Sale SATURDAY. 3c Gloves, sizes 8 "to 8 . nd read lo clothing department; Regular price, ; : : : appointment Oct. 24, 1852, at the age | BRC reacy-mafic hin ft di . A limit of 20 yards to a pair. On Sale SAT. a Every Waist bright, fresh al. seventy, dlse gents' furnishings, look at dis- customer. URDAY, pair -«--- and crisp "choose early." was seized with a burning presidential . RA EE fever was James 'G.' Blaine, whose Now At Their Best. : 'MEN'S WEAR A BARGAIN WHIRLWIND publ ic record is full of most re- Home grown Canteloupes. and Nut- : : _--- » { most brillitng orator in the republican | puaranteed to give satisfaction, . party, and as, like Henry Clay iat Trousers Now Suits : : . Underwear, 8 ol William J. Bryan, intensely From Old Ireland. a Cream only : diawers, 3 to recognize tl . of . ; y : hs To Ha heh her manufactured: in Belfast, Ireland, aud out TO-MORROW. 4 a great single: and double-breasted thredd EgZyp tian yarns : oe TNE "Club" soda, at Henderson's stére, ly reduced price. 300 pairs models. Remember these si to 14. Sold ¢ ! : yp rock: stres ; Cn ver . garmen under President Harrison, he maugu- Rroc k strest, of best tailor-made trousers suits" have been sold by: us on Sale Rete Ba Hef oo : " tweeds, in medium and dark William Kemp, M.A. forwherly of the colorings, newest patterns. the best $10 and $12 values. Men's Lisle Thread No eine iin node [| Bon pee 301 89 | STU RIUH GEAR | paint stains 15¢ in he Prince Albert, Sask., * high SATURDAY DAY at A able for : ; Liberal savings in ST on Saturday. "Scatter." Ww at ch " richness §| Possengers Ae D wighted. of the price intention. p early for biggest savings and ost comiort. . the islands, Saturday, 2:30 p,m. 50c. in 60c.- Peaches And Plums 60c. Peaches and ploms, Jarge basket, > . favor. The big black best fruit, 60 baskets! Crawford's. THOMAS L. HISGEN, OF MASSACHUSETTS. ' ty Who had been nominated by 't he natiofhal convention of the plug chewing tobacco. Fresh laid oge®: D2. dozen; at Hen- Independence Party at Chicago, a's the party's first: candidate for . "er derson's, Saturday, 15th. president. New style hats, $2. Bibhy's.