' - ' - THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1908. kf dan -- 1 TRAVELLING, HORE TR Farm Laborers' Excursion To Winnigeg and Chicago, on Aug 11th, alid 14th and North Bay, on' Aug. 11th, and 141th. Fare points west 25th., Sept a Fearomnte 27th, Sept £10.00 « 2nd Canadian National Exhibition, i Toronto, Oat. Aug. 29 to Sept. 14. | uh : on 4, 5 good tickets will be issued at $i th, and at $4 , Sst 11 and il Sept } 10 i » return unt 15th. LABOR DAY, Monday, Sept. 7th Retorn t ckety will be SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FAI Boing Sept. 4th, 5th, éth and turning on or before Tuesday, ssued Lo | iE," good 7th Sept way Colonist tickets ritish fexico low Cet or full HANLIY, Untario Sts particulars A gent t. 2, ots before 1908 P. and C "Phone, . Agent, LI Low Rates to Pacific Coast and VANCOUVER bu $95.80 SEATTIE -----... §10.00 going trip, $18.00 additional for 14th. Hept. 14th, (8. 7th, and at $4.90, from Toronto en or Teket Office, Ontario St IN CONNECTION wW¥rmg Return VICTORIA FARM LABORERS' EXCURSIONS to return Leaving - dates August 20th, Canadian National Exhibition tickets will be sold 29, 81, Se Sept 15 F. CONWAY, Gen, Pass. IE Canadian Pacitic Railway Good Returning Until October 81st, PORTLAND Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta ; #2nd, 27th, and Sept. 2nd, 11th and Toronto, Ont., Aug. 29th to Tuesday, Se 1s K ep 12 All tick ticulars at K, & BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY station, Ontaric (Sundays excepted, Napanee Deser Train leaves union street, 4 pan. daily for Tweed, Sydenham, onto, Bannockburn and all points north I'o secure quick despatch to Bannock- burp, Maynooth, and points on Central Ontario, route your shipments via Bay of Quinte Railway For lars, apply to RB, W, DICKSON, 'Phone, No. 3. Agent RS KE ADVANTAGE OF Canada's S ummer Grain "OCEAN LIMITED" 7.30 Saturday, TA Leaving Montreal P-m Daily, for Quebec, St. John, Halifax. Direct | Edward | except connection for Prince Island. Through Mataphedia and Wentworth Valleys by Daylight. Toronto Ticket St. East. Office, 51 King General Passenger Department, Moncton, N.B. re- | Sth. | be further particu- | A new lease of Un. derwear Comfort will begin the day € you don Aize to fit you perfectly, A fabric to agree with your skin, A weight to suit the season, or it's casy to find : A price you are willing to pay. | Your money refunded on any garment trade. | marked with the Pen-Angle in red that is defective | #n material or making. # is the cream of the wheat jf --the choicest Manitoba fff Spring Wheat and Ontario Fall Wheat. It contains the good qualities ¥ both, makes wholesome, f nourishing Bread and Biscuits like Manitoba flour -- and light, tasty Cake and« Pastry, like Ontario wheat flour, It also yields MORE of) both to the barrel, than any other. Good cooks say that" their greatest help on baking day, is BEAVER FLOUR. Try it. on ail kinds of Feeds,Co: Grane and Cereals. 7. 11. Taylor Co., Lamited Chatham, Ont. 83 BABY HAD DIARRHOEA | FOR SEVEN WEEKS Theusands of infants die annually who could be saved by the timely use of Dr. Fowrer's Exrrsr or WiLp STRAWBERRY. : There can. be no doubt about it. Bixty-three years experience has proved this sterling remedy to be the best for Diarrhoea. Dysentery, Colic, Cramps, Cholera Infantum, Cholera Morbus Sume mer Complaint, and all bowel troubles in both children and adults. Many of the imitations sold are posi= tively dangerous, as they often check the diarrhoea too suddenly and cause inflammation. Always insist .on the genuine Da. Fowrer's. Sold at all medicine dealers at 35 cents a bottle. . Mrs. A. B. De Marchand, Bath, N.B., writes : "My baby 'vas troubled with Diarrhoea for nearly seven weeks, I tried three different doet ors, but none of them could do her any good. I was advised to try Dr. FowLer's ExTrAcT oF WiLp STRAWBERRY and less than half a bottle cured her." Manufactured by The T. Milburn Co, Limited, Toronto, Ont. See that their name is on the wrapper and thus insure getting the genuine. American Qils Coal Oil Lubricating Oils Gasoline 'We make a specialty of handing Quebec Steamship Company LIMITED. River & Guif of st. Lawrence Bummer Cruises in Cool Latitudes | Twin Screw wh electric all modern comfort, SAILS I'ROM MONDAYS, at 4 7th and 21st N.S., calling at Quebec, We, Perce, Grand River, Sumuiersic and Charlottetown, P.I.1. S58 electric Iron lights, { "Campana," | bells H MONTREAL n., Mth Ar r f » Ma le, -- NEW YORK FROM QUEBEC at Charlottetown I'rinidad, " 2,600 tong, 22nd August. and Hallux, sails from Calling 8.85. Quobee, Bermuda £40 and upwar oS "Bermudian Summer Excursions, hy the Twin Screw 65.500 tons, Sailin fortnightly New York, from 2nd June October. Temperature cooled broeczes seldom rises above BO degr The finest trips of4 the health and comfort. ARTHUR AHERN, Secreta For tickets and stater us pp! J. I', HANLEY, or C. S. KIRKPA RICK, Ticket Agents, Kingston, Ont Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte | Steamboat Co. i LIMITED. KINGSTON, ROCHESTER "1,000 ISLANDS eres strs. NORTH KING. June 27th, leave King | ston for Tlousand Island points dary except Monday, at 10.15 a.m. Return. | ing leave at 3 p.m., for Charlotte, N.Y., (Port of Rochester), calling at Bay of Quinte . Ports. STR, ALETHA--Leaves Mondays Bay of Quinte Ports at 5 pm. ~ Full mmformation from JAMES SWIFT 4 CO. Freight Agents, J, P. HANLRY, Ue 8, KIRKPATIRICL:, Toko s«ants, Commencing for | [South Cor. sad i Lubricating. Oils of all kinds. Prices on application. W.F. KELLY & CO, Ontario and Clarence -'Phone, 486. ; Fhosphodine English FHemed, roratesi bo w hol makes ney 5.7 New n Worry, Des ness, Emissions, Sper of Abuse or recesses rd One will please, ai all drucgista or mailed | &. OD Pix t, of price. New pampiile Tha Waod Met cine Co. ! frvsanto. On ures ALLAN 523 LINE } Montreal to Liverpool | Tuniian Victorian Corsic Oct. Oct, Oct. 1 25. Oct. 22 full informa~ Sails sails weuioph. 4. 2 Sept. 11 8 in sails Sept, 18. 5 Virghmian sail Sept. Rates of passage and tion may be obtained from J, P. HANLEY Tr G.T.R., or C, BS, KIRKPATRIOK, Local Agents, STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER LEAVES" WOLFE ISLAND :-- N. 30--9.15 a.me 1.004.000 p.m, 5 a.my 1.00--4.00 p.m 15 amy 1.00--4.00 p.m. 30. 0 a.m. 1.30 p.m. a.m, '1.00=4.00 p.m, m. 1.00--4.00 p.m. UO a.m. 5.00 pm. MON, TUES, 8.80--11.30 a.m. 3.00 WED. 8.30~11.80 a.m. 3.00 THURS 3.30--1.00 p.m. 3.00 p.m. 7 p.m. Breukey's Bay, 83 p.m. FRI. 8.30--11.30 a.m." 8.005.830 p.m, SAT, 8.30--11.830 a.m; 3.00--5.30 p.m. SUN 9.45 a.m, 1,155.30 p.m, Sat --Special trip to Simcoe Island and Spoor's dock, st* 3.00 p.m, Time Table subject to change without notices Roat ealls at Garden Island going 'to from Kingstos NEWS OF, NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- ENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Washburn Items. Washburn, Aug. 22:--The farmers are about through harvesting. The hum of the threshing machine is heard. The Brick and Tile company has turned out about fifty ~ thousand first-class bricks. Washburn is getting to be quite a busy village. There are several fam- ilies moving in from Deseronto. Re- cent visitors were: Miss Jessie Me- Broom and Miss Hay at Mamie Woods's: Mr. and Mrs. McAlpin at B. Ball's. Miss Clufi- has returned to her school. Dead Creek Notes. Dead Creek, Aug. School open- ed August 20th, with Miss M. Ely, as teacher. S. Peterson intends hav- ing the new schoolhouse completed shortly. J., A. Newton made a busi- ness trip to Kingston last week, ac- companied "by Mrs. Newton. P. A. Detlor, of Arden, and Miss Alma Sher- bino, were calling on friends at Dead Creek on Sunday last. J. A. Newton has completed hig. ent of logs here, and intends moving the saw mill to Gull Lake, where he expects to get out a large cut of lumber. M. Avery was 'through here this week buying lumber. Delbert Cassiday made a business trip to Dead Creek, yester- day. a9 * Lyndhurst Locals. Lyndhurst, Aug. 24.-The little daughter of William Lloyd came very near being drowned here on Saturday by falling in the lake, only for her timely rescue hy John Warren, who jumped in and got her 4vhen she had twice. Rev. Mw Pethune has re- a three weeks' visit witl at Owen Sound lorn to Mrs Roddrick, a Visitogg : Mrs. Robert Alen and little of Montreal, at Mrs. G. S. Rooney's; R. Wright, of Edgin, and Miss Jennie Young, were married in Brogkville on the 11th. Miss Sarah Fowers, of Toronto, is viditing her mother for a few days. Mrs James Jerry and daughter, of Montreal, are visiting at Mrs. C. F. Green's. Rev Mr. Piercey. and wife, of Picton, call ed on acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs Robert Moulton and little sof are at R. R. Tate's. sank turned from his family Mr. and daughter George son, Finished Harvesting. Cushendall, Aug. 21.--School re-op Monday ; all are pleased to see the teacher, Miss English again in our midst. Most of the fgrmers have finished harvesting; all report small quantities of grain. Robert Henderson who is busily engaged in theerection of a barn for W. \hearn, will soon have all completed. We regret to hear of Mi Maggie McBride's illness with low feverpand all hope for her recov- ery W. Gordon who has been <hightly indisposed for a few days, has Alexander Connor, New York, has been visiting his many friends here lately. Miss Olive Simp- son and Miss Nicholson, Kingston, are visiting for a few days at A. Mar- tin's. L. Smith, Mount Chesney, visit- ened on OO, recovered. at Myer's Cave. Wade's drug store. ed_his brother last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs? Alexander Martin, Jr., have re | turned to Brockville from visiting hi | father's, James Martin's. Those from | here who went west the har- | xcursiens John W. | Donaldson, Stanley Ca and James Gordon. near on Vesters were, Burns, rey Ross Charleston Items. Charleston, Aug. 24.--E. S. Clow il | himinated his island and cottage Saturday evening last © and grant concert. Mrs. Green and daugh ter, Phillipsville, haye returned home after spending a fed days at the lake Miss Laffan, Prescott, is iting her cousin Mrs. M. J. Kavanagh. Mr. and Mrs \. Slack and family | ere visitors here over Sunday. The { mfant child of Mr. and Mrs. R. Carey died Saturday Tast short I'he funeral took place on Mon day, the services being conducted by John Cowan ands the remain in terred in the Athens cemetery. Mrs. R | Fereter--hros--been very --iHfor the Rist t week, Mr. and My J. Schofield and | Delta, and C. Soper, Hastings, | were visitors at Di Beach's; Rev. E* Crane and fami- | the Mrs. C. P on | gave a Joanna Vis on after a itlness were family, Neb Saturday ly are at } on | Ww lake 3ishop after a few pleasant' weeks at the lake. | Frank Prescott, is visiting | friends | Lappan, News From Flevna. Aug. ¥4.--Most of the s have returned to Ostler and family and gnd wife 1 Brenloy Lake last ter has again been engaged to teach | the school Samuel Godkin called on his friends bere before leaving for the North-West Messrs. nolly, Yarker, have returned ter spending River View Ira Wood Kaladar Hendy brated Sunday sum- | their | H.| | Plevna, mer guest homes. Dawson were camping at G. McAltis- | week Lucan and ( on- | home af- | a couple of days at the | House. Mr.. and Mrs have returned home after visiting theig Holy communion Holy Trinity church last | by Rev. J. Lyons. Mr. Burn- | ham. Northbrooke, was here last Sa v Mrs. Llovd vigiting friends Arden his from | son, | was cele | in business aI and as is visiting son at Mr. Echlin. cheese inspector, called at | the local factory and reported every- | thing favorable" and | at | Dong turdav Mrs. Laraby Dead Creek John Pine Hill Personals. { Pine Hill, Aug. 22.--School has Opr- | ened with Miss M. Wagar, of Cole- | brovke, as - teacher. Sympathy is felt | for Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snider in the | loss of their oldest daughter, Carrie; aged nine ypars She died in King- General Hospital, from appendi- | titis on the Tth of August, and the | remains were buried. in Fifth Lake | burying ground on August ninth. A. | King made a business trip to Tam- | worth on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wes- | ley Keech spent a couple of days Marlbank friends. Mr Mrs. King, bf New York, visited fenry Snider's, 'last week. Wilson | Reid workimz at. his mine here. E, | Baker = Sunday at home s Megers | | at | and | at | Visiting 1s Silas Wells, Cleveland: Odsrkirk and D.'{ l the | storer Wade's drug s | guardians that a w and family have returned to Toronto | s¢ realize the gain. Griffith. | | perience Keech spent Sunday with Mr. Arthur King. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur King, Mr. and Mrs. H: Thompson and - niece, Ieuella, of Bath, and H. King, Croy- don, spent a couple of days last week the guest of Mr. and Mes. Robert King. Mr, and Mrs. Watz McAdams at- tenaed the funeral of their niece on Sunday last. Miss Effie Haley is spending her holidays at home. Miss G. Shane has gone to Enterprise to spend a few weeks. Simeon Shame has returned home from Parrysound dis- trict. ¥, T0 6EF HIS ESTATE WILL STEER OLD MAN nro} LUNATIC ASYLUM. Children Will Not Permit Aged Preacher to Marry a Ten Year Old Bride. ' Baltimore, Md., Aug, 25.--lhe in- tended marriage of Kev. George 8, Fitzhugh, an Episcopal minister, aged sixty-seven years, and ten-year-old Lulu Virginia Fraser, a license autho- rizing which was issued at Ellicott City, Md., a few days ago, will not take piace. The hiéense is' in the pos- session of onc of the sonk of Mr. Fitzhugh, and will be returned to the issuing office. The intended bride- groom will be removed to a sanitar- bium at the request of his children, who declare him in need of treatment for ental trouble. Fitzhugh wanted to nfarry the child to insure her the inheritance of his property. | > Harlowe Happenings. Harlowe. Aug. 22-The frosts for the last couple of nights have done some damage to buckwheat and corn. Messrs. James and John Hillier; Syra- cuse, N.Y., who have spent the last few days with their brother, Jacob Hillier, of this 'place, started for their home yesterday. M, Thompson has re- turned home from visiting George Pet- erson, Northbrooke. R. Mitchell, Al- berta, spent Sunday last at his sis- ter's, Mrs, D. Gray's. Mrs, Critchley and sons, Archibald and George, are spending this week 'with Mr. Critchley Her son, Hugh, is looking after the post office during her absence. Mr. and Mrs, Hearns and daughter, Mayme, Napanee, have been visiting at J. Thompson's, this week. The Methodist ehurch will hold its an- nual picgic in Pipé's- grove, on' Sep- tember 9th. A wee boy has come to the home of S. Wheeler, Elms Dale. Mr. Gibbs took his mother, who has been spending a few weeks with her son, to her home at Mountain Grove on Saturday last. Misses Bird and Saddler, are at W. Thompson's. Mr. and Mrs. R. Gray spent Sunday last at John Gray's. A number of the young men are talking of going to 'the west. Miss 4. Bell returned from her honfe at: Colebrook on Saturday last, to take charge of her school, 8.8. No. 4. A few from here attended the Ro- man Catholic picnic at Flinton on Wednesday. Nrs. W. Black and little daughter, Lulu, spent yesterday, at Mrs. A. Palmateer's, Cosy Nook. Rev: Mr. and Mrs. ,Snider and daughter, Kathleen, Cloyne, spent a few days of this week visiting friends. HARROWSMITH TIDINGS. Dairy Inspector Condemns Use of Old Rusty Cans. Harrowsmith, Aug. © 22.- Farmers have been somewhat delayed in their harvest, owing to so much rain. The cheese factory is still turning 'out a large number of cheese daily. 'The dairy inspector has been here and is looking after some old, rusty cans un- fit for use. William Lewis, who has been making cheese here this summer, leaves for Kingston on Monday to take a position as manager of a gro- cery store. A. Bradshaw purchased a valuable horse recently. William Davidson and Wilmot Gue who. re- turned from Brownville, N.Y., recent- Iy, left for Haileybury on Thursday. Miss Flora Stewart is spending a few weeks at Halifax. Herbert Dowker leit for Wakapa, Man., on Thursday. Clinton * Gallagher, of the Metropoli- tan Bank .at Brighton, spending a few days at home, has returned. Miss | Lucele Gallagher, after spending her vocation in Portland, has returned. School has re-opened with Miss Cot- nell as teacher for the junior room, senseOf weariness or exhaustion, what and Mr. Barnett for the senior. you need rich tissue-huilding | Visitors i Miss Georgina Matthews | . '. land Miss Ettie Wood, of Utica, N.Y, and nervesstrengthening blood. Wade's | y or : at Mrs. D. Weods'; Iron Tonie Pins (Laxative) supply just po daughter, Mrs. Bolithe. of Detroit, | the aid. required, every ume. They {at Mrs. O'Loughlin's; Mrs. Reid and give quick and thorough benefit {Mrs Wilson, of Kingston, at James; They are a great nerve strengthener Joyce's; Miss Pettipiece and Miss Wil blood maker. In boxes, son, of Ottawa, at -W. JJ. Lyons'; Miss | Money j Jennie Stewart, of Toronto, at Miss | § Bella Stewart's; Damon Buck and fam- | ily, of Gananoque, at Dauford Buck's; Charles Davidson, of Glen Park, NY, is home;. Ernest Redmond at Thomas | | Clark's; Alvie Lee and family, of Glen | Park, N.Y., spending a few days go friends here; Mr, and Mrs. Rose®ar, of Kingston, at F. E. Smith's; Miss | | Nettie Redmond, spending vacation at { Mountain Grove, home. William [Simonett left on Thursday for Moun- | | tain Grove, where he has opened up a | blacksmith business. Albert Cook is | | convalescent. The lawn social held on | | Thursday night under the auspices of : Peter's church, was a grand suc: pes The programme rendered by he | people of Sydenham was greatly ap- preciated. F. R. Patterson is _spend- {ing a few days at Colebrook. Miss Black, of Cataraqui, is spending a few | anyg here with friends. Miss Edith | Trousdale, spending a few days at] "1 Stirling, has returned. The baseball | team had a game of ball with Odessa | team on the Sth, which resulted in a | score of twenty-three to one, in favor lof Harrowsmith. A return game is'! Mr. Oram, uncle of | Tichborne, and Mrs. | Graves, of Harrowsmith, left on the | 2nd for England. Mrs. Arthur Calla- han, .of Kingston, at D. Graves'. | Be Don? Being Tired. Jf you tire easily, if you_never rest \ . hl there throug hly, H <ther 18 a constant is new, 25¢., ¢ back and not satisfactory. Frock For Little Girl. is JOSS, expected soon | Mrs." Brown, of Lhe sketch shows an odd little frock of hand-scalloped linen, the model pe- ing in pale blue, scalloped in white. | I'he little dress had a sort of apron effect back and front, and was worn i 4 over a' guimpe of tucked French lawn { Quick Swings Up and Down Lhe sash silk and Values. tied in a knot with ends in black, New York, Aug. 24.--The market overshadowed all else in New | York last week. There- was desper | ate battle between bulls and bears. J. | I. Livermore, recognized to | Daniel J, Sully, was attacked by pro "fessional traders and received a ,» | vere drubbing. According to gossip his Re [party were long 3,000,000 bales. They at! were forced to liquidate and the ex Tperts--on the Exchange figure that they | lost a -pound, which netted Long-Lived Family. them a loss of one million and a half Fhe-master--of Sto idoltars According Livermore's reported to "the | friends he made enough money on the oman, aged ninety tocks to cover all NEW YORK STOCK MARKET. in'! wae of white was | cotton Disagreeabls Hair Troubles, Hair that filled dandruff curf, that is greasy, pdorons or pr faded or gray may be re stored to proper vigor and beauty by use 'of Dr. Dawson's Hair ¢ In bottles, BbOec., each, is with or SUCCessor maturely ne. a cent London, Aug. 25 to \ustell Workhouse | short side' of other Mrs. Morey and p sr -- --- ---- -------- . PAGE SEVEN. '§ v en ho # : kl "My kitchen work is a real pleasure with my, | / new Range. It bakes and cooks so nicely that | | can do my morning's work in half the time it took with my .old stove, and whether | 'am uling coa or wood it gives perfect sansfaction." pp mtr IV The Universal Favorite Range is built right and will stay right. lt is guaranteed to cook and bake: perfectly with either coal or wood. MANUFACTURED BY FINDLAY BROS. COMPANY, LIMITED Carleton Place, Ontario. ' For Sale by All the Leading Dealers." CLEAN : SWEE ' This will be a Big Bargain Week at this store, All Summer Shoes greatly reduced. "They must be sold soon and the extra low prices will sell them. Another big lot of Women's Summer Shoes at $1.98; some regular $3.00 and 3.50 in this lot............ $1.98 One large lot of W 2,00 Oxfords. Clean Sweep ws 91.55 our Women's $3.50 and 4.00 Ox= fords ........... Gian ass ssaniieri site wn 32.98 Women's $1.25 Oxfords, some 1.50 for 98c Also many ether bargains in Children's and Girls' Summer Shoes. Men's Oxfords, regular $3.50 to 4.50 in Tan, Gun. Metal and Patent. Clean® SBWERD iii irae nnn $2.98 All £PENDABLE HOES = who was brought to the work-|losses in cotton. On Thursday house recently by her seventy five-year | October cotton broke $3 a bale, Mr old had takey- out an few | Livermore left his office in the middle days later by her sisyf, whe is ninety | of the day and went aboard his yacht " {and remained there until mid-day Fri | day. His actions were not those of a { heavy loser. All eyes are still on the have | _ tton market : Trading on the New York Stock Ex- | { change and the Consolidated Exchange ! and irregular, half e | members being bulls and the other gists everywhere até supplying a pres: | pembers bears. The market made cription known id Dr. Shoop's Res: | quick swings up and down. Near the tors tive virst, these tiny inside sto- | end of the week, when Southern Paci- mach, heart and Kidney nerves fail. i fie crossed r, the highest price on re- Then gas belching: heart palpitation, | cord for that issue, the market looked or failing kidney? follow. Don't drug {for a time as if the bulls had once the stomach or stimulate the heart or | more gained control. Prices were then kidneys. 'That.is wrong. Strengthen {attacked by "the Rock Island crowd | these failing nerves wica Dr. Shoop's | and San - Francisco preferred and | Restorative. It is the nerves, not | Rock Island preferred broke four | the organs, that are calling for help. | Pomts. New York _ Gentral was alse Withig forty-eight hours after starting | WOEY wemk SE Darts; a a rpe | the "Restorative Srejtitent you in oaung Ine Rividends. Rarely fo s ell... ven, son, Hee years of age. The footprints of been directly traced nerves, When these fail indigestion and stomach distress must surely result. For this, drug- dyspepsia the stomach | "inside nerves" | to | was active old { and not earning "7 {from business centres were much bet- | ter. The United States Steel Corpora- | » | tion Jgeported that the new business orocer was large for July than the aggregate butter | of steel produced. all dealers he true Christian spirit, Cordelia s something that prévents a dispensing 35¢. and 10c. from the same tub. ~ : THe wise man profits by the of others--and at the little oricinality hv from ex- | same | Erinsville Personals. Migs Pearl Muarphy taking ga | school in the neighborhood of Cloyne: "| Miss Nettie Detlor has charge of the | White Lake school. Miss Jordan has returned from Westport and re-opened the Erinsville separate school. | W. B. Riley, principal of St. Mary's {school, Kingston, is spending a bart { of his vacation in Erinsville, Marl- | bank and Tamworth. : } Misses Maggie O'Brien and Stell {Lynch passed the feachers' junior | leaving examination. Miss Doherty, | who has been visiting in this in is time mixe< in a Get acquainted with 'Black Watch the big black plug chewing tobacto. A tremendous favorite everywhere, because of its richness and pleasing flavor. : vicin: Lity, left for her home in Ottawas | News reached here of the deat of | Michael Hayes, in Duluth, Mich. His aged mother lives in this vicinity. The Lremaine of the late Mrs, James Con- 2286 | nore were interred here, / | tunity to save money. | Carriages and Go Carts. Couches from $4.50, 5.50, 6.50% 'and up. Parlor Suites (3 pieces) from' $15 up. | Suites (5 pieces) regular $25 for $20. i when | see Summer Furniture Sale. Everything reduced from 10 to 25%. Your orpoi § This sale includes a full line #1 Parlor = \ R. J. REI D, Ambulance Call 577, 230 Princess St. i "BRAIN FAG AND TIRED NERVES YIELD T0 SHREDDED WHEAT It is a natural food and with milk or cream Bnd fresh fruits is and ideal diet in warm weather, BRINGS THE GLOW OF HEALTH TO WAN CHEEKS Sold By All Grocers. 7 %