--y-- pT THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 1908, - ; y not reached without some difficulty. Po THE 5 p M EDITION On their. return on Sunday might, ! - 2 .. ' J IA ni some of the Kingston yachts got in= / = ; -- , [to > su at utse ia "mid- PANES ai--" fret IDENTS" ; . night. by Grand ite' TS OF THE DAY. KINGSTON YACHTSMEN et, [PN foe "il 1920 |CARON LEFT $2000 TO UR | Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By LOUD IN THEIR PRAISE {steadied down. The boats all came SISTERS OF CHARITY. UF St Boporfers On Their Rounds. , x jrastugh it without mishap. ---- ik re Cabmen's phone 490. Of the Watertown Club's Hospi- pra SONAL MENTI Convention inh Session--A Severe |} : Co triam Sub, plang glider. Siders _ tality--1he Limestone City AL M on; 4 Disturbance--Earthquake Like |} D a uley 8, 4 iB. i KINGSTON'S Paar K A drunk was the only der in Yachts Carried Of . Many Movements Of The Feopls--Why 19 Thousands of Miles: Of. UN "Fh os the police court to-day. He was Prizes--Victory of the Kath-| They Are Saying Aad Doing. Ottawa, Aug. 17.--Sir Adolphe FP. ¥ Rev. Mn. Lipscombe, Gananoque, is a{Caron, K.C., M.G., left: an estate of VISITORS * fucd ¥2 and costs. leen. . I. A . Cunpingham, piano tuner from| mi. . judi : Creacetit visitor in the city. ; ; about $92,500. Of this $18,883 was ih PET ¥ Chickering 8. Leave orders at Meo Ye spitiuding tuces oi the yo Ww. W. Gibson has leit on a holiday |Ontario. The deceased left $2,000 to ' ¢ Pont gig trip to New Haven, Mich. the Sisters" of Charity, Quebec, his i : Auley's book store. : : ; y Are cordially invited to in- sailed ot Shun Bay, on Saturday, Miss Eleanor Holland, Rideau street, cross and decorations of St. Michael i fe. § and the Watectown yachtsmen are 104, holidaying at Bricknell. and St. George to Laval University, , Ed 4 5 Pe 8 McConkey's candy, the choice of roy- spect our Showrooms, where alty, sold in Kingston only at Gib- the finest collection of manu- B|son's Red Cross Drug Store. Y be congratulated on the immense suc-| Ww Fiski \ : ts : : 7 Hh hie crdal e regret that Mrs. Henry Wiskin, | The estate is divided between the 3 factured Furs in Eastern We see straw hats every day which | © their regatta. The cruising yo, treet, is again quite sick. widow and children. "i 3 § g ¢ i ; x = A Canada, are on exhibition. we wouldn't chase very far if _-they|ra®¢ from Hamilton, for the Rudder|™ypil 5oiie odd, of the outer de-| The. business of "the union of St. [1 bot bd had : ad' Everything shown manufac- | were to blow off. How about yburs ? | brought a large fleet el big ot, has left on a = trip to Fort Wil-| Joseph, sixth convention, opened this tured in Kingston. Remember the gathering of the clans yachts from the upper end of the lake, jy, \ '|morning and various committees were J 8 oO ans | und, with the Kingston fleet and boats | Nico Jennie Phillips is home from . nn : » BAR Th wr it rs EYEE. = ei g ny at the great Caledonian games at ; 3 d selected. This afternoon the delegates Belloville, Aug. 26th: Return fare, $i. from the Bay of Quinte and othel|fowo Island, where she spent several [will be 'welcomed, to Ottawa, by w : Fonintds 8 s "larges its ok : There is at present a record-break- potnt ) one of the : a st a Hogta Th weeks. ; Archbishop Duhamel and the mayor of yachts ever assembled Of : Edward Murphy, of Gibson's drug |the city. ing crowd of tourists staying at Shar- vs B t : S : eS pe 22 John ¥ Kay Fur Houss | bot Lake. The fishing is reported to be gathered in haumont. Bay 0, SRY store, spent: the week-end at Wolfe A severe but distant earthquake was . % : ; ' first class. the good racing and the hospita "WY | Island. recorded at the dominion observatory --- Lhe farm laborers' excursions from | of the Watertown yachtsmen. The ar- Pridcipal Gordon, of Queen's Univer-|this morning. The preliminaries were -- ® STORES,-- this district will leave on Aug. 20t,| rangements lor the reception of the lgoo ill arrive home from the old :56 a.m. and lasted three hours 107 Princess St., and it is expected that there will - be visitors were ifost complete, and the country on the 25th. or more. It was estimated that the 149-155 Brock St. a big rush. details in connection with the racing Nis Gertrude Hinton has left to re-|disturbance was about 3,000 miles : Garden party at Sunbury, Thurs- call for the greatest praise for Chait- 1. ie her duties 'as teacher at S.8., |away. ' . : day, Aug. 20th, in aid of Presbyter-| an Herrick and his regatta comunil- {ng 9 Amherst Island. Two young men, Henry Ti~k and We will place on sale a particularly good ian church. : tee. A splendid chart of the bay was} wis Dora Attwood, of Montreal, is! Bernard Devine were, this morting, . . . furnis. ed 18 cach skipper, the course fiqaying in the city, visiting por |fiMed $22 and $32, 'respectively, or Linen Bargain, and one that you will hardly was well laid out, and the _motdrigiher. Horace Attwood. three months in jail for stopping a 1 A meeting of the property committee of the Board of Eddcation was called : Tee % » . x 2 i e : 2 2 for to-night, to wind up some busi- boats were called into service as po-§ pp, Maloney and party of cighteen, [police dfficer in discharging his duty. match again this season. . "i and "John Patterson, Harrowsmith, In the racc of the big yachts, onl Prof. Alfred aNtehell, wife and child, | accident, at 'Hemlo, near White River, as » . have been recommended for positions Saturday, the Iroquois, of Rochester,§ Now York, are the guests of John C.|When the rear-end collision occurred Lak pt of turnkey at the county jail. won first place, the Invader, of Hams} yitchell, William ¥trect. there abd two were killed. The blame PU E LIN Fuad Complaint has been made: before iliaks second, and the Genesee, of Ro- G. L. Spry, oh the McConnell &/18 attached to Brakesman R. Atkin- chester,_third. In the twenty-two-foaty Ferguson Advertising Agency, London, | 50M: af the front train, who did not : 1 : ¢ ace; Isis, Miss Patters Winnipeg, and Miss " be lodged against the gwners of the place y . : : Miss Patterson, Winmipeg, and Miss have--sentiment and in- dogs. g 3 » antrum, of Rochester, third, follow-3g aman, Brockville, are visiting Mrs. o To | 3 . Seeley's Bay on Sunday with his auto. : Ff Tre i Buy here and you are sure Pr Wood cv ay rap, opto, and the Halphin, of Trenton. In line at his home on Princess street, is | Over the Remains of the Late . : the twenty-footers, Chiriya, of BE" J visiting relatives at Amherst Island. Henry Folger. regularly at $3.00 per doz, Solitaire Rings, from $10 hour ) a et f i} to as high as you care to go. "My Wardrobe will clean and press third, and Teapi, of Kingston, fourth. .¢, to attend the * millinery cpen- {morning from = his residence, Emily five-stone rings. A valuable collie dog, owned hy] Baby Grand, « third \ | tawa, Miss Lois Kinsella, North Bay,|ber of personal friendd of the deceas- Richard Waldron, dry goods merchant, Graystone, ol aed . ness concerning school repairs. lice boats, to guard the buoys and from Rochester, have left for Parham | The railway commission's office re- : Justice of the Peace Hunter y Er s . ; ' A nie about class, the Petrel, of Toronto, got firstly iq ving in the city. go back far enough to flag the ap- TABLE NAPKINS ed by the Brebda, of Hamilton, they, ro Mooers, Barrie stseet. THE LAST SAD RITES of getting only the best. | Mr Fair gave him his auto. The dis- ; abd a to t ton, cared off first prize; Whirl, off" ye oo potha Stratford and Geor-| The funeral of the. late M. Henry > ittle Nell] of Trenton, ! your suit wickly at Ska month, 158 I'he famous Little y Of ings. street. Although the funeral services Yi T: Mo 8 30 10 0 l k first in the eighteen foot class; D. J. Stewart, T. G. Webster, Ot-|were-of a private nature a large num- ours 0- rrow ¥ to C 0C 5 4s : ; or boat-paces | BS with Mrs. Boyd's party at East|ed were presgnt at the last sad rites ia 4 r was poisoned some time during Sun splendid series on Rd repglh View Park. | held over thé remains of their friend, day night. 'Fhe canine was found | V*'® also pulled ol Fh Sul i thet Mrs. W. J. Murphy and children, [who had passed to his just reward . deat near its home. fast hosts took part. } os Jagot street, who have been visiting |after years of usefulness." The services i g re ese races. i y : 3 AN 1 Kingston boats were in these ra in Watertown, N.Y., are now with her|were conducted by Rev. Canon Starr, B . --- Messrs. John McDonald, Sunbury, keep the course clear. for a few weeks' camp. ports 'that there was negligence in the dogs killing cheep and itformation will of Kingston, second, and! | proaching traing A trinsic value. y| W. J. Fair made a record run to |y formerly the Geisha), of Deser- 0 4 - : . ¢ s : ern (former; a), D. H. Wilson, of Chicago, holiday- Size about 22 ginches square. Good value tance was covered, it is said, in one amilto Toronto, second; Helen, of Hamilton, gina Ramsay left last night for 7To-|Folger took place at ten o'clock, this Good values in 3-stone and Me | Wellington street. § won 1 3 / second, and Queen's University trustees called for " : : . ; ; g in : The = chief interest of the day wa father in Clayton. ssistant reetor of St. George's ca- tenders for the erection of a small contred in the second contest for the yi A wl oct doit 4 neistany, rou} i « 8 J ( stone observatory. The sum of 35.000 : : hich the isses Annie and Etta Scott leit for | thedral. uring the service anon woe challenge © n which 1€ . } . . v os JEWELLER, was made the limit as to cost, The te wi challenge oops 0 challenger their home in Prescott. after two [Starr read one of two passages from Pat ap in packages of 6 Napkins. : en © gston, § ger, To : : Le : ' lowest tenders totalled over $6,000. en Crescent of Watertown, the weeks pleasant visit with Miss Annie a book of which the deceased was ) and ' Fhe matter will not be considered un- defender. The start' was at 10 a.m., Aiken, Ordnance street. : fond. Six of Mr. Folzer's : oldest til the trustees meet in October. . in a moderate breeze from the .north H. 0. Westberg, of Rochester, 2 friends, Hon. William Harty, E. J. B. . DIAMOND MERCHANT ; I'wo Englishmen, both under the in- | = st hich blowing out of the bay, |organizer for the Woodmen Of The | Pense, James Swift, John L. Whiting, ' +1844 fluence' of liquor, started up a fight on east, Ww bh water The Kathleen had World, was in the city on the way | K.C.;=David Givens and J. E. Jones rave smo : to Bob's Lake on a holiday trip. {acted as pallbearers. Judge"Price and Miss Annie Aiken has gone ta Spen-| Dr. Kilborn were honorary pallbear-. Al bE Driscoll who passed along, put a sud- || 0 Cog closely followed by the Cres: f Mi ie ' :. ties tenn Art den end to it, hy escorting both of | 04 7 ho 0 raw boat lengths separat- cerville to take up her position again ers. > 5 b the offenders to the lock-up. They will gent An © as far as the second turn. |as teacher after spending her vacation | Many beautiful floral tributes from my 1 be arraignéd in the police court to Tine Len oe the first and second |with her parents on Ordnance street | friends near ann far covered the cas-| F Gillett Razor Blades morrow, | mies "were reaches, but it was a beat Mrs. Sissons and daughter, Eva, ket, including an anchor, from his | . - Sten lito windward back to the home buoy, who have been spendinfr a week in the|three sons; Mrs. William Nickle, Miss | LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. and in this work the Kathleén shew- |city, the guests of Mrs. W. J. Paul; | Folger, and B. Wa Folger, a pillow; We will lace on E------ ed her superiority over the Crescent, William street, have returned home. |[Mrs. Howard S. Folger and children; ! or jo Pp Sharpened and Made | Cruelty To Animals, and had a good lead on completing Joseph Jackson, New York, who a wreath; Mrs. A. Folger and fam- ; 4 TT, sale alot i | Kingston, Aug. 17.-(To the Ednor): | the first round. On the two reaches of | has been visiting his brother, William lily, a sheaf: W. F. and H. C. Nickle, If the writer of the anonymous letter; | the second round, the Crescent held | Jackson,* King street west, left for anchor; Mr, and Mrs. James Hendry, dated August 14th, and referring to |her own fairly well, but on the beat | home to-day. fv ~ sheaf; Thousand Island Steamboat the occurrence on Wellington street, at [home the Kathleen again increased "Frank Harrison, of Brooklyn, {company's employees," anchor; Niagara | i p.m., of crueltysto animals, w"' vive [her lead and finally crossed the finish | NY. has been holidaying at his old | Navigation company, Toronto, wreath: | 25 p k his name and further particuli.., I |[line, a winner of the George trophy, | home: in Picton, and in Kingston. Hel|Donnelly Salvage and Wrecking Sam C. dl age [will have the party prosecuted, pro- [amid the tooting of whistles and the | tired home on Sunday. . {pany, wreath; Ww. F. Camp, Water- | ' 4 vided the crime deserves a penalty.-- | generous cheers of the Yankee yachts- Messrs. Edward Dutton, of London, | town, sheaf of roses; George V. o. | Special attention paid to Safety | GROCER. men. The Kathleen was splendidly | ry 0 ie botrie, of Pontiac, Mich, |Camp, Watertown, sheaf of roses; | | ter ---- handled by Skipper Strang and his the guests of Judge and Mrs. Price, wreath; Hon. | i) : QE nes on eh +» | are visiting in the city, 4 4 : Razors of all kinds. Scldiers 'On - Parade. gible seem, (Shine oe and. "hu Mec. Wolter Dutton, Sydenham | William Harty, pillow; Dr. and Mr rothers. DEK1ppe Aeeves oO € S Brock street, to-day, but Constable a few seconds the better of the start, As pood as new for fami iii | The soldiers of the czar are .parads | 0 street | Kilborn, cross: Miss Walsh, sheaf; | n t the Bijou to-d v ™ | r 1 A cent, also did good work, but, his sails ¥ i . 1 Vietor Good, who walked { Thomas Pickering, wreath; Mr. and] (TL e Bio o-de¢ and Na lo . 'tor 100d, alk { a " : rie omor-| 14 not set as well as the Kath- "war lek Mrs. J. E. Jones, wreath; Thomas : i row. They display their ancient bat from Kingston 'te Toronto to win a | ' v p $ 5 J » i . leen's, . 1 + , : Driver, wreath; John Meclntyre, sheaf; j . WwW. A . Mitchell, j He flags and rcoeive new ones whic h 1 here was a bir time at the Cres- | bet, is recuperating at Woodington Mr. nd io William Derry, crescent; p Ww ~ | are solemnly _ blessed by splendidly {cong Club House on Saturday night, House, I ake Rosseau, after his stren-| J. P. Hanley, wreath; Mr. 'and Mrs. ) ¢ I ARD V ARE. | robed priests of the Greek church. Alwhen a smoker and presentation of fuous time. { «| De Cordova, New York, cross; Capt. | 4 | splendid' comedy is also offered "The prizes took place. Splendid music was A. M. Shibley and wiié, of Roches: and Mrs. Thomas Donnelly sheaf | Martyrdom of King Scatterbrain," |furnished by the Chaumont band and |ter, N.Y, are Lasting the nn Ines Misses YcPhorson wreath. | J ese Markets, with magnificent costumes and staging , spacious balconies were througed |parents, on JOFL strees. Ur. Dinh . be AR o > hehe 1 'A . | ' {the shacios | Jadies, [ley is employed in the big store of | Among those present from outside | / All new this Ottawa . ales, 12ic. in the style of the seventeenth een- [by Chaumont and Watertown C ! ye | of the itn 31. Wheeler, A : Listowel, 124c, to aC, tury. Edgar Summerby sings "Tip-|while the club room was srowdel Sihley , Lindsay A Rete, : oi | OE the a I ym a Yor | i ; summer and in de- » ott : wrary." ¢ Tatton Jones gives |wi international gathering of the aw. D. AH. arshal, who occupied | Stands any, es Ne 4 ! 3 . oe Pietdn, . perar Ralph Tatton 1 giv with an an iana i : AS the representa- [the pulpit at Cooke's church, yester-| H. Consaul, president the Fir Na- | S1gns you will see Iroquoi | of Good Dogs tive of cach winning yacht stepped up | day, succeeded Rev. Ne Mactavishy in u halt ank, i Po B ey: | J with no other firm So : pe oe weive his prize he s enthusias- | the astorate of the 'reshyterian | sev orl entral railroad; S | ; . . Perth, 12 «3 to receive his prize he was enthu e p St George, Ont, Reese; ¥. X. Tobin, S.*H. Johnson, / here. Just 'a hint { i ut at ically cheered, but the loudest cheer |church at . ) ! Napanee, > { Rideau Lakes And Ottawa. jically ; shoare oo Skipper Strange, Mrs. M. Boyd and Mrs. C. McCuaig, | George Haley, and A. W. Moorehouse, | i as to prices : he : New York; G. C. Sawyer, president | : -- m-- w-- -- A Kemptvi i | an illustrated reading, 'Queer . Tales ing a proposal to raise a large loan in St. Tas ip ye : " : Victoriaville, +1230. | Rideau King and _ Queen leave for when he received the Geerge cup which | Alexandria, have returned home al- ) $ n 5 : x { Ottawa, Monday s Wednesday, Fhurs- the Kathleen brings -to Kingston. | ter spending five weeks w ith Rev. J.}1 housand Island ark Association, 7, 1 75 2 Friends of Mrs fuer or Liha of | dav and Saturday, at 6 a.m., and for Skipper Reeves, of the Crescent, pre-i1p. Boyd and family at their summer | and " T. P. Lewis, T. A. Brown, Dur. . 'y . y 3 FEO assical-master--of PF EY Tha Wh ; =r s 2S Ls i =odaiv--trustess : sant i : Jo! S Rl Fe ihe ia od were (lay tor, N.Y Tuesday, Wedne sday, | onted the trophy, and said that he | cottage, East View Park. Ge odate; "trustees of Thousand Island | : the Smith's Fa y igh : sc] hgh Friday and $ aturday at 6°15 p.m. | was sorry to lose it, but would rath- Pr. H. S. McDonald and" Mrs. Mec- Park. : . x | 2.50 2 75 u alioched {0 receive hoties of hey « iY | James Swift & Co., Agents. er see it come to Kingston than any Donald Dresden Ont., Ernest F. The remains were laid to rest in the | J . . n Tuesday, at Cornwall, where -with | fo LX Te . : of \u ' » A Ensmi ) alara me tery a. | : bar Pnohand and children she had been | 0 At Cl 1 | place else. ( 0 Dien t made a good Montgomery, wile and child, ' Guelph, Tunily plot in X al kare See Jers, i { sin { Shi : rangemen purchn. speech in reply and praise © mem- p g Rev J D te those ol 118 wife and alongsiie Y Jidavs der .. are guests of Rev. . ; { OUR spending the holiday I M f An h | I'he 'Prentice Béyvs and member ofl bers of his crew for their good work, Last RH Park. the great stone which the deceased | yr 1 : CHOICE AT 5 maicen PR Ie Hl of | the Orange order of Amherst sland {and ted that the Chaumont regat Mr. and Mh McLellan, Malta, slon had removed from Macdonald Park | B iz \ 1 she was a daughter o un ' attended divine service ab the Me- | ta was the best managed he ever at travelling shore to the cemetery. plot, a stone on [ ¥ 1 Cornwall tana, who have been travelling in " 3 é h ond The British wWernment is considers thodigt: church at the island on' Sun- [tended Kuroy 're staying jor a few days which his wife used to sit through |§4 y 4 (1 oO is FOV ¢ ) cle . *p Lurops, are g v . ate i NE | \ ri day afternoon Lhe pastor, Rev. G The prizes awarded were beautiful with Mr. and Mrs. William Jackson many seasons and watch the calm wa » i ha 3 : ¢ o . € 8. tsi * X 4 roi Bnd i ~ a view of the renewed competition mn H. Porter, delivered a fine sermon. trophies and the Kingston heats are Kirig- street' west, on their way home tebs or the roding | illows. . naval armament abroad Financiers - bringing home a bag full ol silver Mire William Graham, Alfred street At the evening ervie in have undertaken to find £110,000,000 { For A Delightful Tsp. BE ots rh oe Sh : ye --_ " | | spending a month with her mother; Ge rl Sathulral on, sd | on nominal terms. | "ake the steamer America to Glen I'he Notortown yachtsmen site Harré Denne, Sr. Peterboro, has Yory outing reference lo t . Seat of T. RPreston, Science master, ob 0 4,d Lake an the Mountain, Wed their Saturday defeat 'as graceful returned home, accompanied by her| Vt Folger. At the close Mr. Hatvey , bee sacred to All a simi-} 00 ' : they dig their victory of a year ago. | : a Mav Denne] Very expressively played the Dead Perth, has been engage Hi i nesday, 11 a.m.; home 6 p.m.; fare s rachis are loud in} sisters, Misses Eva and ay enne, 3 ' od, ' . p i ir the Renfrew high | All the visiting yachtsmen are louc : av with -her March in Saul. lar position, in 1 v ale. | their praise of the kindness and hos- |who. will spend a holiday " 1 her. ED I vary 'Passsbgte. stiumer gsehool at $1,100 : . on The ac Bessie, of the Oswego 3 } 3 % Tee "My Wardrobe" for keeping | : pitality extended to them by their ¥ | jhe Jacut i or ar H. H. Alex-| entering the harbor, from Saturday clothes cleaned and pressed up-to Now For Plums And Pears. hosts and one of the Kingston men a iy k ol Osw a. "Times, and At-| till to-day, flags hung at halfymast, Ge" We offer for Tuesday and all this {voiced their sentiments when he said, ander, 9 oy WOR ; in memory of the late Mr. Folger. , or p ol. - : cruise. They will return home . g night. The marriage of Murrich, daughter of Mr. and creamsoda, Gibso p Wl ston street g . dy aay rE week's gate. IR Nel Ny ig Ii week, big baskets plums at 50c., and | 'We want to be invited here again. Henry, being on & oe Dgwn the river, among the Thousand y ore ar wee 1 g ar, : Jeo .crorm ane n's | pear at. 40c. Carnovsky's, "on. the A pleasing feature of the meet was 3 pensed from pure cream, af ni fea ¥ Islands, on Satunday® afternoon, a corner the spirit of international courte- d Cross Drug Store ri Bed : wns av manifested by the Chaumont peo- ple, not only in their kind references to Canada, but' also 'in their decora- AAIRARNAIN : ¢ tk AAI a tions. Of the many stars and stripes PS. | avtad' steatners Ve RoE com: 3 X 1 that floated from the club house and | Toller, and grandson ® of te bate aks RE . So severe! 5 land at . y > ; as . sonard Tilley, is announced to take § ) : cottages, around the bay, it was hard Leonard 3 the same 'wharf. From the stern mast oosOScOOOO0Oe seo ss 2000000 PRINNORSs ¥ 4 ¥ t . ; 5 3 . ¥ = p to find ene that was 'nob rg : i place in September, g- i of each drooped its flag--the Islander, : ¢ 2 : by the Canadian Hag ig: Sieve Sip Hb 0 : ithe New Island Wanderer, and the . e ¢ : PG =a 9 ! y 4 ® per Armstrong, the veteran cemmo- Wants To Establish Here. Nightingale, with the Stars and Special argain dore of the Trenton Club, was loudly | 4 "jn clich chemist wishes to stardd Syrjes, and the Where Nbw, with the Old Ladies' Fine Kid Low Cut Elastic chested when he said that there was | sulphuric acid' industry in Kingston - no sport like yachting to foster good | 4 po" (Critten Mayor, Ross, as to a Side Boots, low heels, light soles, regular $1.65, 1.75. Miss Minnie Mec: | most impressive sight was witnessed. . Mrs. | The steamer America landed at the Georee McMurrich, Toronto, to Philip Thousand tsland Park wharf with its Toller, Ottawa, son of Col. and Mrs. | Canadian flag halfsmasted. As it de- AA Union Jack. " wee the arrival of our Foreign feeling between the two countries, | what inducements and privileges the Ee We announce ' for 'Monday mornite 1% [ent woul olor. fhe MAYOr has re. To Put On New Steamer. : ry . + "Mai oq The event and Domestic Woollens for oul I'ailor ing cruising race from Chaumont to Gana- | ferred the matter to the industries' Department, and our readiness to attend {noque, where the second day's racing |combittee for consideration. tof i ers of the eastern circuit, is to be held on a -- o fall orders. . welusi itings. Over- At the Chaumont Bay regatta, the : Wer.» . Handsome and ¢ xclusive Suitings, ¢ ve { Kingston - yorhls captured six firsts Paris, Aug. 17~The station at the| have already purchased a steamer andd coatings and Trousermgs. : and two seconds. * Eifiel Tower has exchanged. perfect will have #t ready for the spring of | Sd : 'ea hav stablished for -------- telephonic communication, without | 1909; possibly it will inake a few trips The re sutation we have e84s f : wires, with the station at Point Raz, | this fall. If the business warrants it, 3 ; 1: Two Vigorous Squalls. as 3 . } . faultless Tailoring rests upon our ability or ao Vigorous Ses Ue | ta Jitistre 500 kilometers. (310. miles) ] another host' will: be put 'on 'to: con. " ans at thor y . Ee NY . from Paris; © . et as | st 'as Kingston. Th to. make for discrimivating men, Clothes $ |dutman Tus! V3, for the "au | Fom Porte ee we LT ce 3 r correct 3 ory det: | Henry Cunningham's sailing yaeht, : ney rep io that are absolutely correct in ever) detail. tine Paby Grand, ran into the squall See The Wonderful Lake. for Ontario waters and will run about Wednesday, steam- | thirteen knots an houf. She will car ' > sorvie SATTG i . event 3 ) o untdin N p ur service [that came up in the evening, and had| On the Mour . ine Haat We're at yo 3 to seek shelter in the big basin at the | or America, 11 agm.. @iving one hour | tv 600 passengers. i Suits, $20.00 to 30.00. foot of Grindstone Islavid. Here she | there; only" B0e.; meals on board: . Overcoats, £20.00 to 40.00. | remained until' Thursday afférnoon, 5 PT : A Word Of 'Advice, T > $5.50 to 8.50 awsiting the "weather "to moderate. Annual Picnic. . Save all empty fruit [baskets stamp- Trousers, Poo -- The yachtsmen at Chaumont Bay "b&!. Of Locomotive employees will be asd W. H. Catnovsky. Théy may be of came anxious about the failare of [held in Fake Ontario Park, August value hitiore the frdit season is over: Mr. Cunningham to arrive, and #{29d. Rasehall, sport and dancing." / ON"S \lwenrel party was sent out, However, " Annual Picnic. I 1 : [the veteran Henry and his fast little] Red Cross sweet castor oil, easv to Of Locomotive employees will be] v- --- oe ; ; Wi A company is being formed to op- ernté a steamboat line "along" the north shore of Lake Ontario, starting | Wednesday.g : : from Toronto, and running as far | y Cl Talked Quer 310 Miles. past as' Port Hope. "The promoters 4 or $1.2! : Gbhe Zoockett Shoe, P.8--Suit Cases from $1.50 up. 0000000000000 OOTOINOR POEL ECEEPEN00CIRN00N 0000 0RRTINReess ¢ se {Baby Grand were quite safe in thettake. Sold only at Gibsan's Red Cross | held in JEske Ontario Park, Al island shelter, though the haven ' was Drug Store. | Bi por cing. a ae EEE