Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Aug 1908, p. 11

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ee [ PITH OF THE NEWS. M MONEY NEEDED GANANOQUE : TIDINGS. ! The Very Latest Culled From All " Eigh "sehodl Principal I. With Over The World. Appendicitis. oon S. H. Blake is suffering from [FOR BUILDING ING OF ROADS! Gananoque, Aug. z:The ACA. Cont. NEXT YEAR. i encampment at Sugar Island spent Light frosts in Yavatoba and South- thersday night at their camp grounds Of ood ern Saskatchewan. / im holding a cage fire, -Uver 200 What Transfusion BI | [The viaduet qugstion .in Toronto, | The Work From Now on Will Pro- | canoeists trom various points nthe Led Yo. 4 hb ng Op ntl on oe Judgment, ceed Rapidl}--The Necessary | Lnited States and Canada have been y wrk ammond of we firm ox Usler |. . foro ass for the past two 'week "ps rd - Stone 'Su 1 Now Being under, caus ass Pas 0 Wee id & Hammond, Toronto, is "seriously ill. Pply "land at an early hour Friday mori: Satisfactory returns of the wheat| \ Secured. ing they struck camp. NEW MENTAL. TRANS voy reported at Lethbridge and Cal- So far this season $3.000 has been | "Ihe Koc kport Navigation company' s 4 x a 'spent in construction of new limestone | steamer Mississquol took out a large | = +B. o Black, the new pastor of | 12 0 jam roads. The Board of Works excursion party from. here Friday Kew Beach Presbyterian church, was 4 . J inducted on Friday, had $9,500 to expend this work so morning bound for Iroyuois. She leit that scarcely a third has yet been usgd. C. P. R. officials claim the strike , A at' 7 am, arriving at her desting- DEVELOPED IN A NEW JERSEY has caused-no difficulty with regard to un 4 weeld age the supply of stone far. tion about 2 pun. giving one hour 2 BARLEY AND Hora food and a tonic: A e..0 ND | the handling of traflic. hide . 2 hoon 2: contingatl there and returning 2 at 10:30 p.m. > WOMA a Wost Indiah snail | Hinflered. Had there been a continual R. G. Grabam, principal of Gana alcohol --an aid nto. digestion. That's 'beer. If you get | Royal Dutch 3 X supply, several more blocks might have line had decided practic: ally to discon- Brly, Several more I IE , noque high school, is confned to his i Blood C Fresk iis time. Ne With the New 00¢ ame Tesh Hous its Venezuelan serv ice. \ been completed by thi tne Now, summer home on his island, near Bos- a pure beer --well aged -- nothing is better for you. eals d She Acquires Likes Pe . . however, the stone supply is quicker, Ideals an q Thoihag citizens are opposing the and all 'that can be handled is forth. | tie, suffering froma severe attack of hud Dislikes of Her Husband | propose construction of a race track | opps 2nd will be for the rest of the | appendicitis. It is not good advice ®to' sayy «Don' drink: beer." ! Elgin Driving Association. Case a Puzzle to Physicians. by She He tind ro been made |S€ason. The work during the next two In the lecture room of Ginee Me- ' Néwark -N J., Aug 22.--The ques- i Owen Sound hotel: keepers for months. will be much more rapid. The {thodist church last night an . excel- There are many who need it. TRE tion ©f a person's mental traits may be [G0 ol of the liquor license act. roid rebuilding will be continued up [lent lantern, tecture was igiven by Mr. cellent one. . Bre ck to Clergy, along Clergy to Prin- | Jamis Student in preparation for' completely rev siutionized by artificial Bulyer Stoudt, Qu'Appelle, Sas.) gy, 4 2 Jams, a Slut n preparation for meand seems to be answered affirmative- | Zdvee, Sie a kis od pe death by |c¢ss, and from Clergy down Queen 10 | (he work of the ministry. His dis- ; Your doctor advises beer. The healthiest peoples of ly in the case of Mrs. Anna Bradley, as team in a runaway accident. Bagot street. be 5 colirse was on the educational and f now in St. James Hospital here. After ! ere ah indications that utider the he City Engineer sxpectsy a pro! 1 missionary work amofg the Indians, the world drink the most oO it. ; { a4 quantity of her husband's blood bo; pe of government, Turkish ably $74 io of the $9,500 wi Je used Japanese anc Chinese and other for k h infused into her. veins, a month ago, s 1 obtain greater freedom. S,.ya 15 unQerse " Jdgners in Canada, and was an ex «© under wer a complete me neal change, a rifllway commission will. cons roads So ar buik freee bien tousleeied eign 2 whut it 1s good advice to say, Don't drin the i wrong and besides losing or abandonig ber © jjqa what is work of necessity on |YETY close to the estimates, "| Visitingr in town: Me. and Mrs. H. own former mental attfibutes she has Sunday, in connection with railways, {Most to the dollar, as some extrs 0 En Schenectady, N.Y; Ww: beer." Some beer causes biliousness. Schlitz does not. acquired | i ut the mental pesaliarinies | Midbt Charlton, Brockville. . aged tr New th at the E er po Root Riviere Desert Aiue.: Miss Bea-] | d: d d fc of her hushan thifteen, has been found. Polieg are dey cat yta e CT . tas Hareden. Svea: 00 or ou. The matter, which will be the subject ' yftor third man for offences agXimgt tbe able to estimate almost to the 'cent, | trice Bonn, anh Nie Harden, Byes Schlitz beer is both goo an g y i for discussion at the next meeting of Lar in view of what he has done this "sea- |cuse," N.Y: 2 chit £3 pa Lach . b fi dri ki the Essex County Medical Saciety, opens hieg-) Hardie, M.P., on reaching Mon- | 5°01. J. Mclcnnan, ph Va os oy ro. ay Nine people in ten would be etter or nn ing. it. all nranner of De The | tors tredl, "on Sunday, will be taken in It is the intention of the Rr Jo sr., Chaffey L NV. Bre. (lr) dos: X lut at St. James already believe that they hand by Triahas Council and shown {have stone for the roads broken all fin, Great be 3 at J a change I he voice of i dy id shown winter "so: that during the, pring there 0, W. - Shests, ¥isiting in Heed igkville: Schlitz 18 the home beer, because of its abso ut Mrs. Bradley ie fagmerly spoke wi 'Cngressman C. L. Knapp has been Wil be an ample supply, cnabling the Edware embery In 'loronto, aries little strength, but now her utterances re-nominnted for' the 25th New York | Work of read bug to_be rushed as |p iden in Kingston; Miss L. E. Hurd 1 purity. It 1s aged for months, then filtered, then sterilized. are forcefulland in a lower key. Li | district alter 'almost 400 ballots were 'S00N as it is possible to begin it: a back from Barrytown: Miss Grace ' fi : The case is one of the strangest which |, poo The sum of $2,500 must be increase Darling returned from Greal Bend, There are no after eftects. has come to the medical authe ities of "The British roveriiment will not let i road epilding is to be Sontinued N.Y: Mrs. Frank Keves is nt Lans HT oe ire radley/ | the Cunard company abandon Queens- Shee: "0 Sif eine -- downe; John N. Timberlake is in : Ash for the Brewery Bottling. Common" beer: is some- the weak, anaemic wile ii Br 8 prosper i ton as a port of eall, as it has a mail {Tutunmn n 1909. , Her ei wi be MECC | Montreal to write on supplemental times substituted for Schlitz, 7o avoid imposed - ous, healthy and strong usiness man Riv ior ie ety coun to Sulit an upon, see that the cork or crown is dra " Schlitz. O ¢ y-ia ) Ic iC( C OF < als- 3 contract. ing of another $12.000 or $15.000 hy examinations at MeGill after whic 'h he is to join a sSurveving vary in New fering from a tumar, It was: deter- until the middle of next Belt Mel ypo.of 4098 F. X. St. Churiiad Co. mined that she would die unless relieved | Guthrie, Qkla., is under conviction lox | cheaply, and seem to be well construct- | month. 3 . Phone {5 Merchants 69 ~ 3943 Gabriel St. , Montreal ' | gtvmbling : : § 4 St i 5 : od. O s. the lo c2 ge n- - of the tumor, but when she: re: ached Mrs. win Sherwin, bitten by a I ! f this, the people can judge them Se eT ruat refused t0 | mad dog, in Toronto, has gome to [*% ROOSEVELT'S REPLY. ' > J ~ perale on wo H New York for treatment at the Pas- Th t M de M | a kee ous had Hide such progress hag practically teur Institute. EXTENDS AFPLE MARKET. | American Navy a Menace to No e. eer d d | W u m al ou er ly cl gh a Rad was, to get The maritime board of trade 'has i Power. 1 X i i i i . ici re orale ood pussed '& resolution in favor of run. | Dcianion Government Arranges | oer Bay, NY. Aug 22-7] - Messrs. Rigney & Hickey, Distributors for Kingston and Vicinity. a fresh supply Grong and healthy, vol- | MP8 tighys over the I. C. R. being For Cold Storage. president has sent this telegram in re- given to the C..P. R. Ottawa, Aug. 22.--An effort is being | sponse to Lord Nerthelifie, who cabled : I unteered, and while he lay beside his Lh 3 a : is b 1 wife on the operating table on July 17 It" is Whid' that I. Jenking Hains, [nade to extend the market for Cana- [that he hoped the United States a pint of his blood pass ed From his wrist under under arrest in New York as dian products by putting ve r Cana-|glorious flag would ever float beside TO YOU | fe aT through a silver tube into his wife's aceessoRy. 40. the murder of W. KE. An- | jinn apples on. the British market for|that of the motherland : : wrist Hie, YN; once I stude nt in Yorotiio: the first time. Cold-storage space has! "Through you .I have just received ' t Minneapolis, rovernor Johnson |... rn , 3 : af Ww e i rcs ; ki iv > y fr Until the .n Mrs, Bradley had been a : b . % {been secured on' 'three steamers, "the [the cordial and Kindly message Irom Wh A antl] that he would accept the 6st of which sails from Montreal on the governor-general and government 0 re ar morose, despondent woman, who saw: lit 4 i (iy had} : MN ; : tle cheer in this world. She was of a ig b She is t lection tendered Saturday next. The dominion govern- lof the commonwealth oi Australia, 1 © sli oe J Cr v] 3 n- eS . » quiet. disposition and did not care for ny ) vie democratic convens font induced the steamers to open |and 1 desire to express in my turn to - ) . : BN es ) the gayeties of life. She seldom ag . x ~ $ their cold-storage faeilities this early [the governor-general and government Oo ear in - "S for amc. | his morving a fee "destrored the [1 intaking to pay for all of the and 'through them tothe 'ntire peo || mem mmm ED THE CUT PRICE SALE OF HIGH She ag a 3 king to pe : stand g : > 4 rhe dic 101 care ugh Also o - x partial to dark asbestos ' drying pnt, oe _largest » which was not taken. It is un-: {ple of the mighty cman arth of ' : purple 'and a dead slate, or a dark GOBDABY ey ot okly > Ba BL derstood that the fruit men have come | Australia, the appreciation, which tlie f we CLASS S UMMER WAI ST S. brown, ag colors. She abhorred bright SOT AIA . * [to the front with such large consign-| American people feel for their gene- : colors, and especially strong was her It is believed at The Hague that Sir 'ments that the government will have rous hospitality to the American fleet. fs 8 Made up in the latest st yles of the finest Lawn, Mull and antipathy to green. Her husband was Er to pay little or nothing. If the fruit {The people of this republic hold in ; | Spot Organdy, beautifully trimmed with Valenciennes Lace, b : Allan-Johustone, the British mmisier ; . i \ : of a gay disposition. He liked amuse pL : : ti ""larrives in good condition and meets [peculiar esteem and admiration the | 3 : . 2 ' : : t Denmz will succeed S enry ih I . SNA 0 mark, succeed Sir Henry vor in England it will mean | people of Australia, and it was a very } \ Ea 3 and open, and blind Embroidery. One third off. d . ' ents. He was of a jolly disposition, Sear ir and very strong was his taste for grea Howard Biitish minister $5 uy » extension of the apple shipping | real pleasure for me on be half of the 4 as a color. tle: attention Thersemate: of the University of New | 30ason by from four to six weeks. nation to accept the generous hospi- . = New White Skirts, in La wn, Linen, Piyte and Cotton Repp, . o The Sodtor 504, ye Ai Se fol. | Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B., appoiut J es ality proferred by Australis go She trimmed with Lace, Bmbroid ery, Self-Pleating and Folds, at ; Ch Brat B A. Stone. late J iihon- 40 STAY IN ENGLAND. feet on its voyage of peace, for the $1.50, $1.75, $2,00, $2.25 up, to $5.00; _ : lowing the transfusion of blood. Then, sie University to the position of dean American navy is a menace to no Le h of Ne Wark liv ne at K 3 Stave pire | Cassius fi. Barnes, former governor was found several weeks ggo to be sul- . : 4 ) ; of Oklahoma, and now mayor 'of | 3 coo The roads are beingsbuilt'| Ontario i tion for the removal of the tumor, they were surprised to note the great change which had come over her 1 mind. She | | a week ago, when they fowng Sher Strong af the engineering school. fuset Fasha, the Sultan's Favor- power, but is, on the contrary, as we t : engughi to wmdergo the dificult op ra) Af g awecial esting af the tore ite Got Away. baieve, an$ asset of high importance he Be in Time While All Sizes are London, Au 99 Isset Pasha, the in securing the peace ol Justice don, gr, 22 88 sha, for throughout the world.' , TT Tm-- isa small, neat electrical contrivance sauincll Policeman Joseph H. Butler formerly stationed at the union dele Co poikich official, who fled wot, Ottawa, was appointed as chief hife a sl » after the was happy--almost gay and she laughed | PC : his life a short time after \ con h ) a" YA Hl constable of Pembroke. . . es elnimed. in Turks which you can slip into your vest poe- as she assured the doctors she wa titution was proclaimed, in Turkey, BURNED BY BLAZING TAR. ket or-under your coat. Placing the ¢ . . " : > ready for the Kknif And, strangély According to the Liverpool Journal | jus arrivéd here. Here | indend to nr tl - 4 : Vo : receiver to your ear, as shown in pic- enough after the gperation, she rall d a te trip whieh, Taman remain," said the. sultan's iar } Mrs. Mann, Made Attempt to ture, you fy hear A owns avi . P ec n Cc ec, quickly, and when her husband aske now making on the Lasitania¥ jayorite. "Enclahd ds now my home, hér what he could do she asked him to | Will probably be his last westward yo country," [Isset Pasha's siccount Save House. Mrs Suite, Plainly. mil with the var of The Leading Milli S 119 Pui St He cor pial Some fer | YOYOg®,. 8 commodore of the Cunard | nf the. Youne Turks: coup tell nothing Havelock, Ont., Aug. 2 Irs. urophone will come improve- he ading Millinery Otore, 1incess . g § ants, : | t ¢ g plants with pleiity eof green foliage line. . . . fnew but he "was impressively earnest She had hated green before Lhe report _of the board of agricul in his declaration that both the ul And since then she has been planning ture, for 1907, shows that the Britih {tan and himself always desired a con to have two green dresses made when Isles spent, €172,000,000 for imported ! i : oh he leaves the hospital, and she ha food, and well over £200.000 000 for Optical Department--8ecoud Floor, poe at he ples of amet | smporid wool ad other products 021 IGTING 18 OVER. {ni fan hs wt abl 6 5 {| T. EATON Gi. I Nordheimer Steinway Limi 1 hay to ¢ he desires to'go, and seems f which She out le, and dropping the pot the ; . ishand's Hv * It is understood that grammer | to have acquied her, husband's happy: | SLE AREIES Hl CRO if EE A I [iin Su aa i wii we 190 Yonge street, Toronto Pianos Pianos in Stock. James Mann, of Trent ridge, three ment in your hearing. miles south of this place, had her hair When you visit the Toronto burned. off and her body badly Exhibition Some aid receive full a .g ui SNE RP a ulars abou s great bless- stitution scorched while attempting to carry Pa nard of hearing: : from the house a pot of tar which wt WOous 1SpO m She annot ! alm joyous, dispositi x 1 Courts. ting fire to the house, which was stand the sight of sombre purple now. 'be the' next to be dealt with by the fret p Springfield 1h, Ay RQ Last | burnec 0 the ground. a ¥ . pringfi 1 \ bie gr LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Warchayss: KIRKPATRICK'S ART sThlE, 159 Princess St Her mind seems to have undergone a department and new books on these | jury returned indict compledé revolution since her husband's | subjects' Have been in course of pro. nicht the grand blood wa transfused inter her veins, | pargion ments against six persons for rioting ind she seems to have lost her own The revised statues governing the former mental characteristics and to | imperial service order have been pro- | tate 1 have assumed those of her husband mulgated, The principal chanse is {on the trouble at' Leper's yestaurant senting Age. Leading physician | scientists NOW Fihad the imperial badge and service {and were indentival with those charged Brantford, Ont., Aug. 22.--Provin- propose to debate question it a per medals are to he of different pattern | against Kate Howard in the indict] oial Ins spector Kelland has been here m's mental attributes may not be com- | jor men and women ments returned on Thursday. Jud in connection with the enforcement of - pletely. changed hy infu y blood from The? effeecsa factory on the eighth Creighton fixed the bail at $2,000 "tor | factory laws. * He bas laid a charge ability Jo ir ansmit, > gainst the pu a person of different me | temperas,| line of Ramsay was destroyed hy fire [each indictment. The city is now | aowinst Hefry Johnson, whose son, pil's ability to absorb, but;, it is in ment It now believed from Me Tha¥siay evening The build ng was [guarded by deputy sheriff and police | thirteen years old, works at the Mas terested in results as evidenced by 3 the 7th Infantry in reserve. say-Harris factory. When the lad en- Bradley's case that a persom, especially a. total Joss together; will all the ma {with ti } hich the bl ] $ , " -- - tered the shop the father swore he was | Hons, Without which they .are unahle HERE 'S A REAL BUMMER DELIGHT _ | a child, whé has abnormal mental traits | 38. # Messrs lie and Ever { i may bet corrected thro the injection Sos He ces oP jd r i That's The Question. born in November, 1893, whereas, the to gy the Hor: certificate 30 5 T of a different blood ad fre mn 3 i y Indian Neck hall, thé home of ex { Edmonton Bulletin birth registration is 894. Crown-At- Sn if Jup} g to [oliow the oeccupa- SHREDDED WHEA mal person. In 1y 1 dntadore Frederick C. Bowne. at] 1 I'he Toronto News considers it ne- | torney Wilkes will press the charge, jon of teacher - by soe now" that riminal ! wien ies | Oakdale, TI, was robbed. of $50,000 [cessary to assure the wor Id it has not | the penalty being a fine of fifty dol- | After an attendand e of four, years at with milk or creand ahd fresh fruits. Discard heavy .may be corrected if not eliminated worth of diamonds. Commedore {been bought by Premier Whitney. This | lars. § | the local collegiate institute, why is it foods and try this NATURAL diet for a time and' note is first-hand "testimony to the pre mentite Ry that the majorityt of the pupils who how your enérgies will increase and your spirits revive. Roprpe owns a handsome place o 3 v : ed de pla s mier's Sagacity. Why should he buy | Baseball On Friday. have taken the teachers' course, fail NOURISHING jWIT HOUT ee 2 HIS MEMORY AMPUTATED. Park - Island, below Alexandria Bay ; r e ed, whilst writing in cor t 1 ape ON at is already his tastitn Jengue--Toronto, 54; Jobs} oh whi riting in competition on I'he commonwealth governmegd at [What is area & Eastern league--Toronto, 5-4; Jers{ xamination with pupils prepared at Sold' By All Grocers. 1086.} : Svdnet, ohiected to Americ an sailor _------ sey City, 7-8. Rochester, 4; Jalti- h s . . Ra Pay . ¢ ! " ' : smaller schools, with rms I Doctors Removed Part of Brain of landing with guns. Admiral Sperry For A Telightful Trip} | more, 10. Montreal, 2; Rrovidence, from tes ro four ye , I ening St. Louis Man. enid his men could stay ongthe ships Take the steamer America's tours of [ 3, Buffalo, 1-3; Newark, 5-7. figures prove that pupils from Louis. Aug. 22--If Wiliam M The_compromise was the sailors land-|the Thousand Islands, 1 uesday y 2.30 American league--Chicago, 5: ios No ated in small PY smtres, invarif to gain his memory com- |ing, carrying arms without ammuni- | p.m., supper on board, fare 50 cents. | yon 7.+ Washington, 3; Detroit, v1. succeed in passing the examination sicians wy, he must ob- | tion, ---------------- Cleveland, 7; Vhiladelphia, 8. St. whilst our own collegiate pupils have : ; . ns " y . er a 3 sho . - pi ps * Ais these rules E. i Pishion; Richmond, Va., was Bibby's for boys' nohby suits. Louis, 4: New York, 3. failed. Sydenham school for instar \eerful, abstain from intoxicants, | arrested in Detroit, and later tréns-| Scribner's Magazine gives interesting | National league--St. Louis, 2; Phila- | claims & record! for sitteen years hours, avoid hard work, lerred to police headquarters, at Wind portions of the biography of Richard | qalphia, 3. Chicago, 5; Boston, 3. | succession, which! if judged by "results physicial, seek outdoor re- | sor," 10ut.' 1 ishton who is forty | Mansfield, prepared by his friend and | pittshure, 2: Prooklyn, 1. : | proves its superiority to our collegiate x mi nature, laugh at | years of age, '18 Ww anted at Ber- secretary for many years, Paul Wils-J WARES institute as an institutio®for the pro unity, foliow rigidly even | ling Ont., on "a charge ol swindling | tach. The September number outlines x J duction of. teaching possibilities. across the trail to hide an established FRISKEN. «At Selby, on 6th Aug.) to ivial rules of good health, Norman Roos. his early days in Boston and his first Surrendered The Editor. Pgesumming that the class this vear |pedagogicals imbecility, The real is- rv. and Mra. Adam Frisken. a py heer ful. 5 A despate sh to the Chicago I'ribune | serious efforts on the stage in EK Seoul. Aug. 224 Tk British consul- whicheattempted the examination trom | 59 1s 867 plain that only cases of | HUFFMAN. --At St. Ola, Aug. 1st, to of 27 Coyne, who lives from Tot *Ahbeles, Cal., say s Admyral [1and. There was much comedy dnd [general has unconditionally surrender- | the collegiate was composed of ap | self-imposed bligdpess fail to see. Rev. and Mgs. C. A. Hulman, a son. Avenue, and has survived | Robley D. Evans has been offered "the {some 'tragedy in these eariy days. [ed to the Korean: authorities the edi- | inferior 10t of pupils, what about -the| The, local convent succeeds, in, pass DEROCHE.--At 'Moose Jaw, Sask. on 1 note d surgical operations | chairmanship of the Los Angeles Har: | Mansfield s proud spirit got him ino tor of the vernacular edition of the fittoen previous years ? this is no! ing pupils with only two years pre: ux. Lah, -. Mp. and Mrs. BH. M. P, I in St ly to hospital; bor railway company, a bix corpora: i many difficulties with his managers, Daily News, who escaped from the po- mere coincidence, nor can it be con-|paration following the entrance ex-| FARRELL --At Deseronto,: on Aung, wrced literally to begin his tion which. aragtically avill control the lps in the end he scored a consyder- | lice August Meh, and Sought refuge in sistently argued that we have suc |aminations. Sydenham school passes' 15th, to Mr. and . Mrs. Patek For when he regained cor harbor of Los Angeles and San Pedro. | ihe success. while a young man, as|the home of E. Bethel, the English J g F ¢ 3 Farrell, .a son) ] T : 322 . ane 8 3 a Raat * : : cessively and persistently sent unl thém after an attendance of three usness, after part of Bie brain had At 'Tangier, it is reported that Ab- [iQ5 Joseph Porter," in. ""Pipafore." | proprietor of the paper . children for examination wh have | years, whilst the local collegiate keeps 1 } > » * : { ~ i 5 i 0 3 ¥ ¥ > 2 20 > bg removed on the operating table at dul Aziz. the recognized sultan , of See Bibbv's wu.) school duits. * A lot an he hon » 10 have | § a wh ; > : nieg oh DIED. : x tal 3 r . : : Or rior y i « p p 8 vears, | sche w City hospital' following a street ca Morocco; has heen captured by the! mp0 civil service examinations Great Clearing Sale. ecn inferior to the children who | puptls from four to six vears, and al | SRERMAN --At Hay Bay, on 9th Aug., t he \ . geon \ ; { : ia top . 3 = » have, attended other schools. Mig ter such a long course the pupils 'are the infant son of Mr, and Mrs. Fran | } nd t} tl 1 syns had p y Ha ¥: } } A 8 1t ciCent, he ound that the surgeons ha followers of Talai 1 fid, his brother; ) ij1 he held in the Kingston Buginess Prevost, Brock street, has made a Wwe not " $- ce tently lo k | turned out, fit only for a third-elass Sherman. unpwtated his memory. Mentally he was | (ho is fighting. him for supremacy. | ( 'ollege. het $y of Queen street, and can- | great reduction in price' in the order ot justly and consistently lop irne fit \ . 5 SHIT Thin slliehinond. - on hug. wld agai ble to talk, walk, rea 1 3 within the teaching circle rathes than [district certificate, which can only a child agamn, unable to talk, : d Another report has it that the sultan! gigates can procure ap lication' forms | and readv-made clothing department 3 B wfke: thems inthe most. remote: rural 20th, James M, Sexsmith, aged ) and unabl® to remember his | aeoaped from the followers of. his from the principal, H. Metealfe. also gents' furnishings. Look at dis- without for the deal euusd of fntlunpfilie |S } Den pC ray Des [Cay Oh Journ.) brother and has taken gefuge in the at Smart style hats, 0, Bibby :s. 1; indow . *"] stretching over the long period of | FPRION, Such as Dead Creek, $ert LUCAS, At "Odessa, on: Aug. Sth was 'absolutely a blank. | French zone { " : n Play windows. Lsixteen vears ? Lake, ete., whilst the certificates ob- Tetlio M, Brown, wife of D. Ng : ! ' ' French zone. m-- ' SIR Jeurs : : 3 ap of A o cas, ages Ly-Olle years, Two that passed this year were tained after a shorter preparition at dent preceeding the operation » » ¢ 8 . : ; : FEN ~~ Si Anonyiie, on Aug. 1 sn erased from his mempry as a really prepared outside of Kingston: either the convent or. Sydgtham hich Gar wit Borage ® Doreen. teloved . : re ; or, 99 LT W. Dur. | TMX PIO id SION | chool gives the. attendant dh Reebnd- sponge wipes the writing from a slate A Scramble. Dover. "Ene., Auf 2.47. ¥ ur | one in" Stratford. and the other in} choo} give we attendan ' wie o of John Doreen, aged sixty-three « by little, as a child masters its "All the world's a stage." gess, the English swimmer, to-day, > sa class certificate, good for teazhing in oa ds" at ; : made his sixth dno flectual attempt to Napanee, and with such a result a city school. With such a plain, un- SCANLON At Stace Aug. 3 wt the English channel. He nr 1 looking "us 'in the face are you sur- ied difference. betwen: the: Col Mrs. Mary atin Sede swin e English He started ygrnished difference between 0 wh of Charles Sauniop, Marysville, | { ! i ! this 1 has reléarned his |v "What of it?" A and. his mulfiplication table. Flow just thinking that the cast is iy frat at Dover at one o'clock, vesterday prised, sir, that the Par ef ho a legiate Thstitute and other' schools, aged fifty years. sacrificing to send their children I particularly those whose rating is TOO YOUNG TO WORK. the docnments charged twenty sepa . The Collegiate Institute Exams. v offence All were predjeated up- | Father Prosecuted For Misrepre- Kingston," Aug. 22.--(To the Edi tor) : The general public is not so much .ipterested in the question of pure pedagogy or the more abstract psychological question of the" teacher' passing, or failing to pass examing- loud-smeliing piscatorial specimen Could Not Cross. H talk and read and write. He has learn- | chagce at the spot light." " morning, and was taken out of the cd his own identity. wl y es ------ 2 to venture to ask why it is they perior, aro we not entitled to some! Steamers North King and Caspinn probably recover his memory com- y 2 BO 'cel From ove. up are just right. tous Tuesday, 2.30 p.m,, fare 50 cents Phe last lamp excuse that only eight ab 5 pum. for Be 'of, Quinte port: and vi s learned again How to. walk and} so-farge "that nobody gets much ofa} water ot 1135 o'clock Inst night. the local collegiate are bold enoughli tine But whose results are su | . 1,000 Islands--Rochester. He is out of the hospital now and Ss 1 ] : y ee. All The Islands. ! 4 - the ' physicians tell him that he will By taking the steamer America's | Campbell Bros'. Umbrellas. cannot, pass as well as the children | reasonable explanation as to the | pave daily, except Monday, at 10.15 ) i of parents from other places? cause J. R. DONALDSON. a.m., for Thousand Islind ports, and pletely, with possibly oné exception meets . | : he may never be dble to recall the in : : | . \ Ribby's $2 hats are favorites. wera recommended to take the last ex- : Roches cidents of the afternoon nthe was | When a man Takes unto himself | Day . Allen & Hanbury' s famous baby food | amination, and that the others, as- - The Nobby Fall Hats. run" down by a street car,_picked, up | wife he is apt to exchange-a-lot ef | b «bld "9" Kinston * at Gibson's Red | sumed the risk without official stamp| In such celebrated makes as Secalf's, Morliek's senseless aud pronounced - martally in- | little trondrlos for a hig ane, ) - : 2269 Cross Drug 'Store. of the teacher, Will not be accepted." Christy's, Buckley's, ete., at' Uamp-|gize, frosh at Gibson's. jured. Ria -hats, ¥2, Bibby's ! See Bibby's nobby hats, $2. It is the old dodge of dragging a bell Brod', the leaders in men's hats. Store, i "os x ;

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