i THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 1906 DSSED BY WAVES TWO NIGHTS AT SEA IN FRAIL OPEN BOAT. Sr-- Young Sai'or Lad Has Perilous Adventure din 'the Bristol Channel. Aug. 15.~The steambarge Ludovico, which arrived at Barry, to-day, brought to port William Rowles, a Devonshire lad, who, was rescued after he had spent two days and two nights in an open boat in the Bristol channel. Rowles hails from Jain- staple, and has always longed to go to sea. Two months ago he walk- ed from there to Plymouth, and secured a berth on the schooner Ella Owens, of Cardigan. A few days ago the Ella Owens put in at Swansea, and on Thursday last young Rowles went ashore, taking the ship's boat to row across the dock. When he réturned a couple of hours later he could not hind the schooner, and, thinking that she might have moved out into the bay, he rowed to the end of the pier wo look for her. The boat was struck by a large wave, which carried it out into the chan- nel," and at the same time washed away one of Rowle's oars. ; . "I never hoped to weather it, * said Rowles to a reporter. "I had only one oar to scull with and 1 could not make any progress against the cur- rent, "The rain came pouring down, there was a strong westerly gale blowing, and the sea was running very high. The small boat rode the waves splen- didly but 1 was tossed about like a cork, and | was often in danger of being pitched clean out of the hoat. "I spent the night in the bottom of the 'boat clinging to' the seat bailing out. the water and keeping a sharp lookout. When daylight came T was on the open sea, but no vessels were near me, and throughout the day I was tossed about on the waves. On Friday night a sailing ship appeared within a mile of me. 1 shouted, and as the ship came nearer 1 thought they would pick me up, but no one appeared on the deck, and the passed without taking any notice. London, vessel GRAIN CROP INJURED a Correspdpdent. at Sharpton. Sharpton, Aug. 13.--Abundant rains have brought good . pastures; = stocks are thriving. The flow of milk is above the average. But nearly a hali of the grain crop will be injured by rust, therefore we may expect a deal of lightweight oats. The straw is generdily heavy. There will be plenty of hay and straw for fodder. While with farmers mon- ey is not as plentiful as in Igte years prospects are good. Already thresh- ing machines are on the move, Mr. and Mrs. 'Wood, of Brockville, are to visitetheir daughter, Mrs. P. W, jell. Statute labor is being = done on the several heats. 8S. Somerville received a letter from his Adam aud Albert, who are mining So Says ir the Klondyke. » Mr. Hartman, Odessa, | once a pectfles meat through here week, Considering the amount cattle that left the country lagt fall it is surprising how low: the price of | beef is. Miss Barelay having pesign- ed, Miss Wood, of Sydenham, will he- gin teacher next Monday. = Miss Barclay is to conduct Elginhurg school. W, Somerville, Camden: Fast, ns spending the summer with hig niece, | R. Pattearsen vis- at Wilton, who Mrs, ited LF his MeGowan mother ie grain, éspecially * hrothers, ot | SERVED AS A POSTMAN A STORY ABOUT JACK LONDON, THE AUTHOR. His Alaskan Stories Made Him Famous and He Gave Up His Position at the Post Office. When all the belated dispatches her- alding the progress of Jack London, novelist, about the unchartered seas in his yacht Shark have been collected, there will be . ample material for an- Sher autobiography on a magazine ontract from the pen of the' author of "The Call of the Wild," Yet there { are a. few items conterning London's ' vouth, which the 'author and his iriends have overlopked in the past. For instance, it has never Leen told | that when London had his first piece of fiction actepted he was a postman. Just wbput the time that his cheque arrived from a well-known short story | magazine of the news stand tvpe, pub- lished in Boston, London's name was posted in 'the post office at Oaklind. Cal, in the list + of thos: who had | passed the eivil ' service examination for the positioh of earrier. ¥ | His rank was higher than that of f any other of the ten or a dozen suc- ------ TWO FUTURE EMPE RORS OF GERMANY. # was generally" considered either genius or g "bug." re. MABCONT AT THE KEY. Making Thunder and Lightning » in His Paris Workshop. a +b is covered with] a carpet "of rubber. "The walls' and ceiluigs are in hard wood. Stran instrumedts he in vath corner of ot room. Un a platform raised' a vand above the floor, says a writer in la Rérue, is a table with a trangmitting key upon itmnd atlarge woodey lever also used in transmitiing. Maresii is on the piatiorm, his band grasping the lever. . Ta "Now," says he," be careful. When I signal to the electrician 50,000 volts will enter the room. Stand behind me and touch' nothing. Do not approach those oils, because the current will not wait for you to touch them; it will leap out upon you." The signal 'given, a lever is piled amd a dull noite is heard. Thé needle of the voltameter begins to, move on the dial and to attain all sorts of high figures. "Now," says Marconi, "I will com- municate with the nearest station," and he presses the key of the trans- mittgr. / There is a blinding blue flash and at each pressure on the key sparks near- lv two feet in length start from be tween the two silvery balls of thé in- Otie of these balls is in communication with the' earth: and the other . with a vod/ Fach spark repre- serits an impulsign which is communi- cated from the agtary to the rod and this rod the electrician sats in motion thé, vibrations of the ether called Hertzigh waves. These waves expand .in duction reel, from apple in av- ery 1? 300,000 | 'weaknéss) bralu fag, loss of Relleved Tn a op fy Remarkable Manner a aa WA Peering' i a Systenilc Catarrh 'h Remedy: ~ 5 Especially Adapted to Cases of} #8 Nervous Prostration : : {Caused By Overwork; Mental Strain A or Extreme Summer Heat. v latitudes where warm weather ig ¥ '$0 meet the exigencies of hot weather. This is the cause of much sickness. ¢ Storiach catarri®indigestion and dys- Pepsia are not among the least of sum mer ailments. : > ; Wher the digestion' is disturbed, the assimilation is also] ernsuon Jane, tia" 3 result the body does WEAKNESS. not Cin 'the | notrishment it should. I. nervous prostration are results, 4 What is neéded is a remedy thet will restore' the digestive organs to thelr | normil condition. a Such a remedy has been found in Peruna. It has proven itself of great value in 'thousands of cases of this kind, . 4 Its action has béen remarkable st times in restoring some patients who had given up all hopé.of récovery. But there ig nothing strange abont Peruna's action. It simply tones. up the mucous' mem- === mo branes of the organs involved, restoring: oe, them to their. ™ ; normal condition' aid léaving Nature to perform her duties unhindered. That person who, has ound, healthy mucous membrands lining the entire digestive tract is well-guarded against the usual summer ailments. Peruna is the means whereby to at- tain this most desirable cohdition, ¢ If you suffer frém any of thé above mentioned symptoms, try a bottle of Peruna. great, the system is sométimes poorly | with | "The fa entailed by system about a year ago. long for office "YI T then rik, cided to experiment on myself. "Peruna was then condition improving, A time I followed the directions a3 Accountant at the office. " Kidneys and Liver, Mr, George E. Hess, 1611 Broadway, Supervisor of the 2nd District Water- vliet, N. Y,, writes: anks the great help I have re- I felt that I would 'no t§@ severe strain upon my nerves, as, a thing unknown to tobe over in order to rest. ? grew weaker and a few monthslater my 'n completely and was obliged to suffering from palpitation of the heart. as "After a few weeks' treatment by a local physioipn, I was in the same eld out no great prospects for me; I de- "I took'several remedies advertised as tones, critical condition and as the doctor h "Peruna tertainly worked wonders on my system, down from overwork, I'believe it is the A Sya{em stang-b to wi me befor sight was Im ali f. tomy bed. Iwas also but did notderive any benedit, °n a trial, and before I had taken it a week I felt my 8 few weeks more had elapsed, during which refully, my shattered nervous came firmer, my sight stronger and I hoped to be out soon again, "My expectations wore realized; for in three weeks I assumed my duties system be , and for persons run- tonie." Distress After Eating. Mr. J. W. Pritchard, Columbia City, | Ind., writes: 3 I "I am pleased to say that I have been | cured of catarrh of the stomach b Peruna. 7 i "It is pat just 16 you to acknowledge "1 had been suffering from sea sick OT at ness and was getting very weak, and my thirst was painful, owing to the sean water, which had gone down my throat. The second might was com ing on and 1 was in despair. I'he waves broke in and almogt washed me + One bottle of this remedy is often sufficient to convince any one of its merit ae a safe and reliable remedy for all catarrhal conditions, We have pany letters of gratitude re- ceived from persons who have expe: rienced its benefits. y ceived from the use of Peruna. Two years ago I was a sick man. My Kkid- neys and liver were out of order, and the pain in my back ahd head was at times 80 severe that I was obliged to give up my work. "Af¢ this time a club friend of mine "I could hardly eat aryiins 'that | agreed with me. Before I would ges | half through my meal my stomach | would fill with gas, causing me much | distress and unpleasant feelings for an hour or two after each meal. $ kilometrag a second; that is So re! seven times the circumference of fhe earth. They are independent of wind and temperature and glide above the surface of the earth and sea, striking their way the wirelds stations This photograph of the Crown Prince of Germany and his has been but recently taken, and has attained a large sale in on out of the boat, and it was only on the crest of a wave that I could see around me, and I noticed that the ships passed ten miles away. "Then I tried to sleep under the seat, bat the waves filled the boar so often that-I could not rest. "1 was bruised and tired and rungry and I gave up all hope. "When night came on for the second time 1 did not seem to care whether I was drowned or not, But when the light came my hopes began to rise again, "1 eannot tell you snw the Ludovico making and felt strong arms drawir the bulwarks to the and 308 me brandy and food and M's tle stronger now, but I have terrible first experience atisea." WHERE RESPONSIBILITY LIES At Least It Should Or Else Suggests Weakness. Gldbe ot into effective rests" on the local authorities, mainly ,on the license inspectors of the various districts If these ment officers had been « doing duty in Kingston and Hamilton there would 'have beén no need to send pro vincial "whiskey detedtives" from To ronto to ascértain who were violating the license So far from being a commendable proceeding on the part of the government, this kfnd of en to a confe with what joy 1 toward ma over me had It Toronto the duty law putting the liguor hi cense operation and govern their law forcement is equivalent sion 'that the ordinary local machiner can no longer trusted to accom plish the verv purpose for which was brought into existence be it Had Bad Ear Trouble. The skin hard caused frightful itchiness and nothing helped - till Dr. Hamilton's Ointment was used; it cured. Nothing known that is so healing, antiseptic, so gure to alleviate, all skin irritation, Dr. Hamilton's Ointment : became and dry, Trev youl self. Selby Sawings. Selby, Aug. 14.--A number from hore attended the picnic Vankoughnet woods, on Thursday, and all reported a good time. C. Dean has sold in of ago, one Fatherland. -- - tage of the splendid condition gf the ground and are ploughing. The good has brought a scourge Ragweed, paratively unknown here few is spreading fast. Visitors . Mrs. Mooney, sr., daughter and pramxl- child, Napanee; Miss Beatrice Freemgn, Holleford, at I. Taylor's; Miss Sharp, British Columbia, at W. Sharpe's; Mes PP. Smith, Watertown, and Miss G Smith, Westbrooke, at. 5. Somerville's D. Parks, Frederickshurg, at Ww Smith's: Mr. and Mrs. WW. McQuay, at B. Parks', Hawley. Odess tory paid sac. per July Buckwheat, the wet, promi owing weather noxious woeeds, come- a Years v cheese Tac of milk ior where not good of an K cewl Ww (rop blight old by 8 mplatning nD Hender rin on, 10) to Mv. ---------------- there ever complaint Pills are a and Only was a specific If 1 then Carter's specihic for sick Laver every woman shoul one pill a ache, this them. At Presco Mise Fannie drichtman, Pvke dose, afternoor Benjamin tt on Taesda daughter of Wrookville, Wolie Island John MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMAN IN ENGLAND. | famous because of the vogue of {his job with the post office. | When injured | | v | the husky was married to | cessful applicants. London carnied the mail ro for a short! time only, and then he suddenly began to find himself his first Alaskan stories, and he. gave up Londen came back from his cruises on. a ®dalfhe schooner to enter the Oakland high scheol, he a shock-haired, unkempt youth akout twenty-one, who always word a blue sweater and who rode to school on a | dilapidated bicycle, Because of his | age he appeared to the other students | thers as a man full grown, who was { hardly to be met on the footing of comradeship, * : It not until he began to write little monologues in tramp dialéet for the school paper that London at- fA tracted attention. Some of the | things he wrote for that school paper { he could sell under his name to-dav, w were far and away above the of the school paper story. I'he awe in which the students held ¥ increased one day when after he had been attending chool for about a vear he was ar- | rested for, addressing an ousdgor cialist meeting in Oakland's city hall park without police permission. That | capped the student wonder, and ' he was was | calibr | young man 80 t & I Ont), one of A. was \|n way Mr pavilion at this and visit 'Jabout two and a half miles. runs will be made every Monday, Wed- nesday and Friday, leaving the bund- follow meal, and 'will be a greater benefit the and second in each heat will for the final. make it a point to be on hand early. lin far hevond the horizon. each blinding flash that accom- movement of t key a the report of@rifle is heard. It it an awe inspiring spec- tacle, the inventor calmly standing there pressing the key amid the light. wing and the thunder. The operator is obliged to stuff his ears with wopl, It appears, however, that recently Marconi has found means of doing away with the noise ahnost com- pletely. that pa ies the like noize Had A Fine Trip. New. York Dramatic Mirror of August 15th, has the 'following : p. R. Brawigan, leegt-#anager of thn Shand Opera Lelise, Kingston; J. ¥mall's theatres, week on his by The York last Accompanied has been spending Atlantic City. excellént busi- season at ew) \back home. Mrs. Branigan, he short vaeation at Branigan reports ness prospects for next \ Kingston. The house he manages is the only theatre in the city, and it slaves the best attractions visiting Canada. Mr. Brawigan is' also man- ager of Lake Ontario Park, Kingston, the street railway. The ori plays vaudeville moving pictures. While away, and Mrs./Branigan also paid a to Philadelphia, and their trip was a most enjoyable one. i a owned by Nr. Harriers On Run. The barriers held their first run of the season, Thursday, and covered hk, These testimonials are proot to us that Peruna has not failed in the mis- sion for which it was intended, thay] of relieving suffering and restoring health, 3 iia Pre daintiest kid and the roughest leather. TAKE No, Js = 08284 Tis, ==) Regular ing at 8:45 too By leaving then it will hot closely on the evening to til taking part. Members should make an effort to get out to these runs, I'he association will 'be represented in Mhrathén on Labor day. To- at the athletic grounds, the be 100 yards, handicap. be three heats and first dhalify should 2 night, wents will There will Every member D ptm Fishing At Algonquin Park. ' The passenger department" of the One Child Cured of Summei Complaint and Six Cured of Gramps by Half a Bottle of DR. FOWLER'S EXTRACT OF WILD STRAWBERRY. Mrs, Wm. Flewelling, Arthur, Ont. mys: "I find it much pleasure to reconimend. Dr: Fowizk's Exraicr or spoke to me of Peruna, and induced me to try it, The effect.it had on me from the first was most remarkable. once that 1 had secured the right medi- eine, and 'Wad entirely cured in ten weeks.' I knew ot ONT "But, thanks to your Peruna, T am | now completély cured, snd can kt any- ! thing T want to without any of the dig- tressing symptoms, I datmow efijoy | my meals, and it is all due to Dr. Harts | man and his wonderful medicine." + | i « wi wi a I i TO ATTEND THE OF THE We have bunched together all the small lots, and Odds and' Ends, and plaeed prices en them for you to 7 Carry Away ' Wito STRAWBERRY a4 a grand cure for Goods. residence, here, to H. Martin. G Grand Trunk railway system have leau and wife spent Sunday at D leau's, Bath. A voung son at Friskin's. Rev. Mr. Dowdell few friendly calls here last week. Thompson, we are sorry to say, quite poorly F. L. Amey and Mrs. J: Gonu_ attended the ding reception at 8S. Files on Thurs- day evening. Visitors: Miss Ander gon, at C. Anderson's; Mr. and Mrs Arnold, at C. Arnold's; R. Lucas and wife, at G; Valleau's. made a Mys is and wife wed -- Social functions are sometimes created to show good clothes, . Deafness Cannot Be Cured. by local applications, as they canno veach the diseased portion of the eur. There is only ona way to cure deafness, and. that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con-| dition of the mucous ling of the plustachian Tube. When this tube is in- flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is ahtire- | lv closed, Deafuess is'the result, and un-| jess the inflammation can be taken out] and this tube restored to its normal] condition, bearing, will be deptroyed for-} ever : mine cases out-of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an in- flamed condition of the mucous surfaces We will give One Hundred Dallars for any case of Deafness (caused hy Catarrh) 'that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. | ¥. J. CHENEY & CO. Toledo, 0O. ake Hall's Family Pills for consti patios by Druggists, Se: ' * When the portrait of Migs Close was published 'over the ' world as the winuer of the London Daily Mirror beauty competition there was a general consensus of opinioh that the verdict of the judges was justified. As, however, only the full-face portrait of Miss Close vas published, captious people doubted whether her profile was equally beautiful. Close's profile fpr the first time, conclusively proves that it is as " beautiful as her full'face, 41 found I had my nilfity This photograph, specially taken to show Miss | just received the following letter from a prominent medical practitioner in Western Ontario : "I have just re turned from ten days' fishing at Al- gonquin Park. While there our party of five put upzat the 'Highland Inn,' and we were al so well pleased at the accommodation that I think it my duty to drop you & line and ac quaint you with the unanimous opin+ ion of our vy. 1 have travelled almost over the world, anid 1 de not think Avith any éxception that I ever received better er more courteous at- tention than at this delightful spot." » ---------- Staying Up Late. Alden Arthur Knipe in August Nicholas. . 3 .One evening when my bedtime I didn't want te go. - So mother said' I might stay ap For just this once, you know. And so I stayed and stayed and stayed, Through «ll the night, I thik, And pever went to hed at oll, Nor slept a' little wink. St. came ' ; But when at last the sun arose, A-shining warm and Ho And. was sitting up in bed. The Cape : Vincent fice ball is to be enlarged, ground hawing been pur chased for that purpbse. Abont ss wmpeh damage is done by reckless tongues as Summer Complaint. little boy, one year old, was very doses cured him. I also used i§.on ny awaiting you. : Some the best bargains of the sale are now "197 'Princess Street, Kingston. 5 Manufacturers of the choieést INED § NEI i