Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Aug 1908, p. 2

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_ wROE TWO . 4 13th August Sale and having til they ned ~ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 1808. the Oddfellows' Rehef association. wusic was [ufnished by the CE. . or HE was married in 1550 to sliss chestra. 'In the eveming it was just | LOCOMOTIVE PIGNG ly tta Hickey, of Garden Island, who [ GOMOTI E : s cool enough to make dancing enjoy- predeceased hum, bus second wate | 'able. The large crowd present had a was Miss riorence Chapman, of 'fine time. i Kingston, He leaves, besides his wile, . After the ball game in the after. 4 to mourn his loss, Harold Donnelly, noon the remainder of the sports were on Saturday night, Clarence cadet at we Koyal Military College, pulled off in the rear of the pavilion | Root. who lives on the island; dug up and Miss Ruby, Master Hibbert and! and the water sports down near the ja skeleton of an Indian * ide the skeleton were a number of flint spear- Playfa.r, at home. He is also sur- | bathing houses. vived by his brother, John Ponnsily, heads, a tomahawk, and other Indian his faithful partner in the wrecking MARINE NEWS. weapons. The skeleton is evidently and salvage wusiness. 'lhe two broth- -- that of an Indian buried a great many ers were ever together and worked is Found - About years ago. The skeleton was left where side by side for years, so that the IWharves. 1 was fund, but in: the night it mys- death of the senior member of the The steamer Simla and barge Cey- leious diseppeased, and Ad. the firm is keenly felt by the younger. lon cleared for Talede, od to Foon nly --_ taken Other brothers and sisters surviving | The sehooner Clara re glen 3% are : Sandford, of Toronto ; Luther, of sons' loading feldspar. --_-- Jpeashoads dud oiher. atcoutre- Cobalt; Foster, of Kingston; Mrs. E. "The steamer India will go into the. ""s the campers - ie and A. Booth and Mrs. Charles McCor- government dry-dock. : the Kingston oA in the eS ag. mack, Kingston. : The tug Colonel Bye arrived from tika," who came home yesterday, had Ihe late Thomas Donnelly was Ottawa, with two blue : a story to tell about the iliscovery of The schooner Oliver, Mowat is the skeleton, and its mysterious dis- Davis' dry-dock undergoing repiars. untiring worker, and never idle. had travelled the continent ip the appearance. pursuit of Lis business, and was The steamer City of New York clear- known, also, in British matine yeir- ed from Richardsons' for Montreal A Corn Resolution cles. In recent years, when he devot. with a cargo of grain. Ph " id ed much of his time to the duties of The 2 doh Fairmount will pass to- sBeinise today to pid ot. yous marine advisor, he had long dis- night, on her way irom Montreal to to-night a hw Ee To ah iy tagees to travel, one day beng in Fort William. i > Netra and the next having to ans- The schooner Mary Ann Lydon we gone, hi big boxes, * 1je., at wer a call as far westias Detroit on rived from Charlotte with coal Ade § g store. an important matter. His ggvice was Robert Crawford. . » | 3 sought in all quarters. Three years dl'he .steambarge Westport, from Ri- ago his firm lost heavily by failure of deau canal ports, is unloading car- anather eanecern. Many business men go of bricks at the R. YS heli would have heen completely treshed, The schooner Charley A ars a ar- I > aati rived at the Kingston & Pembroke hut before the season of navigation v Bart Charlotte. * with had ended he and his brother, hy sov- railway wharf from x > eral great marine wrecking successes, goal. Steamer : Caspian. down had far more than covered the amount Mord unde: Sloamor letha. down * 3 & » A of their loss, and were again on easy the river, "Sunday; steamer Aletha, street. As marine wreckers the de- from bay points, today; schooner ceased and his brother "had svecess: feewatin, from Sodus, with coal. for years, and enjoyed the .confidence When Swift's wharl was Srowded to and the patronage of marine com- overflofving, yesterday afternoon, one panies in the two countries. of t fenders on a big vessel came The flags on the city buildings and down with a crash, and several people on vessels all along the harbor front had a very' narrow escape... The are flying at hali-mast out of respect weather was very rough and made it to the memory of the deceased. very difficult for boats to land. The funeral will take place from the The steamer Caspian did not arrive family residence 'on Wednesday afters here from Charlotte until five 'o'clock noon, at 2.30 o'clock. Sunday .° afternoon, being detained Pg across the lake on account of the heavy gale. Many excursionists were disappointed by her non-arrival in the ners. This seemed vo take the heart (morning. The - Caspian did not make out of the Locos. and they could not |the river trip, but returned west do anything to sfem the tide. Twice | Shortly after her arrival here. ! they were near scoring and should The steamer Argyle was sold to F. have scored but the runner missed his | T- Hutchinson, Toronto, The steamer chance. The teams went to hat as fol- | Was built in Picton in 1873, for Mr. lows / | Hepburn, and fram that time up to the season of 1907 sailed the upper part of Lake Ontario. In her early life she was known as the Empress of India. For several seasons she was in 4 | commission along the north shore' be- { tween Toronto and Port Hope. It is | MARINE EXPERT DEAD THE LATE CAPT. THOMAS DONNELLY. Was Canada's Greatest Marine Authority--Served Kingston in Many Ways--He Was a Member of Many Lead- ing Bodies. After ~ IRISHMEN BEAT THE LOCOS BY 15 10 0. Champion City Leaguers Badly Trimmed--Junior Match in the Morning--Races and Dancing Held. The fourth annual nadian Locomotive Works employees was held on Saturday at Lake On- tario Park. A better day could not have been selected for the event, as far as the weather was concerned. It was an ideal day for baseball, and all such sports. Early in the morning the crowd began to gather and until the last car left ay night, thé crowds came and went in a steady stream, and there Wis cvery attraction pro- vided for them. In the mornimg quite a number of families went out with their 'dinner, spending the day there and returning = béfore supper, and in the afternoon more families went out taking 'their supper and remaining there for the evening performance. The main attraction in the morning was a junior baseball game between the C.S.C.T. and Creseents. The form- er won out by one run, the score be- ing sixteen to fiftéen, after a hard game. In' the afternoon, the park was pack- ed with people. Up at the baseball diamond, a large crowd had gather- ed to see the C. L. C. and Irishmen play ball. ' Huhdreds of people stood on the sides and the grand stand was filled. Before thé game, a few. good foot races were pulled off near the stand and were very interesting. At 2.30 o'clock the ball game was theduled to start, and in the contest that followed the champion C. I,. C. bunch were badly snowed under, being defeated fifteen runs to nothing. This is certainly the worst heating the C. L. C. have got yet, and they got it hy a team they defeated twice ii the ity Leagee series. From the first jn- nings the game was one-sided. The ¥. LC.B.U. seemed to have the Locos flagged at every turn they took. The end of the first innings brought the score eight to nothing for the win- Customers ave buying us 6tore ther purchases un- 1 them, and they're saving Can be secured from the Chronometer in Our Window. Now the Cloghl is out of commission this will be The Thiis Easy Re- He clining Chair adult size reg-. ular $1.50, this month, §1 arms-folds "up, ! adjusts, nearly weryithing for $1 icnic of the Ca- | guat the an illness extending over a year and a hall, Thomas Donnelly passed to rest at six o'clock this morning, at - his residence, University avenue, » For ihe past year po hope was held out for ms recovery. 'lhe ablest phy- sicians and surgeons on the continent were consulted and lust winter Capt. Donnelly submitted to an operation at! Baltimore, but this was not pes formed the physician deemed it useless, a few monthe ago the great marine expert was brought home to die. He faced, the end brave- is at Richard- Dressers A fine variety in Birds' E laple, and Mahogany. J Some great values at $18 and $15 others for less and more. at as So ar- 2 for Stool Strong polished Spe cial $1.25 Mahogany finish. others $1.50 up RUGS--A fine range, 15 to 25 per cent reduction Figure this out and see what you stand to save, CARPETS stock special § Linoleliy Biggest and lowest 8 Qidcloth, 1, Curtains, Phone 90. Yours, T. F. Harrison .Co. ; oh | | New Fall Hots] ne i smd sos oo oom Have Arrived In all the very newest American Styles Buy the King Hat, the best $2 50 Hat in Canada. P. J. HUNT. peso ln - ith . Postal Laws Cutting Links. | THE LATE THOMAS DONNELLY. How the postal tax upon papers to the United States cuts papers off I t clung t y ; 7 : {13> but clung to Aye from their old sympathies and Bri- he had wonderful vitality, : : ) est il tish associations shown almost : pa an daily in a large newspaper offior, | weaker, length the exhausted For i : : 3 'or mmstance, » former Kingstonian {frame found is death has 2 A i e ; Bode, lowa My sub- i great sorrow in a large inter- ! ® [national | friends, writes from cript » Whig stoppe this circle of marine and other Eiption lo the hig opped 15 among 'whom he was greatly month, I had a great notion to drop it owing to the greatly increased pos Capt, filness | ' g greatly increa I by Of the Best Quality the | tage. However, 1 am unwilling | Ningston guriing cars| Jt go the link that binds me to a o ears 1 lived for thirty n | who have ilton | | on Velvet | We make a specialty of COATS. W. F. Gourdier, Exclusive Furrier, 76, 78 and 80 Brock street. ' with persistenge, | During | g steachly | | fo | the is week and rest ansed ! ls ONE BARE TE ST Irishmen. 0) esteemed Donnelly's to caused, his shpping in rink three a curling fatal | was Turcotte Tilson Lumb ss Cotman ¢ Stakes Doyle Joyee Covne Palmer r x 1b. in are many neighborhood years." I here cut the link, however<four five suhscribers. It a fine asset, retaining of interest of for mer Britishers. Intung developed ago, and Ihe injury Jisease. Ihe ( on a j expected that the new owner will place her on thissroute next season. THE DAYS EPISODE LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN GENERAL. In The City Ana Vicinity--Other Brief Items of Interest Easily Read And Re- membered. internal is loss of - a The Newest Of the New Will Be Found | a 7 T Total : 3 : wreck rrr, Locomotive Club. R. received | school, he of out of Donnelly, A f - Of our fine Scranton Coal will prove to you its superiority over all other kinds, P, WALSH, 55-57 Barrack St. | |. | The warn | anothet year, | Sunday brought a very large num- ber of tourists to the ty. "Chase's Nerve Food," fresh at Gib son's Red Cross drug store. One more week of summer ler excursions. 1 hen out lake the steamer America day, 1:30 p.m. Home at 14th band. "Quincy At This Store. are in sizes, X 4 and 3} x Potal .coinenipn ws Score by innings-- Irishmen, C a. evenings are 'gone for THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ' ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright. Money loaned on City and Farm Pros erties, Municipal an County Debene< Pe Mo purchased. Deposits received and Interest allowed, SB, C. McGill, Managing Director. IF IT IS TO GET A SINK Set up or a bath room installed. I can do it in first-eiass style and at the right price. Give me a trial. . DAVID HAL In Dress Goods our range is most complete, being far in advance of any previous sea- son's showing. Many exclusive Novelties imported ditect hv ourselves and camhot be'du- plicated at any' other store. See the large assortment have at 50c a Yard. ~~ in bristol master's "Billy" McParland made a satisfac- tory umpire. The Irishmen hammered Dixon ior eight runs and seven hits in' the first innings, Joyce getting a three hagger. The other ianings just a repeti- tion of more logse play the part of the Locos Ihe Irishmen - never played a better of ball. Tu cotte was throwing good enough to catch the best of them at the plate and sometimes catch them twice. He was also receiving good support. The | winners were doing some fine hitting, one three bagger.and four doubles be- on 1885 scores anda furs. Wednes % o'cléck. and Ya mates which years : with for Wer £ on a 1 we In Jures - game Adams Sawyer" will be presented in the Grand Opera House on Sept. 5th, It will be nearly "another ymonth be- fore the water will normal lev- el. 1t has receded all | summer, "Wise mothers" i but infants' Cross drug store. there... There was a testimonial ball Hotel Columbian, Thousand and helped to organize first superintendent of s - ness, Lake & Navigation Ocean i : be at formation" of the Ponnelly very slowly Early che is always the best Phone 335 ? 64 Brock St who | Red | fresh | ing secured during the game The Locos made numerous hard forts to send a man over the * plate but to no avail. Once they sueceeded in getting McMahon to third base but] he was cut off at the plate. They were not playing their usual game hy any Park, on Saturday night. A means, as the score wifl plainly show. | Your dance is to-night's feature. The victory to fairly |" The directors of the agricultural fair popular one with the erowd 'at Picton are arranging iqr a King- In the afternoon and : ston baseball team to play a first-class ing was held in the pavilion, { Prince Kdward county team. creat thrones, especially in the | are the at ones l- Gibson's so act accordingly. Always foods as y » showing a large variety new at the 2 Island leap ¢ Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS. NY even-numbered section of Do- inion Lands in Manitoba or the S00 seemed be a New Golfers, Fancy Belts, Smith from the beach at this being the largest job eyer accomplished on the Jat dane- and even- evening a great lakes considers shows Cant. the Domi its was son of the late Capt. John {Kingston Collegiate Institute, at in | Davidson «¢.f the schoon®F~ Prussia, | | Saunders 1b. Fand the wrecking tug Conyueror. He Worse--Poor Relief . ~ tion school at Eng. He J y 3 | g - Not having a full sett of | be much harder than last for tlie poor the Dominion | dependeng upon the charitable organi- ment, ------ | witnessed from December to March Verites troubles of a year ago.' This has been | secretary and, associated with his {practically no season of trade between You can painlessly remove any com, either releasing of the steamgr quarters, the butts and the new only of healing gums and balms. Fifty years in the river 1 not enough building construction to CoO XT CTOR wrecking been begging him for jobs at $1.25 forma @ Regulator on which women cov late Thomas Donnelly was born | warden Island, Dec. 2th, Ino veteran master. He re ng his education at the istic] Garden Island, and at the | - | ' : Fsford 3b. | carly age commenced sailing for| 1aird 8.8 {5 the firm Calvin, & Breck and at!NEXT WINTER AFTER THIS Hon : Ogcurrences | the age of twenty-one years he took McMahon 1.i | | command . BAD SEASON. MeKim r& ' i ena hb | which had just been launched. He . These Rugs {was also captain of the schooner | Last Winter Was Bad Enough, Burke ¢. 51 o Graniham and 'the stédamer Hastings, | But Next Winter May Be 8. x-3%yards, 3 Organiza. | saded two winters on the Atlantic| : : § 4. {ocean ond studied White's Naviga- | ations Will Need to Prepare! It is predicted that next winter will ceived Pritish certificate. | : 3 patterns in all sizes we| In he hecame inepecfor © of [of the sity. "last winter scores of : . . {hulls later examiner of masters (People, particularly immigrants, were offer them at cost price. and govern- | dep n the | pesitions he filled for [tions we indevidual Sharity, has mahv Later he was chief |even harder times are expected to be spector for Inland Lloyds and : { . am] Inext, for the reason that there "has wis' the TT) , | been a depression ir all kinds of busi- R M vas 1s the result of the great financial C Canadian E ® " ' {¢ G } a bad year for the merchants and for Ci 1 ; T . pon the he builders. The cold and late spring Kings Carpet r SC | a ; in : Ia Lo" +z. | the builders. we cold and la spring 1g ton JA F Wa ehou C Salvage|& Wiecking Co. he became ifs affected trade . greatly, there being S 3 father and brother John Dor nelh * | the winter and the summer; There has 4 0 R N S CURED performed a number of wi cking jos been' very little building hére this year IN'24 HOURS | which brought thein fame, such the Royal Military College servants' hard, soft gr bleeding, by applying Put 1's the % , Rosedale ] Corn Extractor, It never burns, leaves no s from, Charity Shoals," raising the | House of Providence orphanage be- contains no acids; Is harmless because composed stdamer Eugene Zimmerman sunk In ling the only large contracts. A few use. Cure guaranteed. Sold by all drliggists and releasing the | houses are being erected, but there is ue. bottles. Refuse substitutes, steamers William Nottingham and H. PUTNAM'S PAINLESS W Buffalo keep willing workers busy. A con- | last tractor states that good laborers have ox i day. That he' how 9, - | Cook's Cofiuli Root Compound. 'The great Uterine Tonic, and | only safe effectual Monthly | depend. Sold in three degror il of strength--No. 1. $1; lo } 10 degrees stronger, $3; No {and n for special cases, Par DOK. | corrmnizer Sold all nn ft or seat | 27"! | ida on Tote JS at Jos: { 'roo pamphlet, Address : y od 00K MEC:SIKE BQ. TRON. OT. dormerly Windeat! | THERE IS MORE COMFORT In living in a five-room Cottage ston that room man ture to t [ Provines There of C greatest As present Ce te 1 i nt | Fr 1901, Rervire lec oa |Add. R the narr is your own than in a ten I the Poare or house belonging to some recently health forceful one else. fa We Can Make It Easy to Acquire A Home. € sion. Several active {John's | ston, F i drch Preceptor \ ay a There are one or two bargains ¥ SN mr ngw offering that will be picked ¢, ke grand up quick. num and member Kingston, 1 andon vellers. Kineston of St sand nr ferry Call early on = McCann, 51- BROCK ST. a me cluh, ative ably member, follows and nion tion larine arg Surya) the he during no doubt Donnelly Canada has lost its Donnelly and executive hoard, American continent was Marine a where his advice sury marine Don masters th t a member evor | the and inion and hat in marine, expert, ne pt ) for Ww ontest 1 of 8 iled. and lodges F pter, vy. No of the of a nd branch He general sm ber > : In politics he was a Ha the a member of Victoria Donnelly the people. the me ever waged ven As earnest, cla nan oO whi veleran: the city ware of at and imed ely h the He her member association since 1 the hest matters government {marine department at Ottawa he [recognized as an authority, and seve ral years ago was appeinted to mates of winter 1 gave excellent In mavoralty Kent, but was dofeated bv margin the strenuous Had he been elected he would | hve made an admirable mayor. | , some vears he was 5 member of Education, two serving apo, a speaker himself with great clearness and him Ancient . and A. M., No. 3; King- | mtenac and Cataraoui Royal } Hueh de Pavens Knights Templar : | ton, Np. 59, Tadapendent Order he was Rowval was Frontenac was was a wne attached of commercial governor hosnital } aiso Andrew's Preshyterian othe Kinostiom n of of the | on| arine mattefs was much appreciated | was re- | ost on the | post- ( m an- was Joos tho months. the death council, from 1896- 1901 he acainst nteen vopes ma in Kin | | as his was when he | such hard luck, the unfortunate young | lieved by those who were on the spot "Hot water hottles,"'the good kind, | are sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug | store. It pays to go there. St. cathedral choir boys will have théir annual pienic on Wed nesday afternoon. This picnic is ten dered them by the -eathedral-inrecog: {nition of their voluntary services dur- {ing the vear. the 'wind is blowing, 'and he wonders what many will do to keep themselves through the long winter. i jov good dance, . Excellent people ing, enjoved a good George's HAD HARD LUCK. Kingston's Famous Fur Store. Farm Laborer Lost. Ticket and Walked Home. According to the story which reach- ed Kingston on Saturday, there is one young man who will never forget the recent farm laborers' excursion from this district to the west. 'The young man lost his railway ticket, when he was near North Bay, and as he was also short ef eash he had to return to his home in Battersea. - As he was in $ At noon on Sunday the firemen re-| ceived a call from box No. 13, at the {cotton mill. The chimney in a. resi- |dence near there was causing trouble, |but the blaze was extinguished before {the firefighters arrived. | New York people. say that the Sun {day steamer service to Kineston from | [the Cape is not scheduled there. Sbme | thave come this way with the expecta- | tion of having to stay over Sunday | {at the Cape and were agreeably sur {prised to see the steamer awaiting | them, : | { | | For those who can afford to | do so, there is no better way of serving both economy and 'con- venience than by buying your FURS now. The price of! every made-up fur garment in the store is discounted during August, and if you buy now yor have your Furs all ready to put on when the cold weather arrives. fellow had to walk most of the way back from North Bay. Foot-sore and very much disappointed, he arrived back home, on Saturday. It may have been that he was relieved of his tic ket, but of this fact, he is not sure. FISHING HAS BEEN GOOD. » Ridicule Fire Theory. That the city buildings' fire was caused by any other means than parks from a solder pot is not be- Best in This 'District For Some Years. + That the fishing in this district has | been better this summer ghan for seve- {ral 'years, goes without saying. Kvery follower of Isaac Walton, who has been out with the rod a couple of Any "One at the time the blaze occurred. other theory they laugh at. thing is eertain," an alderman said, Our stock is the finest and largest between Toronto and expressed de | as an of | a past | Area alco club, to n of thei tra- | of "the, a membear | church, paved econ- valuable member of the hoard of directors of . 230, | dome had times, will tell you this story. Inspector Taundvin stated, Saturday, | that the fishing had never been better, and said that the bass were of extra good variety. Bass fishing is now practicathy alt over; Pike has been very plentiful, ---and only within the last™ week several Kingstonians succeeded in landing a few big ones. Kingston has alot of goad fishes men, and allowing for all heh stories, | they always make good. "il the outer woodwork of the city been kept in the condition it should have been, there would have been no fire, for the blaze was caused by sparks getting into the rotten wood around one 'of the dial open- ings. Montreal and comprises of everything desirable in Furs at all prices. Sone eseeesee i | i . { i Qur large show=room (one of the very finest in Canada) is worth seeing, and we make visitors welcome regardless of whether they are prepared to buy or not. ~~ Makers of Fine Furs, Princess St. Lp-------------------------------- | Help Your Digestion. you this: pro- tecting the very foundation of health. If you have any symptoms of dys- pepsi or indigestion remove thestrou- ble at once by use of Day's Dyspepsia Cure. Prompt and certain in results. This 'preparation has digestive, to- nic and laxative properties. Each hot- tle contains sixteen days' treatment. For sale only at Wade's drug store. ------------ "Pahy "comforts," now ones, at Gib- son's Réd Cross drug store. Phone pe When do you are ' If You Washed Your Glasses. You couldn't make them any clean- er than we do. After each time 4 glass is used at our soda fountain it is set aside to b+ washed with hot water, rinsed, dried and polished. Our soda is purity itseli and we insist that the glasses snall be as clean and inviting as the soda. Wades drug store. ¥ Fancy Collars, KON ES | | Etc., Etc. NEWMAN & SHAW The Always Busy Store. Sop biter Fer Dangers of Diarrhoea This is the time of year when expect a sudden attack Children are specially season. Pro- in the you may of diarrhoea susteptible tect "yvoursell house. -- ~bot te this by keeping of. at PR ea - STRAWBERRY COMPOUND Ie 50 bus. aicctunt in isting Dr. A. P. Chown Phone, B48, 185 Priocess St. ¢ ° A000 0000000ROROS Seveeseccsccennes leet. steaded ther, and in (2) sires, A acres fin he (8) It age and 100 feet Northwest Provinces, %6, not reserved, a family, or male over 1 to the extent of onesgua 160 acres, more or less. Application for be made in perso Dominion Lands Eutry by proxy an A n_ person, figible for homestead DUTIES. --(1) residence upon perform ties by living olely by him, oot meet th ther 1s permanent residence owned sole! (80) acres homestead, or u for by him in t steader may duties by excepting 8 may be bhome- e sole head of 8 years of age, rtec mection, of by any person. th homestead entry must n by the Applicant at a Agency or ub~agency. may, however, be made gency on certain conditions by the mother, son, daughter, brother or {ster of an intending homesteader, An application for cancellation must be he applicant must be entry. ' At least six months' and cultivation of the each year during ' of bree years. homesteader may, # he so des the pequirea residence cu- 0% farmjug land owned not less than eighty (80) tent, in the vicinity of his Joint ownership in land will is requirement. the father {or mother, if the deceased) of a bomesteader had od farming land y by him, not less than Ly Fi in extent, nthe Vicinity pun a homestead en e vicinity, such home< perform his own residence living with the father (or " in the two defined as mean- nine miles in a direct SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN. NORTH WEST MINING REGULATIONS, of over having mm may locate a ciaim 1,500 Fee $5.00, - on id to the mini 00 has been ex ear, Or ng Recorder. When PLACER MINING CLAIMS. square. Eatry fos, $0000 7"

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