hd EER £20 88 ABMs WS AY pis London, July 30. Five thousand | of the school ¢hildren 'of t he ancient | town jywere spectators ok! the firgt complete re- presentat i o n of the. Dover pageant, on Saturday al- ternoon. Fag- er young faces and shrill young voices § showed, as douis N. Parker's Plowing spectacle unfolded itself, "how the realization of the great part which bygone citizens of Dover had played in illuminating the seroll of Englis sh history, touched the qitiok J ganstion of the young geanemutddng op 4 During this! week Abe Jageant will daily minister. to the local patriotism of Dever antl the GLaghharing parts of Kent! The week's , perfobmances will gerve as rehearsals for next week's serie of complete and perfect repre- sentations, to which lovers of the his- toric picturesque from far and near will crowd, . is with English history»in its fofelgn relations, especially with France, that Dover, "the gate of Eng- land' and its key, has been most notably concerned., Mr. Parker illus- trates this. In the first episode King Arthur defies the emissary of the Rom- an 'Bmperor Lucius. The second is the ¢ TO YOU Who Are Hard of Hearing The Auraphions is a small, neat: electrical contrivance which you can slip into your vest poe- ket or under. your coat. Placing the receiver to your ear, as shown in pic- ture, you can hear ordinary sounds uit plainly. And wish~ «he use of e Auropligné will Fome improve- ment in your el When you 1 ae the Toronto Exhibition poh " receive full wiars about great bless- ing to those hard of hearing. Optical Departiment--Second Floor. ST.EATON Cure ~ A190 Yonge Strast Toronto Al TRERE SRE JUANY BAKING PUWDERS = BUT THERE IS ONLY ONE sSiloer Plate that Wears" « _Jce Cream Forks F: serving pieces; knives, forks, , ec. , always in taste, are marked - "1847 ROGERS BRIS. of exquisite pi. aotey for gua. I is ber DEALERS / . man's unsteadiness income, Many & YO ww J is due to a steady EY : | Kim Arby | resistence, under Archhishop Stigand,; offered to the invading Normans, which earned for Dover the proud maot- to, "Invicta." The pext represents King John's humiliating interview at Dover with: the papal legate, Pap- | | | | Montréal { fr om { Russian empire, | the | tensively trecent dolfo, and the part played by the Wa) AL FoR ROSEIA | Why the Canadian Article is « Demand. in Sitar. cargoes of 'grain have Montreal on a mission the first glance seem large gone out of which would at | to be equivale One} of carrying eon! $0 BNefPille. One Bteamer care ried EE of whélit to the capital afl gréeg@dheat growing rival of the. Canadian west, Russia, while the second, which left, port, to, day, earriéd kh similde load to ports along the : Meditersanean and. not far the great wheat belts of - the Fach of the two, the Norwegian steamship Herm, and the Danish Nordi: earried 27.000 quarters of wheat A" little explanation, however, away the apparent absurdity ol matter. The cargoes -in question composed of what is known as Darum in country where: it is the of Minnesota and and Macaroni wheat © on is a very large, hard but nok suit shipped "agross Two steamship rer, fakes the are the states as seaboard. It of high quality, able for flour: It is the Atlantic, thereiore, to Mo ratifies and ports el [tal¥ and © Greeesgvhere manufacture of macaroni dis? ex carried I'he. (Russiins 100, it APPEATS, are now ooiny heavily the congumption ol that deli cacy, and are" proving. very snaedssiu indeed in the manufacture of it hey must come to America for this speeia kind of wheat. however, and hence the shipment: of some: two hundred of Durum wheat of "Montreal St. wheat growr., Dakota: the wheat, on into thousand bushels through the port Petersburg In pasthvin all the trans- Atlantic shipments of this grain went through United States ports. and these the est of the kind come via Montreal. Messrs. Wight and "Esddile" are the shippers here. «They have also another tramp steamship, tis Sandsend, in pert at the: present loading wheat for, Europe. . ------------ to almost two are among lar which have time, Dodging Past Mistakes. Toronto G Canadian Northern, Not only the al but the Canadian Pacific and the and possibly 'the Grand Trunk Pacific, Great Northern, want to reach Hud- son's Bay. The government should not favor one above the others. A government line with running powers Yor all the systems might solve the problem without establishing the monopolistic conditions which have retarded development in many parts of the dominion. There will be no tikelihood of a repetition of past takes in a matter of so much moment Canada's transportation develop- lobe mis mn ment. Cousins Political; Rivals. That interesting contest the Cannington constituency of katchewan. lhe sitting member was Jokn D. Stewart, son of «. Duncan Stewart and his opponent Peter Mclellan, a second cousin neighbor at Arkola. Both were Tesidents of North Easthope, and good friends, if recent politica! rivalry has not marred the relationship. Mr. Stewart retains the seat by a substantial majority. was an Stratiord, was and { former Ontario, Straw Hats At 2 Cents Each. London, Aug. 18.--Men's straw hat | of | Houlogne. history, Hu: he attack Dovér's in resisting predatory: monk Eustace of It wax this Hubert who fougided Dover' s& Maizon Dieu. a the fourth episode Edward [ on liis return across channel from the Crusade. and Henry V jn his weoing of Bis' French : bride appear. Henry VIH's connection with the town has todo' with the coming of Catherine of Arragbn and the beginning of the har- bor. \ Similarly Charles. I meets his (picen Henrietta Maria. A scene is'in- in urgh, preat figure bert de the SOMETHING LIKE IT, -- But He Did Not Hit on the Right . Name. Shturddy' Night. A young Toronto man was the othe ef day telling a lady irie nd of the marriage of ahother woman of his ae- qhaintance. 'Your fr iend,' ried a farmer,' hisaid the lady, f'mar- did she not 41] #Yes,"" answered the young man, "but she did.very well. Her hughand is a fine fellow, well educated, and a thoroughly up-to-date farmer Why last r he took $600 worth of rock | salt off Mis farm.' The lady looked , inquiring and then said : "You mean that much as a fertilicer.?"' "No," said the young man, that much off his farm you know." "The lady, who is a small town in Western that rock salt does not grow on trees like apples, nor yet in the ground like turnips. Moreover, she also knew that there are no salt wells in the vicinity of the farm in question ; gudgeling her brains for. a few onds, she. said: 11 wonder (if ean alsike ?"' "Oh, yes," said guess. 1 knew it hike that." him, used at he he had own grew it native of 'a Ontario, knew 20, Se0- you "that is it, 1 something | he, sounded Look In' ¥our Mirror, there on vour face pimples, boils, blotches skin diseases you know at impure. - Peridetly clear any or H sanker other your blood plexion. by using (Laxative). enriches : the They are -a and blood maker. Wade's drug satisfactory. ---------- A Radical Proceeding. foronto News. Australia, two through a bill to give everybody over of age'a pension ol Thats -a pretty. good to oh- appears once pure com-= blood is means an absolutely You. cam have puch blood Wade's Jron Tomic Pills his remedy cleanses and blood. great nerve strengthens In boxes, 25c., er 3» 1 Mimey| at if not store. within days, rushed gixty-five years a A Human seam Dogiunitg- nature have a great taste Ee thine tained withcu® efiort, and perhaps the next thing will be a demand that this | tax upon industry and frugality be doubled, or begin at the age of sixty fifty-five, even Gfty. cases of constipation with less medigine, using Carter's for or Mere sick headache, hil- iousne ss less time, less money. by Liver Pills than'hy any other means. If some men would as much offort in trying to. stand as they do to fall, this old world would not have co many human wrecks. and for use ~The Name of Black Wateh On 4 Tig ob & Pig of were sold at a penny each at a drap- er's and outfitter's sale at East Ham yesterday. "< Sands yor Quay, after | backY . can be cured in| Little | trothaded wittten by the French poet; Louis: Tiapeeling and played iv French by a party of Freneh ladies and gen: passes be- fore the =pung queen a. procession of the Fiench pwincesses who have worn the English crewn--a picture within a picture, a champing device which en- ables the ilustmtion of many pie turesque incidents and personages. Finally. there is a grand tableau in which' the ' farty-foun other Dovers-- American and colonial daughter towns --digure in a grand. apotheosis of the There : from Dougi. POLITICAL DEGENERACY, ---- { Something Should. Be. Done to | Moderate Public, Tastes. He anadian Courier, f+ Out, a. the, west, elections aré much the same as. in the, cant. "The two {parties fight out their, differences in. a, } man ty. enthusiagtic and opilly oanlh \ The... resent contest ing {Saskitchewan | is. gharacteristic, The {premif' started off his campaign hy Jcharoing that, the apposition candi- date in Regina has-been guilty of mis- jeonduct while in: municipal life. The | Winnipeg Telearam, 'the leading con- | servative paper iso far as western {politics' are coneernéd, states that he fused 'langnage 'that would more | suited, to the. tongue of Fammany | thug than to the premier Cana- dian 'provinge." The premier's eon duct and Jdnguage, may have been had but no, one will = aceuse the I'elegram | of setting: him a good examply. Again tit speaks . of: f'the pesources which have been; stolep from it (Saskatche | wan) through = the. treache: of the {| Hon. Walter. Seott." Not 'only does 'the lang sides betray all the absence of 'dignity which shstidguishes . Canadian dle tions, but the attitude of the peéaple shows a complete lack of confidence in the rulérs of the day, their political name, may e, A | spat h-from Moosejaw declares that ithe opposition, "As in 1905 take every pains to see that the election is 10t stolen. - Three vears ago an arm ed guard stood] *wagoh "over the "bal lots at the city hal night and day for two weeks. The. same précdutior wilk be®™taken this year." Howe low we have fallen; when'we cannot. trust each | other to -présecve even the sanctity o {the ballet! Are we really better {than New York oe St. Petersburg ? Again, the 'opposition members from {Ottawa are going gbout ~ the country talking of the "carmival of or aft, 'fake and bogus homesteading," {accusing all and sundry the governwent, past _and present; with dishena¥able 'conduct. 'In the province of Guebee, the Hon. Jean Prevost; late ly member of the Gouin cabinet, is accusing the premiesty of | mproper conduct' and promises? to { drive him 'out of public life within six months. In New Brunswick, thre has {been a fairly successful efiort to prave {that leading ex-statesmen were guilty fof using public funds for private: fur- poses. he ol a uage on both no matier what de will ATRY of and members' of The whole political panorama gives one the impression that our political, {standards are extremely low..and tha | the language of our public discussions | has fallen to the same level. It would seem as if public honesty: and integrity had largely vagpished from our midst, and that public discussion of political principles Had been placed almost entirely by an exchange of Billingsgate lapguage which is dis- gusting and debasing. dis If some means are not adopted look: ing to better political éonditivns, the result must be a still further xeckssior from public intecrity and "public «ig nity. If all our phby ie amen ate, 10 be called thieves, then only thieves wil remain in public life. Surely, it would be possible on the part of publici x 'and journalists to, raizeithe disen " of political questions to a higher by congerted action. Surely oy there aie enough strong, pure men in pablic dite to make a distinct effort to limin#te crookedness from electoral ampaighis and' departiitental adminis-| tration. If Cadada is" to attain that] eatness whith" seems "to be awliting" - FR regi wg Foopes ZITA old port." It is the most ambitions of Mr. Parker's 'pageants,' beautifully produced and costumed. : Two thousand and odd residents of Dover and the neighborhood take part. Their devotion the prepara- tions, the beau®) and richness of the costumes they have provided, in many cases at their show a pride of patriotism and a splendid 'spirit worth while, and not the least note- worthy feature is the excellent elocu- tion with which the dialogue is spok- en. to 'own cost, ber, there must he a speedy and radi- al change in political conditions. WAS A GRAND MAN. A Story, . Concerning. Grover Cleveland!s Honesty. Chicago News, ii + Ope of ithe hest gdonies ¢oncerning Graver Cleveland' asturdy honesty in moliti 2g 18. told, on the authority of a distil iisihgd man of letters, in Dre. H, T. Peck's "Twenty Years of the Re- public." At the presidential election in 1892 it was hoped that a rich con- tragtor of Irish origin might be. per- suaded to influence the Irish vote of New York in Cleveland's favor. So the literary light, who was a friend of Both, brought them together and left them alone for hal an hour: The Irishman came out beaming and reported thus of Cleveland : "Ah, sure, he's the greatest man 1 ever saw. He's a fine man--a grand man, He wouldn't promise to do wan thing 1 asked him !" And from that moment to the elec- tion day the contractor worked with might apd main for the candidate who had refused to pay a single promise as the price of bis support. Have It In The House. Theze nothing else you can have im your lhause worth somuch that costs so little as a bottle of Smith's White Linimegt. MK will enable you cape the discomfort of sprains, bruises, swellings, neuralgia, the various athes and pains apt to come to any 'one. Costs but' 25¢. for a' big bot#e at Wade's drug store. to es- rheumatism and A New Welland Canal. Toronto News. The increase of the fvater-horne trai- fic of the. dominion from 9,000.0 tons in 1903 to nearky-21,000,000 tons in 1907, indicates the need of exten- sions and improvements in the water- ways. A" new Welland canal re- quired, and -it is' probable that it will be found ndvisable to have it empty into. the Niagara' river helow Queens- ton. It should be possible for the largest craft on the upper lakes to bring the r cargoes through to Kings- ton. is Pain anywhere stopped in twenty minutes sure with one of Dr. Shoop" s Pink Pain tablets. "The formula is on the 25c. box. Ask your doctor or druggist about this formula. Stops womanly pains, headache, pains any- where, Write Dr. Shoop, Racine, 'Wis., for Irée trial, to prove value of his Headache or Pink Pain Tablets. Sold by all dealers. It's anything but a sign of. an un- happy home, when . the children ran out to meet the head of it ag he nears that Pile Deafness Cannot Be Cured. "by 1bcal - applications, a8 they canno reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one'way to cure deafness, that is by comstitutional remedies. pafness is caused by an inflamed Con- tion of the mucous ling of the | Bustachian Tube. When this tube in- flamed. you 'have a rumbling sound or jmiperfect hearing, and when jt is entire- y closed, Deafness is the resi less be the iEflammation can Catarrh, 'Which is nothing but an in- condition. of the mucous surfaces. will give One Hundred Dollars for ease of Deafness (catised by Cagarrh) that, cannot be cured by Tondl's Catarrh Sem a for circularg. free W FJ. CHENEY & CO. Toledo, O. Bo ats Family "Pills for consti- mois by' Pestilng Fis 4 ee rare Saba verti for gentle la¥ative; a reliable cure for obstinate Attacks, Sick Teadache and all disorders aris Ea Stomach. c Comin, Bi gestion, : Shygih Liver or clogged Bowels: Beecham's Pills and are. a y wid hima complaints. health's sake, insist on' Their cost is. & for the cure of ifle; their use--a duty. For your Beecham's Pills. They do more for Jon Relief Calan Bah en these prevalent hody than any other remedy. Known and used by hundreds of a, hy EN We have bunched together all the small a and Odds and Ends, and placed prices on them for you to --- Carry Away th Roney & S. Some. the best: bargains of the sale are now awaiting you.' real o's 127 Princess Street, Kingstog. the -- w ah 4 fg ed Travelling Speci Yalue -r Igsd yd We have special values in Canvas Trunks, with 2 straps, at $5.00, 7.50 and 8.50. Cheaper grades, without straps, $3.00, - 3.50 and 4.00. Steamer Trunks at $5.00, 7.50 to 12.50. Special Suit Cases (leather) $5.00; better quality at $8.00, 9.00 and $10.00. Hand Bags, $1.50, 2 00, 2.50 to 12.00. Telescope Valises, 63c., 75e, 86¢c to $1.25, Buster Brown Suit Cases for Jittle Boys and Girls, $1.50, 1.75 and 2.00. w " Folding Lunch Boxes, dnly 25¢. Trunk Straps, Shawl Straps and Valise Tags. Everything Complete for Travelling. The Canada Life Assurance Company Holds the strongest Reserves of any Life Assurance Company on North AmericanContinent--a C anadian Company made by Canadian people for' Canadian people, 62 years ago. Dividends to policyholders have been for. the large all these years, and are bound to be owing to the unique position occupied -y the Company. Rates 'women the same as for: Sharing g Ci Lite Contracts. oive--i8 OA Keep your money in Canada by culars ol How § boliey policy a shape for you, given at #0 6. AUTTON, Manager.