Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Aug 1908, p. 3

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/ This is the week Remnants of every kind have got to go. You will have to prepare for the opening of school next month. We have just the thing for the Girls' School Dresses or Boys' Pants or Blouses, and you will get the end for just One=Half: the Original Price. NEY » 7 3 These REMNANTS are taken from every department. | Prints, Ginghams, Cottons, Linens, Cretonnes, Ducks, Tweeds, Underwear, Dress Goods, Linings, Millinery Goods, Carpets, Oilcloths, both Table and Floor. Everything At Half Price ene ATT i Crumley Bros. THE "KING" FLY KILLER the most Druggists, soil each, not 10¢ 3 without crushing and does injure the highest polish, i ---- delicate Hard- SR mC NN NE "Tow wy Y RF Oules wtf Shirts, Ties. Collars, Let Everything your body nceds is flying out of our store because we are keeping on selling Furnishings If you can buy three Shirts or Neckties for the price of two, why not get that extra for men at low prices. -8hirt or Necktie ? : It is easy to put a string of prices on paper; but we won't bore you with these. * s store. We will save you money, - Nor will, we bore you when you come.into our | Tustily,' . OR OR ROAR "What has friend Dontpey, the tem- perance lecturer, now to say about the way the taverns of Kingston town ob- served the liquor license law, I won- der? observed the Lampman as I met him plodding his wiy home last night. "tle would have us believe that the iavesg Reapers were the most law-abid- ng ion of the community. Didn't l-tell you a few weeks ago what tho conditions were, and wasnt I right when 1 'said what 'I could show? I do not blame the tavern keepers so much as I blame the inspector. At: is well-known that the impression existed that there was an understanding that if liquor 'was not sold on Sunday, the in- spector woutld not prosecute for Satur- day night selling as he has said some- thing to that effect on various oc- casions. And some' of the, drinking places had "their doors wide-open on Saturday night, as a result. The tavern men may well feel sore on the in- spector whose loose methods tempted them to go ahead and sell after seven o'clock on the evering preceding the Sabbath, They thought they were per- fectly safe. Then along comes Par- son Burke who says that He will make things warm for the inspector, and the tavern 'keepers. Knight Whitney is forced by public opinion to send out spies, and 'look you, what an amount of money leaves Kingston for Toronto as' government fines, Had insped Wright put the screws on the taverns at the outset, there would have been no round-up tike that which ended in the police court last week. 'But 1 sup- pose that the taverns lose nothing by the fines levied. They did a big Satur- day night business ever since my: old friend, William Glidden, was dethroned as license inspector, and accordingly their profit was large." "Thaj's the. way 1 look at the matter," said the Lampman, "But whether Saturday night ligjor sclling will comtinue is to be seen. The question of better wharf ac- commodation for steamboat traffic at this ancient port was the question the Bookseller wished to discuss with me when he stopped for a little chat. "The city," he =said, - "needs "better wharves for the passenger and freight traffic Neither Folger's nor Swift's wharf is sufficient. Both should be enlarged and improved. A good substantial landing place impresdes visitors. 1 hope the town council. will never give away the water lot in front of the city buildings, for, some day that place may be greatly needed for a town building. It's sugh a pity that the town council years ago, had the fine old market battery in front of the town buildings razed, and gave part of th¢ ground to the ratlway companies, People who were. then en- thusiastic over the destruction of that fine triangular stone wall, erected for defence, have lived to regret it. What a beautiful little park it ,would have made in front of the fine old town buildings instead of a railway yard." "It's such a pity!" said the Bookse as: he bade me good-night--THE TOWN WATCHMAN. . For Decent Conditions. Toronto World. Dr, O. L, Howard, a celebrajed en- tomologist, has been investigating the fly as a. dissemifhator of disease germs; results are startling. In one city sheets of fly paper were placed in stores, mar- ket stands, and private houses, These were @ollected every ten days, taken to the laboratory, the flies counted and the record filed. ' The largest number of flies' caught in any section in 48 hours was 2,600. The number of bac teria found in g single fly varied from 550 to Cra, This is appalling The common house fly is an active agent in, disseminating discase germs. Now if householders could the swarms of flies which fleck uncovered cuts and carcasses in the ordinary meat markets, it 'would not 'be long till the demand for sanitary markets would be loud and persistent. "When people learn, that it is not only decent and desir- able, but absolutely essential to the preservation of life and health, that tood products be kept free from the contamination of flies and the dust and filth of the they will refuse fo patronize, markets which are not pro vided with facilities to protect food supplies against disease-breeding germs Science has said that flies must go and sanitary markets would help to elimin ite these dissemmnators of disease germs . ( sec street, If That's Society. The Rev. C. W.4Gordon, of Winni4 peg. better-known as Ralph Connor, re cently compared the honest and sincere ways of the frontier with the false and venomous: ways of certain circles of | society, He illuminated compari son with al dialogue. i. "I .overheard this dialogue," he said, "at a reception that 1 once attended in Washington. The speakers were two grandee dames--1 (believe thai is the word--two powerful social leaders, one from Philadelphia, the other from New York, - * 'Well! said the first grandee dame, 'I must be off. I've got to go and see my mother.' = . "The seeond put up her lorgnette apd drawled: * 'Really--ah--you don't mein to say you've got a mother living?" The first grande dame laughed, a high, thin laugh, with something bit ing, Mike acid, in it "Oh, yes' she said, 'my mother is still alive, and she doesh'¥ look a day older than vou do, 1 assure you." sen the A Convention Chorus. Winnipeg Tribune. ¥ Here is a sidelight on the Democrat convention at Denver, at which 'many ladies were present. Would Canadians, even .in the most intense throes of a political contest, take kindly to such an abandon? We trow not: . "The cowboys' band then, struck up the campaign song, 'The gang is all on deck «again, What the h do we care? What the h---- do we care?" in which thousands joimed in singing A Musical Wedding. TO QUEBEC FOR 5 CENTS Light, Weight as required, gs Lp ------ Rmusements, _ - NEXT WEEK, Entire Change of |. Programme, FREE SHOW Every | Evening. § : High Class Vaudeville New Moving Pictures. Latest Illustrated Songs. EXPERIENCED MACHINISTS, 0 sertion, 25c.; tI six, $1; 'ono 'month, WANTED-MALE. Blacksmiths 'and Boilermakers. ply Room 826 Traders Bank, onto, Ont. * pe Tor- ; TONIGHT AT TE fRivarss THE GREAT REPRODUCTION OF: : Quebec Ter-centenary Celebration, See the R.C.HUA., of Kingston, 14th P.W.O.R. in line. His Royal Highness the Prince "of Wales landing. , Decorating the Monument of Champlain. The Grand Historical Proctssion. An Inspiring Picture of the Great Military viaw before His Royal High- ness the prince Of Wales. 4.000 Feet of Swing 'Pictures. A DRIVER FOR DELIVERY WAGGON SALBESMEN, one Who understands the City well and understands the care ¢f iorses. Apply to J, S. Henderson. vi LEX ¥ me ARE PLACING Ores of en in go positions all over United States and Canada and always have good openings. hy not learn to be an expert Traveling Salesman ? You can earn from two to ten times what you can in any other profession, and your expenses besides. No former . experience re- guired. Write for our book, "A Knight of the Grip."" Address Dept. 791, National Salesman's Training Assn, Chicago, IM., Kansas Civy, Mo., Minneapolis, Minn., U.S.A. Write nearest office. WANTED-FEMALE, We Lead Al Others Yollow. ' Latest Songs Jlustrated, EXPERIENCED GENERAL SER- vant. Apply 253 King streets Pulled Up Short. DINING ROOM GIRL, AT ONCE. New York Times AP- ply British-Anpierican Hotel Office. Prof. Charles Zeublin, of the Univer- sity of Chicago, was reiterating at au dinner his belief that most American philanthropy failed of its object. "Many philanthropist, 'his "heart beating with love. of his fellow man, would be pulled up with a round tar," | said Prof. Zeubliny "if he knew what really became of the last hundred or the last thousand that He gave to char- Goon IA YOUNG GENERAL SERVANT, ron family' of three. Apply to Mrs, Maleolnt Sutherland, 151 Earl St. 'APERIENCED STENOGRAPHE for office work, Apply,. with ~ ticulars, to Box 559, care Whig office, GIRL, FOR GENERAL housework, No washmg. Apply to Mrs. Henderson, 49 Clergy St. wily. "Yes, he would be taken as completely aback as the young man who said proudly 'to his girl in the moonlight: "Tell me, my own, when did you first discover that you loved me?" * 'When 1 found myself getting angry A COOK, A SMART FOR SMALL FAMILY, where housemaid is kept. No wakh- ing or ironing. Apply at: Whig office. YOUNG GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework, in family of (two), good wages. Apply 176 King street, after 6 p.m. . : every time anyone called you a fool, she replied." A Professional Picker. Captain Spencer, senior prison mis- sioner of the Church Army, tells a story of a ceftain conyict's philosophic view of his existence. "Well; my man," asked Captain Spencer, "what do you do when you are out of prison?" "Well," said the convict, "in spring. 1 does a bit of pea-picking, and in the summer time [ does a bit of fruitépick- ing." "Oh! said the captain, "what happens after that?" "Well. now, mis- ter," vreplied the comvict, "I may as well be honest' and tell you that in winter time I does a bit of pocket- picking." = The missioner, in amaze- merit, asked finally, "And what happens then?" The conviet answered laconi- cally. "Why, here 1 am doing a bit of oakum-picking." / I Workhouse Romance. Rathér an umusual 'application was made to the guardians of the poor- house at Willesden, - England," by an clderly inmate, who has several times taken his discharge and remained out | 000-00 VVROVVVIVRVVVV0OO weeks together. He was "court- ing" an old lady who had some free- hold land, sand he asked the board to | provide him with a black coat and vest, | a light pair of trousers, and a: pair of brown bouts, so that he might , et for YOUNG LADY, SEWERS MAKE O-0-00000000000000000000 TO ASSIST WITH LIGHT housework, from 9 to 7, Saturdays and Sundays, 9 to 2. Apply 'Mrs, W. O. Baker, 91 Clargy St, West. GIRL GIRL: To DO G RAL housework from 8 to 3, for balance Jompetent maid for gen- ork. City references, Mrs. Lavell, Albert 'street. SANITARY materials furnished $15 per hundred. Particularg stamp- ed envelope. Dept, 670 Dearborn Specialty Co., Chicago, Iil. belts at home ; ADIES TO DO PLAIN AND LIGHT sewing at home, whole or spare time; good pay. Work sent any distance charges paid. Send stamp for full particulars. National Manufacturing Cn., Montreal, " WANTED." SALESWOMAN FOR DRY Goods, one huving ex- perience preferred. WELL-FURNISHED Some merchants go to chuirch oi iid , with' bibles under their arms; that's of advertising. XT pr of -- > The lly good, honest merchaiits, however, -put their advertisement in the Whig, where it may. be seen of men and'accomplish much: «It pyesns re-. quire Yarge space always, to 'niaké aivertiaiig pay THe small business cin be siccegsfully allvergissd 'in - a small way. wat reduces the outlay; and makes the result 'profitable. The Whig will 'insert "the advertise- ment of ~dhy cofimercial business on the following basis : ey 7, "ONE INCH 6. months, every day - - - - -$14.40 € months, every other day 8.64 1 year, every day - 1 year, every other day -- 14.40 TWO INCHES 6 months, every day 6 months, every other day 1 year, every day 1 year, evéry other day -- 28.80 -~ 'When you consider what this costs you a month, it is very cheap. And the Whig reaches hearly every home in Kingston. H the information you want is not contained in the above tdble, "plione 243, and ask for our ad. man. He will'be glad to call, ahd go into the matter thoroughly with you. _ TO-LET. a ihe FOR SALE. ROOMS, WITH| To. = modern conveniences, with or with- | $1,200 WILL BUY A DOUBLE BRICK out board, Apply 176 Clergy St. « welling, on Montreal St., that rents ' for $18.50 per month. % J. Laidlaw & Son. WANTED--GENERAL, SUMMER COTTAGE, FURNISHED BY » y T " " 2 i the week, or month, on St. Lawrence | IF" YOU WANT TO SELL, OR RENT and Kideau, Apply to McCann, 51 | your property, consult Brock St, | A, F. BOND, R AL ATE IENTLEMAN WANTS MUSIC AND singing lessons. Write stating terms, to Box **J. Whig office, marricu. The committee 'acceeded to the application, 3 Still One Way. said 'the Suffragist on the {¥ platform, "women have been wronged | for ages. They have sufféred. in a thousand ways." "There is one way in which they have nevér suffered," said a meek looking man, standing up in the rear of The hall "What way Suffragist, ~~ Yes," is that?" demanded tiie BOARD FIRE 821 F AGENT, AVE., BRICK| 79 Clarence street dwelling, 8 rooms, modern $mprave | ments, Aeply to J. 8S, R, McCann, 51 Brock St. [SQUARE | € ition UNIVERSITY PPANO, IN cheap. GOOD Apply CON Box IUALIFIED TEACHIER, FOR S. S. No, 8, Storrmgton. Apply E. Anies, Sec.-T reas., , Seeley's Bay, Ont, on JOARD FOR A SMALL FAMILY, IN a private house during the Fall and Winter. Address "T.," Whig office. FOR A SMALL. FAMILY, IN: a private house during the Fall and LARGE OFFICE FROM OCT, 1,~BRICK RESIDENCE, - Will sell ROOM, IN EX-| ,' Whig office. change Chambers, No. 118 Brock St, | ---- ro Apply to Geo, Cliff, Real Estate| Brokér, 95 Clarence street. LADIES' E. & D. BIOYCLE. the thing Tor a Toy. "$6.00, condition. Apply Whig office, 181 Division street, with twelve rooms, including eéxtension kitchen, hot Water heating, bath, etc. En. HAND-MADE BASKETS, AL SIZES quire at 179 Division street. AL Ze al! kinds to order. Repairing neabiy Winter. Address '"I.," Whig office. INSURANCE RISKS, Goon companies, lowest rates, fair settie- ments. Ja R..-C, Dobbs & Co., 109 Brock St. Telephone, 480, "They have suffered in sil ence." never Even Better Pleased. A commercial traveller, having got séttlement. of (a Jong-standing aceeunt with a shopkeper, invifed hingbu¥ to dine, - "Na, na," said the tradesman, "I'll ne'er gang to an inn; but just tell me how muchle it would cost ye .to gi'e me my dinner." "Oh" said the traveller, "perliups 'three or four shil- lings." "Very well, then," replied the economisy, 'gi'e me the four shillings an' FIl be just*as well pleased as if I'd got the dinner." A . y The Orphan Teacher. "What is an orphan?" asked teacher. ' None of know. "Well, I'm an orphan," said the teacher, as not too plain a cue. A "hand popped up 'and tthe owner exclaimed : "An orphant is a woman that wants to gp married dnd can'®", ii the | the children seemed to | | 2a: | Reversed Ambition. | "It used to be the height of my am | bition to own a.moter-boat," said the | THE A JOB CLEANING ASHES OUT OF POUBLE TO RENT, {TO REN DRESSY | ARTHUR ELLIS, OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH estimatés on electric work; All kinds of work promptly done. F. J, Birch, Electrician, 206 . Wellington - street. FROM SEPT. THE DWELLING. AND STORE PRO- done. Prices reasonable. 'W, J. Coles 15TH, TO MAY 1ST, man, First street. to a suitable t¢nant, furnished House, with modern conveniences, near Queen's College. Enquire, 'Phone, 296, or 95 West Clergy street. LOVERS OF MUSIC CAN SECURF Al fine piano, slightly used, at a saeni« fice price for cash. Apply quickly to "Musician, Wiig office. perty, corner Wellington and Queen Sts., possession at once. This pro- perty will be painted and _ renovated. -- ga Apply Rs Chas. Bell, 171} Welling- ' MONEY AND BUSINESS. yards or cellars, or carted, Prices right. Lytle, General Carter, 35 other baggage Apply to & ain St. DWELLING, (BRICK PRE- with mbdern conveniences, not above Unlversity 'Ave. Boon, 159 Wellington ferred), location Apply to T. J, street. BY TWO LADIES, 2 "OR ON SEPTEMBER 1ST, NEXT, UNE ton St. . OUR. POLICIES COVER MORE 'OR building and contents than any gther company oflers. Examine them at Gadwin'sy Insurance Emporium, Marks et Square. of the best business stands in King- stony on the corner of Printess and ~ Wellington streets, lately occupied hy | ¥. Nishel, Stationer." Apply Felix | Shaw, 115 Bagot St., Kingston. Out. | LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBR Fire Insurance Company, Available assets $61,187,215, In' addition to 3 furnished ' or unfurnished rooms with or without board, in good locality. Apply Box 'M. L.,)'" Whig affice SILVER BROOCH SET WITH BRILL which the policyholders - have for securly the unlimited liability of al) the stockholders, Farm and ¢ity pro | zor. | | { perty insured 'at lowest = possible fants, last Thursday. Reward for return to Whig office. SMALL WELL-FUR- |G or part of a house, in- for eight or ten location and termgs 0," Whig office. ished house cluding kitchen, months 3 rates, Before renewing old or giving new business gel rates from Strange SIGNET NG NITIALLE] SIGNET RING, INITIALI » % Strange, Agni pias Boy at Lake Ontario Park bathing in water téward Tor its 'hig office. OLD "i Houses, or return to PERSONAL. Apply Box ¥ " DARK BELT, WITH SQUARE STERL- GENTLEMEN TO GET their Spring Suite made at Gallo- way's. Style, price and, finish guar anteed to please. 131" Brock St., next to Bibby's Livery. "ARCHITECTS, ARCHITECT, OF- fice, Cor. Queen and Bagot streets. worried-looking man. : "And what is the height af your am- bition new?" asked his friend. HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, ete., Anchor Building, Market Squire. 'Phone, 345. + "To sell it." how | "Strong and active," that's i vou feel after taking the Red Cross POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER- [A chast's Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. "Phone, 213. brand Beef, Iron and Wine. Sold only at Gibson's. Red Cross Drug Store, S0e., not 75c., there. Booth & Co., the best place for | WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF flee, second floor over Seer De : store, corner Princess streets. Entrance on Bagot street; "Phone. 608. . slabs, 7 i . Try "em all and. then look "here. 'MARRIAGE LICENSES. 5 Bibby. 4 aT 1,000 Cords 'of "Heavy, "Mediom: or Mill Ends | 8, , KIRKPATRICK, 'ISSUER OF Marriage Licenses, 42 Clarence St. 0 Unitarian. REV, C. W. CASSON. A Worse Hall. Let it not be supposed for a mo- wnt that the liberal faith abolishes SUM _OF MONEY, BLACK CEOTH COAT, ON TUESDAY LECTRI Sewing and worse. ; coming ages of 'a mean deed 'wiilally periormed is worse. trance Jearned to appreciate heaven, and feel out of place in heaven is hell most real. A ing silver buckle, bearing Canadian coat-of-arms, last evening. Reward for Xs return to this Office. * HAIR, warts, MOLES, BIRTHMARKS, etc., removed ; permanently, without stabs Twenty Joars. i ence. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, E ar, Nose, Throat awd Skin temisn Specialist: 258 Bagot street, AMOUNTING TO Aug. 11th, in King City and Odes Whig office §: £70, or more, ston, or between o'inder please leave at and recsive $20 reward. YOU REQUIRE HELP OF ANY kind, write us for particulars, or 4f Sts., you are out of a = tion, advike Lawn us ; we have always "good refined situations on band. Canadian Ema, ployment Agency, Brockville, Dnt. evening, on Queen or Ontario or on Bridge to VanHorn's Social, on Pittsburg Road. it. returned to Whig office. Reward SABLE AND WHITE COLLIE DOG, A right front leg white. Partiel keep: | SITUATION WANTED, ing him after this notice wil: t . what's Coming to them. Any infor-} EMPLOYMENT BY AN ENOLISH mation about him will be thankfully man, who hag excellent " tions and lu aid of ta received at J. Theobald's Fair Dréss- eation. Not ing Establishmeent, King street. hard work. Apply for m-- Whig office. | BUSINESS CARD. pa SERVANTS, EXPERI Cc CARPET _ CLEANING ced, English, Scotch, Irish, arrive Laying Fonther Bolle Ing ve ly wu y r seferyision, 1 you and . cleaned y - steam. on servant wri . The Gud, Milne, 272 Bagot street. Drummond St., Montreal, uy DOMESTIC 'the memory throughout the To be given en- into heaven; without -haviag to mde C. 'W. 'Ladin, dt 25]! he . ba Ask our customers if we tell the truth. a Bes , Mass., for the An actor appeared ome day at re- a ? 3 adi-1 Ihearsal ; itati Y En Hard Wood, very" Best Maple Blocks, | hell. It may not accept the tradi- [hearsal in jreat agitation. A friend just the thing for quick hot fires. ™ Hional conception, but it replaces 'it ] TRE Tn » Yond) a | wanted to know what was the matter, . : ; : LL A =a d | = "Why, sir, my donkey 6f 3 brother | We deliver. any sized order: ! | with One that promises even worse tol \ : 1 A | was married: yesterday to 2 penniless : 2 "a - . % 443 ; {girl named Sharp." : > he 3 DE S : the 'evil doer. There' are worse pun | "My. dear fellow," said the "other, JAS. SWIFT & CO. Sid - So . 3 ke , Qran : ishments than the pain of F N y don't fret; it was a musical wedding" . L ( Ls a torment. The eternal having had the chance 1p nike One's]

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