§ 2 eg Se ENR A . rare ke > =f "wos "come -- et -- Still Cut Prices at! Crumley Bros. Tr iy THIS A GREAT SUGCESS] GARDEN PARTY HELD AT HOTEL DIEU HOSPITAL Under the Auspices of the Lodiss? Auxiliary, on Tuesday -- An deal Night And a Record Crowd. An ideal night, plete in every respect, and a record |crowd, went to make the fourth annual Igarde 'n_ party held yesterday at the {grounds surrounding the Hotel Diey, {and under the auspices of the Ladies' { Auxiliary of the hospital, a pronounced success. Eath year the efforts of this {energetic auxiliary have been crowned | with .great success, but yesterday's af- | fair will go down into history @s the {best one ever held, and the members 4 arrangements' com- § . : HAmusements. To-NIGHT 4 Fr He eZ. =% "ha Free S Show Class Vaudeville Moving Pictures. Latest Mllustrated Songs. i... Friday Children's } Vent Day on Street oc WONDERLAND 5¢ VAUDEVILLE AND PICTURES, RATES First insertion le. a word. CONDENSED ARVERTISIG Bin Roem 836 Traders Bank, fs ar EAE NIVERSITY AVE, BRICK sertion, 25c. re od b Jooms, modern Ne , $1; one' m 4. na, Ey to J. 8B. RB. M WANTED-MALE, Lance of Jt od Bro = A GROCERY CLERK ; oda BE aA A Ser, da sd il TT BRICK ESIDENCE, ply J. A 1D! EXPE ERIENCED MACHINISTS, A Dh Er | rcksmiths an MACHT A Pt at Deh. ete. En: 8 Auire at 179 Div WELL FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH! modern | with or with-|- out board, Ate Ciergy St. ------------------------ IF YOU WANT TO SELL, oR RENT your property, consult A. x BOND, | REAL ESTATI AGENT, STORB AND ay Fon is h ; ERA SOE TCE Per month, , are to be congratulated. The spacious onto, Ont. * S Ey rs . grounds presented a very busy scene all GEO. CLA Y 0 EPT 1ST, NE 1 ON AN HONEST CLERK FOR BRITISH of the best business stands in King- i yesterday afternoon and evening, the Vile, oh fits + dutire aft" tain Anns HELE Newb Shahar hook Hob, on the rane. stands pr TARE oy IN "Gooh TE altendance bemg very large. _ Sales] Wilt ching his entire a OFFUW| Sixteen . and. sevenlen. , Dubey to] 'Weill streets. lately occupied by a heap ~Apply were brisk and it is expected that a good nigh: Hn Will appear 4 . commence August Slst. Apply in F. Nisbet, Stati . eliax Whig so wil be tefived The muucy 3 Black Face Comedian Foon Wo Thomas Nash, Proprietar) Shaw. $i Bago Stu Gut A SMALL HORSE. 14 HANDS man, 30¢s to a very worthy cause, and the rae x pcs a . : kood condition. : ladies desire (o thank everyone who in THIS ACT IS A SCREAM, gil WL ord: ERY 2 AND WANTED--GENERALy Eves, 223 'Montreal RL ¢ {any way helped along the good work. locality with rig or Sapatle of hand HANDMADE BA Si. {10 general secretary, Miss Ida C, Ron | propomtes-- wor A Bre aga) EE re te eri kag lair | BOARDERS fn a roxpct:| all kinds to Sree. Repair an, goes a good share of the praise, | "Bobily Un The pree; LWOo very iy speci Lies. No experience netes aifio home Apbly, Box "A. A. - doue, Prices reasonable. W, #. Cola [£0r having ali the arrangements so com- | laughable comedies. sary : lay out your work for you. ig Office. man, First street. plete. It wa as a big undertaking, and SONG--"When The Robin Sings $25 a-week and XPensps. Position - funder her guidance cverything went | Again," by Will West. rmanent. W. A. Jeukins, | GUSTOMERS TO-MORROW Fon ! 1 Phe Ta etre anufacturing ae London, Ont. fresh pork tenderloins, spire ribs MONEY AND BUSINESS. 2 {along smoothly. She was surrounded and kidneys, in abundance, at A f'y {by a band of hard workers, and to this | With all the necessary equipment, Miss Maclean's, 'Ontario street. OUR ARiicie. Cov Cove M tittle ban is .also due much credit, 1] Burk was in charge. ANTED-FEMALE, ding and $ hand is also due much cr Mr. Best, the druggist, had a display W "IRB INSURANCE RISKS. GOOD bull SHEE Hixcellent to wear and good to 3 m 1 I we eds, ditional fee was charged for this part cellent programme. The entertainment anteed to please. 131 Brock St., look at. | \ o of the programme, and the audience was next to Bibb: ve: HENRY P. SMITH. | ARCHATEOT, 3 Be " hig ns Senos in the hot very large. ; BUSINESS CARD. rr - = Li Anchor Building, Market Square] a Seoire some while the 1 t Mrs. Welch, the treasurer, and Miss Ihe members of the auxiliary are I ELECTRIC 4 SPREET F SHEARING SITUATIONS VACANT. ee y as 3 Ronan, secretary, had a table at the gate re any indebted to Thomas Ronan, for Dowing nnd Laying, by Beam, YH -- - POWER & SONS, ATT CHITKCTS, MFR entrance, and these ladies looked after | the able assistance he rendered in get- Milne, 272 Bagot streot. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BAR. chants. Bank Holding, corner' Brock and Wellington abeets, 'Phone, 212, . | here were diffcref® booths, . well hy te \ ths, ; \ {stocked with something to attract the | in the cenire of the grounds, and his | TUNG ROOM GIRL, AT ONCE. AP- Sompanies; LO rage Fn Toh Godin's mance : ey |aitention. of everyone, and open up purse i Wes a vey busy Tee Jes our ply Hotel Congress. : Brock St. Telephone, 480, @ (Strings. All the booths were very 5. Sowards and Mrs ie gre - : . 3 3 3 SER LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLODR - ® | pretuly decorated, some of them having in charge of the refreshment booth, ankl BXPERIENCED 2s ENRAL X THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH Firo Insurance Available ea iS - [new and novel methods in the way of well looked after all of its patrons. * estimates on electric work. All kinds assets $61, 187. A15. In addition 2 dis splaying the goods. Prominent in the | 1hrowing the balls at jou Aunt Sal," Loret ea Ar THE KINGSTON LAUN-- o work roy one. F, J Birch, which the Policyhelders have £5 centre ot the grounds floated the Union | Was a great game. Did you take a dry, corner Princess und Sydenham - an. ngton s aoouriy, Be ean ad iy or ul 1,000 yards Fine English Dress Tw eeds, Jack, and the Stars and Stripes, and chance Rs novel feng? 3 If sifgats, A JOB CLEANING ASHES OUT OF party. Anstred at Jowest Pad . | ef OSS & you missec it, you also missed a Jot - - a v 4 1 a ore rene Ig © K H suitable for Children's School Dresses and [iA Stregmel foe bbe, haspical of fun It wae reat. Misses | Pea A COOK, FOR SMALL FAMILY Fare lg Ry "Kip baggage now busineds gel rates from Strange i 1 ¢ €. Wo come {o id where housemaid is kep 0 ash- v : i one, well worth 60c¢ and 75¢ per vy: I'( s {all." i as i C v Butler, Que and Folger introduced ps a . . Apply at Whig office Lytle, General Carter, 35 Main St. & Strange, Agen 4 yara. And it was indeed a warm wel- Aunt. Sal. v come tha li visitor received. The un 3 2 - DOUBLE VELL t AL. : 3 ] I; ie $ ma ac very ryone feel Tight " Home I' I'he Al' F cty 0, "Hi od "he SITUATION WANTED . ' ferred), DELI I a ICR. PRE. PERSON % e and warm ospitality was sh wi. S$ mn a society duo ¢ and 1e . ocation not above University Ave. w os pecial Sale P rice 3215¢ Per Ya, bees ans Ba ants on vers routes "sole me er Soe avy sor. Joon, 50 Walingiln | ALR, MOLBS, breTHMAMKS : [the Balowsy, bn added much to the | first part of the programme, and the WASHING 'TO DO AT HONE. BY, A without = Twant ears experis ! respectable woman, ply Box "C, | - ence. Dr. Elmer J Eye, Ear, " wo y y | beauty of the sce In addition t comedy farce, "Quiet Rooms To Rent, :.." Whig office, GOOD SIZED ROOM, OR TWO OR 1 . The childs n will soon be returning to [the lorge lights 11 oy il by the I's was well pik on, during the Ra." Wn pine ia three small rooms, central posit vg alt ty ana. Bin Bemis school, and you will be beginning toithink ny were numerous smaller ones, used jecoud part Mies Crow, e Joronte, DOMESTIC SERVANTS, BXPERI-| Gir basement and oar, i$ y 4 in and around the b-oths: ind Mrs. Deschamps favored with solos enced, English, Scotch, Irish, arriv- PF Wher ma articulacs. Hp CTS. of their fall school clothe 'S. Not hing could The rou ae the 1ath regiment and duets. The entire programme was ing Weekly under supervision. X you AK oe ARCHITECT . . fudld, o be better for sc hool dresses than these bang occupied seats on the balcony, and of a high order, and reflected great eal id Wionirent 1 BRESHY on RTLEME 'NTO GET|ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF. ; y tallos , | during the evening, discoursed an ex- | €redit upon all taking part. An ad- way" 8. Totyle, Bune made finish Galles fice, Cors Quan and Bagot stréots. 3 ting up the aff: d san ber trade. Graduate Lwelve bo only 324c per yard. " business in a bus siness like way. ha ah J 2 Sale, and wish to tender bi Wt i aos rh melve hg po ; The "lotte ry table", or "great expec- 1 their s ¢ thanks MARRIAGE LICENSES Positions. Will equip shops. Con- | WM. NEWLANDS, .ARVPITECT, OF All White I awn Waists 257 off ' tations," as it was known by, was-a I Following are the officers of the . "tang Practice, Careful instructions. fice, second floor over\ Mahood's Drug L «uv Jo Ol, Ja attractive booth. There was a fish | Adie Annika : jFrcsitent, Mrs. | 6, 7S. KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER OF Tope, ha rey Pore pasa in. ar nat ory All Ladies' Wash Skirts 259, off. [nd nd fortune ter, and hoch du | SWAL view president, Mr D. O'Leary Marriaxe Licenses. 4 Clarence 81. | Giftco Moron ih, he JH ollie I 1 rushing business. Great secrets were | treasurer, Mrs. Jo-Welch; secretary, Miss ' . Bargains all over the store. Come and see. given out, for an exceedingly small fee, | Ronan. : Bi -- -- x land also much miormation that is sure 2 THE PARAGRAPH ; ; a %% 5 [to prove of much value to those con MARINE NOTES. i uLPiT| il ; " {cerned. Fortune-telling is something {an that always "takes" well. The lottery | What is Transpiring About the RE Unitarian, ery Pp g table was cared for by Mrs. Deschamps, Wharves. V. C. W. CASSON. I - 1.00 nds H Med . a the Misses L. and S. Swan, Mrs. Duffy, The schooner Jamigson is at Rich n ; 0 Cu of Heavy, edium of : ay : Misses Folger, Beaupre, Crow, Q'Gor- ds loading felds - . Pe Concerning Congruity. Light Weighs 4 as Required. man, and Jacquith, - --. --_-- 7d do bb xt Ht under | Surely we have a right to expect 6 v The candy booth was well looked after inp - ee Jk tilly til idergo 4 2 Congruity, at least in the hook that ] } f ? h by Mrs. Leahy, Misses Irene and Reta The pat Froat . : yi Hina ti has been called, the Word of God, 1 TT =| Swift, Miss Anna Rigney and Miss ber for or or 1s fe ia es gn But as a matter of fact we are faced Lo : i : or Garden Island, a § Kings ig ; ©00CA0000000000000000000T00NNDA000000000004 |Hannie Sullivan. The ladies had every- | Por and Pembroke: railroad whari Genuine oth acugruities maniiold. It "4 ] > |thing nicely arranged, in fact so good Th Bl i : claimed that Jesus was conceived of Hard Wood, veky best Maple Block: that one could not resist the tempta- | The tug Edmond, with the barge . y the Holy Spirit and born of 1 Vir ar 00 eky bes aple ocks, tion to buy Columbian, arrived from Bedford rin and vet we. find elsewhere clr ust the thing for quick hot fires. 4 TWO | Adjoining the candy booth, there.was Mills, with-a cargo of wood for. R.J, er S Ionics facing ihe a = ano Wo deliver any sized order, i y . X |the home made table, with sori thing | Lrawford, : from Davi hroug N i hu : : . . els Sr " or Tl dies The steamer Ecelwat made a _trip : from David, Thar ugh Joseph, his - hu By kindling your fires and cooking your & | ict the ¢ye. The ladies in charge Nine Mite Po) i i » . . man - father. Such instances are suf. gg) 5 . g were Mrs. Dolan, Miss Lyons and Miss | to Nine Mile Point, yeste ay, with : . li ht st Is itl § i M. Dolan some of the officials of the marine de e iver S. fie ont ud Hake any Miohghtiul ush JAS. SWIFT & CO. 8 1ight meals with ¢ In a prominent place, and as : the old | partment. v Rand to logk tl re By COAL AND WOOD. g | sayi goes "as cute as a dollar," stood I'he steamer Wassaga is expected to r 8 ' ' : Q y § [the i flower table, and it was a es reach Richardsons' to-morrow. from Must Bea Sigur or 3 [ost of the Salus inde ie the ° bower of beaut The fl rs Il | Fort William, ith grain. She has book ia ony ational metho ia 9 p ; ¢ | disp: ¥ ad the ladies a Miss go of 56.000 0 ig Irs to reg gad it simply as a record of the Thousand Island & St. Lawrence Peli 8 he Daly and Miss Gallagher, were Swift's : Steamer Caspian,. down ool past, liable to error because of 'ts i 1 9 : } ! ¢ [ro arded for their pams by good sales. | and up, to-day; steamer Aletha. fron human authorship. River Steamboat Companies ; 2 § Bert" Daly FERdered the ladies: able bay points; steamer Dundurn, down. See Fac-Simile Wrapper Below. Add R CW. C t 5 In Connection with New York Gene 4 A > ' assistance at this booth, from Hamilton to Montreal. adress, Lay, ia +» 2B850D, Al 4 : 9 Put up in lar £e I aper i Sacks. 15c Each, ) I'he tea tables presented a very biisy The wind of lagt ni ht de it very Beacon street, Boston, Mass., for the tral & Hudson River R.R. " . , . X | scene from six o'clock until 8 lock, | roug 1e lake. The schoober Ma literature. ) 2 for 25 Cents. Delivered anywhere in | when tea was served The ratte, ok: | rough on the lake. The schogner Max i h | when tea was served ie tables were | well, on her wav to Oswego, was held Leave Kingston aay, except Sunday, the city Q [F1ang sed pn a long platform ergeted for at Four Mile Point, gnd the schooner MEN AND WOMER. "1a am. and 3.00 p.m. or [the occasion, and the menu was of the Mary Anh Lydon had to anchor. ai ue th for unnaturd 80° Pin. {hgiton. Sunday, 7.80 a.m. and y i ai e . pe Gal a iM. T. Co's wharf : The tug Mary ar- Smt" irate or Sloat a's Cae Vineet: daily, 30.50 Ay : 3 raise fo C ¢ deta Coal of . . Lis . mucous rane & A do > rived from Montreal, with two barg nloss, and not sstris | Maki & 4 " MoKELVEY & BIRCH, 69-71 Brock St 5 ont oh wit bo bi oat Vif SG SE REE | EL rm, She was given able assistance, | With two barges; steamer Rosemount, Ww sont ia plain rar cent to Naw Yor sh Slacpur. Cape ts Those gathered around Mrs. Devlin in with oa brshels of Wheat snd fax. oo 0, or A bot rad w, ok oud round tip fate Kingston - " ¢ this re Af FISH seed, and barge ngava, with 70, h atertow 0 oin Saturda » BOO0VVOVVOVQO000000V! @00o00meDOC 7000000000000 | ih Wore Were Mi, (Dr { orrison, bushels of wheat will arrive from - uti, aut on atid Sunday, roturaing up to apd including 3 An rene , oss anley, 8 Fort Will » onday, $1.65. : om Be -- rh i 38SEC A swhity g 0 Jliam to-morrow SL 8 3 a] ake y, Misses H. and A, Devlin, Miss a : Crow Lake Items. i Daly, Mrs isalfe, Shs Shaw, B A Hotel Arrivals CURE gICK HEADACHE. Crow Lake, Aug, 18 Rev. Mr. Cor- 2 rs. Nicholson, rs. Lovitt, Miss Cor . . » a Li | rigan Mrs, Pearson and daughter Howard Ames and wife, Wm. Me- pel, Hagrowmmith, administered sac | v {| Mrs. Retro and the Mi Philips. Gaw, Chicago; W. H. Horton and wife, News Of Westbrook, Same }: hone ii uhday last. Our an- [ 'i | A garden party would indeed be in- | Washington; W. H. Taylor, Exeter, Westbrooke; Augl 19.--The farmers iy biduic wi Joke blace on August oA : £7 $ complete without a peanut and pop- Neha J. C. Hoperoft, wife and | gre busy harvesting, but report crops ha De oY ng is the order i 7 ; | corn booth. Those in charge of this | child, A. S. Purdy, N, J. Bodley, H. rather light. H. Christopher, ill with [ie vay. pene from a distance & ND benno ~Dain anywhere. has fte 4 NN NE \ r booth were Mrs. Hickey, the | H. Whitney, Charles C. Stewart, J. typhoid fever, was removed to the f daily 'biting the woods. Oux suspally At ide oe | bri Bhoop, 2 NUNN \ 3 | Hickey and the Misses Nichol: | Graham, A. S. Grocott, A. R. Adams | Hotel Dieu Hospital, last week. An- ¥chaol ep on Nontrs aud the feats eis Headache i Wea AN f : | ¢ : and wife, Gordon F. Finch, L. Doug- thony Smith went on the excursion to | FUPUs were glad te see Miss R. Gern- Shoo a RAR RE SM y ! he Red Rose Tea « ympany had a Jus, Wm Porter, J. y Barrington, | Ottawa on Wednesday. Miss Edith lon hast: fs ether Oliver Beadour Laks Sacing ati tn J \ ARAN nged booth, with their loca oronto; . G. Horton, C. Doug- Saundercook after spending the past | "% purchased a fine new carriage lor : Phe SA JA Ee salesman, Mr Tasior, las, R. A. Corley; W. G. Slack, Wm. Fagin i with : fr fe a De ay us trotters. 1. Beadour is busy de- 1t's blood pressure. . Greige"Montreal; © Rev. A. Visar and | and North ort, returned home on Sat- | Yering pictures. ! Mrs, R. Revnolis je : Toston, Shree ies r Ww a cozy place, and | Wife, Pakenham; J. Hofiel. wife and {urday. Miss lorraine Smith has re- | has returned home after spending two Flim a . IY, great many. Those serving | daughter, Mallorytown; Wm, H. Car-| turned from Thousand Island Park, | weeks whith her daughter, at Lynd: 4 \ . 3 - tea were Mrs Delaney, Mrs. and Miss | penter and i. Rhyo Larpenier, J. IN.Y., where she spent a week with a |hurst. J. Stoness. and family are "Nie McDonald, the latt er from New York. F. Carpenter sa Giliore estmin: | party. of girls chaperoned by Mis. G. | amped on Bob's Lake. Several of the 3 eo " The "duck pond" and the "human | ster; S. Paséoe and wiie, Jas, 'D. Pas-| A. Wartman, Bath, and Miss Joyd, | sports from Sharbot Lake spent a day a PT et a rave in 00 lobster" were amusing features. end | coe, Florida; John T. Jngap abd wife, | M.A, principal of Ottawa Ladies Col- | tishing in our lake here, and report hf " those who did not pay to see this part Newqurg; Mr. Swan, e"and child, lege. Mrs. (i. Smith also spent Sun- having a fie day. Miss Eva Knapp 'We soll at conte, 508 2 ' . {of the show, missed a rare treat Those iss Murr; Kew York: deg A. day and Monday at the park. Rev. | is clowlh recovering, cand Miss Erma | in 0 charge were Misses K. Cain. S. Caj arrager, R. J: Leeg Ri raham, | Father Fallon of Ottawa, accompani- | Knapn is still convalescent, Several! bp We have Spec ial value Sin Canvas Trunks, Ww ith Simpson, M. Brown, J: Cain am Belleville; G. oJ Stevens, Syracuse ; ed by his father and mother, pan: in Ee attends the Top ox ral Dr. So s } ! 9 straps, at $! 5.00, 7.50 and 8 50. Re Swift. Benjamin F. Sisson, G. A, Denike, | Mrs. D. Fallon, of Kingston. and two ust 'picnic at Oso, Visitors: Mr. and NN . One of the hospital rooms was used | Pinghamton; J. 1. Bridgets, Haldfax: nieces, 'the Misses Vera and Reta, of | Mrs. James Castell, at L. Bains: Mrs e . © | C heaper grades, without Straps, '$3.00, 8.50 fas an ice cream parlor, apd the ladies | J: S. Carr, Le Roy: Mrs. S. R. Hart | Cornwall, spent Sunday at Mrs. Kon- | William Tharristt, Mrs, J. W, Knapp, En ® straps, hd Bs fin: charge were kept very bus The | ley: Mrs. X. C. Pederser, Miss G. H. ny's. Mrs. S. Christopher, after spend: Ge. ; - : J and 4.00 [ladies se re a ate | Miler, 8. We Hake od ve He (8 the past t} : t Pict ioarge Petcrs. at. W. L. Barker's; Mr:| = uf 5" . . adies serving were rs, oran, Mrs. er, « artiey anc ie = pag ie pas ree weeks a weton, 1 %. : 0 . . os Me Ali Mrs. Doran, Misses Dick. | ¥8¥> HL: F. N. Marrth and wife, Mar- has returned home, J. A, McDonald, iy od ye Knap, fu Wilburn, Thar- ma ------ Steamer 1 runks at $5.00, 7.50 to 230, { inson, E. Daly, M.. Moran,. O'Brien mora; M. 'W. Best and wife, Ottawa: | I.W. M., of Ottawa, spent a few days i Wg Tin R Fredo: oN ey . . i jie ne McCormick, Troy, Kehoe, and |G: W. Westson and wifey Chas. E: Jthe past week with D. Sheehan. Migs at A Harr TT iohE oi a "Er: Speci ial Suit as (leather) $5. better Peardou 4 Francis and wife, Cincinnati; 0.; Dr. | Gertrude Sproule, of Che ery Valiey, is Chuge bh, at bh 4 motl wg NM i With : , 0. 9. bi There was a beautiful display of | R- H. Van Allan - and wife, Miss. Al- | visiting her une le, T. Sproule. Miss | or mother's; Mrs. James quality at $8.00, 00 anc $10. 00. bine, work, Mrs pay f len, Rochester, N.Y... N. W. Colbert. | Toiuing Sheehan and Mrs. Kenny and Hawley. 'at George Bradshaw s L Ma pole Soap 0 |B 15 ) : | r Irs. Marly and the Misses { wie, Maria Smith | wife | Master 1 t Wed Googifellow, Westport, at R. Rey. os & 5 9 ~ 9 K. and A OC onnor be in n ha SON and wi fe aurice Sm and w He, son, aster £0, Spe n canes ay ge » . / Hane 2ES, 9 0, 200, 2.50 to 12 00. | The booth 'was made ve i Sane. Magn on Pa: G. 8. Dill St. Louis; | with friends on Woke Island. nole Hi Fedward Shitmard and Those ¥ With . . 1 Th of . NH ore 1 and son ervickville; as . Hogan | estport ying cattle Ea 0 3 » rec Ss pot} as out iva Telescope Valises, Hoe " (OC ' 85¢ to $1.25. 1 S958 booth was fitted ou Miss ' Bissett, Lachine; Miss Murray, Important A t. and berries here last week, se at Home . . : : | New York: W. S. Myers and wife, Jay | . porian Rpouncemen om. . + ' Buster Brown Suit Cases for little Boys and §! S. Myers, Dallas, Tex,; Ella-Van Pelt. | G- W. Mahood desires 10 annoumie Wil! Have Its Effects. Yit pe Girls, $1.50, 1.95 and 2 00, | Houston; F. Will and wife, S. S. El |fo the readers of the Whig that they | Hamilton Herald, Sure i uits ! liott, "Frank Bartlett, W. P. Loucks, Lave secured the agency for Parisian Twice, now, the people of Suskateh. 2ure Results Folding Launch Boxes, only: 25¢. Rocestor; Swng King, Comal hi BT Juarvefous dandrufi éure and | ewan have provpussed wpon the issues oy ack 2 3 - cacy, Prescott; Mr. Murray and wife, | Gelightiul hair dressing. involve Sn i western autonomy < i Trunk Straps, Shawl Straps and Valise Tags. Janet Murray, Cleveland; T.'C. Ge- | G. W. Mahood is glad to state ghat| bills. On each occasion a majority of = \ borne, W, L. Turnbull, Brighton; A:-| Parisian Sage is a. rigidly guaranteed] them have declared thamselves to "he Everything Complete for Travellin thur Parry, Soo. | hair restorer. satisfied with the educational Prov: | e---- 8. - | Jt cures dandruff in two weeks by] sions of the bill snd the Provision TRE TE : . Annual Pienic. j killing the dandrf® microbes; it sop which vests the control of % ng Fina 4 . \ 'Oi Locomotive employees will be falling hair; it cures all scalp diseases | lands of the province in federal | | 2, held in Lake Ontario Park; August | or" money back. goverhment in return for. on 2nd. Baseball, sport and dancing. It is a most pleasant hair dressing, cash subsidy to the prow wl = - especially for ladies, as it makes the) fact SaEROE he be without Te. its cn the alter Sullivan, Alwington avenoe, ! hair soft and lustrous. The price is|approa ing federal elections, : leaves, on Thurslay for North Dako- | opty 5c. a large bottle at yg = E ta. where has secured a position. Canam, "sheep breeders objeet Uli States Xj charges | We Show Mahood's. or by express, all Co,, to prepaid, from Giroux 'Mig. 10 CENTS PER PACKAGE.