Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Aug 1908, p. 2

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PAGE TWO, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUFSDAY, avout 18, 1908. Summer Sate of ursi-D0GTOR IN PRACTICE[AWAY FROM - FADDISTS SLOOP HAD NO LIGHT THE SPORT REVIEW, MERI 'ture, Carpets, &c. Your Chance To Save Money. MUST NOT "ATTEND SMALL. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO AND WILL BE REPORTED [THE MARATHON RACE ON POX CASES. READING AND WRITING. FOR NEGLIGENCE. LABOR DAY. | ---- w Sie, : - To acquire merit one must be LAGH TO CONT! o% The Board of Health So Decides-- | One of Directions to Inspectors in Bothered the TT Storer America | Will Draw Many Outside Runners | doing something better than the | sSmpALED TENDERS pire A Committee Appointed to Government's Scheme of Ap- Last Night--Arrivals and De- --The Locals May Show Up | present best. That is the principle to the undersigned Janda endorsed oo Deal With Future Cases--Drs. proved Schools--Goes Into. partures of Vessels at This Well--General Notes on Sport. | we follow with our anal, be gl at his offca - the 31st Evans, and Etherington Have Operation in September. Port. The local runners have begun tgain- Words. vr "Special attention should be given| Many serious accidents have hap- ing for the Marathon race. Some fine Shirts Collars Ties, ns a form The Board of Health places itself on} to reading and writing. There 15 un-|pened on the lakes and river, due {outside rugners will be here for the » y 1 iva record as. bel ing opposed to doctors in| fortunatety good ground for believing|tp schooners and small boats not event. Distant towns have been noti- ; io ing Pla Armes, Mon , a active practice attending smallpox that, under the examination syste, |carrying the proper, lights, and mo:e fied of the race 'and will send their Fancy Host Etc. Thin August. 1 1908, cases. This means that the -meaical|these subjects have not "hitherto 're- {will happen unless= some masters [fastest men to take part. Fully forty a Yon tendering + Rehtauie © rl health officer must cease attenaing [ceived the attention their importance [change their ways, Last evening os |should start in the race here Labor accept 1 wir : . mont of cases at the isolation hospital. 'Lhe demands." the steamer America was on her way |day. Every preparation is being made All the time striving to give | OF a Schedule o will orm Part i . Sahoor cae be cition ht," Lb) ASABE" pg of ah ditions ti Clan aSehotie"of soap nos |" make tu res. all pre you beter values thang 'ever (Li cist a " p: MN concerning the B uested . Mission Furniture, for Hall, Library, the Tllowing ja attawiner hg To sper and. principale = a ening captain of the steamer could not tell land the Brockville Harriers will have had before, bs Dining Room, Den, etc., all cuts in price | Corbett (chaiman), Lr. trans, By app { by the education. depart-} whether the sloop was going dowa or la good bunch of runners Gut. after) for this sale. Lemmon, Francis King, Mayor Ross |just issued by the | aérods Lhe. river, as 'there was. not the the Arophy. There may. be a surprise 4 - : # and Dr. Etherington. Medical Health ment. The scheme of approved schools sign of a light on any part of "her sprang by ohe, OF tad ot a Ta. 4 Officer Bell was also present. will go into full operation in Septem- myo name of the sloop was found and runners, of whom no one has been i: oa The chaimmen explained that the | ber. Private schools may be 8p-{}6 master will be reported for travel: | hiking lately, as they are showing @ meeting had been called for the pur-| proved of if shown to be efficient, and| jing without proper lights. -- Rg Ys ; ing pose of arranging fer the treatment] also providing a ¥25 fee is paid in . oper oy . of the two cases now at the isolation | advance, to be returned if the school Marine Intelligence. hospital. All along, Dr. Bell, thelis approved. - The medical health officer, had attendéd| The circular also states that now Agent for "J." "Brand Austrian Kingston Team Lost. be Horta the par ' ' se ALTIVe sre a x G. dR.' | de€line oy into contract for the light hones Thaades arrived bere,| qh, Ottawas defeated the Kingston Collars i Ses v, an * | wok 3 rates stated in the offer . x : gh om slleville. a a ; Sern 0. « S1Zes. Wi « the cases, to the number of fifteen. | {that there are three high school in- rd steamer Pellatt cleared, from Foujes a} the Uiawn Oval, hi IER : A J\thus sent in Will be return- The, Jatter said he. could not be ex- spectors "not only can more time bel gi hardsons', for Montreal. Furs ay: 4 a ft li te do i ir are not EE rats Whose fens pected to continue to attend the pati-| given to the ordinary work of in- The schooner Comelia arrived at Wg game wine ye daub as The lowest or any tender not neces ents unless he received extra remuner- spection, but the inspectors will be Bo6th's to the winners after the first asl SESE . , fram Oswegd, with ooal. 9 yo sarily accepted, ation.. So far this year he had vac-| jhle to examine classes, espec ially The sloop Maggie L. is at the Grove innings had heen played. The King- By order, : cipated from 175 to 200 persons free| {he classes which come directly under | jy, receiving a fine coat of paint. stonjak I Sjueted out jel, Jeong L. K. JONES, CHINESE and JAPANESE MAT- |of charge. He was willing to continue| (pe approved school scheme. The Pol-l The steambarge Waterlily is at the their only tired runs, in the hist ine Stril in Department of Railways and i TINGS, just the floor covering for hot |in charge, but would expect. to be icy of the education , department, is Kingston foundry, undergoing repairs. nings. : Ottawa, 10th August, 1908. . weather, 10c., 15¢c. up to 50c. yard. paid. . ' or Newspapers insertin, this advertises Li. - Dr. Etherington moved that a medi- any examaination system and to in-|for Rideau river ports with a general ment without authority from the De- cal attendant - be prooured to attend crease the influence of the teacher and cargo - ston team and the home team. The partment will not be paid for it. the cases. Mr. King seconded the mo- |p. inspector." he stor mer Alexandria was at Fol-| visitors were defeated by a score of va ues = tion. 'Dr. Etherington said it was| ( ntinuing the circular broadly} ger's wharf, last night, on her down |? to 1. most unwise for a man in private states : trip. \ -- practice, like pe. Bell, to stiend, these "In the administration of the sys-1 The schooner Maxwell cleared from : For Further Matinees. IN hd contagious disease cases - anc »e 4 le sideratio the enitantinrv. for C 4 The Gentlemen's Dffving Club i t - ~N tem just and reasonable con a n we penttentiary, for onneaut, to entiemen s ving ub 1s to g . mingling with the general public. The will be shown - where such considera-| load coal. meet to-morrow evening to arrange ' NOTICE ro CONTRACTORS Shelves fbr books, ornamentary, etc., | PTOPCE thing to do was to have a tion is expedient; but it should be PRe schooner Bertha Kalkins reach-|for its fall matinees. The club, Tenders for Steel Rails and 25¢. up to $3.50 each. spec ia} medical attendant. dear! lerstood that the allow-{ed Toronto, fre Osvero itl which is a new organization, has done " A » D, y understooc a ) F rom go, with a ? aia § Book Cases. Regular $15.00, reduced Mr. Lemmon wanted to know as to ances which were made during the last | cargo of coal well this season, and if it continues Fastenings. 0 $12.00. o Ro. 0 Bl . d : . Carpets, Rugs, Lmoleums, oOffeloth, the cost. Would it not cost more} hool year will not be continueh and| Swift's : Steamer North King, down its good work, it will be the means of SEALGR, TENDERS ADDRESSED Ose ? reid oc p B B Joraigt had ked on the etc. than at present to have a spec ial \ . . lo| and to-diw: abe or Aloth fn reviv ing horse racing in Kin rston, to the un . spgulationsewhich have heen made| an up. to-day; steamer Aletha, from "i medical attendant ? that regulation which has been dead for some years. envelope Tondo Rails' and ~ "1 ge. ato »] s $ 1 + HONE 90. Yours, . . . . | for the advancement of education wul bay points; steamer Dundurn, down, |. ; . Wot ? : t "Pender for Rail Fn respectives PHO » Mr. King said the motion was not| now. be duly enforced." Wednesday morning. The matinees have recently been made ' ly, will be received at the office of the to reduce the evils that acfompany The steambarge Mary Louise cleared About 1,500 people Witnessed the - ball game in Hull between the hing meant to cover the question ol cost. 4 ED free to spectators, so as fo draw as Commissioners of the Transcontinental T. EF. Harrison Co. It was introduced as being in the in- many as possible to the fair grounds. |e Railway at Ottawa, until twelve o'clock a ¢ PRIVILEGE WITHDRAWN. FORMER PEN MAN. noon of the 1st day September, terests of public safety. 1908, for dorty ous rrr four hund- -- . According to the statute, a board of s Gets : Int xb Caroe Trip To Ottawa. and Tonelling S red and forty- ross tong health is required to supply only pro- Warden Platt Doesn't Want Cur- © . More Trouble at On Monday morning five well-known of eighty-pound 0 i gerd A (open : : tt ) hearth or Bessemer # option of the er nursing attendance. mayor Koss ious Visitors. : Ottawa. local canoeists, Frank Strachan, In 4 ; Commissioners) ati 2th ne ary fast. g , » : 1 yn Ts hi oI suggested the engaging of a nurse. Warden Platt has issued an order The poli.e have received word to the ving Martin, Walter Campion, Wil- suings, ot striet \ ¥¢ ith the 8 | Phe medical health omncer said he had that until further notice no more effect that Adolphus H. ( hambeétlain, | Yam S McGuire, lef specifications of the' sioner. Steacy and James leit Tenders must be mg : : Tan art: y . is 1 * " eh ani the forms an olier lgom a nurse to attend the| visitors "will be received at the peni-{a Jormet penitentiary gan, bd ito paddle to Ottawa. They hope to sdpplied by the TER Wy which, cases for $30 a week. Ventiaty, This does not reier te oti. row ad Sn sn utah = Re elain make the trip in record time. The re- 72 inch. Bleached Damask. a BE ec fcutions, Hugh » o or hh = : : . Sh the prison |served four years in we big prison tur: oUrpev ill. be le he ¥ \ ' B u lit pr. lvans said he was opposed to| nary visitors who go to gs 2 ct SI . : urn journey wi ye made on the .00. cial, Lumsden, Chief Engheer, Ottawa, Ont. Of t 2 est Q a y engaging a special physician, and per-| for a stay of two or more years, but here, his fondness for cheques and his train. { Regular $1.00 Spe ok : € Full information in regard to deliver- desire to secure goods and valuables, 5c. jes, and also as to the other conditions > > I he rden has writ : . + o haps involving the city in an expen to the curious he Wa 1 a te and not paying for them, being the on which tenders are to be made,.can be aiture of pel haps $2,000 to $3,000. ten the mayor concerning the matter, conse. of all his trouble. He is said a Sporting Notes. . had on application to the Chief Engineer. 1 Iniere were now only two cases of also that he can refuse to give further be a first class man at writing, and | The C.A.A.U. championships will| 44 72 inch. Bleached Damask. Fach tender must be signed and sealed velop. tf serious ones proke out, then people are so eager to go through curing a good deal at some of the 29th. a physician might be engaged, but| the penal institution, to gaze upon{gtores in the capital. Thoney's batting was ithe feature of e vet nustters at present might go on as!{he unfortunates incarcerated there. Some three of four distinct =iarves | the 4 to 3 deteat of Detroit by Pos- they have been.. he thought all that|T, a large extent the desires of the|wijll be preferred against the ac. ton Saturday. : 3 the present cases needed was good | visitors have been met, but as this is|by the Ottawa police, and in the food and' lots of fresh air and sun-|, very busy month at the peniten-| meantime he has been given a wesk in | on Saturday of next week, and mon- shine. | The constables on duty could| 4; ov" and as it is also the heavy|jail to think. the matter over. treal opens the same day. attend them. At present there are! yoursion season, Warden Platt finds -- rrmm-- The Ottawa Labor Day eelebration four constables engaged, at two dol-| 4 necessary to refuse further admis- | Give One In Victoria Park. committee have applied to the C.AA. lars a day each, lor a pesiod of ten| i 5 t, the curious, for the: present at] "What about a band concert in Vie-| U, for a sancuion for a days. least. There was a time when | toriy park ?'" cnquired an Alfred street | hor Day. be. ¥therington changed his motion visitays were allowed through all « de-| resident to-day. 'We pay taxes up| The i 1 ow Westminster lacrosse team fn R ugs are in sizes, |to read that the, board adopt the partments of the prison, but when | here, just like our down-town breth-| played at Calgary on. Saturday and |g «| Principle that it is unwise for a medi- pores : ' . : Dated at Ottawa, 30th July, * 1008 Is, 3 4 1 31 Warden Platt came these privileges fren. Our girls are just as good: | had little trouble in disposing of the at 8c., at Newspapers inserting this advertise 3% yards, X anc cal man in active practice to attend | CooL ctricted. For the présent the looking--if | was a boastful man I Oo Calgary aggregation. ment without authority fram th « 33 ~ contagious disease cases in the isola- only visitors who will be received at should say better--and we 'would ap- Canada's great national road race; '} "wy missioners: will: not be™paid for i Sion hospital. ~'1his motion was adopt-| penitentiary will be" those allowed | prociate alittle music up our way. the J. J. Ward Marathon will take a : ed. . \T aries full sett of : : by statute to enter and those direct-| [Lot us have one hand concert, at place at the Exhibition Grounds on ' = Lies Not having a 1 © Mayor Ross said & telephone might Jy interested in prison work. least, before the season closes." Saturday, October 10th ? M 1 1 sat 1 a - A . - patterns in all sizes we - oh Ae a The Eel, the Canadian grey pacer, NEWM N & CORRECT , ; Be see S ip? igi 8 +6® he: i the doe A offer them at cost price. necessary: supplies . weie . furnished . the TAKE IN PORTSMOUTH Your Hair's Original Color. won the three® heats of the 11 pac lie opi bel. This was a simple matter Can be restored by reversing the |at Buffalo in great time, considering TIME ; } he said. It was unnecessary for the[In-the Area For the 'Indian |process by which the color is changed, | the track. 'ihe stakes were ¥5,000. ' 9 medical health officer to take the or- List."' which is to set up such healthy ac- Hamilton Spectator : Chau r El S Can be secured. from . the ders and attend to the food supply, It has been suggested by some that|tivity of the hair hulbs that natural liott is casting about for ® back . On motion of Dr. Etherington, sec-!in order to carry out the "Indian list coloring matter will be supplied. Dr. | division for his M.ALA.A. team. Chau iw Busy Store Chronometer in Our Window. R M FAUL onded by Mr. King, a committee con-| properly "Portsmouth should be taken| Dawson's Hair Restorer will do this. | cer wi have to do some' pretty fine The Always Busy . Now the City Clockl is out C risting of the chainman, the mayor| into the area. OF 'course a person|In bottles, 50c., at Wade's drug store. Sasting. Hali hack men are not of commission this will be and Dr. Etherington, was appointed to | may be fined if he is on the list, is HS r-- pice'. up every cay. { : r veni : Kingston Carpet Warehouse make arrangements for EE et found drink and has been served with To Attend Convention. Cases where' a baseball mana hb ory com ent of cases in the isolation hospital as| liquor in the outside places but to Leman A. Guild, of the Whig staff, | sells his own son are extremely rare, | e------------------ they atise. If a special medical at-| make the system work-all right it is| left this morning for Brockville to bus this self ig happened Ie | ~ - y i 1 WMMgage \ a 8 > » F: » 8' conve 0 f the| cently when rator .m tonurke = woods Phosphodine, tendant is needed, it will engage one. |gtated that papers should be taken |attend a two-day nvention of th ) \ fod eC ' ; Dr. Evans opposed such a commit-| gut against hotelmen there, the same| business managers of the daily news- the veteran manager of the Bridge | 3) ir Grd, Ruglish, Femedy tee. He thought the board was a| ag in the city. papers of Ontario. port: club, sold his son, Jim O'Rourke, yw vw systetn, takes new | small body, and it could easily be is understood that the voung ets ir,, a second baseman, to the New ) ! t ¢ g 18 old Veins, Cures Nerv ay ork ri £1,500, was. Dabilit yr ile Bra Fd Ww, ta dere called together. It should shoulder| man, now on remand, charged by the Stepped On Rusty Nail. York Americans for $1,500 NS one uc, foadencse, Timiswions, Sper | the responsibility as a whole. license inspector, will plead that he was Mrs. Craio. wife. of Constable Craig, Ivor Wagner and Roy Parkins, PUT IN YOUR TANK AG 5: TAIN] itera, and To A Abuses fwpemes Dr. Etherington pointed out that algiven the liquor at an outside place. {was the victim of a painful accident, pitchers, with Arthur Marcan, short-| rill cura. Sold by al drug; rita or mailed in | meeting of the board, last week, had Kingston's Indian list now i rs| yesterday. She stepped on 4 rusty (stop, of the Binghamton State leamme AT OUR DOCK. plain Aes on Socal t of Fe New pamphlet | heen called, but that a certain mem-| ut fifty There are both males nail, which penetrated the flesh. l team, "have been sold to the New 345-KING ST £ eo. Radel) ree, ne Qo. : y s J Ea Sine C6 oni ber had blocked the business by walk-| ond females, and in one case a whole York Americans for $6,000 They 95¢ . accepted cheque on a' chartered Dank of the Dominion of Canada, payable to the | ieiiway, tor: of the J+ Ahscon tillental - Railway, for a sum equal to five per s Table Napkins. Regular cent (5 per cent.) of the amount of the $2.50 Special at $2.00 per tender. , Cheques depositéd by parties whose tenders are rejected will be returned within ten days after the signing of the contract. 3 Na pleingi! Regulazg! $3.00 The right is, reserved to reject any of fozen. Special, at $2. 50. aiff tenders, By order," i . P. BE, RYAN, 4 i Secretary '"'Glas¥ Towehng, "1 Viriches The Commissioners of the wide, Regular 10c. Special, Transcontinental ' Railway, 'The Fort Erie horse meéting closes dozen meet on La- : i ik y ' s by all the parties to the tender. 1 ght nature, and no more might de-| permits. It is surprising haw many by means of forgery, succeeded in se- be held at Halifax on Saturday, Aug. = $1.25. Special, for witnessed, ir be a a , ing out of the meeting. family, father, mother and son. Have Ycu Cold Sores ? will join the New. York team at the Colla, Spark. Fiugs, Colum: 2. S-------------------------- Dr. Kvans arose to say that he was : ---------- Rubbing in glycerine and vaseline | end of the state league season. ia ten. eT n stock, lesuers of Marriage . prepared to stand by the action he | : . won't cure in a month. You need a eT Se » ICeNnses, New YorkChinese Restaurant |i twin iat meting in eovine | |, By A Hotel Armivale: | | pclutuly healing iniment ka Dr. ONE FINED, OTHER REWANTED§ REPAIRS PROMPTLY Toh it e declared that he did it in the Fit Fai : . ' : i Hamilton's Rub it on night and : Sl s / ls 1 wife, Joh : g 2 : ; M ' 82 Princess Street. public interest. He further said that Be hard, A on, we oN morning and the cold sore is cured, | Two Englishmen in Police Court, ADE. ; Phone 666 Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 am. he considered it indecent, or out of | mic nnson, "A : ; 2 McEachern, J. A. Pyke and wife, D. | For this purpose alone Dr. Hamil- To-Day. - The best place to get an all round | Place, on the part of a member of the | Morrison, Toronto; E. C. Brown, F ton's Ointment should be in every James Currell and William Troy, Lunch Jn the oy. Br buls of ail kinds board to include himself on a commit. A. Marselli, C. Bergman, Ww. T. 'Gil- home. Hc. boxes sold everywhere. the Englishmen arrested yesterday by Selby & Youlden, Ltd. Dishe a specialty. s . : tee of which he was the mover. Why lett, August J. May, H. Esenbrainum, - - Constable Driscoll, were, this morn-| not leave the matter to the chair- Frank Kelly and wife, Mrs. James ing, arraigned before Ald. Givens, the Kingston Foundry. man ? McConley, Miss Amelia Dodds, Mrs y cting mayistrate Currell had | Shabir wh ir nley, Mis : 8, Mrs. wr S | | acting magistrate. a Dr. Etherington objected to being McGuire, Mrs. R. Powers, Rochester, Kingston's Famous Fur Store oubl charge to face, that of beibg termed: indecent, and was sustained | Ny. Frank J. Russ and son; Henry drunk and fighting, but drunkenness | -- by the chairman I'he former declared Meyer, Pittsburgh, Pa; H. J. Millar, : was the 'only offence to which. Troy IF IT IS TO GET A SIN 8 ern that if the remark Sra not withdrawn Joplin, Mo.; D. J. Stewart, Waba ; i . had to answer | and an apology made, he would no| Frank McCormick and wife, R. E Eh '1 of le D 1, b I £2) } » ' . > evidence 5 \ nc ath room installed. longer sit on the board with Dr. Young, Belleville; J. W. Shields. Ha- I'he evidence of Constable riseo i Set up or a HY The or calle anti ; \ FF hswor wha happened to pass along just as| Ican do it in first-elass style and fivans. The latter called attention to milton; C. L.. Farnsworth, Ottawa, the trouble commenced, sufficed to| at the right price. Give me a : the Jacl that he . ha qualified his Xe | William Owen and wile, EF. Ww. Fraser, 4 7 conviet Currell and the magistrate | trial. mark by saying it was improper. he! F. W. Meagher, A.' Pinsonnider and / A » i fine of ¥3 i $2 costs, Phone 3356 ' { matter then dropped wife, 0. Tessier, Montreal; C. C. Por- 4 imposed a Ime 0 and 'DAVID HAL The committee - appointed. will--eon-1ter-ant-wife, Newburyport, Mass; .J.. lie (8 / with the option of ten days. yn 64 Brock St ult with the medical health officer as|A. Raymond and wife, Newburyport Troy was remanded. to. ail until] -- - to what should: be. done as cases|Mass.; N. A: Dixon, E. M. Harris, St. 3 i Aug. 19th. : [ers an S arise, Joseph, Mo.; J: C. Gauntlett d ) re | . * | wife, Ithaca, N.¥.; C. H. Palmer, H. i is Drenched By The Waves 0.: Palmer and wife, Geneva, N.Y.; R. Was A Grand Success. t Y The moonlight exe ursion to Clayton, : 2. : ._ Porrin, Now. York; Wy. Bul § Biliou Ow ing to the recent finan-| A lady and gentleman arrived here hoerin, Nev. Dork; iH. Buel Nin, on Monday. night, under the auspice s | 1 1 S [last evening in a gasoline ' launch ot Tal F H Geddes, Picton; Dr aE lof St. James' church choir, was al . At cial stringency we have from Alexandria Bay so drenched by Sid Mrs Sills West Kent; T. A. Web- grand success. At T:30 o'clock the | . tacks been able to secure a large the waves the? hey had A > rain ester, Lansdowne; A. A Wilson, Fort steamer. America leit here with nearly over night at an hotel. ! 0 ) . { William; C. Adam, Lindsay; J. D. four' hundred people. Early in the | list of the lady's clothes were sent to al Purple, Ottawa: Charles F. Haight, The New Fall Hats re ere evening it looked very much like rain, jaundry for treatment. The couple re-| Byfialo; J. E. Cline, Camden. but towards the time the boat welt } { We have received a choice lot of Sond tkms and invite you Yo see them. Wa make 8 specialtyj of COATS, W. E. Gourdier, [Ekebdy Furefer, 76, 78 and B80 Brock street. During this hot weather there are a great many people find their stomach upset, They are billous, liver out of order, bowels irregular, tongue coated and little: desire for food. turned to the Bay this afternoon. - ' . to leave it cleared up. The run to Improved Lainie for - Coming To Kingston All the best makers hats io Claytoh was made in two hours and g & y all the best styles. the excursionists were given half an What we would recomend 15 a A Good Nerve Tonic. Hverybody who has seen 'Quincy . Ybhody who las seen 1ncy S . ts ; » [awver" 3 form ? hour in the: American town. The 14th] bottle of- our Quick Sale Will act, not so much dire ctly upon Adams Sawyer" in play form is en- Woodrow band was on board and: furnished ox 3 o the nerves as upon the "digestive func-| thusiastic over its unique charm. [cellent music during the evening. This{ | ® . tions and the abundant formation of; There has been nothing in the line of} }- Strachan is the second successful moonlight tel 3 1 Pi k which are, in many cases atred, vitalizing blood. Nerves can't| rural plays to, compare with it. = All {church folks have run this season and | itt e mn present, wild land prices bs fed on medicine. They:can, how-| the scenery has been specially built Hawes ! } HAVE YOUR Windows Decorated WITH GLACIER The only substitute for Stamed Glasé Artistic, able, Economical, by D. J. DAWSON Successor fo Dawson and Staley, '217 Princess street. High Grade Pianos at Living Prices. Victor and Berliner Sramophtng; Wille: ams' As hoenix Fire 5 8 od a Jair line of Musical Instruments, Music, e consshssses : : 2 the people are looking forward 3 . ever, be restored and strengthened by| and painted for this production and * 4 | L t V S ' y » ha \ ! thee o * elsewhere. assimilated food. The marvelous, ac-|js very effective. There are twenty- Piccadilly another one. 1 ° axa 1 ec . tion of Ferrozone arises from its|one speaking parts and the company Waverly Ln We Have Also Some Good action over the digestive and as |js well cast. The engagement at the similative processes. 5th is When you take | | Grand Opera House on Sept. Rideau Lakes And Ottawa. They stir up the sluggish liver and bowels and free the system * Rideau King and Queen lowe Aor § of all poisons. Watch our windows. g y Tre Ferrozone the blood is purified, | Lor one might: Ottawa, Monday, Wednesday, Thurs x 3 om y 25¢c: a bottls, to be had only Bargains in Wild Lands. strengthened, and grows rich and | : { | day and Saturday, at 6am (and for | from : o J : ( --- r Then you grow vigorous, weal- | | Jones' Falls And Return, 50. - Clayton, NYS Tuestay, , ionday, is > 5 . eH I beautiful ready for work,! p.desu King every Wednesday: and ; viday and Saturday, at pm.|g . _ Please call for particg=f--as in bere. the sigh ta, do] adeyw, Wing, every. Wodbeedny. Jon 1 Te El Co Rata 3 : Dr. A. P. Chown e * By their actions you and I would ittle think some people would want up to consider. them reformers. Too often a piano stool is the seat of discord. . ? Inperves compares with Ferrozone. | Importers Of Fine Hats. See The Islands At Their Best. | McCANN"S | Price, 50¢c, or six boxes for $2.50, at | "The genuine Badger's toffee, sold in Make: rs of Fine Furs, Thursday, steamer America, via the y . | druggists, or Polson & Co., Kingston, | Kingston only at Gibson's Red Cross Princess St. narrow channels, 2.30 pom. supper on | 51 Brogk St. { Ont. Sd {re Store. | Loard. Fare 50c. . |» SN 3 at 6 am. James lars. it. No tonic for the brain, blood or Phone, 848: 185 Princess St. | Co, Agents. S8984%8000 0048984 808y POCONO RAVNOP000000P0000000000Q000000

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