ONTARIO, TUESDAY AUGUST. 18; Fo - ---- [city hall, where Rhey will be held to 71908 await the actionof the coroner. LATEST NEW # 1 _-~ Dr. Walter Roach, a nephew of Dr. -- k { Wheat, helped to perform the autopsy. {He stated that bis uncle's belief in Despatch From Near dod [spiritualism was ~& surprise to him. Te $n -- | He added that he did not think Mes. [ Wheat knew of it. \ GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- SIBLE FORM, ' BABY, BLINDS MOTHER. , -- Playiully Pressed Finger. in Wo- Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From All Over--Little man's Left Eye, of Everything Easily Réad York, Auf, 18. ~Clutehing in the baby she could not see and Remembered, The first. carload by reached Winnipeg. 'YEAR 75--NO, 198. SWEPT AWAY Thousands Of Persons Were Drowned. UNPARALLELED FLOOD SOUTH CHINA LAID WASTE ONE VILLAGE SWEPT AWAY. WAS JESUS A JEW? for coasting and river steamers, was entirely submerged, only the roof of the municipal pawnshop rising above { the water. Tak-hing was similarly de- |vastated. At Samshui the railroad "disappeared. One of the villages = be- [tween Samshui and Samam was en- tirely swept away. What impressed one most, says a correspondent, was the pitiful condi- tion of the remaining population, perched on the roofs of houses _ and clinging together for support and eom- fort, until they too were swept away. The difficulty of rescue may. be imagined when _ it is borne in mind that few of the small craft of the river remained afloat. A gang of robbers, taking advan- tage of the absence oi the men, began {attacking the women and children. {The brigands rushed to the hills and kidnapped children. The robbers have thus far outwitted the soldiery. The rice érop, which had been par- tially destroyed hy drought, and which was hot expected to yield more than thirty per cent., is now nothing. Along the Fu river brigandage was of rampant, as the people were without {food and nearly the entire population upon the river bank imploring of passing steamers. Several are reported of downcoming having been pirated, but in the pirates were peaceful | starvation had driven | was taken. woeful condition | Neither - the| } WASINTRANCE: Spiritualists Guard A Man's Dead Body. DEAD MANY: DAYS BUT HIS FRIENDS DID NOT THINK So. Was Not Born in : Bethlehem. Berlin, lt remained for an American AR. 18 to provide thé Prin- cipal theme of contention at the In- ternational Historical Congress, which has just conélw its session herve. |} Professor Paul Haupt, of Baltimore, |} created a storm of discussion G German theologians his address of. 3» "The History of Galilee. this title only veiling his real subject, which was) based on the question: "Was Jesig a Jew 7" Professor Haupt ans- wered negatively, stating that Christ was not born in Bethlehem, according to the early Christian tradition, but in Nazareth. He = contended that the assessment which necessitated Joseph's journey to Bethleh octurred eleven vears after Christ's birth. After a vue cession 6f arguments, Proi. Haupt put forward hig conclusion that it was im- probable that Christ was 4 descen- dant of David. It was probable an the other hapd that he was a descendant of the Aryan colonists of Galilee. Possibly if his genealogical tree could be traced far enough, it would be shown that he was a descendant of Zoroaster. It was at this point that a war of words ensued between Professor Haupt and the German professors. Professor Haupt's arguments were attacked. in detail, and perhaps because it was a question of one against another, he did not fare well. The leading German Biblical expert present expressed the pith of the German idea, when he said it was impossible to decide scientifieal- ly whether Christ 'was a Jew by race. The point of importance was that Christ was unquestionably a Jew by Redeemer i New her arms scause - the child®had blinded her sticking igs littl finger in her eye, Mrs. Clifford Barker, wife of an evans There are signs of wavering among the C. P. R. strikers. gelist, wasShrought in a sailboat go the mainland from Bast Port, L.L., for London electors vote on the Sun- day street car question next January. treatment. 'The Western Canada wheat arop is Mrs. Barker Ww playing with het child when it suddenly pressed a finger now sure to exceed 110,000,000 bush- els, into her left eve, which immediately swelled, the infigmmation extending to the other progiucing total blind General Manager Morse, of the G. T. P. says 'work is progressing satis- factorily. ness. 2 The 'offices of supreme Measure and and fafiectionate as she the cause of her misfortune, supreme physician of the I. 0, F. will be combined. Barker's eye Was treated and she was Private Moir will be tried at Lon- praktice, was found dead in his home, carried to the home of a friend 900° Di , is : esi Ph Diamond street, and his body {It i: hoped the eyesight may re don on October 15th for shooting t. Lloyd. i Hundreds. of Thousands of People Are Homeless and Starving River Rose. 40 Feet in One Night--Brigands Rob and Kid- nap Children, 18.--The overflow the West river in South, China, which tose forty feet in a single. night and overwhelmed a vast area, drowning several thousand persons, has left hundreds of thousands homeless and starving, acoording to mail advices by the Empress of Japan agrived in Vie totia. Queer Story of Philadelphia Physi- cian Who Had Become a Spiritualist, Unknown 'to His Friends. Philadelphia, Aug. Wheat, a physician with a reputable | eve, Forgiving of wheat has 18. --Dr. Lewis E. caressed Victoria, Aug 1 g. Mrs, was mercy cases was being watched over by two wo- | tored i h men spiritualists who had béen in the | ho fice his death, Sunday. I hey | insisted that the doctor was only in a trance and that the spirit which was | | guarding them would direét them how { | to revive him How long the body would have lain there is a matter of speculation, for | both 'women maintain vet that | the doctor is not dead, but merely in| be la trance . that they can _ lift. They only awaiting instruetio they HE Is THE NOMINEE | boats these cases farmers whom to crime. Food only The houses in the about | Altogether it a of total destruction Pama in the district extending from . Chinguen, Yang-te and Shao-chow on |! amount of financial nor the total the north and from Chapaching-fu fatality be even hinted at Yo-c¢hoh in Kwamgsi on the The to propert; Vere almost all submerged. The home the of life will Yess people shelter the hills For be Governhhin of Indiana is Toe-Morrow. country loss of can nre- to] I even j8ent. incal- | never west loss 8 culable loss {kn took in {known | were and are facing starvation. The vice roy of Kwangtung has the Pe kin government for assistance, All the| newspapers dn - Canton subscription lists, At Kwelin, the famous of Kwangsi, more than were lost by the water sing asked walléd 1,000 city live } { have opene | Bequest in Will to $ | the | 100 feet tsaid, from 'Dr. Miller, | spirit, who preseribes do not know whether Help Young (ever existed or not, Brides. no difference--he is the spirit revealed 18. --~When the will of |to them, and whatever he directs they Waldro-Sibthorp, of lo grave Mansions, (rosvenon« Gar-! The women are Mrs. their gilding for them. They "Dr. Miller" but that makes | Fannie Soult | Mrs, ult DOWRIES FOR POOR GIRLS, | | London, Aug. ate Mrs. Bel QW. filed it was found | and Florence Buckman. besides many other charitable [the one who £4,000 to invest- | from the spirit of|ed and the income paid annually Buckman is*a sort of chief marriage dowries' to two deserving Mrs. Soult said to Detectiv | poor girls living in or near Sleaford, {shaw, who arrested her : % {+ "These police do not know - {they are doing. The doctor dead. His appearance may decei {worldly wise, but merely trance. 1 communed with 'Dr only a short time ago for instru {and he told me the case of Dr. was preordained for me to d the | | ruined in twenty-four hours, Receding, waters disclosed wrecked houses every haf, and crops covered with a thick deposit md. The Shinfoo, a proceeding up the across numberless sampans whos cupants were erving for aid. On embankments other sufievers could seen, beating alarm gongs, to their neighbors for help in repair ing the dikes, and pursuing with grim [be determination their life and death | Mrs. | task, led beautiful star sapphires, left them [strate to the world that | am a The floods. came down the Fu and|to the South Kensington Museum, on healer, and these police have Kiwei rivers at the rate of eight or |condition that the gems he placed in|me the chance. If they dens, was that bequests she left receives the world dnd me; bodies on be I as launch came government West Lincolnshire. four vear, Sleaford The sum, invested at would produce £160 a <0 that cach girl, will receive about £80. "My | desire is,' their benefactress, | 'that two young may each year thereby made very happy. Waldro-Sibthorp, who river, lin in oe per cent. is the he he is appealing wrote girls POREess le of nine knots, foam cresting the waves |such' a position that the sun pour its alone I will restore him. He and striking terror into those whose the starg. in 'the hands of the spirits. lives had been spent along the rivers. ws When she was asked when anc Yast tangles of. wreckage and debris she received instructions from A ROMANTIC ELOPEMENT. were carried on the invading water. ER -- spirits she replied that they all In a single night the rivers Railway | {from "Dr. Miller, whom she feet, and two days later a height was | never seen. reached for soventv-two feet ahpve the 1 sit and « lose my : previous hich water mark and. 'Dr. Miller' puts a pencil Wooden * houses rocked ert Om Yasin hoe ga a pamatis hand and "writes through me. lapsed with never sign became' engaged to Mnria Pia- {he has finished 1 read what he of their wretched scvantesn... But. the irl' | said, which intelligible only t time the inhabitants not. consent to the | He moves hand; 1 do not side the walled lovers decided to | Sometimes tells me to selves to despair. hands patient, and The river | he bids wait. Last Sungdp ary rapidity | told me lay - my hands people had Wheat shortly before went the deluge and 1 did so Those Fhe case roofs took attention A few Strunk, hamboo opposite home. The doc visitor ot the and the | mained some unconscious, Mis. Wheat. injured that she | went to visit relatives recover, | Schuylkill cpunty (in of June ): the doctor PRISON ¥OR LIVING STATUES | visits longer than When he did ance at the drug store lany of the days following, «t thought there wi wrong and the the rear door | composed body study. There rays on From Car. | ome; Aug. 18. --A romantic elope- | rose forty [Lovers Leap eves,' and col the fate Mean out- | harents them- | match, | elope They took the train to Modena, had accomplished part of the journey {in safety suddénly a passenger who had uspicious i ly informed them lete tive by the have moment s the carriage The train two were | sequel. ty-five, aged would the a of inhabitants is vano, my he the me of Wachow city abandoned and . on extraordin and | the cape rose with such that or te before to almost time tq think wad upon them who had time to ¢ their with them their live fd helters of |, rickety and preposterous ings composed of anvthing that to hand. Men, women were huddled together Before thei py (the along many hanes, fer ave called Wiibhow floating pontoons ate than thirty miles from age. Dead bodies alto hurried cometeries In many places sight every Yuet-shing, of e when ne them that he was a rirl's father, and that to return home, hesitation door was at found lying been eveing was first brou the iin ¥ or W sent police by she would Without opened only lives Dr been a and oft chat the d La dru who orner tor druggl time the erect n from had st, to of at the has usual the and once awn | a | came | poles lovers lea | stopped, on the line The girl is so badly not expected to and children ped out swept wile they of river pies, a in and. some 15 lying - _ -- their rude the heen wa now more | anchor coflins | flood, erased, | out of ------ make an a Sunde the som and | not s Get Fourteen Days and Must Pay Fine. 1 Liv and undrap was the of a law when was de- case the po- against the managers of the Folies | tors Rovales. Folies Pigall the Lit-| dressed only in a pair ile 'Palace the actre who took @ shirt, lay Dr. Wheat tableaux vi t at | investigation they were to notify the coroner startled low were acquitted another room. Entering the he Little Palace room they found Florence Bu moths' impri- | Stretehéd ) on the floor and outrage Soult muttering over her. .. |seemed oblivious to their They roused her and asked her explanation. She told them been taking her years since husband, was an orderly later a a West Philac Y ihospital. The physician then ca her, house to treat the family a came interested in her belief. suffering from Bright's diseas | said, apd asked her td try thim. She began then and has tinuéd ever since. The doctor the Feglled on her to have the hanc save lon, and kept it a seeret from h lily 'ahd friends. No one ever along by Actress on were many having land 18 the hand Paris, Aug. IS ng gt statuary to-day, in the police officers I'he led ed on subject jul of to the one of the odor ports gment ht uit DAILY MEMORANDA. Liscred brought In iv Caled Bell 26th 1 notive Emp i Saturday | part The to New Tuesday Str A meric trip Mountain, to-morrow Amusement Co Picture Shows nian Games, at and After and about aoe in ants exhibited he places managers of Folies Pigall of to three fined $40 for an F'wo voung actress Little fortnight's ' draw these | The and but the manager satenced sonment Excursion ; the Folies Rovales |W"erg Dy a's La e-On-" for out Park See Moving ville Visit the Sale the Hotel: Dieu Table Bijou umn and the four Vaud was se and decency d sentenced to a and a S10 and Garden Bargains at Party at to the I y fn publi ant L Soldiers On King Scatter Wood Dogs Lipperary,' Palace were impri os amploved at the Theat re each Parade "Mart prain" "Queer An Illustrated sung by Edgar Russian yvrdom Of Tales Of Reading Summerby. that the doete treatment he first met onment fine Girl Killed By Shark. seven Vienna, Aug. [3w-Milena Sgambelli, Dalmatian fishergirl, was killed yesterday, Zara, bathing several into the to the| an iron rushed boldly at to who nurse in 18th, In Canadian Lowisburg founded Newfoundland Prince 'of 0 a-shark, She | gitls midst History. by Aug. 17138 settlers from 1860---The Quebec IRT4-A championship of fax, N.S ~ 18R3 pointed 1885 Montreal 1890 ed the 1 near with two sharks rushed then. Milena ran which found this, again, rod in French was other when of ales arrived at cricket tournament America began the Hali for al | hea she rod. nto { Seizing she the water sharks with the Marquis of Lansdgwne was ape Governor<Ueneral of "Canada | Sir Fraiicis Ricks did in | Benedict, an amateur, lowes | her companions 000 yards swimining record at | Qhe ove [anced hersell and fell ate ; _ Hive ay Montreal, by doing the: distance: in 16 | he overbalanced h t | ed him, for he was intelligent a minutes and 174 setopdd | full length in the water, when one of | a good practice in healing by a Li Widespread forest | the sharks seized her leg in Ste mouth | mewsd than spiritualism. p he Kootenay country, i i it 1 | ed the C y Loe : and bit it off above the knee. Last Sunday Mrs. Soult The other girls dragged Milena out, fod tor called on her and said : but she died from the loss of blood. feeling ill. and that he had monition that something was Look At The Snaps: to happen him. Hv asked her tc to his house and try to | Miller" to do something for | went around late and found h ting. in a study chair smoking These sots small pieces. See them one of each. Sets for striking order £1 fires 'devastat I Anarchists Threaten Judge. Geneva, Aug. IX the seven federal judges decided on the extradi tion to Russia of Wassilieff--for a po- litical murder--thev have been receiv- {ing threatening letters from Russian | revolitionists and anarchists. As a result, the federal Lausanne was strongly guarded by de tectives and 'police worry her. She The judges have i ¢lothing and his shoes. evive threats, and fear, that their live her hand on his chest It has, therefore. heey man applied hers to his feet. TREN wise authorities close the federal coniet at Lausanne the. highest tribunak in the countrv- to the public in the future, Since but before she Wheat" fell mouth. This d removed part with the spirit, at do. anything Dr. frothed at the are short a few count Come quick, Only continued to re Florence fare in danger decided did not continued treatment condition, so they what: time be learned. by to Their 40 - Just not The coroner's physician, Dr. Lake on The Mountain. worth, and Deputies Slavin and Wednesday steamer America makes a ing later - contlucted an investi trip to this wonder of nature, leaving |and found that he died of ROBERTSON BROS. tip to i am. g nb EPO 80, 6 pag Only - [I La baked snd ok "Women aud "4 assis is only she said, sometimes | nt to latter made broke the the ol trousers a~ghort |! when murmurings Mrs, 8 pre for the last He was and always said, him. a pipe She immediately got in communication bac While she laid | 'change the doctor died could | gbout "The Life and Death of the Murderess' died at ssages orence tant, ¢ Bel what not ve the in a Miller' ctions Wheat emon great | { obbed | JAMES FE. WATSON, » to omel games I Watson, of Indiana, is the nominee fog the republican party of that state tor the governorshay at the coming fall elecgon. He was whip, lot his party at THE Pay Nessioh *ot the rouse of Representatives, and few mon ate better versed in pofitics; both macional as well as those particular te Indiana. He was born in Indiana, ay Winches®r, and is an attorney. He married Miss Flora Miller, on Decem ber 12th, 1892. He represented the 6th Indiana district in congress, and makes his home at -Rushbille, Ind. Mr. Watson was state president of the Epworth League from 1592 until 1594 ' 1 h ow her came had in my When has me. write, | ay my | 0 y hej vr Dr y glee FOR SERVICE IN INDIA. P| ii. | Avstralia Offers Troops. to Eng- ('.] land. 1 the| Melbourne, Aug Col. Evans, heat's | on behalf of the officers and men daily [the Sixth Australian Infantry en re- | ment, Victoria's crack militia Since | corps, offered enlist for vice in India at onee, shduld the Bom- disturbances continue, cable to this effect Clarke, governor who ig also the regiment's colonel, letter says 18. ol regi- one ol has to ser octor, Anna, | 5a part i A his | Sr te Bom- hon was sent George of hay; ppear- | orary | In Evans present unrest rity in India lit were known that, British have fighting at Austraha Col the nor conveving the offer | he elicet and defiance would be incalculable AN drug ething a upon autho if mn : ot in | doc- troops their side Lindia the couch, and comrades and em from | pire X y With Mr. regards they in | the Australian chivalrous, but con<ider the India before the premier ofier Deakin, the government the as muss ¢ituation in taking action. | needs of bath- ckman | Mrs oult| DROWNED WHILE BATHING. senee for an| George Gutteredge, Ottawa, Lost { Life in Rideau River. had | Smish's Falls, Ont. Aug. | George Gutteredge. while bathing, was drowned here, vesterday. Gutteredge leame from Ottawa a few days ago for la holiday. He went in to bathe in the me 10 | Rideau and got beyond his depth. He nd be- | the surface again or but those nearby did not his dancer util too late, A ivoung mar named Morend found him lying on the bottom of the river {With the assistance of others fue- {eeedede in Bringing him to tie [ Dr. Gray worked for over an hour to resuscitate him, but © without avail The - deceased was about twenty-four {years of age. | the | ee was n pre {gq about , ; > cothe | 0 nr 18. her and lelphia |eame to once twice, he | realize cure con- e, he ls laid surface. is fam- spect - nd had other For A Jaded World. Geneva, Aug. A new 'Alpine ho- is advertised as the ideal resort those who want a complete rest eure. All the plates, dishes, cups Qe | Bnd saucers are made of papicr-mache "0 [so that guests be spared the clat- ter of restaurant, and as the ma- terial light guests will suffer the least possible fatigue in lifting the cups to their lip=. 1 I>. \ . will im sit- is 0 could k and id not of his i i A Murderess' Reputation. Berl. > Aug. 18. ~The counsel | the defence of rete Beier; the German murderess, 1& kringing Aan action against the Saxon playwright, lvich Apel; who has written and was to produce a, drama entitled ior Buck- his prey. Wads- Beier." £ Mehr | . . . gation | Callard & ~ Bowser's butterscotch, i uremic Com ie Cease to pugar, Fro Fresh at at Gib ing one hour .there; home| poisoning. The police in the meantime 'son's INQ : 1 New Wilitid Laurier"s tour of West- ern Ontario will open with a menting at Niagara Falls on September - 15th. A number of special constables have been sworn in with a view to stop- ping rowdyism on harvesters' excur- sions traips. Hamilton «SIE t t street railway company | One-Legged Men religion. Such violent dissension was produc- ed that the chairman's efforts to ealm he controversialists were for a long ime ineffectual. TO HOLD MEETING. to Meet in will renew its system and erect shops! if the city cuts its percentage on all earnings over $..0,000. Lightning struck the fower of the Mercer Reformatory Females, To- ronto, tore off a quantity of slate and set the rafters inside ablaze. Wheat cutting is general in Portage Plains, the Brandon district, Indian Head, parfs of the Soo Line, and everywhere where the crop is not late. Out of 184 deaths in Montreal last week 12), sixty-six per cent., were of «children, under five vears of age. Eighty-two were from diarrhoeal dis- Fine London. Paris, Aug. I8.~<London ened with an invasion of one-legged Frenchmen belonging to the Union of French Mendioants, which was estab- lished eighteen months ago at Mar- M. Rosin, (the one-legged president of the one-legged union, says he has conceived the idea of celehrat- ing a one-legged entente by organiz- ing a visit to the White city of a num- ber of his fellow-erifiples, both French: men and Englishmen: "We, do not want to meet any ham- bugs, but genuine, hard-working, hon- est British peddlers or itinerant mus- cians possessed of one wooden leg," he said. "Just think what a fine and, picturesque thing it would be to have a Bangiet Ju. London of the French is threat- for seilles. or fiest section of Barnum & circus train was derailed 'near Westminster, B.C. on Sunday, and two were killed ~ and several injured. : : Hand' British - one-legged fen 1" The London! Telegranh's 'correspon- M. Rosin dccompanied by ithe secre: dent, at Constantinople, callé atten- ~ "uhi § | p tary of the union, has left for Bou- Ad oi or to Her- age, swim- vears was tee ming Cries Mr. ronto, and for sultan, ol losses are 500 ol a one, of was on SHE RAN AWAY. Wife Repents Deed Committing Suicide. Springfield, 1il., Aug. IS. wile of a physician of had. just finished reading from her daughter, Vera, she regretted her William Johnson, rope walker, when she gram that the girl had committed suicide at New Berlin, ten miles west of this cily. The girl was lost opinion Young By Mrs. Ho sier, Spring Valley, letter fessing that ment. with con elope a tight the adopted daughter When seven | Hein- | of Dr. and Mrs. Hosier. 'teen vears old she became with Johnson, a member of a carnival company, and ran away with him, | Until she confessed her her whereabouts were unknown. body was sent to Spring Valley burial. . The | GIRL'S HEAD FOUND IN SEA. -- Murderer Tracked By Piece of Paper. Vienna, Aug. 18.--A ghastly discov- ery was made at Trieste yesterday. A fisherman found a sealed package in the sea containing the head of 'a girl | of about twenty. The linen wrapper was marked "J. F." and a piece of note paper was found bearing the | name "Julius © hevalier de Foedrans- | perg."' This is an official' in the Au- striun Liovd's service, and the police arrested him as he wae entering his Ouse, After n {police found the limbs' of the | tim's body in various packages. | It appears that the ' girl i= Fabry, a music-ball singer and Foe- 100 Grandchildren As Mourners. | dransper g's mistress. Foedransperg's Vienna," Aug. I18.--A farmer who a has also been arrested. Mitternenwald (Austria) at | of eighty-three was followed | grave by 100 grandchildren. | Probable } tion to 'the fact that Perdia is ap- sah winting 'a' representitive at Athens logne, and. contemplates, crossing. the os ~ | channel in a dav two. He iotends At Moncton, N.B. on Sunday, . . : bert McLeod, fourteen of making arrangements with a commit(- of British one-legped men boys with him thought his ] g p a joke until he sank. SULTAN WON. announces that he has received] Mulai Hafid Lost 300 Killed and subseriptions to the Quebec Battle- 500 Wounded. exclusive. of the city grant of $5,000. |spatch received from Abdel El Aziz, Eighty per cent. of the coal mines the announcing the victory of wd thousands of miners are out of | Mulai Hafid, the usurping sultan, in employment as a result the low | an engagement which was fought re The steamer Pourquoispas leit Havre Morocco City, says that the defeat of on Friday on voyage of discovery the enemy was complete. The 2 privade and 38 headed - by estimated at 300 killed and F 2 8 hoe 1 ; Jean Charhot, who led a similar voy- wounded. An immense amount T ; N | camel, was captured. The booty 8 riveters . a d The, 8.000. riyeter vo, hae hen | that the victors were obliged strike § ards 2 2 ip Suan I hs : Ho-seH-at-quagrter-the market urs | and higher wages, have decided to re- to get rid-of il turn to work, thus averting the gen | Abdel Aziz, ir ) . in [ defeated the Rehmana tribe, who were lovers supporting Mulai Hafid, killipg fifty The Canadian bowlers coneluded | ©! the men at Coleraine, Of the thirty | matches played eight were won and | general is that the team is | $ tly superior to 1907 aggregation. were made at Yonkers, N.Y., on Mon- day at the Empire City race track. It bets in violation of thé law using a code system -to represent the horses, The prisoners were released on bail. The worlds record for a week's was broken last week by the Kfhquot B.C, station, by which twenty-six er St. Lawrence. The best catch known befcre this was twenty-two, a The Kyugquot station has taken 231 whales since the sfason Legan. Adam's Landing, Lake Champlain, were drowned on Sunday, while vond her depth, and the other {wg in 'trying lo rescue her also got inte Four mén were also drowned on Fri- dav while attempting to run the ra- Stork Got Into Mix-Up. Robsik was driving his family home from a christening, the horse ran Robsik picked . up hiz wife after the accident he found the stork had | | had left a fine baby boy in her care. | Both were driven home "uninjured by for the first time in 2309 years. 3 to tramp London, with a view to drowned. He also was Coady, city treasurer, of To- A fields fund © amounting to $27,037.75, Tangier, Aug. 17.--A wireless de along the Monongahela river are idle|his troops over the troops under water in the Ohio river. cently during the march toward 4 : Y : to the South Pole. The expedition is of the adherents of Mulai Hafid os in - T905 booty, including a large number age in 1905, i » | so great i ' ice it Stettin, Germany, for shorter pre 1h . order at the head of a column, eral lock-out thregtened by "the em- | | tribesmen and taking 200 their English tour by defeating Bally- | Prisoners fifteen by. narrow margins. The | hree arrests for alleged gambling is charged that the men were. taking the odds and the amount wagered. catch by any coast whaling station whales were taken by the steam whal- record glso made by the St. Lawrence. Threa girls, who were staying at bathing. One of them had got) he deep water, None of them could swim. pids of the St. Maurice. Pittsburg, Pa.. Aug. 18.--While John away and upset c the carriage. When {reached her during the mix up and | | the experience. i Great Clearing Sale. Prevost, Brock street, has made a | great reduction in price in the andes dy-made cl Ee is Sk pe the age | to the We Show The Islands. To, theix bast lags on h the Am-| also search = had been' made the | vie- | Lucy | received a tele- | | | { | | infatuated | { unhappiness | for | ! | I i | } i $ I For mothers to dress their girls with up-to-date materi- als for school opening at half and less than half "the regular prices. The materi- als are of this season's buy- ing. Dainty little 'checks, stripes and of brown, navy and over-plaids black, ligh* grounds, also shepherd checks. Materials that will wear well and wash well, Prices were 50c. to $1.25. on Yours To-Morrow HALF PRICE Come and come early. They won't ligt long. SALES FOR CASH. Hunda AYES. <n Kingston, and Mes 190%, to Mr a daughter Winnipeg papers pic Philip ase eony) ROBERT J. REID. The Leading Undertaker. "Phone, 577. 227 Princess street, Summer Brinks. tower's Lime Juice, tower's Lime Juice Cordial, Sto: s Lime Juice, Raspberry Vinegar, Fruit Syrups, Gurd's Ginger Ale, Gurd"s So Water, Gurd"s Caledonia Water, Imported ,Ginger . Imported Ginger Beer, Radnor 'Water. Jas. Redden & Go; IMPORTERS OF FINE GROCERIES. SEALER & PICKLE BOTTLES 55¢. for quarts; 26e. for Pickle Bottles. this eduesd for this mon at TURKS. er Store. none 708. STABBED WITH A NEEDLE. % Martin Tries Suicide ak Oswego, N.Y. N.Y., Aug. 18.--Armed with darning needle Thomas js incarcerated in the Fhomas, Oswego, a common Martin, who { county jail to await the action of the grand jury on a charge of grand lar- centy ~ in the second degree 'and burg lary in the third, stabbed himself in the side. He was discovered in the act and the needle was taken away from him uiter he had Sroubdud hinge self, althon not serjonsly. at once akon from rotary and placed in a cell under guard, the jail o jail hysician is attending him. for wi is re he action of the.