g]aved. fo John WeKay Far House, 107 Princess St., 149-155 Brock St. Diamonds » Wake superb gifts and have B® what every present should i} have--sentiment and in- trinsic yplue. { Buy here and you are sure of getting only the best. Solitaire: Rings, from $10 § to as high as you care to go. Good values in 3-stone and five-stone rings. JEWELLER, and DIAMOND MERCHANT Gillett Razor Blades ~ Sharpened ud Made As good ar new Yor 25¢. Package Special attention paid to Safety Razors of all kinds. J W. A. Mitchell, HARDWARE DOMINION BREWERY <0 LIMITED, TORONTO. Celebrated India Pale Ale XXX Porter Invalid Stout Every Cork Branded RIGNEY & HICKEY 136 & 138 Princess St. lock-up. * [camp with hay, | act Fe , ripe y 1:0. F, excursion, Wed + 14th u adh William Swaine, piane tuner, Orders received at MeAuley's. Phone 778. " ~«- rubber baby usomiorts" at Gib Jou's Red Croge: ditty store, Phone Gy, Délivery "offices re «corner Brock and. Division Bradley's rahi the exciirsion to Belleville 26th, #1. Good to return on y -exespt twain, No. 4.: ' A meeting of 'the water works (com: ittoo was called for this afternoon at four o'clock to open tenders sit coal uy rtlett pears are now Car noveky has a good supply of thi the fihest pear grown for ay and al purposes. Last night was rather cool for sleeps ing out of doors. One knight of t road was given protection at the police station. A wetng man, under the influence of liguor, went to sleep on the sidewalk on King street, near Brock, early this afternoon and had 'to be taken to the Ald: WJolm Carson has secured the contract to supply the Barriehelc straw and oats." This is a large contract, as a great masy horses will be in camp. Rev. D. G. Marshall, of St. George, Ont., occupied the pulpit at Cooke" church again yesterday, and delivered] Awo fine sermons. Rev. Dr. MacTav- ish will preach for the first time since his vacation on Sunday next. The party of Scotch agriculturists who were to have visited in Kingstoh on Aug. 26th, have found it incons venient to do so and will go direct from Brockville to Guelph. They have a big trip aphead of them with limited time at their disposal. . On Sunday morning the pulpit ind Sydenham Street Methodist church was occupied hy the Rev. W. Al Hamma, of Sydenham, and in the ott ing, Rev. E. 0B. Lanceley, of Dundas Street Methodist church, London," des} livered an inte resting sermon. "Uastoria,"' the genuine, is sold Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Joseph Ouellette, Windsor, twenty years old, a son of Frank Ouellette; station agent for the . Grand Trunk railway at Stony Point, is held on the charge of stealing 2600, the pros perty of the railway. The young man is alleged to have confessed and res turned $542 of the mohey taken. H. Cunningham, 'piano tuner from Chickering's, leave orders at Mes Auiley's Book Store. A passenger train on the Central Vermont railway, which left Montreal, Saturday afternoon, was derailed bes tween St. Lambert and Chambly while going at a good rate of speed. The ongineer, fireman and another train hand were injured, but not fatally. Dr. Chase's goods are sold at Gil son's Ned Uross drug store. Phone 230. ' James Keir-Hardie, the British labor M.P., arrived in Montreal, on Mon- day on the Allan liner Hesperian. He was met by a large labor delegation and escorted to his hotel. He goes to Toronto and will attend a labor con: vention at Halifax, 'at which there is talk of forming a new labor party in Canada, closely affiliated" | with the English 'organization. LADIES 'AT THE BIJOU. al ogramme For the Hotel gu Benefit To-Day. The Bijou's. big benefit for the Hotel Dieu, begins this afternoon with an unusually attractive programme. Mrs. Joseph Swift and Miss Ronan as managers, and the usual stafi be replaced by members of the young ladies acting as ush- ers. The entire net receipts of the' house during the two days and even- ings will be taken for the purposes of the Hotel Dieu. The programme wil include four attractions. The first is entitled" Ufider "the Shadow of Vesa or "A Day Among the Pietur- Neapolitans," This picture is of unusual interest, évery part of it be- ingdull of the vivid life of Italy. The comedy is called "A Son-in-Law on~Trial," or "How Jones Tamed His Mother-in-law."" It a good one. Ralph Tatton Jones will read '"The Story of a Broken Home," extracted from Enoch Arden, with colored illus- trations. Edgar Summerby A Trip With Me to Luna." The object is an excellent one. The programme dtten | dance should be Fine will auxiliary, vius,"' esque 18 sings, 'J is good and the large See All The Islands. the steamer America's 2.30 p.m., fare 50 cents. Freestone Feather, Green Gages. taking Tuesday, 3y tour Fresh Tuesday. Edwards & Jenkin Excellent School Clothes ragged end of there Vacation--and Need a Schol Suit. We're Ready with Ideal School Suits. $3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50 up to 8.50. At any of these prices you will receive a M ost Boys have come to the heaping measure of tion. back to you. ralue and full satisfac- It must De so or your money goes Eo) LAVINGSTON'S Where the Good Clothes Come From: t 1 or | railway The Twin Lads Were Playing in Front of the House When, Wo- men Drove Up, Put Children in a Buggy and Drove Off. Hagersville, Out., eight o'clock, this' mormng, the twin sons of Sylvester Dixon, oi Milten, were kidnapped from the home of their randiather, Dr. Petér Jones, on | the ew Credit resetve, ahout three miles from Hagersville, The children were on the read in front of the dottor's house when two women in a buggy drove up and put the children in the buggy and hurried away. It is sup- posed that one of the women was their mother who resides in "Toledo, Ohio, and who has been separated from her husband for some years. A {ew months ago the father secured the children from « their mother in similar manner. ENTER COUNTRY ILLEGALLY. Party is Captured Near City ' of Ogdensburg. Ogdensburg, N.Y., Aug. 24.--Six Chinamen from across the big river were beating it along the railroad track, near this city, looking for a hole to hide in and conceal their illegal presence in this countiys The officers of the law, however, were hot-foot af- ter them 'and caught: them about four miles from the Maple City. It was Deputy Marshal Smith and Chinese Inspector Wright who made the ar- rest and took the Orientals back to the city loek-up. The officers had kept | their eyes open while they waited for an attempt to be made by the horde of Chinese near Brockville and Pre- scott, who have been waiting for the chance for some time, to come over to the land of dollars. They patrolled the bank of the river and caught their prisoners soon after they had landed rom the boat that ferried them over. The boatman, however, was not caught, : ors > BOMB IN JUNK. Ogdensburg, N.Y., Aug. 24.--While melting lead junk at R. K. Truell's, a terrific explosion followed the throwing of a fmesh lot of metal into the melting pot. Truell was hurled across the building, both his legs were shattered, and one eye blown out. He will probably die. The in- terior of the building was wrecked and set ablaze. From the force of the ex- plosion it is believed that a bomb of some sort was amongst the junk. a > = "UNDER ASSUMED NAME. Charge Made Against Man Arrest- ed in Rochester. Rochester, ~.a., Aug. 24.--Georg V. Loty, ulins or: Satis Loty, hesnoius Arcade, is under atres. heré on a charge of practicing meds cine under a tase cerulicate and Summed name. Undgr the Ia, 1b is felony us public health laws oo. to pracuce medicin under the certiucate or anothér man, under ag assumed name. 'The po original James Hoty years,-- they say, says he | was University o1 m lice say that the has been dead five too, that while Doty studying medicine in the New York he was a shoemaker Troy, N.Y Ihe prisoner came to Rochester . in 1902. 1n September of that year he registered with the county clerk as a physician. He came here from Syra cuse. Ths police got their tip from a letter written to the postmaster, which took the form of a complaint Upon investigation it was leaned that 'the prikoner was practicing) un der the name of James Dotf, of 1837, University of New The police learned that James Doty was Irom Basking Ridge, N.J., and Detective Barnett was sent to that city to carry on the investigation. There he learned from the torTher schoolmates of Mr. Doty that. Jamses Doty was dead. class York ATTEMPTED SUICIDE. Throat Slashed With Razor-- Windpipe Partially Severed. Cape vmmeent, N.Y., Aug. 29.--Wil- liam Place attempted to commit sui- cide en Friday by cutting his throat with a razor. Doctors were sum moned aud found he had not severed uny arteries lut had partially severed the windpipe, and they considered his recovery doubtful. It will be remem- bered that he made an ajtedpt on his life several months ago, while living at aumont, by taking paris green. Since that time he has resid- od with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Place, in this village. Jumped Fron: Baggage Car. Belleville, Ont., Aug. 24.-- Three Framps were riding the blind baggage from Toronto east when one of them jumped off as the train was going at full speed. His companions notified the authorities at Trenton, who went out and found the man. who said his name wad William Trimble, of Toronto. His arm was broken, facé badly crushed, jarid he was internally injured. nl To Preveat Trouble. New York, Aug. 24. The engineers the New York Central and the York, New Haven and Hartford lines are; to-day, threatening to strike because of a proposal to submit a big wage cut. Grand Chief- Stone and Superintendent Hurley, of their union, are on their way here to attempt to prevent trouble. of New Excursion To Jomes" Falls. Steamer . Aletha will leave Swift's dock, at 8 a.m, Friday, August 28th, for Jones' Falls. Fare 560. Aug. 24.--About |: Earl Grey and party are at Wind- | sn : atx AND yicnary, Tuesday, August 25th. Steamer America makes another of her coinplete 'tours of the Thousand | 1danda, 2.30 p.m., home" early, only. cents, The Best Plums This Week. Eight o'clock every morning wit lind hundeeds of baskets, over 60c. and many less price Camovsky's. you none at ' . Great Clearing Sale. Prevost, Brock street, bas made a great reduetion in 'price in the order and ready-made clothing department; also gents' furnishings. Look at dis- play windows. Laying Out Rifle Range. Major Deroche, "of the militia de- tment, Ottawa, is in the city, lay- ing out the rifle range, so that the contractor can. progeed at once, and have it completed by November 1st, 1,000 Islands--Rochester. Steamers North King apd Caspian leate daily, except: Monday, at 10.15 , for Thousand Island pris, and po vy p.m. for Bay of Quinte ports and Rochester. Sang Beautifully. Bertrim, Parham, sang the solo, 'Abide With Me," during the of fertory in the First Baptist church last eveming, in beautiful voice. Miss Bertrim is the guest of T. Wright, Sydenham street, g -------------- An Old Timer. GG. Filmer; barber, lower Princess street, has a photograph in his win- dow, 'which is attracting a great deal of attention. It is a picture of the old cricket club, at play. Cricket was the great game in thors. days Miss I oi Rideau Lakes And Ottawa. Rideau King and Queén leave for Ottawa, Monday, Wednesday, Thure- lay and Saturday, at6am., and for Clayton, N.Y., Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sagfrday, at 6.15 p.m. James Swift & (8 Agents. Had A Narrow Escape. Alderman John Carson.is back from Cobourg, where he was judge of the harness and saddle class at the horse show. He was nearly captured and carried south-by some of the jewelled young widows who summer at Co- bourg, and had to cateh a night train to escape them. Victoria Order Of Nurses. Miss Hurse, V.0. nurse, 269 Broek street, returns thanks to Mrs: Norton- Faylor for $5 for relief in poor cases ; also to Mrs. Henry Wade, Mrs. Paul, Mrs. Riggs, Miss Allen, Mr. Lailey, Miss Dix, for clothing, old linen and nourishment ; to Mrs. Obdérndofier for lowers ; to a friend for Kingston dir- wetory. Miss Hursé is still badly is wed of infants' clothing for very peor ases. Seven Story Building. The Masters' and Mates" Association has had an energetic committee at work for some time lopking for sui- 'able property to build on. Ii a suitable place can be seewrcd a seven storey building may be put wp. The the remainder for offices, I be a pood through. Visits His Native City. Thomas G. Jones and family, New York, for thelpast few days, Randolph hotel. Mr. tive of Kingston. years he has been with the Street Lighting company, of which he is now company lights the ringipal cities in the York, Connecticut and New Jersey. New York, it has 65000 arc Mr. Jones returns with his family New York to-morrow His brother, 'harles F. ¢ formerly of Kingston water works' office, tist in Elizabeth, N.J staying at Jones is a na- cashier. That <treets of Jones; . Walked Around. Quite an heated gutent place in front of the Whig office, day, between a citizen and a driver ol a grocery rig. | he was on the crossing and the citizen did not care to walk around the horse! He tows the driver to move on and refused, saying he had a right stay there. the eity solicitor pened dlong and the citizen called him. asking him, if he had not privilege of asking the driver fo move on. 'The city official replied that he | had. end: the matter the driver went on reading the interesting items on the bulletin and man walked around. ar a to- rig to hap-| To the The Late Mrs. Herbert Rees. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Kees, Prinoess street, received a telegram on Sunday afternoon, announcing the death, Toronto, of their dauchter-in-law, Mrs, Herbert Rees. The sad news came as they had not heard that she was In ill-health. The late Mrs. Rees was the daughter of *Jacquith A. Rombough, Enterprise. Besides the sorrowing husband, three children, Nildred, Ros- co and: Thurlow, are loft to mourn the loss of a kind and Joving wife and mother. The deceased was well-known in the city, and the mews of her death was hreceived with sorrow by many friends. She was a member of the Methodist church. The funeral will he held on Tuesday afternoon at Enterprise. 10 CENTS PER PACKAGE, to the a great shoek to the relatives bers, ag { 'ower floor wail be used for stores and | probability go en the voad. would | | thing if this project went | ties of | bury, have been here om a visit | the the | vear. For the past twelve | Welsbach | to-day of America, | tanguishéne the | Thornhill. States of New | In| of Moscow, lamps. | day. to | age the is a den- | at St, took | he | inf {She lost two -minutes-by at of Friends--Several Infants--Gamey Home After Holidays. Miss Bertha Long, of Moitrenl, holidgying ia in this aty. Rovert Hanley returned home _ 'loronta on Sunday. ay Norval Hodgson, Toronto, spent Sunday in the city with relatives. Misses Jones, Kangston, visitors at "Roekiord," 2 is Brockville, have fetymed home. . dhe Misses Ross rendered a "fine duet. in Cooke's church on Sunday evening. u Froi. A. Laird, of the Royal Mili- tary College, preached in Remirew on Sunday. Miss Smellie, guest of Mrs. T. Martin, Brockville, has returned her home. MH. A. Lavell, wile and children, Smith s Valls, are in the city for few days. Miss Ina Harrigan has returned to the city aiter visiting tthe Misses Ga- vin, Genanoque. George L. Vanhorn, Clergy stieet, left, Sunday, to spend his vacation in Rochester, N.Y.: Rev. W. Mellroy, Ottawa, spent Sunday in the city with his mother, Sydenham street, Lieut.-Uol. Uslloway and wife, after a pleasant 'outing at, Navy Bay, leit to-day for Yoromto. Miss Marianne Cronin, of Memphis, Tenn., is theguest of Mrs. Arthur Ellis, University avenue. Pr. Carl Porteous and G. I. teous," Montreal, . ave visiting mother on Alived street. ' Miss Muriel Walsh, Kingston, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor, Brockville, has returned home. George Davies and wile, . Montreal, are "the guests of Mrs. Neil MeCaig, Division: stweet, for two: weeks. . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Turnbull. Mon treal, are the puests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Eliott, Silver Stream: Dairy. Miss E. McNeil, of Rideau street, has left to spend her vacation in Montreal sgl'oronto and Hamilton. Col, Hodgite, D.0.C., Ottawa, is in the city, to-day, on military business with the Eastern Ontario: command. Leo Harrigan, of Toronto, was call ed to his home on Rideau street, owing to tlie severe illness of his mother, ] Mrs. B. G. Barrett, Queen street, re- turned home on Sunday. after an ex- tended visit at London and Strath- Al to of a Por- their roy. Police Constable James Bateson is holidaying. Constable Mullinger has returned to duty alter a brief vaca- tion. Corporal Reginald Lewis, of C.R.A. 8.C., left at noon for Petewawa camp after visiting friends here for the past week. W. Alguire, of Toronto, is a holiday visitor in the city. He is express mes: senger on the C.P.R., running between | Toronto and Montreal. John Cairns, for many months man- ager of the Bijou theatre, has ve signed his position. He will in all Capt. James Allen resumed his da- on the steamer Pierrepont to- {day. Capt. Joseph Dix has been in { charge for the past three weeks. | Mr. and Mrs. William Stewart, Sun- have the sympathy of friends in loss of their infant son, aged one The funeral. will be held on | Tuesday. br. R. E. to wife and son, left Pene- weeks Jolms, Sparks, spend a week at and a couple of | with their daughter, Mrs Dr. Jane Switzer, a resident died in the city on Satur- Deceased was thirty-six years of The remains were taken to Mos {cow for pavement. Prof. Laird, Queen's will officiate i sw's church, Peterboro, , on Aug. 30th, the twelfth gnmiversary of | Rev. Mr. Potters induction into the | pastoral charge. Mrs. and Mrs. A. C. Johnston and gon, Courtland, of Montreal, returned home on Sanday. after g pleasant visit wit Mr. and Mrs William Bailie, fBarrie street. Mrs. Mary Lanceley and wife, Lon don, Ont., are guests of Dr. and Mrs.) W. G. Anglin, farl street. Mr. Lance-| ley was a formergpastor of Sydenham | street Methodist church. . { | George Henry Oram, of the Phoenix | {Towing and Transportation company, | and a party of friends, arrived, Sa-i | turday, from New York, to enjoy a | two weeks" outing at Bob's Lake. | | The marriage of Miss Jessie Dennis- toun, daughter of Mrs. James F. | Dennistoun, formerly of Peterbore, to | James Andrew McDonald, Teronto,/ | will be celebrated in Winnipeg on Sep- tember 9th. Mrs. John Pittman and Master Ford, ! after spending two weeks' with her sister, Mrs. Thomas Lawrence, Dur- ham, Ont. has returned home. She was accompanied by her sister, Miss Margaret -aebomald, Toronto. The funeral of the infant son Matthew Flynn took place on Sunday afternoon to the Roman Catholic church, Wolfe Island, . when solemn requiem mass was sung by Rev, Father Spratt. The inneral was large ly attended. . Rev. Ek. &. of Dixie II Won Final. Dixie 1I, of the Thousand Island yacht club, again won the free-for-all motor boat race at Chippewg Bay, St. Lawrence river, Saturday afternoon. rorary breakdown but won hy -thirty-thoee seconds. Chip Ii was second. The latter hoat gained a mile during Dixie II's disablement. Thé gold cup goes to the. latter, | Last Of The Season. | Searchlight excursion to Clayton, steamer America, Wednesday, 7.30 pr. one-half hour there, only 25c. Class In Music. Miss Purdy, Sydenham, will resume her classes On Sept. lst. - threshed 215 ---------------------- Henry Milling. Napanee, bushels of rye from nine bushels sow: v Lr Sale i The summer goals a are o going fast'~sooni there won't be anything left to: 1 the, tale of warm ° weather. What few are are cut down to the lowest noteh for quick rolling, 5 s Every day now sees the arrival of something new, something seasonable, something, stylish for fall. That's the nature of Whings-"ol with the old on with the new." Underwear Fine Light Wool and Union Wool Uadervosts and Drawers. Women's sizes. Many new makes. Girls' sizes. A complete assortment. Children's sizes; All numbers from Babies' up. Cashmere Stocki ngs for ™ all. Ladies' Fine Light We ight Cashmere Stockings in great variety. 3 dr ra Strongly, made Ribbed or Children's. Plain Cashmere Stockings. Boys' Ribbed Cashmere Stockings made for hard swear and at moderate cost. We havé some extra values for early fall selling. - scececssscscsecssssnss --ee8000608000000000006 oots for School One Week More, and Then New Shoes. We are preparing for it, and bave one of the best stocks of Boys' and Girls' School Boots ever shown in Kingston. CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. Gbe Tooeket Shoe Store. asssssesseasssssnsasasassesssncsnseasessas B000e000000000000T I vNE000O000000R00GS & i