THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1908. -- GLAD 10 BET THEN LINCOLN'S SHOEMAKER ¢ : ne of Those Lynched By oC m---- Mob at Springfield. NO ULTIMATUM AGAINST Springfield, Il. Aug. 20.--With 'THE C. P. R. STRIKERS [{0 i =a grand jury's investigation of the re- Willing "to Take Back All 'the ¢"n! riots, tis city lotlay saw the Men w nd : Art steps taken towarr 8 A resump- w : ho Apply Securing |i n of normal conditions orkers to Fill the Strikersid The. inguiry linto the lynching of Places. ¢ " ~ Beott Burton was brought "before a Montreal, Aug. 20.--An emphaticde coroner's jury to-day. Most of the nial is given by the management of | withesshs described the scenes in the the (".P.R. to the report that an ulti} Black Belt, but when quespioned as : : identity of smbers the i matum hah been jasued to their strik- to the identity of members of the mob ing mechanics to the effect that if} i i Was O 4 their memories failed them: | Ey TE x tern torwork by noong It is edtated by friend«®bf William to-day, they would never be permitted to re-enter the employment of the company undédr any circumstance es. | man -epce The company state that they are not Lincoln. : only 'willing hut anxious to re-engage. any of their old men. Eighty nen| Mere engaged here, today, two of them being old - hands. 'The company | A Few Things That Edison Should has a list of thirty-eight employment | agencies which are offering men, both Perfect. in the United States and Canada; but | none from ihe other side of Ine are| Hemp accepted, the officials stating | that they are strictly' observing the | alien labor law. by the mob in front of his lynched 8 made shoes for Abraham TO TAKE A REST. ASKED TO WATER FLOWERS Chatham Child Falls From School Window. Chatham, Ont., Aug. 20.--Some time go the child of W. J. Johnston fell | from the window of the kindergarten | room of the Central school. Now the | board of education - have a damage | suit against "them. Johnston claims | that the board is liable, as the little | girl was asked by one of the teachers | to step out on the window-sill to wa ter the flowers. The board has refer- red the matter to their solicitor. Thomas A. Edison, remains of | Watertown, N.Y., Times. well-| Thomas rdison, the | ventor, announces that he a rest. He worked hard it, and yet To Be Buried To-Morrow. Aug. 20.--The Wild, the pastor of Bond gregational chyreh, this city, died in Jrooklfa, N.Y., on "Tuesday, arrived Emr Rew York, this and the funeral will take place ond church after- noon The services will he conducted | that by Rev. Byron Stauffer, the present {and would like to pastor of Pond street church, and {18 lightweight Dorie Jodge, AF. & AM, have | would charge of the funeral. Torcnto, Dr Joseph known former great in Con intends street done to are enough entitle least who | take has enough there and {him to at morning to-morrow be done and which he has left ungone street for One storage hattery, the difficulty ar ol the world waits anxiously ee perfected, a which {making a { auto, and {and poles in will solve touring « an electric also do away with the rinning of Mr. Edison promised this yes twice has announced it, but the public The other fulfilled concrete house for wires Collided With A Steamer. street )elleville, Ont., Aug. 20.--While com- to this port, this morning, the [0g schooner Dundee, when two miles down i that the bay, was run into by the steamer | =till v Varung and had her port stove | MISE Is in. A passenger on the Varuna, R. | 000, to Smith, had his leg broken. The,Var {a week was damaged, but left tails her Dundee"s damage { corpplish it about | vet | 1 roblem has and once he had vaiting that put Mr. Edisen gave all the he to but has It solve 4 living. Mr. hit t meet 0, or ins is pro $1 bow . od de- ne he up complete inside how wis the would When res somewhat of gong The 500. una on was course house not appeared, great ol 1h taken a will Suicide Of Husband And Wife. | 8 New York, Aug, 2). Jecause his wife | hoped he killed herself when he threatened to {in these matters. leave her, Edward H. Hacker, forty- | one years old, yesterday stood over | her body in their apartments in the | Toronto Telegram. Haghe court, West 11th street sarin Solith Perth defeated Hon. fired three shals into hig breast. When | Monteith because Mr. Monteith a doctor artived Wacker was deaf], 1y= | to poll the votes of _enonch ing on the floor, with his arms around | to elect him. the hody of his wife. The tragedy was North Toronto the culmination of a series of violent [sack because Mr poll the votes of elect T Ontario 1 {friend in strong man ter of agriculture, Who aimed at government that evervhody on of it is -------------------- Vacation Time Guff. Nelson failed liberals defeated D. C Hossack enough failed quarrels, tories - ------------ him. Nc) aoriculture has Nelson Monteith or man Busy Fighting Fires. Aug, 20 Yosemite great Osemil, Cal, Soldiers anc settlers--in--the- Nalley, to ro day, are fighting a forest fire jmini which threatens to gain the red woads, { being a member a great feature of the national park. | sou ht to do right by All through the reservation the drouth { North Toronto partizanship that de and the intense heat have caused con {prived (Ontario | of D. ( ja grit' 18 1 {South Perth prived Ontario of the actual of Nelson Monteith tory a great of a of the possible usefu Hossack i mn partizanship that. flagrations | ness "bhecause he is -- -- tical spirit with the of hot arrived, bot Gib assortment walter Just drug store. Large tles, all ted prices, at usef Son's Cross ness because 15 a H j will raise up a ra the' day that Ontario of voter caven speed ce who care and every Then elected nothing for names for man Ontario [| Toronto despite the fact that he is liberal, and the man Ontario he elected outside of the fact that he is a tory party thing pliblic principles needs can be in ne Toronto de Daniel Up-To-Date. | Jimmy. deed of , Daniel andmother story t when the lion Ob; 1 wife five, was told the the lions' den, bv Vhen she had finish she asked Daniel did hes found Ladies' White Canvas. Shoes ih That Were $1.50 For $1.00. Oar White Canvas Shoes, | Blucher cut, white heel or leather heel. neat at-| tractive shoe he FOR $1.00. Hoth of us in your novel, in the di H. JENNINGS, King St." * "== PRESTR SIC RT him five shiliings, which he would eo 1 vert into £20,000, Asked how, plained that he knew a young {| with £N,000 who he knew mn Sg y t Jimmy wl the ver h thoug e thing was he her from telephoned home tc 1 all guess to Jimmy his teil he wa answered Both Disguised. When Mme. de Stael celebrated "Delphine," wl te painted n of the heroine, and that of of the principal charg tell he, tl met, her, "that we a published her novel, herself i M. T: elderly upy y have the eyrand, in f 4 an who is | t one rs me," said first hev time 1:0 women.' Thackeray's Chance To Help. he ex WO woul ie | FINANCIAL SUPERINTEN- Ponegan, the aged shoemaker who was | home 'on Saturday night, that the old | - to! from | two things which he promisad should | of | publie expectation | the is at | «| The ) right," she was | lady, 1 | marry him if he asked her. but he had T i t amd wanted them, teeth, redeem his to efiectively. Kaiser Subscribes $25,000. Yerlin, Aug. 20.--The Kaiser | subscribed $25,000 to the fund for th | Koch Institute for combating tubercu This up the wag necessary to procure £125,000 "promised by pawned | sh | propose "PUT IN YOUR TANK "AT OUR DOCK. lings in order Spark Coils, Spark Plugs, Colum- ba Dry Batteries, etc. in stock, REPAIRS PROMPTLY MADE. losis. makes [that it Lobtain the } {drew Carneme Selby & Youlden, Ltd, ' | _ Kingston Foundry. RRA ERR ETHER SLR An a---------- Naturally. Uncle, they say that there; marriages of sblontles Why it, 1 Licle. Singleton (a confirmec ! H'm. Naturally, the lig go first than more brunettes, 18 wonder P Wm Murray, Auctionee 27 BROCK ST. New Cartiages, Cutters, darness ete., for sale. Sale of Horses every Saturday. ; ! @ ond What a glorious old i would be if we would foster the world | | | | and discourage the doubts. { | } } were coming down. knew how they \ has @o 50.000 to hache 1t-headed | hopes! | There are lots of people who would' w glad to go up in a balloon if they LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Object to the Association. Kingston, Aug. 20/To the editor) : My attention has been called to the foi- Mowing paragraph which appeared in your reading editorial of Wednesday :-- "There are two highly active and am- Ibitious brothers in the political and public race now. We will see how far they climb, and how 'they will qualify for a cont®fmptible sneer at any public aspirant. atch the pole and see them NEW POSITION CREATED I DENT OF P.O. DEPT. i . A New Place For W. J. John. stone--Other Changes in Civil Service Offices at Ottawa. Ottawa, Aug 20. ---A has been created in the post office de- partment, viz., that of su- perintendent; to which position Ww. .l Johnstone, former accountant of the department, has been appointed. Ww. G. Glover is promoled to the aceoun- J. €. Martin go the of- assistant accountant. Gleeson, supervisor of statistical branch the customs partment, has been promoted to be chief clerk of the check branch of the customs, succeeding R. W. Breaduer, who resigned. Robert M. Heintz be- comes supervisor of the customs sta- tisties, | 1 | 1 new position t As the rest of the article is'a criti- cism- of the editor of the "Standard,™ the reference to myself, in the above excerpt, is too plain to requiré explana- tion. You will pardon me if I say that I do not see why 1 should be brought into the controversy at present going on between the Standard and the Whig? The dispute arose, I understand, about a boat-house, the property of John Tweddell, which had been pulled down by cert persons and involved, besides Mr. Tweddell, the Montreal Transporta- tion Co.. and the Kingston & Pembroke Railway Co. 1 ean not see that I am at all interested mm this dispute for the following among other good and suffi- cient rd (1) not a part owner of Mr. Tweddell's boathouse: 1 never saw the boathouse and would not know it if 1 fell over it, tough it must have been of a palatial character and worth at least a million, if one may esti- mate its value by the amount of printer's ink consumed in telling the story of its destruction. (2) 1 am not a stockholder or office- holder or_in any way interested in the Montreal Transportation Co. (3) I am not a stockholder or office- holder in the Kingston & Pembroke Railway. . (4) 1 have not indulged in any sneers at any public aspirant, With due deference to the editor of the Whig, 1 think} for these reasons, at it is as unnecéssdry to bring me either directly or indirectly into this matter as it would be for the editor of the Standard to drag into it the brother of theweditor of the Whig, an ¢stimable gentleman' employed- in. the post office. I hope you will see the reasonable- ness>of what I have stated and refrain hereafter from bringing me, in this connection, into a prominence for which I assure you, I have no desire, Yours truly, D. A. GIVENS. financial tantship and fice of B.. J. the { ' ol ue i | i STATE VOTE ANALYSIS. reasons (----- {*Figures Showing That Bryan Can't Béat Taft. New' York Tribune. The most astute Mr. Tait's { respondents declare that he will | elected, and present in support | their convictions an analysis of | electoral college, which substantial- | They accord Bryan | | | cor- be of the of 18 ly as follows : the "solid south," including lorida, Georgia, -uiabama, Mississippi, Louis- jana, Arkansas, Texas, South Caro- | lina, 'l'ennessce and Virginia, with | total of 120 votes. 'Lhey place in the debatable column Kentucky, Dela. | ware, Oklahoma and Missouri, with | total of 41 votes. As 242 necessary to choice, giving Mr. Bryan all the debatable states, leaves him | S1 votes short of the essential num ber. Then taking, for sake argument, the most extraordjnary of the democrats, they glecord to Bryan 11 Inchana, Alontana, West Vir- vinia, Colorado and Utah, with ga total of 70 votes, and the democratic eandidate still found 'to be short of the number necessary to elect: in fact, even should Mr ft New York. New: Jersev, West Vir Colorado end Indiana, total of 78 votes, together with debatable states of Delaware, Oklahoma and with their total of 41, he have enough votes to elect, while nossible combinaticn of figures give the election to--Mr. Bryan with out New York and all the debatable states It he commented that | Marviand cortain publican the Sun Taf a a votes are thi of claims Inois, is votes Hoity toity! How sensitive some people have become, just as they were in the city council, when after the qualifications of liberal aldermen had been discussed for some days, that of conservative aldermen was also adverted to. Alderman Givens' deliberately to Whig yelping coyotte, a serpent, a dog, knocker, a barnyard thing, etc. all which had not a great deal to do with "palatial" boathouse. The intention to provoke a mud-throwing quarrel was not . was part of a game. I'he Whig responded, as any self-re- specting paper would respond, since its hatacter is inseparable from that of its It could do no less, nor refrain \ with lose | ginia, their the Kentucky, Missouri wonld still . in a a of brother started no as abuse the Cnn man classed but s declared is sa since for state, conceale h garded. more re NEWS OF DISTRICT. staft better from the low abuse to which it had been invited; and because it replied sharply the subterfuge wus adopted of attributing response to a recent defeat, pains being taken to gloat over the size of the majority. Well, Alderman Givens was not long since a leader writer of the Néws, has been seen very much in the business office of the Stand- 2 and was belier_d to be not very tly related to its interests. This ve k Alderman Givens as a candi Miss | date for mavor of 1000 was freely dis 3 cussed in public. If the future of that and | very exclusive gentleman is, therefore, not a fair subject for discussion when electoral fortunes. are being crit d . very near to-him, then all signs fail in squally weather. It is sincerely to be hoped, in one respect, that D Givens will not run for mayor, sin would to be done up in cottor 2 | batting, the least discussion would Where | 1 tremendously {jar mar- | The Tidings From Various Points | in Eastern Ontario. | Mrs. A. L. Fisher, Elizabethtown, has received: word of the death of her Mrs. 0. J. Lueas, which oc: at the home of her in New Mexico. The = deceased reached her éighty-third mother, curred Mexico, lad had | 1 son | vear. A pretty marriage Tuesday evening, at Lyn, | Vada Kathleen Buell, voungest daugh i of the late Georg Buell Mrs. Buell, was married to James Filiott White, son of Mr. and MTs | M. White, Brockville ' Elizabeth aged sixty-five widow of the late John Wright, at her deceased township, her was celebrated, when ter he) (Coleman, years, died Tuesday evening home in {| Smith's Falls. The raised in Leeds continued to reside after have was born and ngs Gi sneers coMroversy. z ust have been of a pals | worth at least a milli N but 1 man's property ment. The late Mr. Brady was born |, ts destruction indefensible $1 at Roseneath, and had for many |¢ here illegally the law could be vears a constable on the Chicago po- No corporation, however lice force. He visit ny right to crush any man; Rochester, and last lize the offence committed, fered which protesting n destruction was only rights must b \ Bho Alderman years ago . the F'homas Brady, forty-eight, arrived at Belleville, taken to Warkworth ns over riage until four ¢ hos hody of and | was for inter-| it was is been W enf was on a Monday apoplexy, on suf a stroke of against proved fatal unwant wo use MARINE NOTES. : | What is Transpiring About the | ; oaves As Wharves. Cornelia' cleared A Food Preservative. | 1eslie's Weekly from | On many farms in this country there more or less extensive, cover- 1 schooner Pooth's for steambarye he {are John Randall t | ed with fen orain for Wash- {regarded as burn. It purposes, but it a practicak Swift's : Steamer North King, down [value of which few people in the United |and up, to-day: steamer Aletha, from |States are Awarg ; bay ports | An American consul reports that in | The schooner Mary Ann Lydon cleat iparts of England fern leaves have long' fed for Charlo I th® schooner | been employed in packing' fruit, fresh Maxwell Both mtter, etc., 'for market Formerly vessels were tied up by the high wind. {grape leaves were used for this purpose 7 wharf: The tug Glyde, [but the fern leaf is said to be far su Montreal, with two ba "the | perior to t of tl vine for keeping | steamer Rosemount arrived from Mon- | a 'les wrapped in fresh and whole ! treal, last night, on her way west; the |SO1 e. The fishermen of the Isle of Man . steamer Glenmount and barge Hamil- [pack their fresh herring mn ferns, which ten will arrive from the west, to day, {keep the fish fresh until it reaches mar- way to Montreal. [hex . > | Potatoes packed in ferns keeep many months longer "than those packed in Tidings From Tamwotth. € |straw. Fresh meat also is preserved Tamworth, Aug... 19.--Nathan Bick- |for a protracted. period when swathed i nell, late of Camden East, was here |in fern. leaves It is said that the pre- one day last week. Rev. Mr. Pedley, of sdryative quality fern is due ta | Japan, predched in the Methodist [the I ge ities of. salt in the com | church last Sunday, morning and ev- | position gtrong odor of the fern | ening. Mrs. Luke Wheeler of Buffalo, is {also repels larvae, maggots, etc. | visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wells. Rev. | Smmmetmurteses Mr. and Mrs. Ballentyne, are visiting | her mother and friends. A number of | New York | the boys are: going west for the har t Ta Socialist's word for it that fields. All the stores will close on | his 'manner of doing things .wonld Tuesday next and open up on Wed- [make the world a paradise, what dis lay for business. Mr. Germain, Na- | position' is to be made of the doubt as business. {to a pa Rev. Mr.. MeDowell, Napanee, will oc- | such as we cupy St. Andrew's church pulpit, in Undeni . as the cult maint | Tamworth and Camden, on Sundav | waste a § t deal of effort | best. Rev. Mr. Henry will go next [struggle for existence--provided we ad week on his holidays. Rev. Mr, Binnie, [mi that existence and not struggle is i Finch, will St Andrew's | w we are heme for. It's easy fhigur- ! church pulpit on the 30th, gnd . Knox that with every man assured of his | chinreh, Camden. Rev. 3: Henry will {job and his wage and all® needful at go to Tweed for that day. Mrs. D. B. |cost, the sum total of human happiness | Floyd and children are visiting her {would be boosted--and still t home and friends in Philadelphia. | evolution is © § Uswey areas his plant has not been is $ f value, except for decora- a | Richardsons', loading ive has 1 and cleared ' for Conneant | [- M from Co's 1¢ it on® the | | Obstinate Evolution. Puck. i ng the | vest nes panee, was here Tuesday on y live in? . ain, we occupy might Annual Picnic. human achievement. "Life," Locomotive employee i : : ] € nf loyees will be iron, with here o t in Lake Ontario. Park. Angust| It has to bé so ' 5 a as to 0. Baseball, sport and dancing. forget to step lively, here a cool spot." on dd. Drive Rheumatism from the -bloac with Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy Tablet or Liquid. Butterick' Fashion Book. { For September, free at lLaidlaw's, to-morrow. Call for one. being just the place for | bstinate enough to be less | | interested in human happiness than in observes Schopenhauen, "is walking on redhot Otherwise we would EE ------ THE NEWS OF WOR Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. : Policeman Older; Toronto, won the championship at the "annual police games. Chagham's tax 'rate for the coming year will be twenty-eight mills and perhaps a bit more, The Toronto immigration officials rounded up a gang of Polish women. who had slipped over the border. Sir Augustus FitzGeorge and Hamar Greenwood, M.P., were entertained at dinner at the Hunt Club, Toronto. T. H. Ennis, assistant under secre- tary for Ireland, was thrown from a jaunting car at Dublin and killed in-' stantly. » To-morrow has been set aside for the public reception of the American leet and the officers and men, at Syd* ney, N.S. George Schram, a native of Sarnia, Ont., for the past nine years instrue- tor in the University school, Detroit, is dead, aged forty-eight. Mgr. Bruchesi, archbishop of Mon- treal, will leave on wo 3 en route for Rome, and will also attend the Catholic congress in Londdn. The home seekers' excurion for the Canadian west, during the past two days, have \ taken nearly 500 young men from Chatham and adjoining points. Dominion Immigration Agent Stew- art, Toronto, thinks that many immi- grants going to the west for the har- vest will later become a charge on the city. * Borden, M.P., and Mayor " A. y were unanimously chosen al-conservative candidates for the House of Com- as the in Halifax. mons, Four English families, sixteen people, will shortly be deport- Jelleville, Ont., as a result of made by local au- numbering ed from representations thoritics. +H. Berth and J. H. Gilmore, rival merchants of Robinsonville, Miss., fought a duel with pistols in front of the former's store on Wednesday night. Berth will die. y It transpired that the man charged under the name of Ferguson with bg- amy at Windsor, is really Nathaniel Self, who deserted his wife and family in London, twelve months 'ago. While taking lighthouse supplies down to stations the steamer Neepa- wa ran on the rocks north of Otter- bourne and is fast there, but it is not thought to be seriously damaged. Some enterprising publishers of pic post cards have printed cards showing the parliament buildings in Queen's Park, Toronto, with the dtars and Stripes gaily flying in front. A petition was presented to Judge sitting in chambers, at Que- Compagnie De Navigation De Quebec, usking for a winding = up order and the petition was granted. Peter Burns, sixty-seven years old, a rich Alaska mine . owner, who had come, east to visit friends at Pdtter- son, 'N..J., was accidentally drowned: on Wednesday night in Lake Hepar- cong. Louis Weiss, trader, Montreal, been arrested at the instance of Jacob the German and Cana- company, who theit 'of £12,000 ture Lemieux, bee, by has Schwartz, of Import with the charges worth dian Weiss ol goods, "Lhe trip of the steamyacht. Vanadis, tour of around the of is in connection to purchase the by a big on island o Anticosti, a proposal a inspection with place irom Henri Menier, syndicate A by-law recently municipal council of Limoilou, Rue, for the effecting a loan %60,000, the results of which are to be devoted to improvements to the carried. No. adopted by the ol of permanent been senger train Mountain and Southern way, went into the ditch near Oklahoma, on Thursday morning Ihirtéen persons were said to have heen injured. No details. I'he most stent rumor in cgn- servative that the date of the election. is fixed for Friday, Octo ber 23fd. No confirmation can be ob- tained, bat the date is said to be giv- en out from high authority interview place between Light Street vn, has Pe Louis ' 13, on the St, rail. Hin: O18, per circles is \ the Power 1 took railway, and Carmen s company of Con- and the Union as to the reinstatement ductor MeNeil, president of the union. the trouble will be settled amicably. Forest Vancouver Island are extending in .every direction and latest that the settlements are threatened. In Noksilah distriet twenty square miles are ablaze. The fate of the scattered houses seems evi dent. John W. Melntyre, counsel for Cap- tain Hains, said, to-day, that the captain's defence will be insanity, and that it will be"easily proved. It is probable that | the brothers will be placed on trial for the killing of Wil- liam E. Annis early in October. Earl Grey be in Windsor, One. next Monday. The governor-general will be given an automobile ride around Windsor, Walkerville and Sand- wich. He will cross the river to De- troit and go through Detroit's famous Belle Isle park. In confirmation to his expressed wish i Capt. John Sears, Columbus, O., a veteran of the civil buried in his old family eoat on which are from the blood of President received when the wounded president lay in his arms on the [nicht of the assassination. Dr. Berl, Count Von Gagern and a lady are in Ottawa, to makes plans to bring out thousands of Austrian farm- ers to Canada. They want to settle | peasants frqm Styria, Carniolia and | Croatra in the west next spring. /They | claim the intended immigrants are well | educated, good © people and able to | peak tolerable English. { fires on report. indicates Wiha - War, was | spots | Lincoln, 1 Office Abolished. Moncton, X.B.;, Aug. 20.--The posi- tid} of inspector of locomotives and eadfs on the Intereolonial here has been abolished. It carried $1,800 a vear and expenses. J. H. Stewart has {had it' since February. Econdomy is given as the reason for abolishing the office. For best rubber tired rigs ring 490. 1 ™ All Summer Shoes must leave this Store at once--below we: give a small list of many of the genuine Bargains :-- ; 298 All our Men's regular $3.50, $4 and $4.50 Oxfords in Gun Me- tal, Tan and Patent 2 98 . 'Colt. Clean sweep... $1.98 Fresh {ot of Women's Oxfords, in Black, Brown and Tan. Re: $1.25. Als many lines of gular $2.50 and 33. Clean SWeep.... ... «ue 1.98 Children's, to 10. 89 Clean | swap au wo ve Cc - $2.98 70 i ; All Women's Patent, and Gun Metal Oxfotds in Buckle and Laced Styles. Regular $3.50 and $4. Clean 2 98 . sweep. h Mérry dows. Sizes 11 to 2. Clean sweep... ... we 8c = One large lot of Girls' izes, 11 to 2. Strap Slippers. ' Many bargains in Children's Shoes have been "placed on sale on our T9c. counter. Regular $1 and $1.25 quality, 48¢ Baby Boots, regular 65ec. 39¢ Baby Boots, regular 50c. Many other bargains. One lot of Women's $1.25 Ox- fords. One lot of Children's Girls' _and Boys' Barefoot Sandals. Regular values $1.- 25, $1.50 and $1.75. 98¢ Clean Clean Sweep Sale Lasts Only to Aug. 31st. New Bargains Every Day. sweep. ... FPENDABLE -- SHOES = A GREAT SUCGESS. THE CUT PRICE SALE OF HIGH CLASS SUMMER. WAISTS. Made up in the latest st yles of the finest Lawn, Mull and Spot Organdy, beautifully tr immed with Valenciennes Lace, and open, and blind Embroi dery. * One third off. New White Skirts,!in La wn, Linen, Pique and Cotton Repp, trimmed with Lace, Embroid ery, Self-Pleating and Folds, at $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.25 up to $5.00, Be in Time While All Sizes are in Stock. David M. Spence, - The Leading Millinery Store, 119 Princess St. The Canada Life Holds the strongest Reserves of any Life the North AmericanContinent--a Canadian Canadian people for Canadian people, 62 years ago. Dividends to policyholders have been large all these years, and are bound to be large, owing to the unique position occupied y the Company. Rates for women the same as for men. Keep your money in Canada by purchasing Canada Life Contracts. Full particulars of how a polity W the office--18 Market Street, Kingston. J. O. HUTTON, Manager. Assurance Company Assurance Company on Company made by ill shape for you, given or Preserving Before buying elsewhere, try us ior Cheap Plums, .H. TOYE, 302 KING ST SEIEEPEIEE PEEPS | Evangeline Ganong's G.B. Chocolates Always fresh. ' The finest in the city. : A.J. REES, 166 Princess St § . SOOO OO0000CO0OCOOOOOOOOOOO000 BENGE EEERED ALUMI ALL GRADES.