Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Aug 1908, p. 5

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(-- \ WHITE ELEPHANT AND HER HUSBAND The Happiness of the Family is Often Dispelled By Fat Disease. To have a wadding whopping big w {8 of course a misfortune for any ordin- Ary man, but it is more of a misfort to the waddling wif. Though she be caged up in own house Joost Lhe tune, ashan to go out dodrs ridieule she on the wireet nothing compared to the ' suflocating whew-agony she undergoes when ghe has to do her Housework inless r tunate enough of course, 1 pervant To have to grunt and then prunt and bh dozen tf a day, round tid house all ing something, and Hown and the suflers she and goddie toddla to ha to stump day, eternally not be able tc draw an then when night comes to har step around in a hurry and tuties of the day, is a terre ny one, more so for a Such a condition tie, Couple eauty and a Lo every woman, she 'heck and chin that seem heavy, the fat that smothers the tlutch at the heart poem as though 1th pv aflliction to war in . The home seems lop-sded vita heavy, ponderous wife, or an elepflan husband, trymg to wheel around ? and make the happy lightweights believe that they aré'not at all in the way is misery trying to make other balieve you are happy and well. often the forced smile which burns wart to ashes. No one likes fat, ven members of your own family naturally feel a fropugnance to you It. can all end by using Rengg for little while. P8und by pound will be Lo drop away wit away, vanish safely pnd surely I "haven't had to change yy ways, my eating or my habits and khe flesh ®& going away just the same qgou will say te yourself with the most Mitens: satisfaction, after beginning 40 eat Rengo I'he one who doubts this will still be fat vears after the who lelieves it and who uses this markable fruit fat tengo There is nothing "just as good" s }Jiengo. For by all druggsts at $1.00 per full sized box, or by ma 1 pre did, by The Hengo Co. 3.7 Rengo Hldg Detroit Mich. The company will riadly- send. you a trinl" package free by nail, if you write them direct to Detroit o free packages at drug stores vile and recommended in Kingston iy Henry Wade, Druggist wind up the wear gpon n.. wona Simpl) insuffer all, the of form, which is dear dangl'ng flesh from makes the very air Squeeze at ungs breath, eo i loss n t mut Tan av cure Hay's Never Fails to Restore Gray Hair to itsNatural Color and Beauty. No matter how long ithas been gray or faded, Promotes a luxuriant growth of healthy hair. Stops its falling out, and positively removes Dan- druff. Keeps hairsoft and glossy. Re- fuse all pubstitutes. 2% times as much in $1.00 as 50c. size. is Not a Dye. $1 and 50c. Hotties, at druggists Send 2¢ for free book ** The Care of the Hair." Philo Hay Spec. Co., Newark, N. J. Hay"s llarfina Soap cures Pimples, rod, rough and chapped hands, and all skin dis- eases. Keeps skin fine and soft. 25¢c, druggists, Bend 2c for free book "The Care of the Skin." JAS. B. McL EOD. Indigestion h trouble is bus symptom of, and not n itself a true disease. We think of Dyspepsia, {eartburn, and Indigestion as real diseases, yet hey are symptoms only of a certain specifie erve sickness--hothing else It was this fact that first correctly lad Dr. Shoop Bb the creation of that now very popular Stomach Remedy=Dr. S8hoop's Restorative. Going direct 0 the stomach nerves, alone Bought that suceess nd favor to Dr. Shoop ang his Restorative. With. jut that original and highly vital principle, no juch lasting accomplishments were ever to be had, { For stomach distress; bloating, biliousness, bad th and sallow complexion, try Dr. Shoop's rative--Tablets or Liquid--and see for youn olf what it can and will do. Wa gell and ully recommend Dr. Shoop's Restorati- . "ALL DEALERS" ( I tia Maypole Soap D0 streaks friend n Leom MAY POI s at the spre A household v in England. No mess, no trouble, no uncer ain results ied women's best 2 sme Dye. E SOAP 68 2c. 100 ( owors Framé I. Leweds Every Woman is luterésted and should know al \ ) 3 Best - p A Ask your dingpist for it, BR H he cannot supply the 5 MARVEL, accept p bv other, but send stamp 1. Hinstented hook --sealed a it gives Tull partieutnrs and direct dle valnanie t tes. WINDSOR SUPPLY 00 General Agena W inden for Can CORNS CURED You can painlessly remove any corn, either ard, soft or bleeding applying Putnam's urn Extractor, pntains no acids; is harmless because composed hiy of healing gums and balms. Fifty years in se. Cure guaranteed. Sold by all druggists be. bottles. Refuse substitutes, PUTNAM'S PAINLESS CORN EXTRACTOR r-------- ee -- JR. LITTLE'S FEMALE REGULATING PILLS Best for Women's use, In irregularities Ir supression, at all Druggists, or by pall, $2. DR. LITTLE MEDICINE CO., foromto, Ost, PEIRED IN GOAT » NO BAIL GRANTED OWING TO MAN'S ILLNESS. rn, iim A a ~ One of thé Men Injured is in a Serious Way--James Kier Hardie, M.P.; Welcomed By Tygades and Labor Men. Mc }, Aug As the outcome of the attack on the C.P.R. mechagd-! ics' strike breakers, Monday afternoon, d.conard Martel appeared in the police cgurt.. two-day, on a charge of intimi- dation! ©, The prisoner's lawyep pro- testéd vigorously when Judge Leet de- cided thet no bail would be granted as ome*ol the men injured during the troub!& weais seriously ill at hong. James ger Hardie, M.P., who dressed _a labor gathering here, night, left for Ottawa, this morning, atcompmiied hy Alphonse Nerville, N.Y. he will be welcomed by the Allied Trades and Labor Orgeniza- Mr. Hardie expects to have an interesting. chat with Mackenzie King, the deputy minister of labor, relative to Canada's handling. of labor dis- putes and legislation thereon. Representatives of the Grand Trunk and traigmen's organizations are in the city, Wt present, holding meetings to discuss the new schedule-which will shortly he"presénted to the company. This is. d6ne at stated intervals, as the 26.- nirea ad last where tions, formed schedules are about to lapse. { PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. Charles Jones, Westminster, dropped dead frei Beart: failure. Next high court, 1.0.1, Western On- will meet at Chatham. h Thomas, Mero, Tilbury, was chloro formed and robbed while in bed. Chatham's tax rate and one-half mills en the dollar. Sir Louis Jette, retiring lieutenant- governor of Quebee, will return to the bench, Kier Ottawa labor ONS course ol taro, is twenty-eight Hardie, labor leader, arrived in noon. Je will address the to-night Boston, at men Teale, during the lecture, that Cicer, of shorthand Hodge, London, sixty-eight years, died His batlled said a taught system Dr aged Ont? Wed medical George on nesday Hiness kill SIX the C.I.R ¢r Monmouth, who were deported from stowaways of steam Quebec, have been sent to jail in Bris tol, Eng I'he Canadian nies the its hands Lake I'he railway de dispute on of the Northern company had any with the machinists John railway. Canadian Pacifie placed an order with the Lake Super £5,000 of eighty-five pound rails A St. Louis and San Francisco pass train," running hetween Birming- Kansas Uity, reported wrecked near Thayer, Missouri. The Grand Trunk railway system trafic earnings from August 15th to 21st, 190%; were $798,254. In 1907 they were 8 165; decrease, $v 211. Jibe United ; States battleship fleet will 'arrive at Albany, West Australia, about , September 11th, and will re main there six'days to take coal The stage running between Cody, Wyo., and Weeteetse, Wyo., was held up on by and the passengers robbed extent $1,500 Joseph Bithel was acquitted on the charge of assaulting a constable at Montréal, it'heing shown that the con struck him first to keep him from thes fire lines. H. Fraser, Chatham, aged years, won nine scholarships at "Varsity, I'oronto, heading the pro vince. ( G Fletcher, Chatham, stands third in general list. Hurricane farm, two miles east "of Amsterdam, N.Y by 'Gerald Sanford, is reported to be burning three hundred on the farm, well-known runners Rev. Alonzo McClain Banting, Mc Factory, Nipissing, recently appointed police magistrate in the district, has been an Angliean missionary to the Indians and will administer justice in the Hudson Bay country. Mrs. Klizabeth Sousa, mother of John Philip Sousa, bandmaster, died Washington, D.C., after three months. Relatives the whereabouts of her St eailway has ior corporation for tons enger ham and is a robber to the Fuesday of stable back R teen seven owned Over horses are including (quar tered many se of old age at a decline of do not know favorite son, John Philip Sousa. I'he mills of the Dominion Iron and Steel company. are working full blast, department being taxed to its This month's output will be The operations every capacity called a for satisfactory As the result with record bookings of future one orders are very to-day, Etruria, te and of 'a collisiorf, a sailboat, the of the Cunard line, was unable | n her trip for New York, r passengérs were unloaded. The in The steamer He AVE « he uries to the Etruria were slight sailboat sank Mavor Oliver and City Treasurer Cody, Toronto, have to New York to see what can be done with a view to raise loan approximating £6.000,000 for the building of the electric power distributing plant, of the trunk erection of filteration gone a city's the fewer completion scheme and the plant Dr. J. N. BE. Brown, saperintgndent of the Torento General Hospital, and Dr. Bruce Smith, government inspec tor of prisons and. asylums, have re turned to Toronto from a six weeks' trip, made on behalf of the ment, with a view to obtainihg latest in 'hospital and 'other work govern the Shortage Of Ice. It is said that, there will be a short- age of ice'in Kingston after September Ist, and that a supply will have to be secured from outside places. Excursion To Jones' Falls. Aletha will leave Swift's Friday, August 28th Fare 50c Steamer dock, at 8 am, for Jones') Falls , n Grapes Now Ready. champion varie per baskety at Canadia Moore's ties, Mc 0%) Cavnovsk) early and & nd 50¢. | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WE: Continuous Rains Have Much Damage. Atheys, Ga., Aug.' 20. damage of 350,000 in this aty x has begn done by almost continuous rains tsnce Sunday night. Camden, 5.4 Aug. 26.--Great loss by the washing away of the Waterce bridge at that place, the probable loss of two The river was greatly swollen by tremendous rains. . a Columbia, S.C, Aug. 26--Many lives have been st and property worth 'several wiillions hgs been de- stroyed by floods. At Camden, nine- teen persons lost their lives. Cotton mills along the Pacolote river, near Spartanburg, are in great danger. It is reported that Pacolote mill No. 1 is destroyed. The Camperdown, at Greenville, stands in water five feet deep, + and may go at any minute. Greensboro, S.C., Aug. 26.--Great damage id being done to property by heavy rains. "There are serious wash- outs on the railways and the public highways are almost impassable. Many , trains are ahandoned and ndhne are making schedule time. ; Raleigh, N.C., Aug. 26.--Owing to washouts on the Norfolk and South- ern railway, between here and Wells, traffic' has been abandoned. The rains are doing great damage to crops. tet ata-- No Show For Borden. Seturday" Night. : ; s Stories are in circulation that Sir James Snay enter the dominion cabi- net as leader of his party with Mr. Borden as his willing lieytenant. Stor- jes of this kind, with variations, are discussion in well-informed But if Sir James Whitney has to get time to con- case a copy of this journal should fall under his eye, it may not bie out of place for Saturday Night to say that we have no belief that any present" eombination of pro- vincial premiers and local disafiections will suffice to cemse the defeat of Sir Wilfrid Laurier. He has heen Sunfor- tunate many of his lieutenants-- too many by far--bBut he remains a public figure splendid and alone in the imagination of the people. He cannot be beaten in a voung and impression- forces as now Done hives, under cireles. gone to England sider, and in in able etuntry by such oppose him. ; . ---------- Wedding At: Garden Island. A very pretty wedding took place on Wednesday marning -at Garden Is when ~ Miss Amelia Rochefort, daughter 'of Mr. and Mrs. Al phonse Rochefort, was united in mar- riage to Charles N. Codke, son of the late Samuel Cooke, Brockville. The bride looked charming in grey panama with. over-lace trimmings and hat of white mohair. with white plume. The bridesmaid, Miss Herline Ragheiort, sister of the bride, looked charming in panama, hat of white mo- with white roses. The groom supported by his brother, John Cooke. The bride was the recipient of many handsome presents, testilying to the esteem in which she is held by her many friends. The bride's going- a gown 'was blue lady's cloth with biue hat to match. Mr. and Mrs. Cooke left the Cape boat for Watertown and other places. On their return they will reside in. Alexandria Bay, N.Y \ land, eldest oret with hair was on The London! Standard"s Opinion. London, Aug. 26.--The Standard says that mild, but mischievous de- magogue, Keir Hardie, is endeavoring to 'create a war in Canada. While the paper does not suggest that he (Hardie) be deported, it. regards it as unfortunate that he and his ifends be permitted to look on the working classes as. their, peculiar preserve. class Big Stock For Thursday. 300 baskets red and blue plums 50 baskets fancy green grapes. 200 baskets Freestone peaches 150 baskets 'Bartlett pears. 100 baskets blue grapes. Rock bottom prices at Carnovsky's » 25c. Clayton And Return, 25c. Wednesday; steamer America makes a searchlight trip to Clayton, one half hour there, 7.30 p.m., home early Yellow Freestone Peaches. Byices this week for big baskets, cents and 81., at Carnovsky's Three large touring cars passed through chere, to-day, on their way from Detroit to Montreal, and then back into the States. There were fourteen people in the party They Canada at Windsor and of the way jn their report the down to be in fine condition into the came came autos. They from Toronto for motor car Mrs. F, Beamer and daughter, Miss spending the past two weeks with Dr. and Mrs. JW. Campbell at Loughbero Lake, left on Tuesday steamer Kingston for their home Toronto. The steamer Pierrepont brought a large number of passengers from Cape Vincent points beyond, to-day, and took a number of people back at 2:30 . It's a popular delusion when you take sand for « your foundation to imagine that you are putting iit in your backbone * Dissecting Jews who have Leen dead 3,000 years seems to be a roundahout way of analyzing modern jrobhtoms. It's an' uphill proposition counfer- acting the six days' street with one howr in amsunday school hasement. When a man up to be a guide to heaven just watch to see if he goes before in the hard places. He becomes a drag rather than leader who makes his appeal to prejudices of the people. Definitions cannot go beyond perience, Black [= Walch "© pleasing flavor. The big black plug chewing tobacco. rest roads Tessie, by mn and sets a the ex- Only those who love really know. FLOODPS IN THE SOUTH. ' { ~Estimated 1 offc GOT DEPORTATION "FATE OF CANADIAN GIRL AT NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. i Annie Williams Taken in' Charge |" By the Immigration Depart- i ment on Intended Wedding | Day. } Niagara Falls, N.Y. Aug. 26.-~The. immigration officials stepped in and rudely interrupted What promised fo be an interesting ceremony, according | to the story told by Anna Williams, a voung Canadian girl of prepossessing appearance. Anna is in the toils of the immigration department and was awaiting deportation. Some time ago, the bureau of com- merce and labor issued orders against the importation of undesirable people to this country. If it was found an alien had beet muilty of misconduct in this country within three years after his or her arrival, the guilty one was liable to deportation. Chief Lons was served with a Unit- ed States warrant calling for the ar- rest of Anna Williams, who is charg- bureau, Wiliam Robert Wheeler, with being a disorderly character. The police located the woman who is bare- ly twenty years old in Warren Cole's place, Main street, opposite the Inter- national Hotel. She was taken to headquarters by Detective Curry" and held pending the arrival of Inspector John L. Zuebrich. The woman says she has been in the country two weeks and has lived in Cole's place since her arrival. She fur- ther stated that she was to have been married to Cole that afternoon, but the appearance of 'the police and her subsequent arrest frustrated the plans. An interview with luspector Zur- brich resulted in the girl being in- formed that it was decided she was an undesirable person and she would have to be deported unless she intend- ed to pat up a fight in which case she would have to furnish £500 bond for her appearance. tempol. CHARGED WITH MUTINY. Waiters Refused to Work Without Increased Pay. Juffalo, N.Y., Aug. 26.--On the trip of the steamer rived. here, yesterdays from Chicagé, ten of the twenty-five waiters, becawse a number of students of a military school 'among the passengers failed to tip them, demanded an increase in wages and on this being refused they declined to work. They were arrested on arrival, here, clmrged with mutiny. Shocking Conduct. New York World. . Mrs. Gardner of Boston has levoted for years her leisure, her well-inform- ed taste and her money to the collec- tion of works of art. These she could freely take to London, but not to Boston. She arranged with the cus- toms officials to bring these stores home, duty free, on condition that she should make her house a museum of public ibition. Afterward Washing- ton decic that Mrs. Gardner did not make h ouse public enough, and she was forced to pay $200,000 in duties. Now Mrs, Gardner or a friend is said to have smuggled a consignment of art treasures into the country. Gleeful treasury agents talk of con- fiscating them, i even of a crimin- al suit. It would bea triumph to see these ladies in jail ! Yet, after all, the ladies have not tried to smuggle steel rails to inter- fere with Mr. Corey's right to charge 28 for them here and $20 in Mexico. » have sought, to bring here such objects as New York places in the Metropolitan Museum for the general education. They are objdets of such value to the nation so fortunate as to hold them that Ttaly forbids their exportation even in private ownership. I'he workmen with whom they could compete are dead, in some cases for centuries. Artists demand their free importation. There somewhere here ' ol shocking conduct whether the part the ladies or the government or both, opinions will differ. 18 on Watertown Times. William Barnes, jr., theboss of Al- bany, proposes in case Gov. Hughes is renominated to resign from the executive committee and even the republican state committee, and ad- vises Ris Colleagues to do the same and turn over the management of the :ampaign for Gov. Hughes' election "to men of unquestioned virtue who have not been in publié¢ life 'long enough to know anything about it or to have made any enemies." That is a good idea. Mr. Barnes' retire ment would undoubtedly jncrease Mr. Hughes' majority. Besides, Gov. Hughes has already shown in his campaign of| two years that he can go it alone. I'he state committee and most 6f the county ctommittees stood aside and offered no assistance. | He went through the setting forth what She proposed to do, and won by a large majority. He was his own commiice and proved a very one. 'the republican state were interested in the bal- ance of the ticket and it was defeat- ed. Which all®* suggests that. Mr. Barnes' proposal is not a bad one. state, successful committee -- Advertising The Churches. Washington Herald. We do not at all see the force of | any objections urged against the wide-awake advertising plan of the American Unitarian Association. In common with most enterprises, it is plain thdt the association realizes that wide publicity makes for the greatest success, and it knows, too, that no devices for publicity excels the columns of the daily and weekly pa- pers. We regard the plan not only as a marked tribute to the good sense of the directors -of the American Uni- tarian Association, but also as a wise and sane tribute to the better class of American journalism. Fhe ad- vertisifg axiom, that if you have a good 'thing it js necessary to let the public know it, certainly should hold | good in religions as well as commer- cial matters. The religious organiza- tion which indulges in judicious ad- vertising is almost certain to be able at the end of the year fo show mark- ed, growth and astonishing results. ed hy the assistant secretary of thes Northland, which ar- THE HIGH-CLASS STOCK OF KINNEAR & D'ESTERRE Public Auction, wear, Cut Glass, Gold Jewelle Cope \ all departments) of our stock at Aaction. PIANO, ORGAN, VOICE CULTURE JAMES SMALL PROFESSOR OF MUSIC. . Organist q and Chojrmaster Sydenham St. Methodist Church (Late Organist and Choirmaster St. James" Methodist Church, Montreal and principal Churches, Dundee, Scotland). Studio : 154 St. application, Johnson Terms on ABSOLUTELY PURE CREAM TARTAR. Nearfy all goods in this line at the present time are adulterated and in Jact unfit to use. GILLETT'S is used by the best bakers and caterers everywhere. reruse sdssTiTuTEes. GILLETT'S gosts no more than the inferior adulterated goods. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. E.W.GILLETT £0070 TORONTO, ONT. ET TO KILL THE DANDRUFF GERM 4 Is the Only Possible Way of Hav- ing An Effective Fure. | If you a woman or a man with luxuriant glossy hair you may be sure neither has dandrufi to apiount to {anything In nearly fn gi where women and men 'have Hin brittle hair they owe it to dandruff. There are {hundreds of preparations that "claim fto cure dandruff, but not but Newhro"s Herpicide tells you that dan; druff is the result of a germ burrow ing into the scalp, and that perman Fent cure of dandruff - and its quent falling and baldness, can only be had by killing the germ; and there is no other preparation that will des- troy that germ but Newbro's Herpi- cide. "Destroy the cause and you re move the effect." Sold py leading druggists, Send 10c. in "stamps for sample to The Her- picide Co., Detroit, Mich. Twé sizes, 50c. and $1. G. W. Mahood, special Wood's agent. The Great = fiemedi Tones and invigoratesibe see one conse iain plz. on receipt of nailed free. The rnseviv Wide vt OUR ROOSTER BRAND OF TOBACCO. Smoking and chewing, at cents 'a pound, is a good tobacco. Why pay eMghty-five cents. Andrew Maclean, Ontario street. : Conservatives of Brockville choose a commons candidate on Sept. 5tH. The names of oohn Culbert, ex-M.P.; Splendid weather for the rifle com- petition at Long Branch, Ont. ex-Mayor Stewart, ex-Mayor Harti- To Furnish a Home. than cost. "Phone, 147. light meals with Put-up in large Paper Sacks. 2 for 25 Cents. the city. ¥ Consisting of Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Solid Silver, Sitver- ry, Etc., Etc., will be Offered at Our guarantee goes with every article sold, exactly as if you had purchased same at retail... We are not going out of business, but must raise this amount regardless of the original cost. A Snap of a Life Time TIME AND MONEY CUT IN TWO By kindling your fires and cooking your Charcoal 15c Each, Delivered anywhere in forty-five | sqn and John Webster are heard. Before buying elsewhere, try us for Cheap Plums. R.H. TOYE, 302 Evangeline | i KING S amin Ganong's G.B. Chocolates Always fresh. The finest in the city. * A.J.REES, 166 Princess S Phone 58. - ALUMINUM 000C0000: 2000000 (300 ALL GRADES. LOWEST PRICES. Canada Metal Co.,Ltd.,"rdx0wto. 0 Se As our Big Mid-Summer Sale is still booming. Making room for our Fall Stock everything reduced. A bacgain for everybody. Lawn Verandah and summer goods less Pay freight. free. Store open nights, at -- Packing JlJAMES REID'S The Leading Undertaker. -- ginning Wednesday, Aug. 26 At 7.50 P.M. and Continuing Daily at 2.30 and 7.30 P.M., at Our Store, Cor. Princess and Wellington Sts., Kingston, Ont. LADIES SPECIALLY INVITED. CHAIRS PROVIDED. CARD TO THE PUBLIC: For reasons best known to ourselves, we will dispose of at least $10,000 (in

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