YEAR 75-80, 1 195. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY AUGUST, 20. 1S ARRANGED - Pensions Provided For Aged People: MEASURE PASSED BY THE AUSTRALIAN PARLIA- MENT IN FAST TIME. New Zealand Led the Way in 1898 --Bill Was « Rushed Through Federal Parliament and Adopt- ed With Scarcely a Protest. Sydney, N.S. W., Aug. 20.---1he important measure passed by the fede ral parliament the old-age invahd's pension bill, which was rush ed through both houses and adopted with scarce a protest only a few davs ago. This ultra-democratic ushers in a completely new sounds the knell of the one that hay Such a measure parliament It way | | most | was and measure era ana passed away. thinkable in on universal Zealand that led the first old-age pension Jorce on April 1st P| Victoria followed age of pensions rs New Zealand, sions given character provided tinuously ided The w that pensioner total income, of more than nor I ropet ty in value, provisions based New a not sulirage. was in 18US, mto act coming New South Wale suit in 1901, the fixed mn five, being ns and 1 sIaty pen at to on had colony being per gooil they in the Zealand act also pro to his | (F260) al £270 res or N a state vided have pension, was not including £52 exceeding a year (31. Thede qualifications have been mainly ed bv New South Wales and Victoria, but the amount of the differs in each of the three New Zealand. gives only week ($U0 a vear). Victoria Néw South Wales Married couples head unless the feel that fo 0) with sundry minor adopt pension places named three no eight ten have | a ghil n shillings shillings a week copt less per Many people of the state to the old, and serious and ay fy to ac apart no part pensions so is to the various ducted . by private enterprise, courage improvidence, and courage thrift. nt it is to be extremely unfair for some the states to give pensions and others to remain aloof. It is generally felt pensions are to be given at better that they should be the Commonwealth to residents Commonwealth than that them the now it i 8 duty ara that to mjury do} inflict on provident a gocwties con to to also on dis- felt | of for old all it given by in the | that if e \e pension he given by two or e of in the states not having their premiers at they the Ar old willit th genera! wat ad through age } une recent expressed their ioin contere scheme, 'the least | be pai Pen persons nee hill ible not ill nn a Inaw to hoeame with he delay later d ions nd ons wil pen next June ted ol wpacitats d through than he Ve also te ab ¢ ace who ave perma sixteen ne or a ently wol valid ! Te (R130) the not to he greatyr vear in any event, nor must exeond_> required S00 oon) of this abo taxa income The £1. 500.000 foner's (2260) mone will he per anpun large sum i= bound novel experiments bel Saskatchewan Election. 20 Final tury > for 1.) has elected Mr nin the sta in the niteh ided fourteen some tion lon lin re seat thirty I parties twenty-six and conservative DAILY MEMORANDA. all Fat rived Bros tit at Canpbe 1.0.1 ( Ve ar Frontenac and I Steamer Amer am, Friday See A Moving ville mes ne 8 O abor 0 Pp ca dénshurg fonr aude August 20th In Canadian History 7 Second ywi--Royval gan 1886--1hon of ontario, Nice, January Is 2=Pre clamation iege ol we 07 in ast died as chief horn ith sident jesued a pr Canada M re by establishing tells t cunal : was opened of Aberdeen oldest. Canad ar ot N.B nt n Look 'At The Snaps: These sots are short Amal pieces See them. one of each. $25.00 Sets for 16.00 14.50 12.50 12.00 10.00 9.50 9:50 8.735 / Come qui ti lilies ROBERTSON BROS. baronet | he | Whate, | ciety | "Gloucestershire Bele. | park, | Iriendly { ligms, | chester, | i3ah | cd | death | life el her | daughter, | of heing ut | mous winner | Harmsworth cup |B was placed in the important gage Lawrence tion of Capt. erane | crowd watched 1 wildfire, t the « | € Wood ( varnis I constitutes att pounding (attendants and. no tra ed | i OLD ROMANCE. Story Of A Beauty Victoria's Time. Aug ui he romantic | | i % ol a lady s maw who marred g and who was subsequently | the altar by humbic car- | Mo 5 recalled by the death, LW. D. rris' Narrow Es Adie cape From Drowning. mnety-two, ot Mrs. i time the wile of the| Jaghott, of the Priory, | aiieitan which oecurred at Stroud | Pathetic Louden, i. tory fod to a | penter as age ol at one late dir Paul Woodchester, workhouse. A girl extreme loveliness, he marriage sir Paul Baghott took place in She had acted as maid to Sir Paul's daughters, and the mar riage caused some sensation, but the | bride's beauty and general manners] won atl hearts, and she became 5 so-| toast. under the name of the! ; tees Sir Paut a nd' Mrs. Morris Was Ah Eye Witness 1s wile had ene son born in als ut | in the same year the first-named died | of. the Mishap From the at the age of sixty-six. Rockport Wharf--A Brother of | Sir Paul owned several large esky ates John Morris, Kingston. Brockville, Ont., Aug. 20. Word bas the county of Gloucester, notably, one time, the beautifdl ypiatt| been received in town of the narrow Stroud, Bow the séat of Right | cscape from drowming experienced by Hon. Sir John E. Dorington, Bart. Alex- Mavor W. D. Morris, of Ottawa, room in the mansion house at Lypiatt | | when his gasoline launch was has always been pointed out as thej down bv a large vacht. He was definite place where = the gunpowder ged under the wreckage for plot conspirators met to promote their] feet and Tou nd his way to the surface cheme at the point of exhaustion. He The was all right again. ott He was alone in his port, about three miles summer home. As he into a shelter made for saw a large vacht Iving he neared its how ahead "The stopped in time it about midships, 1king th yd throwing Mr. Morris into river. He was carried der this which was hefore He end to" A TARGE YACHT HIT GASOLINE LAUNCH. | | | | in at d SON Sir Paul and Lady Bag-| Onn the of twenty-eight, monetary Lady her hved in strast- through the John Wil of Wood ol son of died at wing gregt hott 'and circumstances, and interest of the late for thirty years rector was appointed to one schools in the 1849, and married Kl who pre Prior to | boat, was horn tance Ot stopped work- | (hic time hroken his launch the surface ane Mrs, Norris wharf few eve itness age launch at Roek losses, below Soh was coming ned launches outside the launch vacht start she ed con not be ive lame 1 arish I ame pa 1 ruck the . the vacht she : a i ristired White her in carpenter hrey deceas to his own some On Dr. W cottage vears ag oF i 1 1 illiams secured her for In forced vacht under which she ved short death, to the house being necessitated by increasing and the inability i Catherine White, attend her funeral and hy the the and to within a tim her remov al w wate and the worked stance standhne hoard « her to fedhleness » He 1 w pro- perls Her friends was attended by a (rowd the ol foot and the awat cident { a villagers : number sxpenses ex] O ( borne friend WEDDING EX XCITEMENT Bridegroom Dies After Flight Avoid Rice. Aug. ~ 20.--1 he Waiam Smethurst A FINE CRAFT. A Famous Racing Boat Has Reached Clayton, N.Y. N.¥ Au 18. ~The fa boat racer, the Dixie II, the ent International Huntington | to and | r this alter transferring th from the bag to | | family married at London, of Clayton, Janes motor of Limerick, on Monday to Miss Phillips, of the Tuesday received a that he had died on Monday night. At the inquest to . the: waters of the St, | Tutsday night Mr wig 'done under the direc: |tated.. that as they Thomas Purcell. A big [after the ceremony lift the boat \ | cape tho shower rice thrown about the docks and! their friends, dnd her husband procegings, the of | wards complained of arrival spreading like Dufing the night { ing noise In r | She alarmed about | arrived Hay wards h morning. red same town, on | races at Ee Ww telegram stating ' . |g N ay, Ll. amive suddenly at Cork | work of 4 little boat won. The i Cork on widow held Smethurst 's leit the church they ran 0 at car os by after- was used to of : gathered the hoat pain. she he husband's NEW S awd a gurg thre he her the hut household a h husband died 1 running the gned Frank In 'appearance the Dixie is simila the xX islands I'he i doetor r shortly A ceased suf that the ceremony o Simple NOW owned -by alte IT wa nd, built land fc anc 1 medical de «] that th disea Wedding him. The! that Dixie 8 $ man ed from lens hinton and heart the Ane bh ge, ex-Commo Boat od wi Mot equippé I'he at 1 excitément of Shroeder lub, of Americ 200 horsepoiver hed its for lore or was too much Bljury returned a verdict to fect 1 boat 1s and Iw ken REORGANIZE DEPARTMENT nrg Upon the evervthing, depends DEATH SENTENCES. formance | the Names Mentioned in Connection. Aug. 20.--A ay I Some of wang jolla Foronto persistent which mor, = WwW partment mm the connection 1 entire the mn will of trorney Seven More Making a Total'of 26 For One Day. Petersburg, Aug. 20 more aut ment Llese th ons x proposed pr Corley kx Arman | hice in hand The sentences ' es y be Oovin wevu bar seven of the the down ol making 1 to evmour torn provincu crown leath, total for one ' throughout tw empire a sinister record the former fleet, ol ached men th Pwo cling of the rgamzatio Sea of taking pillage to found atu one been in an mpt lo an Corley w hich d here at War at ot. train X others were convicle and ons and Ihe robb we ri murders . A Divorce Question. tor: i Aug. 20 divoreed from Capt ut Jul AW, Pet- exceut yesterday at Tiilis burg wo Ni A t Gulhng Gullin defending interesting several 1 ra | Seat one ixtl bro Escaped From the suit a Attendants { N.} Aug. 20.--Dr Chiate ay, "the physician who has | through in pois Wa untor by endeavoring of grantee Victoria courts. BP) Seattle judgments the mmunity law Washington, is given hotuse and lot and Mary by Capt. provides densbhurg Warren, voung Og ter funate come mistake ang divorce wttle rms ol Tw Gullin, under state My ol physica wreck the of Iruggist 's a a the half l clerk com . prescription Ww hich had ordered. and who the State hospital at managed to escape from his of him His friends are much alarm have committed a o nterest Wil- city, 0 the a the streels, Gullin is con on « of Ogdens loctor a fired in burg. has in t he by: us son owned w ae can [question and wile are that either n at The. cast brought her whether the Seattle 'ruling regarding the perty made to found joint owners any and fear suicide be their marriage to determi the | he may a divorce and hus! -------- Call Extended. meeting the Billings' Bridge church "it was decided to Rev. W. = Hav. university graduate presbytery of Ottawa {he call will he cha he 'hort At a of eshvitenan call Queen's iicensed by the at its last meeting. i ! presented at the nest meeting of the {Mtawa preshytery, early in Septem- and is to-replace Rev D M who resigned last June Old Barracks To Be Razed. NA Aug. 20 two 8 t™ déxtend BA. to a a Watertown, Afier serving ninety as or many regulars. the. old the west of t at Madison Barracks, are being razed To new buildings. The old constructed in 1816 by t<tates Infantry. They stone ol stores years ha i he one histon United barracks at property Harbor, for regiments "stone government Sackets t ber Meleod now ! give room hirracks were the United are i lime For veral used, t Annual Ball, August 27th. N.Y... Ang. 20.---At a this morning the-date ol the annual hall _of the Frontenac Yacht Clab was fixed the night of August 27th a fiat 80 cial ent of vear this attracting many from New Philadelphia and elsewhere, as the island colony nd v8 a 3 Frontehad, and ane 8 the Vv been 1 meeting weld for : The the big warsiup. 1813, resort, York well the at For An All Day Sail. Take the steamer Am Brockville and Ogdensburg, returning from Ug Sic. ior S 130 rica Friday wshurg id io -- 5 po Quebec Lieutenant = Governorship. Avig 20--1t is reported here that Vid Pelle tier the 1.00 R. stafi, Montr al. appoin te A.D.C. to his A Pr Chica Pelletier, who appointed tapestr lientenant-governor province [valued at next month, tered a.m., 3 p.m. i Quehee, tor of -------------- y customs ofheid paintings and S80. 000 as being will be Sir 0, be the y nave cd statuary falsely en- } uncle, is of LONE AT THE TINE | broke the |'merantz kil his | open his house and subdued him, Then HIS | | but run | his he | Just | hont | { who | Posi jh | increased remarkably | ward wip ng out much of that | edne of | mier property | tha = 1 quarters | Niates| | worker a woman DOCTOR ATTACKED. "Throat And Threw Her From Ambulance. York, Aug. 20.--Twive seized by by a powerful maniac, had been called to attend, Crawiord, New York's only ante surgeon, narrowly hailed. Herman Pe two attempts to the police broke | Caught By vhom she Pr, Ma woman ped amnbu being had wile, male when She was an ambulance at the call. madman when he the policeman and the throat. She was eved than. she resumed task, and when the man and taken into the ambulafee she jumped inte her acous- tomed seat at the head off the patient. accompanied her, hat | more broke loose and ( rawford again. The at- | her off the ambulance, | njmiss were only for answered to the from they rang ER Crawford minister my away caught no her SOT pre was ssional Two policemen Pemerantz « attacked Ih Ks hey tack slight. CONSULAR AGENT. He Represents United States In| Santo Domingo. ~ | i | | | } PULLIAM, Uncle Domingo, tmancial WM. T. Pulliam at santo ing tabs the t tiny re wiblic with the tate report tiv rgport final disposal 200000 Gon Since the dege of the the amount and the strides ir NON William T. consular mt = Sam s ag 18 Kee on der a record v epeditors of will financial expected the bond greament a 1 "op \ tl And Who TIAL eer a hi aliairs in to ent the of ro issue | | of a United tari | has republie to- | tel Santo Domingo. Mae hd customs © duties P States and has made surprising it reat 1 various | | with which at one ened the ditors to inolve state pean THE REAL REASON Postponement Convention. For the of a; 1 ! | BOTHA Ae mess proposal, i tpons to PREMIER London, Aug. 20 Pietermaritzburg reason of the from Pretoria, ofticial Botha stitution Free State tal has not to be' the eaders of the and mini€tration was lect committee of the cording to a the r al | emanating t un conve 10 con and Orange agreement. Na Botha is The time subout a Colon' to ape olon for ivate bee first consulte ed «eral premger. itics interviewe Pret 3 The referr to the ature. A Smuts at d log WILL NOT STRIKE. Has Been a Backdewn in Pittsburg District. Pittsburg, Aug. 20.- Despite the sive . to strike, unless the aperators complied with their demands that six- tv-five cents be deducted from each . wages, each month, purpo the Il be no coal ers' strike. Th at a meeting There, is the district has aver declared met burg' There oe min- he miners, yesterday. rejoicing throughout the fact that a strike Had strike ve rown rene ove 1 been 10.000 Pitts- heen Ww il employment 1 out of m distri the : Cruel To Cat--Ends Life. York, Aug 20. Cpulbile the ace of his Apres of cruelty to a stray fein, supbrintendont of the Mawr apartments in We 121st street comapitied by shooting himself the © h fe and five children. Hens arre complaint of William 1 Mili estate agent, for throwing a p fence, ? to en New wt a eat, Pred- arsgr on Le erick Bryn suicide in sence of was a real, CLl OVEr ' ham, tings i by {in { terest, bene | a asked | me | for | matter | the jealled {the | their | cover leoast, ton {with for union | { cision was reached {hospital in Pittsburg, Pa.. on '1908, ASKS. $30,000 Sovereign Bank Wants fo Collect Mortgage. OBJECTS 10 THE AGT THE CONTENTION OF THE MORTGAGOR. Suit Follows Taking Over Private Banking Business at Tweed By the Sovereign Bank--Seeking An 1sjenttion. Toronto, Aug. ).--William F. Gra- of Hung township, Has- county, objects to being turned out of house and' home in an endeavor the Sovereign bank to eallect 330. 000 on mortuage. Mr. Graham is applying for an injunction restraining the bank from taking further proceed- {ings under the mortgage. wr. Graham's futher was a partos with & $1,000 interest in the private banking business of Murphy, Gorden {& Co.. The Sovereign bank took over business in December, 1901. Mr. Graham's father had died 1901, and then he had been represerdative of his father's in- but had not signed articles oi | Ip arin wrship. Some lime said firm, athdavit, FAT WOMEN SKIP. They Take This Exercise at the Thousand Island Park. . At the Thousand Island Park the stout=wTOmen, of whom there are many at this resort, have taken to skipping for exercise. The other day after lun cheon the wife of a well-to-do man, accompanied by several of her friends) went into a park store and purchased a - skipping rope. She led' the way down the main avenue, followed by the heavyweights, to whom she was to give instruction. Arriving close to the Columbia Hotel she halted, and then commenced to ship to the delight of the malé observers who intently watched the procedure, as well as a fine pair of ankles, for the instructor was of medium size, and gave the ap- pearance of being. the Loss in her home as well as of the skipping game. Then she handed the rope to one of the lighter heavyweichis whe gave a decidedly good exhibition. Finally the turn. of the beefiest woman of the coterie came, and she gave promise of becoming a real artist for she skipped eight whirls before becoming winded. The rope having gone the rounds, the stout ladies proceeded to take their afternoon siesta. They are steadily declining in avoirdupois, and gaining in grace, COME TO US FOR YOUR FALL a COURT AT PORTSMOUTH. s------ Two Offenders Were Sentenced to Jail. at 6 p.m. at Ports mouth, Thomas Ewart appeared he- fore Magistrate Hunter, charged with grossly assaulting his aged lather. sveral witnesses were exanving and it was brought out that the assault was committed while Ewart was in a drunken frenzy. Ewart n Tae up before the court before, and last time was let out suspended sentence. He was found cuilty and sentenced to six months in jail Henry Smith was summoned to pear, charged with drunk and disorderly, but when court opened he could not be found. Constable Baker hunted all over the village for him, bit he had left for parts unknown. He will be arrested on sight Mrs. Arthur Savers, the English § man who has caused much trouble in the village, lately, and-who has and who been in il for eight days, awaiting trial, also made her appearance She was charged with drunk 'and disorderly and ' was to one month in jail B. A. Hotel Arrivals. E.G. W. A Tweed this On Wednesday log of in the dissolution Mr. tiraliam, was called upon and the mortgage In gues- then represented to who was acting defendants, that it was a of form, and they only wanted the mortgage 1n question to show to {the bank shareholders that the firm of Murphy, Gordon & Co., had faith in assets handed over by them to the and that I never would be , anything account of said morigage the assets in hands were amply ~ suflicieat to liability of Murphy, Gordon them.' Latchford will an injunction. alter as n on to sig and it the to, was by solicitor, the ap» We will show you how easy it is to sav~ money and at the same time wear stylish clothing. As is usual with us the styles first shown are of a distinct character, those which depict the latest of fashions changes. We Are Offering New Suitings Motor Cheviots, French Worsteds, being defendants, 3 to pay on $0 as has any ( to Justice motion for X oO hear the | being sentenced PITH OF TF THE NEWS. D. W. Powers W. McShed, Mis A: Mosher, Jr., Gegoux, Mrs. A. Lombard, Mrs. Master Robert Mosh- er, New York: Mrs. Fred. L. Charles, Cuba. N.X.: C. E. Boudy. New York ; G. W, 'McNaughton, Sydenham; Mrs. G. Townsend, Buffalo: ©. Jeffrey, M. Farrington, Picton; A. R. Bastable and wife, Montreal; James Colville, Rockford, Mi: J. J. Andersor, Mr. and Mrs. Maisah, W. Grose, F. T. Smith, A. Aubin, J. W. Young, Montreal; J. J. Bigaall, J, W. Loit- house, S. Mann, J. I'. Birchard, ! Spencer, D. Grige, F. N. Northeotte, W. Sheppard, E. H. Wilkinson, Toron to: WM. € Dawson, G. W. Clench. St Catherines; W Mevers and wife, J. 8. Meyers Texas: Ella Van Pelt, A. Wal. Brown: Newark, X A. Talbot. Akron, 0.; Miss Clayton, N.Y.: G Emerson, Emerson, New York: F. W. Fraser, Jas. White. H. 0. Boy en, Montreal Russell. Wilson, Mrs. James R. Wilson, Saskatoon: W, = Fdwards, C. F. Edwards, Fred, J ind: ithe | Stewart, D. Morcan and Otta- win b picked { : Ya H Powell, Fort Ind ha' bua S. Clayton and wife, City ; the tree P. Smith, J. A. Anderson, Nor- {man Krons, Syracuse, N.Y.: A. Bar Belleville: w E. Gibson, Grand View on; Hudson NY KE. C. Nation, X.} George H { Flood PLY, Pe trout, The Very Latest st Culled From All Over The World. working its along the way down Caucasus Cholera is Black Scotch, English and Domestic Tweeds, Fine Vengtians, and Broadcloths, the Sea have heen arrested Japanese spies Bay, south of Peter-the-treat Vladivostok Prof. W. McGill, CE, lec- Muir Edwards, B.Se., has been appointed a turer at Edmonton University. At Syracu N.Y., General Dwight Bruce, postmaster, died on Wednes- He seventy-iour years old. neg and her five childr@n were death neay Tenn., cabin was white of Satin Cloths and H Chamois Cloths. day A burned vhen mountaineers was And a great range of 'ex- clusgive Suit Patterns. ress to their ico, by N : Dallas Houston, Tex J 0: Grant, fired Call and see them. You'll be delighted. was ex- an Italian, Inlet, after shots with the constable shot slightly cold physicians Frank Sporanco, an at B an hange ol he arrested mn J which indisposed, hav afiected | orde Lhe hich has ave rest erton, Unt., the tied on the shore and carried it into the bay. anmver SONS, Wavne, Jersey LH George boat Bay ross gan tops ac The 150th lishment of in Noy Neotl Halifax, on We Hon, G. P railways and minister and Chief eny ler, intend taking Trent canal this week Mrs. Wardwell, the quarantined leper Wardwell, 'escaped from at Tombstone, Ariz. on | supposed" to Pacifi¢ train of the estab representative gon ernment was celebrated sary rer, o a at dnesday Graham, minster and his deputy M. J. But over the Rehem 0 canals, BOTTING 1908 1 Heer nt Death Of A Child. Mrs. Mrs F : street, } cineers of friends child a trp Reid a of Lilliar mofiths Samuel the the Union pathy Um their | SW AR Re ames orl I REID. --In Fhe PH ow three daught Le ! nibs and ral privat i 0 chock in loss rs Dorothy i infant aged little weeks 1 and ! four ill for ni little one gir! ha She vear a boarded Southern California Minneapolis, Min state convention, 1 heen about was on a Way ) re § ine the demo Wednesday A. John-| re-election | de- | | bendy The MOT Hing frail stand held ks covery. bat hey y t « on t 4 Co amped for John and nominated him for rush after a remarkable monstration There is great i fish the Alice which sailed March," have Their combined enty-eight. A second 'ROBERT 3. REID. The Leading Undertaker. | 'Phone, 577. 227 Princess street. Summer Drinks, stowar s Lime Lome Jules, tower's Lime Juice Cordial, Toor s Lime Juice, Raspberry Vinegar, Fruit Syrups, Gurd's Ginger Ale, Gurd's Soda Water, Gurd's Caledonia Water, Imported Ginger Ale, Imported Singer Beary? disease Friday 1 to able will | not Governor be son, a Gananoque Yacht Club Dance. mourning at Cancale.| The dance at the vachi schooners, the Bodelaise, | club on Wednesday after the t Paul, and the Marseillaise | rao0s was grand A large | for Newfoundland in [m amber from the present I been given up as lost. the evening i | During rews numbered sev-| > i \ " presented and the Kinzstonians got theirs cheers bid went up made to assassinate the chief of police} {fair to lift off the Fhe hop was ending grand day's of Pratigofsk, Three? men emptied | fitting their revolvers at the chief, but failed | sport. to hit him. The shot down one of the revolutionists | but other | two escaped. A sensation has plomatic civeles at fusal of President the Brazilian minister of French interests in Cananogne tht SK a nig ! sucee city was the cups were a { to the unsuccessinl attempt. was} roof. to a police the The Cape Vincent Fair. The Cape Vincent fair oper ay and a large number from attended, . The exhibits in Castro to perdnit { branches are larger and better to take Shavge 3 i than | Radnor Water, The exhibition was largely Venezuela, ever. at | The though Ur Paul. the Yenczue --- . ht ih tended the opening day. horse pinister of foreign aflairs, had IMPORTERS oF FINE GROCERIES, races were very good One Kinexton {ginally agreed to this arrangement OFi- | horse, owned by €. Horne, landed first Experiments being made at the hew : | 53e. for quarts, 25e. for Plekle Bottlesd place after-a very close raee. £10,000 plant at the Homeopathic | Everything reduced for as the. Tongh, 'at Wad the all} wn di the re- | caused by heen Caracas Jose Prize List Increased. The diréctors of the Kingston town- are expect- ed to result in a simple and practical TURK'S Second-Hand ore. 705. method of purifying water. The plang | ship fair held a meeting the' othe is for the manufacture of ozone, whic 4 [might and made arrangements to m-| it is believed, will destroy all organie}cTrase the prize list. The fair this | matter in water and. kill all kinds gf Fear will be held on September th "gq =p achive 3 tom Spingers has deaided to reduce wages five per cent. If the men decline - [ter necept the reduction they will be hia mines and everything points towards an haslene other successful exhibition. Re-opening Of Schools. Hoeked out' for 4 month, Two hundred The school vaeation will soon come | thousand would be immediately affects. to a Jast twelve days aril | led in the event of a refusal to accept the schools will be re-opened and the (je demands of their agp geholars will once more take down! Piles helped at once with Koop' their books. off the shelf, Tuesday, | | Magic Ointment. Just to prove it & September Ist, is the opening day. [trial box will be mailed om. request by: Racine, the | writing Dr. She ." Via The Narrow Channel ing, 0f the Thousand Islands, steamerlor external, America, Saturday, 2:30 p.m.; home help | early; only we, yi bor. ts 5 | Federation of Co$- | / Did Not Reach Summit. { Fern. Aug. 20°-Miss Anuie Peck, Providence, R.L.. the moun- tain clit, bas arrived at Yungavan 'after an unsuc cessful attempt to scale Mount Huasearan. All the members of her party were. with ber, They repched a height' greater than was! ever attempted before. aiter suffering | tgevible kardships. Ome of the party! was taken sick and this compelled the others to abandon 'the attempt to {reach the summit of the mountain, i ima close.