THE STANDARD BANK Easblished 1873 | For Your OF CANADA Children's Education 51 Branches Start a special Savings Account at once with the Standard Bank, and keep ad regularly. ding small amounts to it You will never miss the money. 3 Then, when the child is old enough your deposits, with the Compound Imtcrest which we add quarterly, will provide a fund large enough to give a thorough education. It's agood plait Think it over. KINGSTON BRANCH J. S. Tarner, Manager ST. BL Headmaster Rev. F. Masters (Graduates). For the third thoe in six trance to R.M.C., Kingston, . $100 scholarship at a8, prize in German, 1st year, at M School re-opens on September 1614 views, etc., apply to The Headmaster. yours 5 BROCK VILLE, ONT. G. Orchard, M.A., Camb., (Eng.) Classi- cal Honours. An English Boarding School for Boys. une 1908. cGill » 1st prize in French, 1st year, BAN'S English t. Alban's gains first place at en. Other successes won in 1908 at McGill ; book Gill h, 1908. For prospectus, of KINGSTON, ONT. 'For Calendar of the School and furth information, apply to the Sec school of Mining, Kingston, Ontario," rool «Four Years' Course for Degreecof Ba. "hree Years' Course for Diploma, w--Mining Engineering, b~Chemistry and Mineralogy. ¢~Mineralogy and Geology. d---Chemical Engineering. "Civil Engineering. J~Mechanical Engineering, #~Rlectrical Engineering. A--Biology and Public Health, J--Power Development, 0000000000000 00000000 OPPORTUNITY. Kingston Business College © Limited, Head of Queen Street. 2568 Tear Canada's Leading Busi+ ness ichool: Practical, Progres- sive, - Permanent. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Tele- graphy, Civil Service, Special rates to tha twenty-five registering Sept. 1st. rite or call for particulars. J. B. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary; H. F. METCALFE, President. 0000000000000 000000000 first before ( € | : Boessesessstastertsted Fall Term Opens Sept. 1. ents of McGill Sherbrooke the University ies. ted to the University on identical terms with men, {but mainly in separate classes. {dition to the lectures given by the | fessors and ) | students are assistéd by Royal Victoria College, Montreal. A residential hall for the women stud- University. Situated on Street, in close proximity to Buildings and laborator- Students of the College are admit- courses in Arts of McGill In ad- Pro- Lecturers of the University, resident tutors. tennis courts, Exhibitions, rink, iyvmnasium, skating and te. Scholarships awarded annually. Instruction in &ll branches of music in | the McGill Conservatorium of Music. For further particulars, address The Warden, Royal Victoria College, Montreal. The Frontenac Business College, Kingston. High-grade courses in all com- mercial branches. The highest wtandard of any commercial school fu Eastern Ontario. We are offering special scholars ships to the first fifty registerin for the new terun: Send or cal for particulars, T. Ni STOCKDALF, Phone, 680; Principal. PIRI Farms For Sale. hy ! hoice farm of 175 acres about es from Kingston. Excellent buiiaings, soil a rich black clay loam, tile drainage, good orchard. No better farm, size considered, in F the Province. We have also a large list of other farms for sale. T. J. Lockhart, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, 159 Wellington street King- : ston, Ont. Diamond Rings department in our No 1 10 Increass business scems so fapidly as the "Diamond Iepartment."" Close prices, honest representation make this only possible. In Solitaires, no better values can be had than our special 5 $50, $75. $100 and Rings. Fach examined and our funding money wmefit to you, . $25, $150 critically before ~ mounted, guarantee of re is of some stone is Kinnear & d'Esterre DIAMOND SHOP. 100 Princess St., King- The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. Coal is good coal and we guar- antee prompt delivery. Phone, 133. Booth & Co. FOOT WEST STREET, Queen's uiversity and (ollege ARTS EDUCATION THEOLOGY MEDICINE SCIENCE (Including Engineering) The Arts Course may be taken with KINGSTON, ONTARIO out attendance, For Calendars, write the Registrar, GEO. Y. CHOWN, B.A, Kingston," Ontario, ing away to sc write for Calendar of Ottawa Ladies' College (OTTAWA, Our. One of the bet equipped colleges in the country. +--Academic, An, Elocution, ic Sci MUSIC College OSHAWA, ONTARIO . Visitor, the Lord Archbishop of Toronto A Residential School for Girls Preparation for the University. Young chil- dren alse received. For terms and particu. lars apply to the SISTER-IN-CHARGE or 10 THE SISTERS of ST, JOHN THE DIVINE Major Street, Toronto 1 COLLEGE RE.OPENS SEPT. 16th. ONTARI LADIES' == COLLEGE Ontariy' (Trafalgar Castle) alatial buildings, . beautiful grounds, modern equipment, ide location 28 miles east of Toronto, eaxy acoesn fo gity conceris without city distrac- ties, healthful, moral and spititual influences tending to develop a refined and nobie Christin womaihood, Three times the luternatiopal apd luterdenominations! Sum. mer Conference for the Study of Misskme * a privilege to live in such a home," What a charming apot Tor & Ladies' College ! Send for calendar 10 the REV. J. J. HARE, Ph.D., Principal And Conservae tory of Music 12 *Silper Plate that Wears" Sixty Years of experience and skill result in the spoons, forks, knives, serving pieces, ekk., stamped "1847 ROGERS BROS. , finis slyle, make this brand of silvet plate the choice of the majority. avian peers, bowls, uras, ele. ad by the ERIDEN BRITA CO. » THE DAILY . es pRENE - Gips For Ghe Farmers BY UNCLE JOSH" To prevent the taste of tarmips in butter from cows fed on them, a west- ern creamefy practices the following method: Put the cream in a vessel and place in hot watér at 200 degrees. When the cream reaches the tempera- ture of 145 or 150 degrees, set .th& cream dish in cold water to cool it. A Massachusetts milkman was re- cently fined $15 for having in his pos- session milk below the standard, al- though it was shown that the milk gas exactly as it cathe from the cow. This is one of the cases which illustrate the absurdity 'of the milk standard based on percentage' of butter fat, A good cultivation and stirring of the ground will do ensure the late potato crop. Such. a process will retain moisture in the soil, A Minnesota press agency writes giving an account of a wonderful dis- covery in wheat. This new variety is called Alaska, and it was obfained by selection of 'the good big seeds. Thus he claims that he can raise 10 to times the ordinary yields per acre. That means that from 300 to 400 bush- els of 'wheat would be raised off of an acre. The brooder is the-safest place for early chicks. The hen, hbeing anxious to take special care of her brood, often trys to scratch for feed when it is warmth the chicks want, 1 ---------- 15 That live stock requires a certain amount of salt is ungnrestionable, but in the manner of fecding it there can be posi isn improvement. Most breeders are content to thtow a lump of rock salt on the ground, or in the feed box, allowing the animal to like up almost as much dirt as salt. A mbre sanitary method of feeding salt is be- ing introduced among the' breeders of Canada by -the Salt Specialty "Company. [heir method of feeding the salt is-by placing a salt cake in a stoneware feeder, which allows the animal to ob- tain the salt free from dirt. The cake is made of over 90 per cent. pure salt, pressed together by hydraulic power. I'his cake, when placed in the feeder, which is located within easy reach of the animal, allows them to obtain salt whenever they desire it, . -- Experts in handling dairy herds gen- erally agree that the best cows are to be expected from heifers that have been given good, spready development and have been maintained in good-condition of flesh until they are old enough to come into milking. The good cow 1s seldom a fat one, but that does not make a good cow. The heifer calf should Be kept growing from the time it born until it reaches maturity. his can hardly be accomplished with out supplemental feeds for short pas- tures during the driughty later sum- mer months and -troublesome fly time, A light feed of corn, oats and bran mixed will help out 'much at such times, and the heifers will more than fepay the expenses in future service at the pail: They will milk off the fat they have laid" on in later years, but they ill show evidence ofehardier and stronger constitutions for having had it. The thin-ended, scrawny cow is not a pleasure to see around the place no matter if she be a fair milker. a------ Preduce And Prices. August 15.--Prices the Whig, to-day, as 15 Kingston, were quoted to lows : Flour and Feed--Flour, ;baker's, $2 90 to $3.10; farmers: $ $3; Hungarian patent, §3 to $3.20; 10} $ meat and rolled oats, $1.40 to $4.00; cornmeal, $1.80 to $2.10; bran, $24 per shorts, $27 to ton; straw, $13; hay, to $14; pressed, $15 to $16. per $25 ton; loose, Eggs--aew laid, 23c. Grain--Oats, 45¢. to o=c. wheat, $1; buckwheat, 80c.; barley, 70c; rye, 75¢. to 80c.; peas, $1; corn, best, 95¢.; mixed, 90c. Butter--Choice, creamery, ers' butter, prints, "20¢. to ed, 23c.; rolls, 20c. Meat--Beef, carcase, $8 to §9 cwt,; choice cute, 6c. to 15ec. lb. pork, 10c. per lb.; veal, by the quarter, Se. to ge. per lb. cuts, case, 5c. to Sc. per lb.; cutlets, to 15¢.; spring lapab, $6, per ce chops, 20c. a v2 mutton, 10c. Ib.: live hogs, $6.75. Fish--Salmon trout, skinned. digby herring, dozen. 27¢.; farm- 25¢. Zic.; pack- 124c. 200 per lb. pwhits(ish, 124e. a lb.; pike, 10c. a 1b. hinook salmon, 30c. a lb; kippered herring, Yarmouth bloaters, 40c. dozen: Atlantic salmon, 30c. lb.; sal codfish, 7c. to 15¢. a lb; halibut 0c. a Ib.; fresh haddock, bullheads, 10c. a lb.; red herring, 15c. a box; mackerel, 15¢. a 1lb.; trout 12}¢. a fib.; perch,.30c. a dozen; frogs legs, 10c. Ib; ciscoes, 15c. lb; blue- fish, 15¢c. a lb.; lake herring, 10c. a lb; fionan haddie, snappers, 15¢.; flounders, 10c.; fresh, salt water herrings, 40c. to 60c. en; fresh-lohsters, 30c. a lb.; sea bass, 12}c. a lb.; smoked salmon, 30c. a lb. Poultry--Chickens,, $1.25 to $1.50 per pair; turkeys, $1.25 to $1.75. Fruit--Lemons, "20c. per dozen; anges, 40c. to ' 60c. per dozen; panas, 20c. to 30c. per dozen. Vegetables--Potatoes, new 8c. to 90c., per bush.; cabbage, 50c. to 75¢. a dozen; celery, 30c. to B0c. a dozen: beets, 30c. per peck; lIb.; green onions, 40c. dozen; carrots, or- ba- {0c. dozen bunches; turnips, 50c. doz- en bunches. Wool, washed¥15c. to 16o. per lb. sking, fresh, 75c.; tallow ren: 1 sheep dered, Bc. per lb.; deakins, 50c.; veal skins, 7¢. per lb.; hides, No. I, de. per 3c. per 1b.; horse| Ib:; hides, No. hides, §2.50 each. 9 or Fashion Indicted. Toronto World "The inordinate desire for attire is an absolute curse .of modern society, and implies to WH and poor, young and old." These words Judge Morgan used when handing out an impromptu lecture to two women who came beéfore him on the charge of shop-lifting.. He preferred to give .a pinch of wisdom that they could carry Ps rather than sentence them to jail with an option of a fine. It is only tbo true, that there an "inordinate desire" for fine 15 clothes amongst women of almost every The fair sex seem to attach one hundred per cent. valué to the old saying, "fine feathers make fine birds," class. SH WHIG, oat- | to | { office local | 7c. to 156, by car | 18 e per a Ibs wot 10e. a lb! 10c., - 124¢c. lb.; red doz- onions, 5c. per Ss YK gs tc a TO Clarence J Sheen Prominent fi ---------------- -- and some of their kind believe in getting the fine feathers by fair medus-- and foul! There would be some leniency for the comparatively poor woman who "lifts" goods from the. counter, be canse society at large has set a high standard on finery, but many of the women whceame up for this offénce ate not poor\ They possess sufficient meins to dress welh Their love of dress and fashion is fairly well satis- fied. But it looks as though much wants more and loses reputation in getting 1. An Emergency Physician. You are sure to save needless sufier- ing and you may save life by having lat hand a bottle of Smith's White | Liniment. Jt is of vital importance {that pain be trbated | promptly. | lieves pain {and backs, {reniedy we know ol. 25¢., of injuries in an almost magical way, strains, bruises, lame ete., quicker any other at Wade's cures than {drug store. Sepa-------- r of a ia 1 ews] weeping as heart w break. "Oh dad's gone up stairs to lick .th "Well, has he come down yet?" pur- sued the gentle Samaritan. "Pieces of him have," explainey the boy indulging a fresh outburst of fears, | "and I'm. expecting the rest every min | ute if | | 1 Not At The Price. for mutton {Mistress - (excitedly)--Br roasted I I waitted to have n dinner have the chic the Yridget--Ye niver said so. ess--No: but 1 thought 1 have known. | Bridget--Shure, mu pect a moind reader fc |a wake? lay m, A Woman's Glory. Is her hair. the - hair fades, limp stringy or prematurely gray beauty and natural color of the becomes hair Dr. Dawson's Hair Restorer In bot- tles, DOc., at Wade's drug store. The Cynic On The Hearth. To the question, "State what kind guest you .would prefer?" addre by the Hospitality' Commitice of Pan-An; nference, one answer was rece 1+ "I do not wish any guest who does not believe in dverlasting punishment." ------------ the Always avoid harsh purgative pills, They ° first make you sick and then leave you constipated. Carter's Little Liver Pills regulate the bowels and make you well. Dose, one pill. Tack of money keeps a dot of. ped- ple from making fools of themselves, - Piven trouble will come to the man who is fool enough to wait for it. Sickly, Despondent, Tired. The world is full of sickly, { pondent, tired, enervated people, {hoping t¢ be well some day. | surest rodd to health is along way of taking Ferrozome after meals. i Ferrozone ig a great appetizer and "lenables one to' eat pleaty of whole | some fopd -without fear of indigestion {or dyspepsia. This resulis ina rm {pid formation of an abundance of rad, | vitalizing 'blood, which will restore th Unéiciod increases flesh and viger, and Wd feed every organ of the ideal Tt ita tonic des- all The the i ronris Fhodv, Ferrozone: is {torative and invigorant of wheaugtied merit that anvone can wea with benefit. Price Be. or six hoxes for $2.50, at Fugmistsl or N {C. Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont. - 'a an SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 1908. PROMINENT Here is a remedy that re- | | { noon. t vou | This glory is lost when | can always be restored by the use of | ig Re FIGURES pr iy : J Jes at the Indépenide nt P ---------------- CENTRAL CANADA FAIR. Many Changes to Make This Great ExLibition More Pleasing. As previously announced the dates for the Central Canada Exhibition at Ottawa this vear ave Seriemuver 18th to 26th. The are 'enqeavor- ing to make this aihusi lair ore at- tractive to its pa'rons, and have made changes to attain this object. The prize list has been increased to $16,000. The number of gold medals as special sweepstake prizes has been increased to forty-five. The grounds are being improved and beautified, and continuing the, poli~v pursued. in pre- vious years, another new building is being erected. This building is for the display of fine arts and ladies' work, costing $12,000. Th* pure food exhibit by Canadian manufacturers promises to he oné of the most at- tractive displays ever made at the Central Canada fair. In regard to special attractions, the have decided 'o ave a deville programme in id stand every after- amme, will consist of high-class specialties, running races. Already the directors have contracted for the | first appearance in . America of De | Oro's Wonderful Herd of Performing { Cov A thrilling automobile race in by two intrepid young women directs rs directors splendid the The pr {a number of {trotting and front chauffeu s another feature. The 'ever { popular balloon aseension will this year take plade on a grander scale {than ever. The night entertainment will, consist of the very popular comic opera, written for that popular comic opera specialist, De Walff Hopper. As usual there will be a bench show of rs in connection with the fair. 3 4 1 BY BRITISH MAILS. » Birmingham Board of Guardians | grant five shillings a week tu aged serving poor over seventy, At Wolverhampton two steeplejacks ' 200 feet and were Killed, the bodies eing almost, beyond recognition. A bachelor and spinster in the Bed- orth @istrict of Warwickshire have engaged for forty years. There no indication of an early wedding. Owing to efficiency of public lending libraries, the subscription department of Bolton libraries 'is to be discon- gued an existence of fifty-four 18 al f obsolete warships took Portsmouth. . The third-class at hip Dreadnotight" and the Oron- tes fetched £23,000. and £17,500 re- | spectively. : By the explosion of a dynamite bomb on board a vessel at Malmoe, Sweden, on which eighty English strike break- ers were lodged, one man was killed and seven injured. o The Admiralty have otdered the cruiser Agincourt, fos many years flag- ship of the Channel Fleet and latterly a trainingship for boys, to be converted into a floating coal depot. Lady Northcote was given a unique farewell demonstration at Melbourne. Three thousand women workers met at Government Hquse and sang valedic- tory hymns and the national anthem. A Lincolnshire boy, Jack Nowell, eight-year-old son of a solicitor, Bar- ton-on-Humrber, unexpectedly comes into a fortune of £200, goo through the death of John Waddingham, of Chel- tenham, *s "Bench, "Jack" Wik t leader, sued the Lon- "for libel, for al- 1 # an indecent expres- siofl in reference 'to the Kaiser. The jury found for the newspaper with heavy costs > The Baby Was Happy. s. Marks: "IT am afraid your hus- wery 'had e0ld* he's con- eezing. It's-quite painful to him.© Why don't 'you ask a doc- tor to see hint?" ' Mrs. Parks: "Well, .I'ni waiting jast for a few davs because it amuses baby sa to see father sneeze" a Friday a About 20 pairs only 'Women's Tan, Brown and Black Kid Oxfords, new Jov this weel reg- eT ula $2.50, 3.00 and 3.50. For week only - wii ge Bg - - | See Them in Our Window. One lot of Girls' Brown & Black Oxfords sizes 12 to 2, regular $1.75, now One lot of Girls' White Canvas Oxfords, regular 40c,, now = = wil A whiie om "One Jot of Women's Black Kid Oxfords régular $1.25. To clear - : This will be the last ¢hance to secure all Men's $5.00 Patent Oxfords for See the $2.98 Bargains in Men's Tan and Patent Oxfords, regular $4.00 values for Many Special" Bare ains on our Counters, in- cludiug Children's 'and Babies' Boots and Strap Shoes, Barefoot Sandals and White Canvas Shoes. - - 8 $ --- -- - - TIME AND MONEY CUT IN TWO By kindling your fires and cooking your light meals with hi Charcoal _ Pat up in large Paper Sacks. 15c Each, 2 for 25 Cents. Delivered anywhere in the city. MoKELVEY & BIRCH, 89-71 Brock St rns etl Summer Furniture Sale ' Everything reduced from 10 to Your oppor- tunity to save money. This sale includes a full line of Carriages and Go Carts. Couches from $4.50, 5.50, 6.50 and up. Parlor Suites (3 pieces) from $15 up. Parlor Suites (5 pieces) regular $25 for $20. R. J. RR BE I D % - Ambulance Call 577, 230 Princess St. mss 25%. BE VEEETERIRPLIEIEECEOLEREEHENEEOEEOSOSE i Evangeline Ganong's G.B. Chocolates Always fresh. The finest in the city. A.J. REES, 166 Princess St = Phone 58. a QO OC OOI0000 OO00000000, I t-------------------------------------- err-------------- The Canada Life Assurance Company Holds the strongest Reserves of any Life Assurance Company on the Nortli AmericanContinent--a Canadian Company made by Canadian people for Canadian people, 62 years ago. Dividends to olicyholders have been large all these years, and are bound to be ge, owing to the unique position occupied -y the Company. Rates for women the same as for men. Keep your money in by purchasing Canada Life Contracts. . Full particulars of how a policy will shape for you, given af the office--18 Market Street, Kingston. £4 J. O. HUTTON, Manager. ALL GRADES. LOWEST PRICES. Canada Metal Co.Ltd. "sGiouta, Gxt [ ways there 'with outstretched 'arms. "J am one of the archangels," he added. | He explained that years ago he was | employed by Sir Wiliam Richmond, | for whom he posed as a model for at {least ene of the mosaic figures on the roof of St. Pauls. » Archangel Burns. M. A. P. There is nothing ethereal about the sturdy muscular figure of Rt Hon. John "Burns, and yet his image is to be handed down to posperity in the form of an archangel. This interesting fact | 'whs disclosed at a dinner party. e | Bishop of 'London expressed the hope that the president of the Local Govern- ment Board would not alow a tub railway to be constructed under St. Paul's? Mr. Burns reassured the Bish- | - Cures Dizzy Headache. Dr. Hamilton says look to the sto- mach and bowels, see if théy are not sluggish and oVerloaded. System needs clegnsing withe Dr, Hamilton's Pills; they eure headache, = biliousness op by replying that he took a personal interest in the cathedral, for he was al- " and dyspepsia. "dbe. per box.