Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Aug 1908, p. 7

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T sires, Northwest ULATIONS, ot Do or th $ine § Synopsis of Canadia HOMESTEAD RE A" minion and 26, Northwest no reserved, slonded by A person 80 & family, or male over 18 ygars of age, Lo ext nt of one-quartes pection, 160 acres, more or jess, on for homestead entry must in person by the applicant ata Dondaiss Lands Agency or Sub-agenty. Katry oy proxy may, however, be made Agency on certain conditions by the Jiher, mother, son, daughter, brother or st . of an intending homesieader, An application lor cancellation must be wads peraca. The applicant must "be sible for homestead enilry. DUTIES. --(L) AL #ix months' residence upon and of the wnd in 'ehch your term' of hroe years. A pert by by i ext read. Joint ov en-numbered section Lands ju Bax 'rovinces. eX may be homs- io of +4 Lae in east. cultivar wn during the' At he so de residence du land owne€ (80 bi wil homesiénder may, Lue rea on farming pot less than eighty in the vicinity of ownership in land this requirement. the father (or mother, i th 18 deces wed) Of a hoesiona eA Be wri nt residence n far ming and ' i iy by him, not less than oh (84) acres in extent, in the vicinity of the homestead, or UpOR A homestead enters 1 vicinity, such home fee Ly bi ic hd rasidegor with the father 1 (2) ties olely ncres hone not (8) ther meet i in the 1LWwo defined as mean miles in a direct eo term vicinity' paragraphs , is more than oibe SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH» or MINING REGULATIONS, rights may be years al an annual $1.00 an acre, Not more than can he leased to one appli ally, five conts per ton Coal mining twenty-one eighteen ¥ ade a disco 00 feet. by 1 Lt $100.00 each rder. paid m and over ha Y 5.00, year, OF Wher Ww. CORY, Inter ation of paid for {nister of the de publics be Diamond Rings - ; )aariment 100 and Fach t examined before and. our guaran funding money benelit Kinnear& d DIAMOND Princ Estarrg SHOP. RABBABAMAMAARASAA Ladd < Fall Term Opens Sept. 1. T he Cf allp » Xt College, fir Frontenac Business gston., H%eh 1o VOY O IPT TIP VIEYETL CVOPTVIOIVYYYY IE AARBOABABEMDIGIAN TO YOU Who Are Hard of Hearing er Rr Tre Aurophone is a small, neat electrical contrivance which you can slip into your vest poe- ket or under yopr coat. Placing the receiver 10 your ear, as shown ture, you can hear ordinary quite plainly. And with the use of "he Adrophoné will come improve-, ment in your hearifiz. you visit the Toronio When Exhibition come and receive full pare foulars about this groat¥ bless: ng to #1. EATON Creo Optical Department 190 Yonge Street, Toronto mn pic- sounds Second Floor, Looseness of It is very seldom during the summer months that most people are not troubled with "looseness of the bowels." Sometimes it only goes that far, but ally it develops "into Diarrhoea, Dysentery or Summer Complaint and has a tendency to weaken the whole system. When the bowels get loosened up Tn this way and you wish to check the un- ipation, there is only one remedy and that one is Pr. FowLen's crract oF WiLp STrRAwBERRY. This remedy ie not an experiment as it has been used in thousands of families dur- ing the past sixty-three years. use, When you ask for Dr. FowLER'S be sure' you get it, as many unprincipalled drug- s will try to palm off a cheap sub- ite on you. Hopkins, Roseview, Sask, "I have used Dm. FowLgRr's macr oF WiLp STRAWBERRY and 1 it is All it is recommended to be for Diarrhoes and Summer Complaint. We would not be without a bottle of it in the » foun house. Manufactured by The Milburn Co, Limited, Toronto, Oat. Price 35a 'WILSON'S FLY PADS -- BOLD BY -- DRUCCISTS, GROCERS ano CENERAL STORES 100. per packet, or 3 packets for 280. wiil last a whoic soason. Every packet will kin more flice than 800 shoots of sticky paper The Bowels. ® Silver Plate that Wears®™ Silver For All Occasions can be suggested than a dainty piece of silver make 1847 ROGERS BROS. spoons, $0 for Knives, marked ve | artistic charm efc., reputation THE FRONTE LOAN AN INVESTM ESTABLIS President Ri NAC ENT SOCIETY HED, 1863. hard C on City and write ti} tures purchased received uterest allowed 8. C. McGill, Managing A HINT TO SHAVE We A which and FOR 2 SNTS. one and try it: A. STRACHAN Got REGULATING Best Women' ° or =u at wll mail PILLS use, in ir tor pression, §2. DR Ort. regula LITTLE FOR YOUR SUMMER COTTAGE. A nice Ham and a piece of good Sugar | Cured ea Meal Bacon are ne vi summer hoibe. Also s ooked Meats. We have fro te. J, NY} } { cheaper goods i ls : | Kingston DR. LITTLE'S FEMALE] 's on John House, arns House, Frame with 1 rht ni both re on and R.C. Dobbs & Co! i 109 Brock St. Vhy Buy Imported | Mattresses ? When you can got better from your own nade by the Maitress ik dealer, 0. 11e Clergy NEW M ACHINE SHOP. r all kinds of Nn iBeston Ai and «AF DAILY BRITISH WHIG, NEWS OF NEIGHBORS: WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND-| necessit ENTS TELL US. in Eastern Glendower, Aug have gol ed and some of it worth threshing. farmers thei Un very yea scarce this i. Sa not many apple building a patent man has gone to Misses Timmerman Sanford Leeman's. N Snider Road Road, Aug. machine is once A the Snider " hborhood. t8 brighten also Snider. Bereh as of W, Geng J. 0M. Snider nider a Snider Walroth, Miss at Mo and James Gen Mi rong, Kenn shellington and Mrs. Shells D. Clark and 8 Jacolj Walroth's: | Rey nold 's S ( at J. M Snider, at Walrot R. Snic Elginburg Has A Elginburg, Aug. 20 Thedionor having om~hgavi heen edd to that position til mm the MacDonald pent | of aw and irnham and Stinson, Alma . Knight ton, no at Hougl Corl Mi ton's i Hav Chie Caintown, Aug. IS Gananoque, 1 Sv Miss Tassie Tennant able to drive out Mallon I Donald, guest of her sister Mrs. 1H. W. Powe at her home Mallory house a of the Nolan Wedne R. R an extended visit t.. Mr. and Mrs. Syracuse, N.Y., were brother, John Kine last." Miss Purvis, « the guest Mi and Mre. Joh ests at Willie of town coat of youngest were sday. 18 ol Mr. were Sunday. y 'With ymlt order fate put le it 1 we it u late start will th Oes nto, came down nd nour hefare isiting "FaleottN The Tidings From Various Points new. steam People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Glendower Notes. I= 15 a poor dry weather, all kinds of berries fence hittle hot Visitors © Mag yo and lement Alexander Hotel week Smith Caintown Personals. buried : » company Be crops. THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1908. scp, of Toronto, were guests] FOUGHT THE" POLICE. b W. Haig at over Sunday. Dr. : m-------- : Cahoon and Manly Tewilligar have] Harvesters Created ated Disturbance In resigned ay members of the council, Winnipeg. ; ating 'a Rew election, Misses Winnipeg, Aug. ~The arrest of and Rowena Saylor leave onf james Forrester a ¥ihe C. P. R. sta- | Wedne say to 3 isit friends at Beis, tion, yesterday, culminated in a riot, | Pa Haight Bros. are installing and for a time it looked as though heating outfit in thei it | the police were going to be overcome. Shrubbs and Miss Gus-| Fifteen hundred against five were the quietly married re { odds. 'And the fifteen hundred were cently. Mrs, lames Thom, of To-Imen of the roughest type. They were ronto. spent a few dans with her the harvesters who have become noto- { daughter, re C. W. Burr. irious through their conduct during ierald Taleott their trip from the East, not having Wednesday he slightest respect for the law. : The trouble resulted from the arrest tof Forrester, of Truro, N.S. Forrester | was acting in an indecent manner in Aue. 19 Tewpite of che | the depot, and when spoken to became Ia l y e | worse. He was promptly collared hy 3-8 'arge crowd en-4pe railway police, but outside he be- lebration in Arden' {came worse and. was arrested by a daughter has come to brighten | city policeman. Seeing one of their of Mr. and Mrs! in the bands of the law, the Mr. Rombou again draw- | crowd keeare furious, and, with the to Arden. blackberry | shouts of "'rescue, resc ue, | rushed the ] not quite so heavy this year policemen and his prisopf . Other pol 1%--'The thresh . In th Ti, y SSFS. Whit |icemen were soon onthe scene. Rig fag marsh and Lockwood are cutting the : Little progress was mady by Ard thas hy the Cole place. The children | ficers, and the crowd surbed girl has come. who have fishing report a good {and completely stopped any move ot Charles | catch B. R. Newton's|ment. The policemen were * fighting son at the home new coming along in fine | their way through the wall of human Mes. of. style. gentlemen who | beings. It was impossible for them to Mr. and Mrs. jwere camping at Sand have | use their truncheons or a space would oscowsAlrs. C. returned to their homes in Toronto | have been cleared, and the struggles we 1 Ve- land Montreal. John Bey has de layed ; of the prisoner were such as to make ge M. | his return to his home Lake Mas- | them hold on like grim death. At the Myrtle | anaga togpurchdse some land at Cross | corner of Henry avenue a rig was call- Kennedy | Lake. © Visitors : Ww. Chenoeworth, | ed and the prisoner placed in it, but Lake. Montreal, at W. Newton's; Miss N.| when the driver attempted to start the family. nt and Miss F.. Whitmarsh at Mrs. E {mob held the vehicle back through nt OC. -Mouck's; J. Bey, Clone, at W. New | their combined weight, and again the yr Hons = Lockwood at S. Whit- [aspect was serious. Eventually the marsh' s; Miss Evelyn Newton at Mrs. | rly ruffian was clubbea to quietness | Boomhour's: = Mrs. GoodBury, | and driven to the police station. The W. Baker's: W. Wood at |r gathered around, but, seeing - : Newton's Miss Sherbitio. at' J. their man was evidently to stay in, Magistrate. Dead Creek Detlor 3-1 soon dispersed. For hours after they Fig : heidies RR. 8. Cassels {collected about the depot, but all x Y 1 {doors were closed and no person was W. Newton's; Mr. | ale y Baker and child: {allowed to Special constables ter and of Alma Ontario--What home. Earle sie Shepherd were Curtis aired | the | ¢ i and for ton, ~Most of r orain hi the yer left on APY th West: crop of not acequnt Lie News From Cross Lake. r and there niord Leeman is ¢. Christie orth Bay. are visiting rain on joyed yoang the home Mouck. Hing lumber erop Loe the « The . Robert | | gang a is The is Notes. bas berries. the of- on around of mudcats. Nn Hie house is The young Cove lon, Miss and le and Geng and sister, Mr. and My kr's _I'Newton's P. had | W. | appoint. nhury Lake Toronto, at Mrs. George Cross magisirate, recently pass areas nests ates Murphy bieu, Kin Miss Orser, it J. Carran's Napanee, visited y School visiting Mi Baker's Mouck; Mr. and Mrs Mr. and Mrs, Detlor, camp; Messrs, Pierce l'oronto, Mr. sister Detlor Jr, a and | Bey's| 1 to preserve quiet and prevent re ¢ | currence of the trouble. any r., and . Bevy's Robinson, samp FASHION'S FORM, of Blue Linen. w at 1.. Bart : Miss Ashe Gown | Morning a | ) ray ' f the Successful Social Aug. 19.--The" Ladies' | Methodist church held a | ful social last Friday | Miss ronto, at E. | I Marlhork, 'at W, | Aid alu Ham- | Very Mrs. Hough King loxby Smith, , at om here ntiful was provid pronounces d present night. supper the proceeds Mrs. M. Philliy Mrs. re-opened | Poppelwell | e of the vil- | Dooher place; 'ed and excellent: by The Mr. and Sunday last in Mr, and crowd to S120. - | large | amounted | Dooher spent j ville the | Murphy. The schools have the holidays. Miss has returned to take clifirg Miss Nellie Balie, of thi accepted l pupil-nurse Hospital, Detroit, three year Dermady called to Philly to the serious brother-in-law the ten-year oll met with a pamfiul «e family, Mr. ( SN guests of {after Miss Mc 1 « school and J. of ' as am Mis town, was - the iss Hallie Powell. | trang days | J and entered on a 4 Stephen a few | wii "vi ill James were {week owing -- 2. 0l- | {he former' Murphy lof H. cident way ins | Edward aintowr has gone (riends J y : passing over : Rineuid, $ jand, breaking it above the kine ns tdoing nicely under the (Dr. Pratt of Smith's Falls. Mes Bod- Mills, | den, Montreal, is the wt of v, FA, and Mrs. Meek, Miss Helens Doohe- er the pst. of Miss Nora Hyau in Smith's Mr. and Mra. Mooh- went Phillipsville Lass S Jimmie, : son ol I'homas, a few gon on the In Lhe wheel The sketch depicts a very smart | tle morning frock of dull blue trimmed ahout the yoke and armholes with linen a little darker { The frock was buttoned down the en | tire length of the front with linen-cov | ered buttons, the sleeves having | the effect of being buttoned down outer arm. This model would be | smart also in white linen, with buttons. the guests aid, on Sunday i Yonge's Mabe vr Liray, ol ireatment © of tiibson of Lyn, also, \ is n GLrahan very pearl er to i" Ny th irday wer ues ' Murphy on Wednesday Mrs. Edward Mrs, James as over where they Phone Mrs 19 mes curred e of "mother, hon MISS EVA BOOTH ILL. Collapsed After De- livering Address. Ind., Aug. 19.---Just platform 1! Army Leader War lean ing Saw, the clore an now in has re atisfactior nany years agd, 1 | Winona Pink ooth, ith follow ood awdience of rence, Mi of the Saly ited ate fallen to the Her . co 1 the ints is | conti atic collapsed floor hut ndition, W heat of the Db. M compnander n m t the Ui St sist whit 'on b " few og sth came past day: al t Mi Work m Ih Vino Ire to afternoon the the Thursday vied Oh } ord was griie | Willng tod \pman Mi of he told that t platform, she Sime heat wi n that the her « dit for her | such was dnposeible I trenuol Lal condition had Sure Cure For Moths Sun. vew York Visi y Al Mar am Bart Barr's; on mad 1 last i Mrs. Bygros Miss ady with retu She was a suburban week quite told her meal he moth cure x meal before the tramp, it, then he said: "All ye do, ma am, 18 ver moth clothes and "thing and stick to yer kill overrun that would iA was he tramp in lor ington and Abral n Barr, at J Beatrice Barr etmen, at I give A square nfallible She se als | Square he I hom naw, at two dar h Montreal, and Mis s so Stanley Miss Me oe is Mrs. Batersbay Mrs. Mor-[* Maberley and daughters, | Crozier and. Alfie Mrs. J. Bedour, T} som, | voured wd hang and carpet beat' moths then asked to to filled on a Good-bye that line em with a ) them 7 the salem; Roch « he Walrot said the tr ve hit 'er vg, if amp n h ' The Drill Was Wrecked. Amberstburg, Ont. A 19 howr, this morning, the the M. Sullivan tleet was in in a premature explosion which had just been placed in the rock jalongside of the drill in about twenty feet of wa- ter. In some mysterious manner the; charge went up instead of down The! drill badly Wike ked. The crew of | tenn men all escaped with slight injur- with the exception of the foreman, Austin, ho is supposed to be seriously injured. The drill was working at Bar Point, on the United States government 'work, about two wiles from th 1 two \ the | Mrs At large » A. son, William an yj | early | drill "of | jared * | dynamite inthe holes : of Golden $3 Fermoy: children, Mr Dori De. seronto and Katie Barr, at and Mrs. W. Ba ind Mrs. Burke, st dvgrove's, Al Fermoy. and Woods': David i Althorpe; James at home: Me i Knapp. Crow Black Watch : Black Plag The Che bert y aiso at Ww. Brash, Joseph Ritchies', Sunday Mr. William Cn} t Juinn, at Barr, Ww. Brash spent Reynolds * and Lake. at H. Quinn is thorp« was at ies, Stephen w ill x int. Look In Your Mirror. li 'there appears on your face any! canker, pimples, boils, blotches or! other skin diseases you know at once! your blood is impure. Perfectly pure blood means an absolutely clear com- plexion. ; You can have 'such blood by using Wade's Iron Tonic * Pills {Laxative}. 'This remedy. cleanses and a enriches the blood. They] § They ate a great nerve strengthen. av £1 : er and blood maker. In boxes, 2 Mo ik ; lat Wade's drug store' nN : if not satisfactory. David Vandewy- , : 4 E pret niavorable The week fe, of To- Old and danks Bovs'| spent | ohms their n, of h | we re placed around the depot in order | Wedgewood lit- | linen, | shade. | the | Money Far i On Od Sale. "The shrewd buyers having been taking twos and three pairs of Oxfords, and you can hard] blame them at the values. 2 ; Women's $4 & 4.50 Tan, Chocolate, Pat. Colt and Vici Kid Oxfords and Pumps in up and Quee + Quality makes, 'now selling at $2.9 "All the balanee of our Men's $5.00 Packard § ' (Walter & Whitman) and Thompson Bros'. $5.00 04 Oxfords, in Tan, Velour, Cali and Patent Colt, now: $3.75. » <1 there were better shoes made for $5.00 tha : the above three makers, we'd have them. J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. The Home of Good Shoe Making. hdr rb Orbis bi 0d. Collis Browne's : (U 0 THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. Acts like a Charm 1n ff DiaRRHGEA Wo snectic n CHOLERA ... DYSENTERY. arrests those too soften fatal diseases -- FEVER, CROUP, AGUE. The Lest Remedy knows for COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS Effectsally cots short all atincks of SPASMS. I: the oaly palliative ia NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM,' TOOTHACHE Chiorpdyne is a liguid taken in drops, graduated according to the malady, It inveariabl® relic pan of whatever kind; creates a calm refreshing slog allays spritation nervous system when all other remedics far, lear no bad ects and can bo tuien when no other migdrcene can be tolerated. INSIST ©N HAVING CONVINCING "Er. J. COLLIS. BROWNE'S MEDICAL. TESTIMONY CHLORODYNE. WITH EACH BOTTLE. Sold by ali Chemista. Prices in England: yi, 2/9, &j6. Sole Manufacturers: J T. DAVENPORT, vo Checks and he The immense success of this Remedy bas given rise to many imitations NB Ce -Every bollle of Chlorodyne 3 the stamp the same of the inventor, Dr, J. a Collis Browne. an b on LONDON, Wholesale Lyman Bros. & Co. limited, Toronto. 'DON'T FAIL: ATTEND THE Agents, TO Wind Up. ni2 OF THE RONEY SA LE £ We lave bunched together all the small lots, and Odds and Ends, and placed prices on them for you to arry Away the. Goods. Some the best bargains of the sale are row " * awaiting you. -Roney 127 Princess

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