rong I"EMBRO RAILWAY = IN CONNECTION WITH. Pacitic Railway LOW RATES TO PACIFIC - COAST AND RETURN. | Returning Until October Sst, OUVER - LABORERS: EXC & ba, Saskatchewan Wn 3 ng Sri. $18.00 - ons) oF '27th, and Sept, 2nd, Ets Ash "_ : HOMESEEKERS 8 , Sas Cog a5 bd Tot eters eo ford 86 ne L reticulate at'K:; & P. and 'U, P. R. Tibet Ofos, Ontario St. 'Phons, bo; w. CONWAY, Gen; Pass. Agent. 7 leaves ion station, Ontario 3 pu daily (Bundays excepted, or ed, Sydbnham, N , Deser- Bannockburn and oll points north. quick despateh to Bannock- ooth, and ints on , Fo your shipments via Bay te Railway. For further 'particu- R, W, DICKSON, Agent. Central joi In Gool Latitudes 'Twin Screw: Iron S88. 'Campana, electric Mghts, electric bells and N NTREAL . ON 24th August, , for Pictou, aspe, Mal Ho uminerside, P.E.I. nL Calling at Chatlottetawn and Halls X, 8.8, OR iad. 24600 tons, sails from , 22nd August. Bermuda Summer Excursions; $40 and upwards, the Twin Strew SS. "Bermudian,' tons, Sail fortuightly from ta June ¥ fo Sih 5, New York Octo ture cooled by sea . Tempera seldom rises above 80 degrees. finest trips of the season lof - N, Sectesary, Glebe et d staterooms, y to a'p CHANLEY, or 0. 8, K PA" RICE, Ticket Agents, Kingston, Ont. i CHL LY YIN. 7 Nas 'AKE ADVANTAGE OF Canada's Summer i Grain "OCEAN LIMITED" weaving - Montreal 7.30 Daily, Saturday, Quebec)>St. John, Halifax. Direct Edward heal A p.m. except for connection for Prince Island. Through Mataphedia and Wentworth Valleys » INimedwa by Daylight. 5 oron fd FrickhEl iOfce, 51 King SH East. General Passenger Mencton, N.B, & -- LEVIS ENE TIRES 30---Farm Laborers' Excursion h Kingstod to ANITOBA, Al- BERTA, SASKATCHEWAN via Chicago a St. Paul, Minneapolis or Duluth, st 20, 27, September 2, 14. Fare 10.00 is to Winnipeg, where free iven to Kamsack, Sask., River, Sask., and intermedlite po! on Canadian Northern Ry. One cent mile beyond those points to kdmonton, inclusive. The Gramd Trunk is the only double track route to the west, through St Clair Tunnel: by otreity: No Smoke. No dust. Tickets will be Mssued for the return from Swan River, Kamsack and intermediate stat- fons for $18.00. Tickets will also be fssued via Toronto and C.P.R. or North Bay and O.P.R. on August 22nd, and September 11th. Oanadian National Exhibition, Toronto, Ont. Aug. 29 to Sept. 14, Department, Return tickets Wii be sold at $3.55. Sey ist, and . Good 4.5 6 8,9 will not be accepled on trains 1, and 4, all tickets valid returning Toronto on or fore. Tuesday, from Sept. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY | rrel, which does not and can easily be cleaned out. all makes srms, Ci nl makes ol a ry ing, ition. Our guaran- all risk on the Domidion Co., Lud, Montreal. A COLUMN OF NEWS THE WEAKEST CAN REALLY | ' GOTO THE WALL. Milton Stands Alone Among the English Poets--A Tablet to Be Reared to John Newton--To Meet at Oxford. "Theres gloom enough to keep you glum; there's gleam enough to keep you glad," said Dr; Maltbie D. Bab- ack. Morris Rosenfeld. Jewish poet 'and pvalid, hds voluntarily = reduced Rents of his Christian tenants in New ¥ork; to assist them to meet hard times. Many Chinese monasteries are en- dowed with land or a tribute of rice, but seldom so as to be self-supporting, and the monks, armed with gongs, go down "mto the cities to beg for susten- 'ave the only kind that pay. The most healthy are those free from Hee--ands ¢ lice catinot "exist where EMPIRE Poultry Duster . .. ds" usédg 3 Kills lice instantly. 3 + Large. Package "28e. MecLeolt's Drug Store, and a dealers in Poultry Supplies." soughi=even from a simple col y--3 heal, soothe, and ease the irritated tubes. Don't blindly suppress i w fying poison. It'sstrange how tinally come about. For twenty years Dr. Sha 3a constantly warm ple not to jalneccd mixtures or prescriptions containing Rh ongress says 'Put iton the lak ore our Cough Mixture." Jie ror this 3 uid insist on 'none in the mi Dry . rks on : sald to be by those that know it » always be on the safe side by de Dr. Shoap's |Cough:; Cure 28 ALL DEALERS Sal Beaver Flour: is the best pastry flour, just as itis the best bread flour, It contains the fambus pastry- making qualities of "Ontario wheat--ith the strength and nutriment of Manitoba wheat. For Bread; Rolls and Biscuits --Cake and Pastry -- Beaver Flour has no equal, 78 Write us for prises on Peeds, Coarse Grains aud Cervals, T. K, TAvion Co, Lo, CHATHAM, OF. Cough Caution Never, posttively never polson your lungs, Uy 2 gy W a°| Mahommedans to evacuate infected vil- g Chloroform, or similar poisons. Aud now--a 1A ¢ cine, ct x Ret 168 not Qh Bi 15f the Greek Orthodox faith. «This is ®arkable remedy; sTake po chance Eis EAE RT Aitference. aon Samer nr eis wanding ance, The Bible press of Oxford produces on an average, 3,000 copies of the bible, not to mention prayer books, every day. The .skins of 100,000 animals are used. every year for the covers of Oxford bibles alone. The importance of work among school-boys in mission lands has been shown at the Mengo High School in Uganda! At one time mine nations were repiesented among the scholars; eight of the boys were frrinces. An hundred years after his death John Newton, author of the hymn, "Glorious Things of Thee are: Spoken," is to be honored by a tablet in the old London church of St. Mary, Woolnoth. The Bishop of St. Alban's holds the record as a "sleeper out." He might 'even rival Queen Elizabeth, who in her numerous progresses occupied bed- rooms in hall the manor-houses of England. The bishop has in the ordin- ary 'work of the diocese slept in fourteen beds in eighteen nights, ; The Mohammedan may be uncertain of many things in life, but in death he is sure that His grave will rarely be distutbed. To remove the. slightest chance of its being defiled, a. cypress tree is planted immediately after the interment, which makes the Moslem cemeteries resemble forests, ; In a remarkable 'sermon. before the International Congregationist Confer- ence in Edinburg, Dr. G.'A. Gordon de- clared that the Restininster Confession contains the "unreasonable distrust of quman nature in general ' "that the agnostic shows in his resignation to in- vineible ignorance of the spirit world." The efforts of the government in In- dia "to stamp out the plague have been enormously hampered by the refusal of lages on the ground that the Korahi forbade them "to flee from the wrath of: God." Fully 250,000 deaths have been caused by adherence to this be- lief. ' On long lines in Russia each impor- tant train has on one car a little belfry confaining a chime of bells, fitted ds a chapel, in charge of a regulat priest improving upon Somerset, England, and the State of Dakota where travelling chapels on the rails are a solitary in- 'hovation. In a certain tribe, orice a year, an Indian garbed in the skin of a mouh- tain lion, which represents his god, whips the children' of the community who are between the ages of four and ten, both for the wrong they have done and. the wrong they ure going: to do. And they grow up respectful to parents and others in authority. A speaker at the recent eighth annual conference of the British Actors' Church Union, was Rev, Walter Bentley, of New York. He was at the top of 'his profession onthe stage at the time he studied for and obtained Holy Orders, having been converted as the result of a sermon preached by an American the | b church in that town.the legacy; on the condition that every year a clergyman selected from among thosé holding the poorest livings in the diocese should preacti a short sermon extolling the good deeds of the dead baron. The rector of a church at Moret, Vt, who has investigated, startled his congregation with a statement that sixty families had mortgaged their homes to buy automobiles. One owner finds rg- lief from suspicion by putting a sign on his motor ing that it and his house are both paid for, Perhaps there are few towns where the crase has gone to: that ruinous extent. Really those who do not own autos eed not always be filled with envy as they pass Y. ; The Interior sof Chicago, a leading Presbytertan paper, has n strongly criticizing professional revivalism, es- pecially the press agent who sounds the trumpet before the noble evangelist with "real forgetfulness of self," the assistant with "natural allround ability for Christian work," the singer who is "orle of America's leading choristers." Un- til the evangelistic press agent falls un- lamented from his, estate, Christianity must confess an "undignified and re- d.| volting accompaniment of mission cam- paigns." | At Christ's College, Cambridge, was celebrated John Milton's tercentenary. Dr. Mackail, Frfesson of poetry in the University of Oxford, said that "in the science of his art Milton stands alone among the English poets. It makes him classic; it sets him in the circle with Virgil and Sophocles in lonely and splendid eminence. 'Para- dise Lost," composed in darkness, pre. served in memory, dictated in frag- ments, 'might well seem. the most as- tonishing of all products of high genius guided by unconguerable will. At Bangalore, Narasingham, a®Hin- 'doo, became a: Christian but was per- verted to the Mohammedan faith. He made the pilgrimage to Mecca which" eyrns sacred respect and leadership. But he repented of the change so earnestly that he underwent a long robation to warrant return, to the "hristian fold. His re-admission has been a signal for abuse and attack in the streets; and to pérsecutiofis gener- ally: children have been withdrawn from mission schools, and the doors of zen- anas have Deen closed to missioners. But Narashingham continues to' preach Christ with. a patience and humility that will win 'in the end. A good reason has been found for the expression that the weakest can go to the wally through recent exca- vations at Holy Trimity church, Hull, England. The original seating of the church, which has been laid bare, con- lars: of the mdve. It was the custom for the strong and hearty to stand through the service, as is still thes cus- tom through the Eastern church, The aged, the infirm, and some women were allowed to' take the seats at the wall Hence arose the expression. When pews were introduced in the churches, they were reserved for women. TEMPERANCE ISLAND. Newfoundland is Modern e Utopia. Newfoundlind is, ffom a temperance point of 'view, a modern Utopia. Only within sixty 'miles: qfi- St. John's are intoxicants ta! be procured... To sell liquor in. al prohibited district. means the inflicting 'of' a heavy fine. Hotels never. have. licenses, and on; express trains only. passengers travelling, fifty or .mare miles may quench their thirst with oT drinks. These strict regulations have a good effect for the island, with. a population of over 200,- 000; is' kept in hand by a hundred police. There has been but one murder in the last fifteen years. Dr. Grenfell, the missionary and promoter of thrift among the dwellers by the sea, wrote bishop. The Bishop of Southwalk pre- sided. A secretary of the Bible Society while visiting in Korea a prayer meeting, found the floor covered with men all praying aloud, every man his prayer. When asked the reason, they answered, "If one man leads he is apt to show off, and when pride enters in we might as well stop at home. together, and it with God." | _ At the invitation of the, Student Chris, tian Ireland the next conference of the World's Student Christian Federation will be; held in Oxford, next July, its eighth conference, The previous ga- therings were: sachusetts, 1897 ;°Germany, 1808; France, makes no difficulty Japan, 1007. Paul's, Portman .quare, London, in first. of a series of five sermons at th St Bartholomew's church, New York, his philanthropy, or goodness fo the | poor unless the man's heart be right. | o'clock sharp every night except Saturday. A. GLOVER. Notice to Our Customers Our store will close at 6 God cares not how He is sought so long as He is sought." Bishop Cassels says there are seventy | missionary organizations in China, each | working, if not in competition or an- | tagonism, at any rate in isolation and | independence. Not infrequently half a | dozen of these will .be found in the | same city, each working on its own | lines, while four versions of the Bible | are in circulatiom--each with its own | ' term for God. I In an address recently to a: student | ALLAN 3:25' LINE Montreal to Liverpool Virginian sails ..Aug, 28. Sept. 25. Tunisian sails Sept. 4. Oct. 2. Victorian sails Sept. TIL. Ogt. 8. Corsican sails .,. 15,52908. S "ow WB alle ya 1 RY oh IN 4 A oaat, Ror) ed ¥ and Ontario streets: | Lake Ontarlo & Bay of QUIN) orp, MER WOLFE ISLANDER Steamboat Co. i! LIMITED. Rates Of passage and full inf tion ma obtal 3 LEAVES WOLFE ISLAND :-- 7.30--9.15 a.m. 1.004. 7.30--9.15 1.00--4. 7.80--9.15 a.m 1.004. 888 vow Sept. 18, Oct. 16. § BBE li club, President Woodrow Wilson, of | | Princeton, said this of character build- ing: "If your ebject in life is to make | 4 fine fellow of yourself, you will not/ ueceed, and you will not be acceptable | to really fine fellows. Character is a by-product. It comes, whether you | i will or not, as a consequence of a life | devoted to the nearest duty." The Bishop of Crediton, preaching at EDevonport, said that those who worked | ardest during the week often taught | in Sunday-school, bat those who did not | work during the week wanted nothing | to do on Sunduys In this fussy age] | we "wanted quiet, deep, sound, solid | | work such as Sunday teachers might | do, and this was far better than "week- |ends" spent on the river or sands. | The Bishop of Chicago, speaking in ' So we all pray aloud Movement of Great Britain and | | In Sweden, 1895; Mas- | Rev. J. Stuart Holden, rector of St. | }said: "Our Lord is not concerned abouts secure a reduction, if not a man's orthodoxy, nor especially of { of these centres of evil. lately: | "An important" event has been the | polling for or against prohibition along | our north coast. It was difficult to get 'the people to see the uselessness and | the dangers of saloons, even off here. | But an energetic canvass from village | to 'village enabled us to win out, and for three years, at any rate, we shall not have that scourge to add to other difficulties. It will be a great day for Newfoundland if ever the saloons can | be routed out, or very materially dim- inished in mumbers, in St. John's. For, though our coast has prohibition, a sup- I ply comes from St. John's in every mail { boat, for the law allows liquor to be | sent in quantity to private individuals on cash on delivery terms. is makes | the act of very little effect. In St. 1900; Denmark, 1902; Holland, 1905; { John's, with 30,000 population, there {are fifty-five licensed . saloons and a thousand arrests in the year. In Tar- { onto, with 300,000 people, there are 110 | saloons. Surely the forces that make | for righteousness in St. Johan's could | an abolition, To one place on the coast, Conchey the S.S. Portia has carried liquor on nearly every trip, in spite of repeated fines imposed for | shebeening there, and although Father Thibault,» R. C., has spoken about this many times to his people unnecessary trouble, poverty and sin are the resait of the unholy traffic." J fix all-a dat. How Regarded. The ~Englishman-m-Canada is not first prize in the lottery of public opin- ion. He is suffering from the preju- dice of a public who see with powerful Jenses 'a failure to make good of the few and are blind to the stering vir- tues of the many. Frequently com- plaints of mild indiscretions are passed on to the credit of "those English people," when Canadians are the per- sons to blame. But there must be some- thing unbovely in the manner of the Briton everywhere. apan, for in- stance, as an individual he is disliked, while his nation is greatly respected. The United Stater is liked personally, but the philosophic Jap has a con- tenipt for his' statesmanship. In J ------------ At Tornea, Finland, June 21st is twenty-two hours long. Christmas Day is less than three hours. sisted of wooden or stone benches run-} ning around the walls and circular pil- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, AUGUST 21,.1008. 1 -- Cultivate Some Trees: on x Barren Plains. Spain needs trees and purposes, if sug- gestions are executed, to grow forests of pulpwood and other quick growing specimens pf forest timber. * Spain is as large as Pennsylvania, Maryland, Dela- ware, West Virginia, Virgina, and North Carolina. But its forests have but one-forth, the extent of West Vir- ginia alone, and much of these are only scrub thickets of poor kind. The country's population is thought not to exceed one-third what ft once was and could 'be again. Much of the' denuded land is a ely barren with a laid bare where agricalturé bn ro ished. Hills, whose rounded fo fe ditcatk dorests, are bald and dry now: and without inhabitants. * : In some localities peasants with ham- mers pulverize rocks 'and make little patches of soil for gardens. At presegt the most valuable forest product is cork, the annual output being 30,000 tons. To same reason, want of care. Foresters declare there is no reason for Spain not being able to do what her next-door neighbor France, has done, cover her, barren places with groves and thus re- store the soil. A Curious Ashanti Custom. When children are born in Ashanti they are atonce rubbed all over with a mixture of oil and red ocher -this be- ing repeated every two days. Their mouths are washed with a fiery con- ¢oction in which red pepper is the main ingredient, and a_crier goes through the town proclaiming the new arrival and claiming for it a name and a place among the living. Some ofic else in a distant part. of the village acknowl- edges the fact and promises, on the part of the people, that the newborn babe shall be received into the community, The townspeople then assemble in the streets, and the baby is brought out and exposed th view. . A basin of water is provided, and the head man, or chief of the town, sprinkles water upon it, ledving it a name and invoking a bless- ing upon. it, such as, for instance, that Ait may have health, grow' up to man- haod. or womanhood, have a numerous progeny and possess riches, Most of those present follow the exaniple of the head man; and the poor child is thoroughly drenched before the cere- mony is ended. Every one who partici- pates in the ceremony pledges himself to be a friend tothe child. Rooster Vs, Rat. The story of the prowess of a rooster in a rather unusual fight comes from Pennsylvania. For 'some _ time past chickens had been disappearing now and again as many as five or six in a week from the region where a Black Minor" ca rooster ruled the roost, and at last the marauder, an enormous sewer-rat, sixteen inches long, grew io bold as tc seek its: prey in open daylight. It seized one of the young chickens, but was not to enjoy its meal this time, for the, Black Minorca would not stand for this. depradation of his flock, He made for the thief and struck vigorously with wings and spurs. The rat attemp- ted to escape, but was forced .to drop its. prey and defend itself, | This it did hy avoiding the blows where possible and making repeated attempts to se- cure a hold on the ro.act's throat. He was constantly foiled and the spectator of this strange fight saw that the rooster's victory was but a question of time. The terribly beaten animal at last gave wp all fight and only sought escape. It managed indeed to reach its hole, but only to die very. shortly after- wards, while the rooster suffered noth- ing but ruffled temper and feathers. A Large Salary. Mr. X----, a prominent lawyer of Philadelphia, was much addicted to the habit of lecturing his office staff, and the office-boy came for an unusual share of admonition whenever occasion de- manded ard sometimes when it did not. That his words were appreciated was made quite evident to Mr. X one day last spring when a conversation, overheard on the elevator, between Tommy and another office-boy on the same floor was repeated to him. "Whatcher wages?" asked the other boy. "T get ten thousand dollars a year," said Tommy. "Aw, g'wan" 'ejaculated 'the other bow. derisively. "Quitcher kiddin." "Honest I do," said Tommy, "four dollars a week in cash, and the rest in legal advice." Personally Conducted. A New York politician once addres- sed in English a crowd of Italian voters; T'o his surprise and satisfaction his lis- teners paid strict attention and applaud- ed at the proper places, shouting "Viva!" anh "Bravo!" repeatedly. At the con- clusion of his speech the politician took his seat beside the chairman. He whispered that he. was delighted with his receptiom and had never spoken to a more intelligent andience. "Ha-ha!" replied the chairman, §*me Me hel up two-a: finga, fvera man say-a 'Viva!' Me hol' up tree-a finga, evera man say-a 'Bravo! Me hol' up whole-a hand, evera man say-a 'Hi-yi!" ke one great yell. Me fix all-a dat!" , Want Pointers. English papers. "We Two" send the following to the London Express: "We are a young couple, and at the present rate of sal- aries for bank clerks it will be eight, or even ten, years before we can marry, As dais is too far ahead to think of, and we have £200 ($1,000) between us, we are determined to strike otit far ourselves, and at the thousands of break" fast "tables all over England where the' Express is daily read we would, 'with your kind permission, appeal for ideas as to the best way of making a good start. oh Ash Berries For Hay Fever. The Hamilton Republican. TO RESTORE FORESTS. | rock § The cork forests are going the way of |' all the other Spanish forests aid for the }* FLAVORS: Strawberry, C No trouble to prepare cool and serve. fruit, pies or pastry. CAUTION : just like JeLL-O. THE GENESEE PURE FOOD C0.. Flavored. ju right. Perfect in every way:'! Don't accept a -- ttG; Or you will ba disappointed. There's no other dessert Sold by all ers. Id by all good groe st Daten Xd Smeal 2 WR SEF od oF " t. Sweetened ] apef dnd better than substi= 3 i $f SALE OF SUMMER SHOES All Summer Shoes must leave this Store at once--below we give a small list of many of the genuine Bargains i-- $2.98 All our Man's regular $3.50, 84 and £4.50 Oxfords intGuh Me- tal, Tan and Patent 2 98 v "Colt." Cletin' sweep... $1.98 Fresh lot of Women's Oxfords, in Black, Brown and, Tan, Re. gular. $2.50 and, $3, 1 98 id Clean sweep... .. $2.98 All Women's: Patent, and Gun Metal Oxfords in. Buckle and Laced Styles.' Regular $3.50 sweep. One lot of Women's $1.25 Ox- fords. One lot of Children's Girls' and Joys' Barefoot Sandals, Regular values $1.- 25, $1.50 and $1.75. 8 C Clean sweep. ... .4'... i © $1.48 All girls' 82 Oxfords ents, Brown and M " erry N dows. Sizes 11 to 2, 1 48 Clean sweep... ... . 89¢ => One large lot of Girls' sizes, 11 to 2. Strap Slippers. Regular 81.256. Also many lines. of Children's, 8 to 10. 89, Cc Clean sweep... ... ... 29 bargains in Children's Shoes have heen pladed on sale on our 79. counter. Regular $1 and $1.25 quality. -- . + Baby Boots, regular GSe. 39¢ Baby Boots, regular 50c. Many other bargains. in Pat: Many « Clean Sweep Sale Lasts Only to Aug. 31st. New Bargains Every Day. Refrigerators, from $6,00 up to $35.00. O00 00000000000 0000000 0000000000000030Q0000 20 PER CENT. DISCOUNT; SALE. For the balance of the season we will sell Lawn Mowers and Garden Hose at a discount of 20 Per Cent. Off Oar line of Refrigerators ranges in price DEE ALS fd ELLIOTT BROS, " "roms rE EE™ © "| London, said that Christianity had laid {dhe cornerstones the highest cilivi- #ations, brushed ofide false social sys- tems, improved men's conception of duty, enriched -our best literature, in- David Williams of Bouckville is au- thority for. the statement that mountain ash berries are a certain cure for hay fever. They should be made into a jelly as other fruit jellies are made and one or two teaspoonfuls taken before each meal according to severity of the dis- ease. It has cured him and several others. in Bouckville and he kindly gives this information to the public. When Sir Walter Scott. lay dying, he asked his son-in:law, Lockhart, to read to him. "What book shail . I read?" Scott replied. "There is but one book; read The Bible" 828 op my <1. i Black Watch Chewing Tobacco Rich 'and satisfying. The big black plug. 2 Everything reduced from 10 to 25%. Your r- tunity to save money. This sale includes a full line of Carriages and Go Carts. Couches from $4.50, 5.50, 6.50 and ups Parlor Suites (3 pieces) from $15 up. Parlor Suites (5 pieces) regular $25 for $20. Ambulance Call 577. 230 Princess St. i » i ro B ~oe v BE3E =¥ B KINGSTON, ROCHESTER, THURS. Breakey's © ' \ 6.309.830 a.m. 1. 1,000 ISLANDS | eR. %Y 130-915 nm. 14 SAT, 8009.15 sum. 1. tue {SUN: 9.15, 10.00, 12.30 a.m. ra I (3 LEAVES KINGSTON : { spired our highest art, created. its own strs. NORTH KING. MON. Sao-ali0am. 5 "|grand architecture, founded historic Commencing Uune B7th, leave King | WED, 8.30---11.80 a.m. 8.005. .| halls of learning, sanctified domestic ston for asand aad Jomte. daily 1B .00 p.m. 8,00 p.m. - | life, and lifted millions of people out | ry or ohittte Noy] .|of the mire of their sins. ; re of Rod Je Salling at Bay |S mn. 8. : om. | On.Whitsunday at Elberfeld, a town | Quinte Ports, " o SUN. 46 a.m. 180 PIa~ ioicidd ie Rhenish Prussia, a getpion lasting STR: ALETHA--Lsaves Mondays and Spoor"s dock, at' 3.00" pmg | about half an hour earns-$4,900. e Bay of Quinte Porta, i ath Time Table subject to change without | custom dates Judes 1690, when a un from JAMES FT| notices . a: laid" awealthy Frenc fon, name avart, & o ArRioRe DE a pr ells. a6 Car x 1s Kong to gen) and bequeathed to the Protestant ie