ail 4 _ w as: a = OB YEAR 75--NO. 199. "TE ; KINGSTON, ONTARIO, MONDAY AUGUsT a rai = 5 : : ! IMPORTS GOING UP. » SEEKING ANNULMENT 4 ! The Tide of Trade Believed 'to | Ot Concessions Granted British ; R wine ! Have Turned. 'F , ' i and French People. . \ : ) ' | St. Petersburg," Aug, "24% des- A awe o. 24. --but 2 Pas 3 Ottawa, Aug. 24.--bDufing the pasti a H Nepances Aug. 22--George GG. Calpe, 2 (fortnight the Canadian imports have] en. T eeks taken a jump, which indicates that the | pie says the Porte "has iddied She} Ty in Foomis ° i : \ ; ; «tude hus turned, and the decline which | a Turkish ambassador, at Loadon «od | Despatches : . relatives. i > ; He Was Defeated by Usurp- | |" Pt Tor he Tar oF months USEd Extensively in the Pats te et inte Megat aid s From Near And |; srs. Calpe aod baby, Aue ing Sultan. uns bem checked. 10. it rwiicied thai] Colchester Election... | th Frond anki owners of won) Distant Places ane en with us bin July. They | the customs revenue will steadily] jcessions, recently "granted by - Turkey, > Lt 8 will return to Stockton in a few | swell again. The falling in the im-| {with the idea of bringing about the s ; | weeks, Mrs. James Wallace left yester- | ports and consequently in the rev. | apnulment of these privileges by mu-| day for Little Current, Ont., for a few i x I------ ------ enue, was very great, and was due ta | {tual consent. The present Turkish ca: ' weeks' visit with ber son. [two facts: "The imports of two years | |binet considers that these concessions, z| The home of Mr and he 3 William | ago were phenomenal, showing that | 3 'secured under the old reign through ) a: hia Vine was the scene of very pret X | the merchants had stocked up as nev- {bribery and roundabout wavs, are sa- : ih hd wedding, on Wedhesday evening [ex before. Then came the business de- | { vahd. in case the. owners of the > rgd 3 g Jat, when dy a nughtet; Helena, HIS "FORCES PRESSED BY | time Hitgugiony dhe country awd the | TOLD AT THE ELECTION TRIAL jCuntetsions in question refdsp. to re- GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS-| Franklin Ponadeon of terior. The LOCAL TRIBES. martha 8 were unable to pose ¢ AT TRURO, N.S. [infaish he matter will be "Submitted SIBLE FORM. . ceremony was performed hy Rev. W. Sg {their big stocks. i , {to The Hague. H. Emsley i ; : L : 2} It is "well known that the business | Bav : | - --_ fifty of the in She of yo a on Several Kaids Were Killed in thé conditions in Canada bocame easier ayne Was Busy in the Interest of | TO JOIN INTERIOR STAFF. Matters That Interest Everybody ple. Miss Mahel Donald sister' of Reports psome time ago, but the customs stocks | ftansfield the Conservative --Notes From All Over--Little the groom, acted as bridesmaid, 'while Has | Mere being disposed of. Apparently | Winner--An Immense Spread'|Made a Study of the Mining | of Everything Easily Read Stanley Embury, Belleville, performed this has heen done in a large measure, | of Fire Water Through the Dis. Laws. andl Re a Jike Wedding) the groom. Seude=- March 5 y A Pretty Wedding in the Town, o Last Week. | patch received here from Constantino pa ; Stockton, Cal, arrived in Napanee, Engagement--Some -Say That Abdul-Aziz Been Taken Prisoner,--Others {for orders for more goods have hee n | trict | : y That He is in Refuge in French | ,jaced abroad, and these goods are | re re i . Ihree Owen Sound hotelmen ~ were | Wits Buby Sigsworth, artinglon, Zone. | now passing the customs, While the | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Aang. 21. -- - sent to prison under the liguor h- ROuBIA of the bride. The bride way be- Paris, Aug. 24. --~GoXernment advices imports of this year will not he up After the Colchester election, last Selge. act, comingly atlired in white dawn. received last night, ownfirm the re- | to those of two years agg, still tha| November, the chief conservative or- Lightning set off a charge of dyna- The oom Juror 19 ihe heide was port from Tangier that the forces of.| total will by no means be as bad as|Z2% the Halifax Herald, proclaimed in J mite at \alley View, Pa., and Kitied 2 Pos ne n set with pearls and Abdul-Aziz, the recognized Sultan of | the first four months indicated | oad red letters La the front page © iwe tunnel drivers. ah ol Hs pi Jridessiaid bi" peal Morocco, have heen defeated, by Mulai | re Coletta hare ok manly baruls ot § tp An Figiiocu-yeut-id Brantiord girl, | The bride's travelling. decor. - R > URREDING & The advic < } Ba * Spoken loud and Clear. : named Day i suiei take < . Hn Hafid, the usurping sultan. The advi LOST THIS SEASON. They 'set' the seal of thE Serr Go ox uy, committed suicide Ly tak- | brown. The bride was the recipient of lg caryoue acid. many Nandsome and costly presents. ss further se hs i od | S--o--" . Te . % Jutther suy Lun Alain, Wie | Two Big Freighters Were Badly | demnation on the immorality, the de Two hwideed unemployed harvest The happ: le left he m : : v natie 1 / 3 » : ¥ sters he Vv couple lel » midnig . 3 Duriaged. | ue hery ; sid Lhe eorsubtion of 4 ed .| have had to be fed and housed by the | train for Petes ro their a. ray ; 1 masquerading as liberais, i Moosejaw city council, Robert Light, Misses Mary and: .Jean da Cleveland, Aug. 24. --So far this sea- [also wiblished a scture of i i son six small vessels have passeil out | Stansfield. the toate standard- 3 Lp to date 15,000 harvesters have | Light, srrived home, this week, after of existence, but not a single freighter bearer, "who, with the aid of the left . the sastern provinces for thy (8 three months ase with relatives in of any size has been lost. The lake |eclean, straight, manly liberals of Col- | 3 po western wheat fields, London, En g W. J. Carson and little a i underwriters have been lucky in that {chester has broken the links of the | Penny postage on letters hetween the daughter, Rillaruey, Man.. are visit- 4 " réapect, as the boafs that were total|solid eighteen." ; United States afd Great Britain and Ne his mother and other friends in h losses carried very little insurance | On the fire day of the inquiry, now ¥ Ireland goes into effect \Qct. 1st. Be oa few weeks. Miss Lil- The Best V The underwriters, however, have heen | in prog s, ten witnesses swore they | + William Brooks, Ottawy) aged sixty, [yo Preston left, Tuesday, to resume " st Values, the Best Vari- i ii 7 £ ¥+ | her school at Lethbridge, Alta ety, Every Desirable Fashion, ealled unon to pay some nretiy big | had received from Bayne, the universal and despondent fof" some time M 3 gl vne, al . Er : . Mrs. W. A. Rockwe . 3 > hii . drowned himself in the Rideau tanal. Gordon. with: W Set and grands, Every Desirable Weave, Every > 8 y y repair bills. The steamer H. PP. Meln- | provider and aetive friend and wdrker | LoTR tosh, which was sunk in the St. Clair {for John Stansfield, in the district of | Col, vans, who commanded the h : { Ic ' . i Py : ittle daughters, left Wedne : for river bv the steamer M. A. Hanna on! Five Islands, 2100 in money and nine Canadian Mounted Rifles in the South Chicago, wheresshe v nda Py African. war, "died Battle 'vanke go, NAT will reside in fu- . y nt attle Creek, | ture. July Tth, was out of commission [ty-six bottles of rum. This was an | ' : | Mich. ; hi : : Herbert: White, Sillsville, has been Call and See the New about five weeks and repairs on her [average per -man of #16.66, and sixteen | will cost between $10,000 and £350,000. [bottles of rum. In the county, Stans- | David Parent was instantly killed appointed deputy game and fisheries and his wife seriously injured' by 4 | warden for Hay Bay district by the It took abont ten days to nfike re-|field received 2,58 voees, If the aver- | . . 9 > pairs on the Hanna. jage was maintained Stansfield's elec- | 4 i | Grand Trunk train at Lachine. 'oth | Ontario government. In the superin- Royal Motor Ser 8 v s . , : . N43 Ia x me : ¢ . . > 1 3 BEES | were i ins' Jot it i i The insuran e people were hit oretty | tion required 5,172 gallons of rum | HON. PRANK BIERCE. | were stone deaf. : ae tendent of tisheries' letter it is said the hard when the new steamer ND. 1D. |{(putting the bottles all as pints, al-| Frank rieree, the latest and most| Misvolsky, Russian minister of for-| appointment has been made with a A beautiful rough weave | : Is Aan though some favored individuals un- | important addition to ihe staff of the | eign affairs, was in Marienbad and |View of putting a stop to the illegal fishing and shooting that have been rich Black, guaranteed shrunk taking place around there. and spotless, 51 inches wide. The following stalwart sous of Len: Special at 8]. nox journeyed west this week: M. R. Desirable Price. Meacham stranded on Passage sland, | Lake Superior, on her first trip. The | doubtedly got those of greater ecapa-| United States secretary of the inter- [had an interview with King Edward big freighter is in the sunerior dock |city), and about $43,100 in money. | ior, wus born at Londondérry, Vi. on lasting an hour t ha Ee Shinkhui king: con 1 This s " i Ecole | : hs 2 . : . of . the Ar ican Stinks filing ig | This Ww ' the, me tod of pal ulation [Apr il ord, dood, and was edacated at Donald G. Mitchell (1k Marvel), is pany 3 fii ref i on . et i te he | Qulapitic aL Bel . oe, Sather in | Burton Seminary, at Manchester. He Miparted by his physician, Dr. Thomas MaboooFred. Norris. N Padl' A campleted unt ie middle of e %» She > and ens glechion pes went te Utah in 1853 and 'married | Russell, to be in serious condit pled. ons, sorman l'aul, A. pr HEV SULA WL = ee : ' it ears ag : oni em a ondition ry ol aghor. § AMARANTH CHEVIOT- Rich LTAN ABDUL-AZIZ. | week. ytition two years ago. > | Miss Mary H. Aver there in _I5s8, He [at his home in Edgewood, Conn. 0. Van Luven, J. Meagher, S. D. Da- . --iahs - Bi | ------------------ All: this evidence has Been brought |, ir the practi oF hit Balt Lake [house ® vy, J. 6G. Unger, Mrs; Hart, W in. Color, Brilliant Finish sw in § roti s Hiracts : | od . Ts vegan the ce of Taw in Salt Lake se. s . WN ' . now in full retreat, in the direction of | WFDS A HINDOO out with the greatest difficulty. Jayne | in LisHB and hide 'a sgh a. ¥t is practically a ra Hughes, M. Hughes, FE. Mowe A. {iuarante Shrunk. A high- I'abl h the re 1 . . . ) ity in ) and made a specialty of practically assured that Oscar a : 2 ¥ abla, with the remnants of his for | ------ and his friends ' corralled the wit- : lo Tan AL i MeQuaig, George Hartwick, Siduey lass Brit ex, is heing hotly pressed by local | poy the First Time in This |nesses for 'the prosecution on the eve the mining laws of the territory, | Edward F leming, Windsor, will be the Blackely, Dan Sedore. Charles Me- class British Cloth, tribes. Several kaids were killed in| 2 : c : Blot the trial. eonducted 'them to { which were at that time in great con- [howmee of the conservative party of Bride, William. McCracken. F. Brad- the engagements and others were cap- |. v mn inyy M.--The | | Bavhe's "'throne room. in the Stanley | fusion and yet involved vast fortunes |Sorth lose to ERpase Speaker R. F.|shaw, P. Windover, Bert Wells Roy ih g : sod: ah ancouver, LL, Aug, M4. e first bi " ' > | IS J) r elect » feder $e . : gS ; . SAP AN - tured. A mass of conflicting despatel | 3C¢ : g 18 re utherland for election to the federal | Smith, .J. Met ullough. J. Frizzell, J. HEVEUS CHEVIOT- 52 inch- 52 inches wide. Special at $1.35 . , >, N i ; i, 1 He lectured on mining laws. at. the sw have beer roesived hese. fr ¥ wedding in this country between a hotel, treated them lavishly hind iversit by © tl Hou. A B. Morine, Toronto for- T es have heer reeoived here, from Mb & ? liquor, and then turned them over to | lniversity of Utah for a number. of | iy J » onto, for-| Murphy, T. Murphy, D. J. MeHenry, es wide, Special £1 oc, relative to the conflict and the | White woman and a Hindoo was per-fywp "A "Ritchio awho had a talk with |vears and served in the state: legis. [30 leader of the opposition in New:|.J. PP. Moore, F. D. Noore, Mr. anil € « gor Operial aL y epic {ed capture of Abdul-Aziz by the formed by Rev. H. M. I. Chaton, xec-| 0 Le 00 spite of this the result lature. Heo still maintains a resi- flomdland, was pomivated by the | Mrs. William Coburn, Arthur Court, I$ followers: of "Miler Hafid. One 'report | tor 6 St. James" church, the' bride' if the "Second day's revelations may (dence in Salt Lake (Quoen's Shelburne, -eonserva~| Job Rutten, Lyman Brown 3. A. FRENCH: CHEVIOT B--~Deuto. Anya Aint Aldui-Azia is 8 Prisdtier and having been for wid og vears : ats the summarized : John Jamieson, | -- ee Foss How. W. S. Fielding { Stratton, F. B. Elliott. 81.35, anolher Ww 0 has taken refuge ite i. Rhe as rs. 1He Z . TE = yi {ior ihe commons. the French Zone Ht Chae on gem Hendant. he was Mrs. Annie Wright, {il driver, got 85: Joseph Jamieson, | From Affluence To Poverty. 1+ S\idnes NSW. wai asain ea. leis) k n aoa attractive' looking woman in the [Brother of John, got $5 and advice| London Aug: '91 Thomas Russel Tat dunn : EN : as : ui «a ¢ : FOUND SUNKEN CRIB. FRENC We ; Auk o thirtie She has a daughter oll to see. Mr. Ritchie to talk matters | aged eighty-one, has been killed in States Atlaniic bat I : hile hss Er -------- ; H BROADCLOTHS~ 75 Through French. Sources. [nine or ten years of ag over. George Corbett, hoeelkeeper at (hayfield near *Strond, where he was |) a i ran ig ha tes up fleet. Five| Lindsay Men Make Discovery in ceats to ¥3. SE} X 'a « ie jackets took "if S . Pavis, Aig. FA despatch irom | we groom was Joseph Munchi| Five Islands, cot two barrels of*liquor [employed to hold hor<es. Many years | ihr a jpokets took a wip a | Lake Scugog. Gen bh Amande, N commanding the | Rin Mrs. Sinch savs "fy hus ifrom Halifax: addressed to Mr. Bavae ago he was worth $350.000. and" was. gists of t " gavermu nt Ly Japecial | Lindsay, Ont., Aug. 2i--~Some thix . & OOps PC { Ss L wat his i > t: 1 i § 2 . ¢ trains p e castie Pp > French troops in OPO tates ti band has heen in British Columbia for land took them to his hotel in Five, prominent. figure + the tur He nani weastle anc the wel iy or forty years ago great yuantities i several of the Showia tribes plundered iy ¢ He 35 thirts if | Islands, advised to see Mr. Ritchie |k Roo . : : i 0. vents. 3g ; sle , a 36 ' h epl.a beer house in | I street, Ox- | . 4 ; of oak and elm timber were cut and S the flying army of Abdul-Axiz. I " vell. aducated and. speaks nd talk it over. Noble Morrison saw ford. where he took "bets before! From h eptember 9th to 13th the| squared in this district and floated to Quarterly tyle nineteenth international Catholic Fut fq i } Juebee for shipment to England. When B ook i City + - la dis wel or OTRO or 3 % latter dis veel great personal bravery wolish very fluently ° ala crowd with Mr layne at | there were stringent aming laws, and charist. congress will meet in London itor any reason h fow water, of any reason, such as lo a y i It will be the most notable ascembivi. of the princes of the church, of priests 1, no result on the enem : Han. Corbett's hotel,-.had some whiskey. | so numerous were clients that peo Some of mv relatives objected to and was advise 0 See Mr. Ritchie [ple to offer premiums for front but mv hrothe: who and talk it ard Ackies had | tior n the crowds that assemb but this had I'he artillery was useless and the ners, fled, taking the mules with | Men Killed each other in : | tempt to procure mounts ! »" : Yantouver Ta twent # 1 and i Practically al the army ot away ho Li CH leland. five flasks a dispute as to price with the pros | Now ready at Die | 8 | pective buyer, "it frequently happened | . TY drinks on it, advised to and laymen that has ever mgt oWtaide fpf nt cribs were he over fe several | the Eternal City | | seasons, the result wy g sink- | In charging the jury in the gambl ! * 1 Atkinson: found {ing and Sundav liquor selling cases at y ; {IRs an nia in ig eases a For a number of years past ther \tlantie City, N.J., Justice Trenchard tspid the, court intended to extend tol Pribesmen attacked the remne entire da ind Abdul-Aziz, himself, " nll wis threatened IS VICTIM OF RABIES has been a tradition among old tim SHOT A NEGRO. Birmingham, Ala, Aug. 24 --Anthony Davis, a negro non-union miner, whose house at Pratt City was dynamited, was fired upon from ambush near his "home at Pratt City and fatally wounded. Davis had been working steadily sihce the declaration of "the strike, and immediately after the house was dyma- mited claimen that he had seen 'and ecognized the ¢ mmitted the her men mm town that a» fortune! My. Goldenberg, the public proseeytor F | Ei dy erg } lie proseeutor awaited the discoverers of a sunkeg | he a of the entire leona aa inery | A r {the aid of th 0 gal machinery crib of white oak timber said to haved Excursion To Ogdensburg Inoculated With Germ While Mak- | je r it over : Edward Barkhouse } £ ar ec state f need he 4 th a Hn i" one down in Goose lake or in the General Clarence R Ldwards hief fnera a e R. Edwards, chief, 1.0 Pleasant Point, Sturgeon Aletha will le 3-3 t ; to x ing Experiments : rm Fuesday, t . Chicago, Aug 3 I Antonio u from Bavne, & sed to talk 3 1 ave Ro 1 : for Ogden 7. Fare 35¢ rio, founder of the Pasteur Insti- over with Mr. Ritchie. Wilbert Cor f of the bhurean of insul affairs : ¢ ar alia Laks Various' parties have heen daily in receipt of letters from horse! wrefully attended jugs in At [tute and conqueror of hydrophabia, |bett, taking soundings, and last fall al DAILY MEMORANDA. has become inoculated with the disease (kinson's his "is St. Bartholéemew's D he long he fought I'he famous spe- [basket of whiskey at hig front door ted with the hydro- | Mr. Ritchie anxious to see him. How phobit erm while experiment on lard Wells got drinks from the His laboratory lwre the barn talked barn. Uwen Lewis found 4 | rt} ff. owners al aver the country offerng | Kingston man employed a diver. but {mounts suitable for William H. "Faft. | Coan Ui About thier weeke] v2 i -------- other day he-recaiged an adver ago Bert McGrath, Dave Watson and | DIED. Sear of. a mans rer andi as ath, ANC REES <I "Porouts . hisement of an enorn NAW. Raymond hapnened, in the vicinkty Mary A Ry he WV h 3908 towmhow wife of a sntv-one hands g { | d, twentv-ope hand high of Bruce's Islay Lake Seugog, while srbert H. Rees. | Division ( Sam, 1 i ialist 'became infec Steams A over with +n Kingston patient at ¢ Ritchie. Thomas Morrison got 190R Dir the care of § lasks and two | tles from Bayne Vo a 2.700 pounds | Sica tins ' a Weighimg 2,400 poung raising sunken logs. and a fishing ei i Eta] 980. 1 ; bruno, and te » ---- line fouled on a smag, which proved 2 hor & . X ar r to.) efficacy i s own treatment os Furi - : 3 PEER'S FORTUNE has adach row, at 0 thou I disease i 1 | GIRL BALKS DARING ROBBERY to be ane of the lost cgibs of white erm oak loge Catches Thieves, and Makes More. The discoverers at onee took Disgorge ! their confidence 1. 1} Weldor who! ¥ Dandury, Coun., Aug. nie McCue, a saleswoman employed by I Marine, As & Perman,, thwarted a| ease, awl then vroceeded io back the y matter of prelimin nor Sea. Amu ) ume or « e¢ form the physician sai ast Movitig Pleture S « ¥ : was Rot at all alanned Estate Valued at Over Eighteen; vile. : Million Dollars. | i ¥ . YUUNG BRIDE SUICIDED. CCCLTLLLCCCCLCTCLc<cK CLLLLLLLLCLILLLLCLCCCLK 24. --Misgs Jen- | Visited the spot in a tug, satisfed | DONNELLY In 24th 1OaY Fhomas Donnell London, Aug 24. --MNe are author: himself as to the bona fides of thie tativsly. miotsied thst prodate of iho Big Fire In Constantinople. Fan pS sect b E G00 will, dated March 23rd, 1906, of th Constantinople ig. 24. Fire broke | garing robbery which had been at-| discoveries in the | Wednesda, Fico ut 2p Feet High Right Hon. ! fee erick Arthur, Sal oon, in the Stam- {tempted by a man and two women. | apy expenses. Wali a dozen men were hislate residence, University A x Derby, K.G., &.C.B.,- who died on se ~ Herself From Tower 1,200 out, vesterday A sin, Aug. 20.--"The| ;' ¥° 0) ) tintod boul quarter 1 thin a brief per-i1yics McCue was alone in the store|sent to the scene, along with owe of | e rr week of Rudolph Spit-|* ine 1th fast, as een grant il a terrible conflagration was rag-iyhen the robbers entered. One of the | Rustard s stump-pullers, and it is re ROBERT J. REID. Sternbore. Hechlanberg-Scl 1 hie personal estat as been SWorn |. A strong wind carried the flames | mon, pretendine to he a customer, | rorted that the work of salving the The Leading Undert A th herself from tl op of | Av and £752,109 Lat great speed and for six hours they|éngaged- the girl, while the man, iek f wr is proseedine | & aker. v threw herself from the top i at great sy Viengag airi, huge stieks' of timber is pro line | 24tl 0 dian 'History om the est value of the Hab a, ; ] 1 "Phone, 577. 227 Princess sti Aug. 24th, In Canadian ISTOYY. | hho! Bismarck tower here, falling i : bend vif swept over the section destroying l.-lsereened by the other woman, entered | annea. The value of the "Bnd is ' . street, « 5 SW € [he fire was]the office and rifled the money dragver. | estima gpd all. the way from . $15.080 200 feet to the bottom of t clifis | 7 Ble: Both! real and personal, is 500 houses a of 1 - i Le tow buitt--"The , 139. I ht hu e < iss McCue notice he sudden disap- | . Ix which the tower is built Phi : «till burning ght hut the win | Miss McCue noticed the sudden disap to 365.000. { 3 . ! and became sus-{ = ure pices an ao woman left v note addressed to hed ) I! hy t on em-- . FH journ 1 husband, asking his forgiveness| £20,000 to the trustees uluck 13. the office on hands and knees, and the | i his goer nlucky '13. ; . tv. He gave the ney drawer empty. He gave up the money | oq 0 0 5 » © mre Stealing on dnd Indis. roy v d in Port happy. Prigp to their marriage the There are also 'legacies given to Camin idge, the ea bi tl air had been eng 1 for ten ars. agents aud others, amd to each ser- {elist, was expected to carry Oil € lalarm by one of the women : 4 . pair had been enga w ten vea agents aud o s 0 each « g's Lynn sports, | " of being one of the principals at a only the best i dients. It pays September - wedding W. R. Rider will} ig tae end. guatantee our eo came here on their honevmoon Ihe testator gives a legacy hav 'decreased considerably pearance of the man, oe sry | G0 to his widow and a \ i ha picious. ' She found him crawling om JUSTICE CHEATS ALTAR. vr: « mated S1004.000 toward nd requesting that he marry another tlements madé on each of I. Darl 5 linegars » Imperial Inst © i ! Lelontes 5 . c © ore children i is litetime, sudo N 24 --J ariow; ol n] a tene aR CI hile the jvaman with whom he could: I me hildeen'de i one - London, dug tern counties' ov he - a bed, al od - ike Ww WEL =f hii --Instead Cpe I a ut lus, Arthur ' * t sup, 4 8 y ae se edt eee ---------- ----_--_--.., vant a legacy at the rate of tw [chief prizes at the k RES JT Sports. TWO BIG CONTRACTS LET. ' mouths' wages for each complete but, riding under No | EVELYN THAW NOT "BROKE." serve a sentence at Huntingdon for) : : 3 I { his three races hy ac- y vear of service, in addition to . any [thrown out of [sh 1 ---- . . ; . os : a teabatis's cidents. He was numbered thirteen" | : " . : horse stealing. Miss Floremee, Laur p JOB DINNER SETS One to Provide Havana With | ypae= shu - th b dat % : Jeast, agen sports meeting u few days previ | Looking For a Nice Little derbatgh, his figntee, was a telbphond)® 1CeS al megars Sewer System. be. residue is given lo lhe present dsly. and was similarly: unfortunate. Country House. . A operator. She is eighteen years old: 1 == 5 \ York Aug. 24.--Nearly $16 Earl of beriy.abrolutely. a * {| New York, Aug. 21.--Evelyn Neshit| 'yy ihe hefore Rider was arrested | 0 e SO u e y re B= EER ey = ou or' B..* ear "1 The late earl d arly. seventy | . i 7 Fis suffering fro he ds a' : 000.000, it is estimated, is involved in The ate eal om , hy ary ventyl Lost Railway Carriages. Thaw is not sufie FIng irom he har Ja | the two became encaged After sen-| Sieh : ! thousand acres of d, chiefly in financial condition that is alleged | : Look At The Snaps: two contracts that have just been | : Berlin. Aug. 21.--jn the current num- {40 an u | tence was. pronoundpd Mise Lauder ! ! sioned here, one providing Havana, Lancashire, where the family estates rian Railway Magazine | 10 have driven her hushand into bank- : : . ber of the Ba ! . : . baugh was permitted®io see her sweet z These Se ' sho few = 22 3 iincluding valuable agricultural and *$ R vertise uptey. She was in a resl estate office i a These sets are short a the capital of Chili, with a proper . my es Bor) Fie) " [the railway -authbrit: advertise for | Tuy * A he ag 4 a. . heart with onlv a. constable as a wit- urbg . pel » esaes ren coal- y ALKON TP ar- jon adiso ave e, 5 { - an (proj : besi passenger car- (9 a I ness. Both hroke down. } ¥ "" A ---------------- " Small pieces: tem wind the other for the thirt % - and Seo & Yon jek. Only sewer svstem, ¢ » for tl why { thirty-si vans and r ? On ar 8 ey Ling Ses Sheth Come quiek ny extensive paving of the eity, The con- | Ids. C 4 : which have been missing for | nice country plac e,"'. a he put it. § a Sete tracts just. signed were betweeii thai. The Knowsley estatt in Lancashire! © Cfo. {She wore a gown 'of rofal purple, af Fought Poli IMPORTERS OF FINE GROCERIES, 25 3 « if a RL. 81g : p : some 3 ! , : fon. Han Sets 100 ~ervennn 0 MeGivney and Rockelsy Construction | 8 nearly 30.000 eres in extent. ,Oth- - | big-brimmed hat with a mass of black | tarvineg Man Foug o ce i : : iy : pany , a the Cuban Engineering |er--Tancashire estates are at Fylde hi {feathers high-heeled, low-cut shoes, | Philadelphia, Aug. 24.--John Guas {SEALER & PICKLE. BOTTLES re NI, he (16.000) and at Bury (14.000 _acress . School Of Laughing. } which showed stockings to match her ghn. wanted on the charge of embez BSc. Tor dquatts, 366. for Pleklc Bot . oi Ne ost valuable portion "of thet Milan, Aug. 20K new school of fo un Tak r "lzliny $000 Trem the Werdhignis™ and | Evers this i. vedugid for this ~ in: Bo! tem, a hur which pupils. will be taught |" "J" could like a little house on the| Traders' Bank, of Buffalo. N.V.. was TURKS Necond-Hand Sols. ' property has heen 1.200 aeres in Liv. | asic, a : : . } : 705. : not only to sing, but also to laugh | Hudson she said, "somewhere near! arrested here after a fight with the & m---- -- erpool and district Originally me 3 . » " ' y ¢ 3 i x g sically. has been opened at Milan. | ion's Bop : Lice s y hali-8ts _ 4.40. Drowned Off Wreched Steamer. |ing land it was either sold or so | Musically, has b | | Nordic : Plage. [ may want to try fro a a selfs, Whe Tw tarved, Mrs. Walter Horton died at the miami 51 Bergin. Norway, Aug. 24.--The Nor-!for dock or building purposes - s 1 Treat iS ¥ O10 he had heen hic or ree yean *. {home-of her daughter, Mrs. William J, wegian' steamer 'Folge Fonden. from! Lord Derby also owned land in Gigantic Seheo Sat While in the real estate office , she ; -@ Grant, Cape Vincent, Wednesday even: N BR Berar "H and. on the = west, Cheshire, Kent. Sutrey Berkshire Aristol, Aug. 28.--Seventy thousand (mailed in a special delivery envelope Appointments Expected. ing. She was eighty-fivesyears of age y auges , on the 8 s . a 8 ' "Shire, . . . . i 3 i i i o a 3 I : : . ; » . rgin. to Sugesune : bed Flintshire and Cambiidpeshire school children were entertained at {8100 in bills to a Pittsburg address. Ottawa, Aug. -24.~The appointment innd is survived by ber danghter, Mrs. Ro 4 : was wrecked. o 8 ; geshire. o ; : re ? Po mek gad ] / fo A y er, Mrs. coast of horway, Sk Wh a ia ! A Bristol vesterday in connection with ! . ; - i of railway commissioners and two lGrant, and one sister, Mri. Georgo Saturday night, near § ope} S,. an : the nt visit of the king and queen | At Bancroft, Ont., David Beal's saw | gril, service commissioners is expected | Herrick, Three Mile Bay wr m-- 1 i \ nites st® Toner 5 " : 5 iH or 3 a Fehien i nile : » Ferre. ¥ xr sank in three minute W t = A Fam ly Monument. : to the cit and planing mil with over a million this werk. {| On Friday William MeKsy, Brock- carried many passengers and it Rome Au 24..~An Italian nobde ------------------ feet of lumber. was burned. No insur- ' crmm---- {ville, had a narrow escape from what Willinmsburg farmers bad been von helieved about forty of these ' man,' who a widowér for the! Hon. Sydmev Fisher escorted the 'ance. James HWamell's dwelling was! John Stewart, Horlon, is seriously [in the lapse of a few doponds had not viele 1 oi watering. milk. two. were drowned. Fifteen hodies have tl seventh" time, has erected a castle with members of the ~Scodtish Agricultural (hurned. but the contents were saved. 1} with jaundice. and the doctors givelnssistance arrived, wonld have ter- fined $10. and costs and the peegvered. The captain of the steamer seven towers at : Biarritz, in memory | Commission on a visit to the experi- The whole village was in 'danger for |Jittle hope for his. recovery. His wife | minated in fatal burns, "The curtaing third §20 A was among those saved. of each of his wives. J mental farm on Monday. ho 'died some time ago. Jin his toom caught five, rages, company ard --Eomtracting eompany and Uvalde Asphalt Paving company, of this city? 2 ------ - - During the past week three North " i a