Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Aug 1908, p. 8

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*. " PAGE EIGHT, po KINGSTON'S + VISITORS Are cordially fvitea to in- } spect our Showrooms, where the finest collection of manu- factured Furs in Eastern | Canada, are on exhibition. Everything shown manufac. tured in Kingston. John McKay Fup Houss, STORES, -- 107 Princess St., 149-155 Brock St. Make superb pis 'and. have what every present should have--sentiment and in- trinsic value. Buy here and you are sure of getting only the best. Solitaire Rings, from $10 . to as high as you care to go. Good values in 3-stone and t five-stone rings, Spangenberg © JEWELLER, aod : DIAMOND MERCHANT | Gillett Razor Blades Sharpened and Made As good as new for 25¢. Package Special attention paid to Safety Razors of all kinds. ---- W. A. Mitchell, : HARDWARE. -- "VC ' 3 FOR WOMEN." THE 5 P.M.EDITION y (dome of the city buildings be gilled. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1008. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. -- Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their, Rounds. Cabmen's "phone 490, William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at MeAuley's. "Phone 775. The steamyacht Castanet brought a large number of people from river points to-day. H. Cunningham, piano tuner Chickering's. leave orders at Auley's Book Store. The steamer America had about 300 on her river trip to-day from " Alex- andria Bay and intermediate points. fce cream and ice creamsoda, dis- sed from pure cream, at Gibson's sd Cross Drug Store. The tug Frontenac is loading -withes ! dominion at the Kingston and Pembroke rail- {mile, as compared with $350, the road wharf, for the Calvin company,|average in the stafes of the union. Garden Island. {On $1,000 of assessable value the On- The old rifle butts on pipe farmer paid 85,53," whereas the o RAILWAYS SHOULD PAY AND NOT THE FARMER. H, J. Pettypiece Renews His Cam- paign at Big Gathering of Welland Picnickers: Welland, Aug. 15.--H. J. Peitypiece, ex-M.P.P., of Forest, advocated in- from [creased railway taxation at a gather- Mc- jing of seven thousand people at Crys- ital Beach, yesterday, the joini picnic of the Farmers' lastitute, Womens Institutes and board of trade of the county. in. In Ontario last year, he said, 7,700 miles of railway paid a tax of $600, {000, or $80 per mile. Throughout the the average was 360 per hill ave rapidly falling to pieces, and raifway paid $1.55. if something is not soon done to put | combated the theory that in- them in repair they will all fall down, creased taxation would mean inecreas- There was no quorum at the meet- ed freight and passenger rates, and ing of the property committee of the he quoted statistics from over | the Board of Kducation, called for Jast | border in proof of his statement. The night. Chaitman Meck has called an- [subsidies paid Canadian railways were other meeting for Thursday night. sufficient to pay off the national debt. It respectfully suggested to the He urged the farmers to usé their city property committee that the new {votes and influence in compelling the railways to pay their proper share of {the burden of nationul and municipal development. cut a fine figure The sight would when the sun Wouldn't Kingston with a gilded dome ? he grand behold shone. McConkey's candy, the choice of roy- alty, sold in Kingston only at Gib- son's Red Cross Drug Store. Pwo months ago, the city property committee passed a resolution auth- orizing the purdhase of new flags for the eity buildings. The flags have not yet appeared, and at the rate of their arrival, the new dome should hey on the buildings ahead of them. The Victoria baseball = team will leave at noon, Wednesday, for Napui- nee, to play a return game with the team The Victorias in defeating Napanee twice when every other team in the league failed do it. This .game should be one of the best ever played in Nipanee. to TAKING IN CANALS. Earl Grey Will Be in Kingston on Thursday. Napanee town have succeeded to TER-CENTENARY AT BIJOU Moving Pictures As They Should Be Shown. Moving picturks of the Quebec ter will be shown at the Bijou Thursday afternoon Quebec centenary to-morrow and and evening. By the kindness of several officers of the district sfaff, Canadian militia, and of the 14th regiment, who were present, the various important figures in the pictures have been identified, such as Lord Roberts, the Duke of Norfolk, tol, Sir John Hambury Wil- liams, Gen..lord Lake, Sir Frederick Borden, Major Norman Stuart Leslie and otherg,: The pictures will he ac- companied by desgriptions recited by Ralrk Patton Jones and W, Dudley P. Waring, so that every movement of the prince and other personages will he understood. 'The pictures will also he accompanied by appropriate mu- sic. FARL-OREY. Montreal, Aug. 18.--Earl Grey, ac companied hy Hon. Mr. Graham, min- ister of milways and canals, and' g party of government officials, left, this morning, on an inspection of the St Lawrence canal. The party inspected first the Lachine canal and will next take in the Cornwall canal. After wards the party will proceed in a government' steamer as far"as the Wel- land canal. SAID IT WAS BLUFF. A Denial Given to Circulated. Montreal, Aug. I8.~-At tea o'clock the time expiration to the ultimatum issued by the C.P.R." to the striking mechantes; took to-day: The | strike leaders, yesterday, made the declaration that the ultimatum was a ! bluff, and that the men would not be influenced by it. So that the failure [of any of them to apply for their old | places. at Angus was a Report ASK FOR AN OPTION On the Smelter Site For Sulrhuric Acid Plant. Alderman Elliott, chairman of the civic committee on industries, has written Dr. H. Henstock, of Huxley, England, who asks for an option on the on which he wishes to erect a sulphuric acid plant. I'he that the Stan-|**P% tod. ah ley smelter company had an option | + B CPR. elieet; city's smelter site, shops, to-day, chairman stated Shaughnessy, president authorized a denial of Words Scratched on Knives in| Holloway Jail. | London, Aug. 18.--Fiiteen suffra | et LOE "Wert retensert from Holloway wil a few _ days ago and drove to ucen's Hal, "where breakfast grved. A band gile the prison, and as soon : women enterged they were enthusias- tieally greeted and presented with | bouquets. At Queen's Hall, Mrs. who preskled, getting nearer vetting delicate Patrick that their goal | diff Their | rence, aid as they thoy cult hoat they had would try cuts © them that they and those implicity. Hq ~ irs. Mosen, one of the released saf- | frageties, said "Votes for Women" were into ore shlbti were and tions was beware of anyone who | to trick, betrays They had 'to remember had pilots on board ship, pilots to and de had been marked ig, jail Cut Own and Teacher's Initials | on Pew. $0syter Bay, N.Y., Aug. 18-Archi- bala Roosevelt made his mark in ths | morning. maghyi git deel, | Neighbors penknife," When all extinguish the flames, but it had been sitlge, Sunday. He with his little ground him thought he was praying devoutly. Phen he honored his tutqr, W. D. Parker, by placing his name in Christ church] where Gons may see, and*would bave | fo put his knife away. WW it was on the wooden back "of the |country. shit "yy gew in' whith President Roosevelt { that "Archie carveh his initials, deep. Then pame of 'his daring. work would not attract too tention, he sharpened his lead pencil and blackened the fresh wood. above he engraved thei much at Cheese Markets. i 1.ondon, Ont., 12 7-16c. to 12{c St. Hyaeinthe, Que. 124c a8 Cowansville, Que., 12 7-16¢-. 12%¢. Bo vi N.Y.. 11jc. and I: Canton, N.Y.. 113c Sherbrooke, Que., 12g¢- | 12de. Annual Picnic. Locomotive employees in Lake Ontarig Park, v Baseball, spoft and dancing. of held End. ; Beef, iron and Wine, the king of ton- es, at Gibson's Bed Cross Drug Store. 8 | mation was | the city as to establishing the plant. was drawn up out-| It iz likely he will come here as the | gotiate personally. in 1 | Law | Harry Denney {ployed as a bor getting into the rapids and | charlotte, on Monday morning, {was drowned {ed here had to be trusted | watehtown, { when that she believed that 1An [but he disappeared off most of the knives they had used cone get {been on the hoat a | shipped at Kingston ARCHIE'S A BAD BOY. {found some time later. were useless. tuture generp- jwas gofie implements. further had not the tutor forced him| The barn X tone of the best in this part of in létters an inch long and quite | Bxehange. tutor in letters equally | seems to be a difficult subjeet to man- Then, to make sure thi hisiage | them, and | beaten at the polls. When a conserva- { improper political. methods, he got | warrant {but he seems to understand the west. on the site tll Aug 24th and until the report that that date ho offer could he accepted Ottawa by the The English chemist was given anlor-|, ee of, arranging a settlement of as to taxation, . etc. He the strike. It was stated that Mc- wishes very much to come to King Veity, the strikers' representative; was ston and enter into an agreement with |g meet the président at Ottawa to confer with thé, department of labog: Still Out At Toronto. Toronto, Aug. W.<Up to 1:30 day the CAR. strikers olaim_ that none of the 'men have gone bark to work in spite of the company's ulti matum expiring at noon. The strik here and in West Toronto still confident. he has been called to government for - the to ne- to DROWNED AT CHARLOTTE. , Fell Off the Steam- er Caspian. Denney, a young man em déck hand on the Caspian, fell off the steamer "Harry" ers are steam at and | WHERE ARE FILES ? | Is It So That Valuable Documents Are Missing ? Halifax, Aug. The fortification works, here, are delayed and [trouble is being experienced owing to {the non-arrival of the details of the] defence scheme at ' Halifax. It has [leaked out that an important and valuable file has been lost or stolen between here and the militia depart | ment at Ottawa. It is said to have been despatched to the military au- thorities "by post. but evidently has received. Urgent enquiries are being made from Ottawa where the department must be greatly up set. If the plans bd stolen they are of considerable value, if in the hands lof a foreign country. The file - con- taihed* the whole scheme. 1 they are mislaid some 'one in the Ottawa head- {quarters has been astray in not think- ing them of any great importance. It jc daid 'that rigid inquiriessare pro- cotiding among all branches. Only meagre particulars Were receiv of the accident; but it is that Denney, whose home is "in N.Y., was doing some on the trestle work, his balance and fell in. made to rescue him, from view belore Aim, He had only short time, The body stated 1s scrubbing out some he lost effort was near and was Barn Burned. been The fire at R. Vair's, Glenburuie, started about 8:30 o'clock on Tuesday Its origin unknown. joined in an endeavor to never is given such # start that their efforts barn farm grain in the together with and All the hay destroyed, £4,000 and the was valued at Baseball On Monday. Fastern leaghe--Buffalo; 3: ter,. 1. Jersey City, 5; Providence, Newark, 4; Baltimore, 3. American. league-- Cleveland, 5; York. 1. Detroit, 1; Boston, 0 {| Louis, 2: Philadelphia, 2 (10 innings.) i Washington, 4; Chicago, 3, (7 innings.) : National league--New York, 3: . Louis, 0. Chicago, 5; Philadhlphia, 1. Roches- Accepted The Challenge. New ot. Premier Scott, of Saskatchewan, When the opposition candidate in Regina «challenged him to make de- finite charges of grafting, he made the gentleman was badly St tive agent accused him of employing ees tn a man arrested. fellow, Died After The Fall. | Toronto, Aug. 18.~William Painter, who fell from the tower of the Ryer- son school, yesterday, while engaged in painting the strueture, succumbed to Mis. injuries in the Western hos- pita this morning: Painter leaves a and had the He is a quiet, good-natured Very Serious Damages. Winnipeg, Aug. 18. --Further reports, | received by 'the Canadian Pacific rad} Gidgw and two' children. at East To: { wil av a fires or . ys of the fires on will be] August | {of the : : | tions are that, up to the jiresent, the | Drug Store. its property on ronto. 'ancouver Island, show damages | greater than ever before in the history | Reef, company by fire. The indica- | make. and bottles, Iron Pint Wine, "our own," 50c., at Wade's timber loss will reach close to $5.00 - Some men marry for money and MADE COMPARISONS] # CITY AND VICINITY. ol Annual Picnic. held in° Laks Ontario Park, August 22nd. Baseball, sport and dancing. | For A Delightful Trip. Take the steamer America to Glen !ora and Lake on'the Mountain, Wed- Resday, 11 am; home 6 pm.; fare Sle. . : Not Yet Examined. | Babeock, the man from Verona, who has been raiting trouble at home, has not vet been examined as to his san- ty. He is awaiting examination at the county jail. Are Going Out West. : Stanley Nesbitt and William Burke have left the street railway cOmpany and will leave on Thursday morning for North Dakota, where they have both secured excellent positions. : 1,000 Islands--Rochester, Steamers North King and Caspian leate daily, except Monday, at 10.15 a.m., for Thousand Island ports, and at 5 p.m. far Bay of Quinte ports and Rochester. Prof. MacPhail Back. Prof. MacPhail is the first of the large contingent of absent Queen's Uniyersity professors to return to the city. He arrived this morning from Prince Edward Island, where he spent the past few months. Rfle Range Contract. The contract for constructing the rifle range on Bamiefield' Heights has been awarded to W. DD. Lacey, whose address is given as Kingston. The contract figure, it is understood, s in the neighborhood of $12,000, Tramps On The Move. The city has been visited by quite a large number' of tramps within the past few weeks, and numerous calls have been made upon the public . for food. Several knights of the road have been given shelter at the police station. Will Make Enquiry. Inspector G.'W. Dawson, of the Dominion penitentiaries, was expected in the city, to-day, to go over the Portsmouth institution. The ecircum- stances surrounding the attempted es- cape a few days .ago will! likely be! gone into. Had Fine Outing. The drive given the children at the Onphans' Home, to Collins Bay, Sat- urday, was much enjoyed by the chil- dren. The day was an ideal one for the outing. The party left early in the afternoon, and made an early re- turn in the evening, : - Will. Make 'Enquiry. It is said that the education de- partment has authorized, as request- etd, the high school inspector to thoroughly enquire and report upon the causes for the faiture of so many candidates for teachers' pertificates at the Kingston Collegiate Institute. Locomotive employees will be 2 a HA® TO FELL TREE TO ------ Peculiar Accident to Equine om Oshawa Farm--Pried Free : From Lever--Badl y Hurt. Oshawa, Ont., Aug. I8.--Miss Phil- lips, of Oshawa, owns a valuable horse that met with a very strange accident on'! Thursday last. At the north of their farm is a swamp with clusters of cedar trees. From one root grew three trees in the shape of a triangle. The horsé 'in pastiritig accidentally fell right across "the treés. "A gentleman passing, noticing the struggles of the equine, noti Mr. Bennett, who lives adjoining the farm; and he, with his son and hired } man, tried to extricate it. Finding. it} impossible to 'do without assistance, they awoke A. H. Paull, and, after cutting down the stree, with a lever they pried the horse up, and although the horse walked' to the bam it was so badly bruised internally and ex- ternally that Mr. Bennett thinks the horse will be of little use again. Miss Phillips: had refused : several good offers' for the horse during the past twelve months, SPOILED THE BALL GAME. How Farmer Forced Players to Leave sis Field. New York, Aug. 18.-A game of baseball between the Clinton Athletics and the Jacksonville Pioneers was broken up at. Jacksonville, N.J., by a li bull belonging to = William Haupi. Haupf protested against the game be- ing played on the Sabhath. The 'ball players refused to evacuate his field, and when he attam( f.d to enforce the onder ' they threatened him. Haupi then released the bull. The Athletics wore red shirts and stockings, and when the bull saw those he made a fierce charge. Players and spectators fled terror-stricken. Al got out of the way except Mich- ael Boland, catcher of the Athletics, who was tossed over a fencé, but sus- tained only a few scratches. Farmer Haupf gavs he will repeat the perform- ance if any more Sunday baseball is attempted. BRUTAL LACROSSE PLAYER. Kicks Wife and Threatens With Revolver. Brantford, Aug. 18.--William Taylor, hockey and lacrosse player, appeared at the police court yesterday, charged with brutal assault on his wife, * and also with having drawn a revolver on | her. The couple avere at a local legal of- fice on Saturday, in order to adjust some differences. The alleged revolver fracas took place in the presence of W. Tv Brewster, MP, P., and en officer was called. The officer appeared later when the defendant inflicted a brutal kick jon Mrs, Taylor. He was at once arrested. The case was remanded at, the: police court this morning owing to the wife's inapility to appear. Her condition is serious. Her Great Benefactors Of The Public. We are agents for the independent fruit growers of the Niagara district, who don't ask exorbitant prices forj fruit, and as we are satisfied with | small profits we are enabled to handle | enormous quantities daily. Every line] of fruit this /week at Saturday night | prices. ..Carnovsky's, / 7 {It's Nearing Completion. | It is expected that within ten days fhe new Loughboro Lake bridge will | be open for traffic. The work of eom- pleting it is being rushed ahead. The county roads' and bridges' committee | is well pleased with the construction, | and Councillor jubilant | over the success of his pet good roads' | scheme. | rm rn | Bad And Good. Lately it was reported that the | horse of Rev. F.' W. Kirkpatrick had | been killed in attempting the high | jump --into-- another field. That was | bad. But his parishioners have sub- | seribed together and. presented the parson with another That is | Stoness horse. burg or Cardinal. Resigned And Will Be Deposed. | Rev. J. H. Nimmo, rector of St. Mark's church, Barrielield, who, three weeks ago, left with Miss Agnes Stew- art, a member of his flock, whom he married in Rome, N.Y., has sent in his resignation and asked to be deposed from the Anglican ministry. So soon as Bishop Mills, now in Englind, is heard ftom, action will be taken. What Could Be Done. A lo¢al contractor has made the statement ghat with the $13,600 in- surance We city reesives from the dam- age to the city buildings, he could not only put up another good dome, cloek and bell, but 'also put in Hot water heating in the east wing of the building. Now is the time, he says, for the city council to take up the ques- tion of heating the eastern offices and the city hall. When, Oh When, Will It Be ? It is not known just when the work of rebuilding the city buildings' dome will be 'begun. It ednnot even be guessed at. If the city property com- mittee doesn't like the plans that will be submitted, a delay. of course, will oceur, and perhaps competitive plans might be asked for after all. The dome should he completed by Detem- ler 31st, if the matter is properlv handled. Can't Find A Canvasser. No expert canvasser has yet SECU for street paving, and doesnt look as though one could be got a} present unless the board of works wants to pay well for one. The city engineer has been unable to se cure: the man he wante--one who can explain the various pavements to the people and answer all the questions that would be put to him about dura- bility, cost, ete. Such a, canvasser cannot be. got for nothing. been it Requa's perfumed bath powder, at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. 000, and the forests are still burning. | some jyomen for alimony. "Rhone 230, : vi Ni | sixteen, dre in a serjous condition in good. The parish is that of Edwards- ) INSANE MOTHER'S DEED. Poisoned Mer Four Children, Then R Shot Herself. Poughkeepsie, N.Y., Aug. I18.--NMrs. Ida Spooner, a willy. while tempor- arily insane, gave hw four children morphine, Sunday night; and attempt- ed to shoot herself, Monday morning. Hardner, six vears old, dead; Eastman, ageil nine, and Morris, aged is Vassar hospital. Mattie, tea old. is out of danger. Mrs. Spooner shot herself above the right 'ear 'with a twenty-two calibre revolver, and may have taken some of the poison also. She is in the hos. pital conscious, but irrational. years ASK FOR ENQUIRY. Wages and Hours Are in Dis- pute. Ottawa, Aug. 18.--~A hoard of con- ciliation and investigation hasbeen applied for in the difficulty; at Co- balt, between the sear ees Standard Miping company and its men. Wages lpn wurs are in: dispute. John A. Ewen, of the Toronto Globe, is chairman ot the board, and the others are: C. Luke. for the men, and C. E. Fraleck, for. the : company. The labor depart- ment is advised of the settlement of the trouble between the George Hall Coal company and 'the Prescott long- shoremen, until 1910. LIONS EAT CHILDREN. Family of Mexicans Killed By Two Hungry Pumas. Mexico City, Aug. I8.~Two hungry mountain lions recently entered the hut of Herculano Flores, in the vil- lage of Jedeza de Caballo, state of Jalisco, and killed the whole family, consisting pi Flores, his wife and two children. The eries of the victims at- tracted the villaters, and the animals were driven off, but not until they had devoured 'the two children. islam Victim Not Sure. Blcomfield, M., Aug. IR. Mrs. Earl Hallam, victim of the attack at Springfield, which started the yide wat, is in doubt nbout the identity of her assailant. ¥ 4 Mrs. Hallam's greatest concern row is over the race war whith resultdd from her misfortune. She says she would rather have died herself than to have been ils innocent cause. -------------- 2+To Speak Three Times. Toronto, Aug. 18.--R. L. Borden, the: conservative leader, Hon. Sir J. P. Whitney, premier of Ontario, Hen. R. P. Roblin, premier of Manitobe. Hon. Richard McHride, premier of British = Columbia, and Hon. J.. D. Hazen, premier of New Hrupswick, will address three meetings . in Ontario - Pembroke, Sept. © 21st: London, Sept. 22nd; Toronto, Sept. 23rd. See The Wonderful Lake. On the Mountain, Wednesday, steam- er America, 11 am. giving one hour there; only 50¢.; meals on board. LO.F. exoursion ~through Thousand |' | lelands, on 26th a of: $00000000ENEE000EERPINNI000R0002000000 + FOR THOSE WHO KNIT or aac shinkine shout with our complete new stock of Fine Wools. Below we give a list of some of the best selling makes, and we offer others as well. 4 Bee Hive Yarns i In the Genuine Baldwin's English make. > 30 colors and Black and White to select from. 3 Double Berlin Wools In Black and White and 50 colors, in- cluding the popular shades of Light Blue and Pinks. Single Berlin Wools In'all wanted shades and in Black and White, [50 shades to select from. HAndalusian Wools AND Shetland Wools All the popular shades and in Black and 'White. ir RR Germantown Wools For Golf Jackets and Fancy Scarfs all the shades how in demand. Shetland Floss As every. Wopl user knows, is one that requires .care .in selecting, as some makes work up better and look better ithanothers. We have had the experience and now offer the make that gives best results Knitting Yarns In several makes. Saxony Marns For Men's Fine Sox. Vest Wools Kor Children's Fine Undervests. 4 CIN ; P £ aw's; ge + PY ig pecial' Old Ladies' Fine KidLow Cut Elastic Side Boots, low heels, light soles, regular SOE v For $1. Gbe Toochett Shoe P.8--Suit Cases from $1.50 up. * 000000000000000000504080000000000 seesssscesssessese ining , 7 tA - % RE speesvesen - { i seseenIeRe Store. s * : . . ® essumanNE soecacoOeERIOLR a ® ¢

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