LW Y 1 N PITH OF THE NEWS. USUALLY TALK MU ofr: A I ES Tho Very Latést Culled From All! Shoots at Wife Beca Because of a Lack Over The World. ~~ of Talk, Hudson's Bay railway survey par-| Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 15.-Because his ties are préparing to leave Winnipeg. | wife would not talk to him as fre- Some 1 500 Miles of of New Track are It is not thought the western cold | quently: as he desired, William Tush, e Wave has doné much damage to the [one of Lincofii's wealthiest German : \ crop, , citizens, fired four times at her with a Available : | The United States fleet ¥ Auck-) revolver, and then shot himself. . ; . land for Sydney, .on Saturda¥ morn-| One of the 'bullets. tore through Mrs. it Long Ye Vedrs. ing. i Lush's hair, but she Fas uninjured. St, Thomas milk dealers have ad-} Lush was taken to St. Elizabeth's vanced the price of milk, one cent per| hospital. He will Jive. They had beet Winnipeg May Be Co Congested---Hopper to Bei: "" 7" =" ™" "wait wives" 0 For Years Each "Hed Lived in the Same City Filled Fuller nd Faster : Ho CPR nr ixen have gone to SPLENDIDLY FITTED Without E J Kne ing the Than ver Sir Wilfrid Laurier is taking a ter | To Uphold the Social Side of the , . days' holiday, but' will be accompani- Ebassy . bi Other. i od by two secretaries. : . . Sir Edward Goschen, ambassador of Winnipeg, Aug. 15. --Nearly fifteen be ge cted this month and trans-| Great Britain at Vienna, is to be the y . . ] os bundleed 1iiles of new track will be |ferred' from the construction to the | new ambassador at Berlin. Paris, Aug. 15.--No writer of ro- warded with lifelong penal servitude available in the west to handle thib |operating department, so that it will As the remit of the Saskatchewan | mance has ever conceived a #tory in New Caledonia. From that day his yewr's wheat crop--the largest increase {be available for handling the wheat. elections, Premier Scott has been re- more extraordinary than that which wife and daughter were lost to him. on record sipee the construction of {Other ('anadian - Northern branches | turned by a large majority. 4 ode ith the finding of his daughter Ten years afterward he hid pardon- the C. PK. Nearly half of this new [being prepared for handling the crop Lora Roberts, interviewed at Liver- by - Amilcare Cipriani, after thirty- ed, but when he reached England all mileage is supplied by the Grand | are the Tine from Saskatoon south-| pool, said he. expected excellent re- , og years. | trace of his loved ones had vanished. *Mvunk Pacific, apd while it will not|west of Goose Lake; the Thunder Hill | sults. from ithe Quebec celebration. : = Most people, know. the Italian re- |All that he could learn was that his iio available: for passenger business or | line, to serve the district' between the The American battleship fleet will Yolutionary, M Amilcare Cipriani, by | wile was. dead, hon ordinary freight, arrangenmients' arc 'main line and the Prine ~ Albert | seon be no: longer white. It. has been Jams. n. 1869 he Yh 3. Fefugte ng od twenty-eight yoars Wig old 18 under way by which the new Ine will { branch atid the Rosshurn branch. decided to paint the ships a 'dark sont in Japning us 3 IVIg As Felutioiary, who bad Sein - ah © ilable for wheat carrying Iw The result of all this railway exten- | giey. i ; photographer. He there made the hoped against<hope that one day his bo available 3 sn will be that an cnormous quan-| Present indications do not point to | acquaintance of Miss Adolfina Rue, | daughter might be restored to him, Wael) Winnipeg and Battle River, i I ol heat ill be ma Kete {very 4 change of government as the resuit with whom he fell desperately in love | Many a time he appeared to be on distance of 673 miles The lime vill | ity oy peat. wal x na . %: of the federal. elections is the. Humil- | and whom he married. the right track, only to.be more bit- be operated by, the construetion de- (early. 1S season n years gon: | ton 'Herald's iude sndent pinion The couple were living happily at |terly disappointed. partment, as it has been for the hand the farmers in the district hod os d | Boe raki 3% pp it opi ons R Oxiord market, ic Hac leh oan, Yon} foe a eet hoe] ling of work trains, and it 1s est |by th se branches had to hau their 1h rk el : re on September 4th, 1870, the revolu-jceived a letter from the = well-known hated that about five million bushels [forain long distances to market, © with | for Rnd gre oi ny Es 1h 3 : PEE 3 tion broke out in France, and the oh | Parician, humorist, M. Jacques Wely, : of wheat will he brought to Winnipeg | the result that it took much longer {J to the nm i 1a A Sng | : 5 3 pire came to an end. Already a iittle [in which the writer said that he had In Ready- to «Wear hv this route to get it to the railways, so' that the | 11 IIhIRg. Miuation, there, { ; § ER 8 daughter had been born to them, who [reason to helieve that his wife was 4 : Tn addition to this the Canddian [shipping . season 'was extended oyer | ; Lg \ factory dor extracting nitrogen | : z H from the atmosphere, to he used as a was then seven' months old, and hore | Cipriani"s daughter. enquiry followed, ) . fobs - . wo Frade lines | many months. With the great m-|: 4 A 8 A % tos alos oe : ti Rnitalc vAvea S t : Pacific has o number of feeder n 8] many month " t i feeders | fertilizer, ix being establistfed at Ni- the original name of Fulyvia Lavinia {and it was definite ly proved that eC OR. cither -comieted or in such shape that | provement an the pumper o ers | agara Full Itala Roma Cipriani, but no consider- | such is the case. 1 % , : 8 s. IE er-1208 hey will he able to take part ih rush- [this year the gram will pour mto Henry F..Chiarch, Dgdepsbure's old ations of family could restrain Cip-| For vears father and-daughter have has never dome before. | | BARONESS TAKAHIRA. riani's revolitionary ardor. been living in the same city, each y won as | Winnipeg as it : = : he the grain to Winnipeg AS. SOON, 2 RL. 5 : et native born resident, died, on : ; 1 : ite is gthreshed. 'Their; line from As The most unfortunate part of the Lau re lay, aged eighty-three vears.. He| The Baroness TaKahira, wife of the He hastened to Paris, fought [longing to find the other, and yet | : Xx through the Commune, and was ree dreaming of their proximity. quith} to Wilkie is regdy for Spening hole business, i 3 ha i | was 'gerieral agent of the Northern |Japanese Smbassador to the United ' and will form aro the diceqt, Line Lie om or Grand Trink Pacific. | 1ransportation company for thirty | Sates has spent vorip Fil PHD ebb nl Ladies Presses from Winnipeg to kdmonton. Kle (fige - O 2, rant wf Nears, the baron at his varius diplomatic ; which is to give that road direct com A 'despatch from Tehierhn says 'that | posts throughout the world, and is, EXODUS TO ENGLAND. TONY PASTOR DYING. -------- 2 BLACK LAWN DRESSES, ig 117 miles ~wést of Saskatoon, and | d Diy a munication between -Winnipeg and the | preparations ave Being made for a sec- | therefore, splendidly fitted to uphold ri. ! the new 'line runs through a very rich im | : HY : . i | wheat producing distriet. The Moose- | Great Lakes port is not finished, being | ond coronation 'of the shah. At the}the social side of the embassy's duties Londoners Go Back to Their | Manager Had Been Worrying $8. 00, for $4.00. | 8 i 2) RYVS is being con-| : « : Rhos A ; : : . jaw extension will also he opened dur- [part of the; svstem "that is being con | first coronation, two vears ago, the |in Washington. She Was born of a Native Land. Over Business. 1 ITE MUSLIN DRESS, Pastor is seventy-six vears |. interview "lasted hall an hour. Thejd od to rest abot Rebiey Durant, . wile and is chil [last might. and wrecked. Jred. Gar: for $2.50. dren. 11 reach structed by the government Nor is]ys ioble family and was educated ip Ja- {Deseronto Tribune. Ne York;- A 15. Tony P ing the present month, and wi i oo | tiara' fell from the shah's brow, and [fioble amily and wa ated ip. Ja Zon es ew or ug. 15. --1lony Pastor, i a poipt 123 miles from Moosejaw the C.PR. linc Weber Witnipe x | to this incident he ascribes the mis-| pan, but ider Furopean instructors. | .Farly He week Imiges lico Te | widely %nown in America. and Earope $3.50, for '$2.00. . il he d Fort Wiliam all double tracked, | She speaks French like tive, but |Spector Devlin arrive in town 0) : sal 1 Other new branches which will an apne have of his reign. She speaks French like a native, bu as a theatrical manager, is seriously in a position to handle wheat are the [The result will, in all probability, he | The UMited States Has Hobson, and [had not so late as two months ago | arrange for the, dapgrtation of sete 1; ill.de bis home: at: Blmburst: Lil: 3 WHITE MUSLIN DRESS. lines from Wolseley to Reston, 122 'an unusually heavy congestion ol | Japan has Count Okiama. Bach seems|acquired a thorough acquaintance with ral fumilies of es 1Eh a a Two New: York specialists were in $5.00, for $2.78. miles long: the Weyburn to Stough-|wheat at Winnipeg, owing tothe fact [to be something 'of a fire eater, and|Englih. She loves to shop in Ameri cha: 1a ox nd Ic a i sarge alt {constant attgndance at * his bedside. 3 WHITE MUSLIN \ chi 39 miles, and the Sheho | that, in the words of Sir Will um Van! the talk of each. is litle hoedsd in |can cities, and 'can frequently be seen' ® larity ot the wn, and as a result | po ctor's illness is the résult of gene- olbepdale Gh branch, Wg ARE i | le the hopper will he {33 : . Seif wd of his visit eight families, eqmjosel | ei els ws : : i DRESSES, $7.00, for extension, from Foam Lake to Lani- | Horne hyperhole he bopper wil [his own country. Bai when they he-/| doing a tour of the Washington shop- fi GIRL. me 1 chil jral breakdown, said to have been $3.50 gan, 80 miles. {filled _fuller and faster than ever, while | oin to iuote ane another across the [ping distiiet in a big automobile be- a To We women ans . ¢ {caused through "worry over his busi- uid ga a 900- | » eapacit J th spout has not been | PreiBe Eo Berke > Svaievta tn a a to the embassy. dren, le Wednesday en route 1 ness. . Mr. On the ( 'wnadian. orth ml Al |e cufacity of he, = oR Pacifit, te Row Fork reptile pre =, longing to the emba : England. Those, who went were : loi ge 1. WHITE MUSLIN DRESS, mile line from Prandon.te Regine | proportion; arg | o sens e Ww King} wife six 'child age. 8.75, for $4.50. ; : meee | its head out 'of the slime where it lies G. MACDONALD DEAD. pigs ing, | wife and " "eg i Ne $ $ - - EE es > A wallowing "and hisses "War,' . 7 Re : Teche n Lake Ontario. $ > N ape ( se Bennett, wife and six chil- i ' 4 PRINT DRESSES 00 DETECTIVES ON TRAIL. operating in the, Srection os ap Cardinal Gibbons had his farewell | He Suffered Much and Underwent Een ; BE Watorfown, N.Y., Aug. 15.--Thej for $1.75. | » $3.00, A . poy out Ray, Ty ftionce with the pope, vestorday, in Edwin Barrett, wife and three chil- sloop Iris, containing two men, was $ of Delagoa Jay > x + > . Mh ok ' y : 1 Large Leakage in Gold Mines of | It is alleged that a total tr of | the private library of the latter. The | Gananoguie; Id Gordon M dren struck by a squall on Lake Ontario |§ 2 LINEN DRESSES, $5.00, . $100,000 had been stolen in. 1908, and heed Wald paged to » 2.50. ..... i Durban, Ang. 15. Thee "is évery many thousands in 1907. 7 ha detee- Saal: A ha na nei ha, . clo og Friday mating, at, his . Sung; of i i aged: yeenty-four,i o£ reson to heheve that the disclosure [tives preserve profound secrecy las to re ran i th Ball gt o a - sumer" residende, Maoddnutcd's Is-| Arthur Lewis Dawson, wife and Was drowned. 4 DUCK SUITS, $4.50, for is imminent of a gigantic conspiracy [their investigations. ol hat am A b apps i hat Tarid, after an ilies extefiting over [three children, $2.50. , to rob the Rand gold mines of enor- ine the vatican, and the pope rep ed that several months, and necepiating sev-| William Hendra, wife and three A SUITABLE MAN - im | 5 SPLENDID VETERAN. where the interest of the church in the eral operations. The "@sease was! children. 3 BLUE LINEN SKIRYS, mous. sums annually. 1 ted States was ¢ srned th y A . . : . f Some months ago several Rand m dd br A i nothing ; peritonitis. He was born in Gaha-1 Robert Cornish, wife and four chil-! For the 'Governorship of New $2.00, for $1.25. PY A 3 ; kno . : ever would p dended. . ue some fifty-five years ago' his|dren York Stat mining. companies discovered leéakaves| He Will Fight ainst Reduced -- not years ag 1s . aa . : : ies ork State. of gold. mh matter baffled inquiry, | hs Again = acc" aa, parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Maddon Henry Smith, wile and six children. RS ---- 16 WHITE AND BLACK and a cavefa)l watch was kept on pei pPprop ; FEELS FULL OF ENERGY. aldy being for 'many: years leading] Next wéek there is a probability 4 BEE ) DUCK SKIRTS, $2.50, sons suspected of illicit dealings. De i Thirte. L wy ! Sitinins Po this town. He received his [that others will he oidded to the ats { 3 st 3 ida for $1.25. ¢ . S g " ' ay Ity-lwo Long Xears in | tarly educatio t the loeal schools Since coming to Deseronto some oO Ae tectives were sent to all seaports and tarh n a h al schools. g : 8 watched all the trains. ! Slumber Deep. 'wo brothers dnd one sYster survival the above worked a portion of this i : Lo COLORED MUSLIN WAISTS, Suspicion pointed to a gang opera Berlin, Aug. 15.~A most remark- | kim, Charles Maadonald, Blinkbonnie; |time, while it was impossible to . 'do ge ey Oc. and $1.00, for R5c., ting" in Johanneshurg and Durban able case of a woman who has slept | Anderson Macdonald, in the west,|otherwise. Some of them are willing: , . 2h sizes 32 and 34. Mi weeks ago sixteen detectives were steadily for thirty-two years, is re- and Isabella, in Muskoka. He was{to take a job, some of them looked 1 . x } despatehed to Durban to shadow the {ported in "Der Tag" form Olrns-Mon-limarried some twenty-five years ago,{on labor as something to be avoided. # Eo i No Approval, Cash Sales. suspects. The detectives tere osten | steraes, near Stockholm. to a New York lady, who, with twe]In any event they would probably . : : sibly "watching ecard-sharpers attract | ; : | Karoline Karisdatter was 'a school | sons, Gordon and Colin, Survive him.|have been a charge on the town. . ail ed to Durban by the gala season. In 5 | girl of thirteen when she suddenly fell | The famainy have been émbalmed at {winter, and it was thought best to veality they had laid careful plans to ) pe Hy | asletip. over her books in the school | his island residence and Wilk be taken | deport them at once. I'he 'majority of fathom the conspiracy. \ : } | room. Aiter fruitless efforts on: the [16 Clayton to-day aon board Charles [them were willing to go, although 4 {teacher's part to rouse her the girl | Macdonald's ate vaoht, Kate, and some: were inclined to resist the or- {was carried home, from thence conveyed, on We RW, &der. : The modus operandi is: 10. obiain She slept until last week, when she (0. RR.. to New York city, for inter-| All 'the luggage belonging to 'the gold from confederates on the mines, | awoke to find that her childhood and mdnt on Monday. deported families was taken 30 the women taking it in their luggage by | [girlhood were long past, and that she | Deceased was-a member of the firm {depot before time for the train Jo the fast mail train to Durban, where | : [is now a middle-aged woman of forty [of Speyer and company, bankers, New { leave. There was so much of fit that ather confederates ship it to England : : five, "sob ; York, a member oi the New . York |it was found impossible to place it on Members of the gang have been con oq { Fraulein : Karisdatter is not very | Stock Exchange, and a director» of | |'the regular baggage car, so a freight || stantly travelling between Durban, {much worried over the matter, how the Bank 'of New York, the New York | {car was requisitioned and all their 4 nse ami Europe k IR | ever. She feels as fresh and as full of I'Trust "company and the Mexican In- | goods were placed therein. : Another 'party is believed to ¥ X | ene as if she had merely enjoyed u | ternational railway company. ~4 "The children in the party seemed tof: sn mt 2 § 15a pi Jian The G. W. Scott company, gents' |be all pervading, so numerous were : SCHURMAN. HOWARD.--At Deseronto, on Aug. 9th, i er DAILY MEMORANDA s 2 : to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Howard, a It is believed that their efforts will | shortly be rewarded with success 2 chief concern at-presént is to furnishings, whose goods . were seized | they. (Chirping aod gurgling theyd. po ma itbn "191, Avy. 15.--When| dounbier | make up for lost time and complete by Bailiff E.-M. Hiscock, 'on Tuesday | raced, from one end of he Shr to the Gi" at his suminer Nome, President | JON 1S. At Ottawa, Aug. 12th, at 30 and 2.30 p.u., Sunday her education. which was 50 abruptly | jac, on account of 'the Mugan Shirt other, shouting adieux i shrill trebles | 5 ©; = gohuiman of Cornell Univer First Ave, to wite of Allan M, 1. 0. & WB of Q. Steamer to Thousand interrupted, She 'will join an elemen-| Collar, company, havé had a sec- {to everyone in sight. As the train itv said that lie. Wed nothin to shvi Jones, a daughter Islands, 10.15 a to ) : tary school as soon as the autumn ond distraint placed on gheir goods, pulled out they united in a chorus, Ys g ay | Like Cranbrook. B.C oR = . + Saas | b the New York gubernatorial situ } snd the Mar t e i leorg JOHN ARBUTHNOT FISHER - biRS : : nN de" The Scenes pé }- fon £ £ a th, to Mr. and Mrs. H. (. Vinal " 5 lia 2 ni tht : y Adm ral Sir John Arbuthnot Fisher term Digitie. on account. of Justice 'B. 'M. Britton, | 'Back T'o The Scenes Of Ou hil tion. | "e formeriy of Dest ronto, a som, s d& Co's Store to-nig Admiral ¢ Jo / sher, | . *h : s looked more 4 ' g { , Poronto, for rént. hood." In all the party In a statement. Timothy L. Wood Nee Amusement Column for the four, onlendid veteran of England s great- pod A 5 > ~ wd of peo A # he 4 Moving Picture Shows and Park Vaude p en : real ther a trons ® Soh 3 UNION OF EQUALS. I'he" Salvation Army Freon, | like picnickers than es oh no He vali, chaitman of the republican state | MARRIED. « a y 18 King s g g | 3 3 a pr £ J cK nee P . . . " ¢ wille. wi Le attompts . of the : liberal} al ~ . at No. 1- government paviflon, con-|Ple who were going a x tod. committee, said that he had received |[SMITH--LANYON.--On July 80th, at James' Searchlight Excu: against the attemy wal} This is What Lord Milner Believes | (iiting of Capt. and Mrs. Turndr and [came because they were not wantec a letter from a Syracuse | Comber, County Down, by Canon Si : | man sug . Afonday Aig 17th yom r. |leabinet to reduce the naval appro ; Dex 3k ( < al Smith, Major H. Carington Swsith, Anierice, Band on. hoard, 35¢ be which had. been planned by In. faily, Bellevitle; "Capt. © znd. Mrs gestilg President Schamman as a suit Royal Dublin: Fusilbrs, "Quebec, to Garden Party in Kid of Hotel en [ite lord i admiralty on the sam London, Aug. 1o.--Lord Milner, in | Barber and family, Port. Hope. and Garden Party. ital able candidate for the governorship on | Helen, widow of the late Charles J. 3 i 4 { t londs admira or 3, same , Ras ' E i i y » p ) : i ' Hospital. on Hespital Grounds } . I aS has b en the case in the Standard-of- Empire, replying tothe Migses Hawke and Humphreys, In aid of the Hotel Dieu hospital, fépniblican ticket. anyon of Beitast 't a ong Yas A Lh urioan a » ug { " Sia John has Sotified | J adge Longley, says all his questions Smith's Falls, after enjoying an ex- funder the auspices of the Lad Aux | teri} : Redfern rhs iat Int Annes 14th Band in at ance ie hh rocenl years, : SI} r Whe sHent B00 weeks' i roke ! p n Hotel Dieu grounds, on i 'i : : Temple : : : cents, children, 5 cents | the government that he will fight any Pbay be consolidated into one, h cellent £ we k buting! broke up, iliary ou a nde oop Rain Spoiled Demonstration. | Temple. Garden. Party ia Aid of Hote "| reduction of naval strength or naval | ther . Canada's population and re to-day, amd left ior héme on the | Tuesday, Aug. ay r a 1 : Arden, Aug. l4.--~The 12th of Aug-| on Hospital. Crounds,:- ! ol nave ol ' ) steamer ( ve . 11th 'band im attendance sod off. / be § g sHospita y 8 Ds moon evening, [building plans, He has announce od | sources, already great, grow. later: hy [ste Rhey Caspian. oy sning a "B ust passed off very quietly but a heavy bf Tr Vin tandarice:. J | that he will resign his post and ap- the colonial relation between Canada During he heavy stom, on Wednes- | Adinission, 10c.;, children, dc. tat downpour of "ratn-came in the aiter- | T42h on ' t a : : to | dav night, Erastus E. Palmer's large! will leave Wolfe lsland at 7 p.m. Re- | @oWnj hich et v, Te ; a . t Janis Hogan, aged seveniy-eight latinch, Dixie Girl, broke from her | turn Jeaves: Kingston 11 p.m; Supper noon which made all parties seek or ears cuts, chifften.. } 'rents , " [peal to parliament itself in am at- | and' Great Britain can or ought ome to al * a ¢ : S-- tempt to § : shelter. r. Edwards ate FOL ~In Kingston, on Saturday, | mj ; that + moorings, at his island . residence, ' al cerved on grounds from 6 to 25¢. shelte Dr. Edwards, candidate for Sth, 1908, Matiftew Henry : is ig yy Fneland's naval strength. He entered] "1 Hew anticipate nor desire, n . Ev Joe A ] " b ' Aug. 15th, In Oabadian History ig -- Vv pod back in 1854. and has [Canada shold rémain,"' says Lord few miles west of 'the town, and drift- tr ea snl cofiee served throughont the Froutena: ; Jag in tow hon he 2 th. » t fer aed sixLy-seV, n years cotin ayy bs AY : 4 i 1 Be ed weting 3 ree vate. owWers. S [held every post of honor possible for | Milner any wav. whatever, sab- ed to the town whapl, where, after |gajternoon and evening for , Be. and Re rly i ng a a ie : on uneral private 0 « CRRA i ¢ | | p ite n ks F 8 tim : . e 1dth, re ¢ om 1814 --Ceneral Rrummond, in command [4 a British seaman. He has been | ordinate to "the United Kingdom. imping on the roc for some e, | 10c. A ote OTT fiom 2 T 7 » ri , insuecessiul ken charge "of "hy Francis aad of 5,000 British. én unsuccesshu ugh half a dozen waps and wears j ord Milner's idea of the future un- [it was. taken charge © ¢ thi Orv ice assanit on Fog thre : hotel fishing. Quarterly service was The Sag a Phone, 577. ¥ xeursion Cape: Vneent DIED. HOGAN At Millhridge, on Aug. 6th, prevent any falling off in| continpe? 1766--PFirst issue of the Nova | . { l v s = Wri w p 1 e launci to Raia 4 1R00---Stips Wwe taken at =m meeting | many medals for vonspicuous bravery. {itn of the United States and the self right, who returned the launch 2] Kidnapred By Fimily. held in the Methodist church conduct ; Dow for formation of a -------------------- vo 5 f 'equals. | Mr. Palmer. 1 = Bas a : " Ger hi on Aaron or England | |goYernifig colonics a wiica. df 'equa A voung man of this town is] Paris, Aug. 15--Mlle. Bassot, theloq yyy Rev. Mr. Dickson, Tamworth wnery w \ x . : i ---- + F : VAR + : in "Curt{da Supposed Japanese Traitor Shot. | [charged by * James - Renfiison, merch-| daughter of Gen. Bassot, who WaSiRev.' J. W. J.-Andrew, Berlin, took 'R03 The Behring Sea arbitration Pekin. Aug. 13~The Killing in this Situation Growing Worse. +3 ¥ v Edam rough a wire] forably abducted in a motor car from charge of the service in St. Paul's ard was deliverdd ' = rw Ne York. Aug. 15.=One official of ant, wil cutting ougn a { red h at of Q : : AN A eT 'at Y racific ner early this month, of Capt. Ka ew 2 0rk, fag. lo. : toni i Reuil, being seized as she came o charch Sunday dn the absence of 1901 ~The Canadia Pa aera arly th af {the International Mercantile Marige | Screen doo, unfastening 'it and en: | P slay. and on yan : 5 5 Islander and. off ha ul # Iolangl Lwaketa, a Japanese army officer, sup- |e ICOTIALENT : teeing his premises, taking two dozen church, retwrned to Paris, today, andi Bay Mr. Cox, who is on biz hali- | Ves : . | ; eply had r exnerience . is mn : . : Alaska © posed to he a spy and traitor, by Ja {company said, "to- a nL s fgom a large basket: full, and related her exneriences to her barn days. Mrs. 1. Hawley "is quite cick Rev. A. C. Huffman, formerly pastor | btower's Lime Juice, soldisre attached to the Peking been received from The | tor, Matre Clamet. Her family kid- eT T= m, Xa Mr. pinson. hkan {managers of the Fastern Trunk Line also attacking wapped her, it is alleged, bedause she : a2 on Hine i » : by Cl i fonmal® _prote + | Association, regarding the steamship young man was intoxicated and will x pp har: i - devote hr time to of ie Place, bh in sown Sulit or | Stower's Li Juice Cordial, tion by 1 nmma rotes . > " mined mn 1 ur are pleases soe |. » : on 'h na nal | lines' complaints that grain Was being | be given a hearing helore. the police charitable work of which they dis- oc, 'rence > pleas, pe Rose's Lime Juice, against, the doing of 'police duty hy | » Canadian ports by the | magistrate, him. ke View hotel is full of | pognberry Vinegar, the logntion gunrd. outside, of the le A padinh port goainst | Vieitors in town Judge Britton, | Prove: gflests a sofie of them are si ppiny | Frait aps, Ba ation precincts. Capt KRawaketa was Boston, New York, Philadelphia and | Toronto; G Shurtlil®, Hamilton; Mrs G Te Alberta College. in private dwellings. Arden is the | go gv Ginger Ale, MY recharged with selling Japanese mild Baltimore. The situation, he added, | Nomnan DeWitta, Toronto; George nell, oat AR 15. Prof. VA place to spend a few weeks for rest| Gurd's Soda Water, ith At The Snaps S$: tary secrels io a loreign Poser. ane |was growing worse every week. Full | Smith, Elgin; Mrs, G brow and son, he : 2 pO organist at and a quiet time. Gurd's Caledonia Dinter, ps: | disappeared from Japan in Jun "1 cargoes are being loaded at Moutreal | Toronto: Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Thomp- | I'- Hunt, for hi his vit a W. W. Pringle is improving slowly. Imported Ginger Ale These ssts are short a few August 1st he was discovered disguls- tand other. parts right along but we son, Peterboro; Miss Lottie Cronk, Bridge street Chure 0 $ Ms - = nd W." A. Fuller, Thomas Waters, Her Imported G Beer, small pieces. {ed as a Chinaman hiding . neépr thei Co get a pound. Deserontg? _W. Carruthers, Markhank: {musical director at rt College, hast, oy ith, Henry Richardeon snl Eadnor water Seo 'them. Cgme quick, Only J} way office in Pekin. This knowledge | Hadnilton Seott. the Mistes Scott, To- [resigned and will assume the position | oro Tamworth, werd here. A great one: of each: was communicated to the 'legation | { Kingston. of professor of music at Alberta Col- train Taimwarth were in: tok 25.00 Sets for $19.50 Xo % and a Hetachmient was sent] Cannot Fly Flags. {ronto. W. Haziil is in ngs jege, Edmonton, Afjeria. 7 many . a --n 16.00 age; JERE ire hii. He résifted { Vietoria, B.€.. Aug. 15.--The 'gov- | CC Bri wh on the 12th. Out school aoths . on A ght to capture him. Heide ; ae fly | * - Shot His" Bride. " Monday, 17th, with Mr. Whitmarsh as 1 ', | 4.50 : . 11.00 ' ni po es t schools : i 30 = ap 9.00, vest, whereupon, he guard fred The) the I ara fy Na by the pro- | Cleveland, Aug. FUrazed with | Bermuda's First XK. e R& principal and' Miss Blanche Detior [IMPORTERS OF PINE GROOPRTES 10.00 CADUnin Ne he hoRpital f 1 , oie Ol incial wovernment has 'met . with jealousy. Stephen Patrick, twenty-two | Hamilton, Bermuda, Aug. € lionior teacher." Mr. Atlan, Marthank, 9.50 v 3 [dnys later in the hoypital of the. legas somg opposition, as members of the [years of age, probably fathlly shot inald Gray, attormey-geneval for Ber loropyiver for the C.O.CF., is in town, ticn guard school hoard desired to fly the Cana- { Marie Patrick, pincteen years of age. wiada, has Born BppOInted a king's He is getting go large number to join" SEALER & i Ta ' dian ensign. and proposed that the his 'Bride of "svn" week® "at © "their jcounsel, the First Tn the colony. the order. Andirew Tovst, , Flinton, |° 85e. Jor quarts, 25e. Sunday Connections For Cape. board purchase the Canadian flag. home here vesterday, and then com: eid ele a was.in town on the 12th. John Nirk- Everythi ny reduced fo for: Sia, Month. at v leaves 7:30 oom Eventunlly it was discovered that a |mitted suicide. Jones' Falls And Return, 50¢. |[,nirick accompanied him. panese | legation, will result in. the presenta- Steamer America { and 130 p.m., returning leaves Cape total absence of flag poles rendered | * Rideau King every Wednesday and ------h-- " Vincent 1030 a.m. and F pom. 50, {the raising of either ifficult gine] Roc. balheiygan underwear, 5c. [Saturday at. 6 am. James Swift. & ok same Jttle rices and the same| At Brockville, cheese return. ; 'schools will remain flagless. + ibys Lake Cows A 3 . Pes i | { a joo dagen. He