Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Aug 1908, p. 8

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---- PAGE EIGHT. | THE 5P.M.EDITION THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1908. -_ ; "a cy A STARTLING THEORY. "KAY; URSY argareneo | | KINGSTON'S + VISITORS Are cordially invited to in- spect our Showrooms, where the finest collection of manu- ' factured Furs -in Eastern Canada, are on exhibition. Everything shown manufac- tured in Kingston. Advanced As the Origin of the City Dome Fire. "The city buildings' dome fire did not originate from the plumber's sol- der pot.' This is the statement of an expert who made a careful cxamina- tion of the place, and it is under. stood that the report of the fire to Underwriters' Association will state that the fire originated in ~ the partition, above the stone base of the dome facing King street and worked upwards "till it finally ¥eached the flooring' around the clock where i struck the air and spread rapidly. The plumber, himself, didn't know how the fire originated, though he was quite 'willing to accept the theory thgt a spark from his solder pot was the cause. However, from statements of the carpenter and others, there was no rubbish near the place for sparks to ignite. The plumber said that the fire seemed 16 come up through the floor, and examination afterwards ee " John McKay Fur Houss, STORES,-- 107 Princess St., 149-155 Brock St. ity of the fire having originated in the partition, which is entered through a man hole in the wall. The supposi- tion that the blaze originated through - spontaneous combustion of a rat's nest, a large one being found in white ashes afterwards. The way the interior of the partition was burned gives strength to this theory. At the very oatset, dnoke came out of the base of the dome. It doesn't matter now how the fire originated, but this theory is refreshing at the close of the dog day weather. : Diamonds FRONTENAC CHEESE BOARD. Make superb gifts and have what every present should have--sentiment and in- ! trinsic value. The Sales Made on Thursday Afternoon. With a attendance, the presi- dent, William Fawcett, in the chair, and the secretary, William Pillar, also present, the regular meeting the Frontenac cheese board was held in the city council chamber, on Thursday here boarded 790 white 315 boxes of good Buy here_and you are sure of getting only the best. Solitaire Rings, from $10 y to as high as you care to go. of alternoon. was boxes of and colored. These factories boarded : White--Battersea, 70; Elm Grove, 30 Cold Springs, 90, Exgelsior, 35 burnie, 50; Gilt Edge, 50; Hinchin brooke, 50 Bay View, 80; Us 24; Pine Hill Hill, 55 Sand Hill, 35; 5p total, 790, Colored Howe Island, 30: Morning 10; Ontario, 15; t. Lawrence, Silver Springs, { Thousand Island, 30; Melirath's total, 35. The board opened at Gibson secured all with the exception and Wolle Island, at 12 Mr. Alexander all | colored, with the exception of Grath's and Glenvale, Good values in 3-stone and j five-stone rings. Glen 0, 00: Wolie envale, Star, 59 Rose Island, 10 . Spangenberg JEWELLER, and DIAMOND MERCHANT 120. At 12ic. the white of = Bay | View and secured Mc- p---------- erase et Gillett Razor Blades Sharpened and Made | As good as new for IN SPORTING CIRCLES. Driving Club .to ' Give Another Matinee. A meeting of the Gentlemen's Driv- ing Club was held on Wednesday even- ing. After regular business affairs had been discussed and settled, it was de- cided to hold anofher matinee' one | week from to-day, at the fair grounds, 25 | when four events will be pulled off. 0 a0 d 8 The club -have-had- a fairly. successful . |'season so far, especially for a first ad- { | venture. Special attention paid to Safety | Razors of alk kinds. | ES Y.M.C.A. Athletic Event. The 120 yards race was the only event pulled off of the Y.M.C.A. pro-| | gramme on Wednesday evening. Davis W. A. Mitchell, |i: ve es ae Crs }* \RDWARE. | | -------- ed the tape third man. Two more ev- | ents will be pulled off Friday evening ' Central Fair Attractions. What Experts Say. | A splendid programme of special at- A former amateur sprint champion | tractions will be carried out before the of Bngland, writing for the Daily | grand stand every afternoon at the Pelegraph, says of the hundred me | Central Canada Fair at Ottawa, this tx inal the Olympic games: | year. The list includes a perilous leap "Wish all respect for the official | from the dizzy height of 100 feet into " | a tank of water. This will be perform- decision, there barely a shadow od by the noted Holden. In his lap dgubt but that Kerr, the ( | Holden turns a complete back somer- was second in this race. Several | sault. The same daring performer will pert Cities in the stand Sisectly | sive his thrilling death trap loop. The the nicely the at due is of anadian, eX over- | ider"s only chance of success in this Ol {font lis the - instantaneous proper a | working of the huge trap door that het ter to | permits him to leave the inclined loop the winning post, were unanimous in | while flying the brink of death this Moreover, are told on | He has electrified thousands, and risks g@od authority that of the | his life in every trial needy es Kort second, | - that the that | the referee gave Rex tar. Thus the all arounde--and more particularly those best placed to see the the posts in the clearest perspective was all in favor of Kerr." worsted and finish vards trent of tooking distance ata Ha some twenty which favors view than standing close up on Wi three to reed], and to of opinion of ol he of declared be ------ Fur Remodelling. furs need remodelling or re- pairing, if now is the very best time to have such work attended to | Our prices are always moderate, and | you are certain of entire satisfaction, | as we employ only experts in our fac- | tory. "Phone 79 and our waggon will « { call. Campbell Bros., the manufactur- ing furriers. fourth disag the consensus position Do vour SO line 1.000 Islands--Rochester. North King and Caspian | leave daily, except Monday. at 10.153} am., for Thousand Island ports, and! ab 5 p.m. for Bay of Quinte ports and | Rochester | to-morrow. Call for one. -_ Steamers Butterick Fashion Book For September, free at Laidlaw's, . School Clothes | After his vacation romp, the Boy will certainly need a good, durable Shool Suit. Start him right. Dress him in a neat looking School Suit. He'll ; make better progress in school and entertain more respect for himself. A hy AA Bring the Boy here and makg a selection from J our stock of excellent School Suits. Every Suit will do its duty. We guarantee it to do so. : Suits in Single and Double Breasted and Norfolk Style, $3.00 to $8.50. LIVINGSTON'S Where the Good Clothes: Come From. p 3 showed that there was every probabil-| 75; | 30; | { Me | TORY (ONDUC BRIBERY WOESPREA TRIBUTED WHISKEY, 4 . 3 A. RB. Bayne Charged With Breaches of " Election Act-- Handed Out Whiskey By the Case and Rolls of Notes--Con- servative M.P.'s Brother In- | volved. ' Halimx, Aug. 19.--The tory boest | that *"the solid cighteen"" in Nova Scotia was broken in Colchester, last November, by the election of John Stansfieid on the purity platformy re- ceived a rude jolt to-day at the trial of A. KR. Bayne, charged witn' offences against the elections act in the inter- ests of John Stansfield, the; conserva- tive candidate. The action has been taken by the liberals of Colchester, and many witnesses have been sum- imoned. Bayne is a mining operator residing at Five Islands. He was an exceedingly active worker for the conservatives at the Stansfield bye election. A great crowd was pres trial opened at 'Truro t before County Stipendiary ( entire morning was spent in the ex- amination of Alexander McDemald, of Five Islands, and the gist of his\_evic dence was that following a long cop- versation with layne, on the eve "ol the election, in which he indulged in of Stansfield, he was given | six more bottles of w and | $15 by Bayne. He that | the prisoner had approached him and | other had treated them, and endeavored to ascertain what their evidence was likely to be. Among those present when the treating was done was Frank Stansfield, brother of John Stanshied, M.P. Mr. Bayne | suggested to witness that he should try to forget he had received the money and whiskey from Bayne. Wit- ness also said that Bayne asked_ him to come. before the stipendiary and say he had received ng money or li- quor. Witness swore Bh crogs-exami I nation, that Bayne asked him at the Stanley House, Truro, to go befcre the stipendiary magistrate and swear 1 had got no money or rum." ' Robie Faleoner, of Economy, he got thirty dollars in cash and a case of flasks of whiskey. He got the money in the Stanley House and li- quor at the back of the hotel. '"'Hg wanted to work for Stansfield," said the witness. '1 said I would be with him in the election." "What did Bayne say ?' "He said I was to use the liguor for the election and to put the mobey down into my tromser pockét. I did the money for election pur Senator MacKay's son, Ww was with Mr. Bayme just the liquor. I "got ont when! the morning The is praises oy or also swore witnesses, swore not use poses. P. Mackay, before 1 more get [liquor from Bayne at Five Islands the night befote the election I got six or cight flasks and a long bottle, the latter for myseH. The rest was to he handed out I saw Payne fill up a grip of whiskey brother, Suther Falconer, in asked one of us if we had He told me to po outs and get I did so and he filled both We two cases of whiskey. He asked me ii T could hanaie any whiskey for Mr Stanley down there. 1 said "Yes, and he gave it to me." Bay knew 1 had not been a supporter of Stans ficld's party hitherto." Suther Falconer swore: that met Bayne and W. P. MacKay, Senator Machay., on nomination and got a grip full of boc altogether twentv-four bottles day "and about half bottles from at the day before election McDonald, the first {the room when Suther {his liquor. There in the Stanley hotel, where he got the whiskey. J. Bayne SAW he money or the hotel a my Bayne grip one got ne he son of day He got that doze Islands a Five got Bayne the ir got Wilthess, was Fal oner crowd was quite a that he day, Morrison swors nomination and there Bayne on he thought for the wstrict He got some the Stanley roll of dellars, twenty. "He told me," said the wit "to make the best use of it I could «in Stanfield's interest. 1 treated the boys every time they came along letter from Mr Hall, the secretary and agent of the eenserva tive party here, to Mr. Bayne. 1 burnt s that letter It told me to call on Mr..Bayne. I called on Mr. Bayne because it was reported he was 'the man behind the gun. "I got a number af flasks from Bayne at Five Islands on the day of the election, or the day before. 1 also got twenty-live dollars on election day. Bayne called me into a room of Cor bett's hotel andjanded it to me done up in a parcel with an elastic band around it. He apparently had fait} that 1.could pull them in or he would not have given me the dough." "Did John Stansfieid, on the munici- pal election day, about a week Before ihe federal bye-election, direct you to go to Bayne for financial assistaned, saying, 'Whatever you (Morrison) win out of it could be held for me? ask ine question was ob- some was Five money from hotel, Truro. probably sald Sl amis, Jayne at There was a NESS, lI got a ed counsel, but ietted to and not allowed. Excursion To Jones' Falls. | Stedmer Aletha will leave Swiit's tdock, at ® a.m, Friday, Augest 2th, {for Jones" Falls. Fare 38c. The Only Way. | To see all of the islands is by taking { the steamer America's tours, Satur- { day, 2:30 p.m; fare, Ble. tol- Redd genuine old-iashionad i ladger's at Gibson's {fre in tin cans, A Cross drug store. only CONSERVATIVE WORKER DIS- | CITY AND VICINITY. The New Fall Hats. Have arrived at Campbell Bros. Of Locomotive employees will be | held in Lake Ontario Park, August | 20d. Baseball, sport and dancing. ! Great Clearing Sale. Prevost, Brock street, has made great reduction in price in the orde and ready-made clothing department jalso gents' furnishings. Look at dis { play windows. 7 | = City Property Committee. A meeting of tne city property com mittee was cailed for 3:30 o'clock this afternoon to consider matters in con- nection With the city buildings. Be sides the dome question the matter of improved plumbing will be considered \ rem em Ler-centgnary Crowd. The Bijou theatre was) crowded, yes: terday, to see the Quebec ter-ecnien- ary pictures. 'Ihe musical efiect, in- cluding the effect of the distant play- ing of the bands, were especially fine, and the explanations were complete. The performance will be somewhat im- proved to-day and te-night. Left For The West. One hundred people left Kingston, to-day, via the C.P.R. on the farm laborers' excursion to the west. The train left the K. '& P. station at noon. About twenty-five left for the west on the morning train. J. J. Andersoa and J. J. Brignall, the company's passenger agents, kad charge of the excursions. -------- ~ Spontaneous Combustion. Fire broke out in the coal pile at the light plant, on Wednesday after noon, due to spontaneous combustion. The fire was discovered shortly after it started and men were at once put to work to put it out. Two firemen fiirom the lower station went over and put a stream on the pile. At ten o'clock last evening the fire was com- pletely out. The damage will be very slight. It Was Not William. Through misinformation the Whig told of the misdoings of one William Ewart, in Portsmouth, whereas the oficnder was Thomas Ewart. The statement is greatly regretted, as William is a meritorious citizen, a hard worker, respectable and progres- give. All who know hin will readily see that a serious mistake was made in coupling his name with disorder. Pleased With Kingston. Erceldoune De Cordova, of York, is spending a few weeks with his brother, Mr. De Cordova, Emily street. He is a Wall street financial representative, and was formerly a New JXork financial writer for the London limes. Mr. De Cordova is a "Union Jack man," to use his own words, having been born in the West Indies. In the great Jamaica carth- quake of two years ago he lost. ome of his brothers, He is delighted with Kingston, as a residential city, and so it his brother who has come for seal vears, and who has season taken an Emily street dence. The latter stands high New York financial circles. New this resi- in seve Band In The Park, By permission of Lieut.-Col. Kent and officers of the 14th regiment, P. W. O. rifles the band will play the following programme under the direc. tion of Watson H. Walker. bandmas- commencing at eight o'clock : March--' Field and Forest" Overture-- 'Irish Airs" Concert. Walez--"'Liove 'And. Life Vienna" Schottischo-- The Peek-a-Boo" Selection-- Maritana" Parisian March--"If You Mine' Indian TIntermezzo--' Topeka Song Waltz-- 'Smarty Humorous March-- 'The Coppersmith' Regimental March. Alhert Beyer In Komzak Plays Williams Wallace Alona Were y Scoteo * Von Tibzer Jones. Moon God Save The King ---------------- PERSONAL MENTION. Movements Of The People--What They Are Sayino And Doing. McGarvey, ir. of Mount left, to-day, for Winnipey Moore, Cobalt, is visiting his parents, Division street Miss Alice Fuller, Rochester. N.Y., is visiting Miss Ethel Lennox, Welling- ton. street Ex-County Hartington, was a Visitor in the city to-day. Mrs. John Miss Grace in Verona. Mrs. W. Jones, children, are guests of Mooers, Barrie street. John Jackson, who attended Queen's, left ior Souris, Man., to-day, where he has been -engaged to teach. school. Mrs. F. W.'Doran; Ottawa, left: to- day for Toronto after a short visit with Mrs. G. Yeung. University ave- nue. Miss Clara Sacgeant and Miss Jessie Roberts have returned from spending a very pleasant vacation at Alexan- dria Bay. Andrew Stevenson and family left today for London where Mr. Steven- son will be one of the Normal school masters. J. M. Baillie, graduate of the King- ston Business College, leaves, to-day. to. accept a position as strenographer with the Canadian Pacifie railway company. Special rates to the first twenty-five registering for the fall term. which hegins September 1st. MH. F. Metcalfe, Principal -------- Baseball On Wednesday. Eastern league--Rochester, 9-7: falo. 19. Newark, 10-5: Montreal, 32. American land, 1. * St. Louis, 24. New York, 8: Detroit, 0. delphia, 6; Chicago, 5. National league--EBrookhyn. i: Pitts burg, 0. Chicago, 5: Poston, 1. New York, 3: Cincinnati, 5. James Chesney, Herbert Councillor Freeman, of danantvne and daughter, Ballantyne, are visiting Tamworth, and Mrs. H. ~ ~ league-- Baston. 7: Clove Phila: Excursion To Ogdensburg. Stegmer Aletha wil leave Swiit'd dock ant 8 a.m.. Tuesday, Angust 25th, for Ogdensburg. Fare 33¢, here | ter, in Macdonald Park. this evening, | { horses Fi Buaf- 4.1: Washington, FIRE 1H TORONTO RICE LEWIS & SONS WERE es . A Raging Fury Until the Roof | Collapsed and the Dense Smoke Escaped--Very Serious Loss. : - Toronto, Aug. 20.--This marniog fire broke out, near an elevator on the ground floor of the Rice Lewis & Son, Ltd., hardware store, at the cor ner of King and Victoria streets, Dri- ven by a tremendops draught and kindled into a raging fury by a lan stock of paints 5 on tf ground floor, thé flames swept up- wards to the roof completely 'gutting the contents of the five floors and de- stroying the roof. The smoke was very dense and icemen who fought flames inside the building were nearly sufio- cated. At 6.45 o'clock the front por: tion of the roof collapsed and the smoke escaped and greatly relieved the men, who were able to fight and shortly afterwards tge fire was .un: der control. There is estimated to have been $25.000 in stock on each of the five floors, but as yet the loss has not been adjusted to each. Later--The total loss is now placed at $175,000. On building, $25,000 ; on contents, $150,000; fully covered by insurance. A conference was held, this morning, between members of the city fcouncil and about 100 delegates from points within a radius of thirty miles of Toronto, for the purpose of discussing the question of a suburban service. Mr. Strong's 'resolution passed ex: pressing a unanimous desire for an in teruban service with commutation tic kets and embracing towns within a reasonable distance of Toronto. A committee was appointed for the pur pose of interviewing officials of the C, P. R. and the G. T. R. and the Cana- dian Northern railways. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Thein Rounds. Cabmen's 'phone 490. LO.F. excursion through Thousand Islands, on 26th. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's. Phone TIS. The steamer America brought a large number of passengers from Alexandria Bay and intermediate points to-day. Ht. Cunningham, piano tuner from Chickering's. Leave orders at Me Auley's Book Store. The market 'was well attended, day, especially for a Thursday. was practically a vegetable market. Horlick's Malted Milk, all sizes, fresk at Gibson's Red Cross drug store: The steamer Mississiquoi brought a large number of passengers from Rockport and intermediate points to- day. McConkey's famous assorted mele, sold in Kingston only at son's Red Cross drug store. Steamer America makes another trip to Bfockville and Ogdensburg, Friday, 8 a.m., returning leaves Ogdensburg 3:30 p.m. Meals on board. Fare due. Frederick Hillier, Elginburg, who re- {ported to the police that he had been I robbed of $60, is still minus his wad and no clue has been secured of the | whereabouts of the missing money. Do not suffer from sick headache a | moment longer. It is not necessary. | Carter's Little Liver Pills will cure one little pill. Small Small pill. Lo Iv cara- Gib | | you. Dose; | price. Smal] dose. | Lieut.Col. J. L. Biggar, of the C. P. A. 8. C., was here from Ottawa sterday, arranging for the new vcat- | ¢ ing system to be inaugurated at the { Royal Military College, which here- | | after will be in charge of the No. 21 | detachment of the corps here. | Nestles' Food. a perfect nutriment| | for children and invalids, fresh at | Gibson's Red Cross drug store. | {op oC, succeeded in stopping | what might have heen run- {away on Princess street to-tay. The became frightened at a street} | car, and the blufcoat grabbed: theniby [ the head before they could get start ed. ! Beef, Tron make. Pint | Prag Store. The Ladies' Dien will meet to-morrow night to re-| ceive a statement regarding the big | {garden party. It was stated, to-day, | that the sum of BSS had been colléct- | the cate. and altogether it is] ted a wood sum will be realized, Filson a serious | 1 Wine, "our own, 50¢., at Wade's | and Bottles, x : { Auxiliary of the Hotel] fed at | expec ATDITIONAL ASSESSMENT | | Agreed to By the Kingston Share- { holders. | On Wednesday evening a meeting of | the local shareholders in the Larder | Lake International Mines, Limited, { was held in the Randolph hotel, to |'discuss ' the extra assessment call e upon them m order to ccn- | tinue the workings on the mining properties. 'Lhe business of the cgm- pany had been extravagantly handled. A new . Board of directors has now control and require additicnal money. An asscssment of twenty-five per cent. his holdings was made of each Kingston and district have stock to the value of $250,000. Of this amount $10,000 was paid. The sum of ¥2.500 : additional was asked and the shareholders agreed to advance the money as requested. John MeMartin, of Cobalt, manag- ing director of the company, who is in the city, addressed ' the share holders. He states that the com- pany has a fine property and under more careful and more economic, Man- agement he feels confident that the shareholders have an excellent invest: ment. For the additional assessment each shareholder will receive stock at the rate of five cents a share. ie on shareholder. Annual Pienmic. Locomotive employees will "be in Lake Ontario Park, "August Baseball. sport amd dancing. i ---- Excursion To Jones' Falls. Steamer Aletha will leave Swift's dock, at 8 a.m. Friday. August 28th, for Jones' Falls. Fare 50, ---------- Beef, Iron and Wine, athe king tonics, sold only at Gibsons | Cross drug store. [Phone 230, of 'held 22nd. of Red | | naan | | | i i Now on .sale a speeial purchase of Japanese Hand Wrought Linens at prices that represent the best values we have ever shown. | Tray Cloths Sideboard Cevers Runners Samples of them now in show window. TABLE LINENS Direct from a reliable maker in Belfast, Ireland, then you can save all middlemen's profits, and we can give you exceptional values. : Pure Bleached Table Linens, 50¢, 60c. Pure Bleached Table Linens, 65, 75, 9c. Pure Bleached Table Linens, $1.25, 1.39, 1.49. Unbleached Table Linens, 39¢, 49¢, 75¢, Unbleached Table Linens, 25¢, 35c¢. These prices mean little to you until you come and see the real values they represent. Table Napkins, $1.00, 1.25, 1.50. Table Napkins, $2.00, 2.50, 3.00 up to $7.00 Dozen. v Towellings 21 ~5C, Linen Crash Towellings, 8¢, 10¢, 1 Glass Linen Towellings, 10c, 121¢, 15c. Special Bargain A Old Ladies' Fine Kid Low Cut Elastic Side Boots, low heels, light soles, regular $1.65, 1.75. / For $1.25 Ghe Toockett Shoe Store. P.8--8uit Cases from $1.50 up. oh 00000000 0RR0R000RCRIRIRENEN0DI0S A000 IR 00000 0RIRIOOS

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