Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Aug 1908, p. 7

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«HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1908. No Bachelors Decheocs [IES OF ERIN Ie are sewed on to stay, which will be | ENTS TELL US. litical meeting '8K Dead' Creek; =: of LIVE STOCK MARKETS, Raramy night. Miss E . Huffmah is \ at her aunt's, Mrs. J. McCausland's. Rev. Mr. Sherman, wife and family spent a few dus of this week at Northbrboke. berry" picking seems. tg be the Bla of 'the day. My. and Mrs. Biggs, Kingston, at her fa} LOE TG RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH aboon tothe! 'single™ | man----and the} and lambs nm | Best for all mem- "were offered for sale at the Point. "hop Canadian Pacitic Railway LOW RATES TO PACIFIC COAST AND RETURN. Good Returning Until October 81st. VANCOUVER VICTORIA PORTLAND SEATTLE FARM LABORERS" EXCURSIONS to Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta $10.00 going trip, 00 additional for return Leaving 20th 22nd, 27th, and 1ith, $1 dates « August and Sept. 2nd, 11th HOMESEFKERS I Going dates August. 18th, Bept. 1st, 156th and 29th. Fickels.. a 11 days. * Full particulars at K. & P. and C, P. R. Txket Office, Ontario St. op hone, 50. F. CONWAY, hb, Pass. A . BAY OF QUINTE RAIL union station, srect, 4 p.m. daily (Sundays excey for Tweed, Sydenham, Napanee, Deser- onto, Bannockburn and alt Reinte north. To secure quick despatch to annoeck burn, Maynooth, and Ontario, route your of Quinte Railway. lars, apply to R, 'Phone, No. 3, Quebec Steamship Company Train leaves points on Central shipments via Bay For further particu- W. DICKSON, Agent. River& Gulf of 8! of St, Lawrence Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes 58, "Campana" Twin Serew Iron . electric bells and wh electric lights, all modern comfort. ~ SAILS FROM MONDAYS, at 4 p.n., 7th and 21st. September, for Pictou, N.S., calling a8 Nuebec, Gaape Mal Bay, Perce, Grand River, Summerside, P.E.1 and Charlottetown, P.J.1. MONTREAL ON 24th August, NEW YORK FROM QUEBEC Calling at Charlottetown and 1ialiiux, §. 8. Trinidad, 2.600 tons, sails from Quebec, 22nd A ' Berm Ua Summer Excursions, $4 by the Twin Screw SS. "Be rp an, 5.500 tons. Sailing fortnightly from New York, from 2nd 'June 'to buh October. Temperature cooled Ly sea breezes seldom rises above BO degre's The finest trips of the season for health and comfort. ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, (vebec For tickets and ste ate rooms, Hpp iy to J. P, HANLEY, or C. KIkt KPAT- RICK, Ticket Agenls, Ont. HEI FNIR7 88 cnmly ADVANTAGE OF Canada's Summer Grain "OCEAN LIMITED" Montreal Saturday, Halifax. Prince Kinet, m, Leaving 7.30 Daily, Quebec, St. p-m. except for John, Direct connection for Edward Island. Through Mataphedia and Wentwerth Valleys 4 by Daylight. i TS Foronte Ticket | Office, St. East. General Moncton, 51 King Passenger N.B. Department, $10 --Farm Laborers' Excursion ston to MANITOBA, AL SASKATCHEWAN via Chicago and St. Paul, Minneapolis or Duluth August 20, 27, September 2 Fare of $10.00 is to Winnipeg, where free tickets, will be given to hamsack, Sask. Swan River, and intermedtite points on Canadian Northern Ry. One cont per mile beyond those points ta Fdmonton, inchisives The Gre And T'runk is 'the. only double track route to the west, through Clair Funnel hy electricity. No No dust. Tickets od return from Swan intermediate will also From King BERTA, Sask., or . i via Toronto ¢ R 2nd, fed al CP.R., on { September 11th, Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto, Ont. Aud 29 to Sept. 14, 1908. will be sold Sept Return tickets Good. going 1st, Monday, Sept. Tth, at $4.90, going on Aug. 29. 30, 31, Sept 4 Ob, 6, 8, V will not he acce and 4, all ticket Toronto on or ah Foti ng Tuesday, pled on s valk before [2 Fok the bers of the wife too. fa , | the No department in, oar business - seems to increase so rapidly as the "Diamond Tepartment."" Close prices, honest representation make this only possible. In Solitaires, no hetter Yalues can he had than our special 225. $50, $100 and 150 Ring 8. Fath ste examined critically before mounted, and our guarantee of re- funding money is of some benefit to you, me is Kinnear & Esterre DIAMOND SHOP. 100 Princess St., ston. King- A CRIME THAT 1S | NOT PUNISHABLE. How many people reading this article have gone into a drug store and asked for some well known and highly tried medicine and some unscrupulous drug. gist has said, "Yes |. we have that, but have you ever tried this remedy, it is just as good and costs less." Any drug- ist doing this has not the interest of your Be alth at heart, but the interest of his pocket, as he can make more profit out of the cheap substitute. protection and benefit of the ublic, we w ish to say that Dr. FowLEr's ixTRACT OF WILD STRAWBERRY has been ased in thousands of homes for the sixty-throb' years. and has never fai give prompt reliéf and cure in all cases of Diarrhoea, Dysentery, 'Cole, "Stom- ach Cramps, Summer Complaint, Sea Sickness, Cholera Infantum, Cholera Mort.as and all Fluxes of the Bowels. When you buy Dr. FowLer's, you are not experimentiffig with a new and un- tried remedy, but are getting one «that has sgoodwthe test of time. Miss Kettie Reid, Vivian, Ont. writes : "Last 'year Igufiered untold agony from cramps in the stomach and did not know what to do until a friend suggested I should try Dr. Fowrer"s ExTracr oF WiLp StraAwseRrryY and as I was glad to try anything I purchased a bottle. "When I had taken four doses I found relief and since then I never fail to keep a bottle in the house, Itis really two flours in one --an Ontario pastry flour and a Manitoba bread flour. Beaver Flour is a blend of Ontario and Manitoba wheats--=makes the whitest, most nutritious Bread and the lightest, tastiest Cake, Pies and Pastry. AT YOUR GROCER'S. Write us for prices on Beed, Coarse Grains & Cevsals T. iL Tavibe Co. LiiTeD, CHATHAM, ONT, 75 ALLAN 55 LINE Montreal! to Liverpool Aug. 28 Sept. 4. Sept. 11 Virgi Tunisian Vict nian sails .. sails Oct. rian sails 15. AV08, For full particulars, NABLEY, Agent, Cor. Ontario streetsy -- apply to J ohason, Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co. LIMITED. KINGSTON, ROCHESTER, 1,000 ISLANDS a > y Sirs. NORT H KING Commencing Juns 27th, leaves Ring 18 ston for Thousand Island points daily except Monday, at 10.15 a.m. Return. ing leave at § p.m., for Charlotte, N.Y. (Port of Rochester), calling at Bay Quinte Ports. STR: ALETHA~ILeaves Mondays for Bay of Quinte Ports, at § p.m, > Full information from JAMES SWIFT & CO., Freight Agents, J. P. HANLEY, Cs 5, KIRKPATRICK, Ticket agants, Corsican sails Sept. 18. Oct. 16 Rates of ge and full informa~ tion may vali from J, 2 or C, 8. HA Ag ot G.T.R., Local Agents, STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER LEAV. ES WOLFE ISLAND :-- ¢ . 1,004.00 p.m i 9.15 a.m, 1.00--4.00 p.m Breakey's 6.830--9.30 a.m. 1.30 p.m. 7.830915 a.m. 1.00--4.00 p.m. 9.15 a.m. 1.00400 p.m 10.00, 12.30 a.m. 3.00 p.m. LEAVES KINGSTON = 8.830--~11.30 a.m. 3.00~5.30 p.m 8.80--11.30 a.m. 3.00--5.830 p.m 8.30--11.80 a.m. 3.00--5.30 p.m 8.30--1.00 p. 3, 3.00"p.m. 7 p.m. Rreakey' s Bay, 3 p. "R 80--11.80 a. tod 38.00--5.80 p.n m 8.005.380 p.in ; 9.45 a.m, 1.155.830 p.m, Sat --Special trip to Simcop and Spoor's dock, at' 3.00 p.m Timp Table subject. to change without notice: Boat calls at Garden Island going te snd from Kingstom - o WED. THURS., Bay 8 30=:11.80 a.m. Island Sept. 25. | Oct. 8. The Tidings From Va 'ious Points i in Eastern On 'ario--What ! People Are Doing And What i. They Are Saying. | Desert Lake Locals. | Desert Lake, Aug. 15.--Farmers are | delayed getting their érops off: on ac- {count of the rains. Blackberries are i scarce' in this vicidity. The improve- ment society has greatly improved the .| appearance of the Methodist church, | James Wilson, ill for some time, has been in Kingston "8usulting a specials ist, mud is. much better. The -Free Meth odist meeting js still continued in is ove. Visitors : Miss Olive Snook yikitmg at Kepler; Mr. and Mrs. Sted- tan, Three Mile Bay, N. Y:, at" B, i Payne's; Dr. Wright at William Sands', Ferguson's Falls Notes. Ferguson's Falls, Aug. 17.--William | Wright and his brother, Charles, of Carlton Place, visited friends "here; |yesterday. William Robert Patterson, of Almonte, also his wife and brother, are camping on the Pine tirove here. John Poole, Norman Jackson and Vincent Stafford intend going to the North-West on the 20th. Rev. Father Keaney is holding the annual picnie in Lanark on the 29th. Miss Geanie Stafiord, © Almonte, is visiting her uncle; Thomas Stafford, of this place; John McCusker. is still on the sick list. From Bicknell's Corners. Bicknell's Corners, Aug. 17.<Several went on the excursion to the Thous- and Islands on the 14th. Me. Scouten has been busily engaged threshing out this street. Miss Ball, Watertown, spent a few days at Peter Stov.r's. Mr. Sewell'$ niece from Toronzo, is visiting friends at Morven. Misses Olive and Marie Emberley spent a week with their aunt, Mrs, James Kirkpatrick, Marlbank. ilar] Salsbury is better, Corn and, potaiies fre a good crop around this seefion, 1s the late rains have helped them ouders fully. J. Longmore had a bad ae- cident last Wednesday. While drawing a load of grain the horses tord the end out of the barns. James Warner, of Yarker, took home some' fat cattle on Friday for beef. There is very lit- tle demand for beef.cattle vet around here. Pastures are good. = , Waits From Westport. Westport, Aug. 17.--Dr. J. V. Don- Smith's Falls, was a visitor in town last week, * Miss Stasia Me Cann, trained nurse, of Watertown, N.Y, 'is visiting her parents. J. H. Arnold has launched his new boat. W. H. Rorison, of Brockville, is in town. Mrs. J. E. MeCann returned on Saturday from a two weeks' visit with friends in Clayton and Water- town, N.Y. J. G. Foley and' family, of Uttawa, are the guests of Mrs. 1). Foley Dr. J. R. McCann, of Clair, Mich., and Dr. McDonald, of Mount Pleasant, have returned: home after nelly, Miss Margaret O'Hara¢ trained ntrse, Philadelplga, Pa. the here. of is spending the past week with Felatives | ther's, E. Bishop's. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wood and wee daughter, Pearl, visited this week, at T. Perry's, Myer's Cave. It was with Ach, sorrow that the poaple heard of "the bh of Clara, second" youngest "dnughter af Mr. and Mrs, Carleton er, of * Fulton, N. X. Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler once lived here and their many friends here ex- tend heartielt sympathy. - Tidings of Green Bay. Green Bay, i 15 Campers are fake this suntmer. source along Harvesting graiy "the rush of the faumer. sreporha very © light crops lacktoriion seem rather scarce around this part. Foxes have been seen often, killed - abaut fifty turkeys belonging to James Bare and Thomas "Burns. Two bears have been seen roaming al been. capt Burridge Orange lo August Aah, at Blair's Grove. Bho rain foil wring the day' magle wip very uncomfortable. em on Green Bay seems to be a ver; very pléas- estport people. Visitors: Mr. and Mgs. S. ant 'trip dor . some of the Barr and daughter, Bertha, also Sam- uel and Beatrice Barr, at N. Shilling: ton's;- William Thowipéon and Miss E. Cadwell, at T. Fhompson's; Mrs, W. Bygrove, Althorpe, at Mrs. Swer- Mick's: Mr. and Mrs. G. Butterill, Fermoy, and Mr. and 'Mrs. E. Barr, at J. Barr's: Mus, Batershay and two sons, of Rochester, also Mrs. Morrow and Brpie Walroth, at C. Thompson's; Albert Barr, at Althorpe; Miss Maizie Bedour, Perth, is 'spending her holi: days with her umele, Joseph Bedour, Mr. and Mrs. &. Thompson and son, also Mr. and Mes. Isaac Williamson, Westport; at" Mes. A. Thompson's; James Brash spent an evening of last week with his parents in Fermoy. ' -------------- If The Head Sheds. Dandruff or gives any other evidence of a scaly humor on the scalp apply uk, but haven't . yet | $7.30 attended the celebration, Wednesday, | Shales stockyards this forenoon, The weather helped to make a 'dull ot more dull; and ices continue {about the same 'as t were last week ; hogs are a little ar Prime beeves sold at Se. to near Sie. per Ib.; pretty good cattle sold at 3fe, to 4jc., and the. commen stock 2ic. to [3%0., while the former brought about 2¢. per. lb. Calves sold at from $3.50 to $10 each, Shippers paid de. ib. for good large i Aambs sc £3.7 i ' Chiedgo, 4 25,000; hug $3.55 to $7. westerners, . $3.50 to £6; athe feeders. $2.50 to B50; cows and ers, $1.75 to $56.90; calves, $5.60 to . lt ; geod to 8, to, ganna $5.25 to $6. 10; bulk of sales, $6.60 to $6.80, Sheep--Receipts, 26.000: 0c. native, $2.30 to $4.20; Western, to $4.60; yearlings, $1.35 to lambs, $3. 50 to $6.60; Western, $6.70. lower : #3. nD £5: $M to East Buffalo, Aug. 17.--Cattle re- ceipts, 3,750 head; butchers #nd stock- ors and feeders, active and 10c, to 15¢. higher; prime steers, $6.25 to $6.50 ; heifers, $3.50 to $5.50; cows, £3 to 85; bulls, $2.75 to $4.50; feeders, 83.25 to $4.50; £3 to $3.50; fresh cows and springers, good demand, strong, $20 to $56. Veals--Receipts 13.000 head; fairly active and 10¢. to 25¢. higher; heavy and mixed, 87 to $7.15; Yorkers, $6 to $7.10; pigs, 83 . to $3.50; rougths, $5.25 to $5.75; stags, $3.- 75 to $1.25; dairies, 36 to $7.75. Sheep and Lambs--Receipts head; active and Steady; lambs, $4.25 to $6.25; a few $6.35; yearlings, $4.50 to. $5; wethers, $1.50 to $4.75; ewes, Wade's Ointment faithfilly and the affection will be thoroughly cured. This remedy has remarkable soothing and healing powers. It cures] eczema (salt 'theum), ulcers, piles, catarrh, dendeafi and all sealy o itching eruptions of the skin. In boxes, 28¢c., at Wade's drug store. Big Subterranean River. Svdney, Aug. 18.~In the course lecture delivered at Hamilton, Vie., says the British Australasian, Prof. Mudd claimed that Australia possessed | the highest river in the world. Owing to geological formation of this eon- tinent, a large proportion of the wa- ter flowed underground, and he esti- mated that a subterranean river, 'with a width of 200 miles, flowed through the centre, of a ' Double Tragedy. Altus, Okla: Aug. 18.--<Aliee Carter, twelve years old, refused to matey FChatles Fisher, o farm' hand, against | her parents' 'wiches, whereupon" he | 80 drew a reveled 'ant shot her, and then comimitted suicide. His body fell wpon her body in her home, guest her aunt, Mrs. P. Donnelly: Miss Katie Tobin has taken a positian qs telegraph dfierator at Perth. ] Brewer's Mills News, Brewer's Mills, Aug. 17.--Harvesting| completed. School with a fair attendance. Mis leit on Saturday to take her at Westport. Miss J. Rochefort, Vermont, spent few days last week with her brother, J. Rochefort Mr. and Mrs. Ww. Milne and little daughter, Ethel, To-, ronto, Sunday and Monday with friends here and on their return were | yeccompanied by her sister, Miss C, | McKenna Misses M. Berrigan ang FI. Dunn. Kings are spending their | vacation with the" former's mother, Mrs. 1 Berrigan. Miss N Milne, Cleveland, few days Ins week, the unl Charles Milne A to he Dean's ening Mr Sunday Fisher. is. ahout to-day, J. Milne harge apened | of school spent ton, spent a guest 'of her social is this mm Willettsholme, sg mother, Mrs lawn Girove H. Orr, with her | and Charleston Occurrences. Charleston, Aug. 17.--Miss Haig of Kingston, was the guest of Mrs. T. 1 Kendrick at the cottage for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Kavan agh spent Sunday reste of Mr. and Mrs Leeder. Mr and Mrs, T. Foster Sunday at Plum Hollow. James Kavanagh leaves on Wednesday to join Mr, and Mrs. | Shaw. of New York. at Wolfe .Lake. On Thursday. last Melvih Wiroy Athens, ran from Athens to Charles ton in twenty-seven minutes. Dr. © (. Lillie accompanied him with pony. Master Benny Yates spént of his holidays with his cousin, Lind Slack Mrs. '. Wing and family heen spending a' few days at the Mr. and Mrs. .J. Burchell spent week at the lake and had as Mr. and Mrs. Brooklyn, New otk. T. Wiltsie and family, Athens, | pent a couple of weeks at the lake. | fri and Mrs. M. Milrov, Athens, Bent a few days at the lake recently. Miss Mabgh Morris leit on Wednesday for Winnipeg, to take a course in the Normal Harry Botsfard and arry Wood also went west. Miss Ed- a Fair of Athens. is takine charge f the local school for the fall term. W. W. Giles reached to a large atherine of 'meople. at Dowsley's Bay 1 Sunday afternoon. M snent ! 0 his | nt | say have lake last ruests, school ov Harlowe Happenings. Harlowe, Aug. 17.=-Miss H. Critchley had returned to her school at Ardoch. Mr. and Mrs. E. Thompson, Plevna, spent Wednesday evening at . Thompson's. Mrs. A. Palmateer was the guest of her mother, Mrs. G. Wheeler, "Elmsdale," Thursday. Many from here attended the celebration at Arden on Wednesday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. F. Gibbs, a son. Rey. Mr. Sny- der, wife and children, Cloyne, avere visitors here on Monday. Miss Pearl; Tavlor returned on Mondav, opening the school on Tuesday. Miss Mabel Morrison has returned. home fromh a two weeks' visit at Toronto. She was weompanied home hy her sister, Liz- rie, of the Queen city. Mr. Henderson, Avr visiting at. Mrs. A. Palma- teer's. Some from here attended the < delicious beverage lean be easily and quickly altered | beginning at McIntosh Mills, 4ffrovement will be noticed. | full health jan Both were shot through the heart, | Fisher loft a note, which showed the] double tragedy wis premeditated. A Creamy Delight. soda is the made. Our soda is | right and -served right. A libe- | of pure ice cream given, pure crushed fruits and syrups only are employed, and our | glasses arid everything else about the | fountain are absolutely pure. Wade's | {drug + store. (Good ice cream most, | made ral {quantity is | fruit A Fatal Fall. New York, Aug. Wormser, secretary of Paper New the verandah on the the East View house at NI. and died of fractured skull. Wormser 'was leaning against the rails ing of a-verandah when it gave way, throwing him head ficst fifteen feet be low, : 15.~Charle F.| the Yorkville | York, fell from | econd floor Highlands, | Mr. company, ol | fut feeling by druggists August time tells on the nerves. that - spiritiess, no ambition taking what is known by everywhere Dr... Shoop's Restora- Within forty-eight hours alter to use the Restorative im- Of course, immediately will surely vou will as tive. will not re turn. The gain, however, follow. And hest of all, | realize ahd feel your strength and am- [ bition as it is returning. Outside in- fluences depress first the '"'inside ner ves" then the stomach. Heart and | kidneys will usually fail. Strengthen these fauing nerves' with Dr. Lhoop's Restorative and see how quickly | health will be yours again. Sold: by all dealers. Prezident commission of Roosevelt appointed a five experts to conduct investigation designed to hetter [éohditions of farm life, their report to form the basis of a special mes- caged te congress. Do not suffer moment lonoer. from sick headache a It is not necessary. Carter's Little Liver Pills will cure Dose, one little pill., Small price. Small dose. Small nill. The finest lubricant for the machin- ery of our human being is the recog- nition of virtues and values in other peonle. Tt is a good deal easier to know the lives of all. the saints than it is to show the life of one. 3 Black Watch "Biggest and Best" Plug - Chewing Tobacco you. cooling, | big| { murder, and 'killed | | place $1 to $4.25; sheep, mixed, $2.50 and | 91.20. AN OUTRAGE EXPECTED. cam , What Plenty of Money Can Really Accomplish. Montreal Star. | The possibility that Harry | may be taken to Pittsburg under a federal court in connection with his bankruptcy proceedings, and that this will result in setting him free, he only being 'detained as a lunatic in New | York state, puts a finger on another weakness of the American legal sys- tem. Here is.a man who wis tried for murder in New York, and 'cleared on the ground of insanity. He was sent Thaw at large. He was either guilty of mur- poor or was insane at the time of the killing, and a recent medical examin- ation declares that he "is 'still insane. But when he leaves New York state he will be neither insane nor guilty of New . York's verdict of "not guilty" on the murder count is ac- cepted ; but not: its verdiet on his sanity, without which the verdict on the »imurder case' would never have heen pronounced. And to give point to the joke, this son of a millionaire fa- mily, for whom moriey has been and is being poured out: like water, will owe | his freedom to bankruptey proceed- ings. against him. New York may be willing enough to let Pittshurg have Thaw ; but how abouf the rest of the world ? Surely there should be a patch put on legal net at this when a man-killer can slip through the meshes so easily. bat an asylum as too dangerous to be the Gown Of Dotted Foulard. foulard silk dotted with coin White | spots in black was used for the model pictured, the trimming of the stitched bands and straps satin aml %Huttons of the was of inserted with lace, and the applied hem here gown being of black gilk. The while mull, trained skirt had a deep piged with black. yoke sheer The Party In A Few. Montreal Star. The New York republicans are puz- zléd to know what to do about Hughes. The "machine'"' does not want to renominate him ; for he is unpl- able and a poor party mans The people, however, trust in his integrity and love his grit. Yet 'there are ele- ments in the community which do not love him because his reform measures have cut into their interests and spoil- ed their pleasures. If he is nominated, a 1ot of the enemies he has' made will go democratic. The foreign vote in New York city will be especially ei- fected. If he is npt nominated, the people will infer that '"the bosses" have slain him for his honesty ; and may vote against the "'machine'" can- didate as a protest. Worse still, they may vote the whole democratic ticket while they are at it. But as Hughes' personal popularity compelled his ,no- mination before, though the "bosses" do so again. 'Record For Forgery. Dresden, Aug. 18 4A veditd for forg- ery has probably heen aehibved by- a merchant in Bautzen, in Saxony, nam- ed Wigkler. who, it was proved, pa forged 2588 promissory notes.' He was sentenced to sonment, Ss stockers and' stock heifers,. 5.0007" é Qpality makes, now s "All the balance of our Men's $5.00 Packard, (Walter & Whitman) and Thompson: Bros'. you Oxfords, in Tan, V slour, Calfand Patent Colt; no $3.75. If there were better shoes made for $5.00 than. the above three makers, we'd have them. E : ¥ J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO The Home of Good Shoe Making. $i ¢ 3 i < < & < of a Life Time ; To Furnish a Home. As our Big Mid- Sui still booming. Making room: Fall Stack everything teduteds A bargain for every body. Lawn Verandah and "summer goods ie" than cost. © Pay freight. Packing. frec. Store open nights, at JAMES REID'S The_ Leading Undertaker. "Phone, 147. £ end 19 our: fos a TIME AND-MONEY CUT IN TWO By kindling your fires and cooking Jour Nght meals with Put up in large Paper Sacks. 15c Each, 2 for 25 Cents. Delivered anywhere in the city, : McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69-7) Brock St. ay >O0 00000000000 tucked | $hoe Polish Don't be deceived by imita- tions, It means long life to your shoes to be sure of 2in I Black and all colors, Shoes That Were $1.50 For $1.00. | » Our White Canvas Shoes, Blucher cut, white heel or (Teather heel. A neat at= tractive shoe I FOR $1.00. H. JENNINGS, King St. Cook's Cot: Root Compound. did not want him, it is wery likely to | three years' imgiri- 3 Notice to Our Customers Our: Store w will ciose abd | o'clock" sharp every nighty | iar iD w.3| The Grand Duchess Is the Corset ll gars Many expert lady corset fitters have expressed their appreciation of the style, fit and lasting qualities of the Grand Duchess Corset. re

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