Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Aug 1908, p. 5

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1 GASOLINE PUT IN YOUR TANK AT OUR DOCK. Spark Cofls, Spark Plugs, Colum- bia Dry. Batteries, etc. in stock. * REPAIRS PROMPTLY MADE. Selby & Youlden, Ltd. Kingston Foundry. | A COAL! The kind you are looking for is the kind we sells § SCRANTON Coal is good coal and we guar- antes prompt delivery. 'Phone, 133. Booth & Co., FOOP WEST STREET. Notice to Oar Customers Our store will close at 6 o'clock sharp every night, except Saturday. : > A. GLOVER. Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Jdarness ete., for sale. Sale of Horses every Saturday. | ever khowing the reason. | fer from headaches, indigestion, pains "THE NIGGER IN THE WOOD-PILE" Thousands of people go through life feeling more or less miserable without They -suf- in the back, and at the slightest chill get rheumatism or neurdigia. Thay, try to cure these separate out- | breaks, never suspecting "that the root of the whole trouble is the failure of the bowels to move regularly, and in many. cases fhe sluggish action of kid neys and skin. The result, of course, is that the"whole system gets clogged with, Impurities, which soon turn, to | poison, and How their presence in va- { rious ways. "Fruit-astives"--or fruit juice tab- lets--promptly stir up the sluggish liver, regulate the bowels, and stimu- late the kidneys and skin to do their work 'properly. Thus they cure all ht troubles by removing the cause, , t oy Sa Re A Trial size 25c. Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa . : Never Fails to Restore Gray Hair to itsNatural Color and Beauty. No matter how long ithas been gray or faded. Promotes a/luxuriant growth of healthy hair. Stbps its falling out, and posité removes Dan- druff. Keeps hairsoft and glossy. Re- fuse all substitutes. 2}4 times as much in $1.00 as 50c. size. Not a Dye. $1 and §0¢. botiles, at druggists Send 2c for free book ** The Care of the Hair." Philo Hay Spec. Co., Newark, N. J. Hay's llarfina Soap cures Pimples; red, rough and chapped hands, and all skin dis- eases. Keeps skifi fine and soft. 25¢. drugeists, Bend 2c for free book "The Care of the Skin." JAS. B. McLEOD. A good many times it is the sacri- fices we make'that wins for us the varmest friendship. aa ites FOR MEN Regular $5.00 SHOES Now $3.99. See our windows for -- TET in FOR WOMEN Regular $4 and $3.75 Shoes Now $2.99. bargains. REID & CHARLES 111 PRINCESS ST. KINGSTON. Health in every cup of COWAN"S PERFECTION ( COCOA Very nutritious and very digestible. Give it to your children and drink it yourself. THE COWAN CO., Limited, TORONTO « A Snap of a Life Time To Furnish a Home. sti As our Big Mid-Summer Sale is Il booming. Making room for our Fall Stock everything reduced. A bargain for everybody. Lawn, Verandah and suinmer goods less ths an cost. Pay freight. Packing free. Store open nights, at 'd Footwear! \ To Make Room for All Summer Footwear at in Stock AMES REID'S - The Leading Undertaker. 'Phoae, 147. a Large Increase x 20 Per Cent. Ofi. A. E. HEROD, 386 PKINCKESS ST. The St. Lawrence Sugar Refining MONTREAL, Manufacturers of the choicest "REFINED SUGARS Granulated apd Yellows. Made entirély from Cane Sugar. Be sure you ask for "St. Lawrence." D. STEWART ROBERTSON & SON, Agents for Eastern Ontarioy gh Go. Ltd THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST SIFANDED ON ISLAND HOW DID THE BODY REACH THE SPOT. -- A Rescue Was ' Made--It Proved to be That of a Russian Pole ~He Had Recently Lived in- New York. Montreal, Aug. 19.--The body of the man, which for the last week or so, has been exposed on a small island, in the Lachine Rapids, 'and was recover- ed, yesterday, with much difficulty, has proven to be that of Slaiki Wara- nowick, a Russian Pole, who had been living in New York, according to pa- pers found in his pockets. How he came to his death in such a place ¥s a mystery, unless she body floated down the river when the water was higher, and was stranded there. There were some receipts in his pocket which in- dicated. 'that he had been sending money to his wife in the old country, but there is no record of what he was doing in Canada. The Inst receipt was dated June 15th, 1907. George A. N: Nicholson, of Gould, Fastern Townships, a delegate to the Oddfellows' convention, here, was struck by a streete car, on St. Law- rence street, at 3 p.m., to-day, and died shortly afterwards in the Gen- eral Hospital. The C. P. R. authorities report that they have at work over and abe number working yesterday. eight are old men who decided tc up thé strike. There has heen nothing of an unusual character; matters pro- ceeding quietly. WA.3 HEAVY DAMAGES. Three Firemen . Went Down To Their Deaths. : London, Ont., Aug. 19.--During the main contlagration in the portion of the Cronyn block, occupied by the Westman Hardware company, last night, in which three men, Uhiei Clark, Fireman Wynn and Se . Cockburn, R.C.R., lost their lives, the flames spread to the roofs of the buildings oceupied by the Crown Hardware Uo., Hunter's flour and seed store, and the Morrison Shoe company. 'These struc tures were saved from the flames only by thé most strenuous efforts on be- half of the firemen. The bodies of the three unfortunate men have b#n recovered. The estimated losses sustained by the Westman Hardware Co. and the several burldings 600, as nearly as until after the report. adjoining arg $102,- be computed, examiner's can surance ------ DAY OF MUSCLE-WORSHIP., This Is Like Unto The Day Of Nimrod. _ Aug. 19.="In the days tried to make a perfect said Kev. ueorge Sherbourne "and, also, l'oronto, Nimrod they man out of musele, . Salton, Stratford, at street Methodist church, we have come to a day again when athletic prowess is regarded high wbosguintellegt. 1f | say, 'show me a perfect man,' there are people who will point' to Tommy Burns or Robert Fitzsimmons * or Corbett, and say, "Fhere is a perfect man.' " The minister referred to Rome the days of Nero as an example of nation gone military-mad, to dnciont Greece, where intellect alone was ex- alted, and finally to the worship of ritualism by the Jews in early days. "When Christ, the only perfect. man, walked the earth, came," he 'Crucify him; cru- in who ever said, "'they cried, cify him ! ? HFLD BABE IN HER TEETH a Mother Saved Her Child Drowning. Aug. 19--With a when her ofispring the risk of her Stephenson, «a How From Fulton, Mo., ther's fearlessness mo- is in danger, and at own life, Mrs. J.-B frail little. woman, lowered herself into an eighteen-foot well, saved her two- vear-old child from drowning, and clunbed to the top, holding the infant in her teeth by its dress. The babe was playing near the top of the well and stepped off backward; feet of water at the falling into four bottom. Harvesters Too Muck For Woman. 19. --Journeying on a Winnipeg, Aug harvest excursion to join her husband in Edmonton, a woman was driven mad by the saturnalian orgies.She was taken care of by the C.P.R. physician at Winnipeg, or the Winnipeg officials would have returned her east. She ap- peared to be suffering from delusional insanity. Her husban was communi cated with and finally the woman was placed in the care of friends. Orgies Of Montreal Markets. Montreal, Aug. 19.--Outside of Mon- treal Power, which sprang into pro- minence in late trading, yesterday, the general market better to-day. Power had been sagging for some davs and on vesterday's buying the price was litted from 95 to 95} and in 0-dav's.dealing's was further ad- 61. Rio was easier pt with bomds active at 854. firm at 172% The was vanced to 593% te Pacific and 119 respectively. w and Soo were -------- Dies From Broken Neck. Belleville, Aug. 17.--W. A. Phillips, a well-known resident © of Malone, was killed while uncovering a lumber pile. While removing one of the boards it broke, precipitating him to the ground and breaking his neck. His brother's neck was broken through falling from a bridge some years ago. Opening Of Classes. . Professos G. A. Palmer, physical di- rector of Queen's University, has im- proved wonderitily during his stay at Bermard -McFaden's Sanitarium at Battle Creek, Mich. He will return soon and commence classes of scientific physical culture and remedial courses. 1.000 Islands--Rochester. Steamers' North King and Caspian leave daily. except Monday, at 10.15 a.m for Thousand Island ports, and at 5 pm. for Bay of Quinte ports and Rochester. ' of PITH OF THE NEWS. ; -- Tho Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. y Mrs. J. E. Lount, ir, i while img™ ue rinanciers are offermg to support the Banque de St. Hyncinthe, of Montreal. Lecll Whitheld, 'Toronto, nineteen years of age, was drowned at Centre island. Lord Strathcena states he has cross ed the Atlantic' over one hundred times, - The health of the emperor of Russia is causing anXiety mm the Russian circle, : There will be no general election in Fugland until 1911, probably not un- til wi SS. Sicilian at Quebec; SS, Nir ginian and S3. Champlain, inward, at pelle Island. { ; At Beaumariz, Ont., Mrs. Lount, Bracebridge, wife of J. El Lount, registrar of Muskoka, lost her life by drowning. The Independent Labor party nom- inated J. G. O'Donoghue as parlia mentary candidate in the riding of South Toronta. The SS. Southwark, which ashore in the St. Lawrence, is pected to reach. Liverpool to-day. Rev. Dr. Joseph Wild, formerly of Toronto, died, Tuesday night, at the home of his son, Dr. Zimmennan Wild, Brooklyn. T. W. Burgess was compelled by an adverse tide to give up his. attempt to swim the ¥nglish Channel when with- in a mile of his goal. Rev. Dr. James Phelps, financial sec- retary of the . Syracuse University, commited suicid® in a Utica, N.Y, hotel, on Tuesday night. While in an ofileptic fit in her home on Sydénham street, Toronto, Mrs. Sherwin was attacked by a terrier and terrible wounded about the face. The report of Inspector Armstrong on the escape, on July 17th, of seven prisoners {rom Toronto jail, absplves the officials from any imputation of wilfull neglect, ~ 3 ran ' ex- much gambling on the steamer lmper- inl; of Quebec, and (Capt. Jean has been sumsmoned to answer to a charge of permitting it. It is believed that not a man of the seven mifiers who were entombed by -explosion which occurred, Tuesday, in the Maypole mine, at! Wigan, Eng., survived the disaster. Another mining camp near Jellico, Tenn., was cleared of negroes by an armed band. Notices have been serv- ed on all negroes: within a thirty-mile radius to get out in thrée days. The transcontinental commission will," to-morrow, open tenders for the construction of several .gaps in the line between - Moncton and Winnipeg. The railway commission will sit In Winnipeg, on Sept... 10th. John B. Cenmire, who lost the tops of the third and fourth fingers of his leit hand in some machinery at his work, on July 14th, has taken out a writ against W. C. Edwards & Co. for $2,000. W. J. Guppy, Windsor, Ont., seven- tv-six years old, a resident for four- teen years, is dead, following a short illness. - Mr, Guppy conducted a gen- eral store at New Burick for twenty- five vears. ) The man who was killed by a wR. train near the King street subway, Toronto, was identified as William Blatherick. He came two years ago from Mansfield, England, with his wife and son. The Donegani labor bureau of Mont- real, acting for the C.P.R., to-day, sent 200 new men to different points on the line to fill the places of strik- ers at such places as Toronto, Fort William and Winnipeg. At Mggrienbad for the celebration of Emperor Francis Joseph's jubilee, King Edward gave an official dimfe to forty guests. The king expressed his congratulations over the jubilee, wishing him a long life and happiness. William €. MecGhie, Toronto, has been appointed by the provincial gov- ernment as chairman of the exanin- urider the stationary engineers' 'The position is a new ons and the salary $1,500 a year. Wireless dispatches received in New York, {p-day, says the steamship Lusi- tania oo again broken all records, having up to noon, Tuesday, steamed at an average speed of 39 knots per hour, beating her present record of 95.01 knots an hour made last July. Sergt. Cockburn, of the Royal Ca- dian Regiment, one of the victims of the London fire disaster, was well known in Toronto. His parents live there, as do three brothers and two Cockburn was born in To- ers act. is sisters. ronto. Becky Brotzkey a young woman from Rochiester, N.Y., asked the Tor- onto police to help her to locate her husband, Abraham Stein. She has lately discovered that she is only one of six wives that he has. She would like to have the man arrested. Shortly * after midnight, Tacas Frane; of 77 Brooklyn avenue, Toron- th, dropped dead in the drug store of W. J. Mitdhell, corner of William av- enue and Sumach street. Heart fail- ure was the cause of death. Mr. Frane was fity years old. A despatch from Cranbrook, says a bush fire near Kimberley bevond control and rumning north- wards towards Skookumchuek. Sulli- van and Kimberley are safe. . There is a bad forest fire one niile east Moire: another fire is burning Ryan. W. CO. Sranf. of Charleston, W.Va., has bern appointed-general manager of the Lake Superior Corporation. He is expected to arrive this week, to take charge ofthe allied industries of the company. Mr. Sranf 'was former- lv general manager of Kanahha and West Virginia railway. B.C., 18 ol at with Watch | Get acg Black the big black plug chewing tobacco. A tremendous favorite Ler flavor" The police think there has heen too- J from 19, 1508. THE FISHING 6000 Bracebridge, vos ICECREAM SOCIALS = AN| ENJOYABLE FEATURE. | ' : ------ Rev. Dr. Porter Preached to the . Presbyterians and Methodists and Also to the *Prentice Boys ,--Recent Visitors. Stella, Aug. 19.--We are having a delightful season, with numerous visi- tors and cottagers. The fishing has been exceptionally good, and ting with sail, oars or motor is always in order, but specially in evidence in the evenings. We can muster quite a fleet. There has been a succession of ice cream socials in connection with the different congregations. They are a popular thing, therefore largely at- tended. The latest was held under the auspices of the Methodist church, on Saturday evening, at the residence of James Pringle, in the village. The ev- ening was pleasant in every way, and the attendance 'large. Over was J taken in. Sunday last, in the absence of Rev. James Cumberland, on a brief holi- day, Rev. Dr. Porter preached for the united congregations, in the Preshy- terian Shure in the morning and the Methodist: church in the evening. In the afternoon he gave the anniversary sermon to the ntice Boys' in the Methodist church. On all three oeca- sions. the churches were filled to the doors. Next Sunday Mr. Cumberland's pulpit will be fillet by Rev. Mr. Laird of AEN, Among recent . visitors from a dis- tance were H. S. Broughton and Miss Walker, of Bradford; John C. Abbey and Mrs. Abbey; of Port Dalhousie, have been guests at the Methodist parsonage. Through the 'courtesy Sf Capt. Saunders the visiting gentlemen have enjoyed fine sailing and fishing. On Thursday evening Mr. Broughton entertained the Methodist choir and a number of the congregation at an ice- cream, supper at the parsonage. NAPANEE HAPPENINGS. Left For The Cana- dian West. Napanee, Aug. 19.--Mr.. and Mrs. Henry Nulling left on Tuesday, to visit his brother, Hugh Nulling, at Indian Head, Sask. 0. A. Snider leit Tuesday to spend a couple of months at Pipestone, Man. John 8S. Paul, Newburgh, will spend the next two mgnths at Strassburg, Sask. Misses Frances and Mattie Wellbanks and brother George E. Wellbanks, of New- burgh, left Monday for the west. The Misses Wellbanks will attend college at Calgary, and their hrother will teach school near Edmonton. Roland Daly had the misfortune to slip one day last week, when he was exercising. He fell upon his wrist and sprained it very badly, but no bones were broken. Wilfrid Wilson and broth- er, Bogart, are camping at Bob's Lake, near. Tichborne, for a week or ten days. A large number of stalwart young merf went west this week to help with the harvest in the west. Amongst the namber are Frank Bartlett, EL Preston, G. H. Moore, H. J. Eby, ] R, Mabee, Fred. Norris,' Norman Paul, John Birrell, William Smith, G. Hal land,, W. John, R. Murphy, F. E. Lowry, Joseph Radgegs, Herbert Brant, John Davis, EK. Rr Carscal- len, A. Jackson, H. E. Curran,-S. C. Hamm, E. D. Robinson, W. N. Rob- inson. As many more are expected to go west from here, some on 20th and 22nd. Many Have Grant Was Increased. A well-attended meeting of the di- rectors of the Kingston Horticultural Society was held, Tuesday night, with the president, Col. Kent; in the chair. The annual show will be held on Sep- tember 16th and 17th, and all the necessary preparations are now under way. 'The pleasing announcement was made that the government grant had been increased $20, making the amount $200. | The prize list being en larged, and arrangements will he made to allow school children to visit the exhibition between the hours of four and six olclook. for the small fee of five cents. The society wishes to encourage the children in this work. Instantly Killed. Minneapolis, Aug. 19.--John Glueck, millionaire brewer, and his wile# to day, werp instantly killed by a train which wrecked their big motor car at Cottage Wood, lake Minnetonka. Two of their children, who were in the car, were badly injured. Mrs. Glueck's gistér, another of the party, is be lieved to be dying as a result of her injuries. ----t---- Baseball On Tuesday. League--Montreal, 10; To- ronto, 0-1. Baltimore, 3; Newark, 2. Bulinlo, 3: Rochester, 0. Jersey City, 5; Providence," 1. American League--Philadelphia, Chicago, 2. Boston, 3; Cleveland, Detroit, 7: New York, 3. Washington, 3. St. Louis, 3 (twelve innings). National Leagua--Philadelphia, Chicago, 3. Boston, 4. Pittsburg, 2. Eastern 4" Q S Annual Pienic. Locomotive employees will he in Lake Ontario Park, August Baseball, sport and dancing. Of held 22nd. Charles Ketcheson, eighty-five. years of age, a farmer of the 4th econces- sion of Sidney, was gored to death by a bull on 'l'uesday night. He was putting the animal in the stable when it turned on him. He was dying when found, living two hours. He was a prominent' man in the district. The Canadian Pacific expects to take 1.500 to 2,000 people away from * this district by thé harvesters' excursion on Thursday. Two special trains will be ruse A good number are also going by the Grand Trunk, via Chicago. The steamer America cancelled her excursion to Lake on the Mountain on account of the heavy weather. She had a large number "up from river points and they spent the day in the city. : Father Hopkins, pastor of St. Mary's church, Oswego, N.Y. is the choice of the Right Rev. Bi Lud- den as co-adjutor bishop of Syracuse. D.. A. Cays ae in New Westminster, B.C., on their way ' to! the coast. A be ai OF COMMERCE B. E WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 ALEZ. LAIRD, Genensi Manszer | Reserve Fund, - 5,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the Uniged States and England Y Every facility afforded to farmers and COUNTRY BUSINESS: Frog, ace afforded to farmers mei Sales notes will be cashed or taken for collection. counts may be opened by mail, and monies deposited or withdrawn in 15 banking business. BANKING BY MAIL * this way with equal facility. KINGSTON BRANCH, CORNER OF KING AND PRINCESS STS. P.C. STEVENSON, Manager. TOO BUSY TO EXHIBIT AT TORONTO EXHIBITION Bug a vig When in Toronto to the old rm, with its modern m expert and courteous attention, will assure you of its continued success. MANUFACTURERS OF ARTIFICIAL LIMBS, TRUSSES DEFORMITY APPLIANCES SUPPORTS OF ALL KINDS AUTHORS & COX 135 Church Street, Toronto = WE HAVE BEEN MAKING AND FIITING FOR 49 YEARS { 3 ls ok at AAI AL TE Furniture Sale Everything reduced from 10 to 25%, Your oppor= tunity to save money. This sale includes a full line of Carriages and Go Carts. Couches from $4.50, 5.50, 6.50 and up. Parlor Suites (3 pieces) from $15 up. Parlor Suites (5 pieces) regular $25 for $20. R. J. REID, Ambulance Call 577. 230 Princess St. COOCOOOCOOOL & ------- Evangeline Ganong's G.B. Chocolates Always fresh. The finest in the city. . : id 4 A.J.REES, 166 Princess St The Canada Life Assurance Company Holds the strongest Reserves of any Life Assurance Company on the North Continent--a Canadian Company made by Canaglian people'for Canadian people, 62 years ago. Dividends licyholders have been large all these years, and are Pras owing to the unique position occupied y the Company. Rates for women the same as for men. Keep your money in Canada by purchasing Canada Life Contracts. Full particulars®f how a policy will shape for you, the office--18 Market Street, Kingston. . J. O. HUTTON, Manager. ALUMINUM ALL GRADES. LOWEST PRICES. Canada Metal Co..Ltd.,"roronto. ont ~ Nordheimer Steinway 'Pianos Pianos Se given af i d ge

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