Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Aug 1908, p. 8

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Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS. of Do- " » Or male over 18 years of a £0 the extent of one-quarter s, 60 acres, more or jess. motion, ol Application for homestead ent t made Ye TSon b; un minjon Fe y the apphcant at a or ul . Entry py proxy may, avr gmc. Bather, Tothor. agp Ho tions bY the dster "of an intendihg homesteader, An application for ust be m must be in person. The Lis le for homestead at icant DUTIES. --(1) At lesst six and wr ivation ou g the months* of the term' of Bed (2) A homesteader may, Wequired residence du- sires, orm the ties by living on g owned ly by him, not less an eighty (80) @cres in extent, in the Vicinity of his homestead. Joint ownership in Jamti will not meet this requirement. (or mbther, if the (8) It the fa ther ) of a homesteader had on ing land by him, not less than ghty extent, in the vicinity of the mestead, or pon a homestead entered for by him in the vicinity, such home- 8 may perform his own residence duties by 'living with the {father (orf mothet). (4) The term "vioinity'" in the two receding paragraphs is defined as mean- ne not more than nine miles in a direst it he so do SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH. WEST MINING REGULATIONS, COAL.--Coal mining rights may leased for }¥Snty-ons. years at an annual rental of $1. an "acre. Not more than 2,560 acres canbe leased to one appii- cant. Royally, five cents per ton, QUARTZ.~A 'person eighteen years of age and over having ma a may locate a 1,500 feet by 1,500 feet. Feo $5.00. At least $100.00 must be expended om the claim each year, or gold to the . mining Recorder. When 500.00 has been expended or pald and other requirements , Complied with the claim may be purchased at $1.00 an PLACER MINING OLAIMS generally, 100 feet square. Entry fee, $5.00, y DREDGING. --Two leases of five miles pach of a river may be issued to one ap olicant for a term of 20 years. Rental, $10.00 a mile per annum. Royalty, 24 Dor cont after the output exceeds $10,- . W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior, N.B.~Unauthorized publication of this ndvertisement will not be paid for, ® American - od' Oils Coal Oil Lubricating Oils Gasoline We make a specialty of handling Lubricating Oils of all kinds. Prices on application. W. F. KELLY & CO, South Cor. Ontario and Clarence Sts. . "Phone, 486. NEW MACHINE SHOP. A call is jnvited for all kinds of gener- al manufacturing and machine repairing. Special work such as machine sharpen. ng lawn mowers (we have the only machine in the city for this pur;ose)-- repairing sewing machines, guns, phono- aphs, scales, razors, edged tools, ies ; brazing, model and pattern making. Best of attention given all work. Repairs May be tested before leaving shop, Work guaranteed. Work outside city promptly attaaded to. Charges moderate. J. W. HUNTER, Machinist, 30 Mont- St., (near Princess) Kingston. Orders taken at Simmons Bros. and A. Van- juven's Parcel Delivery. Real Estate Bargains 6-room Frame House, on John St. and Double Frame sdouse, on Charles St., with barns and stable. Can be bought right for a good investment, both rented. J.R.C.Dobbs & Co 109 Brock St. " py CC CABS! The Old Stand and The Old Num Phone . 490 OFFICE NO. 1. All onders promptly attended to night or day. 7 THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright Money loaned on City and Farm Pro jes. Municipal An County Deben- ased. Jeposi Moss ym oe allowed. S. C. McGill, Managing Director. Notice to Our Customers Our store will close at 6 o'clock sharp every night, except Saturday. "A. GLOVER. A HINT TO SHAVERS are now selling a Safety Razo is fully guaran 5 FOR 25 CENTS. Get one and try ity rr A. STRACHAN DR. LITTLE'S FEMALE REGULATING PILLS Best for Women's use, In irregularities "pr supression, at all Druggists, or by mall, $2. DRy LI7TLE MEDICINE CO., [Moronto, Ost. We which "ONLY MEDICINE THAT DID ME G00" "Fruit-a-tives" Cured Backache After Doctors Failed Utterly. nl Dave .recelved most wonderful benefit from taking "Fruit-a-tives." I suffered for years from backaches and pain in the head and I consulted doctors and took every remedy ob- tainable without any relief. Then I began taking "Fruit-a-tives" and this was the only medicine that ever did me any real good. I took several boxes altogether, and now I am en- tirely well of all my dreadful head- aches and backaches. I take "Fruit- a-tives" occasionally still, but I arm quite cured of & trouble that was said to be incurable. I give. this testi- mony voluntarily, in order that others who suffer ds I suffered may trv this wonderful medicine and be cured." Mrs. Frank Baton, Frankville, Ont. Be wise. Profit by Mrs. Eaton's example, and start with "Fruit-a- tives." 'They will anickly relieve Pain in the Back, and stop Headaches be- cange they keep | 1s, kidneys and skin in peffect ¢ r and insure the blood being al pare and rieh. ~ "Fruit-a-tiv new 25¢ trial s lar 50c boxes sheuld have both sizes. 3 3 not, write Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. ow put up in the rs TO MS MAJESTY THE KING; SirJohn Power & Son Ltd. ESTABLISHED AD. 1791 - THREE SWALLOWS IRISH WHISKEY Famous for over a century for its delicacy of flavor. Of highest standard of Purity. It is especially recommended by the \dedical Profession or account of its peculiar "DRYNESS" Girlhood Vigor Regained. or THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 1908. [HE SPENDS MONEY CHICAGO MILLIONAIRE'S -WORK IN PENINSULA. M. P. Rittenhouse Gave Ninety Acres For Experimental Work to Benefit Fruit-Growers of, Ontario -- Cross-Fertilization " One of the Chief Departments. Toronto Globe. Grimsby, Aug. 7--In a green corner of the Niagara peninsula close to the south shore of Lake Ontario stands one of the prettiest Ontario school- houses equipped with things many a &chool never heard about and placed in a garden of green lawn, green hedges and old-fashioned flowers. Across the road from the schoolhouse is one of the best furnished and designed public halls ever boasted" by a small town, one much better than the town hall in many a small city. Beside the school- extending to the edge of the is a ninety-acre experimental fruit farm. The locality is callgd Jor- dan Harbor, and the remarkable little collection of buildings stands as a monument to the generosity of a public- spirited Chicago, millionaire, M. F. Rittenhouse, who over sixty years ago was born on a farm very near the lo- cality which his philanthropy has raised from the state of an ordinarily pros- perous rural community to a well-kept and lavishly provided community. The schoolhouse, with all its improvements, is. for the benefit of the children. They have garden plots in which to work, a manual training school, a fine library, to which also their parents are admit- ted, all the conveniences of a city school, and a playground worthy of the name. The hall, "Victoria Hall," is for the farmers as a meeting place, for concerts for them, for musié teachers and their classes, or for any- thing that will benefit the people .gen- erally, The farm, though founded for the direct purpose of benefiting the hus- bandmen of the great fruit district that lies at the western end of Lake On- tario, i¥" intended to benefit the whole fruit-raising district of the province in making tests on the varieties of plant and tree that will prow in various soils under various conditions, and for the still more important purpose of cultivating and discovering new kinds of plarits by the system of cross-fertili- zation. ? Uver forty years ago, Mr. Ritten- house, then a young man of about twenty years, gave up the life of the old farmhouse in which' he was born and struck out for Chicago. He became a lumberman, and in the buying and sell- mg of timber, amassed the fortune of a millionaire. It has been since his rise to a position of wealth that he has twrned his attention to improving the conditions of the people who had grown up about the old farmhouse, and the Globe reporter, driven .over the place by W. G. Rittenhouse, a cousin of the Chicago man, and a prominent retired farmer of the Beamsville dis- trict, had the opportunity yesterday of seeing the works of: this philanthropy. The experimental farm was pur- chased about two years ago by Mr. Rittenhouse and arrangements were made with the Ontario Department of Agriculture for its maintenance and di- rection. It consists of ninety acres, covering many types of soil from light sand to black clay loam. gravelly clay laam and heavy red clay. It was placed first under the charge of a fore-. man, who cleared up the land. Since then the active work of the station has been under the charge of H. S. Peart, B.S.A., whose official title is that of director of. the horticultural station, Jordan Harbor, The chief work of the station will be that" of experimenting with new varie- ties and cross-fertilizing plants so as to find out which are best adapted to cer- tain conditions and to develop by the cross-fertilization befter lines of fruit. The immediate work of obtaining the new plants is under the care of . Logsdale of the Guelph Agricultural College. It is, of course, yet in its infancy, as it takes probably ten or twelve years of patient, delicate work, and almost endless bookkeeping, before the various qualities of various plants are so selected and merged into one plant as to make the work complete. Besides the impottant line of work there is a great deal of the land occu- pied at present in many varieties of peaches, apples, plums, pears, rasp- berries, strawberries, melons, cucum- The difficulty with most women lies in the fact that while they are anxious about the health and welfare of their family and loved ones, they rarely ever pay attention | to themselves until Nature says Stop. To revent this every woman should take Psychine regularly. It creates an appe- | tite and is the greatest of digestants. Psychine is a boon to run-down, tired and overworked women, for there is | | LIFE IN EVERY DOSE. Mrs. J. T. | { Miller of 63 Notre Dame St., Winnipeg, | { proved this, for she says: "Iam a | ul for what Psychine has done for me. | I was laid up with weakness. Oh, how I suffered. My appetite was very poor and | my stomach was greatly disordered. To- day I am strong and well, for Psychine has brought me permanent relief. I feel lise a new woman now to what I did : before taking Psychine. I feel the vigor | of girlhood in my veins once more." | TRY _PSYCHINE FREE. We want every family to know the | merits of Psychine and will send every householder a trial bottle free. Cut out coupon and mail to Dr. T. A. Slocum, Lid., Toronto. | Please let me have a free sample of Peychine as per your special offer. Nie Mg. oer" , Psychine regulates and strengthens the stomach and is an infallible remedy for all disorders- of the throat, lungs and chest. All druggists and stores, 50c. Every Woman 1s interested and should know MARVEL Whirlin Spra The new Yoginal 2 ray ost conven It cleanses tod gives euiars and directionsgn. mahlie to lads 4 WINDSOR SUPPLY CO. Windsor, Ont. General Agents for Canada. - : on. Most of us do unio others what we object to having done to us. | were 04 varieties of potatoes; | taker's home and the { Chairman" | Western sheriff in "The Round Up" | git it to-day,' the {| Or more of bers, beets, egg-plants, tomatoes, corn, cabbage, cauliflower, peppers, potatoes, celery and peas. In one place there in -an- other, seventy or eighty kinds of melon; and in another several kinds of tobac- co are being grown to ascertain which { are best adapted to certain soils. Work on the farm buildings has only begun. There will be, besides the new barn, a cold storage plant, hothouses, admimistration building, experimental canning building, and the residence of those in charge. The schoolhouse has several acres of garden and playground attached, of which a large pant is given over to patches of flowers or vegeta- bles for the pupils. Each with his own t small' plot is permitted to grow practi- cally what he likes, and it has been found the children take far more in- | terest in school since the gardens have been introduced. Acetylene gas is used to light the school from a Hon which lights also "Victoria Hall" the care- driving sheds erected by Mr. | Rittenhouse for public use." A perfect system of waterworks and sanitation makes the place as well | appointed as. any city building. Most Important. { Philadelphia Post. Arbuckle, fame and Maclyn first of "County now the wild was once a real lawyer in a really wild tsection of Texas, where, he says the customary - morning salutation among friends was not "Fine weather, isn't rebut: "Wonder who's goin' ter "it" being an ounce lead. Nevertheless, sags Maclyn the average "Bad Man" of the old West was .far more careful than he is romantically painted. "When I first struck that country," the actor recently declared, "I had a natural curiosity about the towa's Bad Men, and one evening I got to asking questions of the worst of the lot. He was a 'hefty fellow with a soft hat, ten nicks in his gun handle, and a reputa- tign as long as his hair, 'What would you do Mr. Simmons,' i inqui ed, 'if somebody called you a ar . "Simmons scowled fiercely, ""By word of mouth? he demanded. "'Yes,' said I, 'by word of mouth.' "The desperado took out his colt and weak and could not sleep. ---- regarded it lovingly. Then he looked up at me with the most terrifying ex- pression I have ever seen on a lMumau countenace, : " 'How big a man? he asked." x The Prince Of Wales. Bystander, in The Weekly Sun. Canada welcomes the Prince of Wales, son and heir of Edward VIL, hoping that he will prove worthy of his sire, and be he as dear © the British people. lhe function of the Crown since George T11. has been social rather leader of the mmority to the Premier- ship. But the present reign has shown that their is still latent influence of | the political kind. There 'certainly is in the case of a King with so strong a hold on the popular heart as Edward VII. Suppose in the semi-revolution- ary state into which England seems to be working herself, and with such a confused medley of parties on the Gov- ernment side, there should come a dead- lock, and the, King should choose his man; the nation, the majority of which must still be anti-revolutionary, would almost certginly stand by him. China, A \Collection Of Nations. Samuel Merwin, in Success Magazine. China is not a nation in the sense in which we ordinarily use the word. If we picture to ourselves the countries of Europe, with their different languages and different customs, drawn together into a loose confederation under the government of a conquering race, we shall have some small coriception of what. this Chinese "mation" really is. The people 'of these different European countries are all Caucasians; the dif- ferent peoples of China are all Mongo- lians. These Chinese peoples speak eighteen or twenty distinct: languages, each divided into almost innumerable dialects and subdialects. They are governed by Manchu, or Tartar, con- querors who spring from a differeat stock, wear different costumes, and speak among thpmpetvep a language wholly different from any of the eighteen or twenty native tongues. Not Lifelike. From Lippincott's. The late N. C. W., known throughout New England as a very shrewd money getter, sometimes hired a witty Irish- man to work around his place, and he loved to talk to the man on account of his ready wit. One morning as John was working about the lawn, Mr. W. called to him to come in and see the portrait he had had made of himself. The picture showed him standing with one hand in hs pocket.' 4 "What do you think of it, John?" he asked. "Isn't it a good likeness?" "1 can't see anything natural about it, Mr. W., ™ replied John. "You should have had your hand in some -other man's pocket." Filial Love. Westminster Gazetle. That'sga pathetic story of the Gour- don foo boat 'crew, The Gourdon boat wads manned by a father and his four sons. When the boat sank three of the latter went with her. The old man got an oar, and soon the fourth son appeared by his side, But the oar could only support one, and the lad, taking ent farewell in the words, "Weel, well, faither I maun jist awa'" and sank. Only readers familiar with the northern dialect will fully appreciat the depth of kindly resignation and tru feeling which the words denote. The 1ather endured lerrible sufterings, but was ultimately picked up. "Greater love hath no man than this." The Auto Problem. New York Outlook, Reckless automobile driving, whether at ten or forty miles an hour, should be a penal offense, with the rule that any rate of speed faster than a speci- fied normal rate should be presumptive evidence that the driving 1s reckless, the burden of proof that it is not reck- less, resting upon the driver. For a second offense imprison the automobile. That last suggestion is ingenious in its cruelty. 1himmk ot the speed maniac with, his clothes stuffed with money footing it home from Smithtown Cross- roads, where his six-cylinder has just begun a thirty days' sentence in the barn of the Justice of the Peaced Hurts Rightly Healed. Any injury which breaks the. skin may result in blood poisoning. Al- ways apply -- an antiseptic remedy. Wade's {iatment is antiseptic and a remarkable healer, It insures a cure in the shortest possible time. Cures eczema (salt rheum), boils, pimples, old sores, scald head, piles, dandruff and all scaly or itching eruptions of the skin. In big boxes, at Wade's drug stére. %90., On A Camel. The 'sensation of riding on the back of a camel has been likened to that which would 'be felt by mounting a stool placed on a springless cart driv- en over a plowed field. 1 found it all that and more. Next to walking bare- foot in chains, riding on camel back is, in the eves of the Méors, the worst* degradation they can be put upon their prisoners; ONE BAD MISTAKE Is Frequently Made By the Wisest of Kingston People. It's a serious mistake to neglect backache. Backache is the first sym- ptom of kidney ills. Fatal complica- tions may follow. Booth's Kidney Pills act quickly to overcome kidney ills, do not delay until too late, it may mean diabetes, Bright's Disease. Read what 5 Kingston resident says: Mrs. J. Stirland, of 283 Sydenham street, Kingston, Ont. says: "Some ten years ago Mr. _Stirland suffered with % broken shoulder through a fall. and his back was weak. The kidneys became badly affected ang there were many symptoms of Bright's disease that rapidly developed... He became The de- sire to urinate was #o frequent that he would Jeave his Bed many times during each night. The urine was scant and scalding and a heavy brick dust sediment was alwavs noticeable. Nothing seemed to bemrfit his - condi- tion until he used 'Pooth's Kidney Pills, obtained at . Mahood's drug store, on advice of a friend. He soon found relief in them and it was a very short time,until the urine had cleared and the secretions had been reduced to. normal." than political, though his son called a | in the situation at once, bade his pat A By Royal Warran a To His Majesty The FR Ww #1 4 joe. The Original & Genuine Worcestershire. > Sh ¢ Lg eS - NE UR NEW THOD TREATMENT wlio you. Under its influence the brain becomes acti pimples, blotches and. ulcers heal up: the verves nervousness, bashfulness and despondency diss face full and clear, energy returns to the systems are invigorated; all drains cease various organs become natural and manly. Y riage cannot be a failure We invite all the al free of charge. Don't: let Guacks and fakil £9 NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN COREDNT. ia ed 10 « THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS. Peter E. Summers, of Kalamazos, lich, relates his experience: i "I was troubled with Nervcus Pelility for many years. lay il to indiscretion and axcesses in early outa. I tecame very despondent and didn't care whether 1 worked or not. 1 imagined evervbody who looked at me guessed my secret Imaginative dreams et night weakened me--my back ached, had pains in the back of my head, honda and feet were cold, tired in the morning, poor appetite, fingers were shaky, cyes blurred, hair loose, memory poor, ete. Numbness in the fingers set in and the doctor told me he feared paralysis I took ail kinds of medicines and tried many first-class ysicians, wore an electric belt for hree months. went to Mt. Clemens for GEFORE TREATMENT paths but received little benefit. While RVOUS DEBILITY thes) ho nin and Kno ner nsult Us dontiddatialy an. ob you of your hind dhratd lias. AFTER TREATMENT "M 1 was indueed to consult Drs. Kennedy & Kennedy, though I had lost ah Ee Like a drowning man I commenced the New Method Treatment and it saved my life. The improvement was like magic--1 could feel the vigor going through the nerves. I was cured mentally and patients and will continue to do so. CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY We treat and ¢ AND URINARY C iseasos peculia PLAINTS, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DI Blank for Home Treatment. ysically. 1 have sent them many VARICOCELE, STRICTURE, NERVOUS DEBUITY. BLOOD SES and all ar to Men. 2 . CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS FREE. If unable to call write for a Question Drs. KENNEDY & KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. vp - -. MAKE YOUR STOMACH HAPPY WITH SHREDDED WHEAT and fresh fruits. An ideal food, summer nourishing and delicious. 3 Ye Sold By A ll Grocers. wholesome, Contains More Real Nu triment Than meat or Eggs. 1054. The shoulder became weak again |' . rO-0-0 000000000000 000000 00000000000 0L000000000 "SALE. Garden Hose at a discount of OOOO 000C0C 0000000000000 + 20 PER CENT. DISCOUNT 3 g For the balance of the season we will sell Refrigerators, Lawn Mowers and 20 Per Cent. Off - Our line of Refrigerators ranges in price irom $6.00 up to $35.00. *®, \ $ ELLIOTT BROS:, "nos ' DOOV0OVO00000000000000 DOOO0000AVOOVOV00LOO0G Vols to Mr. Thobutn's 97, Ladies' White Canvas Shoes . That Vere $1.50 For $1.00. Our White Canvas Shoes, Blucher cut, white heel or" leather heel. A neat at- tractive shoe FOR $1.00. H. JENNINGS, King St. SPRING UNDERWEAR ih we aa IMPERIAL When you buy Underwear ask for the IMPERIAL CROWN BRAND Every garment guaranteed: Dug- ability, comfort, \ Made only by KINGSTON HOSIERY CO. LTD. Kingston, Ont, 000000000000 000000000 hy Buy Imported Mattresses ? When you can get better and cheaper goods from your owa dealer, made by the Kingston Mattress Co. 110 Clergy St The Kingston Granite and Marble Works. Having moved to the premises, cornay of Princess and Clergy Sts., formerly WELCH MARBLE ARDS We are Prepared to handle all ude ot Slonumenta) Work. Call and nspect our tock are new and up-to-date: Vesignn, hich Special attention given Work, to Inscription William Thoburn is the choices of the North Lanark conservatives for the commons, having received - the convention vole at Lanark. ww. A. Burgess tested the ballot, securing 41

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