wtaarennp { KINGSTON'S VISITORS Are cordially invited to in- our Showrooms, where finest collsotion of manu- factured Furs in Eastern Canada, are on exhibition. Everything shown manufac- tured in Kingston. John McKay Fur Houss, STORES,-- 107 Princess St., 149-155 Brock St. 50000000000000000000 Diamonds Make superb gifts and have what every present should have--sentiment and in- trinsic value. Buy here and you are sure of getting only the best. Solitaire Rings, { Razors of all kinds. 'W. A. Mitchell, BIJO be. Wednesday and Thursday. Be. PICTURES OF THE QUEBEC TERCENTENARY "SHOWN AS THEY SHOULD BE SHOWN." With appropriate' music and elaborate descriptions read by Messrs. Jones and Waring. The principal personages tified for the audience. will be jden- Gillett Razor Blades Sharpened and Made As pood as new for 26¢. Package Special attention paid to Safety HARDWARE. Dandruff, Which is a Germ Disease from $10 . ICAUSE OF FALLING HAIR, --XKill the Germ. WIL BE 0 NEGLECT OF PATIENTS IN ISOLATION HOSPITAL. tet Fears Set at Rest--The Few Pa- tients Are Recovering Rapidly Doctor Will Se Engaged if Necessary. Inquiries have been made by those directly interested ii the board of health's action in refusing to allow the medical health officer to attend the contagious disease cases in the iso- lation hospital, in view of his being a physician in active practice, means that the patients will be in any way neglected. Mayor Ross and Chairman Corbett state that the patients will receive every care, and that the with- drawal of the health officer in the city's as well as his own interests will not be to the injury of the sick ones. Those at present in the isolation jiaepital are not in need of medical at- tendance, but merely of a little care. All of them are recovering nicely, De: Ross says. He and Chairman Corbett and Dr. Etherington, visited the place { practically better health than she has | been i ment, { ders. {1 the hair is caused by dandrufl, last evening and found everything in { good arder, and one of the patients in for years. The open air treat- good food and sunshine do won- If a patient requires a doctor, one will be engaged to give his whole time at the hospital where he would be quarantined along with the patients. board of health committee deems a nurse necessary, in addition to a doctor, one will be engaged. The needs of the patients will be attended to as they arise. There promised to be an investiga- tion by the board of health in:con- nection with statements alleged to have been made by the medical health officer to relatives of patients in re gard to probable neg of and dan- ger to the ill if a-Physician did not look after them daily. The health of- ficer states that he was misunderstgod and that he did not make the state- CITY AND VICINITY. x For An Afternoon Sail. Take the stesmer América, Thurs- day,2.30 pm. on her famous tour of the islands. 306. One Thousand Boxes. : Fancy Lawton blackberries -expected Thursday morning. Low prices by the erate, at Carnovsvy's. Gone To Brandon. Rev. W. P. Reeve, of Kemptville, has been appointed to the parish of St. Matthews, Brandon, to succesd Rev, A. W. de Pencier, who accepted a call to Vancouver, Corns Will So. : "You have no corns that cannot * be thoroughly removed in a few days with Peck's Corn Salve. The remedy does not fail. In boxes, 15ec., at Wade's drug store. Don't Howl With Neuralgia. Cure it now, drive it out for all time. Rub on Nerviline; it's quick death to neiralg'a, rheumatism or lumbagp. Sure cue guaranteed with every 25c. bottle of Polson's. Ner viline. Called At The City Hall. While in the eity the governor-gen- eral also visited the city buildings, He expressed his. regret upon seeing the damage done to the tower by the fire. The governor- general walked around the city amd not one person out of fifty recognized him. What Toromte Mail Has. Dr. Currie, ex-M.P., will be urged to oppose Mr. Alcorn in Prince Edward coonty, and strong pressure is being brought upon William Harty, MP. to run again in Kingston. It is rum- ored that the grits have offered to support H. A. Calyin if he will run as an independent conservative against Dr. Edwards in Frantehac. ' Fined For Having Bad Dog. Borden Likely. to vl in Carleton County And Halifax--Fault of Lesing Their Ties With . the Ottawa Authorities. Ottawa, Ang. 19.--The enquiry into the work of the marine will be resumed carly in September, probably in the first week. There will be no more long sittings in Ottawa, and the enquiry will proceed to Mont- real, Quebec and outside places: al most immediately. J Cassils can now devote his whole time to the en- quiry, owing to the _ appointment of an exchequer court It is expected now that Hon. R.. L. Borden will ran in Carleton county and Halifax at the coniing elections. Carleton county conservatives are re- lying upon his doing so. Thirteen spetial constables were sworn hy the C.P.R. to-day. Asked regarding the missing defence scheme of Halifax, this morning, the acting deputy minister of militia re fused to say anything one way or the other. The fault of losing them lies with the Ottawa authorities. Fdward Cotteringham, the default: ing treasurer of the Union Traction company, of Tipton, Indiana) waived extradition proceedings and left for home, to-day, in charge of Detective Devaulti of that place. Cotteringham, who was a trusted employee of the concern, absconded with $4,000 of the company's money nine weeks ago. He tuned up in Ottawa under the name' of Blward Craven, and was about to establish a ginger ale factory when arrested. Cotteringham's arrest was due to a woman who hailed from Tipton with him, but who left him in Buffalo after a quarrel. ° STIL!. ANOTHER INDIAN." - with our complete new. s IM.P. < " FOR THOSE Who 'or are 'thinking about we give a list of some of the best selling makes, and we offer others. as weil, Bee Hive Yarns In'the Genullib. Baldwin's English make. 3 colors anil Black nd White to select rom. Double Berlin Wools In Black and White and 50 colors, in-- cluding the popular shades of Light Blue and Pinks. Single Berlin Wools it, we can interest you of Fine Wools, Beja, to as high as you care to go. License Inspector's List Continues To Increase. "I don't want to dvink; vou can put me on the "Indian list," or I will be willing' to sign the pledge." This. little speech was made by Wil liam Troy, an Englishman, when ar- raigned before Ald. Givens, the acting | magistrate, in police court, this mom ing. Ald., Givens took Troy at his | word, and notified the license inspec: | tor to take out papers against the ae- cused. On Tuesday afternoon, A. B. Sho- well, township of Kingston, appeared before Col. Hunter, ¢harged with own-| ing a dog that was killing sheep. Two | lambs and two sheep owned by Wik lism Sproule were killed hy the dog. After hearing the evidence, the magis- trate imposed a fine of $10 and costs. | germ disease I'he gérm |ménts credited to him. Whatever was of the hair|said caused. a flatry, as the special vitality of the [committee appointed by the beard of to fall out, health waited wpon Dr. Bell to find digs up the little {out if the statements brought to them | called damdrufi or seurf. You can't by relatives of patients were true. The | stop the falling hair without curing health officer replied that his state- the dandrofl; wid vou can't. cure the] Mepts had heen misunderstood, and | Sandra killing the dandruff that all he said to the relatives was . - {that he could no longer attend the + germ, the cause you .Fe- patients in the isolation hospital. { move Newbro's Herpicide In connection with the contagious {is the only hair preparation that kills] jicease eases, it is but fair that the the dandruff germ Herpicide is health officer should be given the cre- | a delightiul dressisg. dit due him. He has given a large Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c {part of his time to looking after pati- | in stamps for sample to 'The Herpi- ents that" he. was not required by law { cide Co., Detroit, Mich. Two sizes, Sec. [to attend, and he endangered himseliy Mahood, special agent. jd 8. GW in various ways. which is a | in burrowing it destrovs the the cuticle in into the root In all wanted shades and in Black and White, 50 shades to select from. Andalusian Wools AND Shetland Wools 'All the popular shades and in Black and White. Germunfown Wools* For Golf Jackets and Fancy Scarfs all the shades now in demand. Shetland Floss As every Wool user knows, is one that requires care in selecting, as some makes. work up better and look better than others. We have had the experience and now offer the make that gives best results Knitting Yarns In several makes. Good values in 3-stone and | | | Vol Falling R five-stone rings. where hair, causing hair scales, The Foresters' Convention. Arrangements are being made for the visit of the Independent Order oi Foresters' convention to he held here cn the 26th and 27th. The This will mean another notice for will be held ine St. George's hall. | Kotelmen. They now have the names Three hundred delegates are expected | of about fifty persons, who must not from Eastern Ontario. A trip among | he served with liquor, andi according the Thousand Islands will he te dered to reports, it is a very difficult task the visitors by 'the city council. | for them to keep tab on all of them. | The suggestion has been made that Death Of Mrs, W. Young. | photographs be taken of the "Indi- The death occurred this morning of | ans." and that these he posted up mn Mary Jane Young, wife of Wellington | all barrooms, hut, of course, this Young, 240 Princess street, after two| would not look nice. The list of late vears' illness. Deceased was sixty-|has been going up in leaps and two vears of age, and wa$ formerly | bounds, Belleville. She is survived by her! hushand, three daughters, Mrs. Monk, | f Toronto, Mrs. "Milne, of Peter: Etta Smith, Bagot street, is Sta, -. Mrs. Seanton, of Kingston, | Strychnine Revived Man Who Had spending her vacation: in Picton. and bv one son, Frank, at home. be Died. : . | New York, Aug. 19.~A man who en. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders | retuived 3 Meduley's. "Phone 7 Capt. Donnelly Very- Low. { from every medical standpoint was and wile, ave holiday visors in. dhe] Cont. TF. Donnaiv, who hus heen! dbl, atel bad ben dad for fe min city. ¢ iy critically ill for many months, .- has Motiv ovopin o a Basten ' Die. Mis. grown worse within the past, few) [CAE oe Brey days. He became very much weaker | Ar ac P a a # amin h 1 hi ¥, Tuesday afternoon.: At first. it An experienced nurse watched him, < y © S thought he would nat survive through | apparently, pass, away. he applied the night, hut to-day he is a lifftle { all -the usual simple tests for-hife and ght, \ 8 kstronger. Capt Donnelly has main- | found none, Then the house surgeon re : 1 5 : | examined the man carefully, and he tained wonderful vitality, and with- . : a : after a lapse of moments, decided ine a week has shown intelligent in| 1 the vital ark. hod* vone " 3 : : a s < 2 per- terest in public 'events and in busi ait Hal sy gone | oh . manently. hess. Yet a tenth of a grain of stry hnia, | injected into the body as a matter of | experiment, brought back the pulse, and six hours later the man was in better condition than he had been an hour hefore those functions ceased. without "Destroy the effect.' § Spangenberg JEWELLER, and also DIAMOND MERCHANT hair sessions INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Cabmen's 'phdne 490. LAK, excursion through Thousand | Islands, on 26th. | of Rev. Father Keaney, of Lanark, is a Fisitar in the city. Black Silks WAS DEAD, AND IS ALIVE. ISS John H. Seels, and son, Au. are at Newboro for a couple of Loa A T weeks. was | ower Prices. => railway, &P: va- despatcher 'K is enjoying a well-earned cation. Miss R. S. morning, France, Miss Reta Sutherland, St. the Miss Dickson, rie street. Mrs. W. J. strect, is spending a few the river. H. Cunningham, piano tuner Chick kering 8. Les ave orders at Black Taffeta at 65c. ot hen We are offering a splendid quality Wash. any : ble Black Silk, suitable for Waists and Dresses at 60c yard, full 27 inches wide and equal to our usual 75¢ quality. Others at 85¢, 90¢c, $1.00, 1.10 yard: satled, this for Paris, Hinekley from New York, Louis, is guest of Jessie Bar- Dining Car Service. The Grand Trunk is receiving a great number of letters from their pa- trons praising the excellent service on their dining cars, which is beyond comparison. A commercial teaveller writing to a frien recently says: "On dining car No. 2802 {rain No.1, be: tween Port Huron and Chicago, I had as nico, a dinner as | had ever been served with in any dining car, The vervice was excellent, emplovees cour- teoug and éverybodv seemed: to he anxious to give good service." Saxony Yarns For Men's Fine Sox. Barrie down Crothers, jr., days Canned Goods Cheapen. Toronto, Aug. 19.--For this sea- V est { { Jools son's pack of tomatoes and corn a reduction has heen made of twenty- five to forty per cent. a dozen below the prices of last year. This' change has been ordered by the Consolidate] Canners, who have been suffering from competition with the independent ¢an- ners. The quotations for tomatoes are 85c., 95¢. and ¥1 a dozen cans net to the retailer, against $1.25 per dozen last year. Corn is quoted at 75¢. and R85¢. a dozen, or twenty-five per cent. cheaper than last year. Peas are twenty-seven per cent. lower. from Mec- Rochester peaple have a camp at Bob's Lake. There are twelve tents, Miss Alice Robinson, of Watertown, N.Y., is visiting her aunt; Mrs. W. Drury, 290 Queen street. Mrs. Alfred Simons and two daugh- * ters, of Ottawa, are the guests of Black Peau de Soie at $1.10 Ns se, York sire . . Pr. Bogart has returned to the city Burke's Falls, to perform an operation ahd Mrs. R. W. MeVety Grace, of Milwaukee, visiting relatives in the city E. H. Youne, Rockwood Hospi- tal, is visiting his parents, Mf. and Mrs. William' Young, Edinburgh Road, Guelph Miss Edna Benn, spending a week at tage, the guest of Air McMahon. Miss Mabel and two children, Is to be found in our large and stocks, to fit all figures. spending two months' Saratoga Springs, N.Y. 50c. to $3.50 Pair. (En ir of ho Hor gin ronse, Toronto, accompanied by his wife, spent a few days in the city. They returned home last night. Mrs. C.J. Hinckley and Miss May came home, yesterday, fram Cape Vincent, N.Y.. where they have been Visiting friends for the past week. It is expected that the civie holi- day sports committee will have a sur- plus of $60, A meeting will he held in a few da¥s to wind up affairs, A constable arrived in the city, to- day, from St. Catharines, with a pri- We desire to draw yotir attention to the width of the Cottons we sell. Ours are gorier Focutly senteestl 10 NG invariably 36 inches wide, whilst others Dr. A. Walter Jones fot doy Jomes, offer 32 inches wide. ' of "Akran,: Bio. nam! wife and child, of Elizabeth, N.J., are Prices 12V4¢, 14c, 15¢, 17¢, 20c, visiting their sister, Mrs. W. Drury, 2nd. 25¢ Yard. For Children's Fine Undervests. Soft qualities. lar 75c valuegs Fully equal to the regu- a May Wax Wins Again. was At Woonsocket. Rhode Island, Tues day afternoon, W. H. Carson's May and | Wax added another to her long string Wie. |of successes this season In the 2:23 "| class she finished first in three strgight | heats, making excellent time. There was strong 'competition, but the little mare from _ Kingston out-footed her speedy rivals under the skilful guid- ance of Driver A. Haves. to whom is due a great deal of eredit for the | fine showing May Wax has made this | vear. from where he called Mr. daug Exactly the same quality as sold last sea- son at $1.35. 'Ghe Jdeal Corset varied htdr, Dairy Produce. Shipments of cheese from Montreal, last week, amounted to 65,493 boxes, as against 60,216 boxes for the pre- vious week, and 82,437 boxes for the corresponding: week of last year. Tot- al shipments from Montrégl since May. lst, S86.712 boxes, as compared with 1,046,124 boxes for the corresponding period. of last year. Total shipments from Quebec since May lst; 27.320, 05 | semmm--" compared with 37.908 boxes for oAhely corresponding period of last year. Total exports since May lst, 914,032 boxes, as compared - with 1.084.027 boxes for the corresponding period of last year. are Queen street, is East View Cot- and Mrs. A.W, Slade, Mrs. J. E. Slade have returned after vacation at Who'll Be Appointed ? It is understood that quite a number of persons are seeking the position of vice-United States consul at Kings- ton, in succession to the late Henry Folger. 1t would be a kind and ap preciative act on the part of the au- tharities at' Washington if thev would place in the position Howard 8. Fol- the son of the decegsed viee consul, who for so many years acted gratuitously--all thropgh the long temm of the late Col. Twitahell and up to the time of his recent illness. The son would be a eapahle successor to the father. The citizens of Kings, ton would like to sed a member of the Folger family continue to discharge the duties of vice-ponsul at this im- portant consular centre. Special Bargain] Old Ladies' Fine Kid Low Cut Elastic Side Boots, low heels, light soles, regular * $1.65, 1.75.. ~- / Horrockses' White Cottons at Reduced Prices. A Political Rumor. Ottawa, Aug. 19.--An interesting politieal rumor here is that J. A. Go- heil, formerly deputy minister of pub- lic works, will be liberal candidate in Montmaorency and that George Parent, M.P.. will measure swords with L. Ro- bitaille, M.P., in Quebec county. e ger, Annual Picnic. Of. Locomotive employees will be held in Lake Ontario Park, August Baseball, sport and dancing. * 200 Queen street. Quite a number went to Gananoque, today, to witness the canoe and vacht races there A large number will: go down tonight, to attend the donee at the Yadht Club, While fishing near Mackenzie Island, on Monday evening. Stuart Polson enpceeded in landing a fifteen-pound rike: The pike fishine is reported to be very good there this vear. ; William Ewart, whe has fioured gnite prominently in Portsmouth po- lice oourt circles lately, and two ecom- wanio~s, were slated to arwear hefore Col. Foamter, charged w th being drunk 'and disorderly. First. Lot Of The Season. Of the Bradshaw, a large blue plum. Daily arrivals at Carnovsky's. The citizens of Amherst Island nw- er forget to gommemorate the deeds their forefathers. The 'Prentice ys celebrated the relief of Derry with an ice cream social and dance at Stella on Wednesday evening, the 12th. There was a good attendance and rea! enjoyment, Vietorig Hall Las used for dancing and refreshmenis were served on the groulds adjoining. Harold McPhee, Orillia, was Sirown- ed in the Severn River. EMssansesyessissensarersusesesseesees 00800000000 NANNES000000000000000 y § § P.S--Suit Cases from $1. '