Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Aug 1908, p. 3

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Still Cut Prices 'at Crumley Bros. EXTRA - NA § A he gas is Read This: 1,000 yards Fine English Dress Tweeds, suitable for Children's School Dresses and well worth 60c and 75¢ per yard. Special Sale Price 32)4¢ Per Yd, The children will soon be returning to school, 'and you will be pi to think of their fall school clothes. | Nothing Gonld 'be better for school dresses than these Tweeds. ¥xcellent to wear and good tq look at, Secure some while they last, only 32!5¢c per yard. All White Lawn Waists 25%, off. All Ladies' Wakh Skirts 25% off. Bargains all over the store. Come and see. Crumley Bros. _---- Bread of Quality Users of TOY E'S ik AD) Bh vor co plain of its quality. They always fifi i 'just right." Is this the kind your baker supplies? If not, try TQYE'S BREAD ' 3 THE DAILY PRITISH WHIG, | TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1808, INHALING OXYGEN. THE LATEST ST FAD, AMONG Chemists, Supply Cylinders of the Gas, Which ic' Taken As a Stirulant--Its Use Rapidly Spreading, Especially Among "Society Women. London, Aug. 15.--A new fad has invaded London; that of inhaling oxy- gen as a sumulant for mind and supply evlinders of oxygen to regular body, Several West End chemists { ho 1 marriage WELL DRESSER, Cy SHIRTSIARE'MOY ING. Covprigh 3 » 2 Fas wu ff 5 NY ~~ Sh irts Ties, Co lars. ' Everything your body needs is flying out of our store because we are kee ing on selling Furnishings for men at lew prices. If you can buy three Shirts or Neckties for the price of two, why not get that extra Shirt or Necktie? 1t is easy to put a string of prices on paper; but we won't bore you with these. Nor wilpwe bore you when you. come into our store. We will save you money. "Ask our customers if we tell the truth. E. P. JENKINS CLOTHING CO 114 PRINCESS ST. "leompany's fands, in customers, whose pumbers are grow- ling. Acegrding to one of these che- 4 mists, several society women are de [voted | ob sherhabit, and wéputable | physicians acknowledge that with the | ihercased fncilities for its supply its use id rapidly spreading. sapplied compressed iron' cylinders fitted with a'tap, on attaching a rubber tube and fun- nel, a stream of - gas, gentle or | strong, can be applied at will 'in any direetion.,! Usually two or three mimiates' inhalation of a gentle stream 1 mixed with' air is sufficient at a tyme. 17 As to the general use thdiseriminately by the publie, "medi- eal opinion is adverse, It is un- questionably a powerful and valuable stimulant, hut excessive is dan- 1 he orone of oxygen quanti ies of course, but when inhaled in larger quantities it becomes a dangerous poi- | Son, causing headache and irritation of the mucous membrane and so on. also pure oxygen absolutely and must be largely di- in and, of the gas use | perons. in minute axcellent, form 18, So is dangerous luted. "TWO HUSBANDS LEGAL. Bigamy Givea Official Standing By Frerich Court. Paris, Aug. 15--Bigamy has just been given otticial standing by the lth chamber of the Paris appeal court, which bas confirmed a judgment 'of the civil tribunal declariyg that a wo- man who was married a French- wan living in Paris' hamed Raoul, alse to a Dane living in Copogha ge n, iw legally the wile of Doth. Bven the authors of the comedy, "Les Surprises du never could have imagined such a com- plicated situation. The first marriage was contracted in Paris in 1902, It came to an end a few years later in Denmark, where M. Mine. Raoul were then living. to and bie n Divorce," and ground of incompatibility of tempera- ment was granted to. them shortly af- terward, Mine. Raoul petitioned to the authorities to transform the decree of separation into absolute divoree. The petition being granted, she remar- tied, this time with a Dane, this a¢- quiring © Danish nationality. But as divorce ix not recognized in the Frendl law, the firgt husband finds he' cannot contract a fresh marriage so lghy ay his first wife dives oruntil the first marriage has been formally inl life, Raoul has nol'meand af getting nullified. Bélinving "thet the | "| French court 'would avéept hid wife's remarringe as i justification Yor! di he appealed for a deeted." HM has just' been definitely pes the court holding that Riwlake the fresli marriage in in aveordance vorce demand jected, wife contracted perfect. good faith and with the Danish law to which she subject)" Therefore; she cannot accused maintaining unlawful man, an accus- is now he of relations with another ation which, would consti tute ground for divorcee, as that other man is her lawful husband. So, M. Raoul finds that he vied, while his wile is not to him French law father of the horn to his former ish husband. if proved, is mar at least, bargain the as the legal that may and her not into the him children and regards be wile Dan WAS AN EMBEZZLER. He Was Caught in Ottawa, Tuesday Morning. Ottawa, Aug. I18.--Edward Cotter- ingham, the defaulting treasurer of the Ur Trac fon company, of Tipton, I who embezzled $5,000 of the June, and fled the arrested in Ottawa, this | morning, by Chief Detective Dicks, of this city, and Detective Devault, of Tipton. Cotteringham was about to open a wine in Ottawa, and had | secured premises on Nicholas street. The local police recognized him from a description and wired to Tipton. He proved to be the right man. on Hon ndiana, | } | | | country, was store MAY TALK ALSO | | | - | Besides Stu dying Geman Methods | and Customs. Berlin, Aug. 18.--The coming' visit | to Berlin of David Lloyd George, the | lor of the exchequer, | interest "in official cir- is only coming to fs methods. and enstoms. have fallen that Lloyd also will discuss an | arrangement between" the two coun- | tries' in' the future for a reduction in {the butlay for armaments. The Third This Week. Aug. 18, Another earth- quake shock, the third this week, recorded at the dominion observatory, at 6:16 o'clock, this morning, and asted "tlveity-% mihutes. Tt was Brabant, the shit shock at Fireka, fon the north-west' point of the Cali- {fornian coast; near San Francisco. is | causing He German cles tudy Hints, | George Sa yee however, probably i (Miawa, was Pheasant's Nest In Rifle Butts. London, Aug. 18, Although hullets { were continually flying around her, | pheasiut has hatched a nest of { Broomfield rifle butts, Essex, above the farget. a eggs | at only | two feet | Annual Picnic. | Of. { held | dt Locomotive .employees will he in Lake Ontario Park, August Baseball, sport' and dancing. the fight because he under dog in Maybe the attention {gets the most {dees all the yelping: Blaud's Iron Tonic Pills, the genuine sold in' Kingston only at Gibson's Red "Cross Drug Store, When the decree of separation on the' the' -- . -- a } HAmusements. TO-NIGHT i oo =e, Matinee, Friday, at 3.80, Free Show High Class Vaudeville New Moving Pictures. Latest Illustrated Songs. Friday Children's 1 Cent Day op Street Cars. RICE DEMAND TICKER. Cruises Fail to Take Minds From " Business, New York, Aug. 18.--~The famous an- nul groise "of Clgb, now in progress, has an added feature this. year which will be the de- spair of the cynics. Among the many yachts in the fleet are a number of steamers, and 'us some of these are as big 'as ocean liners, and frequently cross the seas, they are supplied with wireless: outfits, Such being' the €ase; their owners are anxious for land Stations to send to the yachts the stock market ticker news, and this being received on the steam yachts is passed: alotig by flag code signals to the sailing craft. Now, | il vou please, consider the situation : Hore are a numbér of very wealthy men, so wehlthy that they can keep in commission large and expengive steam yachts, and they are off on a pleasure eruise with the famous com- pany of the New York Yacht Club fleet. Yet those 'men are such shives to the ticker that the delight and ex: ditement of vadhting, the pleasure '6k sailing up the beautifil sound, the fun of visiting after anchoring at a port of call, cannot be enjoyed by them without thought of their taskmaster. They must have wireless reports ev- ery minute. of how te market is, go- ing, not only in New York, but in London, Paris and Berlin. On 'the steamer North Star, flagship of the fleet, was the club's«eammodore, Cor- nelius © Vanddfbilt, and on: + Hhe big steamer Vaudie was C. K. Billings, land so on puns the list of these float- ing, palaces' with multianillionaires aloard, who refuse to allow. them- selves for any length of time to enjoy the éruise. Why a couple of - clerks who can pool a year's savings and charter a two-foot knockabout oot more joy out of their existence than those men. ' PROPER VENTILATION. Sixty Degrees Temperature For Sleeping Room. Beauty sleep, to' ful its name, must be taken under certain marked wnditions or it fails to accomplish its purpose, For instance, ventilgtiby and 'proper temperature form most important part in the ls for there should be a free ciraulation ol air and no draught. To | secure fresh air it, is beter) that the Window shall Te Don" at ine' top than at the hot- tom, for the former" way "makés it pos sible Yor. impurities 1 ¢ room, says the New | ork Lyening | grmow the' New' York Yacht | ape from | the i. CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES Tt wostve ertion Tervatir im charge for rd sertion, 25¢. ; tion, ke, six, $1; one month, WANTED---MALE, * A GROCERY CLERK ; MUST BE A good stock-keeper and salesman. Ap * ply J. Gilbert. 7 Lh FTO 9090 Dug EXPERIBNCED. Jndeminsie) Blacksmiths makérs. ply Room 820 Traders* Bank; Toe onto, Ont. 03 TEE AN HONEST CLERK. FOR BRITISH American Hotel News-Stapd. between sixteen and seveniten. 'Duties to commence wgust Blst. Apply. ing person to Thomas Nash, PEORHAIPTs MEN, AT ONCE ON SALARY AND each expenses, in locality with theron of capable © of hand- ling horses to advertise intro rmanent.' Write Ranufacturing Co., London, Ont. WANTED-FEMALE, DINING ROOM GIRL, AP- ply Hotel Congress. --- AT ONCE. EXPERIENCED GENERAL SER- vant. Apply 252 King street; PINT ROOM GIRL, AT ONCE. AP- ply British-American Astor Office. THE KINGSTON LAUN- Princess "and Sydenham GIRLS, AT dry, corner sireets. GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, POR family : #f . three! Apply to Mrs, Malcolnt Sutherland, 151 Earl St. "n A QOOK, FOR SMALL FAMILY, , Where housemaid, jn kept. No wash- _ ing or ironing. Apply at Whig office. LADIES TO DO PLAIN AND LIGHT sewing at home, whole or spare time good pay. Work sent any distance ; charges paid. Send stamp for full particulars. National Manufacturing Ca., Montreal. SITUATION WANTED. 1 awelling, 8 UNIVERSITY mengs: Apply to J. er 2 Cone, STORE ono ogy 1.~BRIOK RESIDENCE. i Division. | quite at SUE. Biv on bath, ete. HE DWELLING AND STORE rro-{ possession at Jue This vied! Ei "Re Chane Bell, "ni FW oS ol fe {bn ON ETE hi ONE ness s n 5 "on the Suruer of Princess tely oteup febot, Stationer. Ao "Felix ro Kingston, Ont, Shaw, 115 Bagot St. LOST. GoLb SIGNET una, INITTALLED t Lake Ontario Park bathing Sb b in water. Reward for its return to Whig ofiice, LADY'S SILVER, OPEN-FACED wateh, stem. wind and sét; a black silk fob, with buckle and shell at= tached, photo on inside case, on King, "Princess, Ba), «Mvision, or Barrie Sts, on Saturday evenmg, Photo of Mp. McCullough, Drill Sheds. Reward' for retarn to Whig office, WANTED GENERAL. WASHING TO POAT "HOME: RY respectable woman. . Apply Bex R." Whig office, A " FIRE INSURANCE RISKS. GOOD companies, lowest rates, fair settle ments: Jy R. C. Dobe & Co. Brock St. Telephone, 480, THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH estimates on electric work; All kinds of work promptly done. ., J. Birch, Electrician, 206 Wellington street. EMPLOYMENT BY AN ENGLISH. man, who has excellent recompmenda- {ions and education; Nota raid of ard wo or a t < Whig Bo re RT a poss Tit SERVANTS, "EXPERI: enced, | English, Seotch! Irish, arrive dag a kl #3 superuigion. ai you gery write, Gu ! DPiminend &. ofitreal, n,Guld, 7} dab 1d dhl 4 ee Lad ol pusmvesS C CARD: REELaOGL. Sok 4 OARP Te! Gram. fv all means 'the most hy! gienic way of Tixing a window for the night is- to opén it at bottom. so that pure, cold air maybe Centering' tonstantly "to take 'thé Place of the wawh, imptte atmosphere which i# leaving. Sixty degrees is 'an excellent temperature for:the sleeping- room. and to regulaté the air to this mark keep a small thermometer above the hed, and wateh' it so that the air mav not be overheated. Those per sons who can endure greater cold need to have it, for the lungs will never be injured hv such treatment. On the contrary, the more cold, fresh air thet is given them to inhale the more healthy will be their condition, making the comulexion clearer and the eves brizhter. It to the nerves. and by. this proper atmos- where real "'heauty" sleep is more or legs insured, not fear also soothing is oth tap and fi iy ie by stea 2 Bagot' street. a ng ty in, Milne, 2 CATHOLIC 'ScHgof rESHLTS. ¥ . Teaching of Religion is Not, An Obstacle. Freeman. "Is the teaching of religion in the chool an obstacle to education ?"" The above question has ben often times asked and gs often answered in the columns of the Freeman. The proficiency displayed by the children of Kingston separnpte schools at the entrance and normal school examina- tions this. year abundantly testify the contrary. The teaching of reli- gion in the school is not an obstacle to edie ation, but. a' very #sséntinl part of fit. Briefly " dereribéd, ' eduea- tion mdans the 'drawing 'out, the Canadian to FAILED TO GRASP IT. Was Thrown---Soon Sank, 18.~Capt, Jorgensen, steamer . There yesterday morning; reports that an the steamer was member of the | = 1 A Life Line - Quebec, = Aug. of the Norwegian which arrived here, from Port Hood, Sunday last, while offi Cape Salmon, a crew, a young seventeen years of age, fell overhoard. The immediately stopped and a life line thrown to the young fellow, but he failed to grasp it. A boat was lower man, ves was i faculties | life, tick | energy {faculties so hs to educate Hake {1ously. traning and development ofc ali the of the child, the giving of and activity «to. its the child to tts-plaee-in--the-hattle-of life-and acquit itself nobly. To complete the education of. the child, it 1s, there- fore negessary to educate the body, the mind and the heart--and all these must simultaneously 'and harmon- All educators agree on the importance of physical culture and storing the mind with useful knowl edge, but all do not agree on the im- portance of religious training. Some short-sighted individuals think that is go ed in the space of five minutes, ard, although it ernised around for some time, the unfortunate young man was seen no more. At the time of the cident the seca was perfectly but as the young man could not swim he sank almost immediately, F. Gunn, Norwegian consul ak this port, start ed an enquiry the ease, this] morning. ac smooth, into ROCK PILE FOR '"MASHERS." ---- Minneapolis Aroused Over Pre- valence of Annoyers. ion. , Aug. a "Unable profes "mash- ers" who hdve' Sroka cauntry, Judpe Waite "sentenced Carl Awmuist and Lawrence Lind holm. to break stone 'on the Caddo' ake rbok pile for ten days. The young men lifted their hats and made other overtures to two young la dies at. Minnehaha Falls, and were promptly arrested. Minneapolis] to cope with Lhe necessary. It hampers eduecatjon; it is a waste of valuable time erroneous such views are has proved in the case of where religion is banished from the schools and an ab solutely secilar system in vogue The moral training of the child js the most important part of his edueca- tion, far being endowed with a free will, it must from the beginning be disciplined and agenstomed to virtue, He- must learn from his earliest days to love, revere and admire onl that which is good and virtmous, and mustf taught to: detest 'that whioh is vicious and "wicked. The foundadiim' of this moral training is religion--re- ligion is. therefore, "a necessary part of education. That the teachin of religion does * not hamper adliiontion] the results have proved 'over andere ameiusoBut, the results bitithis ydadte examinations ~ have proved it with marked emphasis; The Ringgton se parate schools have, without souks, this vear "delivered the goods" to not that How been clearly thexe countries 18 be The city is aroused over the preva- lence of "mashers" and the Roosevelt | | Club, a social organization, will assist! the police in the war on women ngyers., : an He Was Dead Before Then. | Chatham, Ont, Aug. 8. ~Memorial | services to William Bramhead, De- troit, killed in the Chatham, Wallace- burg and Lake Erie collision, at Chat- ham, last Monday, . were held, last | night, + fu Park Sgreet Methodist | church: Young 'Brombead plaved, his, last violin solo in this church before, the accident, and had promised the pastor, Rev. Mr. Daniel, that he would be there again last Sunday | night, ; a {use an expressive golloqualism. Out of twentysfive sent up for the entrance from St. Mary's school, were successful: St. Vin- presented thirteen and examination twenty-three {cent Academy {all passed. Serious Side Of Play. | Youth's Companion. 2 C hicago has been the scene of a sec- ond annual "play festival," to exhibit popular and national" games, , folk plays and amusements characteristic the diverse 'popilation which makes up the life of America. ore' Were { over two thousand participants repre- whole country, and the help ! spectators, who came from places as box Ble. senting the A JOB CLEANING ASHES oUT OF yards or cellars, or other carted. Prices right: Apply to S. Lytle, General Carter, 35 ain oe. rerio hot POUBLE BLING, bopreteR PRY 'terred), wi fh modern conveniences, oT A bl oon, 446 Wellington Cg Aoi Judy YALM 4 i Ai alte antag iY SINGLE, T0 Gan ra Style, price and finish guar fest, DENT) Hoc w.\8 TE PARAERAPH PULP Unitarian. REV, C. W. CASSON, Trusting One's Thought. The. genius of men who have ceeded in the highest degree has been in the fact that they have dared to trust their own thought. The dif ference between greatnesst and medio cracy is the difference between trust- ing one's self or trusting some other. Amel in religion this is especially true, Christ beeame a' leader of men be- cause he refused to follow any hut himself, He trusted His own thought, and evolved, from it the new philoso phy that has copguered 'the world. And to-day there 1s imperative need of men who shall, like Jesus, dare believe in. the authority their own eopception of the trufh and | to proclaim it in#the face of. all oppo: sition, i ou sue- to of 0. Ww, Joston; 25 the at for Address, Rev. Beacon street, literature. Casson, Mass, remote as Paris and Honolulu, num- bered eighteen thousand. The festival was only one phase of the most serious things which com- munities have to consider. Cities are coming to realize that it dees not pay to turn boys and girls loc in the street to seek the amusement natural to them and their due. A judge of one of the juvenile courts lately remarked "When the public gehools close for the season my business begins to pick up: --Another judge reported a de crease of three-auarters in the number of cases . in his court in the five months following the opening of "an; athletic field and playground by the 'oung Men's Christian Association, Fhe reason is so-+ 'mple ahd so na- tural that it is surprising how long it has remained ungecognized by the gen- eral public. The instinct which drives children to play, is that which drives plder persons to work, and is just as 'wholesome. Ii.it has a suitable outlet, the result are a benefit to the com- : if*not, a crop of lawbredkers' deve hl The impulse to rob orchards mp street cars, break windows and upset the pedler's cart is only the play instinct perverted. Fhestardy re cognition of this fact has already led to the establishment of municipal playgrounds in sixty-six American cities; apd more than fwo hundred others Are considering the matter. Play is really sérious business when it is studied from the point of view of the whole community. i Piles helped at opee with Dr. Shoop's Magic' Uintment. Just to prove it k trial box will be mailed on request be writing Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Itch ing, Smarting, aE piles, neta he. them a din | a Rapiriu, Marks Fire Insurance the rates. new business & Strange, lly assets 187,215. which ww ras an securdy he mIhoiers 1 perty er at Before igh LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND G lin Gadhiion: to m and lity of i west old or giving m 'Phone, O 4 PERSONAL. HAIR, MOLES, warts, ete. without seer. ence, Dr. El Nose, Syren Specialist. SITUATIONS BIRTHMA removed ; ex ho Rago street. VAPANT. RES, antivy a MEN ASD WOM ber 'Grad cikhtedh dollars positions. Will eq stant_poactioe, free. rit Toronto. logue Coi age, @ up "shops. Few weeks complete course. e Moler ARCHITECTS. Con- Careful instructions. Cata- Barber ARTHUR | ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF ce, Cor. Queen and Bagot streets. HENRY P. ete., 'Phone, 845. SMITH, ARCHITECT, Anchor Building, Market Square. = POWER & SONS, chant's «Bank ding, and Wellington' stree s. CHITECTS, eOrner "Phone, MER- Brock 212, WM, NEWLANDS, fice, sesond A ve ARCHITECT, over Mahood' , Wtore and greets. araiice on Bagot street; 808. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Of Drug 1.000 Hard Wood, just the thing for gui COAL Al tral & Hudson Leave Kingston ami 5.00 a.m. and 2.00 Pp. 480 p.m. and 6.15 pom. York State, Through to New York. Watertown, good Sunday, returning up Monday, $1.65. & 3 TRIRKPATRIOR i e, Jdcenses, 43 Cords of Heavy, Light Welght as required; Mill Ends Making direct . connéctions Vincent to and from 'all pojots fn Now leeper Cape Vine Woes end round trip rate Kingston Il going Saturday Clarence ck hot fires. We deliver any sized order. % i ra on onl¥ Thousand Island & St. Lawrence River Steamboat Companies In Connbotion with New York Cen- ISSUER OF St. SLABS! Medium on very 'best Maple Blocks, River BR. Ye at sl inc to and except Sunday, Leave Kingston Sunday, 7.80 a.m, and Loabe Cape Vincent daily, 10.50 amy Ca on luding Proof Of Co New York Tribune, The, demand - that { key dispense with the story of the can became "id fon Have more red fo "But," doubtiully, ot wives 7' i 'objected eaten them I } Huy rler's Cross a Perrin « appointed "olerk ion" court of Hasti or external, ay sat a Galeri. Tate converted and asked Mo admit him to the church. nversion. - he Sultan o the harem nibal chibi -- f Tur: recally who the mis than one wife," shiegted the mig onary. My él pliow at." na at departed in "dejeetion, but returned again in a few daye and an- nounced with evident satisfaction that Ly dhe wile } the "Oh," replied the convert, "I dp -- hureh and, was {re elérgyman, 'ie re re your other have chocolates, caramels, pep- permint creams, Washington tafly, ete Sold in Kingston ey at Gibson's ba and Stove ny, limited, Smith's Falls, has edt soon. with capital stoek i W. N. Simons, Bancroft, hak con

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