hood of Still Cut Prices at Crumley Bros. E XTRA CLEARANCE J Read This : 1,000 yards Fine English Does Tweeds, suitable for Children's School Dresses and well worth 60c and 75¢ per yard. Special Sale Price 32)5c¢ Per Yd, The children will 'soon be returning to school, and you will be beginning to think of their fall school clothes, Nothing could be better for school dresses than these Tweeds. Excellent to wear and good to look at. : Secure some while they last, only 3245c per yard. All White Lawn Waists 25 off, All Ladies' Wash Skirts 25% off. Bargains all over the store. Comeafid sce. Crumley Bros. oe a . Absolute purity and clcanliness in the manufacture COWAN'S PERFECTION COCOA (Maple Leaf Label) Healthful and nutritious. THE COWAN CoO. Limited, TORONTO vy 95 a9" ee The Canada Life Assurance Gompany Holds the strongest Reserves of any Life Assurance Company on the North AmericanContinent--a Canadian Company made by Canaglian people for Canadian people, 62 years ago. Dividends to policyholders have been large all these years, and are 'bound to be large, owing to the unique position occupied. y the 'Company. Rates for women: the same as for men. Keep your mbney iy Canada by "purchasing Canada Life Contracts, y Full particulars of how a policy will shapp for you, given the office--18 Market Street, Kingston. J.'O. HUTTON, Manager. ALUMINUM ALL GRADES. LOWEST PRICES. Canada Metal Co.Ltd..." okono. ONT JANET CAME TO RESCUE. When Hubby Met With a Serious Accident. { Bishop John some pastoral visits to eurse a fyllie, an' Ise 1 had 11 seen be weel eneuch !"' f warran time he v It Did Not Work, | Youth's. Companion. Mes. Billings was installing | cook, nafiidden from Findand, the kitchen @ontrivanees of weresnew and wonderful "PRigs dna eeaid the lady, indicat- door | INE & perforated wooden board that bishop ung agatnst the ivdhon, wall, is the knew that the worthy could | order hist in 3 suvs tier, eggs, coffee, tea, ' molasses' --eve ; ' ; sugar, not be far distant. He therefore step- | S'% ped ir' the direction of the outhouses thing" that we need to dat Whenever a and found them in the barn | We are'out of any of these things, | winhowing corn, in primitive vou need 'to i= to place one of with 'riddles betwixt these little pegs in the hole 'opposite doors. Un bishop the nae, and the things will be or- pearance, ped Bil winlngwing operations, Mrs 1 mgs 1 not a gladness his heart okeoper. There wore several forward to welcome his | secutive 'when she completely for: his haste he trod upon *the | vot «the existence of the order Het in riddle, which rebounged with the kitghe n, but Ina labored with force against one of I cident made "Him and, insteatl tion, he injured limb, and, Skinner, while making in the neighbor the town. of Aberdeen, took octasidn to to the cottage of two humble parishioners, a man and | his wife, who cultivated little croft No one hut the was only latch the new to whom America step i was within ns on the the Nee, couple both : the way, "0 two open his ap man ceased his and the ! stepped Treishly the the aking hanes! rag in of ron con pastor, Hut dave A run of the great | he ae pull uy the vigorously rubbing not daring in such! a venerable presence to give vent to the customary strong ejaculations, kept twisting his faceMnto all sorts of | grimaces, As was natural, the bishop went forward, uttering the usual for of condolence and svmpathy, his us shuns : lasted Ina. after strug- with Tha order hoatd for three 'I tank dose hoard must be out [ pus sh dosei peg in yust so but nothing will come no nothings.' "suddenty rovep- | Fling the of 'completing stood days, * of order ad § can, no putter far Ro 0gQ. -- Bo Not Miss This. Searchlight excursion to Clayton, Wednesday ,. , Stegmer y Anterica," 7.30 p.m., only 2%¢. ' mulae the patient, rubbings and his silent but expressive ' contortions. At last Janet came. to the rveseme, and. the bishop ecoaxingly the said, "Noo, } bishop, Al into the loose, we'll he's | meanwhile, continuing Plums, Peaches, Grapes. Edwards & cinpping Choice back, ve on wans fan Air just o follow an Fresh Tuesday, Jenkin. at | it | Pears, | FIGHT TO A FINISH STRIKERS ARE PEACEFUL "BREAKERS" GET COCKY. Several of the Latter Turned Over to the Police For Dis- playing Weapons. Winnipeg; Aug. 24.--"The strike situ- tion is practically unchanged, the gom- pany apparently being determined to fight * to a finish, ~altheugh ~umable to make schedule time - with passenger trains, in many Saves losing one to we hours on 50 mile 'tuns." said J. H. McVey ~ ku, 'A determined effort is 'being made at several western points by detectives and thugs to create trouble by dis- charging firearms during dark hours and attempting to throw blame on the strikers. The peaceful' policy of the strikers is causing the strike-breakers to become arrogant and insulting, and strikers have turmed several over to the city police for attempting to use fire- arms, "Fhe mén are. confident of victory, but deplore the weak policy of the gov- ernment in allowing the importation, of the large number of alien undesirables, in direct contravention of the alien labor law. "The press," added Mr. McVety, "should warn harvesters against "wast- ing money coniing west, as many are already returning, being unable to pro- cure employment. ; CAMP STAFF AND CORPS. The th Regiment, of Peterboro, is Coming. The staff and corporation Eastern Omtario mntary Barrieticld, Aug. 31st to Sept, as follows :-- Camp Commandant--Q.C.~> Eastern Outario. Orderly Officer--Lt. H. 14th Regt, P.W.OR. Chief Staff Ofhcer--C Ontario DAA. Ontario District Engineer To be Senior A.S.C. Officer--Senior Officer, Eastern Ontario, Principal ° Medical Officer--P.M.O., Eastern Ontario. Prin. Veterinary Officer+P.V.0. tert Ontario. Senior Ordnance D. No. 3. Paymaster -- Command Eastern Ontario, Synnery Instruction "apt. nier, RCI the at is of camp 11th, F. Macnee, 5.0. Eastern General--D: AAG. Eastern detailed.) AS.C. Eas- Officer--S.0.0., M. Paymaster, A Z. Pal- Mauasketry A steution. Capt. H. J. Dawson, 14th Regt, P.W.O.R Asst. Muodketry -Instructor--Lient R. B. Willis, RCR Intelligence Officer--D. 1. O. M.D. No. 3. Signalling Officer--C.S,, E Sanitary Officer--Capt. J QO. Rankin, Commanding--Lt.-Col. T. Brigade Major-- H. Powell, R.C.DD. Orderly Officer--Lieut C. F. Carson. oth Infantry Brigade--Lt.<Col. Com- manding, Lt.-Col. J. Hughes: Brigade Major (Acting) Major A. B. Cunning- ham. 7th Infantry Brigade- 14 -Col. Com manding, Lt.-Col. E. B. Edwards; Bri- gade Major ting). Major Smith. No. 3. Section, 2nd Fortress Com pany, RCE; Detachment Corps of Guides ; No. 3 Section Signalling Corps; No. 3 & 'ompany, C.AS.C:; De Ce ; No. 11 Field Ambulante; Detac h- 0 3, "Det achment," C.O.C.; {ment CA.P.C and Cavalry 4th Hussars. oth Artillery Batteries roth Artillery Brigade Batteries | 6th Infantry Brigade--i6th, 45th Regiments; Composite City Corps, (4 Companies) 7th Infantry Brigade.--46th, | 40th Regiments | Six companies of the Peterboro sh | Regiment will attend Barriefield camp | from Sunday Sept. 6th to 10th. The Is7th will bring both bands. Couldn't | the 14th Ro@giment turn out likewise? Colonel Gordon says that the water supply for the .camp will be the very best. The new well has been drilled to a depth of 145 feet, and when wate was struck it squirted over 30 feet high Capt. A. Brigade--3rd Dragoons; 3 Brigade--3th and 8th 14th and 24th 4oth and Battalion 47th and First Congregational Church At the First Congregational church last 'night, .the pastor, Rev. J. Charl Villiers, in" speaking on the: subject, "Is One Religion As Good As Another," i stated that ome'great religious system, which was universal in value, was the simple system known as the Chris- tian religion. - He reférred to its growth in the far east, and during the course of his remarks stated that if the Chris- tian churchyis faithful to the last, the time will come when the Christian faith, will win all the hearts of the people now in darkness, and who know not the living Christ The musical part of the service was well rendered, the choir rendering several fine" num Pers cs ins 1s a---------------- In Favor Of Widow. Some logging claims against indepen dent loggers, brought by the estate of the late W. S. Hill, of Minneapolis, a | wholesale lumber merchant and head | of the Bank of Hills Sons & Co., (since jout of existence) who died five years ago, have just been settled in favor of his widow and executrix, Mrs. W. R. Givens, of ghus city. Mr. Hill died {suddenly while travelling with his wife | and a party tir the private car of Theo- dore Shonts, president of the Chicago, | Indianapolis and Louisville Railway. methodical] At Queen Street Church. Miss May Hinckley, who has been | engaged as soloist. in Knox. church, | Toronto, gave farewell, to her church {home, Queen 'Street' Methodist church, ast night 'by rendering two beautiful _ [songs © She sang 'with marked swect- fness. Rev. J H Miller, © Almonte, bpre: wched an ¢xcellent sermon. | ' ! Is Quite Ill. { A young lad named La Ronge, 75 [Ontario street, ' was removed to the | Hotel Dieu Sunday morning. To day { the attending physicians thought he had typhoid fever } - Excursion To Jones' Falls. Aletha will leave Swiit's Friday, August 28th, Fare He, Steamer 14k wk, at 8 am, : foe Jones" Falls } Cleveland, TO-NIGHT 3! ET we, Free ect ke Soi obs eb VT JT J OT. EDUCATE MAN TO! Tous: 0 3 ercentenary 'A FRONT ROOM. FURNISHED OR PACTURES--"Tianita Midgets unfurnished, with or withoys Bo New Vaudeville 'Acts. ai "by letier to iox Fue a es a rates, Tenis: 3 Brock St. THE SPRY SERRE TE Ww Se. © Memday* and Tuesday BENEFRIT FOR THE HOTEL DPIEU ATTRACTION 1. "Comedy a Sean On Trial," or "How Jones Tamed Tis Mother-In- oi ATTRA: 2. "Neath Shadow Of Vesuvius," . or "A Puy Among The Picturesque Neopelitans,' ATTRACTION 3. "The' Story " A Broken Home," extracted from "Enoch reps with Colored Tustrat- ions, hh by Ralph Tatton Jones.' Ha ATTRACTION 4. To Luna With me," Summerby. The entire net proceeds of the house, Neiday and Tuesday go to the Hotel eu, Miss Ada Rosevear Has kindly consented to sing at the Bijou, Monday and Tuesday evenings in aid of the Hotel Dien Hospital, coh £ S1z8n "ROOM, OR "wo oom. central position, her ing ad "first floor, store. Give parviculars. "GG. Por. "Whig Office. 4 DRESSY GENTLEMEN TO ie Ek, Joris To gh bora to "hu A oy TEACHER, FOR SENIOR DEPART- iddlcville School, second Rs So, ihe of pubiia Kops, " rch, Rankin: oar se "A' Trip Down Sung by / Edgar MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BAR- ber trade. Graduates earn twelve to eighteen dollars weekly, Help secure positions, il shops. = Lone stant practice. 1 instructions. Yew ' weeks complete course. Cata~ logue free irite Moller Barber College, Toronto. a BLACK. PARASOL, wee FRAT 1d handle, Al Finder rewa, by. ar Hi ND GLOBE i aa | Eb d a) ronan PERSONAL. Miss Florence O'Part, of London, England, Has also kindly to assist R. Tatton Jones reading of Tennyson's "Enoch SITUATION WANTED. LARGE arriving rvant, St. TIC SERVANTS, Jrincipatly Scotch St { vou need 71 Drummond DOMES « party, Aug. 2 write The Guild, WANTED-FEMALE, consented wit bh Arden.' "PRINCESS THEATRE." HAIR, MOLES, BARS, Warts, 'ete., 'Temow Permanently without scar, many 8a ex 4 ence. Dr. Elmer J. EL Bye LH Nose, Throat and Skin Specfalist. 258 Bagot street. MUSIC. GEO. HAMMOND Mgr, More To The Front RE-OPENING OF. VAUDE- every evenin at 7.30 p.m. and Saturday Matinees, © a All this week the world's nost "HAMILTON SISTERS," in own latest création of catchy funny BAyings and up-to-date Duncérs. "PEWTTT BELL, "Excentric Piano Manjpulator. This gentlanan stands without a rival in the Musical World. Geo. Hammond in New lllustrat- ed Songs, at every performance, -aftor- noon and evening without fail. "THE PRINCESSAGRAPH." with 2,000 feet of the latest Pathe Frere New Film. 45 winute show fon 6c. No Higher. Re- member a useful souvender with. every ticket at our WEDNESDAY and SAT- URDAY: MATINEES. Othefs Copy This Please. Don't Forget. ENTIRE row CHANGED PHURSDAY NIGHT, PI1C- TURES CHANGED EVERY NIGHT. Watch us we will hand you a hot one soon. Everything First-Class ani. LL Toate. Our show ¥ especially selecte for the éntertaimment of the most select Ladies and Gents, as 'Well as Children, Plenty of reom for Baby Qarrvinges. 5c WONDERLAND 5c Lew. J. Fullerton THE UNLUCKY GERMAN. A Vaudeville: Act 'That Is An Act. PICTURES "THE BANDIT'S | WATERLOO Once SER- EXPERIENCED GENERAL vant. Apply 252 King' streets Wednesdad 2.30 pan, renowned their songs, GENERAL SERVANT, SMALL family, good wages, no washi Apply at ones 201 Brock St. COOK, FOR SMALL FAMILY, where housemeid ds kept. No "washes ing or ironing. Apply at Whig office. CHARGES IN CHINA REV. DR MENZIES, TELLS OF PROGRESS IN IN HONAN. Many Signs of Advancement Since the Boxer Rebellion--Cana- dians Lose Chinese Trade. Winnipeg, Aug. 20.--Rev. J. Menzies, M.D, of the Canadian Presbyterian mission in the province of North Hon- an, China, in Canada with his 'wife and children on their second furlough in thirteen years. After a 'week spent on the Pacific coast, they spent another in Winnipeg' on their way east, and (here Dr, Menzies gave his impressions {to a reporter of the Free Press. A story of] A curious fact of their ocean voyage Spain, full] was that, in crossing the meridan on with "a Wappy| the first of July. they had two Dominion Me days to celebrate, two 'Wednesdays in one week, and their year 1908, being leap year, will number 367 days. Dr. Menzies' residence in China ad been in Hwaiching' Fu (county~town) { The mission with which he is connected is the only onein a population of 8000, ooq, constituting about one-fifth of the whole of Honan t 'operates in three connties. The mission staff numbers fourteen families, besides half a dozen young ladies; the mission has three hospitals for men and one for women, and is daing a large medical work; of the hospitals sometimes averaging one hundred and fifty 'patients 'a day, and having half a dozen operations There is a at demand for medical work, the district being a rather sickly fone, and the Chinese themselves hav- ting no medical skill. The mission has [ been doing good work, and is in a very hopeful condition in every way. It has organized. quite a number of sche and alsowa presbytery The changes taking place in China are described by Mr. Menzies as of a very mteresting nature. Formerly, to reach the mission from the coast of Shanghai used to take a monih of travelling by houseboat; on this recent occasion, in coming out, the travellers entered a sleeping car at 10.30 p.m., and the next day -at 3 o'clock were at Hankow, dis tant 450 miles, where they took a large steamer on the Yangtse for Shanghai, and the whole trip occupied four and a half days instead of over a month. Since 1901, when Dr. Menzies retarn- | ed, after the Boxer troubles were over, tremendous strides hive been made in the building of railways, and the many centuries old system education ' has Threw a Woman in Font of Pass- [been swept away by a single edict. A ing Car. & good deal of 'difficulty is. being €x- New York, Aug. 21.--Two highway- perienced; however; in introducing a men, bent on robbi a well-dressed | PCW school system, owing tothe, great woman, at 90th street and Amsterdam | [2k of good teachers. i Lhe avenue, at 12:15 a.m., to-day, became There are very Tew industries in that so infuriated when she screamed and | Part cof Chiva; the whole population . hints dim "i practically live off the land. China, tried to fight that they dragged her } h weal i : £ 4 from the sidewalk and hurled her in fiough wealthy in. natural & fesaniges, x : : 2 | Raving unmense deposits of coal, iron the path of a trolley car. As the car and of . Aviation 1 crashed. the Jile. out her body thiey & other means ot transportation, and crushe the marke linnted. The people are escaped. {very poor, ar ad when the crops fail they | suffer from the famine. The mission- jaries and other European residents gpt a great deal of their food stuffs fron Canada, chiefly hy way of bonden ; also, Balti] they. purchase British Columbia salmon, California fruit. canned vegetables, etc. but the goods from London are better packed and preserved. |. Another gbstacle in the way of { rh with Canada -1s- that the freight rates are very high.' Sometimes it takes { nine months to get goods-from Chicago. The United States and Canada, Dr. { Menzies observes, have not studied the | foreign shipment question as it has been | studied in England. There are. he | thinks, great openings for markets in i dairy produce, Canadian fruits, flour and lumber. Another obstacle against Canadian and-American trade is. the trouble : caused .in.-making out invoices, mer- Seli-mads= men may hive caused |chants having no uaderstanding of what others to Tail. is required, while, in England Many a sermon has been preached by: greatest care is-exefeised. Dr. is The ow witting an Brigand by a pretty Sehora. Ife in the hills of Southern of exciting Cacumstances chimax Song--"* Down." HOTEL DIEU BENEFIT CHILDREN ONE CENT, AFTERNOON, "Auction Household Furniture. street, TUESDXY, Mahogany Sofa and other Tables, Lace ipestry" and Wool Brass Piano 'Lamp, Pictures, Couch, Iron and other Bed- Springs, Mattresses, Art Sultana, Squz Heater, Happy Thought Range, Crockery, Glass and Tarware, 'Washing Machine Andalusian The irl Who Threw THIS WEEK. TO-MORROW 300 Albert 10 a.m., Centre and ilks Curtains, Aug. one steads, The Au neer, "Phone, 252 - { YOISE MEMBERS KINGSTON No. 39, 1.O.OF Are requested to at their Lodge Rodi: VED N ERS (at 180 pom, for the pailrpose--of of oor attending the funeral late Bro Thomas Donnelly, P', G, ey invited to SATRIC K, RS. THE Lodge Members pf Ssber attend " Fa KILEY FOR YOUR SUMMER COTTAGE. A nice Ham and a piece of good Hughr Cured Pea Meal Baton are metessary for holon. Cooked Meats. We have s variety choice C ea a ° e 8 varie to from H, J. MYERS, 60 roo St. "Phone. 570 - AWFUL CRIME. of of ------ Saturday 'And Sunday. | league---Jersey City, 9-0; 1-2. Bufialo, 6; Newark, 2. Providence, 5-1; Montreal, 3-1, more. 3-14; Rochester, 0-3. American leagne=Detroit, 6; Wash- 4. Chieago, 7; Boston, 6.| 9. Philadelphia; 1. National feagne--New York, .5 cimnati, 1 Pittshury. 1; Brooklyn, 6 Boston, 3: Chieago, 1. St. Louis, 5; Phuadelphia, 4. ------ Sunday Games. Enstern leangue--Jersey. City, 4; Mon- | treal, 2. National Jeague-Uhicago; 2-2; Brook- 0-0. Baston, 10-1: St. Louis, Cincinnati, 2; Philadelphia, '0. er cman: Baseball, Eastern l'oronto, ington lyn, 0-5. doing hands . Washington. he 'bought 30 aeres of apple orchard ad- joining the property at an investment of $18000. The apples these 30 acres that season sold for $16i= 000, and the total 'crop from the hundred acres: realized -$52,0005-a return to the owner of. Lin referring to these matters, is giving. i MISS DORITA enson, T.( Playing « Residence, WRRY SrYEV. of Piano Languages St. DAVY JM., teacher Modern Division and 219 MISS BESSIE CHAPMAN, WEACHER of pianoforte playing (Virgil Clavier Method). For information address 323 St. Autumn term opens September 1st. THE 'PARAGRAPH PULPIT Unitarian. REV; C. W. CASSON, . Incarnations Of God. Verily, 1 beliove that God became incarmate in human form. He mani fosted Himself. «in the person of Jesus of Nazareth centuries ago. But He also manifested Himsell just as truly if 'mot just as. fully, in the life of gome man yesterday, And. more, He is finding incarnation in some degree in the life of every man in this-world. You, whoever (you ard, are an incar- nation of the living God; possessed of Tis spivit, capahle of developing the Godlike, having within yourself the potentialities of the divine. If religion does not "teach you 'this, it! is not worth your attention. That religion does mean this is the message of the Unitarian church. C. 'W. Casson, at 25 Address, Rev. Boston, Mass., for the Beacon street, literature. his own experience in trying to work up Canadan trade, China has great need of government reform. There is no such thing as re- presentative government, the people have not the first idea of such a thing. The Emperor appoints the high officials, and these intury appoint those under them. the positions being practically bought. Christianity has made great progress in China. It is estimated that there are over a million Christians. now, the centerrmal conterence in Shanghai last year showing over 80000 on the rolls; and the work adyagcing in every. part of China The stamping out of the opium traffic promises to he successful. Notices were sent out that after: a stated number of months all officials who smeked opium would be discharged. and this has been done; opium dens have been closed; the tax has been raised as to make the growing of poppies no longer profit- able; and those enggged in the opium business have 'been given -time to sell out and engage in something else. Having heard about the Eastern prob- lem in British Columbia, Dr. Menzies was surprised to find everything quiet . there. During his stay on coast'he saw no signs of trouble. He things - an - emigration 'movement from North China might become 'a force to be reckoned with, but he looks forward to development of the natural resources of their own country, which will give the people employment at home. 1s sO SO the FORTUNES ON TREES. Orchards in the Northwest Yield Profits. In the Rogue river valley in South- ern Oregon, F. H. Ho Spins in 1907 made a profit of $19,000 off sixteen acres of winter Nels pears--$1.187.50 an 'acre, says the Technical World. In the same valley G. H. Hover bought ten acres of pear orchard at $360 an acre, Fif- teen months late or the crop brought him $9,600. Eight years ago J. L. Dumass set out 50 acres, of apples near Dayton in the Walla Walla district of South-eastern In the summer of 1907 He picked from A climate and soil that are e capable of rearing such monsters as the redwe trees and 'the sequoias, 'which render measurements or vegetable other regions this country pun scant. gecount in part for these bewi | growth in | the returns are the dugest rin theeerquarters of an acre, quire at I ON 8 Fins ellington Shaw 138 Se ARTHUR ELLIS, 'ARCHITECT, OF. fice, Cor. Queen and Bagot' stréets. HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, ete., Anchor Building, Market Square 'Phone, 845. POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER- chant's Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. 'Phope, 212, WM. 'NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF fice, 'second floor over Mahood's Drug store, corner Pi and Bagot streets. Entrance on Bagot street, 'Phone G08. MARRIAGE LICENSES. 8S. KIRKPATRICK, TSSUER OF Marriage Licenses, 42 Clarence St. THAT NORTH WIND ! Blows up cooler weather suggestion of an approaching ai a Winter. It is a good idea to ovder.your COAL Now. If you can put it in alright. Tt not we will be glad to deliver when re- quired. JAS. SWIFT & CO. CG, Thousand Island & St. Lawrence River boat Companies In Connection with New YorkCen« tral & Hudson River R.R. Leave. Kingeton aally, except Sunday, 5,00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Leave Kingston Sunduy, 7.80 a.m, and 14.30 p.m. Leave Cape Vincent daily, 10.50 a.my and 6.15 p.m. Making direct ootinectlons at Cape Vincent to and from all points in New York State. Through sleeper Cape Vine) cent to Néw York. Week end round teip rate Jingston a Watertown, goed going cn on Sunday, returnifig up to and Monday, $1.68. KILL THE DANDRUFF GERM. Or Your Hair Will Fall Out Till You Become Bald. Modern stiepve has discovered Jdandrull caused by a germ digs up the scalp in scales, burrows down to the hair, where it destroys the tality, causing falling hau mately baldness After of Hamburg, Germany, dandeull germ all efioris to remedy failed until the great tory discovery was made - which suigpd in Newbro's Herpicide. It alone of all other hair preparations kills the 'dandrufi germ. Without dandruff hair grows luxuriantiy. "Destroy the cause, vou remove the eficet.' Sold by leading druggists Send 10c. in stamps for sample to The Her- picide Co., Detroit, Mich. Two sizes, 80c. and. $1. CG. W. Mahood, spécial agent. ---- ee ept-- OUR ROOSTER BRAND OF TOBACCO. Smoking and chewing, at forty-five cents a pound, is a good tobacco. Why puy elhty-five cents. Andrew Maclean, Ontario streel. that that it the vi ulti Unna, is as roots, ol hair's and Prof discovered the find labora- re "n Irrigation such cases, is the remaining factor that explais« the mystery lhe same' magazine tells a remark- able story of the success of two women who tried farming in" England. They began 'with five acres in Berkshire, hut found they had too much land, so they cut "down: their holdings to "less than A half that amount, The teachers of the women were 2 French 'leis. family. who, With ii ace of Jand in "Franed sold $2:300 worth of produce in u year "Tira bare plowed figld stands 2 Square : palisade of zinc platés enclosing about writes a visi- tor to 'the farm. The, ground is all covered with inverted the kind known i .