Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Aug 1908, p. 4

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aL Sw THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, I THE THAW SCANDAL. ' reat. ? Law Apd. Medicine In a Contemp- Philadelphia Ledger. Noting 1S Juster in life than that high skill and wledige are entitled 10 high rewards," but the Thaw case] makes it clear that these eminent or notorious lawyers and physicians were not practising law or medicine in ac cordance with any true conception of the professions, but were rather en- gaged in a desperate and contemptible gape of buccaneering, to the disgrace oi 'any profession and in violation of the codes of ethics of all professions. It 1s, however, not surprising that harpies of all kinds should have de scended upon' the wretched Thaw. he whole trial, including the deiaeanor of the courts, must he viewed by any de- cent standards not as a trial mm a sacred court of justice, but as a sor- did and degrading financial transac tion. The trial was a Bowery melo- drama, the only virtue of which was to lay bare some dangerous traves- ties upon the administration of the law in 'tite United States. Nothing can be more dangeroils or corruptin in its influence upon American life than a 'Fhaw trial, which advertises to the world the fact that a dissolute criminal may buy his way around the gallows into an asylum if he only has money enough. Ii good may come of evil the good CAN'T WIN THIS TIME. The rumour was, some time ago, that Mr. Borden was willing to copy the premier of Canada in one remark- able respect. He would accept the al- liance of -the tory provincial premiers in, New Brunswick, Ontario, Manitoba, and British' Columbia, and, if sue- cessful in the election, would offer them places in his cabinet. The pre- mier of British Columbia announced, soon afterwards, that: so far as he was concerned, he would remain provincial politics. The premier of Manitoba is probably of the same mind, though willing to use all the machinery he controls to aid his friends in the federal election. The premier of New Brunswick was very to have it understood that he was an independent and would ap- preciate the support of all indepen- dent men in the local election. He is ready to tour the province in behalf of Mr. Borden, but that is the limit. What of Sir James Whitney ? Satur- day Night, which is not liberal, has this to say : - ablest youpg man in public life recently acquired "Stories are in circulation that Sir | Canada. 3 James may enter the Dominion cabi- - net as leader of his Party with Mr. | b= A Be Hit. his willing lieutenant. rald, (Tory) legislature. He will probably struggle along with it. THE WHIG, 75th YEAR) DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published st 306 $10"King street, Ki at $6 per 4 iti at 3. o'clock p.m. 16 pages, pub ond and Thursday ath has fo be made foie fax Daily: London, Ontario, is becoming mo- dern. It wants Sunday cars. . How it can conveniently get along without them is the question of the hour. ing at 3 s A' conservative print complains that the government has not given the peo- ple a free rural delivery. The conser- vative party could not give the cities a free city delivery without a huge deficit. ' It remained for the liberals to reduce the postage, and yet make the post office self-supporting. The people know the men who have been doing things. SPIRIT OF THE PRESS . The New Slogan. Montreal Herald. Let Laurier finish his work. oved presses. > The British Whig Publishing Co., Lt'd EDW. 1. B. PENSE, L3. IE Director Daily Wibi aily Wibig. THE GRAFT IN PULPWOOD. The American paper manufacturers are acquiring large territorial or tim- ber interests in Canada, and at an in- vestment of of dollars. One large company, owning valuable for- the St. bought in il i es millions anxious est areas in Quebec, along Maurice river, has recently vast areas of wood on the St. Law- rence, and is running mills in Gaspe county, Quebec. From its Three Rivers and Bastican mills exports are made not only to the United States, but also to Europe and South America. The same company timber interests'in New Brunswick, for which £250,000 was paid. It is negoti- ating for milling interests at Marys- FILLS A LONG FEL] WANT. Makes Old Lawn Mowers Better Than New--Improves New Ones. Sharpens the Largest Horse Mower as well as the 'Smallest Lawn Mower. Handy tool to sharpen Kitchen Knives and Garden Tools or apy- thing that a scythe-stone will do. PRICE 35 CENTS. » AT Tribute To Greatness. Hon. Mr. Sifton. Mr. 'Scott is unquestionably the in oo ww The high priced tailors w ould have you doubt it. WE SAY. YES, AND CAN PROVE Borden as Mr. Borden would greatly strength- ville, which will include the Blackville plant and the timber limits and li- Stories of this kind, with variations, are under - discussion in well-informed en. himself with the people by relégat- ing Mr, Foster to a seat on the back that is to come from the Thaw case will be an overhauling of the proceed- Corbett's. atrbibbibritbrt Clearing Sale of Boys' and Men's Suits. will find in Men's benches of the party. ings of our courts of justice so as to equip them with) something of the cer- tainty and efficiency of those of Eng land, where Thaw would have been convicted on the evidence and the trial concluded in two days. circles. But if Sir James Whitney has gone to England to get time to con- sider, and in case a copy of the jour- nal should fall under his eye, it may not be out of plpce for Saturday Night to say that we have no belief that any present combination of pro- vincial disaffec- tions will suffice to cause the defeat of Sir Wilfrid Laurier. "He has been unfortunate in, many- of "WHAT WE SAY. 5 If you would test us, take a moment to look at our splendid lines. See the smart effects in Chevipts, Tweeds, Worsteds, and the always genteel Serges. They are all thoroughly, well- tailored and perfect fitting Suits, ria FLERE censes on the Nashwaak. The consid- eration is $2,000,000. ; The paper mills of Wisconsin, Michi- and this year been seeking pulp wood on both sides of the The Latest Joke. Hamilton Herald. *"1he Saskatchewan election," the Toronte Mail and Empire, "is a vital blow to the Ottawa -govern- ment." A fine example, this, of mak- ing the best of a bad job. gan Pennsylvania have says the Quebec and Ontario territory tapped by the Temiskaming are 'plan- and local Wisconsin parties premiers their timber this winter, Now going on. Below you railway. a few of the many bargains Suits We would not discourage you from paying $18 or $20if you prefer a higher priced suit (we have attractive lines at these prices), but some men wish to pay $15 for a Suit--no more and no less--and we would 1ike to show these menthow much we can do for them at this price. It's a sort of habit with us to have the best for the money. there's no spying when the other two p clements, earth and fire, will be mis- Kingston's One Price Clothing Store. handled. " {8 ' ning to cut raft it in where the Temiskaming and Northern Discrimination Sure. Montreal Gazette. Intimation is have to pay more for street lighting, perhaps 380 or $90. And all the time tht contract lasts we will be conscious/ that little Hamilton is getting street light for OD. the spring to Haileybury, made that we may £7 Suits, reduced to $5. than $66 a lamp $10 Suits, reduced to $8, $13.50 Suits, reduced to $11. $15 Suits, reduced to $12.50. Boys' Two-piece Suits, from $2.50 up. Hoys' Three-piece Suits, from $3.50 up. his lieutenants--too many by far-- Ontario railway is building a spur line, it to North Bay, to rafted to Georgian Bay, and but he remains a public figure splen- again the imaginatiop of rail be did and alone in the people. He cannot be beaten in a thence transferred by the company's barges young and impressionable country by Also 20 per, cent reductions on all Up- to Wisconsin. To-Date Summer Footwear. ISAAC ZACKS, 271 - Princess Street. Science Triumphant. Toronto Star. A factory will be established at Nia- gara Falls to extract nitrogen from the air. With the power companies extracting the water from the Falls The chief worry to these enterprising | SU¢ h forces as now oppose him. wm SE BE CIEE BI BIE DECIR AR RG SE A TT TE RR EY ET WE BE Ave, Laurier, as a Calgary paper re- Americans is the legislation of Ontario to the effect that the pulpwood cently put it, is the king-pin in feder- and timber must be made into paper-with- the [ have been raised against this: provi- gion in law, and against the adoption is quite safe to assume, as the con- of 'a federal law that will make the servatives are doing, that when the . exportation of pulpwood impossible, premier has completed his outing it Yet all the | will be about time to appeal to the eople, and they can make up their fact that the Canadian pulpwood is a |] necessity and that it should be con- minds that whatever the future has in SC REENS verted into paper in Canada if that store for him, Mr. Borden will not be . be the decision of parliament. a winner this trip. ---------------------- ¥ ATER al polities, and - "there will be some- in Various arguments | thing moving' '=when he sets out pre- province, sently for a tour of the provinces. It mr a Truth In Death. Syracuse Post-Standard. Just before William E. Annis died of his wounds he turned to Captain Hains, his murdeger, and said: "You have made a terrible mistake." Even if the courts of New York state re- lease Captain Hains he will probably live to realize the truth of his vic tim's words. reasoning goes before pod Soy RL . TIME AND MONEY CUT IN TWO By kindling your fires and cooking jour light meals with harcoal Put up in large Paper Sacks. 15c Each, 2 for 25 Cents. Delivered anywhere in the city. 4 « WILLIAM J. BRYAN AND CHILDREN. two children of Mrs. who are shown their maternal grandfather, William Jennings Bryan, are great favorites of the democratic nominee. hey usually figure in all the public functions at Fairview, Mr. Bryan's country homws, near lincoln, hb. Both of them are pretty children psembling in this their mother,' who recognized as a beautiful woman. GRAND- e------------ Pollar wheat ! Do you realize what this means to the North-West ? Of the 275,000,000 bushels of all kings of probably 100,000,000 will = be That means $100,000,000, circulation of which will help in Grant the The liquor and they do According to Gen. can- The Leavitt, knees of Ruth Bryan here on the The kind that do not fall out or have.to be removed : every time you open or shut have their the windows. tipple when the bar is a long distanded They cost a little more, off. They the. result but you save in time and that physically there is no army Seger and thoy are abso- badly off as that of the United States t r . ; 3 ute'y fypred It's a doleful tale to 8, ANGLIN & C0. [| --------n 4 yPhone, 66. Bay and Well- HOODLUM POLITICS NOT WANTED. cantenyt over the result of the exami: ington Sts. The Mail nations for teachers' certificates, The that it is the party's chief organ or success of the talks with 'the ex- instance, teen is' a necessity. men must nat grain of the Caruso In Bad Odor. Exchange. Caruso is not sorry for who has hecome an outcast; he only sorry for himself, in case there is "anv danger of the gate receipts fall- en ing off. ~ So it seems a man may be A Surprising" Result. a great artist and still be Just . a%i7Toronto Star. 53 mean, selfish and contemptible as if] the returns in Saskatchewan are all he had been born stone deaf. the more noteworthy in view of the -- circumstances. Opponents of thé Ot- A Candid Expression. tawa government were looking for Ottawa Journal. one mere to add to the provincial Mr. Aylesworth has set out for Ger- victories won in New Prunswick and ; is to be treated for |Ontario, and the whole power of the hopes he may | Roblin administration in Manitoba He is an hon- | was exercised on behalf of the Sas puzzle, and is wheat. his wife, ia 80 he revival of business. for a.Grant SOMETHING SHOULD BE DONE. There is a profound feeling of dis- and Empire, considering ma- extraordinary educator, awful rot occasional- triculants is compared traordinary failure of the teacher. stu- this city and the sion is that y. For in referring to the The Kingston Granite Saskatchewan campaign, it. said some and Marble Works. Seve nes that Mr. Scott's return to dents in conchu- many, where he hie deafness. Everyone get his hearing back. r est man and a bonnie fachter and if | katchdwan « position for the purpose there were more of his sort in public | of iranslohaiang anticipation into real- life in Canada we should not be ob-| ization. Theresult is something more liged to hold our noses so often. than a triumph for the provincial pre- > mier. - It is an indication that the Do- minion government, which it was hop- Toronto Globe. od to discredit through the defeat of When the time arrives that the offer | the Scott ministry, 1s more than of free lands is no longer considered | Folding its own in the country west necessary, and that may arrive sooner: of Lake Superior. than any of us expects, the propriety of transferring the lands to proviheial management will arise, and a valu- able asset will be handed over to the | different examinérs have treated their work in a different way, the head of the ment, would mean "that the province govern-, and that the competitors in one case One is certain--that as the studies joes not 'want its lands." have suffered a serious injustice. It that journal should so deliberately present the situation. When the newer Having moved to the remises, corne of Princess and Clergy Sts., formerly WELCH'S MARBLE YARDS We are prepared to 'handle orders for all kinds of Monumental Work, Call and inspect our Stock and Designs, whigh are new and up-to-date. Spoeial attention given to Inscription Work. thing of the and teachers' certificates were largely is * inconceivable a great contestants for matriculation misre- s . . Land And Immigration. provinces were formed the federal gov- the same, failure to pass implies eith- decided that it retain order that its immigra- be interfered ALBAN'S BROCK VILLE, ONT. ernment would er mediocrity in talent or defect in the valuation of work. ST. J Headmaster Rev. F. G. urchard, M.A. Camb., cal Honours. An English Boarding School for Beys. Masters (Gradtates). For the third time in six its lands, in A It is not reasonable to suppose that the their (Eng.) Classi- English tion policy might net with. The lands had to belong to it, if they were to be free and offered as A Valuable Work, five articles contributed to Canadian Engineer by 71. Aird : examiners Have been biased in Ww ood's Phosphodine the Mur- service. --- They are selected from The Alban's gains first place at ears St. J Other successes Won in 1908 year to year by the education depart- une 1908. 4 Fhe Great English Remed { 1 ones and invigoratesi bo whe Spt ne oud systown, makes be n old Veins, ures Mer wa Dability, & 4 and drain Worry, ir ondency, Sexw, . Weakness, hmiseions, Spx watorrhea, ad KJéots of Abuse or Erecess rice $1 per box, six for $5. One will please, ss ll cure. Sold by all drmggists o1 mailed 1 plain pkg. on receipt of price. New pamph/ mada! free. The Wo Me. l'cine Co. Warmeriu Wivdy yd Fevsnto, O= "IF YOU WANT TO BUY, RENT OR SELL REAL ESTATE I make a specialty of same. Drop a card or call on me. No trouble to/show property. Insur- ance at lowest rates. Money to loan. GEO. CLIFF, Real Estate valuatior, etc., at 95 Clarence street. COPY ie nT FRESHLY MINED Coal is far more desirable than that dug out of the earth a year ago. It's cleaner--hasn't stored up twelve months' dirt. and dust ; it's dryer and in many ways a greater heat producer. Here itis at your service on quick order-- bright, well screened coal in all the standard sizes at standard an inducement for healthy population. The proposition was agreeable to the governments, because they wanted than land, and the ar- that they would money morb rangement was re- ceive in perpetuity an annual cash £500,000, and grow- it at rant, at present the It ing with until became 31,125,000 years remained this sum thereafter. The remarkable feature of the cam- paign three years ago was the relig- the bills. The attempt was made unsuccessfully, to that ing the terms with regard to the sep- jous_ aspect of autonomy show the church was dictat- arate schools. In the campaign just completed the racial ery failed; and made to the land issue, effect. How it in view of the party's resort was with similar could be otherwise re cord ? The conservative patty was satisfied with the finapcial arrangement of she new provinces. It was commented up- on in the commons, and for the pur- pose of creating the envy of the other provinces; and Mr. Roblin took up the question, when it was proposed to ex- tend the boundaries of Manitoba, and argued that this old province should be well Alberta and Saskatchewan. He did not want land treated as as only, because it took money to main- tain law and order it. Mr. Haultain wept one better than Mr. Roblin. He demanded, in the late in he endorse his position. also; and actually expected to land the people trary, they have, by their votes, dicated two things That they have approved the that they have no hoodlum tactics election, not only the subsidy, but the ment, because oi.their peculiar fitness, d rience that are tor bring to the in- all things. and they expec will They may err in their judgment, or be ex- their tasks suggest--fairness treme in their verdicts. The medical examinations by that most autecratic the were found in one year to be so of institutions, medical council, se- vere as to be hurtful, and -a remedy was provided. It has out that peatedly the smaller high schools have a better been pointed re- had dent téachers, record for passing stu- and the inference fol- lows that they must have fared bet- ter in the examinations since it can- not 'be held that they have had again and again better class of pupils. The education department has been appealed to in one case to institute such an enquiry as will set the ques- tion at rest. The papers of the King- ston pupils can 'be re-examined, and the papers of some neighboring high school, and the fact a compared with demonstrated whether or not the awards of the 'original examiners were reasonable and just. EDITORIAL NOTES. sixteen-year-old A had control of the public pay roli in Mon- boy has treal. Political prodogies are in great demand in this commeréial centre. ---- Tomatoes were never so plentiful and cheap. " Thanks, to the quarrel among the the canners. When combinsters They have notedone so. On the con- in- | most clearly: (1) con- | liberal journals and speakers have hat structive policy of Mr. Scott, and (2) reported patience with the | They have done so repeatedly, of the so-called op- | fall out the people generally get | a {their due. : -- The Toronto News wonders why the Mr. Ames. but lit is not light that he and his friends {are anxious for, stories to people of the west- made valuable by the present judicious and energetic policy of immigration and settlement. -------- Just For Fun. An amusing story is told Irish poultry keeper. 'He fed deal of corn meal, and a surprised | travelling - man advised Pat to mix | sawdust with the meal, insisting that theshens would not know the ditier- ence. A few of an | a gfeat months later the travelling man again saw Pat and asked him how the new rations worked. "Fine," was the reply. "See that old yenow hen? Well, 1 tried her on half and half and she seemed to like it well 1 changed it to all sawdust, the last time she hatched three the chicks had wooden legs and fourth was a wood-pecker." ------ ' Should Take A Tumble. London Advertiser. The day after 80 and of a the Saskatchewan election three vears ago, nearly every conservative paper, ity the east > an- nounced a victory for Haultain. Onl Saturday last almost the same thing happened; the readers of these papers were told that the result of the elec- tion was in doubt. To<day-the Tor- ronto Mail and Empire concedes twen- ty-seven seats to the Scott govern- mond necklace ously. ment. in a house of forty-one. This would give Mr, Haultain fourteen fol- lowers, making the governments ma- jority practically two to one. or the same as in the last house. Why not have told the truth in the first place, ven though it was unpalatable ? me ---- A"Creamy Delight. Good 'ice cream. soda is the 'most delicious beverage made. Our soda is made right and served richt. A libe- ral quantity of. pure ice cream is given, pure crushed fruits and fruit syrups only are employed, and our glasses and evervthing else about the fountain are absolutely pure. Wade's drug store. ee -- Good For Man Or Beast. New Haven Palladium. fresh at Gibson's Red ray, C.K, ypon town drainage and the purification of sewage, have been re-published in . pamphlet form. Al though several chapters are technical yet much of the book is valuable to to become familiar points anxious strong a A useful history of sewage is with methods tried, laxmen with the system. dispodal of good given, | suth as broad irrigation, intermittent land filteration, chemical precipitation and bacteriological treatment. The chapter on administrative suggestions deals with the letting' of contracts, appointment of the engineer, his du- tics and the duties of the corpora- tion. ------ A new flgor for $1.40. A hall gal- lon can of Campbell's Floor Finish will make your old floor look as good as new. 'This Finish comes in Trans- parent also with stain éombined pro- ducing beautiful imitations of natural woods. W. A. Mitchell sells it. A girl's idea of a happy dream is one in which either a title or.a dia- looms up conspicu- Mcre cases of sick headache, bil jousness, constipation, ean-be cured in less time, with less medicine, and for less money, by using Carter's Little Liver Pills than by any other means. A man has no greater capacity of heaven than he has power to create heaven about him. L Fry's Meadow milk chocolate drops, Cross drug store. 1i horses could talk some of them would not speak well of their owners. Deafness Cannot Be Cured. by local applications, as they ecanno reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitution®] remedies. Deafness is 'caused by am inflamed con- dition of the mucous ling of the Fustachian Tube. When this tube is in- flamed* you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entire- ly closed, Ticafness is the result, and un- less the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed for- ever : nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an in- flamed condition of the mucous , surfaces trance to R.M.C., Kingston, $100 scholarship at 1st prize in German, 1st year, at School re-opens on September ¢Gill': 1st prize in French, 1st year, McGill. 16th, 1908. views, etc., apply to The Headmaster. at McGill ; For prospectus, book of MUST GO TO PEOPLE. A By-Law Now Before Hamilton Council. Hamilton, Aug. 19.--The Dominion Power and Transmission company has notified the city clerk that it will be necessary to submit to the ratepayers: the street railway by-law, which re ceived two readings of the city coun- (il. The by-law provides for a reduc tion of from eight to six per cent. on the gross earnings of the company up to $316,000. In return the company was to put on forty new oars within coven years and to build extensions to renew the existing lines. The and . . . . claiming it is un- company now balks, & to expect it to pay $3,000 for the re-paving of Herkimer street. . The comnril will. hold an emergency mest- ing to see what will be done. -------- Shut Him Out. A short time agé the Montreal Star, one of the leading tory organs) of the Mr. Borden the hint that for the good of the tory ship Hon. George E. Fos- ter should be disposed of as was his great prototype, Jonah. The Halifax Herald also gave its opinion that "Mr. Borden would greatly strength- en himself with the people by relegat- ing Mr. Foster to a seat on the back benches of the party." It hagnow re- canted, however, and in connection with Mr. Foster's present tour in the maritime provinces associates Mr, Fos- ter's name with that of Mr! Borden as a member of any conservative gov- ernment that might be formed. A Political Slugging Match. Winnipeg Free Press. mY 'I he not fought in a very good spirit either ride. ble, because in the legislature the two ---------------- province of Quebec, tendered Saskatchewan campaigh* was by This is the more regretia- And Conservas tory of Music ONTARI LADIES' == COLLEGE Ontaris' (Trafalgar Castle) s pri tive charming spot for calendar jo the 12 REV. J. J. HARE, Ph.D., Principal. Co HMR, SOFT AS SILK, New Scientific Treatment Kills 'Dandruff Germs, And Makes Hair Soft. 1t is an accepted fact, a proven fact, that dandruff is a germ disease; and it 1s also a demonstrated fact that Newbro's Herpicide kills the dandraff germ. Without dandruff falling hair would stop, and thin hair' will thick- en. Herpicide not only kills "the dundruffi germ, but it also makes hair as soft as silk. It is the most delight- ful hair dressing made. It cleanses the scalp from dandruff and keeps it clean and healthy. Itching and ir ritdtion are instantly relieved, and permanently cured. Thefe's nothing "just as good." Take no substitute, Ask for Herpicide. : ' Sold by leading druggists. Send 10¢. in' stamps Tor sample.to The Her- picide Co., Detroit, Mich. "Two sizes, 50c. and $1. G. W. Mahood, special agent. od into a slugging match. The people of Saskatchewan will © probably be glad it is over. : ford prices for better even than stand- and quality. R. CRAWFORD Phone, 9. Foot Queen St. yosittion. ! parties have treated one another with a courtesy and consideration . which mizht well serve as a model for other legislatures. -But the old feuds and} hatreds 1905 broke out diresh in the campdign which rapidly degemerat- New 'Haven poulterers have dis- covered that tough chickens may be made tendef by the application of a current of electricity. Not new. Some of our toughest citizens have been made good forever by that treatment. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by Catarrh) that cannot be cured bv Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars. free. ¥. J. CHENEY & CO. Toledo, 0. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. by Druggists, 75¢; ------------ nine No hard on The majority behind the. Scott gdv- mized streets as that of the the Saskatchewan legisla- They suck the stone out of its place | ture is now put at fourteen, or just Brockville And Ogdensburg." Friddy, 8 am. steamer America, calling at Gananoque and Rockport both ways. Fare Ble: macada- autos. j ernment travel is so in and leave great holes in the streets. iw ice the majority it-had in the last

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